Рассказ служанки где снимали

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Сериал Hulu — десятая адаптация романа канадской писательницы Маргарет Этвуд, опубликованного в 1985 году. Первый спектакль показали на сцене частного исследовательского университета Тафтса в 1989-м. В 2000 году Пол Рудерс представил в Копенгагене оперу, а в 2002 году Брендон Бернс поставил свой спектакль в лондонском Королевском театре Хеймаркет. Адаптацией произведения для балета занималась Лиа Йорк, премьера состоялась в 2013 году. Роман Этвуд подошел и для моно-спектакля, который придумал и представил в США Джозеф Столленверк в 2015 году.

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В 1990 году немецкий кинорежиссер Фолькер Шлендорф экранизировал «Служанку» с Наташей Ричардсон, Фэй Данауэй и Робертом Дювалем. Кроме того, по книге сделаны аудиокнига, музыкальный альбом и два радиоспектакля. Первый — режиссера Джона Драйдена для BBC Radio 4 — слушателям представили в 2000 году. Вторым занималось канадское радио CBC в 2002 году под руководством сценариста и драматурга Майкла О’Брайена.

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У романа есть продолжение и оно выйдет осенью 2019 года. Маргарет Этвуд не планировала развивать историю: действие первой книги завершается более чем идеально. Однако в 2018 году стало известно, что Этвуд активно работает над сиквелом, который будет называться The Testaments («Свидетельства»). Читатель вернется в Гилеад спустя 15 лет после событий первой части, а повествование будет вестись от лица трех женщин.

Маргарет Этвуд

Маргарет Этвуд

© Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for Hammer Museum

Несмотря на то, что действие романа «Рассказ служанки» разворачивается в недалеком будущем в Новой Англии, Этвуд неоднократно приходилось уточнять, что ее произведение не имеет отношения к научной фантастике. Напротив, при создании романа автор старалась привнести в сюжет события, которые происходили в различных обществах в разные времена.

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Автор романа получила камео в сериале. В потоке ужасающих сюжетных событий и на фоне яркого актерского выхода Энн Дауд сложно было заметить еще одну строгую надзирательницу над служанками, с седыми волосами и острым взглядом. Это и была Маргарет Этвуд. В пилотном эпизоде ей пришлось наказать непокорную Фредову (Джун) пощечиной. Писательница сама хотела сыграть «тетку», а вот пощечина была идеей создателя сериала — Брюса Миллера.

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Движение #MeToo подтолкнуло развитие сюжета, который порвал с книжным первоисточником после финала 1-го сезона. Удел женщин, оказавшихся в плену республики Гилеад, — страдания. Брюс Миллер проводит своих героинь через настоящие пытки — физические и, что страшнее, психологические.

Брюс Миллер

Брюс Миллер

© Christopher Polk/Getty Images for The Critics’ Choice Awards

По словам сценариста, судьба главного персонажа Джун Осборн не получилась бы убедительной, если бы не современные женщины, объединившиеся в движение #MeToo. Вдохновение здесь работает в обе стороны: реальные события вдохновляют и подпитывают Джун в мире сериала. В то же время образ его главной героини давно стал примером мужества для всех поклонниц «Служанки».

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«Рассказ служанки» никогда не транслировался на телеканалах. Это целиком продукт стримингового сервиса Hulu, и посмотреть сериал поклонники могут только онлайн. Однако это не помешало организаторам премии «Эмми» отметить достоинства шоу. «Служанка» стала первым стриминговым сериалом, получившим в 2017 году премии в четырех категориях, в том числе как лучшее драматическое произведение. Это уникальный случай, учитывая, что Netflix годами боролся за награды для своих сериалов, а Hulu с его антиутопическим кошмаром моментально удалось получить исключительные привилегии.

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Один из центральных персонажей — начальник службы охраны командора Ник — в книге фигурировал без фамилии. Авторы сериала решили это исправить и назвали его Блейн. Внимательный зритель, заметив эту фамилию, вспомнит о Рике Блейне — протагонисте ленты «Касабланка». Герой Хамфри Богарта помогал «пленникам» Касабланки покинуть город, то же самое пытается провернуть и герой Макса Мингеллы в Гилеаде.

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Белоснежные «крылышки» — отличительный элемент гардероба служанок наряду с красными плащами и платьями в пол — крайне неудобный головной убор. Актрисы признавались, что он радикально ограничивает угол зрения и практически ослепляет: если хочешь что-то увидеть, смотреть приходится только прямо перед собой.

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Художник по костюмам Эн Крэбтри рассказала, что «крылышки» помогают отразить «психологическое, физическое и эмоциональное заключение служанок» Гилеада. Элизабет Мосс, исполняющая роль Джун, провела много времени вместе с партнерами по площадке, разучивая ритм шагов служанок, чтобы в кадре спокойно передвигаться группами и не сталкиваться друг с другом.

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Актриса Аманда Бругел, исполняющая роль марфы Риты в доме командора Фреда Уотерфорда, в юности была поклонницей романа Маргарет Этвуд. Бругел прочла книгу в старших классах и испытала нечто вроде шока, оправившись от которого написала итоговую научную работу на основе «Рассказа служанки». Труд о героине романа Рите обеспечил Бругел стипендию на получение высшего образования.

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Продюсерам пришлось пренебречь одной из важных деталей романа из-за дайверсити-тренда — требований расового и этнического разнообразия в кино. В книге среди жестокостей правительства Гилеада было изгнание всех представителей «не белой» расы, поэтому население республики было однородным. Однако Брюс Миллер так и не смог представить, как показать подобное положение дел, учитывая современные общественные тенденции.

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«Будет ли разница между телешоу о расизме и «расистским сериалом», если в обоих случаях роли не достанутся «цветным» актерам?» — так спрашивал себя продюсер. В итоге зверства сериального Гилеада обошли стороной национальный вопрос и сосредоточились на религиозных и политических аспектах.

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Поклонники воспринимают сюжетные повороты в сериале и героев слишком лично. Отчасти это происходит потому, что зрителю не составляет труда отыскать общее между вымыслом — Гилеадом — и реальностью, Америкой эпохи Трампа. Выход нового сезона снова резонирует с общественно-политическими событиями в США. Сопротивление в сериале развернется на фоне борьбы американок за право на аборты и историй о том, как разлучают детей и родителей на границе с Мексикой.

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Рассказывая о 3-м сезоне, исполнительница главной роли Элизабет Мосс попыталась объяснить поступок своей героини в конце 2-го. Решения Джун раздражают многих поклонников. Весь год, пока велись съемки нового сезона, фанаты «Служанки» пытались простить Джун ее демарш с побегом в Канаду — у нее был шанс завершить свои испытания, но она сознательно его упустила, и теперь будет готовить революцию в Гилеаде. «Она должна быть не только сильнее и умнее своих противников, но и жестче, — объясняла Мосс, призывая поклонников разделить с Джун долгое и мучительное путешествие. — Она немного сходит с ума, но в этом безумии способна делать то, что другие не могут. Она способна совершать поступки ради общего блага». 

Закончился ужасающий 2-ой сезон «Рассказа служанки», но вы можете передохнуть от сердечного приступа. Перед вами все мельчайшие подробности, которые нужно знать об удостоенном премии Emmy хите от Hulu.

  1. Маргарет Этвуд сыграла эпизодическую роль в первом сезоне.

    30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

    Маргарет Этвуд сыграла эпизодическую роль в первом сезоне. Автор одноименной книги «Рассказ служанки», на которой, собственно, и основан сериал, сыграла маленькую эпизодическую роль. Она была теткой, которая ударила Оффред в пилоте сериала.

    1. Все ужасные вещи основаны на реальных событиях.

    30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

    Мрачное будущее, описанное в «Рассказе служанке» тяжело представить в реальном мире. Однако Этвуд сказала, что в процессе написания книги она поставила своей задачей правдоподобно запечатлеть всевозможные жестокие преступления, которые люди исторически совершали по отношению друг к другу. «Я создала для себя правило: я бы не стала включать в рассказ то, что люди еще не совершили в каком-то месте или в какое-то время, или то, для чего еще не существовало технологий, – написала она в 2012 году в своей статье для The Guardian. – Я не хочу, чтобы меня обвиняли во мракобесии, извращенных выдумках или в неправильном представлении человеческого стремления к скверному поведению».

    1. Дизайн комнаты Оффред выполнен так, чтобы сделать акцент на той жизни, которую она потеряла.

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    Художница-постановщик, Джули Бергхофф рассказала, что комната Оффред отражает жизнь, которой у нее больше нет. «Мы поставили там письменный стол, но она же не может писать!, – объясняет Бергхофф. – Поэтому стол – это просто след, пережиток, некое напоминание: «Ооо, я когда-то была писательницей, редактором. А сейчас я даже не могу сесть и что-либо написать».

    1. Исполнительница главной роли, Элизабет Мосс снимается без макияжа.

    30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

    Мосс призналась, что не красится во время съемок. Брюс Миллер, исполнительный продюсер и главный сценарист посчитал, что это позволит игре быть более реалистичной. Таким образом заметно даже малейшее содрогание. «Если я бледнела или краснела, мерзла, зритель видел это. И мы снимали мое лицо очень, очень крупным планом».

    1. Телешоу связано с Бейонсе.

    30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

    Рид Морано, которая сняла первые три эпизода первого сезона «Рассказа служанки», работала над альбомом Бейонсе Lemonade.

    1. У автора книги, Маргарет Этвуд была определенная причина сделать Америку местом действия сюжета.

    30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

    Несмотря на то, что Этвуд канадка, она перенесла место действия «Рассказа служанки» в Соединенные Штаты Америки. Этвуд уверена, что Канада точно бы «не стала бы поощрять крайнее проявление тоталитарного режима». «В Квебеке сопротивление было бы очень сильным, – сказала она в интервью. – Канада исторически была местом, куда все бежали. Поэтому все стремятся туда и в «Рассказе служанки». Люди бегут туда сейчас, следуя историческому ходу событий».

    1. Но шоу снято в Канаде.

    30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

    Попробуй догадайся, правда же?

    1. Командор и его жена Серена Джой – похитители произведений искусства.

    30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

    Если вы обратили внимание, на стенах в доме Командора и Серены Джой висят очень красивые и очень знаменитые картины, которые, следует отметить, не являются копиями или репродукциями. «Мы вообразили, будто они, пользуясь случаем и положением, пробрались в Бостонский музей современного искусства и украли все свои любимые картины, – рассказала художница-постановщик, Джули Бергхофф. – Серена Джой – акварелист и она любит природу, поэтому она выбрала произведения Моне».

    1. Настоящее имя Оффред никогда не упоминается в книге.

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    Кинокомпания Hulu открыто разоблачает настоящее имя Оффред – Джун. В книге же все совсем по другому, ее настоящее имя остается  загадкой. Впрочем, в книге есть одна сцена, в которой упоминается имя «Джун». Поэтому многие читатели предположили, что это и есть настоящее имя Оффред, а Hulu решили этим воспользоваться. На что писательница Маргарет Этвуд сказала: «У меня не было намерения, чтобы все подумали, что Джун – это настоящее имя Оффред. Но она была бы не против, чтобы использовали именно это имя».

    1. Мойра в книге на самом деле светлокожая.

    30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

    В книге все цветные, в соответствии с расистским режимом, действующим на территории Гилеада, вывезены на Средний Запад. Продюсеры шоу посчитали, что такое положение дел не подойдет для телеэкрана. Исполнительный продюсер Брюс Миллер сказал, что у продюсеров телесериала был «долгий разговор с Этвуд» и все ради того, чтобы поменять эту деталь. Он объяснил намерение вернуть темнокожих в Гилеад тем, «то все это легко читать на страницах книги, но видеть каждый раз на экране очень тяжело». Он также добавил: «Скажите честно, в чем разница между созданием ТВ шоу о расистах и созданием расистского ТВ шоу? Не лучше ли полностью сосредоточиться на истории Оффред, чем рассказывать историю темнокожих, которых сослали в Небраску?»
    Актриса Самира Уайли, сыгравшая Мойру, рассказала о реакции фанатов на изменение цвета кожи своей героини: «Есть люди, которые думают, что это замечательная идея и что это круто, и есть те – я не знаю, давайте назовем их просто, «пуристы», которые не рады изменениям в истории».

           11.    В книге ничего не говорится о сексуальной ориентации Эмили (Офглен).

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Другой персонаж, который был изменен в телевизионной версии истории, это Эмили в исполнении Алексис Бледел. Сексуальная ориентация Эмили и ее брак с другой женщиной были добавлены для телешоу, но автор книги Маргарет Этвуд считает, что такие изменения только улучшают историю и делают ее более подходящей для современной аудитории: «Мы не могли сказать такое в 1985. Вас бы просто не поняли. Люди о таком не говорили. Но говорят сейчас».

                 12.    Командор и Серена Джой в сериале намного моложе, чем в книге.

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Другое значительное изменение в персонажах, сделанное для ТВ-адаптации, это возраст пары, у которых живет Оффред. В книге Командор и Серена Джой очень старые. В телешоу же они намного моложе. Исполнительный продюсер объяснил, что это решение было принято специально для того, чтобы Серена и Оффред стали «соперницами». Еще одна причина омоложения этой пары кроется в желании показать, как плохо приходится женщинам в Гилеаде.

13.      Самое сложное было создать продуктовый магазин.

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Так как чтение запрещено законом в Гилеаде, все этикетки на еде в магазине должны были содержать картинки. Вся забота о создании этих символов выпала на команду продакшн-дизайнеров. «Продуктовый магазин был, наверное, одной из самых тяжелых съемочных площадок, потому что нам пришлось изготавливать каждую этикетку», – объяснила художница-постановщик Джули Бергхофф. – Моя команда графических дизайнеров с трудом создала сотни этикеток, а потом еще и приклеивала их на продукты».

     14. Продуктовый магазин также являлся самым жутким местом съемок для некоторых актеров.

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Во одном из интервью исполнительница роли Мойры, Самира Уайли поделилась, что сцены в продуктовом магазине были самыми нервирующими для нее просто по той причине, что они напоминали зрителям, насколько все происходящее в сериале отражает современную жизнь.
«Когда служанки идут в магазин, они попадают не в какое-то старинное место, – сказала она. – Это шопинг центр, который выглядит так же как и те, куда мы ходим сейчас. Я думаю, все эти детали делают происходящее в сериале еще более жутким. Ведь это такой же мир, в котором мы живем сейчас».

15. Одежда служанок красная по нескольким причинам.

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В очерке для New York Times писательница Маргарет Этвуд объяснила символизм красных костюмов служанок: «Служанки носят красное, потому что они истекают кровью при родах, а также потому, что красное носила Мария Магдалина. Также красный легко заметить, когда кто-то собрался бежать».

16. Костюмы жен тоже символичны.

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В том же самом очерке для New York Times Этвуд добавила, что костюмы жен тоже полны символизма: «Жены одеваются в непорочный синий, который уходит истоками к Деве Марии».

17.   Цвета костюмов задали всю палитру телешоу.

30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

Художница-постановщик Джули Бергхофф рассказала, что комната Оффред сделана белой, чтобы напоминать лечебницу, в то время как хоромы Серены Джой декорированы богатым голубым цветом. «Нам представилась возможность работать с цветами кастовой системы. Почти каждая комната была разработана мной специально для определенного персонажа».

18.  Даже имя Оффред символично.

30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

Говоря об многочисленных слоях символизма в книге и в сериале, нельзя не упомянуть, что имя Оффред – очередной из этих слоев. «Это имя состоит из имени мужчины – Фред – и префикса, обозначающего принадлежность к чему-то. Это как «de» на французском или «von» на немецком, или как суффикс «son», который встречается в британских фамилиях, например, Уилльямсон, – объяснила Этвуд. – В этом имени также скрыта другая интерпретация: «offered», что означает религиозное жертвоприношение или самопожертвование».

    19.      Антиутопия «Рассказа служанки» вдохновлена пуританами.

30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

Автор книги Маргарет Этвуд рассказала, что на идею описания тоталитарного правительства ее вдохновили американские пуритане: «Перри Миллер (основоположник изучения пуританской идеологии – ред.) – один из тех, кому посвящается моя книга. Благодаря его трудам я изучила американских пуритан в малейших деталях. Корни тоталитаризма в Америке найдены в теократии 17 века. Роман «Алая Буква», на мой взгляд, ушел не так далеко от «Рассказа служанки» в описании американского пуританства».

20. Книга «Рассказ служанки» обязана своим названием другой известной книге.

30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

Этвуд подтвердила, что первоначальное название книги было «Оффред», то есть просто имя главной героини. «Однако, в процессе написания все новых глав я остановилась на «Рассказе служанки». Отчасти новое название отдает честь Чосеру, который написал «Кентерберийские рассказы». С другой стороны, это отсылка к народным сказаниям и легендам. История, рассказанная главной героиней для потомков или удаленного от нее слушателя, кажется невероятной и фантастичной. Точно так же, как истории рассказанные теми, кто выжил в леденящих кровь событиях», – объяснила она.

21. Книга была адаптирована под успешную оперу…

Опера датского композитора Пола Рудерса стала хитом. Все началось с того, что он связался с Маргарет Этвуд и сказал ей, что если он не сможет написать оперу, основанную на ее книге, то никогда больше не будет писать музыку. «Рассказ служанки» отлично подходил для моей оперы, потому что в нем есть драма, – вспоминает он. – Эта книга наполнена человеческими эмоциями. А опера для меня – это взаимоотношения между людьми. Любовь и ненависть, надежда и предательство – все довольно просто».

Этвуд понравилось то, что вышло из их сотрудничества: «Это очень сильная постановка. Никакой рафинированности. Довольно много насилия, ощущение как будто кто-то хватает тебя сзади за шею. Ну и конечно, для меня было немножко шоком видеть «Рассказ служанки» в опере».

  1.  …а также под не совсем удачный фильм.

В 1990 «Рассказ служанки» был адаптирован под кинофильм. Наташа Ричардсон сыграла Оффред (чье настоящее имя в этой версии было Кейт), Фэй Данауэй – Серену Джой. Фильм получил плохие отзывы и не окупил в прокате потраченные на съемки деньги.

Этвуд консультировала сценаристов фильма, но по ее словам, сценарий изначально не отражал ее видение истории и к ней никто не прислушивался: «Мне позволили сделать всего несколько правок. Например, я могла посоветовать: «Американцы бы не стали говорить «крем для рук». Они бы сказали «лосьон для рук». Вот на таком уровне и был весь мой вклад в этот сценарий!»

23.   Клэр Дейнс рассказывает аудиокнигу.

30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

Чтобы развлечься в вашей следующей поездке.

  1.   Продюсеры специально установили временные рамки.

30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

Продюсеры хотели, чтобы события в сериале происходили в 2017 году, и зрители понимали это. Поэтому, в сериале есть отсылки к таким вещам как Убер-такси и онлайн-шопинг. «Мы хотели, чтобы осознание факта, что такое может произойти в современности, внушало ужас, – поделился Брюс Миллер, исполнительный продюсер и главный сценарист. – Мы усовершенствовали книгу, сделав ее современной во всех смыслах».

  1.  Элизабет Мосс отнеслась к закадровому голосу Оффред очень серьезно.

30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

История рассказывается от лица Оффред, и то, как ее рассказывают, имеет большое значение. Мосс учила наизусть весь закадровый диалог и прогоняла его у себя в голове, пока снимали соответствующую сцену. Так что у нее, определенно, была возможность стать Оффред!

26.  Кабинет Командора представляет собой все, что было под запретом для женщин.

30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

«Книги, искусство, искусство сексуального характера, алкоголь. Он играет в Скрэббл, и я уверена, если бы он курил, то делал бы это в окружении других командоров в своем кабинете, – объяснила художница-постановщик Джули Бергхофф. – Я также обыграла тот факт, что общество Гилеада стремится возвратиться к своим корням – как в свое время пуритане».

27.  В «Рассказе служанки» даже потолки имеют определенное значение.

30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

«Было очень забавно работать с потолками для этого проекта, – рассказала Бергхофф. – Обычно, я не придаю особого значения потолкам, но в одной из серий есть целая сцена, где Оффред смотрит на потолок». Потолок в офисе Командора и правда очень интересный. «У меня было ощущение, что это своего рода дартс для него. Он мог, сидя на стуле, бросать дротики в потолок и говорить что-то вроде «О, мы захватили Флориду», – добавила она.

  1.  Выборы 2016 года повлияли на отношение актеров к шоу.

30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

«Возвращение к шоу (сразу после выборов) происходило примерно так: «О боже, на нас теперь лежит еще больше ответственности, чтобы сделать это шоу безупречным и показать ту сплоченность, которая должна была быть», – поделилась Самира Уайли, исполнительница роли Мойры.

  1.  Но шоу «Рассказ служанки» – это не ответная реакция на итог выборов 2016 года.

30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

«Меня иногда спрашивают, не было ли шоу ответной реакцией на выборы. На что я отвечаю, что мы начали его снимать еще до них», – говорит исполнительница главной роли Элизабет Мосс.

  1. Элизабет Мосс по-настоящему нравилось носить свой костюм.

30 вещей, которые вы не знали о «Рассказе служанки»

«Было всего два пункта, которые были важны для меня в костюме моей героини. Первое – это удобство, потому что я знала, что ей придется носить его до смерти. Второе, чтобы мне самой хотелось надевать его каждый день. Благодаря Анн Крабтри, нашему дизайнеру по костюмам, я получила все, чего хотела, в избытке».
«Говорить, что ты любила что-то, представляющее собой нечто плохое, странно. Но несмотря на все, я действительно любила это платье. Я серьезно его любила. Оно заставляет тебя двигаться иначе. Оно заставляет тебя стоять иначе. Оно заставляет тебя чувствовать себя совсем по-другому, не так, как ты чувствуешь себя, надев обычные джинсы».

Автор: Harper’s BAZAAR; перевод: Алия Байсарина.
Читайте также: Почему «Рассказ служанки» и «Большая маленькая ложь» получили рекордное количество статуэток Золотой Глобус
The Handmaid’s Tale
The Handmaid's Tale intertitle.png
  • Tragedy[1][2]
  • Dystopia
Created by Bruce Miller
Based on The Handmaid’s Tale
by Margaret Atwood
  • Elisabeth Moss
  • Joseph Fiennes
  • Yvonne Strahovski
  • Alexis Bledel
  • Madeline Brewer
  • Ann Dowd
  • O-T Fagbenle
  • Max Minghella
  • Samira Wiley
  • Amanda Brugel
  • Bradley Whitford
  • Sam Jaeger
Composer Adam Taylor
Country of origin United States
Original language English
No. of seasons 5
No. of episodes 56 (list of episodes)
Executive producers
  • Bruce Miller
  • Warren Littlefield
  • Reed Morano
  • Daniel Wilson
  • Fran Sears
  • Ilene Chaiken
  • Elisabeth Moss
  • Mike Barker
  • Eric Tuchman
  • Yahlin Chang
  • Sheila Hockin
  • John Weber
  • Frank Siracusa
  • Dorothy Fortenberry
  • Marissa Jo Cerar (supervising producer)
  • Nina Fiore
  • John Herrera
  • Kim Todd
  • Joseph Boccia
  • Lisa Clapperton (associate producer)
  • Margaret Atwood (consulting producer)
Production locations
  • Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Colin Watkinson
  • Zoë White
  • Stuart Biddlecombe
  • Nicola Daley
  • Stuart Campbell
Running time 41–65 minutes
Production companies
  • Daniel Wilson Productions, Inc.
  • The Littlefield Company
  • White Oak Pictures
  • Toluca Pictures
  • MGM Television
Distributor MGM Television
Original network Hulu
Picture format
  • 4K (2:1 UHDTV)[3]
  • Dolby Vision[4]
Audio format
  • Stereo (Hulu)
  • 5.1 surround sound (Blu-ray, digital purchase)
Original release April 26, 2017 –

The Handmaid’s Tale is an American dystopian television series created by Bruce Miller, based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Canadian author Margaret Atwood. The series was ordered by the streaming service Hulu as a straight-to-series order of 10 episodes, for which production began in late 2016. The plot features a dystopia following a Second American Civil War wherein a theonomic, totalitarian society subjects fertile women, called «Handmaids», to child-bearing slavery.[5][6]

The first three episodes of the series premiered on April 26, 2017; the subsequent seven episodes were released every Wednesday. In July 2019, the series was renewed for a fourth season,[7] which premiered on April 27, 2021.[8] In September 2019, it was announced that Hulu and MGM were developing a sequel series, to be based on Atwood’s 2019 novel The Testaments.[9] In December 2020, ahead of the fourth season premiere, the series was renewed for a fifth season,[10] which premiered on September 14, 2022.[11] In September 2022, ahead of the fifth season premiere, the series was renewed for a sixth and final season.[12]

The Handmaid’s Tales first season won eight Primetime Emmy Awards from 13 nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series. It is the first show produced by Hulu to win a major award as well as the first series on a streaming service to win an Emmy for Outstanding Series.[13] It also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series – Drama. Elisabeth Moss was also awarded the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series and the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Television Drama Series.


In a world where fertility rates have collapsed as a result of sexually transmitted diseases and environmental pollution,[14] the totalitarian, theonomic government of Gilead establishes rule in the former United States in the aftermath of a civil war.[15][16][17][5] Society is organized by power-hungry leaders along with a new, militarized, hierarchical régime of religious fanaticism and newly created social classes, in which women are brutally subjugated. By law, women in Gilead are forced to work in very limited roles, including some as natal slaves, and they are not allowed to own property, have careers, handle money, or read.[17]

Worldwide infertility has led to the enslavement of fertile women in Gilead determined by the new régime to be fallen women, citing an extremist interpretation of the Biblical account of Bilhah. These women often include those who have entered marriages following divorce (termed «adulteresses», as divorce is not recognized under Gileadian law), single or unmarried mothers, lesbians (homosexuals being termed «gender traitors»), non-Christians, adherents of Christian denominations other than the «Sons of Jacob», political dissidents, and academics.[17]

These women, called Handmaids, are assigned to the homes of the ruling elite, where they must submit to ritualized rape (referred to as «the ceremony») by their male masters («Commanders») in the presence of their wives, to be impregnated and bear children for them.[17] Handmaids are given names created by the addition of the prefix Of- to the first name of the man who has them. When they are transferred, their names are changed.

Along with the Handmaids, much of society is now grouped into classes that dictate their freedoms and duties. Women are divided into a small range of social categories, each one signified by a plain dress in a specific color. Handmaids wear long red dresses, heavy brown boots and white coifs, with a headcovering surrounded by a larger white coif (known as «wings») to be worn outside, concealing them from public view and restricting their vision.

June Osborne, renamed Offred, is the Handmaid assigned to the home of the Gileadan Commander Fred Waterford and his wife Serena Joy. The Waterfords, key players in the formation and rise of Gilead, struggle with the realities of the society they helped create. During «the time before», June was married to Luke and had a daughter, Hannah.

At the beginning of the story, while attempting to flee Gilead with her husband and daughter, June was captured and forced to become a Handmaid because of the adultery she and her husband committed. June’s daughter was taken and given to an upper-class family to raise, and her husband escaped into Canada. Much of the plot revolves around June’s desire to be reunited with her husband and daughter and the internal evolution of her strength to its somewhat darker version.

Cast and characters[edit]


  • Elisabeth Moss as June Osborne / Offred / Ofjoseph #2, a woman who was captured while attempting to escape to Canada with her husband, Luke, and daughter, Hannah. Because Luke is divorced, their union is considered adulterous in this new society. June is considered an adulteress and their daughter, Hannah, is deemed illegitimate. Due to June’s fertility, she is made a Handmaid to Commander Fred Waterford and his wife Serena Joy, and is called «Offred»; later she becomes handmaid to Commander Joseph Lawrence and is called «Ofjoseph».
  • Joseph Fiennes as Commander Fred Waterford (seasons 1–4), a high-ranking government official, and June’s first master. Both he and his wife were instrumental in Gilead’s founding.
  • Yvonne Strahovski as Serena Joy Waterford, Fred’s wife, and a former conservative cultural activist. She appears to have accepted her new role in a society that she helped create. She is poised and deeply religious, but capable of great cruelty and is often callous to June. She is desperate to become a mother.
  • Alexis Bledel as Dr. Emily Malek / Ofglen #1 / Ofsteven / Ofroy / Ofjoseph #1 (seasons 1–4), a former university professor in cellular biology and initially June’s shopping partner. Although June is initially wary of her, it is revealed she is not as pious as she seems, and the two become friends. Emily is involved with and first informs June of Mayday, an underground resistance movement. She has a wife and son living in Canada.
  • Madeline Brewer as Janine Lindo / Ofwarren / Ofdaniel / Ofhoward / Ofjoseph # 3, a Handmaid who entered the Red Center for training at the same time as June, and considers June a friend due to her kind treatment. Initially non-compliant, Janine has her right eye removed as a punishment. She becomes mentally unstable due to her treatment and often behaves in temperamental or childlike ways. Before Gilead, Janine was a waitress and had a son, Caleb, who unbeknownst to her was killed in a car crash after the takeover.
  • Ann Dowd as Aunt Lydia Clements, a woman in charge of overseeing the Handmaids in their sexual re-education and duties. She is brutal and subjects insubordinate Handmaids to sadistic physical punishment, but she also cares for her charges and believes deeply in the Gileadean mission and doctrine. She appears to have a soft spot for Janine and even goes so far as to address her by her given name on occasion. Before Gilead, she was a family court judge, and afterwards, an elementary school teacher.
  • O-T Fagbenle as Luke Bankole, June’s husband from before Gilead. Initially, June believes he was killed, but it is later revealed that Luke managed to escape to Canada.
  • Max Minghella as Commander Nick Blaine, Commander Waterford’s driver and a former drifter from Michigan who has feelings for June. June and Nick develop an intimate relationship and she eventually discovers that he is an Eye, a spy for Gilead and that he played a significant role in the Gileadean takeover. In season 3, he is promoted to Commander.
  • Samira Wiley as Moira Strand, June’s best friend since college. She is already at the Red Center when June enters Handmaid training but escapes before being assigned to a home. She is recaptured and becomes «Ruby», a Jezebel. She seems to have given up hope of ever being free, but on meeting June again regains the conviction to escape to Canada.
  • Amanda Brugel as Rita Blue (season 2–present, recurring season 1), a housekeeper at the Waterford house, who becomes one of June’s closest allies. She had a son named Matthew, who died fighting in the civil war when he was 19 years old.[18]
  • Bradley Whitford as Commander Joseph Lawrence (season 3–present, guest season 2), the founder of the Colonies and architect of Gilead’s economy. He is on and off with Mayday.[19][20]
  • Sam Jaeger as Mark Tuello (season 4–present, recurring season 3, guest season 2), an operative of the U.S. Government whom Serena encounters in Canada.[21]


  • Jordana Blake as Hannah Bankole, June and Luke’s daughter. After being taken, she is given a new family and renamed Agnes MacKenzie.
  • Ever Carradine as Naomi Putnam, Commander Putnam’s wife. She has no sympathy for Handmaids and only sees her baby as a status symbol.
  • Stephen Kunken as Commander Warren Putnam (seasons 1–5), a High Commander and the first known Commander of Janine.
  • Tattiawna Jones as Lillie Fuller / Ofglen #2 (seasons 1–2), who replaces Emily in the position after Emily is captured by the Eyes. She warns June away from breaking the rules and does not wish to upset the status quo, but this is because she believes her life as a Handmaid is better than the difficult, impoverished life she led prior to Gilead, rather than out of religious piety.
  • Nina Kiri as Alma / Ofrobert (seasons 1–4, guest season 5), another Handmaid who trained at the Red Center with June, Moira, and Janine. She is frank and chatty and often trades gossip and news with June. She is also involved with Mayday and becomes one of June’s first contacts with the resistance group.
  • Bahia Watson as Brianna / Oferic (seasons 1–4, guest season 5), another local Handmaid who is friends with June. She is Dolores’ shopping partner.
  • Jenessa Grant as Dolores / Ofsamuel (seasons 1–2, guest season 3), a local Handmaid with a friendly and talkative nature. She is Brianna’s shopping partner.
  • Edie Inksetter as Aunt Elizabeth, a fellow Aunt who works closely with Aunt Lydia at the Red Center.
  • Robert Curtis Brown as Commander Andrew Pryce (seasons 1–2), a Commander who is one of the leading members of the Sons of Jacob and is in charge of the Eyes.
  • Kristen Gutoskie as Beth (seasons 1 and 3, guest season 4), an award-winning chef before the rise of Gilead, formerly a Martha at Jezebel’s, and later a Martha in the Lawrence household.
  • Erin Way as Erin (seasons 1–3), a young, apparently mute woman who was being trained to become a Handmaid but managed to escape to Canada with Luke.[22]
  • Krista Morin as Rachel Tapping (seasons 1–2, season 4), an official at the United States Consulate in Canada.
  • Clea DuVall as Sylvia (season 3, guest seasons 2 and 5), Emily’s wife.[23]
  • Cherry Jones as Holly Maddox (season 2–3), June’s mother, an outspoken feminist.[24]
  • Sydney Sweeney as Eden Blaine (née Spencer) (season 2), a pious and obedient young girl who is married off to Nick.[25]
  • Greg Bryk as Commander Ray Cushing (season 2), a fellow Commander who later replaces Commander Pryce’s position.
  • Rohan Mead as Isaac (season 2), a young Guardian assigned to the Waterford home.
  • Julie Dretzin as Eleanor Lawrence (seasons 2–3), the mentally unstable wife of Commander Lawrence.
  • Amy Landecker as Mrs. Mackenzie (season 5, guest season 3), Hannah’s placement mother in Gilead.
  • Ashleigh LaThrop as Natalie / Ofmatthew (season 3), a devoted Handmaid whose loyalty to Gilead causes divisive tensions amongst her peers.[26]
  • Sugenja Sri as Sienna (season 3, guest season 4), a former radiology student and a new Martha in the Lawrence household.
  • Jonathan Watton as Commander Matthew Calhoun (season 3–present), the assigned Commander of Natalie/Ofmatthew.
  • Charlie Zeltzer as Oliver (seasons 3–4), Emily and Sylvia’s son.
  • Christopher Meloni as High Commander George Winslow (season 3), a High Commander stationed in Washington, D.C.[27]
  • Elizabeth Reaser as Olivia Winslow (season 3),[27] the wife of High Commander Winslow.
  • Mckenna Grace as Esther Keyes (season 4–5), a farmer and the teenage wife of an older Commander.[21]
  • Zawe Ashton as Oona (season 4), an aid worker in Toronto and Moira’s new girlfriend.[28]
  • Jeananne Goossen as Aunt Ruth (season 4), a high ranking Aunt who is desperate to replace Aunt Lydia as leading Aunt in their district.
  • Natasha Mumba as Danielle (season 4–present), a former handmaid.
  • Victoria Sawal as Tyler (season 4–present), a former handmaid.
  • Amanda Zhou as Vicky (season 4–present), a former handmaid.
  • Carey Cox as Rose Blaine (season 5), the daughter of a High Commander in Washington, D.C. and Nick’s new wife.
  • Jason Butler Harner as Commander Mackenzie (season 5), a High Commander and Hannah’s placement father.
  • Rossif Sutherland as Ezra Shaw (season 5), Serena’s personal Gileadan bodyguard in Canada.
  • Genevieve Angelson as Alanis Wheeler (season 5), an affluent Canadian who idolizes Serena and who is a driving force behind the rise of Gilead in Toronto.[29]
  • Lucas Neff as Ryan Wheeler (season 5), Alanis’ husband.


  • Jim Cummings as Burke (season 1), an Eye who interrogates June.
  • Zabryna Guevara as Mrs. Castillo (season 1), an ambassador from Mexico who visits Gilead to see the effectiveness of the regime.
  • Christian Barillas as Mr. Flores (season 1), Mrs. Castillo’s assistant.
  • Rosa Gilmore as Zoe (season 1), the daughter of a US army soldier and the leader of the group of survivors whom Luke encounters after being separated from June and Hannah.
  • Tim Ransom as Mr. Whitford (season 1), a friend of June’s mother who helps June, Luke, and Hannah attempt to cross the border.
  • Marisa Tomei as Mrs. O’Conner (season 2), a Commander’s wife who is exiled to the Colonies as punishment for committing a sin of the flesh.[30]
  • Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as Omar (season 2), a man who helps June attempt to escape Gilead.
  • John Carroll Lynch as Dan (season 2), Emily’s boss at the university where she worked.
  • Kelly Jenrette as Annie (season 2), Luke’s ex-wife.
  • Rebecca Rittenhouse as Odette (season 2), a doctor, and Moira’s deceased fiancée.
  • Laila Robins as Pamela Joy (season 3), Serena’s mother.
  • Deidrie Henry as Lori (seasons 3–4), a Martha who Nick uses for intel in Gilead.
  • Sarah McVie as Lena (season 3), a Swiss diplomat negotiating the hostile conflict between Gilead and Canada over Nichole.
  • Emily Althaus as Noelle (season 3), a young single mother whose son Aunt Lydia taught before the rise of Gilead.
  • Laura Vandervoort as Daisy (season 4), a Jezebels worker who aids June.
  • Alex Castillo as Dawn Mathis (season 4), the Waterfords’ defense attorney.
  • Reed Birney as Lieutenant Stans (season 4) a Gilead officer who interrogates June.[28]
  • Omar Maskati as Steven (season 4), the leader of a resistance group in Chicago.
  • Carly Street as Iris Baker/Aunt Irene (season 4), a former Aunt who attempts to make amends with Emily.
  • Christine Ko as Lily (season 5), a former Martha who is now a leader in the Canada-based resistance movement.[31]

In the second season, Oprah Winfrey has an uncredited appearance as a newsreader on a car radio.[32]



Hulu’s straight-to-series order of The Handmaid’s Tale was announced in April 2016, with Elisabeth Moss set to star.[33] Based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood, the series was created by Bruce Miller, who is also an executive producer with Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, and Warren Littlefield.[33] Atwood serves as consulting producer, giving feedback on some of the areas where the series expands upon or modernizes the book.[33][34] She also played a small cameo role in the first episode.[35] Moss is also a producer.[36]

In June 2016, Reed Morano was announced as director of the series.[37] Samira Wiley, Max Minghella, and Ann Dowd joined the cast in July 2016.[38][39][40] Joseph Fiennes, Madeline Brewer, and Yvonne Strahovski were cast in August 2016,[41][42][43] followed by O-T Fagbenle and Amanda Brugel in September 2016.[44][45] In October 2016, Ever Carradine joined the cast,[46] and Alexis Bledel was added in January 2017.[47]

Filming on the series took place in Toronto, Mississauga, Brantford, Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, and Cambridge, Ontario, from September 2016 to February 2017.[48][49] Hulu released the first full trailer of the TV series on YouTube, on March 23, 2017.[50] The series premiered on April 26, 2017.[51]

On May 3, 2017, The Handmaid’s Tale was renewed for a second season which premiered on April 25, 2018.[52][53]
Moss told the news media that the subsequent episodes would cover further developments in the story, filling in some of the unanswered questions and continuing the narrative already «finished» in the book.[54] The second season consists of 13 episodes and began filming in fall 2017. Alexis Bledel returned as a series regular.[55]

Showrunner Bruce Miller stated that he envisioned 10 seasons of the show, stating, «Well, you know, honestly, when I started, I tried to game out in my head what would ten seasons be like? If you hit a home run, you want energy to go around the bases, you want enough story to keep going, if you can hook the audience to care about these people enough that they’re actually crying at the finale.»[56] Season 2 was filmed in Ontario, primarily in Toronto, but some scenes were shot in Hamilton and Cambridge.[57]

On May 2, 2018, Hulu renewed the series for a third season,[58] which premiered on June 5, 2019.[59] Season 3 started production in Toronto in October 2018.[60][61] Scenes for season 3 were also filmed in Cambridge and Hamilton, Ontario as well as in Washington, D.C.[62][63][64] Season 3 saw the show’s long-serving Director of Photography, Colin Watkinson, make his directorial debut with the episode «Unknown Caller». Cambridge, Ontario was nominated by the Location Managers Guild International for «Outstanding Film Office» for their work on this season. This was the first time that a Canadian Film Office was nominated for this honor.[65]

On July 26, 2019, the series was renewed for a fourth season.[7] Season 4, consisting of 10 episodes, began production in March 2020, with Elisabeth Moss filming her directorial debut, but work had to be halted after only a few weeks, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[66][67] In June 2020, Hulu announced that the fourth season would premiere in 2021.[68] Production on season 4 resumed in September 2020[21] and wrapped on February 25, 2021, with Moss having directed three episodes.[69]

On December 10, 2020, ahead of the fourth season premiere, Hulu renewed the series for a fifth season.[10] Season 5 started production in Toronto in February 2022 and continued through July 2022.[70] In May 2022, Alexis Bledel departed the series ahead of the fifth season, and stated, «After much thought, I felt I had to step away from The Handmaid’s Tale«.[71] On September 8, 2022, ahead of the fifth season premiere, Hulu renewed the series for a sixth and final season.[12]

Broadcast and release[edit]

The first three episodes of the series premiered on April 26, 2017; the subsequent seven episodes were released on a weekly basis.[51][72] In Canada, the series is broadcast weekly by CTV Drama Channel and the streaming service Crave; the first two episodes premiered on April 30, 2017.[73] In Scandinavia, the series is available on HBO Nordic.[74] In the United Kingdom, the series premiered on May 28, 2017, on Channel 4.[75]

In New Zealand, the series was released on the subscription video on demand service Lightbox on June 8, 2017.[76] After satellite service provider Sky acquired Lightbox and merged it into its streaming service Neon on July 7, 2020, Neon acquired the distribution rights to the series in New Zealand.[77]

In Australia, the series premiered on the TV channel SBS’s video streaming service SBS on Demand, on July 6, 2017.[78] The series also released on the subscription video on demand service Stan on December 12, 2018.[79]

In Ireland, the series premiered on February 5, 2018, on RTÉ2, with a showing of the first two episodes.[80] RTÉ also became the first broadcaster in Europe to debut Season 2, Season 3 and Season 4 following its broadcast in the US and Canada.[81] In Brazil and Latin America, the series premiered on March 7, 2018, on Paramount Channel.[82]

In India, the series premiered on February 5, 2018, on AXN and ran for the first two seasons before moving to Amazon Prime Video for Season 3, which made all three seasons available for viewing on January 31, 2020.[83][84]

In Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, the series premiered on September 15, 2018, on HBO Asia through HBO Go.[85]

The first season was released on Blu-ray and DVD on March 13, 2018, the second season on December 4, 2018, and the third season on November 19, 2019, by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment.[86][87][88] The fourth season was released on DVD only (no Blu-ray) on April 5, 2022, by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment.[89]


Critical response[edit]

The Handmaid’s Tale was ranked as the 25th and 38th best TV series of the 21st century by The Guardian and BBC, respectively.[90][91] On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the overall series has an approval rating of 83%.[92] While on Metacritic, another aggregator website, it has an average score of 81 out of 100.[93]

Season 1[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, 94% of 259 reviews are positive for the first season, with an average rating of 8.65/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «Haunting and vivid, The Handmaid’s Tale is an endlessly engrossing adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel that’s anchored by a terrific central performance from Elisabeth Moss.»[94] On Metacritic, the season has a weighted average score of 92 out of 100 based on 41 critics, indicating «universal acclaim».[95]

Daniel Fienberg of The Hollywood Reporter called it «probably the spring’s best new show».[104] Jen Chaney of Vulture gave it a highly positive review, and wrote that it is «A faithful adaptation of the book that also brings new layers to Atwood’s totalitarian, sexist world of forced surrogate motherhood» and that «this series is meticulously paced, brutal, visually stunning, and so suspenseful from moment to moment that only at the end of each hour will you feel fully at liberty to exhale».[105]

There was much debate on whether parallels could be drawn between the series (and by extension, the book it is based on) and American society during the Presidency of Donald Trump.[106][107] Comparisons have also been made to the Salafi/Wahabbi extremism of ISIS, under which enslaved women of religious minorities are passed around and utilized as sex objects and vessels to bear new jihadis.[108][109][110]

Season 2[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, 89% of 340 critics have given the season a positive review, and an average rating of 8.35/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «Beautifully shot but dishearteningly relevant, The Handmaid’s Tale centers its sophomore season tightly around its compelling cast of characters, making room for broader social commentary through more intimate lenses.»[96] Metacritic assigned the season a weighted average score of 86 out of 100 based on 28 critics, indicating «universal acclaim».[97]

Some critics perceived the second season’s depictions of violence as excessive. The Atlantics Sophie Gilbert wrote: «There came a point during the first episode where, for me, it became too much.»[111] Lisa Miller of The Cut wrote: «I have pressed mute and fast forward so often this season, I am forced to wonder: ‘Why am I watching this’? It all feels so gratuitous, like a beating that never ends.»[112] The Daily Telegraphs Rebecca Reid admitted she had an anxiety attack watching an episode of the show.[113]

Season 3[edit]

For the third season, Rotten Tomatoes reports that 82% of 301 reviews are positive, and the average rating is 6.9/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «The Handmaid’s Tales third season reins in its horrors and inspires hope that revolution really is possible – if only the story would stop spinning its wheels and get to it already.»[98] Metacritic compiled 14 critic reviews and an average score of 68 out of 100, signifying «generally favorable reviews».[99]

Kelly Lawler of USA Today gave it a positive review, scoring it three out of four stars. She claimed it is an improvement over the second season, «that rights many – though definitely not all – of Season 2’s wrongs.» Overall, she wrote, «The new season is more propulsive and watchable, although it doesn’t quite reach the heights of that first moving season. But Handmaid’s regains its footing by setting off on a new path».[114]

Daniel Fienberg of The Hollywood Reporter wrote a generally positive review, praising Elisabeth Moss’s performance and the cinematography, but criticized the plot «that has become frustratingly repetitive». Overall, he wrote, «Still occasionally powerful, but rarely as provocative».[115]

Season 4[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, the fourth season earned positive reviews from 70% of 46 critics, with an average rating of 7/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «Elisabeth Moss is better than ever, but scattershot plotting and an overbearing sense of doom may prove too grim for some viewers to really enjoy The Handmaid’s Tales fourth season.»[100] According to Metacritic, which collected 18 reviews and calculated an average score of 62, the season received «generally positive reviews».[101]

Kristen Baldwin of Entertainment Weekly gave it a «C+» grade and wrote that the series «delivers on some long-delayed promises, but ultimately it’s too little, too late.»[116] Matthew Gilbert of The Boston Globe wrote, «the dystopian drama has exceeded the natural lifespan of its story, as it plows forward with nothing new to say, tinkling cymbals and sounding brass.»[117] In a more positive review from Jen Chaney of Vulture, she wrote, «Thankfully, season four finally regains some momentum and forward motion. Based on the eight out of ten total episodes made available to critics, this is the best The Handmaid’s Tale has been since its first season.»[118]

Season 5[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, the fifth season earned positive reviews from 81% of 27 critics, with an average rating of 7.55/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «The Handmaid’s Tale has lost its urgency after spreading its once-arresting premise thin in a season focused on vengeance’s consequences, but the women of Gilead are still played with compelling exactitude.»[102] On Metacritic, it received an average score of 63 out of 100, based on 7 reviews, indicating «generally positive reviews».[103]

Critics were given the first eight episodes of the season to review. Writing for IGN, Tara Bennett gave it a «good» score of 7 out of 10 and wrote in her verdict: «The Handmaid’s Tale remains the canary in the coalmine of TV shows […]. Elisabeth Moss continues to give a livewire performance as former handmaid/now Canadian refugee June Osborne. […] But overall, the series continues to suffer with very measured storylines that can’t seem to recapture the kinetic energy of the first two seasons.»[119] Abby Cavenaugh of Collider graded it with a «B-» and said, «Season 5 is full of scarce highs and really low lows, lots of heavy-hitting drama, and emotional scenes. Some of the biggest events of this season lead to some pretty uncomfortable viewing, but viewers who stick with it will be rewarded with some huge moments that will have repercussions for the final season.»[120]


Year Award Category Nominee(s) Result Ref.
Season 1
2017 Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Drama Series Bruce Miller, Warren Littlefield, Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, Ilene Chaiken, Sheila Hockin, Eric Tuchman, Frank Siracusa, John Weber, Kira Snyder, Elisabeth Moss, Joseph Boccia and Leila Gerstein Won [121]
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss (for «Night») Won
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Ann Dowd (for «Offred») Won
Samira Wiley (for «Night») Nominated
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Reed Morano (for «Offred») Won
Kate Dennis (for «The Bridge») Nominated
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Bruce Miller (for «Offred») Won
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel (for «Late») Won
Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series Russell Scott, Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, and Robin D. Cook Nominated
Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series (One Hour) Colin Watkinson (for «Offred») Won
Outstanding Period/Fantasy Costumes for a Series, Limited Series, or Movie Ane Crabtree and Sheena Wichary (for «Offred») Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary or Fantasy Program (One Hour or More) Julie Berghoff, Evan Webber and Sophie Neudorfer (for «Offred») Won
Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role Brendan Taylor, Stephen Lebed, Leo Bovell, Martin O’Brien, Winston Lee, Kelly Knauff, Zach Dembinski, Mike Suta and Cameron Kerr (for «Birth Day») Nominated
Television Critics Association Awards Program of the Year The Handmaid’s Tale Won [122]
Outstanding Achievement in Drama Won
Outstanding New Program Nominated
Individual Achievement in Drama Elisabeth Moss Nominated
American Film Institute Awards Top 10 TV Programs of the Year The Handmaid’s Tale Won [123]
2018 American Cinema Editors Awards Best Edited Drama Series for Non-Commercial Television Julian Clarke and Wendy Hallam Martin (for «Offred») Won [124]
Art Directors Guild Awards One-Hour Contemporary Single-Camera Series Julie Berghoff (for «Offred», «Birth Day», «Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum») Won [125]
Andrew Stearn (for «The Bridge») Nominated
Casting Society of America Television Pilot and First Season – Drama Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott, Robin D. Cook and Jonathan Oliveira Won [126]
Cinema Audio Society Awards Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Television Series – One Hour John J. Thomson, Lou Solakofski, Joe Morrow and Don White (for «Offred») Nominated [127]
Costume Designers Guild Awards Excellence in Contemporary Television Series Ane Crabtree Won [128]
Critics’ Choice Television Awards Best Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale Won [129]
Best Actress in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Won
Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Ann Dowd Won
Directors Guild of America Awards Outstanding Directorial Achievement for a Drama Series Reed Morano (for «Offred») Won [130]
Golden Globe Awards Best Television Series – Drama The Handmaid’s Tale Won [131]
Best Actress – Television Series Drama Elisabeth Moss Won
Best Supporting Actress – Series, Miniseries or Television Film Ann Dowd Nominated
Location Managers Guild Awards Outstanding Locations in Contemporary Television John Musikka and Geoffrey Smither Nominated [132]
Peabody Award Entertainment, children’s and youth honoree The Handmaid’s Tale Won [133]
Producers Guild of America Awards Outstanding Producer of Episodic Television, Drama The Handmaid’s Tale Won [134]
Satellite Awards Best Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [135]
Best Actress in a Drama / Genre Series Elisabeth Moss Won
Best Supporting Actress in a Series, Miniseries or TV Film Ann Dowd Won
Saturn Awards Best New Media Television Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [136]
Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series Madeline Brewer, Amanda Brugel, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Tattiawna Jones, Max Minghella, Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski and Samira Wiley Nominated [137]
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
USC Scripter Awards Best Adapted TV Screenplay Bruce Miller and Margaret Atwood (for «Offred») Won [138]
Writers Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Ilene Chaiken, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, Leila Gerstein, John Herrera, Lynn Maxcy, Bruce Miller, Kira Snyder, Wendy Straker Hauser and Eric Tuchman Won [139]
New Series Won
BAFTA Television Awards Best International Programme The Handmaid’s Tale Won
Season 2
2018 Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Drama Series Bruce Miller, Warren Littlefield, Elisabeth Moss, Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, Mike Barker, Sheila Hockin, Eric Tuchman, Kira Snyder, Yahlin Chang, Frank Siracusa, John Weber, Dorothy Fortenberry and Joseph Boccia Nominated [140]
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss (for «The Last Ceremony») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series Joseph Fiennes (for «First Blood») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel (for «Unwomen») Nominated
Ann Dowd (for «June») Nominated
Yvonne Strahovski (for «Women’s Work») Nominated
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Kari Skogland (for «After») Nominated
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Bruce Miller (for «June») Nominated
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Kelly Jenrette (for «Other Women») Nominated
Cherry Jones (for «Baggage») Nominated
Samira Wiley (for «After») Won
Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott, and Robin D. Cook Nominated
Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series (One Hour) Colin Watkinson (for «June») Nominated
Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes Ane Crabtree and Natalie Bronfman (for «Seeds») Nominated
Outstanding Makeup for a Single-Camera Series (Non-Prosthetic) Burton LeBlanc, Talia Reingold and Erika Caceres (for «Unwomen») Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour or More) Mark White, Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow and Caroline Gee (for «June») Won
Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow and Rob Hepburn (for «Seeds», «First Blood», «After») Nominated
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Drama Series Wendy Hallam Martin (for «June») Won
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy or Drama Series (One-Hour) Joe Morrow, Lou Solakofski and Sylvain Arseneault (for «June») Nominated
Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role Stephen Lebed, Brendan Taylor, Kelly Knauff, Kelly Weisz, Kevin McGeagh, Anderson Leo Bovell, Winston Lee, Xi Luo and Cameron Kerr (for «June») Nominated
2019 Cinema Audio Society Awards Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Television Series – One Hour Sylvain Arseneault, Lou Solakofski, Joe Morrow, Scott Michael Smith, Adam Taylor, Mark DeSimone and Jack Heeren (for «Holly») Nominated [141]
Satellite Awards Best Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [142][143]
Best Actress in a Drama / Genre Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel, Madeline Brewer, Amanda Brugel, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Nina Kiri, Max Minghella, Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski, Sydney Sweeney and Bahia Watson Nominated [144]
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series Joseph Fiennes Nominated
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
Golden Globe Awards Best Actress – Television Series Drama Elisabeth Moss Nominated [145]
Best Supporting Actress – Series, Miniseries or Television Film Yvonne Strahovski Nominated
Visual Effects Society Awards Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal Episode Brendan Taylor, Stephen Lebed, Winston Lee and Leo Bovell (for «June») Nominated [146]
Outstanding Created Environment in an Episode, Commercial, or Real-Time Project Patrick Zentis, Kevin McGeagh, Leo Bovell and Zachary Dembinski (for «June») – Fenway Park Nominated
Outstanding Compositing in a Photoreal Episode Winston Lee, Gwen Zhang, Xi Luo and Kevin Quatman (for «June») Nominated
Writers Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Yahlin Chang, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, John Herrera, Lynn Renee Maxcy, Bruce Miller, Kira Snyder and Eric Tuchman Nominated [147]
Episodic Drama Eric Tuchman (for «First Blood») Nominated
GLAAD Media Awards Outstanding Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [148]
Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Daina Reid (for «Holly») Nominated [149]
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Bruce Miller & Kira Snyder (for «Holly») Nominated
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series Bradley Whitford Won [150]
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Cherry Jones Won
Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series (One Hour) Colin Watkinson for («The Word») Nominated
Zoë White (for «Holly») Nominated
Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes Ane Crabtree and Natalie Bronfman (for «The Word») Nominated
Outstanding Music Composition for a Series (Original Dramatic Score) Adam Taylor (for «The Word») Nominated
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Drama Series Wendy Hallam Martin (for «The Word») Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour or More) Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow and Robert Hepburn (for «Holly») Won
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy or Drama Series (One Hour) Joe Morrow, Lou Solakofski and Sylvain Arseneault (for «Holly») Nominated
Saturn Awards Best Streaming Horror & Thriller Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [151]
Season 3
2020 Cinema Audio Society Awards Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Television Series – One Hour Sylvain Arseneault, Lou Solakofski, Joe Morrow, Scott Michael Smith, Adam Taylor, Andrea Rusch and Kevin Schultz (for «Heroic») Nominated [152]
Make-Up Artists and Hair Stylists Guilds Best Television Series, Mini-Series or New Media Series – Best Contemporary Make-Up Burton LeBlanc, Alastair Muir and Faye Crasto Nominated [153]
Best Television Series, Mini-Series or New Media Series – Contemporary Hair Styling Paul Elliot and Ewa Latak-Cynk Nominated
Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel, Madeline Brewer, Amanda Brugel, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Kristen Gutoskie, Nina Kiri, Ashleigh LaThrop, Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski, Bahia Watson, Bradley Whitford and Samira Wiley Nominated [154]
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
American Society of Cinematographers Awards Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography in Regular Series for Non-Commercial Television Colin Watkinson (for «Night») Won [155]
Costume Designers Guild Awards Excellence in Sci-Fi/Fantasy Television Natalie Bronfman (for «Household») Nominated [156]
Casting Society of America Television Series – Drama Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott, Robin D. Cook, Stacia Kimler and Jonathan Oliveira Nominated [157]
Art Directors Guild Awards One-Hour Contemporary Single-Camera Series Elizabeth Williams (for «Mayday») Nominated [158]
Writers Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Marissa Jo Cerar, Yahlin Chang, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, Jacy Heldrich, John Herrera, Lynn Renee Maxcy, Bruce Miller, Kira Snyder and Eric Tuchman Nominated [159]
Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Drama Series Bruce Miller, Warren Littlefield, Elisabeth Moss, Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, Mike Barker, Eric Tuchman, Sheila Hockin, John Weber, Frank Siracusa, Kira Snyder, Yahlin Chang, Margaret Atwood, Dorothy Fortenberry, Marissa Jo Cerar, Nina Fiore, John Herrera and Kim Todd Nominated [160]
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series Bradley Whitford (for «Sacrifice») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Samira Wiley (for «Sacrifice») Nominated
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel (for «God Bless the Child») Nominated
Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott, and Robin D. Cook Nominated
Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes Natalie Bronfman, Helena Davis Perry and Christina Cattle (for «Household») Nominated
Outstanding Contemporary Hairstyling Paul Elliot and Ewa Latak-Cynk (for «Liars») Nominated
Outstanding Contemporary Makeup (Non-Prosthetic) Burton LeBlanc and Alastair Muir (for «Mayday») Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour or More) Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow and Robert Hepburn (for «Household») Won
Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role Stephen Lebed, Brendan Taylor, Leo Bovell, Rob Greb, Gwen Zhang, Marlis Coto, Stephen Wagner, Josh Clark and James Minett (for «Household») Nominated
Season 4
2021 Hollywood Critics Association TV Awards Best Streaming Series, Drama The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [161]
Best Actress in a Streaming Series, Drama Elisabeth Moss Nominated
Best Supporting Actor in a Streaming Series, Drama Bradley Whitford Nominated
Best Supporting Actress in a Streaming Series, Drama Alexis Bledel Nominated
Ann Dowd Nominated
Yvonne Strahovski Nominated
Samira Wiley Nominated
Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Drama Series Bruce Miller, Warren Littlefield, Elisabeth Moss, Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, Eric Tuchman, Sheila Hockin, John Weber, Frank Siracusa, Kira Snyder, Yahlin Chang, Dorothy Fortenberry, Margaret Atwood, Kim Todd, Matt Hastings, Nina Fiore and John Herrera Nominated [162]
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss (for «Home») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series O-T Fagbenle (for «Home») Nominated
Max Minghella (for «The Crossing») Nominated
Bradley Whitford (for «Testimony») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Madeline Brewer (for «Testimony») Nominated
Ann Dowd (for «Progress») Nominated
Yvonne Strahovski (for «Home») Nominated
Samira Wiley (for «Vows») Nominated
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Liz Garbus (for «The Wilderness») Nominated
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Yahlin Chang (for «Home») Nominated
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel (for «Testimony») Nominated
Mckenna Grace (for «Pigs») Nominated
Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott and Robin D. Cook Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour or More) Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow, Larry Spittle and Rob Hepburn (for «Chicago») Nominated
Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes Debra Hanson, Jane Flanders and Darci Cheyne (for «Nightshade») Nominated
Outstanding Contemporary Hairstyling Paul Elliot and Franchi Pir (for «Vows») Nominated
Outstanding Contemporary Makeup (Non-Prosthetic) Burton LeBlanc and Alastair Muir (for «Pigs») Nominated
Outstanding Music Composition for a Series (Original Dramatic Score) Adam Taylor (for «The Crossing») Nominated
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Drama Series Wendy Hallam Martin (for «The Crossing») Nominated
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy or Drama Series (One-Hour) Lou Solakofski, Joe Morrow and Sylvain Arseneault (for «Chicago») Nominated
Television Critics Association Awards Outstanding Achievement in Drama The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [163]
Women Film Critics Circle Outstanding Series Won [164]
2022 Golden Globe Awards Best Actress – Television Series Drama Elisabeth Moss Nominated [165]
Satellite Awards Best Actress in a Drama / Genre Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated [166]
Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel, Madeline Brewer, Amanda Brugel, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Sam Jaeger, Max Minghella, Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski, Bradley Whitford, and Samira Wiley Nominated


Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
Set Decorators Society of America Awards Best Achievement in Décor/Design of a One Hour Fantasy or Science Fiction Series Rob Hepburn and Elisabeth Williams Nominated [168]
Visual Effects Society Awards Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal Episode Brendan Taylor, Stephen Lebed, Kayla Cabral, and Brannek Gaudet (for «Chicago») Nominated [169]
Writers Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Yahlin Chang, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, Jacey Heldrich, John Herrera, Bruce Miller, Aly Monroe, Kira Snyder, and Eric Tuchman Nominated [170]
Episodic Drama Kira Snyder for «Testimony» Nominated

See also[edit]

  • List of original programs distributed by Hulu
  • Sex and sexuality in speculative fiction


  1. ^ Craven, TinaMarie (August 27, 2019). «The Handmaid’s Tale’ returns with a ruthless third season». The Ridgefield Press. Archived from the original on February 28, 2020. Retrieved February 28, 2020. The Handmaid’s Tale certainly amped up the tragedy porn aspect of the series, episode after episode beats down the viewer, leaving them gutted and disheartened.
  2. ^ Charlton-Dailey, Rachel (July 17, 2017). «The Handmaid’s Tale is supposed to be about silenced women – so why are the men suddenly driving the story?». Metro. Archived from the original on February 28, 2020. Retrieved February 28, 2020. The TV adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s dystopian tragedy The Handmaid’s Tale was long awaited, and it has delivered to fans old and new.
  3. ^ Westrick, Tom (October 4, 2018). «Can you get 4K HDR video on Hulu?». Cord Cutters. Archived from the original on January 25, 2019. Retrieved January 24, 2019.
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External links[edit]

The Handmaid’s Tale
The Handmaid's Tale intertitle.png
  • Tragedy[1][2]
  • Dystopia
Created by Bruce Miller
Based on The Handmaid’s Tale
by Margaret Atwood
  • Elisabeth Moss
  • Joseph Fiennes
  • Yvonne Strahovski
  • Alexis Bledel
  • Madeline Brewer
  • Ann Dowd
  • O-T Fagbenle
  • Max Minghella
  • Samira Wiley
  • Amanda Brugel
  • Bradley Whitford
  • Sam Jaeger
Composer Adam Taylor
Country of origin United States
Original language English
No. of seasons 5
No. of episodes 56 (list of episodes)
Executive producers
  • Bruce Miller
  • Warren Littlefield
  • Reed Morano
  • Daniel Wilson
  • Fran Sears
  • Ilene Chaiken
  • Elisabeth Moss
  • Mike Barker
  • Eric Tuchman
  • Yahlin Chang
  • Sheila Hockin
  • John Weber
  • Frank Siracusa
  • Dorothy Fortenberry
  • Marissa Jo Cerar (supervising producer)
  • Nina Fiore
  • John Herrera
  • Kim Todd
  • Joseph Boccia
  • Lisa Clapperton (associate producer)
  • Margaret Atwood (consulting producer)
Production locations
  • Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Colin Watkinson
  • Zoë White
  • Stuart Biddlecombe
  • Nicola Daley
  • Stuart Campbell
Running time 41–65 minutes
Production companies
  • Daniel Wilson Productions, Inc.
  • The Littlefield Company
  • White Oak Pictures
  • Toluca Pictures
  • MGM Television
Distributor MGM Television
Original network Hulu
Picture format
  • 4K (2:1 UHDTV)[3]
  • Dolby Vision[4]
Audio format
  • Stereo (Hulu)
  • 5.1 surround sound (Blu-ray, digital purchase)
Original release April 26, 2017 –

The Handmaid’s Tale is an American dystopian television series created by Bruce Miller, based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Canadian author Margaret Atwood. The series was ordered by the streaming service Hulu as a straight-to-series order of 10 episodes, for which production began in late 2016. The plot features a dystopia following a Second American Civil War wherein a theonomic, totalitarian society subjects fertile women, called «Handmaids», to child-bearing slavery.[5][6]

The first three episodes of the series premiered on April 26, 2017; the subsequent seven episodes were released every Wednesday. In July 2019, the series was renewed for a fourth season,[7] which premiered on April 27, 2021.[8] In September 2019, it was announced that Hulu and MGM were developing a sequel series, to be based on Atwood’s 2019 novel The Testaments.[9] In December 2020, ahead of the fourth season premiere, the series was renewed for a fifth season,[10] which premiered on September 14, 2022.[11] In September 2022, ahead of the fifth season premiere, the series was renewed for a sixth and final season.[12]

The Handmaid’s Tales first season won eight Primetime Emmy Awards from 13 nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series. It is the first show produced by Hulu to win a major award as well as the first series on a streaming service to win an Emmy for Outstanding Series.[13] It also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series – Drama. Elisabeth Moss was also awarded the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series and the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Television Drama Series.


In a world where fertility rates have collapsed as a result of sexually transmitted diseases and environmental pollution,[14] the totalitarian, theonomic government of Gilead establishes rule in the former United States in the aftermath of a civil war.[15][16][17][5] Society is organized by power-hungry leaders along with a new, militarized, hierarchical régime of religious fanaticism and newly created social classes, in which women are brutally subjugated. By law, women in Gilead are forced to work in very limited roles, including some as natal slaves, and they are not allowed to own property, have careers, handle money, or read.[17]

Worldwide infertility has led to the enslavement of fertile women in Gilead determined by the new régime to be fallen women, citing an extremist interpretation of the Biblical account of Bilhah. These women often include those who have entered marriages following divorce (termed «adulteresses», as divorce is not recognized under Gileadian law), single or unmarried mothers, lesbians (homosexuals being termed «gender traitors»), non-Christians, adherents of Christian denominations other than the «Sons of Jacob», political dissidents, and academics.[17]

These women, called Handmaids, are assigned to the homes of the ruling elite, where they must submit to ritualized rape (referred to as «the ceremony») by their male masters («Commanders») in the presence of their wives, to be impregnated and bear children for them.[17] Handmaids are given names created by the addition of the prefix Of- to the first name of the man who has them. When they are transferred, their names are changed.

Along with the Handmaids, much of society is now grouped into classes that dictate their freedoms and duties. Women are divided into a small range of social categories, each one signified by a plain dress in a specific color. Handmaids wear long red dresses, heavy brown boots and white coifs, with a headcovering surrounded by a larger white coif (known as «wings») to be worn outside, concealing them from public view and restricting their vision.

June Osborne, renamed Offred, is the Handmaid assigned to the home of the Gileadan Commander Fred Waterford and his wife Serena Joy. The Waterfords, key players in the formation and rise of Gilead, struggle with the realities of the society they helped create. During «the time before», June was married to Luke and had a daughter, Hannah.

At the beginning of the story, while attempting to flee Gilead with her husband and daughter, June was captured and forced to become a Handmaid because of the adultery she and her husband committed. June’s daughter was taken and given to an upper-class family to raise, and her husband escaped into Canada. Much of the plot revolves around June’s desire to be reunited with her husband and daughter and the internal evolution of her strength to its somewhat darker version.

Cast and characters[edit]


  • Elisabeth Moss as June Osborne / Offred / Ofjoseph #2, a woman who was captured while attempting to escape to Canada with her husband, Luke, and daughter, Hannah. Because Luke is divorced, their union is considered adulterous in this new society. June is considered an adulteress and their daughter, Hannah, is deemed illegitimate. Due to June’s fertility, she is made a Handmaid to Commander Fred Waterford and his wife Serena Joy, and is called «Offred»; later she becomes handmaid to Commander Joseph Lawrence and is called «Ofjoseph».
  • Joseph Fiennes as Commander Fred Waterford (seasons 1–4), a high-ranking government official, and June’s first master. Both he and his wife were instrumental in Gilead’s founding.
  • Yvonne Strahovski as Serena Joy Waterford, Fred’s wife, and a former conservative cultural activist. She appears to have accepted her new role in a society that she helped create. She is poised and deeply religious, but capable of great cruelty and is often callous to June. She is desperate to become a mother.
  • Alexis Bledel as Dr. Emily Malek / Ofglen #1 / Ofsteven / Ofroy / Ofjoseph #1 (seasons 1–4), a former university professor in cellular biology and initially June’s shopping partner. Although June is initially wary of her, it is revealed she is not as pious as she seems, and the two become friends. Emily is involved with and first informs June of Mayday, an underground resistance movement. She has a wife and son living in Canada.
  • Madeline Brewer as Janine Lindo / Ofwarren / Ofdaniel / Ofhoward / Ofjoseph # 3, a Handmaid who entered the Red Center for training at the same time as June, and considers June a friend due to her kind treatment. Initially non-compliant, Janine has her right eye removed as a punishment. She becomes mentally unstable due to her treatment and often behaves in temperamental or childlike ways. Before Gilead, Janine was a waitress and had a son, Caleb, who unbeknownst to her was killed in a car crash after the takeover.
  • Ann Dowd as Aunt Lydia Clements, a woman in charge of overseeing the Handmaids in their sexual re-education and duties. She is brutal and subjects insubordinate Handmaids to sadistic physical punishment, but she also cares for her charges and believes deeply in the Gileadean mission and doctrine. She appears to have a soft spot for Janine and even goes so far as to address her by her given name on occasion. Before Gilead, she was a family court judge, and afterwards, an elementary school teacher.
  • O-T Fagbenle as Luke Bankole, June’s husband from before Gilead. Initially, June believes he was killed, but it is later revealed that Luke managed to escape to Canada.
  • Max Minghella as Commander Nick Blaine, Commander Waterford’s driver and a former drifter from Michigan who has feelings for June. June and Nick develop an intimate relationship and she eventually discovers that he is an Eye, a spy for Gilead and that he played a significant role in the Gileadean takeover. In season 3, he is promoted to Commander.
  • Samira Wiley as Moira Strand, June’s best friend since college. She is already at the Red Center when June enters Handmaid training but escapes before being assigned to a home. She is recaptured and becomes «Ruby», a Jezebel. She seems to have given up hope of ever being free, but on meeting June again regains the conviction to escape to Canada.
  • Amanda Brugel as Rita Blue (season 2–present, recurring season 1), a housekeeper at the Waterford house, who becomes one of June’s closest allies. She had a son named Matthew, who died fighting in the civil war when he was 19 years old.[18]
  • Bradley Whitford as Commander Joseph Lawrence (season 3–present, guest season 2), the founder of the Colonies and architect of Gilead’s economy. He is on and off with Mayday.[19][20]
  • Sam Jaeger as Mark Tuello (season 4–present, recurring season 3, guest season 2), an operative of the U.S. Government whom Serena encounters in Canada.[21]


  • Jordana Blake as Hannah Bankole, June and Luke’s daughter. After being taken, she is given a new family and renamed Agnes MacKenzie.
  • Ever Carradine as Naomi Putnam, Commander Putnam’s wife. She has no sympathy for Handmaids and only sees her baby as a status symbol.
  • Stephen Kunken as Commander Warren Putnam (seasons 1–5), a High Commander and the first known Commander of Janine.
  • Tattiawna Jones as Lillie Fuller / Ofglen #2 (seasons 1–2), who replaces Emily in the position after Emily is captured by the Eyes. She warns June away from breaking the rules and does not wish to upset the status quo, but this is because she believes her life as a Handmaid is better than the difficult, impoverished life she led prior to Gilead, rather than out of religious piety.
  • Nina Kiri as Alma / Ofrobert (seasons 1–4, guest season 5), another Handmaid who trained at the Red Center with June, Moira, and Janine. She is frank and chatty and often trades gossip and news with June. She is also involved with Mayday and becomes one of June’s first contacts with the resistance group.
  • Bahia Watson as Brianna / Oferic (seasons 1–4, guest season 5), another local Handmaid who is friends with June. She is Dolores’ shopping partner.
  • Jenessa Grant as Dolores / Ofsamuel (seasons 1–2, guest season 3), a local Handmaid with a friendly and talkative nature. She is Brianna’s shopping partner.
  • Edie Inksetter as Aunt Elizabeth, a fellow Aunt who works closely with Aunt Lydia at the Red Center.
  • Robert Curtis Brown as Commander Andrew Pryce (seasons 1–2), a Commander who is one of the leading members of the Sons of Jacob and is in charge of the Eyes.
  • Kristen Gutoskie as Beth (seasons 1 and 3, guest season 4), an award-winning chef before the rise of Gilead, formerly a Martha at Jezebel’s, and later a Martha in the Lawrence household.
  • Erin Way as Erin (seasons 1–3), a young, apparently mute woman who was being trained to become a Handmaid but managed to escape to Canada with Luke.[22]
  • Krista Morin as Rachel Tapping (seasons 1–2, season 4), an official at the United States Consulate in Canada.
  • Clea DuVall as Sylvia (season 3, guest seasons 2 and 5), Emily’s wife.[23]
  • Cherry Jones as Holly Maddox (season 2–3), June’s mother, an outspoken feminist.[24]
  • Sydney Sweeney as Eden Blaine (née Spencer) (season 2), a pious and obedient young girl who is married off to Nick.[25]
  • Greg Bryk as Commander Ray Cushing (season 2), a fellow Commander who later replaces Commander Pryce’s position.
  • Rohan Mead as Isaac (season 2), a young Guardian assigned to the Waterford home.
  • Julie Dretzin as Eleanor Lawrence (seasons 2–3), the mentally unstable wife of Commander Lawrence.
  • Amy Landecker as Mrs. Mackenzie (season 5, guest season 3), Hannah’s placement mother in Gilead.
  • Ashleigh LaThrop as Natalie / Ofmatthew (season 3), a devoted Handmaid whose loyalty to Gilead causes divisive tensions amongst her peers.[26]
  • Sugenja Sri as Sienna (season 3, guest season 4), a former radiology student and a new Martha in the Lawrence household.
  • Jonathan Watton as Commander Matthew Calhoun (season 3–present), the assigned Commander of Natalie/Ofmatthew.
  • Charlie Zeltzer as Oliver (seasons 3–4), Emily and Sylvia’s son.
  • Christopher Meloni as High Commander George Winslow (season 3), a High Commander stationed in Washington, D.C.[27]
  • Elizabeth Reaser as Olivia Winslow (season 3),[27] the wife of High Commander Winslow.
  • Mckenna Grace as Esther Keyes (season 4–5), a farmer and the teenage wife of an older Commander.[21]
  • Zawe Ashton as Oona (season 4), an aid worker in Toronto and Moira’s new girlfriend.[28]
  • Jeananne Goossen as Aunt Ruth (season 4), a high ranking Aunt who is desperate to replace Aunt Lydia as leading Aunt in their district.
  • Natasha Mumba as Danielle (season 4–present), a former handmaid.
  • Victoria Sawal as Tyler (season 4–present), a former handmaid.
  • Amanda Zhou as Vicky (season 4–present), a former handmaid.
  • Carey Cox as Rose Blaine (season 5), the daughter of a High Commander in Washington, D.C. and Nick’s new wife.
  • Jason Butler Harner as Commander Mackenzie (season 5), a High Commander and Hannah’s placement father.
  • Rossif Sutherland as Ezra Shaw (season 5), Serena’s personal Gileadan bodyguard in Canada.
  • Genevieve Angelson as Alanis Wheeler (season 5), an affluent Canadian who idolizes Serena and who is a driving force behind the rise of Gilead in Toronto.[29]
  • Lucas Neff as Ryan Wheeler (season 5), Alanis’ husband.


  • Jim Cummings as Burke (season 1), an Eye who interrogates June.
  • Zabryna Guevara as Mrs. Castillo (season 1), an ambassador from Mexico who visits Gilead to see the effectiveness of the regime.
  • Christian Barillas as Mr. Flores (season 1), Mrs. Castillo’s assistant.
  • Rosa Gilmore as Zoe (season 1), the daughter of a US army soldier and the leader of the group of survivors whom Luke encounters after being separated from June and Hannah.
  • Tim Ransom as Mr. Whitford (season 1), a friend of June’s mother who helps June, Luke, and Hannah attempt to cross the border.
  • Marisa Tomei as Mrs. O’Conner (season 2), a Commander’s wife who is exiled to the Colonies as punishment for committing a sin of the flesh.[30]
  • Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as Omar (season 2), a man who helps June attempt to escape Gilead.
  • John Carroll Lynch as Dan (season 2), Emily’s boss at the university where she worked.
  • Kelly Jenrette as Annie (season 2), Luke’s ex-wife.
  • Rebecca Rittenhouse as Odette (season 2), a doctor, and Moira’s deceased fiancée.
  • Laila Robins as Pamela Joy (season 3), Serena’s mother.
  • Deidrie Henry as Lori (seasons 3–4), a Martha who Nick uses for intel in Gilead.
  • Sarah McVie as Lena (season 3), a Swiss diplomat negotiating the hostile conflict between Gilead and Canada over Nichole.
  • Emily Althaus as Noelle (season 3), a young single mother whose son Aunt Lydia taught before the rise of Gilead.
  • Laura Vandervoort as Daisy (season 4), a Jezebels worker who aids June.
  • Alex Castillo as Dawn Mathis (season 4), the Waterfords’ defense attorney.
  • Reed Birney as Lieutenant Stans (season 4) a Gilead officer who interrogates June.[28]
  • Omar Maskati as Steven (season 4), the leader of a resistance group in Chicago.
  • Carly Street as Iris Baker/Aunt Irene (season 4), a former Aunt who attempts to make amends with Emily.
  • Christine Ko as Lily (season 5), a former Martha who is now a leader in the Canada-based resistance movement.[31]

In the second season, Oprah Winfrey has an uncredited appearance as a newsreader on a car radio.[32]



Hulu’s straight-to-series order of The Handmaid’s Tale was announced in April 2016, with Elisabeth Moss set to star.[33] Based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood, the series was created by Bruce Miller, who is also an executive producer with Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, and Warren Littlefield.[33] Atwood serves as consulting producer, giving feedback on some of the areas where the series expands upon or modernizes the book.[33][34] She also played a small cameo role in the first episode.[35] Moss is also a producer.[36]

In June 2016, Reed Morano was announced as director of the series.[37] Samira Wiley, Max Minghella, and Ann Dowd joined the cast in July 2016.[38][39][40] Joseph Fiennes, Madeline Brewer, and Yvonne Strahovski were cast in August 2016,[41][42][43] followed by O-T Fagbenle and Amanda Brugel in September 2016.[44][45] In October 2016, Ever Carradine joined the cast,[46] and Alexis Bledel was added in January 2017.[47]

Filming on the series took place in Toronto, Mississauga, Brantford, Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, and Cambridge, Ontario, from September 2016 to February 2017.[48][49] Hulu released the first full trailer of the TV series on YouTube, on March 23, 2017.[50] The series premiered on April 26, 2017.[51]

On May 3, 2017, The Handmaid’s Tale was renewed for a second season which premiered on April 25, 2018.[52][53]
Moss told the news media that the subsequent episodes would cover further developments in the story, filling in some of the unanswered questions and continuing the narrative already «finished» in the book.[54] The second season consists of 13 episodes and began filming in fall 2017. Alexis Bledel returned as a series regular.[55]

Showrunner Bruce Miller stated that he envisioned 10 seasons of the show, stating, «Well, you know, honestly, when I started, I tried to game out in my head what would ten seasons be like? If you hit a home run, you want energy to go around the bases, you want enough story to keep going, if you can hook the audience to care about these people enough that they’re actually crying at the finale.»[56] Season 2 was filmed in Ontario, primarily in Toronto, but some scenes were shot in Hamilton and Cambridge.[57]

On May 2, 2018, Hulu renewed the series for a third season,[58] which premiered on June 5, 2019.[59] Season 3 started production in Toronto in October 2018.[60][61] Scenes for season 3 were also filmed in Cambridge and Hamilton, Ontario as well as in Washington, D.C.[62][63][64] Season 3 saw the show’s long-serving Director of Photography, Colin Watkinson, make his directorial debut with the episode «Unknown Caller». Cambridge, Ontario was nominated by the Location Managers Guild International for «Outstanding Film Office» for their work on this season. This was the first time that a Canadian Film Office was nominated for this honor.[65]

On July 26, 2019, the series was renewed for a fourth season.[7] Season 4, consisting of 10 episodes, began production in March 2020, with Elisabeth Moss filming her directorial debut, but work had to be halted after only a few weeks, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[66][67] In June 2020, Hulu announced that the fourth season would premiere in 2021.[68] Production on season 4 resumed in September 2020[21] and wrapped on February 25, 2021, with Moss having directed three episodes.[69]

On December 10, 2020, ahead of the fourth season premiere, Hulu renewed the series for a fifth season.[10] Season 5 started production in Toronto in February 2022 and continued through July 2022.[70] In May 2022, Alexis Bledel departed the series ahead of the fifth season, and stated, «After much thought, I felt I had to step away from The Handmaid’s Tale«.[71] On September 8, 2022, ahead of the fifth season premiere, Hulu renewed the series for a sixth and final season.[12]

Broadcast and release[edit]

The first three episodes of the series premiered on April 26, 2017; the subsequent seven episodes were released on a weekly basis.[51][72] In Canada, the series is broadcast weekly by CTV Drama Channel and the streaming service Crave; the first two episodes premiered on April 30, 2017.[73] In Scandinavia, the series is available on HBO Nordic.[74] In the United Kingdom, the series premiered on May 28, 2017, on Channel 4.[75]

In New Zealand, the series was released on the subscription video on demand service Lightbox on June 8, 2017.[76] After satellite service provider Sky acquired Lightbox and merged it into its streaming service Neon on July 7, 2020, Neon acquired the distribution rights to the series in New Zealand.[77]

In Australia, the series premiered on the TV channel SBS’s video streaming service SBS on Demand, on July 6, 2017.[78] The series also released on the subscription video on demand service Stan on December 12, 2018.[79]

In Ireland, the series premiered on February 5, 2018, on RTÉ2, with a showing of the first two episodes.[80] RTÉ also became the first broadcaster in Europe to debut Season 2, Season 3 and Season 4 following its broadcast in the US and Canada.[81] In Brazil and Latin America, the series premiered on March 7, 2018, on Paramount Channel.[82]

In India, the series premiered on February 5, 2018, on AXN and ran for the first two seasons before moving to Amazon Prime Video for Season 3, which made all three seasons available for viewing on January 31, 2020.[83][84]

In Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, the series premiered on September 15, 2018, on HBO Asia through HBO Go.[85]

The first season was released on Blu-ray and DVD on March 13, 2018, the second season on December 4, 2018, and the third season on November 19, 2019, by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment.[86][87][88] The fourth season was released on DVD only (no Blu-ray) on April 5, 2022, by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment.[89]


Critical response[edit]

The Handmaid’s Tale was ranked as the 25th and 38th best TV series of the 21st century by The Guardian and BBC, respectively.[90][91] On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the overall series has an approval rating of 83%.[92] While on Metacritic, another aggregator website, it has an average score of 81 out of 100.[93]

Season 1[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, 94% of 259 reviews are positive for the first season, with an average rating of 8.65/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «Haunting and vivid, The Handmaid’s Tale is an endlessly engrossing adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel that’s anchored by a terrific central performance from Elisabeth Moss.»[94] On Metacritic, the season has a weighted average score of 92 out of 100 based on 41 critics, indicating «universal acclaim».[95]

Daniel Fienberg of The Hollywood Reporter called it «probably the spring’s best new show».[104] Jen Chaney of Vulture gave it a highly positive review, and wrote that it is «A faithful adaptation of the book that also brings new layers to Atwood’s totalitarian, sexist world of forced surrogate motherhood» and that «this series is meticulously paced, brutal, visually stunning, and so suspenseful from moment to moment that only at the end of each hour will you feel fully at liberty to exhale».[105]

There was much debate on whether parallels could be drawn between the series (and by extension, the book it is based on) and American society during the Presidency of Donald Trump.[106][107] Comparisons have also been made to the Salafi/Wahabbi extremism of ISIS, under which enslaved women of religious minorities are passed around and utilized as sex objects and vessels to bear new jihadis.[108][109][110]

Season 2[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, 89% of 340 critics have given the season a positive review, and an average rating of 8.35/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «Beautifully shot but dishearteningly relevant, The Handmaid’s Tale centers its sophomore season tightly around its compelling cast of characters, making room for broader social commentary through more intimate lenses.»[96] Metacritic assigned the season a weighted average score of 86 out of 100 based on 28 critics, indicating «universal acclaim».[97]

Some critics perceived the second season’s depictions of violence as excessive. The Atlantics Sophie Gilbert wrote: «There came a point during the first episode where, for me, it became too much.»[111] Lisa Miller of The Cut wrote: «I have pressed mute and fast forward so often this season, I am forced to wonder: ‘Why am I watching this’? It all feels so gratuitous, like a beating that never ends.»[112] The Daily Telegraphs Rebecca Reid admitted she had an anxiety attack watching an episode of the show.[113]

Season 3[edit]

For the third season, Rotten Tomatoes reports that 82% of 301 reviews are positive, and the average rating is 6.9/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «The Handmaid’s Tales third season reins in its horrors and inspires hope that revolution really is possible – if only the story would stop spinning its wheels and get to it already.»[98] Metacritic compiled 14 critic reviews and an average score of 68 out of 100, signifying «generally favorable reviews».[99]

Kelly Lawler of USA Today gave it a positive review, scoring it three out of four stars. She claimed it is an improvement over the second season, «that rights many – though definitely not all – of Season 2’s wrongs.» Overall, she wrote, «The new season is more propulsive and watchable, although it doesn’t quite reach the heights of that first moving season. But Handmaid’s regains its footing by setting off on a new path».[114]

Daniel Fienberg of The Hollywood Reporter wrote a generally positive review, praising Elisabeth Moss’s performance and the cinematography, but criticized the plot «that has become frustratingly repetitive». Overall, he wrote, «Still occasionally powerful, but rarely as provocative».[115]

Season 4[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, the fourth season earned positive reviews from 70% of 46 critics, with an average rating of 7/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «Elisabeth Moss is better than ever, but scattershot plotting and an overbearing sense of doom may prove too grim for some viewers to really enjoy The Handmaid’s Tales fourth season.»[100] According to Metacritic, which collected 18 reviews and calculated an average score of 62, the season received «generally positive reviews».[101]

Kristen Baldwin of Entertainment Weekly gave it a «C+» grade and wrote that the series «delivers on some long-delayed promises, but ultimately it’s too little, too late.»[116] Matthew Gilbert of The Boston Globe wrote, «the dystopian drama has exceeded the natural lifespan of its story, as it plows forward with nothing new to say, tinkling cymbals and sounding brass.»[117] In a more positive review from Jen Chaney of Vulture, she wrote, «Thankfully, season four finally regains some momentum and forward motion. Based on the eight out of ten total episodes made available to critics, this is the best The Handmaid’s Tale has been since its first season.»[118]

Season 5[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, the fifth season earned positive reviews from 81% of 27 critics, with an average rating of 7.55/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «The Handmaid’s Tale has lost its urgency after spreading its once-arresting premise thin in a season focused on vengeance’s consequences, but the women of Gilead are still played with compelling exactitude.»[102] On Metacritic, it received an average score of 63 out of 100, based on 7 reviews, indicating «generally positive reviews».[103]

Critics were given the first eight episodes of the season to review. Writing for IGN, Tara Bennett gave it a «good» score of 7 out of 10 and wrote in her verdict: «The Handmaid’s Tale remains the canary in the coalmine of TV shows […]. Elisabeth Moss continues to give a livewire performance as former handmaid/now Canadian refugee June Osborne. […] But overall, the series continues to suffer with very measured storylines that can’t seem to recapture the kinetic energy of the first two seasons.»[119] Abby Cavenaugh of Collider graded it with a «B-» and said, «Season 5 is full of scarce highs and really low lows, lots of heavy-hitting drama, and emotional scenes. Some of the biggest events of this season lead to some pretty uncomfortable viewing, but viewers who stick with it will be rewarded with some huge moments that will have repercussions for the final season.»[120]


Year Award Category Nominee(s) Result Ref.
Season 1
2017 Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Drama Series Bruce Miller, Warren Littlefield, Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, Ilene Chaiken, Sheila Hockin, Eric Tuchman, Frank Siracusa, John Weber, Kira Snyder, Elisabeth Moss, Joseph Boccia and Leila Gerstein Won [121]
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss (for «Night») Won
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Ann Dowd (for «Offred») Won
Samira Wiley (for «Night») Nominated
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Reed Morano (for «Offred») Won
Kate Dennis (for «The Bridge») Nominated
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Bruce Miller (for «Offred») Won
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel (for «Late») Won
Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series Russell Scott, Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, and Robin D. Cook Nominated
Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series (One Hour) Colin Watkinson (for «Offred») Won
Outstanding Period/Fantasy Costumes for a Series, Limited Series, or Movie Ane Crabtree and Sheena Wichary (for «Offred») Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary or Fantasy Program (One Hour or More) Julie Berghoff, Evan Webber and Sophie Neudorfer (for «Offred») Won
Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role Brendan Taylor, Stephen Lebed, Leo Bovell, Martin O’Brien, Winston Lee, Kelly Knauff, Zach Dembinski, Mike Suta and Cameron Kerr (for «Birth Day») Nominated
Television Critics Association Awards Program of the Year The Handmaid’s Tale Won [122]
Outstanding Achievement in Drama Won
Outstanding New Program Nominated
Individual Achievement in Drama Elisabeth Moss Nominated
American Film Institute Awards Top 10 TV Programs of the Year The Handmaid’s Tale Won [123]
2018 American Cinema Editors Awards Best Edited Drama Series for Non-Commercial Television Julian Clarke and Wendy Hallam Martin (for «Offred») Won [124]
Art Directors Guild Awards One-Hour Contemporary Single-Camera Series Julie Berghoff (for «Offred», «Birth Day», «Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum») Won [125]
Andrew Stearn (for «The Bridge») Nominated
Casting Society of America Television Pilot and First Season – Drama Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott, Robin D. Cook and Jonathan Oliveira Won [126]
Cinema Audio Society Awards Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Television Series – One Hour John J. Thomson, Lou Solakofski, Joe Morrow and Don White (for «Offred») Nominated [127]
Costume Designers Guild Awards Excellence in Contemporary Television Series Ane Crabtree Won [128]
Critics’ Choice Television Awards Best Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale Won [129]
Best Actress in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Won
Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Ann Dowd Won
Directors Guild of America Awards Outstanding Directorial Achievement for a Drama Series Reed Morano (for «Offred») Won [130]
Golden Globe Awards Best Television Series – Drama The Handmaid’s Tale Won [131]
Best Actress – Television Series Drama Elisabeth Moss Won
Best Supporting Actress – Series, Miniseries or Television Film Ann Dowd Nominated
Location Managers Guild Awards Outstanding Locations in Contemporary Television John Musikka and Geoffrey Smither Nominated [132]
Peabody Award Entertainment, children’s and youth honoree The Handmaid’s Tale Won [133]
Producers Guild of America Awards Outstanding Producer of Episodic Television, Drama The Handmaid’s Tale Won [134]
Satellite Awards Best Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [135]
Best Actress in a Drama / Genre Series Elisabeth Moss Won
Best Supporting Actress in a Series, Miniseries or TV Film Ann Dowd Won
Saturn Awards Best New Media Television Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [136]
Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series Madeline Brewer, Amanda Brugel, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Tattiawna Jones, Max Minghella, Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski and Samira Wiley Nominated [137]
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
USC Scripter Awards Best Adapted TV Screenplay Bruce Miller and Margaret Atwood (for «Offred») Won [138]
Writers Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Ilene Chaiken, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, Leila Gerstein, John Herrera, Lynn Maxcy, Bruce Miller, Kira Snyder, Wendy Straker Hauser and Eric Tuchman Won [139]
New Series Won
BAFTA Television Awards Best International Programme The Handmaid’s Tale Won
Season 2
2018 Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Drama Series Bruce Miller, Warren Littlefield, Elisabeth Moss, Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, Mike Barker, Sheila Hockin, Eric Tuchman, Kira Snyder, Yahlin Chang, Frank Siracusa, John Weber, Dorothy Fortenberry and Joseph Boccia Nominated [140]
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss (for «The Last Ceremony») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series Joseph Fiennes (for «First Blood») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel (for «Unwomen») Nominated
Ann Dowd (for «June») Nominated
Yvonne Strahovski (for «Women’s Work») Nominated
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Kari Skogland (for «After») Nominated
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Bruce Miller (for «June») Nominated
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Kelly Jenrette (for «Other Women») Nominated
Cherry Jones (for «Baggage») Nominated
Samira Wiley (for «After») Won
Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott, and Robin D. Cook Nominated
Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series (One Hour) Colin Watkinson (for «June») Nominated
Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes Ane Crabtree and Natalie Bronfman (for «Seeds») Nominated
Outstanding Makeup for a Single-Camera Series (Non-Prosthetic) Burton LeBlanc, Talia Reingold and Erika Caceres (for «Unwomen») Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour or More) Mark White, Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow and Caroline Gee (for «June») Won
Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow and Rob Hepburn (for «Seeds», «First Blood», «After») Nominated
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Drama Series Wendy Hallam Martin (for «June») Won
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy or Drama Series (One-Hour) Joe Morrow, Lou Solakofski and Sylvain Arseneault (for «June») Nominated
Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role Stephen Lebed, Brendan Taylor, Kelly Knauff, Kelly Weisz, Kevin McGeagh, Anderson Leo Bovell, Winston Lee, Xi Luo and Cameron Kerr (for «June») Nominated
2019 Cinema Audio Society Awards Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Television Series – One Hour Sylvain Arseneault, Lou Solakofski, Joe Morrow, Scott Michael Smith, Adam Taylor, Mark DeSimone and Jack Heeren (for «Holly») Nominated [141]
Satellite Awards Best Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [142][143]
Best Actress in a Drama / Genre Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel, Madeline Brewer, Amanda Brugel, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Nina Kiri, Max Minghella, Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski, Sydney Sweeney and Bahia Watson Nominated [144]
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series Joseph Fiennes Nominated
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
Golden Globe Awards Best Actress – Television Series Drama Elisabeth Moss Nominated [145]
Best Supporting Actress – Series, Miniseries or Television Film Yvonne Strahovski Nominated
Visual Effects Society Awards Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal Episode Brendan Taylor, Stephen Lebed, Winston Lee and Leo Bovell (for «June») Nominated [146]
Outstanding Created Environment in an Episode, Commercial, or Real-Time Project Patrick Zentis, Kevin McGeagh, Leo Bovell and Zachary Dembinski (for «June») – Fenway Park Nominated
Outstanding Compositing in a Photoreal Episode Winston Lee, Gwen Zhang, Xi Luo and Kevin Quatman (for «June») Nominated
Writers Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Yahlin Chang, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, John Herrera, Lynn Renee Maxcy, Bruce Miller, Kira Snyder and Eric Tuchman Nominated [147]
Episodic Drama Eric Tuchman (for «First Blood») Nominated
GLAAD Media Awards Outstanding Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [148]
Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Daina Reid (for «Holly») Nominated [149]
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Bruce Miller & Kira Snyder (for «Holly») Nominated
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series Bradley Whitford Won [150]
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Cherry Jones Won
Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series (One Hour) Colin Watkinson for («The Word») Nominated
Zoë White (for «Holly») Nominated
Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes Ane Crabtree and Natalie Bronfman (for «The Word») Nominated
Outstanding Music Composition for a Series (Original Dramatic Score) Adam Taylor (for «The Word») Nominated
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Drama Series Wendy Hallam Martin (for «The Word») Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour or More) Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow and Robert Hepburn (for «Holly») Won
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy or Drama Series (One Hour) Joe Morrow, Lou Solakofski and Sylvain Arseneault (for «Holly») Nominated
Saturn Awards Best Streaming Horror & Thriller Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [151]
Season 3
2020 Cinema Audio Society Awards Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Television Series – One Hour Sylvain Arseneault, Lou Solakofski, Joe Morrow, Scott Michael Smith, Adam Taylor, Andrea Rusch and Kevin Schultz (for «Heroic») Nominated [152]
Make-Up Artists and Hair Stylists Guilds Best Television Series, Mini-Series or New Media Series – Best Contemporary Make-Up Burton LeBlanc, Alastair Muir and Faye Crasto Nominated [153]
Best Television Series, Mini-Series or New Media Series – Contemporary Hair Styling Paul Elliot and Ewa Latak-Cynk Nominated
Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel, Madeline Brewer, Amanda Brugel, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Kristen Gutoskie, Nina Kiri, Ashleigh LaThrop, Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski, Bahia Watson, Bradley Whitford and Samira Wiley Nominated [154]
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
American Society of Cinematographers Awards Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography in Regular Series for Non-Commercial Television Colin Watkinson (for «Night») Won [155]
Costume Designers Guild Awards Excellence in Sci-Fi/Fantasy Television Natalie Bronfman (for «Household») Nominated [156]
Casting Society of America Television Series – Drama Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott, Robin D. Cook, Stacia Kimler and Jonathan Oliveira Nominated [157]
Art Directors Guild Awards One-Hour Contemporary Single-Camera Series Elizabeth Williams (for «Mayday») Nominated [158]
Writers Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Marissa Jo Cerar, Yahlin Chang, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, Jacy Heldrich, John Herrera, Lynn Renee Maxcy, Bruce Miller, Kira Snyder and Eric Tuchman Nominated [159]
Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Drama Series Bruce Miller, Warren Littlefield, Elisabeth Moss, Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, Mike Barker, Eric Tuchman, Sheila Hockin, John Weber, Frank Siracusa, Kira Snyder, Yahlin Chang, Margaret Atwood, Dorothy Fortenberry, Marissa Jo Cerar, Nina Fiore, John Herrera and Kim Todd Nominated [160]
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series Bradley Whitford (for «Sacrifice») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Samira Wiley (for «Sacrifice») Nominated
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel (for «God Bless the Child») Nominated
Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott, and Robin D. Cook Nominated
Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes Natalie Bronfman, Helena Davis Perry and Christina Cattle (for «Household») Nominated
Outstanding Contemporary Hairstyling Paul Elliot and Ewa Latak-Cynk (for «Liars») Nominated
Outstanding Contemporary Makeup (Non-Prosthetic) Burton LeBlanc and Alastair Muir (for «Mayday») Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour or More) Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow and Robert Hepburn (for «Household») Won
Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role Stephen Lebed, Brendan Taylor, Leo Bovell, Rob Greb, Gwen Zhang, Marlis Coto, Stephen Wagner, Josh Clark and James Minett (for «Household») Nominated
Season 4
2021 Hollywood Critics Association TV Awards Best Streaming Series, Drama The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [161]
Best Actress in a Streaming Series, Drama Elisabeth Moss Nominated
Best Supporting Actor in a Streaming Series, Drama Bradley Whitford Nominated
Best Supporting Actress in a Streaming Series, Drama Alexis Bledel Nominated
Ann Dowd Nominated
Yvonne Strahovski Nominated
Samira Wiley Nominated
Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Drama Series Bruce Miller, Warren Littlefield, Elisabeth Moss, Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, Eric Tuchman, Sheila Hockin, John Weber, Frank Siracusa, Kira Snyder, Yahlin Chang, Dorothy Fortenberry, Margaret Atwood, Kim Todd, Matt Hastings, Nina Fiore and John Herrera Nominated [162]
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss (for «Home») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series O-T Fagbenle (for «Home») Nominated
Max Minghella (for «The Crossing») Nominated
Bradley Whitford (for «Testimony») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Madeline Brewer (for «Testimony») Nominated
Ann Dowd (for «Progress») Nominated
Yvonne Strahovski (for «Home») Nominated
Samira Wiley (for «Vows») Nominated
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Liz Garbus (for «The Wilderness») Nominated
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Yahlin Chang (for «Home») Nominated
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel (for «Testimony») Nominated
Mckenna Grace (for «Pigs») Nominated
Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott and Robin D. Cook Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour or More) Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow, Larry Spittle and Rob Hepburn (for «Chicago») Nominated
Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes Debra Hanson, Jane Flanders and Darci Cheyne (for «Nightshade») Nominated
Outstanding Contemporary Hairstyling Paul Elliot and Franchi Pir (for «Vows») Nominated
Outstanding Contemporary Makeup (Non-Prosthetic) Burton LeBlanc and Alastair Muir (for «Pigs») Nominated
Outstanding Music Composition for a Series (Original Dramatic Score) Adam Taylor (for «The Crossing») Nominated
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Drama Series Wendy Hallam Martin (for «The Crossing») Nominated
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy or Drama Series (One-Hour) Lou Solakofski, Joe Morrow and Sylvain Arseneault (for «Chicago») Nominated
Television Critics Association Awards Outstanding Achievement in Drama The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [163]
Women Film Critics Circle Outstanding Series Won [164]
2022 Golden Globe Awards Best Actress – Television Series Drama Elisabeth Moss Nominated [165]
Satellite Awards Best Actress in a Drama / Genre Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated [166]
Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel, Madeline Brewer, Amanda Brugel, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Sam Jaeger, Max Minghella, Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski, Bradley Whitford, and Samira Wiley Nominated


Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
Set Decorators Society of America Awards Best Achievement in Décor/Design of a One Hour Fantasy or Science Fiction Series Rob Hepburn and Elisabeth Williams Nominated [168]
Visual Effects Society Awards Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal Episode Brendan Taylor, Stephen Lebed, Kayla Cabral, and Brannek Gaudet (for «Chicago») Nominated [169]
Writers Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Yahlin Chang, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, Jacey Heldrich, John Herrera, Bruce Miller, Aly Monroe, Kira Snyder, and Eric Tuchman Nominated [170]
Episodic Drama Kira Snyder for «Testimony» Nominated

See also[edit]

  • List of original programs distributed by Hulu
  • Sex and sexuality in speculative fiction


  1. ^ Craven, TinaMarie (August 27, 2019). «The Handmaid’s Tale’ returns with a ruthless third season». The Ridgefield Press. Archived from the original on February 28, 2020. Retrieved February 28, 2020. The Handmaid’s Tale certainly amped up the tragedy porn aspect of the series, episode after episode beats down the viewer, leaving them gutted and disheartened.
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Рассказ служанки

Рассказ служанки


Маргарет Этвуд, автор исходного романа, делает эпизодическую роль в качестве тети в Эпизоде ​​1. Она — та, кто шлепает Оффреда, когда она не хочет присоединяться к кругу позора группы.

Актрисы говорят, что головные уборы, которые они носят, выходя на улицу, похожи на шоры, полностью отрезав их периферийное зрение. Актрисы не могут видеть друг друга, если они не смотрят друг на друга. Они должны действовать в основном исходя из того, что они могут услышать.

Маргарет Этвуд сказала, что почти все, что происходит в романе, произошло где-то в истории: Библия, иранская революция 1978-79 годов, реакция на феминизм 1980-х и т. Д.

Маргарет Этвуд сказала, что она была вдохновлена ​​классическим антиутопическим романом Джорджа Оруэлла «1984».

В апреле 2018 года в интервью с Мэри Элизабет Уильямс из «Салона» Аманда Брюгель (Рита) сказала, что, поскольку самоописанная «одинокая канадка в актерском составе», книга изменила ее жизнь задолго до того, как она получила роль в шоу. Она была назначена романом Маргарет Этвуд в качестве 15-летней ученицы средней школы и впоследствии написала несколько коротких рассказов на ее основе. Позже она написала дипломную работу в университете и получила полную стипендию на этой основе. Брюгель сказала, что главной темой этого эссе о поступлении в университет была Рита, персонаж, которого она сейчас играет в сериале.

В романе Командующий Оффреда и Серена Джой намного старше, чем они изображены в сериале. Они описаны как морщинистые с седыми волосами; Серена Радость опирается на трость для ходьбы.

В оригинальном романе не было черных персонажей, потому что Галаад (репрессивный теократический режим, который захватил правительство США к моменту выхода книги) классифицировал всех чернокожих как «детей Хэма». Это отсылка к убеждению некоторых фундаменталистских христианских конфессий, что чернокожие происходят от сына Ноя Хама и поэтому подвергаются «проклятию», наложенному на Хама Ноем. В романе чернокожие люди насильственно переселяются на верхнем Среднем Западе (Глава 14). Продюсеры этого шоу сделали сознательный выбор отклониться от этого аспекта книги, чтобы была возможность включить в шоу черных персонажей (и актеров), в том числе на роль Самиры Вайли в роли друга Оффреда и поддерживающей его служанки Мойры. В январе 2017 года в интервью «TVLine» исполнительный продюсер Брюс Миллер объяснил, что продюсеры «вели огромную дискуссию с Маргарет Этвуд, и в некотором смысле это вещь« ТВ против книги »», утверждая, что в телешоу было бы сложнее, чем в книге, объяснить постоянное отсутствие черных символов. Он продолжил: «Какая разница между созданием телешоу о расистах и ​​созданием расистского телешоу? Почему мы должны освещать [историю о служанке Оффред, которую играет Элизабет Мосс], а не рассказывать историю цветных людей, которые отправили в Небраску? Он также оправдал это, сообщив, что «евангелическое движение стало намного более интегрированным [с момента публикации книги, и] я принял решение, что рождаемость превысила все». Исходный роман также содержал краткое объяснение отсутствию еврейских персонажей в этой истории: правительство Гилеаде предоставило им возможность либо перейти в христианство, либо эмигрировать в Израиль — хотя те, кто выбрал эмиграцию, действительно были загружены на корабли, которые тогда были сбрасывается в океан.

В оригинальном романе Маргарет Этвуд главная героиня известна только по отчеству Оффреда (или «Фреда», поскольку она «принадлежит» командиру по имени Фред). Ее настоящее имя никогда не раскрывается, хотя многие читатели истолковывают ее имя как июнь, основываясь на различных тонких намеках в тексте. В статье 2017 года для «New York Times Book Review» автор Маргарет Этвуд говорит о толковании: «Это была не моя первоначальная мысль, но она подходит, поэтому читатели могут принять ее, если пожелают». В экранизации романа 1990 года «Сказка о служанке» (1990) создатели фильма выбрали Кейт в качестве своего пред-гилеадского имени и четко заявили об этом.

Реальные исторические события, которые вдохновили создателей «Рассказа служанки»


20 ноября 2021 08:02

«Рассказ служанки» — антиутопический сериал по роману Маргарет Этвуд 1984 года. Сама писательница утверждала, что все ужасы, описанные в романе, так или иначе основаны на реальных событиях. Именно об этих событиях и пойдет речь в этом посте.

Реальные исторические события, которые вдохновили создателей «Рассказа служанки»

1. Преследование женщин в Галааде отчасти основано на салемской охоте на ведьм

1. Преследование женщин в Галааде отчасти основано на салемской охоте на ведьм

Маргарет Этвуд не скрывала, что «Рассказ служанки» во многом был вдохновлен процессом над салемскими ведьмами и убийствами невинных женщин в конце 1600-х годов.

В 2017 году Этвуд дала интервью The World, в котором рассказала, что «Рассказ служанки» во многом заимствует историю Мэри Вебстер. До начала охоты на салемских ведьм Вебстер из Хэдли, штат Массачусетс, была самой печально известной «ведьмой».

Реальные исторические события, которые вдохновили создателей «Рассказа служанки»

После того, как Филип Смит — именитый житель Хэдли, — заболел, жители города решили, что в этом замешана ведьма, и под подозрение попала Мэри Вебстер. Женщину избили и повесили, но в конечном итоге она выжила, и ее история подробно рассказана в книге «Памятные провидения» 1689 года.

Маргарет Этвуд заявила, что «Рассказ служанки» посвящен Мэри Уэбстер, потому что «она является примером женщины, которую незаслуженно обвинили в чем-то, но также она отчасти является символом надежды, потому что им не удалось ее убить. Она пережила это».

2. Раньше роды на публике были королевским протоколом

2. Раньше роды на публике были королевским протоколом

В «Рассказе служанки» служанки вынуждены рожать на глазах у десятков других женщин, включая других служанок и «тёток». Королевские роды в Европе в 1600-х и 1700-х годах следовали аналогичному обычаю. Роженицы королевской семьи часто рожали на публике по нескольким причинам. Свидетели были необходимы, чтобы убедиться, что никто не подменил младенцев после родов, особенно это касалось рождения наследника престола.

Реальные исторические события, которые вдохновили создателей «Рассказа служанки»

Комнаты, в которых рожали королевские особы, были заполнены фрейлинами, акушерками, слугами, врачами и придворными мужского пола, стоящими в дальней части комнаты. Некоторые источники утверждают, что Мария-Антуанетта чуть не умерла после рождения первого ребенка из-за того, что в комнате находилось слишком много людей.

3. Восстание правых христиан в «Рассказе служанки» вдохновлено историей США

3. Восстание правых христиан в «Рассказе служанки» вдохновлено историей США

Тоталитарным государством Галаад в «Рассказе служанки» правят крайне религиозные правые. Когда Маргарет Этвуд писала свой роман 1985 года, она опиралась как на пуританскую теократию 17-го века в Америке, так и на политический климат в Америке 80-х годов.

Во время президентства Рональда Рейгана Америка по большей части приняла христианский консерватизм, который оказал большое влияние на работу Этвуд над «Рассказом служанки».

Реальные исторические события, которые вдохновили создателей «Рассказа служанки»

Во время выборов и президентства Рейган присоединился к нескольким религиозно-политическим ассоциациям, включая «Фокус на семье» и «Моральное большинство». Рейган не признавал аборты, и его принадлежность к этим религиозно-политическим группам привела к суровым ограничениям в доступе женщин к абортам.

4. Указ 770

4. Указ 770

Маргарет Этвуд узнала об указе 770, когда собирала материал для «Рассказа служанки». Это был закон, принятый в Румынии, который объявил все формы контрацепции и аборты незаконными.

В 1950-х годах румынские женщины начали выходить на рынок труда и рожать меньше детей. К 1960-м годам доступ к противозачаточным средствам был крайне ограничен, поэтому аборты стали основным методом планирования семьи в Румынии. Однако правящая Коммунистическая партия хотела увидеть резкое увеличение населения Румынии, поэтому власти запретили контроль над рождаемостью и аборты.

В соответствии с румынским коммунистическим режимом и Указом 770 женщин заставляли посещать гинеколога один раз в месяц для проверки на беременность. В это время полицейские стояли на страже в коридоре, чтобы убедиться, что женщины не сопротивляются. Состоятельные женщины продолжали покупать презервативы и противозачаточные средства на черном рынке, но у женщин из низшего класса не было такой возможности. Иногда, когда женщины узнавали о беременности раньше врача, они пытались сделать себе аборт на дому, что приводило к множеству смертей. Политика оставалась неизменной до распада Советского Союза в 1980-х годах.

5. История одежды служанок

5. История одежды служанок

Одежда служанок выбрана не случайно. Как в книге Маргарет Этвуд, так и в сериале, «Жены» носят одежду синего цвета, «тетки» — коричневую, «Марты» — зеленую, а «Служанки» — красное платье и белый чепчик.

По словам Маргарет Этвуд, темно-красный цвет, который носят служанки, был вдохновлен рядом различных исторических событий. Во время Второй мировой войны немецким военнопленным, содержащимся в Канаде, выдали красную одежду, потому что так их было видно на фоне снега. Красный цвет также носила Мария Магдалина, с которой отождествляют образ падшей женщины.

Реальные исторические события, которые вдохновили создателей «Рассказа служанки»

В новом издании «Рассказа служанки» Этвуд заявила, что закрывающий лицо чепчик вдохновлен упаковкой чистящего средства Old Dutch Cleanser 1940-х годов, которая пугала ее в детстве. Однако чепчик также очень напоминает одежду католических монахинь.

6. Служанки Нью-Джерси

6. Служанки Нью-Джерси

Во время поиска материала для книги Маргарет Этвуд обнаружила относительно неизвестный католический культ в Нью-Джерси, в котором жен называли служанками. Этвуд нашла статью об этом культе в Associated Press, и подчеркнула в ней слово «служанки». Возможно, что она почерпнула вдохновение для названия книги как раз из этого культа.

В 1975 году биржевой маклер из Нью-Йорка Роберт Галлик и рукоположенный католический священник преподобный Джеймс Ферри основали общину «Люди надежды». Жен в этой общине называли «служанками Бога», но в отличие от служанок Этвуд, которых заставляли рожать детей, эти жены скорее напоминали Жён в Галааде. Эти «служанки Бога» должны были подавать хороший пример другим женщинам, а также контролировать друг друга, чтобы все следовали установленным «правилам» — например, подчиняться своим мужьям.

Общество всерьез обеспокоилось общиной, заявив, что «Народ надежды» «подчиняет своих женщин, препятствует социальным контактам с посторонними, устраивает браки и перемещает подростков в «домашние хозяйства» для идеологической обработки». Однако даже сейчас «Люди надежды» продолжают свою деятельность в центральном Джерси.

7. Заключенным в Советском Союзе приходилось работать с радиоактивными материалами

7. Заключенным в Советском Союзе приходилось работать с радиоактивными материалами

В антиутопическом мире «Рассказа служанки» «неженщины» (в основном это лесбиянки, радикальные феминистки и изменщицы) вынуждены убирать радиоактивные отходы в «Колониях». Колонии — это, по сути, свалки ядовитых веществ и места разливов радиации. Эти неженщины и заключенные буквально работают до тех пор, пока не умирают от радиационной болезни.

Согласно статье Associated Press 1986 года, в Советском Союзе когда-то была похожая практика. В 1970-х годах заключенные работали на урановых рудниках, чтобы собрать достаточно материала для создания атомных бомб. Заключенные, работающие в этих шахтах, подверглись очень высокому уровню радиации. В результате у них развилась лучевая болезнь, и их отправляли в специальные лазареты, где на них ставили медицинские эксперименты.

8. «Проект по усыновлению индейцев»

8. «Проект по усыновлению индейцев»

В «Рассказе служанки» у Джун (Фредовой) есть дочь по имени Ханна. Ханну забрали и усыновили один из командиров и его жена, потому что правительство Галаада утверждает, что служанки не могут быть матерями-одиночками.

Тема воровства детей, к сожалению, не чужда США. В 1958 году Американская лига защиты детей запустила «Проект по усыновлению индейцев», который существовал до 1967 года. В рамках этого проекта детей коренных народов забирали из семей и помещали в другие семьи, чтобы их научили «американским ценностям». При этом не сохранялось никакой документации о биологических родителях, детей просто передавали белым семьям на усыновление.


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