Рассказ служанки что случилось с ником

     «I’m trying to keep you alive. You and our baby.«
          — Nick Blaine

Commander Nicholas «Nick» Blaine is June Osborne’s lover, and the biological father of her second-born daughter, Holly[1] (aka Nichole), in The Handmaid’s Tale. Formerly a Guardian and driver serving Commander Fred and Serena Waterford, he is a currently serving as a Commander in the Gilead military stationed in Chicago[2].

Nick is originally from Michigan, and was recruited into the Sons of Jacob prior to the rise of Gilead. He is revealed to be a plainclothes operative of the Eyes[3] with loose ties to the resistance[4][5].

In the television series, Nick is portrayed by English actor Max Minghella.


Nick has black hair, brown eyes and olive skin. He is of average height and average build, and is described as «attractive in a boyish sort of way»[6]. He is often seen in a navy blue Guardian uniform. After his promotion to the Commander rank, he wears an all-black Commander’s attire.


In general, Nick is patient and loyal with a strong moral code. He is intelligent, cunning, and always thinking one step ahead.[7] He has a quiet demeanor and doesn’t talk much, which leads to his motives appearing somewhat ambiguous. But he is fiercely dedicated to his loved ones, and we see this particularly in his love for June and their daughter Nichole.

While he began as an early member of the Sons of Jacob, he does not appear to share the same beliefs as Gilead. As a victim of poverty, his ideals made him a prime target for recruitment.[8] He keeps his head down and navigates the politics of his position strategically. But he became very disillusioned after witnessing Waterford’s first Handmaid commit suicide, so much so that he joins the Eyes deceitfully as the only way to use Gilead’s system against its own.[8]

Prior to Gilead, Nick appeared to be an outwardly emotional person[3]. He has since learned to disguise his true feelings behind a mask in order to survive. But ultimately, he always wants to do the right thing[9].


In the past

Before Gilead

Nick, his Dad, and his older brother lost their jobs at a steel mill, resulting in Nick becoming the primary caretaker of the family.

Nick is sitting in a career center. He is talking to a counselor, Andrew Pryce, when he gets in a fight with another customer. Nick is thrown out, Pryce follows him and invites him out for coffee. Nick tells him about his brother, who is an alcoholic and often disappears for extended periods of time. Pryce expresses sympathy for Nick, and tells him about a religious group he is part of called the Sons of Jacob that wants to «clean up» the country.[3] He offers Nick an invitation to a meeting and even alludes there may be a job in it for him. While Nick does not respond verbally one way or the other, future events demonstrate the choice he made.

Serena to Nick’s role in the rise of Gilead

After the takeover

Nick, presumably in his new job, is driving Commanders Pryce, Guthrie, and Waterford. The three men are discussing women’s roles and The Ceremony in the new society they want to build. When asked for his opinion in this «handmaid issue», Nick replies that the three men’s idea was right as «not to form attachments» would be «better for everyone». This also evidently indicates the first time Nick meets Mr. Waterford.[3]

Though not shown on-screen, Nick is later hired by the Waterfords as their caretaker and driver. This is probably also the period when, on his (presumably frequent) visits with Commander Waterford to the brothel «Jezebel’s», he and the kitchen maid Beth engage in a friendly sexual relationship, to which she later refers as the «old times» [4]. It is quite possible that Beth introduces him into the Mayday network (though not confirmed, see Beth/Notes).

Before the main storyline

Nick and Rita discover that the Waterford’s Handmaid hung herself in her room. He quickly tries to cut the rope and gets her down only to find that she was dead. Nick is rocked by this tragedy and it opens his eyes to the true rot in Gilead.

Shortly after the death of the Handmaid, Nick joins the Eyes in an effort to keep a check on Waterford[8] by offering intelligence to Commander Pryce. Nick reports to Commander Pryce that Guthrie has been sleeping with his last two Handmaids and is skimming from the transportation budget, according to his aide and his Martha. As Guthrie is being arrested by the Eyes, Pryce briefs Nick that his duties are to «be chiefly reporting on the activities of his own Commander» and offers his condolences for the loss in Waterfords’ household. He concludes «We are going to clean up Gilead, son.»[3]

Present, season one

Offred describes Nick as «the Commander’s driver, lives over the garage, low status, hasn’t even been issued a woman. Maybe he’s lonely. Maybe he watches me.[10]

Nick warns Offred not to get too close to Ofglen because it’s «dangerous.»[11]

We should have driven away

While driving Offred home from the Putnams, Nick is asked by Offred about Ofglen’s arrest, and he advises her to remember she «can’t change» this and «being tough or brave» won’t work because «everybody breaks», and she should «tell them everything.» They then see a black van parked in the drive, and Nick apologizes that he «couldn’t stop them.»

Inside the house, Offred is interrogated and electrotortured by an Eye and Aunt Lydia about Ofglen. Nick later brings her ice for her injuries. He confesses he wished he’d just driven away with her.[12]

Serena Joy calls Offred outside to tell her she’s asked Nick to try to impregnate Offred. She suspects the Commander is sterile. Serena Joy secretly brings Offred to Nick’s apartment, where she waits as they have sex. They finish and Serena Joy tells Offred to lie down in her room, after saying a prayer to encourage her to become pregnant.[13]

After an emotional conversation with Fred, Offred gets sick and goes to throw up in the kitchen sink, where she runs into Nick. She asks him if he’s an Eye, and he truthfully tells her yes. He apologizes for earlier, and explains that he couldn’t say no to Serena Joy. Offred later sneaks into Nick’s apartment to share a passionate night with him.[13]

After the dinner with the Mexican delegation, Offred visits Nick, fiercely blaming herself for keeping quiet about the brutal truth of her fate. Nick tries to calm her down and calls her Offred. She reveals to him her real name June.[14]

Nick drives Fred and Offred to Jezebel’s. In the brothel, Nick visits Beth in the kitchen to trade illicit goods, such as prescription drugs and pregnancy tests that are used by the customers or working girls, for bottles of alcoholic beverages and additional contraband. Nick formally concludes the exchange, saying «the Eyes thank you for your service». He refuses her advances and spends the evening lamenting what Offred is being forced to do, and reflecting on the events that led to the death of the Waterfords’ first Handmaid.[3]

Serena Joy returns from her mother’s house the next morning. As Nick helps carry her bags into the house, Offred stops him and asks if she can see him later. He hesitates, so she presses him to tell her what’s wrong. Nick explains that they can’t see each other anymore because it’s too dangerous. Offred retorts that if she is murdered for her actions, at least someone will remember her. In her frustration she deplores the fact that she knows so little about Nick because he won’t tell her anything. Regretting his decision, he follows Offred to tell her that his full name is Nick Blaine. Unsatisfied, Offred leaves the room.[3]

After driving Fred and Offred into Jezebel’s a second time, Nick revisits Beth in the kitchen. Nick is curious whether she «asked around at the bar» that «nobody’s planning anything stupid», and Beth replies that the girls in here are not «in the shape for a rebellion». She confirms that Offred’s identity has not been discovered, warning Nick about the dangerous consequences of «poking around, asking questions.»[4]

In Night, Nick finds a distressed Offred in the kitchen with a scar on her forehead. When he asks if she is okay, Offred reveals that Serena Joy found out about Jezebel’s and that she is pregnant. Nick is shocked but still convinces Offred that the pregnancy is not a terrible thing. They share a brief tender moment before being interrupted by Serena Joy.

In the last scene of Season 1, Offred is in her room waiting for someone to come and punish her for her defiance. Nick comes in, tells Offred to «just go with them» and insists that she trust him. Two armed guards come in and lead Offred away, much to the surprise and horror of Serena Joy and Fred. Offred walks off willingly, unsure if this is her end or a brand new beginning.[1]

Present, season two


A butcher leads June into an empty corporate building and asks her to stay until someone comes for her. Nick is there waiting. He tells her to get out of her clothes and to cut her hair. She uses the scissors to remove the tag from her ear.[15]

Unwomen (TV Episode)

June is hiding in the abandoned building of the Boston Globe newspaper. When she hears noises, she hides but it is only Nick. She asks him to get her out of here because it’s a slaughterhouse. He tells her that she has to wait a couple of weeks but he doesn’t know details and has never done this before. She tells him that they need to find Hannah but he says no. She slaps him. He gives the keys to her and he gives her a gun. She goes to the car and gets in to leave. Nick stands there watching her. She starts to hit the steering wheel because she knows she isn’t going to leave. She gets out of the car and gives him back the keys and the gun. They begin to kiss and have sex. They finish and she looks at him. He tells her he can’t any more. She says to try.[5]


Nick revisits June in the Boston Globe facility and gives her coffee. He tells her that he should probably get going. He tells her that she might be leaving the Boston Globe soon. He promises to come back on Tuesday. June says that she can’t leave. Nick says it will be better for everyone. They hug.[16]

After June’s recapture, Nick tries to assure her he «tried everything» to get her out. June, in her Offred role, replies «we’ve been sent good weather.»[17]


At night, Offred starts burning the letters from Rachel’s package in the
kitchen sink and is interrupted by Nick, who takes the remaining letters.[18]

In a Gileadean office building, Commander Waterford suggests Commander Pryce reward Nick for his loyal service with a job in Washington. Pryce replies he should «find a way to keep him around».[18]

The Waterfords head to a Prayvaganza chaired by Commander Pryce in which the handmaids and wives sit in rows while a ceremony takes place down below. Nick, among other Guardians, is escorted out to the main floor. Young brides, their faces covered by veils, then march onto the floor and stand opposite the men being “honored.” As Nick lifts his bride’s veil, he sees a girl, Eden, who is much younger than him. The Waterfords with Offred, Nick, and Eden return from the Prayvaganza. They welcome Eden and Nick reads Corinthians 13:4-7. Serena leads Eden into Nick’s apartment and kindly advises her to enjoy the «act» she’s now required to have.[18]

In the meantime, Nick and the Commander share a “celebratory” drink to end the night, toasting “to good women”. When heading back to his quarters in the pouring rain, Nick finds Offred outside, passed out and covered in blood, and screams for help.[18]

First Blood

After Offred returns from the hospital, Nick meets her and says that he will come and visit her that night. Offred says that they can’t keep sneaking around. Nick tells Offred that he thinks about them and the baby and «what they could be». Rita walks in on Nick and Offred stood close together holding hands.

Another evening, Nick and Eden have dinner at their apartment, where she tells him that her mother taught her «about everything» that would be expected of her as a wife. Nick steps outside to smoke. The next day, Nick runs into Offred. That night, Nick and his new bride have sex for the first time.[19]

Commanders from all of the districts attend the opening of the new Rachel and Leah Center. When Nick sees Commander Pryce, he begs for reassignment and says there’s a lot he hasn’t divulged about Fred. He then asks Pryce to promise to «protect the handmaid», to which Pryce replies he has his word.[19]


After the bombing, Waterford is lying half-conscious in his hospital bed. Nick offers to take Serena home for sleep and a change of clothes. She refuses his offer. Commander Putnam enters the room with a visibly injured Commander Cushing and announces Commander Pryce «has gone home to God» and Cushing will be taking on Pryce’s «security duties». Cushing promises he will find everyone responsible for the gruesome attack.[20]

Offred gets to the hospital and sees Nick. She cries on his shoulder saying the Martha was just reaching for her pass when she was shot, and that Cushing wants to know who helped June when she ran. Nick promises he won’t «let anything happen» to her.[20]

When Nick returns to his apartment that evening, he finds Serena inside waiting alone. She learns from him that submitting warrants to the «Consular of Divine Law» needs the Commander’s signature. Nevertheless, Nick agrees to help Serena «walk through the process».[20]

Nick exchanges glances with the guards in front of the Waterfords’ house and heads to the front door. As Cushing comes up to the house, a van of the Eyes stops by and guardians surround him. Commander Putnam explains he’s being arrested for treason on the word of Commander Waterford, due to the «overwhelming» evidence submitted by the Eyes.[20]

Women’s Work

Eden asks Nick if she can spruce up their home and he tells her to do whatever she wants. Nick comes home to Eden and finds that she’s organized the house. He sees the stack of letters Offred was burning on the nightstand and asks her if she read them. She says no and he forbids her from ever touching his things again.[21]

Smart Power

The Waterfords head to Canada. Nick loads up the car with their luggage when Eden shows up and gives him some cookies to take with him. She tells him that she’s going to miss him but he says he’s only going to be gone a couple of days. Serena goes to see Offred before she leaves. She tells Offred that she’ll be leaving the house as soon as the baby is born.

When Nick and the Waterfords arrive at the Canadian hotel, there are protesters at the front door. Luke confronts Commander Fred. He’s taken away by the police but not before Serena and Nick realize that he’s June’s husband. Serena and Fred head up to their room where Fred says that they’ve made progress with the Canadian government. Nick goes looking for Luke and finds him in a bar. He tells Luke that June is alright but Luke says that she isn’t fine. Nick tells her that June is pregnant. This upsets Luke and he tells Nick to get out but then changes his mind and goes after him. He asks about Hannah but Nick doesn’t know if she’s okay. Nick gives Luke the stack of letters June gave him and tells him to get them out somehow. Luke asks Nick to tell June that Moira got out.

Back home, Nick visits Offred and tells her about how the letters were leaked to the public, how he met Luke, and how Moira got out. She starts to cry and he says that he loves her before he heads back to Eden.

The Last Ceremony

Eden takes out the trash and runs into Isaac. They share a kiss as Nick watches from the balcony. Eden realizes this and runs up to the house to apologize. He says not to worry about it and Eden asks why he doesn’t care that he just caught her cheating on him. He doesn’t say anything and Eden realizes that he likes June. Nick tells her that he’d never get involved with a handmaid. She realizes that he just doesn’t love her and starts to cry.

June is lying in bed when Fred comes into her room. He tells her that he’s planned a surprise for her. He puts her in a car and instructs Nick to bring her back in 3 hours. On the drive, Nick asks her what happened but she doesn’t respond. They arrive at a house inside which Hannah, renamed Agnes, is waiting.

June tells Hannah that she has to go and that she loves her. Hannah leaves, with June kneeling in the snow as she cries. Suddenly, Nick hears other cars approaching so he puts June into the house. He tells her to go inside and hide while he waits outside to see who it is. Two men appear and attack Nick, taking him hostage and leaving June alone. She’s left alone in the middle of nowhere.


Commander Waterford is seen setting up his office when Nick walks in. Apparently, there was a misunderstanding with some overzealous guards but he’s been returned safely to work. Fred tells him opportunities are going to open up for Nick and Nick says he appreciates that. Nick hangs up a picture on the wall and it’s of Serena, Fred, and the new baby.

The next day, Nick is looking for Eden but can’t find her. Nick tells Offred that their baby is so beautiful and that he wishes he could hold her. Offred says her too. Offred tells him that she wants to name her Holly after her Mom. Nick tells her it sounds right.

Fred walks in telling him that guardian Isaac never showed up for his shift this morning. Nick puts two and two together and realizes that Isaac and Eden must have ran off together.

Rita wakes up Offred and tells her that they brought Isaac and Eden back. Nick tries to convince Eden to lie on the stand but she won’t. She asks him to forgive her but he asks her to forgive him because he wasn’t kind to her. Eden and Isaac are lead to a swimming pool, chained, accused of adultery, and ordered to repent. They refuse to give in. As Eden recites 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 instead, she and Isaac are pushed into the pool and both of them drown and die.

Offred goes downstairs and finds Nick sitting at the table. She tries to offer comfort but he gets up and walks away.

The Word

Offred and Rita are doing the laundry. Rita confesses that she treated Eden badly. Offred reveals that she slept with Nick. Rita says that she should’ve tried harder. Offred continues to go through Eden’s things. She finds a Bible. Offred goes to see Serena and shows her the bible and how Eden wrote notes in it. Serena says that Eden has been hiding a multitude of sins. This upsets Offred who asks Serena how she’ll raise Nicole. Serena Joy says that she’ll be raised properly and understand the Word of God. Offred says that she won’t be able to read it, and leaves, upset.

Nick gets visited by Eden’s father who apologizes for Eden. Commander Fred asks if he has another daughter and he says yes. Commander Fred tells him to make sure that their other daughter is raised better. Eden’s father tells them how he was the one who turned Eden in to the authorities. This shocks Offred who asks Commander Fred what he’ll do when they come for his daughter. He closes the door and slaps her. She slaps him back. He grabs her by the face and shoves her down. Later, Rita helps Offred by giving her an ice pack. Nick arrives so Rita leaves.

Offred tells him that it’s okay. They hear the baby downstairs so both of them go to check on her. Rita is holding her but gives her to Offred. Offred in turn gives her to Nick. She tells him to look at what they made and that she loves him.

Offred is feeding Nichole when she hears a commotion outside. Rita comes in and tells her that they can get her out but that she needs to leave now. Rita tells her where to go so Offred hugs her and then leaves. Inside, Fred watches what’s going on from his office. He goes and asks Rita what’s going on but she says she doesn’t know. Realizing something is up, he runs upstairs to check on Nicole. Nick follows him up and when Fred tells him to put together a search party Nick tells him to stay inside.

Present, Season 3

Night (Season 3)

Scene changes to Serena Joy, focusing on her missing finger. She walks to Offred’s room where Commander Waterford is waiting and tells her to call 911. Serena looks him in the eye and says, «We should give her more time to get away» as Nick watches from the doorway and Fred comes to the realization of what happened. Fred is left alone in the room and looks at the carving «nolite te bastardes carborundorum» on the wall. A small moment in the stairway occurs between Nick and Serena. Nick offers his cigarette to Serena and she takes the cigarette and draws heavily.


When June enters the study of Commander Lawrence, which is now full of commanders, she is surprised to see Nick sitting among them. The men are discussing a «shipment» of females from Chicago bound for the Colonies. As a discussion about the difference in gender abilities comes up, Lawrence mocks June’s former profession as book editor and then commands her to fetch Charles Darwin’s «The Descent of Man» from his bookshelf. She retrieves the book in question and kneels to give it to him, and he dismisses her remarking «Women can be useful».

Nick reappears at Commander Lawrence’s home. He wants to say goodbye since, as a Commander, he’s being deployed to the front at Chicago. June is annoyed and leaves the room but returns after a quick change of heart. She draws him back into the room and closes the door.


June and the Waterfords travel to Washington to participate in a public prayer to implore the Canadians to return Nichole. While posing for shootings, Nick enters the chamber and speaks with Fred. He has been sent by Commander Lawrence to keep watch. While posing for a photo, Commander Nick stands beside June and the two hold hands briefly.

In a conversation with three Swiss diplomats, one of them asks June for intelligence about Gilead. June offers to put them in contact with a Commander, hinting at Nick. Mattias is doubtful this will succeed but June says that she will persuade Nick. Sofia asks if she is still in a relationship with Nick. June says it is complicated. Mattias says that if «Commander Blaine» talks with them it will help them to protect Nichole. He tells June to bring them Commander Blaine and they will have a deal.

June later meets with Nick outside the Winslow household and embraces him. She tells Nick that she made a secret deal with the Swiss to pass them information. Nick is reluctant and says the Swiss are politicians with their own agenda. June replies she also has her own agenda. June tells Nick that this is his one chance to be a father to their daughter.

The following day, June is surprised to see Lena, one of the Swiss diplomats, at the Winslow household. The diplomat tells her that they are recommending that discussions continue. June is opposed to the idea of bringing Nichole back to Gilead. June is upset that Nick won’t be part of the discussions. She says that their research indicates that he is not to be trusted. June offers to talk to Nick but she tells him that he has left for Chicago.

Fred and Serena arrive. Fred asks Lena if she wants to see the tape but she replies that she will wait for the finished product. June asks Serena what Nick did before he worked as their driver. Serena replies that Nick served Gilead. When June asks for details, Serena tells her that Nick served as a soldier in the Crusades and that they wouldn’t be here without him. Serena senses that June is shocked that Nick never disclosed his past.

Meanwhile, Nick passes through the compartments of a train where he is saluted by Gilead soldiers.

Season 4


Nick returns from the front lines to the Eastern District after June helps 86 children escape. When Commander Lawrence is tried, Nick vouches for him before the Council and has him released as a consultant for the military Commanders. He thanks Lawrence for his service, but reveals the real plan for him after the Commander spends some time in prison.[22]


June is arrested by the Guardians loyal to Nick once she returns from a rural Jezebel’s in Pennsylvania. Nick approaches June, whispering that he will do anything he can to save her, but only if she reveals the location of the other Handmaids.[23]

«The Crossing»

Nick escorts June to a maximum security facility, and tells her that Esther Keyes has been captured. He reminds June that he can save her, but only if she is willing to turn in her comrades.

Nick and Lawrence discuss June’s fate. Lawrence says that she is extremely stubborn, and there comes a point where one cannot save her any more. Meanwhile, Nick says he is not ready to give up on her, and tells Lawrence that he owes Nick.

June is released from prison after eventually revealing the Handmaids’ location after she is threatened with Hannah’s torture. He tells her that Hannah is safe, and June is shocked that Hannah was scared of her, but not the Guardians. Nick comforts her and tells her that he loves her, and they kiss on the bridge before she is taken on the way to one of the Magdalene Colonies.[24]


Nick is attending a Council meeting, where Lawrence is making a proposal. They ask if the Handmaids have been captured yet again, but Lawrence responds in the negatory. Lawrence states that the world fears the military of Gilead, but that the sanctions put Gilead in a chokehold, and that they need money. He thus proposes a temporary ceasefire along all their contested borders to allow international aid to come in, hoping to hasten the end of trade restrictions. Nick lends his support when alternative military measures are proposed. The other Commanders then raise that it was Lawrence’s Handmaid who kidnapped all the children, which he confirms, claiming he was deceived by a faithless woman, but goes on to speak for the economic benefits of halting the war. All the Commanders oppose Lawrence’s suggestion, including Nick, and the Council is adjourned. Lawrence privately tells Nick that it might tell June, but Nick denies her presence on the border; Lawrence suggests that not even Gilead can see everything.

Nick has two Marthas brought to him in the city, asking for the location of June. The Marthas speak negatively of her, noting that many who have tried to protect her have ended up dying. Nick tells them that he cares about her. One Martha refuses to say more; another says that two Handmaids were spotted heading to Chicago and one of them could be June.

Lawrence meets with Nick, and the latter privately tells him that he thinks that June is in Chicago, and that he was right. Lawrence simply tells Nick that it is good to have him on the board.

The Council meets again, and discusses Lawrence’s proposal. All of them have reconsidered the proposal with Lawrence’s new information, and that NGOs are ready to move in within 16 hours. Lawrence tells Nick to coordinate a bombardment on all fronts just prior to the deadline. The Commanders tell Nick to be underway.[25]


In Canada, Luke proposes to June that she meets with Nick to get help rescuing Hannah from Gilead. Luke suggests using Nichole to persuade him. June says Nick would «do anything for [her] and Nichole.»

With Mark Tuello’s help, June brings Nichole to an undisclosed location to reunite with Nick. He is moved to see them both and remarks how big Nichole has gotten.

Nick surprises June by presenting intelligence on Hannah that he began voluntarily collecting after June escaped to Canada. He tells her Hannah is in Boulder, Colorado and it’s impossible to get her out because she is highly guarded. He also has photos of Hannah taken by «friendlies» in the area. June is shocked that Nick «did all this for [her].»

Nick and June share a kiss, then she lets him play with Nichole. Nick gives Nichole a doll to remember him by and calls her «my beautiful girl.»

When their meeting is over, Nick and June say farewell where he wishes her to be safe and happy. June reciprocates the sentiment. As she is driving away, Nick pulls a wedding ring from his pocket and puts it on.

«The Wilderness»

After Fred gets sent back to Gilead, Nick is there for him at the border to take him away. After driving some distance into no man’s land, Nick marches Fred into the woods. June is standing in the distance. June walks up and kisses Nick and he happily kisses her back while Fred looks on in disgust. She whispers “Thank you” to Nick. Nick gives her the keys to Fred’s restraints and then walks away.

Season 5

Nick continues to support June from afar in Gilead. He asks her about Nicole and finds updates for her about Hannah to bring her comfort. Nick gets married to someone in Gilead, Rose Blaine who knows about June and her situation. Rose is pregnant and Nick plans on staying in Gilead by her side.

Nick continues to grow in the ranks but some start to suspect his commitment to Gilead, especially given his prior affiliation with June Osborne. Eventually, Nick hears that June might be a target of Gilead. He is upset and tries to intervene, using his influence with Commander Lawrence. After June gets hurt, Nick is furious. He goes to the hospital to visit her and agrees to give Tuello information in exchange for protection of June.

He goes back to Gilead and punches Lawrence at his wedding and gets put in jail by the Eyes. Rose visits him in jail and tells him she’s done, knowing he’s not over June.

Photo Gallery


  • Nick appears to be high up in the Guardian hierarchy (even before his promotion), as he was referred to as «sir» by other Guardians. The title of «sir» is associated with commissioned officers, though he was still a step below a Commander.
  • Nick joins the Eyes to keep a check on Fred Waterford because he doesn’t have a lot of ways to strike back at Commanders.[8]
  • Nick had a brother named Joshua, who struggled with addiction. Joshua died at some point after Nick’s recruitment into the Sons of Jacob. Though the details of his death are unknown, Nick feels responsibility for «letting his brother drink himself to death».[26]
  • Nick’s favorite season is summer and his family used to own a summer cabin on Mackinac Island.[26]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Episode 10, «Night»
  2. Episode 3.3, «Useful»
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Episode 8, «Jezebels»
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Episode 9, «The Bridge»
  5. 5.0 5.1 Episode 2.2, «Unwomen (TV Episode)»
  6. «Pilot» Script
  7. Handmaid’s Tale: Max Minghella Understands Nick, Even If You Don’t
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 The Art and Making of The Handmaid’s Tale
  9. Men Should Watch ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ No Matter How Uncomfortable It Makes Them, According To Max Minghella
  10. Episode 1, «Offred»
  11. Episode 2, «Birth Day»
  12. Episode 3, «Late»
  13. 13.0 13.1 Episode 5, «Faithful»
  14. Episode 6, «A Woman’s Place»
  15. Episode 2.1, «June»
  16. Episode 2.3, «Baggage»
  17. Episode 2.4, «Other Women»
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Episode 2.5, «Seeds»
  19. 19.0 19.1 Episode 2.6, «First Blood»
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Episode 2.7, «After»
  21. Episode 2.8, «Women’s Work»
  22. «Pigs»
  23. «Nightshade»
  24. «The Crossing»
  25. «Chicago»
  26. 26.0 26.1 «Jezebels» Script

Убийство Джун Фреда было одним из самых ярких моментов «Рассказа служанки», но на этом сюжетная линия не заканчивается. В заключительные моменты 4 сезона, Джун прощается с Николь и говорит Люку, что уходит.

Соответственно, Джун останется с Ником или Люком? Но Галаад так сильно изменил Джун, что ей уже не вернуть того, кем она когда-то была. Мосс сказала Elle, что предпочла Ника Люку в финале, потому что Люк не может понять, чего она хочет.

Джун воссоединяется с Люком? Что Люку, к лучшему или к худшему, суждено любить, кем бы она ни оказалась». Взгляд на Джун от актера, сыгравшего Люка, приходит в поворотный момент для мужа и жены из «Рассказа служанки», которые наконец воссоединились ранее в четвертом сезоне.

Кроме того, выходит ли Анна из Галаада?

Давайте быстро сорвем этот пластырь: В «Заветах» Анна так и не выбралась из Галаада.. Она растет со своей приемной семьей как Агнес, как и в сериале Hulu. Она является одним из трех главных рассказчиков книги. Тетя Лидия и Николь (которую зовут Дейзи) — двое других.

Джун находит Ханну?

А Ханна была разлучена со своей настоящей семьей с самого начала сериала. Эта часть сюжета пробудила в Джун большую часть неустанной воли выстоять, несмотря на самые ужасные трудности. Но, к сожалению, даже со всем, что случилось, все еще маловероятно, что Джун когда-нибудь вернет Ханну.

Джун находит Ханну? А затем, после судьбоносного приключения, в котором участвуют Николь, тетя Лидия и новые персонажи, Ханна и Николь выбираются из Галаада. Они воссоединяются с июнем в конце. И книга подтверждает, что девочки воссоединились со своими биологическими отцами.

Вернется ли Ник в 4 сезоне? Ник вернется.

Шоураннер подтвердил TV Guide и Entertainment Tonight, что планирует исправить это в 4 сезоне. В интервью BAZAAR.com Мингелла рассказал о будущем своего персонажа.

Женится ли Ник в «Рассказе служанки»? После одной из самых душераздирающих сцен в истории «Рассказа служанки» к клубу официально присоединился Хранитель Ник Блейн, которого играет Макс Мингелла. Недавно создатели рассказали, что Ник из «Рассказа служанки» уже женат.

Будут ли Ник и Джун вместе?

Ник доказал свою преданность Джун в четвертом сезоне «Рассказа служанки». эти двое кажутся эндшпилем друг для друга. Но в 4-м эпизоде ​​9-го сезона «Прогресс» выяснилось, что Ник снова женился в Галааде, из-за чего жизнь с Джун кажется еще более недосягаемой.

Вернется ли Джун к мужу? В 4-й серии 6-го сезона «Рассказа служанки» под названием «Клятвы» Джун Осборн (Элизабет Мосс) удается сбежать из Галаада и добраться до Канады. В конце эпизода, Джун воссоединяется со своим мужем Люком Банколе (OT Fagbenle) после нескольких лет разлуки.

Что происходит с Ником в «Рассказе служанки»?

Сейчас больше, чем когда-либо, эти двое кажутся финальной игрой друг для друга. Но 4-й эпизод 9-го сезона «Прогресс» раскрылся. Ник снова женился в Галааде, из-за чего жизнь с июнем кажется еще более недосягаемой. Продолжение Маргарет Этвуд 2019 года «Рассказ служанки», «Заветы», многое раскрыло о Джун и будущем ее семьи.

Эмили и Николь добираются до Канады? Волшебно, к счастью, Николь выживает, и они добираются до берега.. Пока Эмили ежится в темноте с младенцем, дрожа, из кустов выходит мужчина и сообщает, что она успешно добралась до канадской земли. Эмили подтверждает, что хочет найти там убежище, и приезжает скорая помощь, чтобы отвезти их в безопасное место.

Вернет ли Джун Николь?

В доме, Джун воссоединяется с Эмили, которая возвращает Николь ее матери.. Джун становится заметно эмоциональной, когда впервые за несколько месяцев держит на руках свою маленькую дочь. Позже Джун качает Николь в детской и говорит ей, что она потрясающая, и им так повезло, что Мойра и Люк воспитывали ее.

Серена Джой беременеет?

Все еще в правительстве, Серена беременна, в камере предварительного заключения, и ждет Зума с мужем, который, как она думает, прилетел в Женеву, чтобы предстать перед судом за свои преступления.

Серена беременна? Рассказ служанки? Это привело к прекращению регулярных свиданий Серены с Николь, и она тоже предстала перед судом за их преступления в Галааде. В четвертом сезоне фанаты в шоке наблюдали, как Марк рассказал Серене, что она беременна., что приводит к тому, что фанаты размышляют о личности отца ребенка.

Ник теперь командир? Командир Ник Блейн (которого играет Макс Мингелла) впервые был представлен в антиутопическом сериале Hulu как командир Фред Уотерфорд (Джозеф Файнс), скромный водитель. Цель после недавнего повышения Ника до командира, фанаты предсказывают, что его время в Гилеаде может резко закончиться.

Ник останется с Джесс?

Джесс и Ник слишком долго танцуют вокруг своих очевидных чувств, и после того, как Джесс временно покинула «Новенькую» в 5-м сезоне, они наконец примиряются в самом конце 6-го сезона. Последний сезон «Новенькой» переносится на три года в будущее, и Ник женится на Джесс.

Ник женился на «Рассказе служанки»? Иден Блейн, урожденная Спенсер, — второстепенный персонаж второго сезона сериала «Рассказ служанки». она замужем за Ником Блейном.

Ник отец ребенка Джун?

В 3-м эпизоде ​​​​5-го сезона «Рассказа служанки» «Неизвестный звонящий» Джун передает Люку кассету с сообщением. В сообщении Джун сообщает, что Николь на самом деле дитя любви и Ник ее отец.

Что происходит с ребенком Ника и Джун? Джун забеременела от Ника, Николь., и он сделал все возможное, чтобы помочь ему выбраться из Галаада. Пара была разделена, так как Ник был назначен командиром и отправлен на передовую в Чикаго, а Джун была в бегах после того, как помогла нескольким детям и Мартасу добраться до Канады.

Ник спит с Иден?

Когда вскоре после этого Ник сталкивается с Джун, она настаивает на том, чтобы он лишил жену девственности, потому что она может создать проблемы, если он что-то не предпримет в ближайшее время. Той ночью, Ник и его новая невеста занимаются сексом в первый раз.

Спустя две недели после финала 3 сезона сериала «Рассказ служанки» фанаты остались в недоумении. У многих навис вопрос: «Где Ник?». Персонаж, которого играет Макс Мингелла отсутствовал с шестого эпизода и не появлялся в шоу до конца сезона. (Внимание, сейчас будет спойлер) Героя внезапно отправили на фронт в Чикаго. Вскоре Джун узнала, что ее возлюбленный на самом деле крестоносец (военный преступник, повинный в массовых расправах). Зрители ждали появления персонажа к концу сезона, но этого не произошло. По словам шоураннера Брюса Миллера возвращение Ника было запланировано в последних сериях, но в итоге сцены пришлось вырезать. Макс Мингелла рассказал Harper’s BAZAAR о впечатлениях от третьего сезона, отношениях Ника и Джун и четвертом сезоне.

У Ника была важная роль в первых сериях, а в последних эпизодах он вообще отсутствовал. Вы довольны третьим сезоном?

Мне очень понравился этот сезон, смотрел его с удовольствием. Особенно насладился просмотром последнего эпизода. Мой ответ может показаться скучным, но это действительно так. Ник – загадка для меня, но в то же время он стал мне родным. 

Джун узнала о Нике неприятную правду, которая стала поворотным моментом сезона. Как вы отреагировали на это?

Думаю, что откровение в 6 эпизоде не новость для зрителей, еще в первом сезоне становится ясно, что Ник всегда был частью любого восстания. А сама сцена, где Джун узнает о нем правду очень важная. То, как она воспринимает эту новость, переваривает ее, и как складываются ее дальнейшие действия влияет на весь сериал. И мне очень понравилось, какое драматическое воздействие оказала эта сцена на зрителей. Это было впечатляюще.

Продюсер Уоррен Литтлфилд отметил, что между Джун и Ником много недосказанности. Она не интересуется его прошлым, они находятся в подвешенном состоянии.

Им обоим нужна хоть какая-то радость в этом адском мире, а знание прошлого только ухудшит ситуацию. Они похожи на пару, которая встречается на расстоянии. Нику и Джун просто некогда ругаться. 

Роман между Ником и Джун имеет сложности по многим причинам. Как вы относитесь к тому, что фанаты шиперят героев?

Это мило. Нам с Лиззи (Элизабет Мосс) нравится работать вместе, нравится эта романтика между персонажами. Всегда с нетерпением ждем съемок таких сцен, что также нравится нашим зрителям. Я доволен тем, что являюсь частью романтической линии шоу, хоть это и наименее интеллектуально-содержательные сцены.

макс мингелла

Брюс Миллер признался, что финал говорит о перевоплощении Джун в настоящего солдата. Основываясь на этом факте, думаете ли вы, что у Джун поменяется мнение о Нике?

Думаю, что Ник очень любит ее и он надеется, что это сработает. Но в то же время у нее есть прекрасный муж, который любит ее и ребенок. Поэтому все очень сложно. 

Есть предположения о том, что будет с Ником?

Нет. Но я безумно рад вернуться. Знаю, что грядут большие перемены. Третий сезон послужил катализатором многих вещей, поэтому мы все взволнованы о и ждем новые серии. Авторы никогда не разочаровывали нас и всегда удивляют. Четвертый сезон будет захватывающим и совсем другим. 

макс мингелла

Какую реакцию вы чаще всего встречаете у фанатов?

Меня удивляет, сколько ко мне подходит мужчин! Шоу интересно разным людям и разного пола, что радует. Сериал сподвиг людей задуматься о более глобальных вещах. 

Автор. Emma Dibdin.

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