Рассказ служанки эстер актриса

Esther Keyes is a character in the fourth season of The Handmaid’s Tale.


Esther had an arranged marriage to the elderly Commander Keyes, becoming his Wife. He was unable to sexually perform, but he still wanted them to have a child. As a result, Commander Keyes had Esther raped by many Guardians, Eyes, and Commanders, hoping that she would become pregnant. In particular, Johnny Pogue raped her multiple times.[1] Esther soon started gradually poisoning her husband with nightshade, and he began to go senile.[2]

Season 4[]


After the liberation of eighty-six children from Gilead, Esther agrees to host June and her fellow handmaids on her estate after she is contacted through Mayday and The Marthas’ Network. She welcomes June, who collapses from septic shock. June recovers with home-made penicillin in a guest room, while Janine, Alma, Brianna, Sara, and Ellie disguise themselves as Esther’s Marthas on her farm.

When June recovers, she goes outside to work. Esther cautions her to keep herself safe, as drones are looking for the escaped Handmaids. June tells Esther not to worry, as Marthas working on farms is very inconspicuous in rural communities. When June questions her age and seems unconfident about the rebellion, Esther boldly tells June that she is the mistress of the house, and asks why she freed the children if she didn’t want to fight.

Esther slaughters one of her pigs to feed the disguised Handmaids. At dinner, Janine refuses to eat the pork, as she had grown close to the pig, who she had named Mr. Darcy. Esther forces Janine to eat the pork, but June cautions her from being so harsh. Going to a side room, June tells Esther about everything Janine has gone through. In response, Esther reveals the horrors that her husband has put her through. June comforts her, and tells her that God will make the men who raped her pay.

Later, a captured Guardian named Pogue is caught on the Keyes farm as a drunk trespasser. The Marthas start beating him, and Esther reveals his abuse of her to the others. June tells her to stop, and instead, they take him inside the barn, where they carry out a mock Salvaging. Esther stabs him to death, and climbs into bed with June, the pair comforting one another.[1]


When Guardians visit the Keyes household, Esther holds them off with her charisma. Later, June reveals her plan to move onto the next safehouse. Esther begs June to take her on the journey, and June eventually accepts, but says that they need to do something about the Commander. June realizes that Esther has been poisoning the Commander with nightshade, and uses it to poison the Commanders at a nearby Jezebel’s.

Before Esther and June can move onto the next safehouse, the house is raided by Guardians.[2]

«The Crossing»[]

Nick reveals that Esther has been arrested, while the other Handmaids managed to flee to the next safehouse located on the Murrow household.[3]


Janine is shocked when she sees Esther as a handmaid, being punished for refusing to eat. Janine meekly steps in to prevent Aunt Lydia from torturing the girl, suggesting that she can maybe get her to comply. Esther is very interested in what June is up to, but Janine hardens her voice as she tells her that she needs to stay alive so she can be here when things get better. The former Commander’s wife initially resists but eventually gives in and eats. Aunt Lydia is pleased with Janine’s efforts.

Season 5[]


Janine is shown tending to Esther as the Handmaids prepare for Commander Waterford’s wake at the Putnam’s house. Janine tells Esther to behave and all will be well. Esther says she wishes Janine could go with her. Janine tells Aunt Lydia that she thinks Esther will do good as a prospective Handmaid. At the Putnams’ residence, Esther complains about standing around. Janine reminds her to follow the rules and stay alive. Naomi Putnam is led in and introduced to Esther. Naomi comments on how Esther is very young and a former Wife. Aunt Lydia assures Naomi that this means Esther knows she is worthy of respect. Esther is led into Commander Putnam’s study where everyone else is kicked out leaving only Warren and Esther. Warren toys with her and feeds her chocolates. Esther is teary-eyed and clearly very uncomfortable with the situation. On the ride back to the Red Center Esther laments about having to be posted. Janine tells her that getting pregnant will make things easier because it is her only protection. Disgusted, Esther removes her hand from Janine’s but seemingly agrees. Back at the Red Center Janine says goodbye to Esther, who is supposedly soon to be posted. She tells Esther that pregnancy is a beautiful experience, to give her some hope. Esther reveals that she had smuggled some candy from  Commander Putnam’s study and shares them. As the two women eat the candies Esther’s mood turns dark as she coldly tells Janine that she hated her from the moment they met and that she is ‘one of them’, accusing Janine of using her to see Angela. Janine tells Esther she was just trying to help her stay alive like June helped her but Esther tells her she is not June, but a ‘disgrace’. As Esther says this she begins to choke violently, revealing that Esther poisoned the chocolates. Soon Janine and Esther begin to cough up blood, and are discovered by a horrified Aunt Lydia.


Esther is still comatose from her poisoning attempt. Lydia, overcome with grief and pent-up frustration, strikes the unconscious Esther before breaking down into sobs and wandering to the neighboring hospital room of Janine, sitting at her bedside and professing to God that she had only wanted to keep the Handmaids safe.


Esther is scheduled to undergo a hysterectomy when Lydia is informed by the doctor that it has been cancelled because Esther is three weeks pregnant. Lydia goes in to see Esther to ask how this happened. Esther says she didn’t do anything but that Warren had raped her. When Lydia touches Esther she becomes extremely aggressive and begins to scream, struggling against her restraints. Lydia, unsuccessfully trying to soothe her, calls for help.

Later, Warren is detained by Nick and Commander Lawrence under apostasy and rape charges. Warren insists he did nothing wrong because Esther was ‘his’, but he violated the system by raping Esther before she had been assigned to him, as Lawrence tells him. Nick shoots Warren point-blank in the forehead.


Season Four[]
  • «Pigs»
  • «Nightshade»
  • «Progress»
Season Five[]
  • “Ballet”
  • “Border” (No Lines)
  • “Together”


  • Her name mirrors the Biblical Esther, who is arranged to marry the King of Persia, similar to Esther’s arranged marriage to Commander Keyes.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Pigs
  2. 2.0 2.1 Nightshade
  3. «The Crossing»


The Handmaid’s Tale
Handmaids Alma | Brianna | Danielle | Dolores | Emily Malek | Erin | Greer Ladestro | Heather | Janine Lindo | June (film) | June Osborne | Maria Navarro | Moira Strand | Natalie | Ofandy | Ofcharles | Offred (Film) | Offred (Novel) | Offred’s predecessor | Ofgeorge | Lillie Fuller | Ofjohn | Oflyle | Ofmyles | Ofthomas | Oftim | Ofwyatt | Tyler |
Wives Mrs. Allston | Caroline | Mrs. Calhoun | Eleanor Lawrence | Emma Monroe | Esther Keyes |Grace Scott | Leah | Mrs. MacKenzie (Novel) | Naomi Putnam | Mrs. O’Conner | Olivia Winslow | Pamela | Commander Roy’s Wife | Serena Waterford | Sonia Cushing | Mrs. Webber
Marthas Martha 6715-301 | Alison | Beth | Cora(Novel) | Doris | Eun Jung Park | Frances | Dr. Hodgson | Maggie | Rita(Novel | Film) | Sienna | Zilla
Commanders Commander Andy Allston | Commander Bennett | Commander Nick Blaine | Commander Matthew Calhoun | Commander Derek Chambers | Commander Ray Cushing | Commander Davidson | Commander Glen Deeds | Commander Robert Ellis | Commander Grinnel | Commander Guthrie | Commander Horace | Commander Joseph Lawrence | Commander Logan | Commander MacKenzie | Commander Daniel Monroe | Commander Andrew Pryce | Commander Warren Putnam | Commander Roy | Commander Steven Scott | Commander Fred Waterford(Novel | Film) | Commander Webber | Commander Wells | High Commander George Winslow
Aunts Aunt Christina | Aunt Dylan | Aunt Elizabeth(Film) | Aunt Estée | Aunt Kimberly | Aunt Lydia(Novel | Film) | Aunt Margaret | Aunt Pauline | Aunt Sara | Aunt Sarah | Aunt Vidala | Aunt Wendy
Econopeople Boston Globe janitor | Butcher | Unnamed Doctor | Eden Blaine | Dr. Epstein | Heather | Omar | Mr. Spencer | Dr. Yates
Guardians Isaac | Jeremiah | Jonathan | Kyle | Nick Blaine
Unwomen Emily Malek | Fiona | Holly Maddox(Novel) | Janine Lindo | Kit | Mrs. O’Conner | Odette | Sally
Children Adam | Angela Putnam(Novel)| Becka | Caleb Lindo | Gavin | Hannah Bankole(Novel | Film) | Huldah | James | Nichole Osborne (Novel) | Oliver | Polly Winslow | Rebecca | Rose | Ryan | Shunammite
Non-Gilead Annie | Jim Thorne | Lucas Bankole | Noelle | Dr. Chung | Claudine Fournier | Daisy | Gavin | Genevieve | Jean | Kevin McConnell | Lena | Mark Tuello | Mattias | Oliver | Oona | Professor Pieixoto | Rachel Tapping | Sofia | Stuart Williston | Sylvia

Зрители нового сезона «Рассказа служанки» обратили внимание, что роль миссис Киз — жены одного из командоров — играет девушка, подозрительно похожая на Кирнан Шипку. На деле это была не она, а Маккенна Грейс — не менее талантливая актриса.

В свои 14 она успела стать номинанткой нескольких премий, сняться в перспективных фильмах и помочь в продвижении общественно важных инициатив. Рассказываем, что еще о ней известно.

Дебютировала как актриса в раннем детстве

Маккенна, выросшая в Грейпвайне, штат Техас, снялась в 7 лет в пилотном выпуске сериала «Джо, Джо и Джейн». Сразу после этого участвовала в работе над «Крэшем и Бернштейном» для Disney XD. Затем 2 года играла Фэйт Ньюман в «Молодых и дерзких».

Грейс с ранних лет знала, чем хочет заниматься. Когда Маккенне было 5 лет, бабушка подарила ей коллекцию фильмов с Ширли Темпл. Девочка вдохновилась лентами с юной актрисой и сама решила пойти по ее стопам.

Преподаватели по актерскому мастерству быстро обнаружили у нее талант, и совсем скоро Грейс заручилась поддержкой агента. Он подкидывал роли в рекламе, за ними последовали предложения попробовать себя в кино и сериалах. Так, Маккенна переехала вместе со всей семьей в Лос-Анджелес.

Тщательно готовится к ролям

В 2017 году Маккенна исполнила в «Одаренной» роль Мэри — девочки, которая разбирается в математике на уровне академика. Игра в этой ленте принесла ей две номинации на престижные премии, в том числе на Critics’ Choice Movie Awards.

Чтобы вжиться в образ, юная Грейс смотрела все фильмы о вундеркиндах, которые порекомендовал ей режиссер Марк Уэбб.

Я смотрела и «Бумажную луну», и «Крамера против Крамера», и «Я — Сэм» — он, кстати, мне очень понравился. Кроме того, я целый год изучала характер Мэри.

— вспоминала актриса.

Потом она устанавливала хорошие отношения с Крисом Эвансом, сыгравшим дядю Мэри. По сюжету его разлучала с племянницей жестокая бабушка девочки — она хотела вырастить из нее бездушного вундеркинда. Эванс и Грейс сделали все возможное, чтобы между ними на экране была неподдельная симпатия.

О, мы быстро сблизились. То и дело тусовались вместе и пели — и на съемках, и после них.

Любопытно, что снимаясь в кино, Маккенна успевает учиться. Работая над «Одаренной», она начала посещать мастерскую по письму и заниматься на дому вместе с репетиторами — это позволяет ей всесторонне развиваться.

Заботится о животных

Грейс вегетарианка. Кроме того, она уже сотрудничает с благотворительными фондами. Например, в 2017-м Маккенна помогала продвигать инициативу Farm Sanctuary «Позаботься об индейке». Эта программа посвящена защите птиц, которых ежегодно убивают ради празднования Дня Благодарения.

Индейки — отличные друзья. Они все милые и разные. Куда лучше заботиться о них, чем есть. Увы, в этом году 46 миллионов индеек оказались убиты ради Дня Благодарения — у них больше не будет права на достойную жизнь. Вот за это точно не стоит никого благодарить. Так что сделайте одолжение нашим общим друзьям-индейкам — держите их подальше от обеденного стола.

— заявляла Грейс.

Незадолго до этого она поддержала PETA, напомнив владельцам собак не оставлять питомцев в машинах в жаркое время года — это одна из главных причин их недомогания и гибели. Также Маккенна рассказала, почему решила стать вегетарианкой.

Мне плохо, когда животные страдают. Они очень милые и, на мой взгляд, не заслуживают пыток. Помните, животные — друзья, а не еда. Особенно это касается тех, кто завел кошку или собаку.

Не забывает о простых радостях

В свободное время Грейс любит гулять, читать и играть с питомцами. Она воспитывает двух собак — Зефирку и Малыша Единорога.

У Зефирки характер, как у сварливого старика. А Единорожка очень милый и радостный.

— говорит Маккенна.

Ее любимая книга — «Там, где папоротник красный» Уилсона Роулза. Грейс отмечала, что история о мальчике и его собаке оказалась такой трогательной, что актриса проплакала несколько часов. Кроме того, ей нравятся комиксы. Любимый герой Маккенны – Капитан Америка. Симпатия к нему усилилась, когда девочка сыграла в одной ленте с Крисом Эвансом.

Больше всего ей хотелось бы сыграть с Эммой Уотсон. Она покорила Грейс своими способностями и голосом в «Красавице и Чудовище».

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Esther has been MIA on The Handmaid’s Tale since episode 3, but season 5 reveals her fate. How did she become a Handmaid, and what’s next for her?

Split image of Esther Keyes and a group of handmaids in The Handmaid's Tale

How did Mrs. Esther Keyes (Mckenna Grace) become a Handmaid, and what’s next for her on The Handmaid’s Tale? Following June Osborne’s successful mission to get 86 children out of Gilead during The Handmaid’s Tale season 3 finale, she and her fellow Handmaids take refuge at the farm of 14-year-old Esther and her husband, Commander Keyes. During the Handmaids’ time at the farm, the Mrs. Keyes Handmaids Tale character becomes enamored of June, who she hopes will rescue her from her current circumstances. June and The Handmaid’s Tale Mrs. Keyes character forge a bond born out of their shared history of sexual abuse and violent impulses. June promises to bring the Esther Handmaid’s Tale character with her during episode 3, «The Crossing,» but when Guardians raid the farm, the girl is left to deal with the repercussions of helping June and her friends.

In episode 9, «Progress,» Janine, who has been doing manual labor at the Red Center since Commander Lawrence gave her to Aunt Lydia, discovers the Mrs. Keyes Handmaid’s Tale character is now a Handmaid. Women who break the law in Gilead are either executed, sent to the Colonies, physically mutilated, work as prostitutes, or become Handmaids (sometimes enduring multiple torments). Since the Handmaid’s Tale Mrs. Keyes character is young and presumably fertile, it makes sense Gilead wouldn’t waste a womb, especially since the country just lost 86 children. The series doesn’t offer details regarding Esther’s journey from a Commander’s wife to Aunt Lydia’s newest charge. Was she tortured for information? Did the Esther Handmaid’s Tale character stand trial? Hopefully, these things will be addressed in season 6, but the answers to these questions, as well as insight into Esther’s life before she meets June, would make for a rich backstory told through the flashbacks used to give more context to June and other central characters.

What Happened To Esther In Season 5?

Esther and Janine in Handmaid's Tale Season 4 Episode 1

The Esther Handmaid’s Tale character appears in three episodes of season 5, and her journey only gets darker as time goes on. After the murder of Commander Waterford at the hands of June and the other Handmaids, Esther is charged with helping prepare for his wake. She goes to the Putnam’s residence with Janine and Aunt Lydia, where she meets the formidable Naomi Putnam. Later, she is led to Warren Putnam’s study where she is left alone with him. He toys with the young girl and hand-feeds her chocolates, making her teary-eyed and visibly uncomfortable. She goes back to the Red Center, where she expresses to Janine her displeasure of having to be posted, but Janine tries to tell her that pregnancy is a beautiful experience.

The Mrs. Keyes Handmaid’s Tale character then reveals that she snuck away some chocolate from Putnam’s study, and shares them with Janine. The scene soon turns ugly when Esther tells Janine that she’s always hated her, and accuses her of using her to try and get to Angela. Not a moment later, Esther starts choking on the chocolates, causing Janine to realize that she had poisoned them. Aunt Lydia discovers the two coughing up blood, and Esther goes into a coma. She is visited by Aunt Lydia in the hospital, who slaps her unconscious body silly out of frustration, and then goes to the neighboring room to visit Janine. Aunt Lydia prays over Janine’s body, swearing to God that she was only trying to protect the Handmaids.

Eventually Esther comes to. The Handmaid’s Tale Mrs. Keyes character is scheduled to have a hysterectomy, only for the doctors to find out that she’s three weeks pregnant. Aunt Lydia proceeds to fiercely question the Handmaid, when Esther finally admits that she’s pregnant because she was raped by Warren Putnam. Aunt Lydia attempts to soothe her charge, but upon touching her, Esther becomes violent against her restraints and begins to scream bloody murder. Later, Warren Putnam is taken into custody by Nick and Commander Lawrence. When they question him about Esther’s alleged rape in The Handmaid’s Tale season 5, he admits to the crime, but doesn’t consider it to be one since he believes Esther was «his.» Lawrence tells Putnam that he’s guilty because he took Esther before she was officially given to him, and Nick shoots Putnam in the head. There’s no telling what further atrocities Esther will face in The Handmaid’s Tale season 6, but like all the Handmaids, her ending probably won’t be a happy one.

Next: Handmaid’s Tale S5 Ending Proves It Pulls Off The Hardest Timeline Trick

Esther has been MIA on The Handmaid’s Tale since episode 3, but season 5 reveals her fate. How did she become a Handmaid, and what’s next for her?

Split image of Esther Keyes and a group of handmaids in The Handmaid's Tale

How did Mrs. Esther Keyes (Mckenna Grace) become a Handmaid, and what’s next for her on The Handmaid’s Tale? Following June Osborne’s successful mission to get 86 children out of Gilead during The Handmaid’s Tale season 3 finale, she and her fellow Handmaids take refuge at the farm of 14-year-old Esther and her husband, Commander Keyes. During the Handmaids’ time at the farm, the Mrs. Keyes Handmaids Tale character becomes enamored of June, who she hopes will rescue her from her current circumstances. June and The Handmaid’s Tale Mrs. Keyes character forge a bond born out of their shared history of sexual abuse and violent impulses. June promises to bring the Esther Handmaid’s Tale character with her during episode 3, «The Crossing,» but when Guardians raid the farm, the girl is left to deal with the repercussions of helping June and her friends.

In episode 9, «Progress,» Janine, who has been doing manual labor at the Red Center since Commander Lawrence gave her to Aunt Lydia, discovers the Mrs. Keyes Handmaid’s Tale character is now a Handmaid. Women who break the law in Gilead are either executed, sent to the Colonies, physically mutilated, work as prostitutes, or become Handmaids (sometimes enduring multiple torments). Since the Handmaid’s Tale Mrs. Keyes character is young and presumably fertile, it makes sense Gilead wouldn’t waste a womb, especially since the country just lost 86 children. The series doesn’t offer details regarding Esther’s journey from a Commander’s wife to Aunt Lydia’s newest charge. Was she tortured for information? Did the Esther Handmaid’s Tale character stand trial? Hopefully, these things will be addressed in season 6, but the answers to these questions, as well as insight into Esther’s life before she meets June, would make for a rich backstory told through the flashbacks used to give more context to June and other central characters.

What Happened To Esther In Season 5?

Esther and Janine in Handmaid's Tale Season 4 Episode 1

The Esther Handmaid’s Tale character appears in three episodes of season 5, and her journey only gets darker as time goes on. After the murder of Commander Waterford at the hands of June and the other Handmaids, Esther is charged with helping prepare for his wake. She goes to the Putnam’s residence with Janine and Aunt Lydia, where she meets the formidable Naomi Putnam. Later, she is led to Warren Putnam’s study where she is left alone with him. He toys with the young girl and hand-feeds her chocolates, making her teary-eyed and visibly uncomfortable. She goes back to the Red Center, where she expresses to Janine her displeasure of having to be posted, but Janine tries to tell her that pregnancy is a beautiful experience.

The Mrs. Keyes Handmaid’s Tale character then reveals that she snuck away some chocolate from Putnam’s study, and shares them with Janine. The scene soon turns ugly when Esther tells Janine that she’s always hated her, and accuses her of using her to try and get to Angela. Not a moment later, Esther starts choking on the chocolates, causing Janine to realize that she had poisoned them. Aunt Lydia discovers the two coughing up blood, and Esther goes into a coma. She is visited by Aunt Lydia in the hospital, who slaps her unconscious body silly out of frustration, and then goes to the neighboring room to visit Janine. Aunt Lydia prays over Janine’s body, swearing to God that she was only trying to protect the Handmaids.

Eventually Esther comes to. The Handmaid’s Tale Mrs. Keyes character is scheduled to have a hysterectomy, only for the doctors to find out that she’s three weeks pregnant. Aunt Lydia proceeds to fiercely question the Handmaid, when Esther finally admits that she’s pregnant because she was raped by Warren Putnam. Aunt Lydia attempts to soothe her charge, but upon touching her, Esther becomes violent against her restraints and begins to scream bloody murder. Later, Warren Putnam is taken into custody by Nick and Commander Lawrence. When they question him about Esther’s alleged rape in The Handmaid’s Tale season 5, he admits to the crime, but doesn’t consider it to be one since he believes Esther was «his.» Lawrence tells Putnam that he’s guilty because he took Esther before she was officially given to him, and Nick shoots Putnam in the head. There’s no telling what further atrocities Esther will face in The Handmaid’s Tale season 6, but like all the Handmaids, her ending probably won’t be a happy one.

Next: Handmaid’s Tale S5 Ending Proves It Pulls Off The Hardest Timeline Trick

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