Рассказ про золушку на английском языке

Сказ­ка «Золуш­ка» на англий­ском язы­ке так­же зна­ме­ни­та, как и на рус­ском. Её очень любят дети, ведь имен­но в этом воз­расте как нико­гда хочет­ся верить в чуде­са и доб­ро­ту людей.

Самая ран­няя извест­ная вер­сия сказ­ки обна­ру­же­на на еги­пет­ских папи­ру­сах. Глав­ная геро­и­ня сказ­ки — девуш­ка по име­ни Родо­пис, родив­ша­я­ся в Гре­ции. Она была похи­ще­на пира­та­ми, кото­рые при­вез­ли её в Еги­пет, где и про­да­ли в раб­ство. Хозя­ин купил ей изящ­ные кожа­ные позо­ло­чен­ные сан­да­лии. Пока Родо­пис купа­лась в реке, сокол (этим соко­лом был бог Гор) украл её сан­да­лию и унёс фара­о­ну. Сан­да­лия была такой малень­кой и изящ­ной, что фара­он тут же объ­явил обще­на­род­ный розыск. Когда он нашёл Родо­пис — Золуш­ку — он тут же женил­ся на ней.

«Золушка» на английском языке


  1. «Золуш­ка» на англий­ском язы­ке (корот­кая версия)
  2. Cinderella
  3. Золуш­ка (пере­вод)
  4. Сказ­ка «Золуш­ка» в редак­ции Шар­ля Пер­ро (англий­ский)
  5. Part 1
  6. Part 2
  7. Part 3
  8. Part 4
  9. Part 5
  10. Part 7
  11. Part 8

«Золушка» на английском языке (короткая версия)


Cinderella lives with her step-mother and two bad and ugly step-sisters. She has to work all day while her sisters do nothing but play and try on new dresses and shoes. There is a ball at the prince’s palace tonight and Cinderella’s sisters are ready to go to it. Cinderella is very sad. She is not allowed to go to the ball. Suddenly, a Fairy Godmother comes to the house. «Do not worry, Cinderella», — she says. She waves her magic wand. In a moment a very beautiful dress appears and there is a coach with two horses ready to take her to the ball. «But remember, — says the Fairy Godmother. — You must come back before midnight». Cinderella is in the palace. There are many nice-looking young ladies but she is the prettiest of all. The prince dances with Cinderella all the time, but nobody knows the name of the beauty. When the clock strikes twelve, Cinderella runs away without saying goodbye. She leaves a beautiful little slipper on the stairs in a hurry. The prince and his men travel through the kingdom looking for the beautiful lady from the ball. They come to Cinderella’s house. Cinderella’s sisters are ready to try on the little slipper. But their feet are too big. The step-mother is furious. Then Cinderella puts on the slipper. It is just right. «Now I know, — the prince says. — You are my beautiful dancer. I want you to be my wife!» There was a big wedding party at the palace. Cinderella and prince were very happy. They had so many guests! There were the king, the queen and the Fairy Godmother. They all danced and had a lot of fun. The prince and Cinderella lived long and happily ever after.

Золушка (перевод)

«Золушка» на английском языке

Сказ­ка «Золуш­ка»

Золуш­ка живёт вме­сте с маче­хой и дву­мя злы­ми и без­об­раз­ны­ми сест­ра­ми. Она долж­на целый день рабо­тать, а её сест­ры толь­ко весе­лят­ся да при­ме­ря­ют новые пла­тья и туфли. Сего­дня во двор­це коро­ля бал, и Золуш­ки­ны сест­ры соби­ра­ют­ся пой­ти туда. Золуш­ка очень печаль­на. Она не может пой­ти на бал. Неожи­дан­но в дом при­хо­дит доб­рая фея. “Не вол­нуй­ся, Золуш­ка”, — гово­рит она. Она доста­ёт свою вол­шеб­ную палоч­ку. Через мгно­ве­ние у Золуш­ки появ­ля­ет­ся пре­крас­ное пла­тье и каре­та с дву­мя лошадь­ми, гото­вы­ми отвез­ти её на бал. “Но помни, — гово­рит фея. — Ты долж­на вер­нуть­ся домой до полу­но­чи”. Золуш­ка во двор­це. Там мно­го пре­крас­ных моло­дых деву­шек, но она самая кра­си­вая из всех. Принц тан­цу­ет с ней весь вечер. Никто не зна­ет име­ни пре­крас­ной незна­ком­ки. Когда часы бьют две­на­дцать, Золуш­ка убе­га­ет, не попро­щав­шись ни с кем. В спеш­ке она остав­ля­ет на лест­ни­це кра­си­вую малень­кую туфель­ку. Принц и его слу­ги ищут пре­крас­ную незна­ком­ку по все­му коро­лев­ству. Они при­ез­жа­ют в дом Золуш­ки. Её сест­ры при­ме­ря­ют баш­ма­чок, но их ноги слиш­ком вели­ки. Маче­ха вне себя от гне­ва. Тогда баш­ма­чок при­ме­ря­ет Золуш­ка. Он при­хо­дит­ся ей впо­ру. ”Теперь я знаю, —гово­рит принц, — ты та девуш­ка, с кото­рой тан­це­вал на балу. Будь моей женой!” Во двор­це празд­но­ва­ли помолв­ку Золуш­ки и прин­ца. Золуш­ка и принц были очень счаст­ли­вы. У них собра­лось столь­ко гостей! Там были король с коро­ле­вой и доб­рая фея. Все тан­це­ва­ли и весе­ли­лись. Золуш­ка и принц жили дол­го и счастливо.

Сказка «Золушка» в редакции Шарля Перро (английский)

Part 1

Once there was a gentleman who married for his second wife the proudest and most haughty woman that was ever seen. She had by a former husband (быв­ший муж) two daughters of her own humor (сво­е­го нра­ва), who were, indeed, exactly like her in all things. He had likewise, by another wife, a young daughter, but of unparalleled (не име­ю­щий себе рав­ных) goodness and sweetness of temper, which she took from her mother, who was the best creature in the world.

No sooner were the ceremonies of the wedding over but the mother-in-law began to show herself in her true colors (маче­ха нача­ла пока­зы­вать себя в истин­ном све­те). She could not bear the good qualities of this pretty girl, and the less because they made her own daughters appear the more odious. She employed her in meanest work of the house: she scoured the dishes, tables, etc., and scrubbed madam’s chamber (уст.: спаль­ня) and those of misses, her daughters; she lay up in a sorry garret, upon a wretched straw bed, while her sisters lay in fine rooms, with floors all inlaid (с инкру­сти­ро­ван­ным полом), upon beds of the very newest fashion, and where they had looking-glasses so large that they might see themselves at their full length from head to foot.

The poor girl bore all patiently and dared not tell her father, who would have rattled her off; for his wife governed him entirely. When she had done her work she used to go into the chimney-corner and sit down among cinders and ashes, which made her commonly be called a cinder maid; but the youngest, who was not so rude and uncivil as the eldest, called her Cinderella. However, Cinderella, notwithstanding her mean apparel (несмот­ря на ее жал­кий наряд), was a hundred times handsomer than her sisters, though they were always dressed very richly.

Part 2

Золушка и её друзья

Золуш­ка и её друзья

It happened that the King’s son gave a ball and invited all persons of fashion to it. Our young misses were also invited, for they cut a very grand figure among the quality (уст.: знать, поло­же­ние в обще­стве) . They were mightily delighted at this invitation, and wonderfully busy in choosing out such gowns, petticoats (ниж­няя юбка, жен­ская одеж­да), and head-clothes as might become them. This was a new trouble to Cinderella, for it was she who ironed her sisters’ linen and plaited their ruffles (закла­ды­вать склад­ки на обор­ках). They talked all day long of nothing but how they should be dressed.

‘For my part,’ said the eldest, ‘I will wear my red velvet suit with French trimming.’

‘And I,’ said the youngest, ‘shall have my usual petticoat; but then, to make amends for that, I will put on my gold-flowered manteau (золо­тое ман­то с цве­та­ми) and my diamond stomacher (кор­саж), which is far from being the most ordinary one in the world.’

They sent for the best tire-woman (каме­рист­ка) they could get to make up their head-dresses and adjust their double pinners (чеп­чик с лен­та­ми), and they had their red brushes and patches (вуаль) from Mademoiselle de la Poche.

Cinderella was likewise called up to them to be consulted in all these matters, for she had excellent notions and advised them always for the best, nay (мало того), and offered her services to dress their heads, which they were very willing she should do. As she was doing this they said to her:

‘Cinderella, would you not be glad to go to the ball?’

‘Alas!’ said she, ‘you only jeer me. It is not for such as I am to go thither (уст.: туда).’

‘Thou art (уст.: = you are) in the right of it,’ replied they. ‘It would make the people laugh to see a cinder wench at a ball.’

Part 3

Any one but Cinderella would have dressed their heads awry, but she was very good and dressed them perfectly well. They were almost two days without eating, so much they were transported with joy (они не пом­ни­ли себя от радо­сти). They broke above a dozen of laces in trying to be laced up close that they might have a fine, slender shape, and they were continually at their looking-glass. At last the happy day came. They went to Court (дво­рец), and Cinderella followed them with her eyes as long as she could, and when she had lost sight of them she fell a crying.

«Золушка» на английском языке

Золуш­ка тан­цу­ет на цар­ском балу

Her Godmother, who saw her all in tears, asked her what was the matter.

‘I wish I could – I wish I could –‘

She was not able to speak the rest being interrupted by her tears and sobbing.

This Godmother of hers, who was a fairy, said to her: ‘Thou wishest thou could’st go to the ball. (Уст.: You wish you could go to the ball) Is it not so?’

‘Yes,’ cried Cinderella, with a great sigh.

‘Well,’ said her Godmother, ‘be but a good girl, and I will contrive that thou shalt go(Уст.: You will go) .’ Then she took her into her chamber and said to her: ‘Run into the garden and bring me a pumpkin.’

Cinderella went immediately to gather the finest she could get and brought it to her Godmother, not being able to imagine how this pumpkin could make her go to the ball. Her Godmother scooped out all the inside of it, having left nothing but the rind; which done, she struck it with her wand, and the pumpkin was instantly turned into a fine coach, gilded all over with gold.

Part 4

She then went to look into her mousetrap, where she found six mice all alive, and ordered Cinderella to lift up a little the trapdoor, when, giving each mouse as it went out a little tap with her wand, the mouse was that moment turned into a fine horse, which altogether made a very fine set of six horses (шестер­ка лоша­дей) of a beautiful mouse-colored dapple-grey (серый в ябло­ках). Being at a loss for a coachman, Cinderella said:

‘I will go and see if there is never a rat in the rattrap—we may make a coachman of him.’

‘Thou art (уст.: you are) in the right,’ replied her Godmother. ‘Go and look.’

Cinderella brought the trap to her, and in it there were three huge rats. The fairy made choice of one of the three which had the largest beard, and having touched him with her wand he was turned into a fat, jolly coachman, who had the smartest whiskers eyes ever beheld (у кото­ро­го была самая мод­ная бород­ка на све­те). After that she said to her:

‘Go again into the garden, and you will find six lizards behind the watering-pot. Bring them to me.’

She had no sooner done so but her Godmother turned them into six footmen (лаке­ев), who skipped up immediately behind the coach, with their liveries all bedaubed with gold and silver (в сво­их ливре­ях, уве­шан­ных золо­том и сереб­ром), and clung as close behind each other as if they had done nothing else their whole lives (как буд­то всю свою жизнь они толь­ко этим и зани­ма­лись). The fairy then said to Cinderella:

‘Well, you see here an equipage (сви­та) fit to go to the ball with. Are you not pleased with it?’

‘Oh! yes,’ cried she; ‘but must I go thither (уст.: there) as I am, in these dirty rags?’

Part 5

Her Godmother only just touched her with her wand, and at the same instant her clothes were turned into cloth-of-gold and silver, all beset with jewels. Ah! who can describe a robe (жен­ское пла­тье осо­бо­го покроя) made by the fairies? It was white as snow, and as dazzling; round the hem hung a fringe of diamonds (по краю отде­ла­но брил­ли­ан­та­ми), sparkling like dewdrops in the sunshine. The lace about the throat and arms could only have been spun by fairy spiders. Surely it was a dream! Cinderella put her daintily gloved hand (изящ­но затя­ну­тую в пер­чат­ку руку) to her throat, and softly touched the pearls that encircled her neck.

Золушка одевает туфельку

Золуш­ка при­ме­ря­ет туфельку

‘Come, child,’ said the Godmother, ‘or you will be late.’

As Cinderella moved, the firelight shone upon her dainty shoes.

‘They are of diamonds,’ she said.

‘No,’ answered her Godmother, smiling; ‘they are better than that – they are of glass, made by the fairies. And now, child, go, and enjoy yourself to your heart’s content.’

But her Godmother, above all things, commanded her not to stay till after midnight, telling her at the same time that if she stayed one moment longer the coach would be a pumpkin again, her horses mice, her coachman a rat, her footmen lizards, and her clothes become just as they were before.

She promised her Godmother she would not fail of leaving the ball before midnight, and then away she drives, scarce able to contain herself for joy (едва вла­дея собой от радо­сти). The King’s son, who was told that a great Princess, whom nobody knew, was come, ran out to receive her. He gave her his hand as she alighted out of the coach; and led her into the hall among all the company. There was immediately a profound silence, they left off dancing, and the violins ceased to play, so attentive was every one to contemplate the singular beauties of the unknown newcomer. Nothing was then heard but a confused noise of ‘Ha! how handsome she is! Ha! how handsome she is!’

Part 7

The next day the two sisters were at the ball, and so was Cinderella, but dressed more magnificently (еще более вели­ко­леп­но) than before. The King’s son was always by her, and never ceased his compliments and kind speeches to her, to whom all this was so far from being tiresome that she quite forgot what her Godmother had recommended to her, so that she at last counted the clock striking twelve when she took it to be no more than eleven. She then rose up and fled as nimble as a deer. The Prince followed, but could not overtake her. She left behind one of her glass slippers, which the Prince took up most carefully. She got home, but quite out of breath, and in her old clothes, having nothing left her of all her finery (пыш­ный наряд) but one of the little slippers, fellow to (пар­ный к) that she dropped. The guards at the palace gate were asked if they had not seen a Princess go out.

They said they had seen nobody go out but a young girl, very meanly dressed, and who had more of the air of a poor country girl than a gentlewoman (леди).

When the two sisters returned from the ball Cinderella asked them if they had been well diverted (книжн.: раз­вле­кать) and if the beautiful Princess had been there.

They told her yes, but that she hurried away immediately when the clock struck twelve, and with so much haste that she dropped one of her little glass slippers, the prettiest in the world, which the King’s son had taken up; that he had done nothing but look at her all the time at the ball, and that most certainly he was very much in love with the beautiful person who owned the glass slipper.

Part 8

What they said was very true, for a few days after the King’s son caused it to be proclaimed, by sound of trumpet, that he would marry her whose foot this slipper would just fit. They whom he employed began to try it upon the Princesses, then the Duchesses (сре­ди гер­цо­гинь) and all the Court (при Дво­ре), but in vain. It was brought to the two sisters, who did all they possibly could to thrust their feet into the slipper (кото­рые дела­ли все, что толь­ко мог­ли, что­бы засу­нуть ногу в туфель­ку), but they could not effect it.

«Золушка» на английском языке

Золуш­ка и Принц игра­ют свадьбу

On the following morning there was a great noise of trumpets and drums, and a procession (про­цес­сия) passed through the town, at the head of which rode the King’s son. Behind him came a herald (гла­ша­тай), bearing a velvet cushion (поду­шеч­ку), upon which rested a little glass slipper. The herald blew a blast upon the trumpet (затру­бил в тру­бу), and then read a proclamation saying that the King’s son would wed any lady in the land who could fit the slipper upon her foot, if she could produce another to match it.

Of course, the sisters tried to squeeze their feet into the slipper, but it was of no use (но это было бес­по­лез­но) – they were much too large. Then Cinderella shyly begged that she might try. How the sisters laughed with scorn when the Prince knelt to fit the slipper on the cinder maid’s foot; but what was their surprise when it slipped on with the greatest ease, and the next moment Cinderella produced the other from her pocket! Once more (еще через мгно­ве­ние) she stood in the slippers, and once more the sisters saw before them the lovely Princess who was to be the Prince’s bride. For at the touch of the magic shoes the little gray frock (пла­тье) disappeared forever, and in place of it she wore the beautiful robe the fairy Godmother had given to her.

The sisters hung their heads with sorrow and vexation (доса­дой); but kind little Cinderella put her arms round their necks, kissed them, and forgave them for all their unkindness, so that they could not help but love her.

The Prince could not bear to part from his little love again, so he carried her back to the palace in his grand coach, and they were married that very day (в тот же день). Cinderella’s stepsisters were present at the feast, but in the place of honor sat the fairy Godmother.

So the poor little cinder maid married the Prince, and in time they came to be King and Queen, and lived happily ever after.

Вы так­же може­те почи­тать сказ­ку «Крас­ная Шапоч­ка» или «Три поро­сен­ка».

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Сказка «Золушка» на английском языке

Сказка Золушка на английском языке расскажет вам об одной из самых добрых и милых девушек-героинь в мире сказок. Мораль сказки очень проста и доступна даже детям. В сказке вы встретите много новых английских слов.


Cinderella lives with her step-mother and two bad and ugly step-sisters. She has to work all day while her sisters do nothing but play and try on new dresses and shoes. There is a ball at the prince’s palace tonight and Cinderella’s sisters are ready to go to it. Cinderella is very sad. She is not allowed to go to the ball.

Suddenly, a Fairy Godmother comes to the house. «Do not worry, Cinderella», — she says. She waves her magic wand. In a moment a very beautiful dress appears and there is a coach with two horses ready to take her to the ball. «But remember, — says the Fairy Godmother. — You must come back before midnight».

Cinderella is in the palace. There are many nice-looking young ladies but she is the prettiest of all. The prince dances with Cinderella all the time, but nobody knows the name of the beauty. When the clock strikes twelve, Cinderella runs away without saying goodbye. She leaves a beautiful little slipper on the stairs in a hurry.

The prince and his men travel through the kingdom looking for the beautiful lady from the ball. They come to Cinderella’s house. Cinderella’s sisters are ready to try on the little slipper. But their feet are too big. The step-mother is furious. Then Cinderella puts on the slipper. It is just right. «Now I know, — the prince says. — You are my beautiful dancer. I want you to be my wife!»

There was a big wedding party at the palace. Cinderella and prince were very happy. They had so many guests! There were the king, the queen and the Fairy Godmother. They all danced and had a lot of fun. The prince and Cinderella lived long and happily ever after.

Перевод сказки «Золушка»


Золушка живёт вместе с мачехой и двумя злыми и безобразными сестрами. Она должна целый день работать, а её сестры только веселятся да примеряют новые платья и туфли. Сегодня во дворце короля бал, и Золушкины сестры собираются пойти туда. Золушка очень печальна. Она не может пойти на бал. Неожиданно в дом приходит добрая фея.

“Не волнуйся, Золушка”, — говорит она. Она достаёт свою волшебную палочку. Через мгновение у Золушки появляется прекрасное платье и карета с двумя лошадьми, готовыми отвезти её на бал. “Но помни, — говорит фея. — Ты должна вернуться домой до полуночи”.

Золушка во дворце. Там много прекрасных молодых девушек, но она самая красивая из всех. Принц танцует с ней весь вечер. Никто не знает имени прекрасной незнакомки. Когда часы бьют двенадцать, Золушка убегает, не попрощавшись ни с кем. В спешке она оставляет на лестнице красивую маленькую туфельку.

Принц и его слуги ищут прекрасную незнакомку по всему королевству. Они приезжают в дом Золушки. Её сестры примеряют башмачок, но их ноги слишком велики. Мачеха вне себя от гнева. Тогда башмачок примеряет Золушка. Он приходится ей впору.”Теперь я знаю, —говорит принц, — ты та девушка, с которой танцевал на балу. Будь моей женой!”

Во дворце праздновали помолвку Золушки и принца. Золушка и принц были очень счастливы.У них собралось столько гостей! Там были король с королевой и добрая фея. Все танцевали и веселились. Золушка и принц жили долго и счастливо.

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                                          Сочинение по английскому языку на тему:

«Золушка сегодня»

                                                                                    Выполнила Смирнова Мария, 10 лет, 5 класс.

«Cinderella of nowadays».

Cinderella is one of my favourite characters. My mother read me a fairy tale about Cinderella when I was in kindergarten. I liked her for her honesty and kindness. I was very sorry for her as her stepmother and stepsisters were cruel and made her work a lot. Her clothes were old and bad, and she worked late at night. When Cinderella knew about the ball in the palace and she wanted to go there. There she met a prince. The prince liked her with the first sight because she was very kind and nice. I was very happy for Cinderella, her story had a happy end.

I think that every girl wants to be a princess because they live in palace, they have a lot of dresses. But do many girls want to be like Cinderella? Her life was very difficult before she met her prince.  It seems to me, today Cinderella is the same girl, with a hard life, but she has a kind heart and she gives her kindness to others. Maybe, modern Cinderella hasn’t got parents and she lives in orphanage or with angry relatives. She wants a loving family and a holiday in her life.

There is a girl in my yard, she gas a mother and two small brothers. Her mother works a lot and this girl helps her take care of her brothers. She takes them from kindergarten, goes shopping and cooks dinner. When kids ask her for a walk, she can’t go, because she has no time, she does her homework and studies well. I think she is hard working as Cinderella.

I would like that every modern Cinderella could go to the ball and meet a prince. I also believe that difficulties make us stronger. A hard working, kind and nice girl will have a good luck, and a careful, brave prince will love her.

                                                       «Золушка- сегодня».

Золушка — одна из моих любимых героинь. Мама читала мне сказку о Золушке, когда я была еще в детском саду. Я сразу полюбила её за ее честность и доброту. Мне было ее очень жаль, т.к. ее мачеха и сводные сестры были злые и заставляли ее много работать. Её одежда была старая и некрасивая, она трудилась даже ночью. Когда Золушка узнала о том, что будет бал во дворце, она захотела пойти. К счастью, ей это удалось. И там, на балу она встретила принца. Принц полюбил её с первого взгляда потому, что она очень добрая и милая. Я была очень рада за Золушку, в ее истории был счастливый конец.

Я думаю, что каждая девочка хотела бы быть принцессой, т.к. принцессы живут во дворце, у них много красивых платьев. Но многие ли девочки хотели бы быть похожими на Золушек? Ведь её жизнь была очень тяжелой до встречи с принцем. Мне кажется, Золушка сегодня- это та же девочка, которой приходится очень трудно, но у неё доброе сердце и она старается делиться добром с другими людьми. Возможно, у современной Золушки нет родителей и она живет в детском доме или у злых родственников. Ей очень хочется любящую семью и, конечно, хоть иногда праздника в жизни.

В моем дворе есть девочка, у нее есть мама и два младших брата. Маме приходится много работать, а эта девочка помогает ей присматривать за своими братиками. Она забирает их из сада, ходит в магазин, и готовит ужин. Когда другие дети зовут ее гулять, она отказывается, т.к. ей некогда, ведь еще нужно делать уроки и она старается учиться хорошо. Я думаю, она очень трудолюбивая, как Золушка.

Я бы очень хотела, чтобы у каждой современной Золушки была возможность пойти на бал и встретить там своего принца. Еще я верю, что трудности делают нас сильнее. Трудолюбивой,  доброй и милой девочке обязательно повезет и ее полюбит заботливый, храбрый принц.  














(Звучит музыка. Золушка
пол. Входит отец.)

Cinderella (

обнимает отца):
Good morning, Daddy! I love you!

Father (

гладит Золушку
по голове): Good morning, dear! How are you?

Cinderella (

улыбается): Fine, Daddy, fine.
And you?


Звучит музыка. Входит
мачеха с

Stepmother (

надменно): We’ll go to the
ball today. You, Basil, go away! This is the invitation from the king.
Stepsister 1(
прихорашивается перед
зеркалом): We will go to the ball!

                  2: We will go to the ball!

                 1: Cinderella, bring me a powder!

Cinderella: One minute, one minute

                2: Cinderella, Bring me a mirror!

Cinderella: One minute, one minute. May I go to the

1 Daughter
: Of course, no! You haven’t got beautiful dress

2 Daughter:
You haven’t got beautiful shoes

you have got a lot to do at home!!!

Stepsister 1 (
хихикая): you can’t go to the ball,

Stepsister 2: until you do this all!


Звучит музыка. Мачеха с дочерью уходят.)

Cinderella (

читает вслух): Clean the house, wash the blouse, make a dinner… Oh, it’s not good (плачет).Scene II

(Золушка плачет. Звучит музыка. Появляется


I have no dress, I have no shoes. But  I  want to go to the ball so much! I
want to see the prince.

Звучит музыка

 Fairy:Why are you
crying, dear, why? Please, don’t cry!

Oh, dear… fairy… I can’t go to the bal, because I have no dress, I have no

Fairy: Don’t cry .I can
help you!  Close
your eyes.

Волшебница взмахивает волшебной палочкой,
Золушка сбрасывает старый халат и остаётся в  красивом платье с изумлением
осматривает себя

What a beautiful dress! Oh, thank you!
I can’t
believe this dress is mine!.

Fairy: One- two- three 

Выходит маленький паж и на подушечке несёт
красивые туфельки

Thank you, thank you, dear fairy… I’ll go to the ball!!! I’ll see the prince!!!

Fairy: The carriage is
at the door

 Золушка надевает туфельки
убегает, кричит из-за сцены, благодарит фею.

Fairy:  (кричит
But at 12 o’clock you must be here or your dress will disappear!

Cinderella (

радостно): Oh, yes, it’s clear.


(Звучит музыка. Начинается бал, выходят король, королева, принц, гости.)

— Wonderful evening, your majesty!

— Good evening, your majesty!

— Lovely day, your majesty!

—  Thank you for invitation, your majesty!

—  You look  great, your majesty!

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen! Glad to see you!

Queen (обращается к гостям): The ball is on. Lets dance and play.

The king: Let’s have a lot
of  fun today!

Звучит музыка. В зал входит Золушка,
осматривается, все смотрят с восхищением.

The Queen
Look at that girl!

The  king:
She is so nice and slim


подходит к Золушке): Hello! Let’s dance! You are my dream!


Звучит музыка. Принц и Золушка танцуют. Часы бьют 12.)

Cinderella (

испуганно): It’s twelve o’clock and I must run.  (Убегает, теряя одну туфельку)!

Prince: Why are you running away?

Scene IV

Комната в доме Золушки. Сёстры  с мачехой
сидят на стульях сплетничают. Золушка прибирается  и подслушивает их разговор.

Who was that girl at the ball?

           1 :–
Yes, it is interesting!

           2: — 
The prince danced with her!

Stepmother – 
(обращает внимание на шум за окном)
What is the noise?

Глашатай и
два королевских гвардейца появляются под окнами (под сценой)  и читают
королевский указ. Дочери с матерью и Золушка застыв слушают глашатая.


Wanted a girl.

 She is very beautiful.
She has got long fare hair.

She has got very small foot. She has lost a shoe.
Every girl in the kingdom must try on the shoe.

(Идут в зал и примеряют туфельку девочкам
в зале:
This is not your size

Мачеха зовёт  охранников в дом.)

Mother: Come in
gentlemen! I have two daughters; they want to try the shoe on!

Охранники поднимаются на сцену. Дочери
сидят на скамеечке и вытягивают ноги, чтобы примерить туфлю

I want to try the shoe

The guard
: This is not your size

I want to try the shoe

The guard :
This is not your size

I want to try the shoe

The guard :
This is not your size. Are there other girls in the house?

Stepmother, daughter1 and daughter2: 
No, No, No

Prince (

заметив Золушку): But who is that girl? Come here, please! Try on this shoe,
pretty Miss!

Stepmother (

возмущенно): But she didn’t go to the ball!!!

Father (

принцу): Give her the shoe! Her foot is small.Prince (встает на одно колено перед Золушкой): I’m happy that I’ve
found you!
I love you, and I’d like to marry you.

Cinderella (

радостно): Oh, yes, my Prince, I love you too.(Звучит музыка. Все персонажи сказки выходят на поклон.)

The End 

In former times, a rich man and his wife were the parents of a beautiful little daughter; but before she had arrived at womanhood, her dear mother fell sick and died to the grief of her husband and daughter.
After a time, the little girl’s father married another lady. Now this lady was proud and haughty, and had two grown-up daughters as disagreeable as herself. She could not endure her step-daughter and she gave her the most degrading occupations, and compelled her to wash the dishes and clean the stairs. When the poor girl had finished her work, she used to sit in the chimney-corner amongst the cinders, which made her sisters give her the name of “Cinderella.” However, in her shabby clothes Cinderella was ten times handsomer than her sisters.

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It happened that the king’s son sent invitations to a ball, which was to last two nights, and to which all the great people of the land were invited, the two sisters among the rest. This delighted them very much. They sent to engage the services of the most fashionable hairdresser, but they also called Cinderella to their aid; for she had very good taste, and she offered, in the most amiable manner, to arrange their heads herself. Whilst so occupied, the eldest said, “Cinderella, whould you like to go to the ball?”
“Alas!” said she, “you are ridiculing me. I am not likely to go to the ball.”
“You are right,” replied the sister; “people would be amused to see a Cinderella there.”

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At length the long-wished-for evening arrived, and these proud misses stepped into their carriage, and drove away to the palace.
Cinderella looked after the coach as far as she could see, and then returned to the kitchen in tears, where, for the first time, she bewailed her hard and cruel lot, little dreaming that a kind fairy was at the same moment watching over her. She continued sobbing in the chimney-corner until a rap at the door aroused her, and she got up to see what had caused it. She saw a beautiful woman who asked her: “Hey! dearee me! what are all these tears about, my child?”
And then Cinderella told her of all her griefs,—how her sisters had gone to the ball, and how she should like to have gone also.
“But you shall go,„ exclaimed her visitor. “Dry up your tears, because I am your godmother and I can help you.”

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The fairy took Cinderella by the hand, and said, “Now, my dear, go into the garden, and fetch me a pumpkin.”
Cinderella brought her immediately the best she found. Her godmother took the pumpkin and hollowed it out, leaving only the rind; she then struck it with her wand, and the pumpkin was immediately changed into a beautiful gilt coach. She next sent Cinderella for the mouse-trap, wherein were found six mice alive. She directed Cinderella to raise the door of the trap, and as each mouse came out she struck it with her wand, and it was immediately changed into a beautiful horse; so that she had now six splendid grays for her gilt coach.
The fairy was perplexed how to find a coachman, but Cinderella said, “I will go and see if there is a rat in the rat-trap; if there is, he will make a capital coachman.”
Cinderella brought the rat-trap, in which there were three large rats. The fairy selected one, and, having touched it, it was changed into a coachman.
Then she touched Cinderella with her magic wand, and her clothes were instantly changed into a most magnificent ball-dress. The fairy now took from her pocket a beautiful pair of elastic glass slippers, which she caused Cinderella to put on; and when she had thus completed her work, and Cinderella stood before her, the fairy was much pleased, and desired her to get into the carriage with all expedition, as the ball had already commenced. Her godmother, however, before she took leave, strictly charged her on no account whatever to stay at the ball after the clock had struck the hour of midnight; and then added that if she stopped but a single moment beyond that time her fine coach would again become a gourd, her horses mice and her old clothes resume their former appearance.

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The arrival of so splendid an equipage as Cinderella’s could not fail to attract general notice at the palace gates, and as it drove up to the marble portico the servants, in great numbers, came out to see it.
The king’s son, to whom it was announced that an unknown princess had arrived, hastened to receive her. He handed her out of the carriage, and led her to the ball-room. Immediately she entered the dancing ceased, and the violins stopped playing; so much was every one struck with the extreme beauty of the unknown princess; and the only sound heard was that of admiration. The king’s son conducted her to the most distinguished place, and invited her to dance. She danced with such grace that everybody was in raptures with her.
When Cinderella saw that it wanted but a quarter of an hour of midnight she left as quickly as possible.

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Soon, the two sisters knocked at the door, and Cinderella went to open it for them. “O, how late you are in coming home,” said Cinderella, rubbing her eyes, as if just awakened.
“If you had been at the ball,” said one of the sisters, “you would not have been tired; for there was the most beautiful princess that ever was seen, who paid us much attention, and gave us oranges and citrons.”
Cinderella could scarcely contain herself for joy. She asked the name of the princess, but they said it was not known, and that the king’s son was therefore much distressed, and would give anything he had to know who she could be.

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The next evening the sisters again went to the ball, and Cinderella soon made her appearance, more magnificently dressed than before. The king’s son was constantly at her side, saying the most agreeable things; so that Cinderella did not notice how the time passed, and had quite forgotten her godmother’s words. She was startled by the first stroke of midnight. She rose very hastily, and fled as lightly as a fawn, the prince following, though he could not overtake her. In her flight she let one of her glass slippers fall, which the prince picked up with the greatest care.
Cinderella arrived at home out of breath, without carriage or servants, in her shabby clothes, and had nothing remaining of all her former magnificence except one of her little glass slippers.

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When the two sisters returned from the ball Cinderella asked if they had enjoyed themselves, and if the beautiful lady had again been there. They told her that she had been there, but that when the clock struck twelve she had started off so quickly that she let one of her pretty glass slippers fall off; that the prince, who quickly followed her, had picked it up, and had done nothing but look at it all the rest of the evening; and that he was evidently very much in love with the beautiful creature to whom it belonged, and would spare no pains to find her.
This was indeed the case; for, a few days after, the prince caused it to be published, with the sound of trumpets, that he would marry the lady whose foot would exactly fit the slipper.
So the slipper was first tried on by all the princesses, then by all the duchesses, and next by all the ladies belonging to the court; but in vain. It was then taken to the two sisters, who tried every possible way of getting their foot into it, but without success.

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Cinderella, who was looking at them, and now recognized her slipper, said, laughingly, “Let me see if it will fit me.”
The sisters immediately began to laugh, and to ridicule her; but the gentleman who had been appointed to try on the slipper, having looked attentively at Cinderella, and finding her very pretty, said she was quite right in her request; for he was ordered to try it on to everybody.
He desired her to sit down, and at once found that the slipper would go on her foot, without any trouble, and, indeed, fitted her like wax.
The astonishment of the sisters was very great, but still greater when Cinderella drew from her pocket the fellow-slipper, and, to the great delight of the gentleman, placed it upon her other foot.

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Her godmother now made her appearance, and, having touched Cinderella with her wand, she made her look even more magnificent than on either of the former occasions.
The sisters now recognized in Cinderella the beautiful person they had seen at the ball, and threw themselves at her feet, to implore forgiveness for all the ill-treatment they had shown her. Cinderella raised them up, and, embracing them, said she forgave them. She told them she had never forgotten the last words of her mother, on her death-bed:—“My child, always be good, and bear with patience everything that occurs to you; then, whatever toils and troubles you may suffer during life, happiness will be your lot in the end.”
Cinderella was taken to the palace, dressed in all her splendor. The prince thought Cinderella more beautiful than ever, and in a few days married her.

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Long, long ago there lived a young and very beautiful girl called Cinderella.
Cinderella lived with her stepmother and stepsisters. The sisters were wicked and haughty. They were jealous of Cinderella’s beauty and treated her as a servant.
Cinderella had no clothes to wear and no sparkling jewels. But Cinderella was very kind and cheerful and she went about her daily work with a gay smile.
One day all the ladies of the kingdom were invited to a ball in honour of the King’s only son. The Prince intended to choose his bride from among those present at the ball.
Cinderella had also received an invitation to the ball, but her sisters laughed and said she could not go because she had nothing to wear.
“How I wish I could go,” sighed Cinderella.
“Back to work,” snapped her sisters. “You will have plenty to do later helping us to prepare for the ball.”
And indeed their selfish demands kept Cinderella running back and forth all day.
After they had gone, Cinderella felt quite lonely. There was nobody in the whole world who cared for her.
Suddenly sweet music filled the air and in the doorway appeared a fairy with a wand in her hand. “I am your godmother, Cinderella,” said the fairy, in a sweet voice. “I have come to grant your heart’s desire. Tonight you will go to
the grand ball. There is no time to lose, for the dancing has already begun.”
The fairy waved her wand, and soon there was a wonderful gown for Cinderella to wear. It was made of silvery brocade shimmering as moonlight.
Then the fairy changed six mice into prancing white horses and a big grey rat into a stately coachman.
“Now, you must have a coach,” said the fairy. “This yellow pumpkin will do very nicely.” The fairy waved her wand again and a coach appeared.
“Now to the ball,” the fairy said. “But remember, you must leave before midnight because on the last stroke of the clock your clothes will turn into rags.”
The coachman cracked his whip and the horses pranced through the streets to the King’s palace.
As the coach drove up to the big oak doors, Cinderella jumped out eagerly and ran up the wide marble staircase.
Inside, the palace was more wonderful than anything she had ever dreamed. Everything was so bright and colourful.
All the guests whispered among themselves that she must be a Princess from another land and they were not surprised when the Prince danced only with Cinderella all night. And so happy was she that she quite forgot the warning of the fairy. “One, two, three.” The loud chimes rang out.
Suddenly Cinderella remembered everything! Panic-stricken, she ran out of the ballroom, not even waiting to say the Prince goodbye.
She raced down the marble staircase dropping one of her tiny crystal slippers as she ran. And as the last chime sounded, her clothes changed back into rags.
The Prince grieved bitterly at having lost the girl whom he now wanted to make his bride.
He remembered the slipper which Cinderella had lost. Through all the land, for days and weeks and months, the Prince searched for its owner. And at last he found Cinderella, for she was the only one whom the tiny crystal slipper would fit.
And in a few days the Prince and Cinderella celebrated a merry wedding.



Давным-давно жила-была маленькая и очень красивая девочка, которую звали Золушкой.
Золушка жила с мачехой и сводными сёстрами. Сёстры были злые и высокомерные. Они завидовали красоте Золушки и обращались с ней как со служанкой.
У Золушки не было ни красивой одежды, ни сверкающих драгоценностей. Но Золушка была очень доброй и жизнерадостной и управлялась со всей повседневной работой с весёлой улыбкой.
Однажды все дамы королевства были приглашены на бал, устраиваемый в честь единственного сына короля. Принц собирался выбрать себе невесту из тех, кто будет присутствовать на балу.
Золушка тоже получила приглашение на бал, но её сестры только посмеялись и сказали, что она не может пойти, поскольку ей нечего было надеть.
— Как бы мне хотелось поехать, — вздохнула Золушка.
— Иди работай, — рявкнули её сёстры. — У тебя ещё будет полно дел, чтобы подготовить нас к балу.
И действительно, их эгоистичные требования заставляли Золушку носиться туда-сюда весь день.
После того как они уехали, Золушка почувствовала себя совсем одинокой. Во всем мире не было никого, кто бы позаботился о ней.
Вдруг воздух наполнился приятной музыкой, а в дверях появилась фея с волшебной палочкой в руке.
— Я твоя крёстная мать, Золушка, — сказала фея ласково. — Я пришла исполнить твоё заветное желание. Сегодня вечером ты отправишься на грандиозный бал. Нельзя терять времени, танцы уже начались.
Фея взмахнула волшебной палочкой, и вскоре появилось прелестное платье для Золушки. Оно было сшито из серебристой парчи, светившейся, как мерцающий свет луны.
Затем фея превратила шестерых мышей в гарцующих белых лошадей, а большую серую крысу — в величественного кучера.
— Теперь тебе нужна карета, — сказала фея. — Эта жёлтая тыква как раз подойдёт.
Фея опять взмахнула волшебной палочкой, и появилась карета.
— А теперь на бал, — сказала фея. — Но помни — ты должна уйти с бала до полуночи, так как с последним ударом часов твоя одежда превратится в лохмотья.
Кучер щёлкнул кнутом, и лошади понеслись по улицам к королевскому дворцу.
Как только карета подъехала к большим дубовым дверям, Золушка тут же выпрыгнула из неё и побежала по широкой мраморной лестнице.
Внутри дворец оказался ещё более великолепным, чем она себе представляла. Всё было ярким и красочным.
Все гости шептались между собой о том, что это, должно быть, принцесса из другой страны, и нисколько не удивились, что принц весь вечер танцевал только с Золушкой. А она была так счастлива, что совершенно забыла о предупреждении феи.
— Один, два, три. — Раздался громкий бой курантов.
И тут Золушка всё вспомнила! Охваченная паникой, она выбежала из зала, даже не попрощавшись с принцем.
Она устремилась вниз по мраморной лестнице, на ходу потеряв маленькую хрустальную туфельку. С последним ударом курантов одежда Золушки превратилась в лохмотья.
Принц очень горевал, потеряв девушку, которую он хотел теперь назвать своей невестой.
Он вспомнил о потерянной Золушкой туфельке. По всей стране дни, недели и месяцы искал принц владелицу туфельки. И наконец он нашёл Золушку, потому что только ей подошла крошечная хрустальная туфелька.
А через несколько дней принц и Золушка сыграли весёлую свадьбу.

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