Рассказ служанки имена героев


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Сын Омара и Хизер, ребенок из бедного сословия. После казни его отца был отдан в другую семью.




Принадлежит к касте Служанок. Она тренировалась в Красном Центре вместе с Джун (Фредовой), Мойрой и Джанин (Уореновой). Альма — положительная героиня, она добрая, немного болтливая, часто делится свежими сплетнями и новостями с Джун (Фредовой). Она также становится контактом Джун с группой Сопротивления.




Принадлежит к касте Марф. Она работает в «Иезавель» — борделе, в котором живут и работают проститутками бывшие юристы, ученые и иные женщины, неугодные нынешнему политическому строю. Бет в хороших отношениях с Ником.

Гленова №2 (Лили Фуллер)

Ofglen №2 (Lillie Fuller)


Получила данное имя после того, как арестовали Эмили (Гленова №1) по обвинению в гендерном преступлении из-за связи с женщиной. Эмили отозвали со службы и на ее место прислали новую служанку. В прошлом Гленова №2 была проституткой и наркоманкой. Новый режим дал ей стабильность и надежность. Она довольна своим положением.

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Джанин (Уорренова)

Janine (Ofwarren)


Принадлежит к касте служанок. Их с Фредовой в одно время привезли в Красный Центр на переобучение. Джанин пыталась сопротивляться, и за это Тетки лишили ее глаза. После окончания обучения ее направили командору Уорену Патнем.

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Джозеф Лоуренс

Joseph Lawrence


Командор республики Галаад. Лоуренс отличается высоким интеллектом, независимыми взглядами. Он построил экономическую модель республики Галаад. Лоуренс также ответственен за создание Колоний.

Джун Осборн (Фредова №2)

June Osborne (Offred №2)


Главная героиня. У Джун есть дочь и муж Люк. Брак с Люком не был признан властями Республики Галаад законным, потому что у Люка это был второй брак, и потому при новом режиме Джун выполняет роль служанки. Тетка Лидия называет её прелюбодейкой.

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Эпизодический персонаж. До образования Галаада служила в армии, после — перемещалась по стране в поисках похищенных женщин, нуждающихся в помощи. Нашла Эрин в одном из обучающих Красных центров. Спасла Люку жизнь. Убита в перестрелке с военными Галаада при попытке перевести Люка и Эрин в безопасное место.

Иден Спенсер (Блэйн)

Eden Spencer (Blaine)


Женщина, ставшая женой Ника. Выросла на ферме, слабо представляет себе супружеские обязанности. Даже об «акте возлежания» её рассказывала миссис Уоттерфорд.




Посол Мексики в новообразованную Республику Галаад. Первоначально предстает умной и неравнодушной женщиной, искренне интересующейся судьбами служанок. Позже оказывается, что ее визит в Респулику Галаад носит больше деловой характер: посол приехала, чтобы обсудить вопрос покупки служанок.

Командор Гатри

Commander Guthrie


Второстепенный персонаж в сериале. Он военный авторитет и ранний член Сынов Иакова. После государственного переворота командор Гатри обсуждает будущее Галаада и перспективы рождаемости в стране. Командор Прайс изначально заявляет, что они должны относиться к «этим девушкам» (то есть к оставшимся в стране плодородным женщинам) «с уважением, по-божественному», но командоры Гатри и Уотерфорд отвергают данное предложение. В конечном итоге они решают, что все оставшиеся плодородные женщины должны быть собраны и оплодотворены мужчинами с высшим статусом во время Церемонии.


Commander wife


Эпизодический персонаж, жена командора, которая за измену была сослана в рабочие лагеря на радиоактивные поля. Очень верующая, была влюблена в своего любовника. Эмили дала ей просроченные таблетки, отравив её за то, что она каждый месяц держала служанку, пока её муж насиловал её.




Второстепенный персонаж в фильме «История служанки». Она — Марфа, служащая командору Фреду Уотерфорду и Серене Джой Уотерфорд.

Люк Бэнкоул

Luke Bankole


Муж Фредовой. Участник Сопротивления. Пытался дать отпор военным и защитить свою жену и дочь, однако был подстрелен. Люк встретил группу людей, пытающихся пересечь границу с Канадой, и был вынужден к ним присоединиться. В настоящий момент живет в Канаде, пытается отыскать Джун и Ханну.




Лучшая подруга Фредовой с подросткового возраста. Она стала легендой среди служанок из-за того, что смогла сбежать из Красного Центра. Мойра — член Сопротивления.

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Мэтьева (Натали)



Мэтьеву назначили партнером по покупкам Джун Осборн (Джозефова). Она демонстрирует лояльность новому режиму и публично озвучивает свою поддержку установленным в республике Галаад правилам и обычаям.

Наоми Патнэм

Naomi Putnam


Жена командора Патнэма. Высокомерна, жестока. Также как и большинство женщин Республики Галаад она не может иметь детей, поэтому к их дому прикреплена Уоренова — служанка, вынашивающая для нее ребенка. Миссис Патнем относится к Уореновой и остальным служанкам с неприязнью.

Постоянно жалуется на трудности с ребенком, чем бесконечно раздражает Серену (Яснораду).

Ник Блэйн

Nick Blaine


Служит семье командора Уотерфорда. До образования Республики Галаад у него были проблемы с трудоустройством, однако в трудный период жизни его поддержал будущий командор Прайс и дал работу. Ник — Око, он предан командору Прайсу и выполняет поставленные перед ним задачи, однако не является религиозным и в идеи Республики не верит. Он симпатизирует Фредовой, относится к ней с вниманием и терпением.

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Николь Осборн (Блэйн)



Дочь Ника Блейна и Джун Осборн. Приемная дочь Серены Джой Уотерфорд и Фреда Утерфорда.

Одетта Джонсон

Odetta Johnson


Девушка Мойры, пропавшая без вести. Гинеколог, курировшая суррогатную беременность Мойры. Спустя некоторое время Мойра нашла информацию о её смерти.




Биологический сын Эмили и приемный сын Сильвии. Вместе с Сильвией ему удается покинуть Америку, превращающуюся в Галаад.




Мусульманин из бедного района, муж Хизер, помогал Джун с побегом. Был схвачен во время похода в церковь.




Муж профессора Дэна. Называл его коолаборционистом.

Профессор Дэн

Professor Dan


Глава кафедры, на которой преподавала Эмили. Гей. Был повешен гомоненавистниками.




Принадлежит к касте Марф. Она служит семье Уотерфорд и искренне верит в ценности Республики Галаад.




Жена Эмили. Они пытались вместе сбежать из Галаада, но им это не удалось. Сильвия с Оливером смогли уехать в Канаду.

Тетка Лидия

Aunt Lydia


Принадлежит к касте Теток — классу женщин, которым поручено внушить служанкам верования нового общества и заставить их принять их судьбы. Тетя Лидия работает в Красном Центре, школе перевоспитания, где Фредова и другие женщины проходят обучение, прежде чем стать служанками.




Помощник посла Мексики. Связан с Сопротивлением.

Фред Уотерфорд

Fred Waterford


Командор, представитель власти Республики Галаад. Он в числе прочих командоров непосредственно стоял за осуществлением государственного переворота в США и установлением нового режима.

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Фредова №1

Offred’s №1


Предшественница Фредовой. Имела интимные отношения с командором Уотерфордом, выходящие за рамки взаимоотношений служанки и ее командора. Проводила много времени с ним наедине. Не смогла приспособиться к новой жизни и покончила с собой, оставив послание девушке, которую приведут на ее место: «Не дай этим ублюдкам тебя доконать!».

Ханна Бэнкоул

Hannah Bankole


Дочь Джун и Люка. Родилась незадолго до образования Республики Галаад. До начала репрессий ее воспитывала Джун (Фредова), однако в дальнейшем военные забрали у нее Ханну и отдали ее на воспитание другой семье.




Жена Омара из бедного сословия, родила ребенка, после смерти мужа была осуждена на искупление и стала служанкой.

Холли Осборн (Мэддокс)

Holly Osborn (Maddox)


Мать Джун Осборн (Фредовой №2). Врач.

Активная феминистка. Боролась за права женщин, не верила в идею замужества и родила Фредову вне брака. Властями Галаада признана неженщиной и была отправлена на каторжные работы в зараженные земли.




Книжный персонаж. В сериале не показана. О ней очень мало известно, за исключением того факта, что она служанка, назначенная командору по имени Чарльз. Она не известна Фредовой. Чарльзова была арестована и приговорена к смертной казни режимом за неизвестные преступления.

Эмили (Гленова №1)

Emily (Ofglen №1)


Один из центральных персонажей в Рассказе служанки. Она принадлежит к касте Служанок, назначена командору Глену.

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Эмили Бэнкоул

Emily Bankole


Первая жена Люка, просила Джун отступить и дать шанс спасти их с Люком брак. Отступилась от Люка, когда у Джун родилась дочь.

Эндрю Прайс

Andrew Pryce


Командор. Является второстепенным персонажем. Он — командующий военного подразделения «Око». До образования Республики Галаад был членом религиозной организации «Сыны Иакова». В данный момент является непосредственным руководителем Ника и возглавляет совет командоров, называемый «Совет».




Бывшая служанка, спасенная мятежниками и в настоящее время живущая в Маленькой Америке с Люком.

The Handmaid’s Tale is an American dystopian drama web television series created for Hulu by Bruce Miller, based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood. The plot follows a dystopian future following a Second American Civil War wherein a totalitarian society subjects fertile women, called «Handmaids», to child-bearing slavery.[1] The first three episodes of the series premiered on April 26, 2017; the subsequent seven episodes aired on a weekly basis every Wednesday. In May 2017, the series was renewed for a second season which premiered on April 25, 2018.[2] The series features an ensemble cast including Elisabeth Moss, Joseph Fiennes, Yvonne Strahovski, Alexis Bledel, Madeline Brewer, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Max Minghella and Samira Wiley. Amanda Brugel had a recurring role in the first season before being promoted to the main cast for the second.

This list includes the series’ main cast, all guest stars deemed to have had recurring roles throughout the series, and any other guest who is otherwise notable.


Main characters[edit]

June Osborne[edit]

June Osborne (portrayed by Elisabeth Moss) is a woman who was captured while attempting to escape to Canada with her husband, Luke, and daughter, Hannah. Due to her fertility, she is made a Handmaid to Commander Fred Waterford and his wife, Serena Joy, and is named «Offred».

Moss was first announced as the lead actress in April 2016.[3]

Commander Fred Waterford[edit]

Commander Fred Waterford (portrayed by Joseph Fiennes) is a high-ranking government official, chief diplomat, and Offred’s master. Both he and his wife played an instrumental role in Gilead’s founding. He wishes to have more contact with June outside of what is lawful between a Handmaid and her master, and starts inviting her to play nightly games of Scrabble. He feigns a kind personality, often portraying himself as a victim of Gilead, but in reality he is cruel and aggressive. He was responsible for the founding of Gilead, being one of the leaders of the Sons of Jacob. After Commander Pryce’s death, he becomes the head of the Council. This role is comparable to a prime minister.

Fiennes joined the cast in August 2016.[4]

Serena Joy Waterford[edit]

Serena Joy Waterford (portrayed by Yvonne Strahovski) is Fred’s wife and a former conservative cultural activist and author of a controversial book, A Woman’s Place, which advocates women as second-class citizens who exist merely to be obedient and submissive housewives and mothers, rather than be independent of their menfolk and pursuing careers. She appears to have accepted her new role in the Gilead society that she helped create. She is poised and deeply religious, but is capable of great cruelty and is often callous to June. She is desperate to become a mother, but most men are sterile. Showrunners have said we will see that Serena is actually fertile. Although a friend of Commander Cushing, she denounces him fearing his heavy response to the bombing and his semi-dictatorial power.

Strahovski joined the cast in August 2016.[5]

Emily Malek[edit]

Emily (portrayed by Alexis Bledel), also referred to as Ofglen and later Ofsteven, is June’s shopping partner. Although June is initially wary of her, it is revealed Ofglen is not as pious as she seems and the two become friends. Ofglen had a wife and son and was a university lecturer in cellular biology. Although homosexuality is punishable by death in Gilead and most university professors are sent to labor camps, Ofglen was spared and made a Handmaid due to her fertility. She is later captured and cruelly punished for her homosexual relationship with Martha and is assigned to another household where she becomes «Ofsteven.” She is involved with a resistance movement called «Mayday.” In season 3 we witness Emily’s post-traumatic struggles as she escapes Gilead and is reunited with her wife and son in Canada.

Bledel was cast in January 2017.[6]

Janine Lindo[edit]

Janine (portrayed by Madeline Brewer) is a Handmaid who entered the Red Center for training at the same time as June. She considers June a friend because of her kind treatment. During training, Janine’s right eye is removed as a punishment for her initial non-compliance. She reveals a past rape during training and the other Handmaids are forced to tell Janine the abuse was her fault, causing her great emotional harm. She becomes mentally unstable due to her mistreatment and often behaves in temperamental or childlike ways. She is assigned to Warren and Naomi Putnam and becomes “Ofwarren.” She eventually gives birth to a baby girl the Putnams name «Angela,” though Janine insists the baby’s name is «Charlotte.” Janine is later reassigned and becomes «Ofdaniel.” She was temporarily assigned to the Colonies until a bombing at the new Rachel and Leah Center.

Brewer was cast as Janine in August 2016.[7]

Aunt Lydia[edit]

Aunt Lydia (portrayed by Ann Dowd) is in charge of overseeing the Handmaids in their training, sexual reeducation, and duties. She is brutal and subjects insubordinate Handmaids to harsh physical punishment, but she also cares for her charges and believes deeply in the Gileadean mission and doctrine. She appears to have a soft spot for Janine and even goes so far as to address her by her given name on occasion. She was heavily injured in Season 2. In Season 3, it was revealed in a flashback that her real name is Lydia Clements, and she was an elementary school teacher who taught fourth grade.

Dowd was cast in July 2016.[8]

Luke Bankole[edit]

Lucas «Luke» Bankole (portrayed by O-T Fagbenle) is June’s husband from before Gilead. Because he is divorced (he and June began their relationship before his divorce from his first wife), their union is considered invalid in the new society. June is considered an adulteress and their daughter, Hannah, is considered illegitimate. Initially June believes he has been killed, but it is later revealed Luke managed to escape to Canada.

Fagbenle was cast in September 2016.[9]

Nick Blaine[edit]

Nick Blaine (portrayed by Max Minghella) is Commander Waterford’s driver and a former drifter from Michigan who has feelings for June. June and Nick develop an intimate relationship and have a daughter, which they wanted to name Holly. Later on, June decides to give her the name that Serena had chosen, Nicole. June early on discovers that Nick is an Eye, a spy for Gilead. He is eventually promoted to the rank of Commander and briefly sent to the war front in Chicago. His direct superior is Commander Pryce, head of Security, who wants him to «control Waterford» in the prevision of further purges of Gilead. He passes then to the leadership of Cushing, which starts a brief authoritarian regime, and then Warren Putnam.

Minghella was cast in July 2016.[8]

Moira Strand[edit]

Moira (portrayed by Samira Wiley), also referred to as Ruby, is June’s best friend since college. She is already at the Red Center when June enters Handmaid training but escapes before being assigned to a home. She is recaptured and becomes «Ruby», a Jezebel. She seems to have given up hope of ever being free, but on meeting June again regains the conviction to escape.

Wiley joined the main cast in July 2016.[10][11]

Rita Blue[edit]

Rita (portrayed by Amanda Brugel) is a Martha at the Waterford home. She had a son who died fighting in the Civil War when he was 19 years old. Rita is part of the resistance and helped June escape with baby Nichole at the end of season 2. At the end of Season 3, Rita escapes to Canada on a plane with over 80 children and several other Marthas.

Brugel was cast in the recurring role of Rita in September 2016.[12] In August 2017, she was promoted to the main cast for the second season.[13]

Commander Joseph Lawrence[edit]

Commander Joseph Lawrence (portrayed by Bradley Whitford) is considered the «architect of Gilead’s economy,»[14] and the creator of the Colonies, as well a gruff and intimidating man with a disheveled mad genius vibe. His sly humor and flashes of kindness make him a confusing, mysterious presence for his newest Handmaid. He shows regrets for his past and could be a member of the Mayday resistance.

Whitford joined the recurring cast in February 2018.[15] He was promoted to the main cast for the third season in October 2018.[16]

Mark Tuello[edit]

Mark Tuello (portrayed by Sam Jaeger) is a mysterious stranger who Serena encounters in Canada, later revealed to be a representative of the US government-in-exile. He plays a bigger role in Season 3.

Jaeger was promoted to the main cast in season 4.

Recurring characters[edit]

The following is a list of guest characters that have recurring roles throughout the series.

Introduced in season 1[edit]

  • Alma (portrayed by Nina Kiri), also referred to as Ofrobert, is another Handmaid who trained at the Red Center with June, Moira, and Janine. She is frank and chatty and often trades gossip and news with June. She is also involved with Mayday and becomes June’s first contact with the resistance group.
  • Commander Warren Putnam (portrayed by Stephen Kunken) is a Commander in the Republic of Gilead. He’s the husband of Naomi Putnam and the first known Commander of Janine (Ofwarren). He had his left hand amputated by the Council after being found guilty of adultery. He later becomes the right hand of Waterford in the Council itself, and the head of Security after the arrest of Cushing, who had established a semi-dictatorial regime too violent and exclusive for Gilead. He personally carries out Cushing’s arrest «on Waterford order».
  • Naomi Putnam (portrayed by Ever Carradine) is Commander Warren Putnam’s wife. She views her baby largely as a status symbol and has no sympathy for the Handmaids. Carradine joined the cast in October 2016.[17]
  • Lillie Fuller (portrayed by Tattiawna Jones), also referred to as Ofglen, is a woman who replaces Emily in the position after Emily is captured by the Eyes. She initially follows the rules and does not wish to upset the status quo, but this is because she believes her life as a Handmaid is better than the difficult, impoverished life she led prior to Gilead, rather than out of religious piety.
  • Dolores (portrayed by Jenessa Grant), also referred to as Ofsamuel, is a local Handmaid with a friendly and talkative nature.
  • Briana (portrayed by Bahia Watson), also referred to as Oferic, is another local Handmaid who is friends with June.
  • Hannah Bankole (portrayed by Jordana Blake) is June and Luke’s daughter. She is later renamed Agnes.
  • Commander Andrew Pryce (portrayed by Robert Curtis Brown). One of the architects of the Sons of Jacob movement. He is a high-ranking commander who employs Nick as an Eye, and the head of Security. He gains political power very quickly, eventually becoming head of the Council (Govern) and an influent member of the Committee (Senate). He is later replaced in these roles by Cushing and Waterford, after dying in a terrorist action. He seems a faithful man but proves to be cruel and opportunist. He is also the superior of Nick and wants to «purge and clean» Gilead.
  • Beth (portrayed by Kristen Gutoskie) is a Martha at Jezebel’s. She has an arrangement with Nick whereby she trades illegal alcohol and other contraband for drugs, which the Jezebels use. She has a casual sexual relationship with him and is aware that he is an Eye. Beth becomes a recurring character in season three as one of the two Marthas working at Commander Lawrence’s household.
  • Erin (portrayed by Erin Way) is a young, apparently mute, woman who was being trained to become a Handmaid but managed to escape to Canada.[18]

Introduced in season 2[edit]

  • Eden Spencer (portrayed by Sydney Sweeney) is a pious and obedient girl who dreams of one day being a Commander’s wife. Sweeney was cast in May 2017.[19]
  • Commander Ray Cushing (portrayed by Greg Bryk) is a high government official who is friends with the Commanders Pryce and Waterford, and Serena. Cushing, his wife and the Waterfords were friends before Gilead and used to travel together. Cushing is chosen to replace Commander Pryce following the Rachel and Leah Center bombing, thus becoming the head of the Council (Govern) and of Security. He acts like the absolute ruler of Gilead for a while, abusing his power and proving to be a cruel tyrant, ordering dozens of random executions. He also questions Offred about who aided her when she tried to flee the country. Fearing the possibility of her household being targeted and angry at Cushing’s heavy-handed response to the bombing, Serena forges orders from her husband to have him arrested for treason and apostasy.[20] Cushing is taken to prison «on Waterford’s word» (executive order), with Waterford eventually replacing him as the head of the Council and Gilead’s leader. Cushing is the only politician to establish a semi-dictatorial regime in Gilead, although only for a few days. In fact, his excessive power and authoritarianism were feared by the other Commanders.
  • Isaac (portrayed by Rohan Mead) is a Guardian assigned to the Waterford home.
  • Eleanor Lawrence (portrayed by Julie Dretzin) is Commander Lawrence’s long-suffering wife.
  • Holly Maddox (portrayed by Cherry Jones) is June’s mother, an outspoken feminist. Jones was cast in January 2018.[21]
  • Sylvia (portrayed by Clea DuVall) is Emily’s wife, who managed to leave the United States with their child before Gilead was installed.

Introduced in season 3[edit]

  • Natalie (portrayed by Ashleigh LaThrop) is a devoted Handmaid whose loyalty to Gilead causes divisive tensions amongst her peers.
  • Sienna (portrayed by Sugenja Sri) is a Martha at the Lawrence home.
  • George Winslow (portrayed by Christopher Meloni) is a High Commander stationed in Washington, D.C.

Introduced in season 4[edit]

  • Esther Keyes (portrayed by Mckenna Grace) is the teenage wife of an older commander.
  • Oona (portrayed by Zawe Ashton) is Moira’s girlfriend.

Introduced in season 5[edit]

  • Alanis Wheeler (portrayed by Genevieve Angelson)
  • Ryan Wheeler (portrayed by Lucas Neff) is Alanis’ husband
  • Rose Blaine (portrayed by Carey Cox) is Nick’s wife
  • Ezra Shaw (portrayed by Rossif Sutherland) is a security guard in Gilead
  • Commander Mackenzie (portrayed by Jason Butler Harner)

Guest characters[edit]

The following is a supplementary list of guest stars that appear in lesser roles, make significant cameo appearances or who receive co-starring credit over multiple appearances.

Introduced in season 1[edit]

  • Mrs. Castillo (portrayed by Zabryna Guevara) is an ambassador from Mexico who visits Gilead to see the effectiveness of the regime.
  • Mr. Flores (portrayed by Christian Barillas) is Mrs. Castillo’s assistant.

Introduced in season 2[edit]

  • Mrs. O’Conner (portrayed by Marisa Tomei) is a Commander’s wife sent to the colonies as punishment for having sex with another man. She is poisoned by Emily and dies in the colonies. Tomei was cast in January 2018.[22]
  • Omar (portrayed by Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) is a man who helps June attempt to escape. He is secretly a practicing Muslim. He does not return from church nor does his family. He is later revealed to June by Aunt Lydia hanging on the wall, and his wife and son were separated, his son is given new parents and his wife forced to be a handmaid, as punishment for his helping June
  • Dan (portrayed by John Carroll Lynch) is Emily’s boss at the university where she worked.
  • Annie (portrayed by Kelly Jenrette) is Luke’s ex-wife, who stalked June in an attempt to make her give up on him.
  • Odette Johnson (portrayed by Rebecca Rittenhouse) is the doctor who helped Moira during her surrogacy and later became her fiancée.

Introduced in season 3[edit]

  • Jim (portrayed by John Ortiz) is the principal of the school where Aunt Lydia taught before Gilead.
  • Noelle (portrayed by Emily Althaus) is a young single mother whose son Aunt Lydia taught before the rise of Gilead.

Introduced in season 4[edit]

  • Daisy (portrayed by Laura Vandervoort) is a Jezebel worker who aids June.
  • Lieutenant Stans (portrayed by Reed Birney) is a Gilead officer who interrogates June.
  • Steven (portrayed by Omar Maskati) is the leader of a resistance group in Chicago.
  • Aunt Irene (portrayed by Carly Street) is a former aunt who escaped to Canada as a refugee now going by the name Iris. She was responsible for the mutilation of Emily and the hanging of the Martha with whom Emily was having an affair. She seeks forgiveness from Emily but when she doesn’t receive it, she hangs herself.


  1. ^ Bradley, Laura (May 2, 2018). «The Handmaid’s Tale: Why Offred’s Latest Heartbreak Is the Most Devastating Yet». Vanity Fair. Retrieved June 27, 2018. In its third installment, however, the drama digs even deeper into the emotional toll Gilead has taken on everyone—both those left in what was once the United States and those who’ve made it out. The lives and dreams that each character lost to this totalitarian regime have been laid out in excruciating detail before—but this week, the show lays those losses bare with more subtlety than perhaps any other episode. … (In richer households, handmaids do the childbearing, Wives raise the children, and Marthas do the housework. Econowives, in contrast, “have to do everything; if they can.”)
  2. ^ Vilkomerson, Sara (January 14, 2018). «The Handmaid’s Tale: Here’s the first trailer for season 2 (and a premiere date!)». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved January 14, 2018.
  3. ^ Petski, Denise; Andreeva, Nellie (April 29, 2016). «Elisabeth Moss To Star in Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale On Hulu». Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved March 15, 2017.
  4. ^ Prudom, Laura (August 23, 2016). «Joseph Fiennes to Star in The Handmaid’s Tale for Hulu». Variety. Retrieved August 23, 2016.
  5. ^ Andreeva, Nellie (August 29, 2016). «Yvonne Strahovski To Star in Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale Series». Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 12, 2017.
  6. ^ Andreeva, Nellie (January 5, 2017). «Alexis Bledel Joins New Hulu Series The Handmaid’s Tale As Recurring». Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 5, 2017.
  7. ^ Goldberg, Lesley (August 19, 2016). «Hulu’s Handmaid’s Tale Adds Madeline Brewer». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved January 12, 2017.
  8. ^ a b Petski, Denise (July 15, 2016). «Max Minghella & Ann Dowd Join The Handmaid’s Tale Drama Series on Hulu». Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 12, 2017.
  9. ^ Petski, Denise (September 7, 2016). «The Handmaid’s Tale Casts O-T Fagbenle; Sofia Wylie Joins Andi Mack«. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 12, 2017.
  10. ^ Roshanian, Arya (July 25, 2016). «Orange Is the New Black‘s Samira Wiley Joins Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale«. Variety. Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  11. ^ Hipes, Patrick (July 25, 2016). «Samira Wiley Joins Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale«. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 12, 2017.
  12. ^ Petski, Denise (September 28, 2016). «The Handmaid’s Tale Casts Amanda Brugel; Jemar Michael Joins Dear White People«. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 12, 2017.
  13. ^ Stanhope, Kate (August 17, 2017). «‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Promotes Amanda Brugel to Series Regular (Exclusive)». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved September 19, 2017.
  14. ^ Eric Tuchman (writer); Daina Reid (director) (July 4, 2018). «Postpartum». The Handmaid’s Tale. Season 2. Episode 12. Hulu.
  15. ^ Andreeva, Nellie (February 15, 2018). «‘The Handmaid’s Tale’: Bradley Whitford Joins Hulu Drama Series For Season 2″. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved February 16, 2018.
  16. ^ Nemetz, Dave (October 5, 2018). «Handmaid’s Tale Ups Bradley Whitford to Series Regular for Season 3». TVLine. Retrieved October 6, 2018.
  17. ^ Pederson, Erik (October 27, 2016). «Ever Carradine Books Role On Handmaid’s Tale; Sibo Mlambo To Recur On Teen Wolf«. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 12, 2017.
  18. ^ Grady, Constance (November 28, 2017). «The Handmaid’s Tale season 1, episode 7: «The Other Side» takes us out of Gilead to check in on a familiar face». Vox. Retrieved January 26, 2018.
  19. ^ Dowling, Amber (May 24, 2017). «‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Season 2 Taps Sydney Sweeney (EXCLUSIVE)». Variety. Retrieved January 26, 2018.
  20. ^ Raeside, Julia (July 1, 2018). «Handmaid’s Tale recap: season 2, episode 7 – Gilead strikes back». The Guardian. Retrieved July 5, 2018.
  21. ^ Heldman, Breanne L. (January 25, 2018). «The Handmaid’s Tale casts Cherry Jones in key role for season 2». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved January 26, 2018.
  22. ^ de Moraes, Lisa (January 14, 2018). «Marisa Tomei To Guest on Hulu’s’ Dystopian ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’«. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 14, 2018.

External links[edit]

  • Full cast and crew of The Handmaid’s Tale on IMDb

The Handmaid’s Tale is an American dystopian drama web television series created for Hulu by Bruce Miller, based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood. The plot follows a dystopian future following a Second American Civil War wherein a totalitarian society subjects fertile women, called «Handmaids», to child-bearing slavery.[1] The first three episodes of the series premiered on April 26, 2017; the subsequent seven episodes aired on a weekly basis every Wednesday. In May 2017, the series was renewed for a second season which premiered on April 25, 2018.[2] The series features an ensemble cast including Elisabeth Moss, Joseph Fiennes, Yvonne Strahovski, Alexis Bledel, Madeline Brewer, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Max Minghella and Samira Wiley. Amanda Brugel had a recurring role in the first season before being promoted to the main cast for the second.

This list includes the series’ main cast, all guest stars deemed to have had recurring roles throughout the series, and any other guest who is otherwise notable.


Main characters[edit]

June Osborne[edit]

June Osborne (portrayed by Elisabeth Moss) is a woman who was captured while attempting to escape to Canada with her husband, Luke, and daughter, Hannah. Due to her fertility, she is made a Handmaid to Commander Fred Waterford and his wife, Serena Joy, and is named «Offred».

Moss was first announced as the lead actress in April 2016.[3]

Commander Fred Waterford[edit]

Commander Fred Waterford (portrayed by Joseph Fiennes) is a high-ranking government official, chief diplomat, and Offred’s master. Both he and his wife played an instrumental role in Gilead’s founding. He wishes to have more contact with June outside of what is lawful between a Handmaid and her master, and starts inviting her to play nightly games of Scrabble. He feigns a kind personality, often portraying himself as a victim of Gilead, but in reality he is cruel and aggressive. He was responsible for the founding of Gilead, being one of the leaders of the Sons of Jacob. After Commander Pryce’s death, he becomes the head of the Council. This role is comparable to a prime minister.

Fiennes joined the cast in August 2016.[4]

Serena Joy Waterford[edit]

Serena Joy Waterford (portrayed by Yvonne Strahovski) is Fred’s wife and a former conservative cultural activist and author of a controversial book, A Woman’s Place, which advocates women as second-class citizens who exist merely to be obedient and submissive housewives and mothers, rather than be independent of their menfolk and pursuing careers. She appears to have accepted her new role in the Gilead society that she helped create. She is poised and deeply religious, but is capable of great cruelty and is often callous to June. She is desperate to become a mother, but most men are sterile. Showrunners have said we will see that Serena is actually fertile. Although a friend of Commander Cushing, she denounces him fearing his heavy response to the bombing and his semi-dictatorial power.

Strahovski joined the cast in August 2016.[5]

Emily Malek[edit]

Emily (portrayed by Alexis Bledel), also referred to as Ofglen and later Ofsteven, is June’s shopping partner. Although June is initially wary of her, it is revealed Ofglen is not as pious as she seems and the two become friends. Ofglen had a wife and son and was a university lecturer in cellular biology. Although homosexuality is punishable by death in Gilead and most university professors are sent to labor camps, Ofglen was spared and made a Handmaid due to her fertility. She is later captured and cruelly punished for her homosexual relationship with Martha and is assigned to another household where she becomes «Ofsteven.” She is involved with a resistance movement called «Mayday.” In season 3 we witness Emily’s post-traumatic struggles as she escapes Gilead and is reunited with her wife and son in Canada.

Bledel was cast in January 2017.[6]

Janine Lindo[edit]

Janine (portrayed by Madeline Brewer) is a Handmaid who entered the Red Center for training at the same time as June. She considers June a friend because of her kind treatment. During training, Janine’s right eye is removed as a punishment for her initial non-compliance. She reveals a past rape during training and the other Handmaids are forced to tell Janine the abuse was her fault, causing her great emotional harm. She becomes mentally unstable due to her mistreatment and often behaves in temperamental or childlike ways. She is assigned to Warren and Naomi Putnam and becomes “Ofwarren.” She eventually gives birth to a baby girl the Putnams name «Angela,” though Janine insists the baby’s name is «Charlotte.” Janine is later reassigned and becomes «Ofdaniel.” She was temporarily assigned to the Colonies until a bombing at the new Rachel and Leah Center.

Brewer was cast as Janine in August 2016.[7]

Aunt Lydia[edit]

Aunt Lydia (portrayed by Ann Dowd) is in charge of overseeing the Handmaids in their training, sexual reeducation, and duties. She is brutal and subjects insubordinate Handmaids to harsh physical punishment, but she also cares for her charges and believes deeply in the Gileadean mission and doctrine. She appears to have a soft spot for Janine and even goes so far as to address her by her given name on occasion. She was heavily injured in Season 2. In Season 3, it was revealed in a flashback that her real name is Lydia Clements, and she was an elementary school teacher who taught fourth grade.

Dowd was cast in July 2016.[8]

Luke Bankole[edit]

Lucas «Luke» Bankole (portrayed by O-T Fagbenle) is June’s husband from before Gilead. Because he is divorced (he and June began their relationship before his divorce from his first wife), their union is considered invalid in the new society. June is considered an adulteress and their daughter, Hannah, is considered illegitimate. Initially June believes he has been killed, but it is later revealed Luke managed to escape to Canada.

Fagbenle was cast in September 2016.[9]

Nick Blaine[edit]

Nick Blaine (portrayed by Max Minghella) is Commander Waterford’s driver and a former drifter from Michigan who has feelings for June. June and Nick develop an intimate relationship and have a daughter, which they wanted to name Holly. Later on, June decides to give her the name that Serena had chosen, Nicole. June early on discovers that Nick is an Eye, a spy for Gilead. He is eventually promoted to the rank of Commander and briefly sent to the war front in Chicago. His direct superior is Commander Pryce, head of Security, who wants him to «control Waterford» in the prevision of further purges of Gilead. He passes then to the leadership of Cushing, which starts a brief authoritarian regime, and then Warren Putnam.

Minghella was cast in July 2016.[8]

Moira Strand[edit]

Moira (portrayed by Samira Wiley), also referred to as Ruby, is June’s best friend since college. She is already at the Red Center when June enters Handmaid training but escapes before being assigned to a home. She is recaptured and becomes «Ruby», a Jezebel. She seems to have given up hope of ever being free, but on meeting June again regains the conviction to escape.

Wiley joined the main cast in July 2016.[10][11]

Rita Blue[edit]

Rita (portrayed by Amanda Brugel) is a Martha at the Waterford home. She had a son who died fighting in the Civil War when he was 19 years old. Rita is part of the resistance and helped June escape with baby Nichole at the end of season 2. At the end of Season 3, Rita escapes to Canada on a plane with over 80 children and several other Marthas.

Brugel was cast in the recurring role of Rita in September 2016.[12] In August 2017, she was promoted to the main cast for the second season.[13]

Commander Joseph Lawrence[edit]

Commander Joseph Lawrence (portrayed by Bradley Whitford) is considered the «architect of Gilead’s economy,»[14] and the creator of the Colonies, as well a gruff and intimidating man with a disheveled mad genius vibe. His sly humor and flashes of kindness make him a confusing, mysterious presence for his newest Handmaid. He shows regrets for his past and could be a member of the Mayday resistance.

Whitford joined the recurring cast in February 2018.[15] He was promoted to the main cast for the third season in October 2018.[16]

Mark Tuello[edit]

Mark Tuello (portrayed by Sam Jaeger) is a mysterious stranger who Serena encounters in Canada, later revealed to be a representative of the US government-in-exile. He plays a bigger role in Season 3.

Jaeger was promoted to the main cast in season 4.

Recurring characters[edit]

The following is a list of guest characters that have recurring roles throughout the series.

Introduced in season 1[edit]

  • Alma (portrayed by Nina Kiri), also referred to as Ofrobert, is another Handmaid who trained at the Red Center with June, Moira, and Janine. She is frank and chatty and often trades gossip and news with June. She is also involved with Mayday and becomes June’s first contact with the resistance group.
  • Commander Warren Putnam (portrayed by Stephen Kunken) is a Commander in the Republic of Gilead. He’s the husband of Naomi Putnam and the first known Commander of Janine (Ofwarren). He had his left hand amputated by the Council after being found guilty of adultery. He later becomes the right hand of Waterford in the Council itself, and the head of Security after the arrest of Cushing, who had established a semi-dictatorial regime too violent and exclusive for Gilead. He personally carries out Cushing’s arrest «on Waterford order».
  • Naomi Putnam (portrayed by Ever Carradine) is Commander Warren Putnam’s wife. She views her baby largely as a status symbol and has no sympathy for the Handmaids. Carradine joined the cast in October 2016.[17]
  • Lillie Fuller (portrayed by Tattiawna Jones), also referred to as Ofglen, is a woman who replaces Emily in the position after Emily is captured by the Eyes. She initially follows the rules and does not wish to upset the status quo, but this is because she believes her life as a Handmaid is better than the difficult, impoverished life she led prior to Gilead, rather than out of religious piety.
  • Dolores (portrayed by Jenessa Grant), also referred to as Ofsamuel, is a local Handmaid with a friendly and talkative nature.
  • Briana (portrayed by Bahia Watson), also referred to as Oferic, is another local Handmaid who is friends with June.
  • Hannah Bankole (portrayed by Jordana Blake) is June and Luke’s daughter. She is later renamed Agnes.
  • Commander Andrew Pryce (portrayed by Robert Curtis Brown). One of the architects of the Sons of Jacob movement. He is a high-ranking commander who employs Nick as an Eye, and the head of Security. He gains political power very quickly, eventually becoming head of the Council (Govern) and an influent member of the Committee (Senate). He is later replaced in these roles by Cushing and Waterford, after dying in a terrorist action. He seems a faithful man but proves to be cruel and opportunist. He is also the superior of Nick and wants to «purge and clean» Gilead.
  • Beth (portrayed by Kristen Gutoskie) is a Martha at Jezebel’s. She has an arrangement with Nick whereby she trades illegal alcohol and other contraband for drugs, which the Jezebels use. She has a casual sexual relationship with him and is aware that he is an Eye. Beth becomes a recurring character in season three as one of the two Marthas working at Commander Lawrence’s household.
  • Erin (portrayed by Erin Way) is a young, apparently mute, woman who was being trained to become a Handmaid but managed to escape to Canada.[18]

Introduced in season 2[edit]

  • Eden Spencer (portrayed by Sydney Sweeney) is a pious and obedient girl who dreams of one day being a Commander’s wife. Sweeney was cast in May 2017.[19]
  • Commander Ray Cushing (portrayed by Greg Bryk) is a high government official who is friends with the Commanders Pryce and Waterford, and Serena. Cushing, his wife and the Waterfords were friends before Gilead and used to travel together. Cushing is chosen to replace Commander Pryce following the Rachel and Leah Center bombing, thus becoming the head of the Council (Govern) and of Security. He acts like the absolute ruler of Gilead for a while, abusing his power and proving to be a cruel tyrant, ordering dozens of random executions. He also questions Offred about who aided her when she tried to flee the country. Fearing the possibility of her household being targeted and angry at Cushing’s heavy-handed response to the bombing, Serena forges orders from her husband to have him arrested for treason and apostasy.[20] Cushing is taken to prison «on Waterford’s word» (executive order), with Waterford eventually replacing him as the head of the Council and Gilead’s leader. Cushing is the only politician to establish a semi-dictatorial regime in Gilead, although only for a few days. In fact, his excessive power and authoritarianism were feared by the other Commanders.
  • Isaac (portrayed by Rohan Mead) is a Guardian assigned to the Waterford home.
  • Eleanor Lawrence (portrayed by Julie Dretzin) is Commander Lawrence’s long-suffering wife.
  • Holly Maddox (portrayed by Cherry Jones) is June’s mother, an outspoken feminist. Jones was cast in January 2018.[21]
  • Sylvia (portrayed by Clea DuVall) is Emily’s wife, who managed to leave the United States with their child before Gilead was installed.

Introduced in season 3[edit]

  • Natalie (portrayed by Ashleigh LaThrop) is a devoted Handmaid whose loyalty to Gilead causes divisive tensions amongst her peers.
  • Sienna (portrayed by Sugenja Sri) is a Martha at the Lawrence home.
  • George Winslow (portrayed by Christopher Meloni) is a High Commander stationed in Washington, D.C.

Introduced in season 4[edit]

  • Esther Keyes (portrayed by Mckenna Grace) is the teenage wife of an older commander.
  • Oona (portrayed by Zawe Ashton) is Moira’s girlfriend.

Introduced in season 5[edit]

  • Alanis Wheeler (portrayed by Genevieve Angelson)
  • Ryan Wheeler (portrayed by Lucas Neff) is Alanis’ husband
  • Rose Blaine (portrayed by Carey Cox) is Nick’s wife
  • Ezra Shaw (portrayed by Rossif Sutherland) is a security guard in Gilead
  • Commander Mackenzie (portrayed by Jason Butler Harner)

Guest characters[edit]

The following is a supplementary list of guest stars that appear in lesser roles, make significant cameo appearances or who receive co-starring credit over multiple appearances.

Introduced in season 1[edit]

  • Mrs. Castillo (portrayed by Zabryna Guevara) is an ambassador from Mexico who visits Gilead to see the effectiveness of the regime.
  • Mr. Flores (portrayed by Christian Barillas) is Mrs. Castillo’s assistant.

Introduced in season 2[edit]

  • Mrs. O’Conner (portrayed by Marisa Tomei) is a Commander’s wife sent to the colonies as punishment for having sex with another man. She is poisoned by Emily and dies in the colonies. Tomei was cast in January 2018.[22]
  • Omar (portrayed by Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) is a man who helps June attempt to escape. He is secretly a practicing Muslim. He does not return from church nor does his family. He is later revealed to June by Aunt Lydia hanging on the wall, and his wife and son were separated, his son is given new parents and his wife forced to be a handmaid, as punishment for his helping June
  • Dan (portrayed by John Carroll Lynch) is Emily’s boss at the university where she worked.
  • Annie (portrayed by Kelly Jenrette) is Luke’s ex-wife, who stalked June in an attempt to make her give up on him.
  • Odette Johnson (portrayed by Rebecca Rittenhouse) is the doctor who helped Moira during her surrogacy and later became her fiancée.

Introduced in season 3[edit]

  • Jim (portrayed by John Ortiz) is the principal of the school where Aunt Lydia taught before Gilead.
  • Noelle (portrayed by Emily Althaus) is a young single mother whose son Aunt Lydia taught before the rise of Gilead.

Introduced in season 4[edit]

  • Daisy (portrayed by Laura Vandervoort) is a Jezebel worker who aids June.
  • Lieutenant Stans (portrayed by Reed Birney) is a Gilead officer who interrogates June.
  • Steven (portrayed by Omar Maskati) is the leader of a resistance group in Chicago.
  • Aunt Irene (portrayed by Carly Street) is a former aunt who escaped to Canada as a refugee now going by the name Iris. She was responsible for the mutilation of Emily and the hanging of the Martha with whom Emily was having an affair. She seeks forgiveness from Emily but when she doesn’t receive it, she hangs herself.


  1. ^ Bradley, Laura (May 2, 2018). «The Handmaid’s Tale: Why Offred’s Latest Heartbreak Is the Most Devastating Yet». Vanity Fair. Retrieved June 27, 2018. In its third installment, however, the drama digs even deeper into the emotional toll Gilead has taken on everyone—both those left in what was once the United States and those who’ve made it out. The lives and dreams that each character lost to this totalitarian regime have been laid out in excruciating detail before—but this week, the show lays those losses bare with more subtlety than perhaps any other episode. … (In richer households, handmaids do the childbearing, Wives raise the children, and Marthas do the housework. Econowives, in contrast, “have to do everything; if they can.”)
  2. ^ Vilkomerson, Sara (January 14, 2018). «The Handmaid’s Tale: Here’s the first trailer for season 2 (and a premiere date!)». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved January 14, 2018.
  3. ^ Petski, Denise; Andreeva, Nellie (April 29, 2016). «Elisabeth Moss To Star in Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale On Hulu». Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved March 15, 2017.
  4. ^ Prudom, Laura (August 23, 2016). «Joseph Fiennes to Star in The Handmaid’s Tale for Hulu». Variety. Retrieved August 23, 2016.
  5. ^ Andreeva, Nellie (August 29, 2016). «Yvonne Strahovski To Star in Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale Series». Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 12, 2017.
  6. ^ Andreeva, Nellie (January 5, 2017). «Alexis Bledel Joins New Hulu Series The Handmaid’s Tale As Recurring». Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 5, 2017.
  7. ^ Goldberg, Lesley (August 19, 2016). «Hulu’s Handmaid’s Tale Adds Madeline Brewer». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved January 12, 2017.
  8. ^ a b Petski, Denise (July 15, 2016). «Max Minghella & Ann Dowd Join The Handmaid’s Tale Drama Series on Hulu». Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 12, 2017.
  9. ^ Petski, Denise (September 7, 2016). «The Handmaid’s Tale Casts O-T Fagbenle; Sofia Wylie Joins Andi Mack«. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 12, 2017.
  10. ^ Roshanian, Arya (July 25, 2016). «Orange Is the New Black‘s Samira Wiley Joins Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale«. Variety. Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  11. ^ Hipes, Patrick (July 25, 2016). «Samira Wiley Joins Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale«. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 12, 2017.
  12. ^ Petski, Denise (September 28, 2016). «The Handmaid’s Tale Casts Amanda Brugel; Jemar Michael Joins Dear White People«. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 12, 2017.
  13. ^ Stanhope, Kate (August 17, 2017). «‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Promotes Amanda Brugel to Series Regular (Exclusive)». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved September 19, 2017.
  14. ^ Eric Tuchman (writer); Daina Reid (director) (July 4, 2018). «Postpartum». The Handmaid’s Tale. Season 2. Episode 12. Hulu.
  15. ^ Andreeva, Nellie (February 15, 2018). «‘The Handmaid’s Tale’: Bradley Whitford Joins Hulu Drama Series For Season 2″. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved February 16, 2018.
  16. ^ Nemetz, Dave (October 5, 2018). «Handmaid’s Tale Ups Bradley Whitford to Series Regular for Season 3». TVLine. Retrieved October 6, 2018.
  17. ^ Pederson, Erik (October 27, 2016). «Ever Carradine Books Role On Handmaid’s Tale; Sibo Mlambo To Recur On Teen Wolf«. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 12, 2017.
  18. ^ Grady, Constance (November 28, 2017). «The Handmaid’s Tale season 1, episode 7: «The Other Side» takes us out of Gilead to check in on a familiar face». Vox. Retrieved January 26, 2018.
  19. ^ Dowling, Amber (May 24, 2017). «‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Season 2 Taps Sydney Sweeney (EXCLUSIVE)». Variety. Retrieved January 26, 2018.
  20. ^ Raeside, Julia (July 1, 2018). «Handmaid’s Tale recap: season 2, episode 7 – Gilead strikes back». The Guardian. Retrieved July 5, 2018.
  21. ^ Heldman, Breanne L. (January 25, 2018). «The Handmaid’s Tale casts Cherry Jones in key role for season 2». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved January 26, 2018.
  22. ^ de Moraes, Lisa (January 14, 2018). «Marisa Tomei To Guest on Hulu’s’ Dystopian ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’«. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 14, 2018.

External links[edit]

  • Full cast and crew of The Handmaid’s Tale on IMDb

Через месяц выйдет продолжение сериала «Рассказ служанки». Предыдущие сезоны мрачной антиутопии выиграли шесть премий «Эмми» и заслужили весьма лестные отзывы: на Metacritic рейтинг сериала держится на отметке в 89 пунктов, и это фантастический результат. Чтобы освежить в памяти события из жизни Фредовой, семьи командора Уотерфорда и всего Галаада мы составили алфавит сериала. И обошлись без спойлеров!

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 1)

«Рассказ служанки» — роман-антиутопия Маргарет Этвуд, опубликованный в 1985 году. Этвуд рисует мрачную картину будущего,
в котором фактически все женщины становятся рабынями — вне зависимости от того, насколько высокое положение в жестоком обществе будущего они занимают. Отвечая на вопросы читателей, писательница пояснила, что не изобретала садистские методы насилия: в книге Этвуд описывает только те, что уже существовали и когда-либо использовались против женщин.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 2)

Основой жизни нового американского общества становится Библия — правда, в очень вольной трактовке: герои и героини сериала, цитируя Писание, выдёргивают фразы из контекста или вовсе переиначивают их смысл. Например, в сериале звучит фраза «Блаженны кроткие», отсылающая к Евенгелию от Матфея 5:5, но продолжение фразы («ибо они наследуют Землю») опускается. А фраза «Блаженны молчаливые», с помощью которой тётки заставляют служанок молчать, в Библии отсутствует.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 3)

Действие сериала разворачивается сразу после гражданской войны, в результате которой к власти приходит радикальная группировка «Сыны Иакова». Террористы верят, что Америка погрязла в грехах и коррупции, от которых её нужно спасти. С помощью терактов фундаменталисты убивают президента, свергают конгресс и отменяют конституцию. Экстремисты проворачивают операцию так быстро, что адекватное сопротивление просто не успевает возникнуть: об этом в сериале рассказывает главная героиня. В ходе гражданской войны Правительство США терпит поражение и теряет почти всю подвластную территорию. Как следствие, с государственного флага исчезают почти все звёзды, кроме двух, обозначающих Аляску и Гавайи.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 4)

На остальной территории США возникает теологическая диктаторская республика Галаад (или Гилеад, оба варианта верны). Звучное название тоже найдено на страницах Библии, где Галаадом называли историческую область Древнего Израиля на восточном берегу реки Иордан. Новообразованное государство фактически живёт по принципу «запрещено всё, что не приказано», имеет строгую иерархическую систему, а правит им специальный Совет, сформированный из лидеров «Сынов Иакова». А ещё Галаад — это страна с узаконенным патриархатом, ведь только у мужчин есть доступ к образованию, оплачиваемой работе и другим социальным благам. Что касается отношений с другими странами, то диктаторская республика на обломках США — нежеланный гость на международной арене: в сериале неоднократно описываются санкции других западных стран.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 5)

Дети ценятся в Галааде превыше всего. Преступления против них считаются самыми серьёзными (хотя наказывают за всё примерно одинаково — членовредительством или смертью). Беременность становится святой обязанностью каждой женщины: например, когда беременеет служанка, она получает массу привилегий, самую вкусную еду (с ней у страны всё еще проблемы) и лучшую медицинскую помощь, которую только могут предложить врачи Галаада. После родов к ребёнку и жене командора, которая становится официальной матерью, приставляется охранник. Если ребёнок заболевает, его везут в больницу на специальном автомобиле с очень громкими сиренами, перед которым на колени падают все служанки. 

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 6)

Жёны — самая привилегированная женская каста в Галааде. Супруги высокопоставленных командоров не ведут хозяйство, но могут рисовать, вязать или сажать цветы. Смысл жизни жён заключается в воспитании детей, но только единицы из них могут иметь своих собственных. По законам Галаада они носят одежду в сине-зелёных оттенках — и, судя по сериалу, в нарядах допускается небольшое разнообразие (правда, брюки или комбинезоны всё равно запрещены).

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 7)

В Галааде существует масса запретов, касающихся обоих полов. Есть универсальные: например, в тоталитарной республике строго запрещены однополые отношения. Тех, кто решится «нарушить» запрет, ждёт смертная казнь через повешение. Использовать корректные термины в отношении геев и лесбиянок тоже нельзя, поэтому власть вводит странный эвфемизм — «гендерные изменники». В Галааде запрещены сексуальные отношения до брака, но законным может считаться только первый брак. Но больше всего запретов, конечно, касается женщин. Им запрещено носить одежду другого цвета — кроме того, что предписывается «кастой». Запрещено работать, запрещено спорить с мужем. Почти всем запрещено читать: если женщину поймают за книгой или газетой в первый раз, ей отрежут палец, а если второй — руку по локоть. Вообще любые наказания в Галааде связаны с членовредительством: в сериале можно встретить эпизоды, в которых жертвам режима выдирают глаза или отрезают клитор (не переживайте, сам процесс остаётся за кадром).

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 8)

В Библии Иезавель — это жена царя Ахава, имя которой стало нарицательным для всех «порочных» женщин. Иезавелем в сериале называют бордель, в котором женщин удерживают силой — и заставляют заниматься секс-работой вместо ссылки в радиоактивные колонии или банального убийства. Конечно, содержание подобных мест противоречит строгим религиозным законам Галаада, но его существование оправано высокой целью. В одном из эпизодов сериала командор Уотерфорд говорит, что Иезавель «помогает договариваться с иностранными партнёрами» — что тоже говорит о политике двойных стандартов в террористическом государстве.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 9)

Командоры — мужская верхушка Галаада, отвечающая за все вопросы в жизни террористического режима, от международных отношений до обороны. По правилам экстремистского государства только командоры могут иметь служанок, вынашивающих для них детей: считается, что эти мужчины — носители лучших генов, которые и нужно передавать новому поколению.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 10)

Марфами в сериале домохозяек командоров. Вероятнее всего, происхождение термина отсылает к легенде о сёстрах Марфе и Марии, принимавших в своём доме Иисуса Христа. Сериальные марфы готовят и убирают, а если в доме появляется ребёнок, то марфы становятся ещё и нянями. Узнать их среди других женщин Галаада можно по светло-серому цвету одежды: в доме они постоянно носят платок и фартук, к которым на улице добавляется шаль.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 11)

Стать неженщиной — худшая женская участь, которую в Галааде только можно представить, ведь их отправляют чистить заражённые радиацией колонии за разные прегрешения. Неженщинами можно стать не только за преступления (однополые отношения, убийства, попытка побега), не только за политические убеждения (феминистки, политические диссидентки — неженщины в Галааде), но и за бесплодность. Также туда отправляют всех марф, неспособных работать по дому из-за возраста, и служанок, которые так и не смогли забеременеть.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 12)

Очи — это секретная полиция Галаада, которая следит за соблюдением законов тоталитарной республики. Главная цель любого представителя Очей — это неверные, которых в Галааде обычно без суда и следствия сразу отправляют на стену. Чаще всего эти мужчины носят чёрные костюмы и солнцезащитные очки, водят чёрные внедорожники. А ещё они могут жить в домах командоров, докладывая об обстановке своим непосредственным руководителям.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 13)

Язык — ещё один способ угнетения, который переизобрели галаадские фанатики. У мужчин и женщин режима есть особые формы приветствия: фраза «Святой день» (Blessed day) используется взамен «Добрый день», а «Пред Его очами» (Under His eye) — стандартное прощание. Правда, есть и необычные обращения, смысл которых строится вокруг «главного женского предназначения» — рожать детей. Фразой «Благословен плод» (Blessed be the fruit) выражают открытость собеседнику, готовность разделять ценности Галаада, а фраза «Да разверзнет Господь» (May the Lord open) — ожидаемый ответ. Одобрение чего бы то ни было выражают фразой «Хвала» (Praised be).

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 14)

Служанки — самая почитаемая и одновременно самая угнетаемая категория женщин в Галааде по одной и той же причине: они могут зачать детей. Служанки освобождены практически от всех домашних обязанностей, за исключением походов в магазины. Но и те носят терапевтический характер: служители и служительницы Галаада верят, что «утробам на ножках» для поддержания здоровья нужны ежедневные прогулки. Служанки носят ярко-красные платья и мантии, добавляя на улице к ним «крылышки» — своеобразный головной убор, который не позволяет служанкам смотреть по сторонам.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 15)

Красный цвет в одежде отсылает к «главному предназначению» служанок: они должны рожать детей командорам и их бесплодным жёнам. Всем «премудростям» этого дела их обучают в Красном центре, который ещё называют «центром Леи и Рахиль». Лея и Рахиль — это сёстры и жёны патриарха Иакова, в истории которых террористы нашли прецедент и основу для сексуального рабства служанок. «И сказала Рахиль: вот служанка моя Валла, войди к ней; пусть она родит на колени мои, чтобы и я имела детей от неё» — написано в Главе 30 Бытия Ветхого завета.

Служанки не имеют права на собственное имя: в Галааде их называют по имени командора, которому они принадлежат. В английском языке новые имена получаются с помощью добавления предлога of: Ofglenn, Ofwarren, Offred. В российском переводе используют имя собственное в позабытом притяжательном падеже: Гленова, Уорренова, Фредова и так далее.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 16)

Тётками в Галааде называют взрослых, часто фанатичных женщин-надсмотрщиц служанок. Именно они отвечают за обучение в Красных центрах, зачастую — с помощью насилия: тёткам позволено бить или использовать электрошокер, чтобы поддерживать дисциплину. Затем, когда их подопечных распределяет по домам командоров, тётки следят за служанками, читают проповеди, собирают их на «искупления» (ритуальные убийства, которые совершают служанки над преступниками) и помогают беременным. Тётка — это довольно высокое положение женщины в Галааде: по разным данным, им даже разрешено писать и читать. В сериале тётки носят тёмно-коричневую одежду.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 17)

Командор Уотерфорд, или Фрэд Уотерфорд — центральный мужской персонаж «Рассказа служанки». Уотерфорд занимает высокое положение в Галааде, поэтому его влияние распространяется буквально на все сферы жизни. В сериале командора играет Джозеф Файнс, номинированный за эту роль на «Эмми» в 2018 году.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 18)

Фредова — служанка, живущая в доме Уотерфордов. До того как попасть туда, она носила имя Джун и работала редактором на полставки в местной газете — но всё изменилось после того, как к власти пришли религиозные фанатики, запретившие женщинам работать за деньги. Она, её муж Люк и дочь Ханна попытались сбежать из Галаада в Канаду, но на полпути их поймали террористы. Джун стала служанкой из-за того, что была «блудницей» и «увела» мужа от первой жены (Галаад, как вы помните, признаёт только первый брак). Её роль исполнила Элизабет Мосс, чья актёрская игра заслужила самые тёплые отзывы кинокритиков.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 19)

Хранителями в Галааде называют невысокий класс мужчин, ответственных за порядок. В основном это солдаты, только начинающие свою карьеру, однако у них уже есть преимущества перед обычными жителями тоталитарной республики.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 20)

Каждый месяц служанки проходят через ритуальное изнасилование, для которого экстремисты изобрели изящный эвфемизм — «церемония». Служанок насилуют командор и его жена, последние держат её за руки в изголовье кровати. Церемонии предшествует коллективная молитва, в которой участвуют все жильцы дома. Другие сексуальные контакты между командором и служанкой запрещены — но на практике этот запрет, как и многие другие, не соблюдается.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 21)

С 80-х годов мир накрыла «чума бесплодия»: по неизвестным причинам, женщины стали беременеть гораздо реже — а те, кому всё-таки удалось забеременеть, не всегда могут выносить здоровых детей. Подразумевается, что массовое бесплодие вызвано загрязнением природы и изменением климата: именно эти проблемы и стремится решить радикальное правительство Галаада.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 22)

Эконолюди — рядовое население Галаада, а эконожёны — представительницы самого низкого (после неженщин) класс в Галааде — совмещают в себе роли жён, служанок и марф. В сериале они носят одежду в разных оттенках серого и живут в постоянном страхе оказаться в служанках, считая красную мантию и белые «крылышки» наказанием за «грехи». Читать, писать или работать за деньги им запрещено.

Галаад, Иезавель, неженщины: «Рассказ служанки» от А до Я (фото 23)

Яснорада Уотерфорд (в английской версии Serene Joy) — супруга командора Уотерфорда. До того как появился Галаад, Яснорада была активисткой и писательницей. В своей книге «Место женщины» миссис Уотерфорд точно описала прообраз тоталитарного государства, в котором женская фертильность становится национальным достоянием, а беременность всех способных на то женщин, — моральным императивом. Её роль сыграла Ивонн Страховски, получив по номинации на «Эмми» в 2018 году и «Золотом глобусе» в 2019.

The Handmaid’s Tale
The Handmaid's Tale intertitle.png
  • Tragedy[1][2]
  • Dystopia
Created by Bruce Miller
Based on The Handmaid’s Tale
by Margaret Atwood
  • Elisabeth Moss
  • Joseph Fiennes
  • Yvonne Strahovski
  • Alexis Bledel
  • Madeline Brewer
  • Ann Dowd
  • O-T Fagbenle
  • Max Minghella
  • Samira Wiley
  • Amanda Brugel
  • Bradley Whitford
  • Sam Jaeger
Composer Adam Taylor
Country of origin United States
Original language English
No. of seasons 5
No. of episodes 56 (list of episodes)
Executive producers
  • Bruce Miller
  • Warren Littlefield
  • Reed Morano
  • Daniel Wilson
  • Fran Sears
  • Ilene Chaiken
  • Elisabeth Moss
  • Mike Barker
  • Eric Tuchman
  • Yahlin Chang
  • Sheila Hockin
  • John Weber
  • Frank Siracusa
  • Dorothy Fortenberry
  • Marissa Jo Cerar (supervising producer)
  • Nina Fiore
  • John Herrera
  • Kim Todd
  • Joseph Boccia
  • Lisa Clapperton (associate producer)
  • Margaret Atwood (consulting producer)
Production locations
  • Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Colin Watkinson
  • Zoë White
  • Stuart Biddlecombe
  • Nicola Daley
  • Stuart Campbell
Running time 41–65 minutes
Production companies
  • Daniel Wilson Productions, Inc.
  • The Littlefield Company
  • White Oak Pictures
  • Toluca Pictures
  • MGM Television
Distributor MGM Television
Original network Hulu
Picture format
  • 4K (2:1 UHDTV)[3]
  • Dolby Vision[4]
Audio format
  • Stereo (Hulu)
  • 5.1 surround sound (Blu-ray, digital purchase)
Original release April 26, 2017 –

The Handmaid’s Tale is an American dystopian television series created by Bruce Miller, based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Canadian author Margaret Atwood. The series was ordered by the streaming service Hulu as a straight-to-series order of 10 episodes, for which production began in late 2016. The plot features a dystopia following a Second American Civil War wherein a theonomic, totalitarian society subjects fertile women, called «Handmaids», to child-bearing slavery.[5][6]

The first three episodes of the series premiered on April 26, 2017; the subsequent seven episodes were released every Wednesday. In July 2019, the series was renewed for a fourth season,[7] which premiered on April 27, 2021.[8] In September 2019, it was announced that Hulu and MGM were developing a sequel series, to be based on Atwood’s 2019 novel The Testaments.[9] In December 2020, ahead of the fourth season premiere, the series was renewed for a fifth season,[10] which premiered on September 14, 2022.[11] In September 2022, ahead of the fifth season premiere, the series was renewed for a sixth and final season.[12]

The Handmaid’s Tales first season won eight Primetime Emmy Awards from 13 nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series. It is the first show produced by Hulu to win a major award as well as the first series on a streaming service to win an Emmy for Outstanding Series.[13] It also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series – Drama. Elisabeth Moss was also awarded the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series and the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Television Drama Series.


In a world where fertility rates have collapsed as a result of sexually transmitted diseases and environmental pollution,[14] the totalitarian, theonomic government of Gilead establishes rule in the former United States in the aftermath of a civil war.[15][16][17][5] Society is organized by power-hungry leaders along with a new, militarized, hierarchical régime of religious fanaticism and newly created social classes, in which women are brutally subjugated. By law, women in Gilead are forced to work in very limited roles, including some as natal slaves, and they are not allowed to own property, have careers, handle money, or read.[17]

Worldwide infertility has led to the enslavement of fertile women in Gilead determined by the new régime to be fallen women, citing an extremist interpretation of the Biblical account of Bilhah. These women often include those who have entered marriages following divorce (termed «adulteresses», as divorce is not recognized under Gileadian law), single or unmarried mothers, lesbians (homosexuals being termed «gender traitors»), non-Christians, adherents of Christian denominations other than the «Sons of Jacob», political dissidents, and academics.[17]

These women, called Handmaids, are assigned to the homes of the ruling elite, where they must submit to ritualized rape (referred to as «the ceremony») by their male masters («Commanders») in the presence of their wives, to be impregnated and bear children for them.[17] Handmaids are given names created by the addition of the prefix Of- to the first name of the man who has them. When they are transferred, their names are changed.

Along with the Handmaids, much of society is now grouped into classes that dictate their freedoms and duties. Women are divided into a small range of social categories, each one signified by a plain dress in a specific color. Handmaids wear long red dresses, heavy brown boots and white coifs, with a headcovering surrounded by a larger white coif (known as «wings») to be worn outside, concealing them from public view and restricting their vision.

June Osborne, renamed Offred, is the Handmaid assigned to the home of the Gileadan Commander Fred Waterford and his wife Serena Joy. The Waterfords, key players in the formation and rise of Gilead, struggle with the realities of the society they helped create. During «the time before», June was married to Luke and had a daughter, Hannah.

At the beginning of the story, while attempting to flee Gilead with her husband and daughter, June was captured and forced to become a Handmaid because of the adultery she and her husband committed. June’s daughter was taken and given to an upper-class family to raise, and her husband escaped into Canada. Much of the plot revolves around June’s desire to be reunited with her husband and daughter and the internal evolution of her strength to its somewhat darker version.

Cast and characters[edit]


  • Elisabeth Moss as June Osborne / Offred / Ofjoseph #2, a woman who was captured while attempting to escape to Canada with her husband, Luke, and daughter, Hannah. Because Luke is divorced, their union is considered adulterous in this new society. June is considered an adulteress and their daughter, Hannah, is deemed illegitimate. Due to June’s fertility, she is made a Handmaid to Commander Fred Waterford and his wife Serena Joy, and is called «Offred»; later she becomes handmaid to Commander Joseph Lawrence and is called «Ofjoseph».
  • Joseph Fiennes as Commander Fred Waterford (seasons 1–4), a high-ranking government official, and June’s first master. Both he and his wife were instrumental in Gilead’s founding.
  • Yvonne Strahovski as Serena Joy Waterford, Fred’s wife, and a former conservative cultural activist. She appears to have accepted her new role in a society that she helped create. She is poised and deeply religious, but capable of great cruelty and is often callous to June. She is desperate to become a mother.
  • Alexis Bledel as Dr. Emily Malek / Ofglen #1 / Ofsteven / Ofroy / Ofjoseph #1 (seasons 1–4), a former university professor in cellular biology and initially June’s shopping partner. Although June is initially wary of her, it is revealed she is not as pious as she seems, and the two become friends. Emily is involved with and first informs June of Mayday, an underground resistance movement. She has a wife and son living in Canada.
  • Madeline Brewer as Janine Lindo / Ofwarren / Ofdaniel / Ofhoward / Ofjoseph # 3, a Handmaid who entered the Red Center for training at the same time as June, and considers June a friend due to her kind treatment. Initially non-compliant, Janine has her right eye removed as a punishment. She becomes mentally unstable due to her treatment and often behaves in temperamental or childlike ways. Before Gilead, Janine was a waitress and had a son, Caleb, who unbeknownst to her was killed in a car crash after the takeover.
  • Ann Dowd as Aunt Lydia Clements, a woman in charge of overseeing the Handmaids in their sexual re-education and duties. She is brutal and subjects insubordinate Handmaids to sadistic physical punishment, but she also cares for her charges and believes deeply in the Gileadean mission and doctrine. She appears to have a soft spot for Janine and even goes so far as to address her by her given name on occasion. Before Gilead, she was a family court judge, and afterwards, an elementary school teacher.
  • O-T Fagbenle as Luke Bankole, June’s husband from before Gilead. Initially, June believes he was killed, but it is later revealed that Luke managed to escape to Canada.
  • Max Minghella as Commander Nick Blaine, Commander Waterford’s driver and a former drifter from Michigan who has feelings for June. June and Nick develop an intimate relationship and she eventually discovers that he is an Eye, a spy for Gilead and that he played a significant role in the Gileadean takeover. In season 3, he is promoted to Commander.
  • Samira Wiley as Moira Strand, June’s best friend since college. She is already at the Red Center when June enters Handmaid training but escapes before being assigned to a home. She is recaptured and becomes «Ruby», a Jezebel. She seems to have given up hope of ever being free, but on meeting June again regains the conviction to escape to Canada.
  • Amanda Brugel as Rita Blue (season 2–present, recurring season 1), a housekeeper at the Waterford house, who becomes one of June’s closest allies. She had a son named Matthew, who died fighting in the civil war when he was 19 years old.[18]
  • Bradley Whitford as Commander Joseph Lawrence (season 3–present, guest season 2), the founder of the Colonies and architect of Gilead’s economy. He is on and off with Mayday.[19][20]
  • Sam Jaeger as Mark Tuello (season 4–present, recurring season 3, guest season 2), an operative of the U.S. Government whom Serena encounters in Canada.[21]


  • Jordana Blake as Hannah Bankole, June and Luke’s daughter. After being taken, she is given a new family and renamed Agnes MacKenzie.
  • Ever Carradine as Naomi Putnam, Commander Putnam’s wife. She has no sympathy for Handmaids and only sees her baby as a status symbol.
  • Stephen Kunken as Commander Warren Putnam (seasons 1–5), a High Commander and the first known Commander of Janine.
  • Tattiawna Jones as Lillie Fuller / Ofglen #2 (seasons 1–2), who replaces Emily in the position after Emily is captured by the Eyes. She warns June away from breaking the rules and does not wish to upset the status quo, but this is because she believes her life as a Handmaid is better than the difficult, impoverished life she led prior to Gilead, rather than out of religious piety.
  • Nina Kiri as Alma / Ofrobert (seasons 1–4, guest season 5), another Handmaid who trained at the Red Center with June, Moira, and Janine. She is frank and chatty and often trades gossip and news with June. She is also involved with Mayday and becomes one of June’s first contacts with the resistance group.
  • Bahia Watson as Brianna / Oferic (seasons 1–4, guest season 5), another local Handmaid who is friends with June. She is Dolores’ shopping partner.
  • Jenessa Grant as Dolores / Ofsamuel (seasons 1–2, guest season 3), a local Handmaid with a friendly and talkative nature. She is Brianna’s shopping partner.
  • Edie Inksetter as Aunt Elizabeth, a fellow Aunt who works closely with Aunt Lydia at the Red Center.
  • Robert Curtis Brown as Commander Andrew Pryce (seasons 1–2), a Commander who is one of the leading members of the Sons of Jacob and is in charge of the Eyes.
  • Kristen Gutoskie as Beth (seasons 1 and 3, guest season 4), an award-winning chef before the rise of Gilead, formerly a Martha at Jezebel’s, and later a Martha in the Lawrence household.
  • Erin Way as Erin (seasons 1–3), a young, apparently mute woman who was being trained to become a Handmaid but managed to escape to Canada with Luke.[22]
  • Krista Morin as Rachel Tapping (seasons 1–2, season 4), an official at the United States Consulate in Canada.
  • Clea DuVall as Sylvia (season 3, guest seasons 2 and 5), Emily’s wife.[23]
  • Cherry Jones as Holly Maddox (season 2–3), June’s mother, an outspoken feminist.[24]
  • Sydney Sweeney as Eden Blaine (née Spencer) (season 2), a pious and obedient young girl who is married off to Nick.[25]
  • Greg Bryk as Commander Ray Cushing (season 2), a fellow Commander who later replaces Commander Pryce’s position.
  • Rohan Mead as Isaac (season 2), a young Guardian assigned to the Waterford home.
  • Julie Dretzin as Eleanor Lawrence (seasons 2–3), the mentally unstable wife of Commander Lawrence.
  • Amy Landecker as Mrs. Mackenzie (season 5, guest season 3), Hannah’s placement mother in Gilead.
  • Ashleigh LaThrop as Natalie / Ofmatthew (season 3), a devoted Handmaid whose loyalty to Gilead causes divisive tensions amongst her peers.[26]
  • Sugenja Sri as Sienna (season 3, guest season 4), a former radiology student and a new Martha in the Lawrence household.
  • Jonathan Watton as Commander Matthew Calhoun (season 3–present), the assigned Commander of Natalie/Ofmatthew.
  • Charlie Zeltzer as Oliver (seasons 3–4), Emily and Sylvia’s son.
  • Christopher Meloni as High Commander George Winslow (season 3), a High Commander stationed in Washington, D.C.[27]
  • Elizabeth Reaser as Olivia Winslow (season 3),[27] the wife of High Commander Winslow.
  • Mckenna Grace as Esther Keyes (season 4–5), a farmer and the teenage wife of an older Commander.[21]
  • Zawe Ashton as Oona (season 4), an aid worker in Toronto and Moira’s new girlfriend.[28]
  • Jeananne Goossen as Aunt Ruth (season 4), a high ranking Aunt who is desperate to replace Aunt Lydia as leading Aunt in their district.
  • Natasha Mumba as Danielle (season 4–present), a former handmaid.
  • Victoria Sawal as Tyler (season 4–present), a former handmaid.
  • Amanda Zhou as Vicky (season 4–present), a former handmaid.
  • Carey Cox as Rose Blaine (season 5), the daughter of a High Commander in Washington, D.C. and Nick’s new wife.
  • Jason Butler Harner as Commander Mackenzie (season 5), a High Commander and Hannah’s placement father.
  • Rossif Sutherland as Ezra Shaw (season 5), Serena’s personal Gileadan bodyguard in Canada.
  • Genevieve Angelson as Alanis Wheeler (season 5), an affluent Canadian who idolizes Serena and who is a driving force behind the rise of Gilead in Toronto.[29]
  • Lucas Neff as Ryan Wheeler (season 5), Alanis’ husband.


  • Jim Cummings as Burke (season 1), an Eye who interrogates June.
  • Zabryna Guevara as Mrs. Castillo (season 1), an ambassador from Mexico who visits Gilead to see the effectiveness of the regime.
  • Christian Barillas as Mr. Flores (season 1), Mrs. Castillo’s assistant.
  • Rosa Gilmore as Zoe (season 1), the daughter of a US army soldier and the leader of the group of survivors whom Luke encounters after being separated from June and Hannah.
  • Tim Ransom as Mr. Whitford (season 1), a friend of June’s mother who helps June, Luke, and Hannah attempt to cross the border.
  • Marisa Tomei as Mrs. O’Conner (season 2), a Commander’s wife who is exiled to the Colonies as punishment for committing a sin of the flesh.[30]
  • Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as Omar (season 2), a man who helps June attempt to escape Gilead.
  • John Carroll Lynch as Dan (season 2), Emily’s boss at the university where she worked.
  • Kelly Jenrette as Annie (season 2), Luke’s ex-wife.
  • Rebecca Rittenhouse as Odette (season 2), a doctor, and Moira’s deceased fiancée.
  • Laila Robins as Pamela Joy (season 3), Serena’s mother.
  • Deidrie Henry as Lori (seasons 3–4), a Martha who Nick uses for intel in Gilead.
  • Sarah McVie as Lena (season 3), a Swiss diplomat negotiating the hostile conflict between Gilead and Canada over Nichole.
  • Emily Althaus as Noelle (season 3), a young single mother whose son Aunt Lydia taught before the rise of Gilead.
  • Laura Vandervoort as Daisy (season 4), a Jezebels worker who aids June.
  • Alex Castillo as Dawn Mathis (season 4), the Waterfords’ defense attorney.
  • Reed Birney as Lieutenant Stans (season 4) a Gilead officer who interrogates June.[28]
  • Omar Maskati as Steven (season 4), the leader of a resistance group in Chicago.
  • Carly Street as Iris Baker/Aunt Irene (season 4), a former Aunt who attempts to make amends with Emily.
  • Christine Ko as Lily (season 5), a former Martha who is now a leader in the Canada-based resistance movement.[31]

In the second season, Oprah Winfrey has an uncredited appearance as a newsreader on a car radio.[32]



Hulu’s straight-to-series order of The Handmaid’s Tale was announced in April 2016, with Elisabeth Moss set to star.[33] Based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood, the series was created by Bruce Miller, who is also an executive producer with Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, and Warren Littlefield.[33] Atwood serves as consulting producer, giving feedback on some of the areas where the series expands upon or modernizes the book.[33][34] She also played a small cameo role in the first episode.[35] Moss is also a producer.[36]

In June 2016, Reed Morano was announced as director of the series.[37] Samira Wiley, Max Minghella, and Ann Dowd joined the cast in July 2016.[38][39][40] Joseph Fiennes, Madeline Brewer, and Yvonne Strahovski were cast in August 2016,[41][42][43] followed by O-T Fagbenle and Amanda Brugel in September 2016.[44][45] In October 2016, Ever Carradine joined the cast,[46] and Alexis Bledel was added in January 2017.[47]

Filming on the series took place in Toronto, Mississauga, Brantford, Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, and Cambridge, Ontario, from September 2016 to February 2017.[48][49] Hulu released the first full trailer of the TV series on YouTube, on March 23, 2017.[50] The series premiered on April 26, 2017.[51]

On May 3, 2017, The Handmaid’s Tale was renewed for a second season which premiered on April 25, 2018.[52][53]
Moss told the news media that the subsequent episodes would cover further developments in the story, filling in some of the unanswered questions and continuing the narrative already «finished» in the book.[54] The second season consists of 13 episodes and began filming in fall 2017. Alexis Bledel returned as a series regular.[55]

Showrunner Bruce Miller stated that he envisioned 10 seasons of the show, stating, «Well, you know, honestly, when I started, I tried to game out in my head what would ten seasons be like? If you hit a home run, you want energy to go around the bases, you want enough story to keep going, if you can hook the audience to care about these people enough that they’re actually crying at the finale.»[56] Season 2 was filmed in Ontario, primarily in Toronto, but some scenes were shot in Hamilton and Cambridge.[57]

On May 2, 2018, Hulu renewed the series for a third season,[58] which premiered on June 5, 2019.[59] Season 3 started production in Toronto in October 2018.[60][61] Scenes for season 3 were also filmed in Cambridge and Hamilton, Ontario as well as in Washington, D.C.[62][63][64] Season 3 saw the show’s long-serving Director of Photography, Colin Watkinson, make his directorial debut with the episode «Unknown Caller». Cambridge, Ontario was nominated by the Location Managers Guild International for «Outstanding Film Office» for their work on this season. This was the first time that a Canadian Film Office was nominated for this honor.[65]

On July 26, 2019, the series was renewed for a fourth season.[7] Season 4, consisting of 10 episodes, began production in March 2020, with Elisabeth Moss filming her directorial debut, but work had to be halted after only a few weeks, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[66][67] In June 2020, Hulu announced that the fourth season would premiere in 2021.[68] Production on season 4 resumed in September 2020[21] and wrapped on February 25, 2021, with Moss having directed three episodes.[69]

On December 10, 2020, ahead of the fourth season premiere, Hulu renewed the series for a fifth season.[10] Season 5 started production in Toronto in February 2022 and continued through July 2022.[70] In May 2022, Alexis Bledel departed the series ahead of the fifth season, and stated, «After much thought, I felt I had to step away from The Handmaid’s Tale«.[71] On September 8, 2022, ahead of the fifth season premiere, Hulu renewed the series for a sixth and final season.[12]

Broadcast and release[edit]

The first three episodes of the series premiered on April 26, 2017; the subsequent seven episodes were released on a weekly basis.[51][72] In Canada, the series is broadcast weekly by CTV Drama Channel and the streaming service Crave; the first two episodes premiered on April 30, 2017.[73] In Scandinavia, the series is available on HBO Nordic.[74] In the United Kingdom, the series premiered on May 28, 2017, on Channel 4.[75]

In New Zealand, the series was released on the subscription video on demand service Lightbox on June 8, 2017.[76] After satellite service provider Sky acquired Lightbox and merged it into its streaming service Neon on July 7, 2020, Neon acquired the distribution rights to the series in New Zealand.[77]

In Australia, the series premiered on the TV channel SBS’s video streaming service SBS on Demand, on July 6, 2017.[78] The series also released on the subscription video on demand service Stan on December 12, 2018.[79]

In Ireland, the series premiered on February 5, 2018, on RTÉ2, with a showing of the first two episodes.[80] RTÉ also became the first broadcaster in Europe to debut Season 2, Season 3 and Season 4 following its broadcast in the US and Canada.[81] In Brazil and Latin America, the series premiered on March 7, 2018, on Paramount Channel.[82]

In India, the series premiered on February 5, 2018, on AXN and ran for the first two seasons before moving to Amazon Prime Video for Season 3, which made all three seasons available for viewing on January 31, 2020.[83][84]

In Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, the series premiered on September 15, 2018, on HBO Asia through HBO Go.[85]

The first season was released on Blu-ray and DVD on March 13, 2018, the second season on December 4, 2018, and the third season on November 19, 2019, by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment.[86][87][88] The fourth season was released on DVD only (no Blu-ray) on April 5, 2022, by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment.[89]


Critical response[edit]

The Handmaid’s Tale was ranked as the 25th and 38th best TV series of the 21st century by The Guardian and BBC, respectively.[90][91] On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the overall series has an approval rating of 83%.[92] While on Metacritic, another aggregator website, it has an average score of 81 out of 100.[93]

Season 1[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, 94% of 259 reviews are positive for the first season, with an average rating of 8.65/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «Haunting and vivid, The Handmaid’s Tale is an endlessly engrossing adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel that’s anchored by a terrific central performance from Elisabeth Moss.»[94] On Metacritic, the season has a weighted average score of 92 out of 100 based on 41 critics, indicating «universal acclaim».[95]

Daniel Fienberg of The Hollywood Reporter called it «probably the spring’s best new show».[104] Jen Chaney of Vulture gave it a highly positive review, and wrote that it is «A faithful adaptation of the book that also brings new layers to Atwood’s totalitarian, sexist world of forced surrogate motherhood» and that «this series is meticulously paced, brutal, visually stunning, and so suspenseful from moment to moment that only at the end of each hour will you feel fully at liberty to exhale».[105]

There was much debate on whether parallels could be drawn between the series (and by extension, the book it is based on) and American society during the Presidency of Donald Trump.[106][107] Comparisons have also been made to the Salafi/Wahabbi extremism of ISIS, under which enslaved women of religious minorities are passed around and utilized as sex objects and vessels to bear new jihadis.[108][109][110]

Season 2[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, 89% of 340 critics have given the season a positive review, and an average rating of 8.35/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «Beautifully shot but dishearteningly relevant, The Handmaid’s Tale centers its sophomore season tightly around its compelling cast of characters, making room for broader social commentary through more intimate lenses.»[96] Metacritic assigned the season a weighted average score of 86 out of 100 based on 28 critics, indicating «universal acclaim».[97]

Some critics perceived the second season’s depictions of violence as excessive. The Atlantics Sophie Gilbert wrote: «There came a point during the first episode where, for me, it became too much.»[111] Lisa Miller of The Cut wrote: «I have pressed mute and fast forward so often this season, I am forced to wonder: ‘Why am I watching this’? It all feels so gratuitous, like a beating that never ends.»[112] The Daily Telegraphs Rebecca Reid admitted she had an anxiety attack watching an episode of the show.[113]

Season 3[edit]

For the third season, Rotten Tomatoes reports that 82% of 301 reviews are positive, and the average rating is 6.9/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «The Handmaid’s Tales third season reins in its horrors and inspires hope that revolution really is possible – if only the story would stop spinning its wheels and get to it already.»[98] Metacritic compiled 14 critic reviews and an average score of 68 out of 100, signifying «generally favorable reviews».[99]

Kelly Lawler of USA Today gave it a positive review, scoring it three out of four stars. She claimed it is an improvement over the second season, «that rights many – though definitely not all – of Season 2’s wrongs.» Overall, she wrote, «The new season is more propulsive and watchable, although it doesn’t quite reach the heights of that first moving season. But Handmaid’s regains its footing by setting off on a new path».[114]

Daniel Fienberg of The Hollywood Reporter wrote a generally positive review, praising Elisabeth Moss’s performance and the cinematography, but criticized the plot «that has become frustratingly repetitive». Overall, he wrote, «Still occasionally powerful, but rarely as provocative».[115]

Season 4[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, the fourth season earned positive reviews from 70% of 46 critics, with an average rating of 7/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «Elisabeth Moss is better than ever, but scattershot plotting and an overbearing sense of doom may prove too grim for some viewers to really enjoy The Handmaid’s Tales fourth season.»[100] According to Metacritic, which collected 18 reviews and calculated an average score of 62, the season received «generally positive reviews».[101]

Kristen Baldwin of Entertainment Weekly gave it a «C+» grade and wrote that the series «delivers on some long-delayed promises, but ultimately it’s too little, too late.»[116] Matthew Gilbert of The Boston Globe wrote, «the dystopian drama has exceeded the natural lifespan of its story, as it plows forward with nothing new to say, tinkling cymbals and sounding brass.»[117] In a more positive review from Jen Chaney of Vulture, she wrote, «Thankfully, season four finally regains some momentum and forward motion. Based on the eight out of ten total episodes made available to critics, this is the best The Handmaid’s Tale has been since its first season.»[118]

Season 5[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, the fifth season earned positive reviews from 81% of 27 critics, with an average rating of 7.55/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «The Handmaid’s Tale has lost its urgency after spreading its once-arresting premise thin in a season focused on vengeance’s consequences, but the women of Gilead are still played with compelling exactitude.»[102] On Metacritic, it received an average score of 63 out of 100, based on 7 reviews, indicating «generally positive reviews».[103]

Critics were given the first eight episodes of the season to review. Writing for IGN, Tara Bennett gave it a «good» score of 7 out of 10 and wrote in her verdict: «The Handmaid’s Tale remains the canary in the coalmine of TV shows […]. Elisabeth Moss continues to give a livewire performance as former handmaid/now Canadian refugee June Osborne. […] But overall, the series continues to suffer with very measured storylines that can’t seem to recapture the kinetic energy of the first two seasons.»[119] Abby Cavenaugh of Collider graded it with a «B-» and said, «Season 5 is full of scarce highs and really low lows, lots of heavy-hitting drama, and emotional scenes. Some of the biggest events of this season lead to some pretty uncomfortable viewing, but viewers who stick with it will be rewarded with some huge moments that will have repercussions for the final season.»[120]


Year Award Category Nominee(s) Result Ref.
Season 1
2017 Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Drama Series Bruce Miller, Warren Littlefield, Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, Ilene Chaiken, Sheila Hockin, Eric Tuchman, Frank Siracusa, John Weber, Kira Snyder, Elisabeth Moss, Joseph Boccia and Leila Gerstein Won [121]
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss (for «Night») Won
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Ann Dowd (for «Offred») Won
Samira Wiley (for «Night») Nominated
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Reed Morano (for «Offred») Won
Kate Dennis (for «The Bridge») Nominated
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Bruce Miller (for «Offred») Won
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel (for «Late») Won
Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series Russell Scott, Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, and Robin D. Cook Nominated
Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series (One Hour) Colin Watkinson (for «Offred») Won
Outstanding Period/Fantasy Costumes for a Series, Limited Series, or Movie Ane Crabtree and Sheena Wichary (for «Offred») Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary or Fantasy Program (One Hour or More) Julie Berghoff, Evan Webber and Sophie Neudorfer (for «Offred») Won
Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role Brendan Taylor, Stephen Lebed, Leo Bovell, Martin O’Brien, Winston Lee, Kelly Knauff, Zach Dembinski, Mike Suta and Cameron Kerr (for «Birth Day») Nominated
Television Critics Association Awards Program of the Year The Handmaid’s Tale Won [122]
Outstanding Achievement in Drama Won
Outstanding New Program Nominated
Individual Achievement in Drama Elisabeth Moss Nominated
American Film Institute Awards Top 10 TV Programs of the Year The Handmaid’s Tale Won [123]
2018 American Cinema Editors Awards Best Edited Drama Series for Non-Commercial Television Julian Clarke and Wendy Hallam Martin (for «Offred») Won [124]
Art Directors Guild Awards One-Hour Contemporary Single-Camera Series Julie Berghoff (for «Offred», «Birth Day», «Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum») Won [125]
Andrew Stearn (for «The Bridge») Nominated
Casting Society of America Television Pilot and First Season – Drama Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott, Robin D. Cook and Jonathan Oliveira Won [126]
Cinema Audio Society Awards Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Television Series – One Hour John J. Thomson, Lou Solakofski, Joe Morrow and Don White (for «Offred») Nominated [127]
Costume Designers Guild Awards Excellence in Contemporary Television Series Ane Crabtree Won [128]
Critics’ Choice Television Awards Best Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale Won [129]
Best Actress in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Won
Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Ann Dowd Won
Directors Guild of America Awards Outstanding Directorial Achievement for a Drama Series Reed Morano (for «Offred») Won [130]
Golden Globe Awards Best Television Series – Drama The Handmaid’s Tale Won [131]
Best Actress – Television Series Drama Elisabeth Moss Won
Best Supporting Actress – Series, Miniseries or Television Film Ann Dowd Nominated
Location Managers Guild Awards Outstanding Locations in Contemporary Television John Musikka and Geoffrey Smither Nominated [132]
Peabody Award Entertainment, children’s and youth honoree The Handmaid’s Tale Won [133]
Producers Guild of America Awards Outstanding Producer of Episodic Television, Drama The Handmaid’s Tale Won [134]
Satellite Awards Best Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [135]
Best Actress in a Drama / Genre Series Elisabeth Moss Won
Best Supporting Actress in a Series, Miniseries or TV Film Ann Dowd Won
Saturn Awards Best New Media Television Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [136]
Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series Madeline Brewer, Amanda Brugel, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Tattiawna Jones, Max Minghella, Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski and Samira Wiley Nominated [137]
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
USC Scripter Awards Best Adapted TV Screenplay Bruce Miller and Margaret Atwood (for «Offred») Won [138]
Writers Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Ilene Chaiken, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, Leila Gerstein, John Herrera, Lynn Maxcy, Bruce Miller, Kira Snyder, Wendy Straker Hauser and Eric Tuchman Won [139]
New Series Won
BAFTA Television Awards Best International Programme The Handmaid’s Tale Won
Season 2
2018 Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Drama Series Bruce Miller, Warren Littlefield, Elisabeth Moss, Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, Mike Barker, Sheila Hockin, Eric Tuchman, Kira Snyder, Yahlin Chang, Frank Siracusa, John Weber, Dorothy Fortenberry and Joseph Boccia Nominated [140]
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss (for «The Last Ceremony») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series Joseph Fiennes (for «First Blood») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel (for «Unwomen») Nominated
Ann Dowd (for «June») Nominated
Yvonne Strahovski (for «Women’s Work») Nominated
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Kari Skogland (for «After») Nominated
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Bruce Miller (for «June») Nominated
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Kelly Jenrette (for «Other Women») Nominated
Cherry Jones (for «Baggage») Nominated
Samira Wiley (for «After») Won
Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott, and Robin D. Cook Nominated
Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series (One Hour) Colin Watkinson (for «June») Nominated
Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes Ane Crabtree and Natalie Bronfman (for «Seeds») Nominated
Outstanding Makeup for a Single-Camera Series (Non-Prosthetic) Burton LeBlanc, Talia Reingold and Erika Caceres (for «Unwomen») Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour or More) Mark White, Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow and Caroline Gee (for «June») Won
Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow and Rob Hepburn (for «Seeds», «First Blood», «After») Nominated
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Drama Series Wendy Hallam Martin (for «June») Won
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy or Drama Series (One-Hour) Joe Morrow, Lou Solakofski and Sylvain Arseneault (for «June») Nominated
Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role Stephen Lebed, Brendan Taylor, Kelly Knauff, Kelly Weisz, Kevin McGeagh, Anderson Leo Bovell, Winston Lee, Xi Luo and Cameron Kerr (for «June») Nominated
2019 Cinema Audio Society Awards Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Television Series – One Hour Sylvain Arseneault, Lou Solakofski, Joe Morrow, Scott Michael Smith, Adam Taylor, Mark DeSimone and Jack Heeren (for «Holly») Nominated [141]
Satellite Awards Best Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [142][143]
Best Actress in a Drama / Genre Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel, Madeline Brewer, Amanda Brugel, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Nina Kiri, Max Minghella, Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski, Sydney Sweeney and Bahia Watson Nominated [144]
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series Joseph Fiennes Nominated
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
Golden Globe Awards Best Actress – Television Series Drama Elisabeth Moss Nominated [145]
Best Supporting Actress – Series, Miniseries or Television Film Yvonne Strahovski Nominated
Visual Effects Society Awards Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal Episode Brendan Taylor, Stephen Lebed, Winston Lee and Leo Bovell (for «June») Nominated [146]
Outstanding Created Environment in an Episode, Commercial, or Real-Time Project Patrick Zentis, Kevin McGeagh, Leo Bovell and Zachary Dembinski (for «June») – Fenway Park Nominated
Outstanding Compositing in a Photoreal Episode Winston Lee, Gwen Zhang, Xi Luo and Kevin Quatman (for «June») Nominated
Writers Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Yahlin Chang, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, John Herrera, Lynn Renee Maxcy, Bruce Miller, Kira Snyder and Eric Tuchman Nominated [147]
Episodic Drama Eric Tuchman (for «First Blood») Nominated
GLAAD Media Awards Outstanding Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [148]
Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Daina Reid (for «Holly») Nominated [149]
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Bruce Miller & Kira Snyder (for «Holly») Nominated
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series Bradley Whitford Won [150]
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Cherry Jones Won
Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series (One Hour) Colin Watkinson for («The Word») Nominated
Zoë White (for «Holly») Nominated
Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes Ane Crabtree and Natalie Bronfman (for «The Word») Nominated
Outstanding Music Composition for a Series (Original Dramatic Score) Adam Taylor (for «The Word») Nominated
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Drama Series Wendy Hallam Martin (for «The Word») Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour or More) Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow and Robert Hepburn (for «Holly») Won
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy or Drama Series (One Hour) Joe Morrow, Lou Solakofski and Sylvain Arseneault (for «Holly») Nominated
Saturn Awards Best Streaming Horror & Thriller Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [151]
Season 3
2020 Cinema Audio Society Awards Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Television Series – One Hour Sylvain Arseneault, Lou Solakofski, Joe Morrow, Scott Michael Smith, Adam Taylor, Andrea Rusch and Kevin Schultz (for «Heroic») Nominated [152]
Make-Up Artists and Hair Stylists Guilds Best Television Series, Mini-Series or New Media Series – Best Contemporary Make-Up Burton LeBlanc, Alastair Muir and Faye Crasto Nominated [153]
Best Television Series, Mini-Series or New Media Series – Contemporary Hair Styling Paul Elliot and Ewa Latak-Cynk Nominated
Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel, Madeline Brewer, Amanda Brugel, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Kristen Gutoskie, Nina Kiri, Ashleigh LaThrop, Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski, Bahia Watson, Bradley Whitford and Samira Wiley Nominated [154]
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
American Society of Cinematographers Awards Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography in Regular Series for Non-Commercial Television Colin Watkinson (for «Night») Won [155]
Costume Designers Guild Awards Excellence in Sci-Fi/Fantasy Television Natalie Bronfman (for «Household») Nominated [156]
Casting Society of America Television Series – Drama Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott, Robin D. Cook, Stacia Kimler and Jonathan Oliveira Nominated [157]
Art Directors Guild Awards One-Hour Contemporary Single-Camera Series Elizabeth Williams (for «Mayday») Nominated [158]
Writers Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Marissa Jo Cerar, Yahlin Chang, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, Jacy Heldrich, John Herrera, Lynn Renee Maxcy, Bruce Miller, Kira Snyder and Eric Tuchman Nominated [159]
Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Drama Series Bruce Miller, Warren Littlefield, Elisabeth Moss, Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, Mike Barker, Eric Tuchman, Sheila Hockin, John Weber, Frank Siracusa, Kira Snyder, Yahlin Chang, Margaret Atwood, Dorothy Fortenberry, Marissa Jo Cerar, Nina Fiore, John Herrera and Kim Todd Nominated [160]
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series Bradley Whitford (for «Sacrifice») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Samira Wiley (for «Sacrifice») Nominated
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel (for «God Bless the Child») Nominated
Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott, and Robin D. Cook Nominated
Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes Natalie Bronfman, Helena Davis Perry and Christina Cattle (for «Household») Nominated
Outstanding Contemporary Hairstyling Paul Elliot and Ewa Latak-Cynk (for «Liars») Nominated
Outstanding Contemporary Makeup (Non-Prosthetic) Burton LeBlanc and Alastair Muir (for «Mayday») Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour or More) Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow and Robert Hepburn (for «Household») Won
Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role Stephen Lebed, Brendan Taylor, Leo Bovell, Rob Greb, Gwen Zhang, Marlis Coto, Stephen Wagner, Josh Clark and James Minett (for «Household») Nominated
Season 4
2021 Hollywood Critics Association TV Awards Best Streaming Series, Drama The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [161]
Best Actress in a Streaming Series, Drama Elisabeth Moss Nominated
Best Supporting Actor in a Streaming Series, Drama Bradley Whitford Nominated
Best Supporting Actress in a Streaming Series, Drama Alexis Bledel Nominated
Ann Dowd Nominated
Yvonne Strahovski Nominated
Samira Wiley Nominated
Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Drama Series Bruce Miller, Warren Littlefield, Elisabeth Moss, Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, Eric Tuchman, Sheila Hockin, John Weber, Frank Siracusa, Kira Snyder, Yahlin Chang, Dorothy Fortenberry, Margaret Atwood, Kim Todd, Matt Hastings, Nina Fiore and John Herrera Nominated [162]
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss (for «Home») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series O-T Fagbenle (for «Home») Nominated
Max Minghella (for «The Crossing») Nominated
Bradley Whitford (for «Testimony») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Madeline Brewer (for «Testimony») Nominated
Ann Dowd (for «Progress») Nominated
Yvonne Strahovski (for «Home») Nominated
Samira Wiley (for «Vows») Nominated
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Liz Garbus (for «The Wilderness») Nominated
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Yahlin Chang (for «Home») Nominated
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel (for «Testimony») Nominated
Mckenna Grace (for «Pigs») Nominated
Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott and Robin D. Cook Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour or More) Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow, Larry Spittle and Rob Hepburn (for «Chicago») Nominated
Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes Debra Hanson, Jane Flanders and Darci Cheyne (for «Nightshade») Nominated
Outstanding Contemporary Hairstyling Paul Elliot and Franchi Pir (for «Vows») Nominated
Outstanding Contemporary Makeup (Non-Prosthetic) Burton LeBlanc and Alastair Muir (for «Pigs») Nominated
Outstanding Music Composition for a Series (Original Dramatic Score) Adam Taylor (for «The Crossing») Nominated
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Drama Series Wendy Hallam Martin (for «The Crossing») Nominated
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy or Drama Series (One-Hour) Lou Solakofski, Joe Morrow and Sylvain Arseneault (for «Chicago») Nominated
Television Critics Association Awards Outstanding Achievement in Drama The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [163]
Women Film Critics Circle Outstanding Series Won [164]
2022 Golden Globe Awards Best Actress – Television Series Drama Elisabeth Moss Nominated [165]
Satellite Awards Best Actress in a Drama / Genre Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated [166]
Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel, Madeline Brewer, Amanda Brugel, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Sam Jaeger, Max Minghella, Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski, Bradley Whitford, and Samira Wiley Nominated


Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
Set Decorators Society of America Awards Best Achievement in Décor/Design of a One Hour Fantasy or Science Fiction Series Rob Hepburn and Elisabeth Williams Nominated [168]
Visual Effects Society Awards Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal Episode Brendan Taylor, Stephen Lebed, Kayla Cabral, and Brannek Gaudet (for «Chicago») Nominated [169]
Writers Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Yahlin Chang, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, Jacey Heldrich, John Herrera, Bruce Miller, Aly Monroe, Kira Snyder, and Eric Tuchman Nominated [170]
Episodic Drama Kira Snyder for «Testimony» Nominated

See also[edit]

  • List of original programs distributed by Hulu
  • Sex and sexuality in speculative fiction


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External links[edit]

The Handmaid’s Tale
The Handmaid's Tale intertitle.png
  • Tragedy[1][2]
  • Dystopia
Created by Bruce Miller
Based on The Handmaid’s Tale
by Margaret Atwood
  • Elisabeth Moss
  • Joseph Fiennes
  • Yvonne Strahovski
  • Alexis Bledel
  • Madeline Brewer
  • Ann Dowd
  • O-T Fagbenle
  • Max Minghella
  • Samira Wiley
  • Amanda Brugel
  • Bradley Whitford
  • Sam Jaeger
Composer Adam Taylor
Country of origin United States
Original language English
No. of seasons 5
No. of episodes 56 (list of episodes)
Executive producers
  • Bruce Miller
  • Warren Littlefield
  • Reed Morano
  • Daniel Wilson
  • Fran Sears
  • Ilene Chaiken
  • Elisabeth Moss
  • Mike Barker
  • Eric Tuchman
  • Yahlin Chang
  • Sheila Hockin
  • John Weber
  • Frank Siracusa
  • Dorothy Fortenberry
  • Marissa Jo Cerar (supervising producer)
  • Nina Fiore
  • John Herrera
  • Kim Todd
  • Joseph Boccia
  • Lisa Clapperton (associate producer)
  • Margaret Atwood (consulting producer)
Production locations
  • Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Colin Watkinson
  • Zoë White
  • Stuart Biddlecombe
  • Nicola Daley
  • Stuart Campbell
Running time 41–65 minutes
Production companies
  • Daniel Wilson Productions, Inc.
  • The Littlefield Company
  • White Oak Pictures
  • Toluca Pictures
  • MGM Television
Distributor MGM Television
Original network Hulu
Picture format
  • 4K (2:1 UHDTV)[3]
  • Dolby Vision[4]
Audio format
  • Stereo (Hulu)
  • 5.1 surround sound (Blu-ray, digital purchase)
Original release April 26, 2017 –

The Handmaid’s Tale is an American dystopian television series created by Bruce Miller, based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Canadian author Margaret Atwood. The series was ordered by the streaming service Hulu as a straight-to-series order of 10 episodes, for which production began in late 2016. The plot features a dystopia following a Second American Civil War wherein a theonomic, totalitarian society subjects fertile women, called «Handmaids», to child-bearing slavery.[5][6]

The first three episodes of the series premiered on April 26, 2017; the subsequent seven episodes were released every Wednesday. In July 2019, the series was renewed for a fourth season,[7] which premiered on April 27, 2021.[8] In September 2019, it was announced that Hulu and MGM were developing a sequel series, to be based on Atwood’s 2019 novel The Testaments.[9] In December 2020, ahead of the fourth season premiere, the series was renewed for a fifth season,[10] which premiered on September 14, 2022.[11] In September 2022, ahead of the fifth season premiere, the series was renewed for a sixth and final season.[12]

The Handmaid’s Tales first season won eight Primetime Emmy Awards from 13 nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series. It is the first show produced by Hulu to win a major award as well as the first series on a streaming service to win an Emmy for Outstanding Series.[13] It also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series – Drama. Elisabeth Moss was also awarded the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series and the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Television Drama Series.


In a world where fertility rates have collapsed as a result of sexually transmitted diseases and environmental pollution,[14] the totalitarian, theonomic government of Gilead establishes rule in the former United States in the aftermath of a civil war.[15][16][17][5] Society is organized by power-hungry leaders along with a new, militarized, hierarchical régime of religious fanaticism and newly created social classes, in which women are brutally subjugated. By law, women in Gilead are forced to work in very limited roles, including some as natal slaves, and they are not allowed to own property, have careers, handle money, or read.[17]

Worldwide infertility has led to the enslavement of fertile women in Gilead determined by the new régime to be fallen women, citing an extremist interpretation of the Biblical account of Bilhah. These women often include those who have entered marriages following divorce (termed «adulteresses», as divorce is not recognized under Gileadian law), single or unmarried mothers, lesbians (homosexuals being termed «gender traitors»), non-Christians, adherents of Christian denominations other than the «Sons of Jacob», political dissidents, and academics.[17]

These women, called Handmaids, are assigned to the homes of the ruling elite, where they must submit to ritualized rape (referred to as «the ceremony») by their male masters («Commanders») in the presence of their wives, to be impregnated and bear children for them.[17] Handmaids are given names created by the addition of the prefix Of- to the first name of the man who has them. When they are transferred, their names are changed.

Along with the Handmaids, much of society is now grouped into classes that dictate their freedoms and duties. Women are divided into a small range of social categories, each one signified by a plain dress in a specific color. Handmaids wear long red dresses, heavy brown boots and white coifs, with a headcovering surrounded by a larger white coif (known as «wings») to be worn outside, concealing them from public view and restricting their vision.

June Osborne, renamed Offred, is the Handmaid assigned to the home of the Gileadan Commander Fred Waterford and his wife Serena Joy. The Waterfords, key players in the formation and rise of Gilead, struggle with the realities of the society they helped create. During «the time before», June was married to Luke and had a daughter, Hannah.

At the beginning of the story, while attempting to flee Gilead with her husband and daughter, June was captured and forced to become a Handmaid because of the adultery she and her husband committed. June’s daughter was taken and given to an upper-class family to raise, and her husband escaped into Canada. Much of the plot revolves around June’s desire to be reunited with her husband and daughter and the internal evolution of her strength to its somewhat darker version.

Cast and characters[edit]


  • Elisabeth Moss as June Osborne / Offred / Ofjoseph #2, a woman who was captured while attempting to escape to Canada with her husband, Luke, and daughter, Hannah. Because Luke is divorced, their union is considered adulterous in this new society. June is considered an adulteress and their daughter, Hannah, is deemed illegitimate. Due to June’s fertility, she is made a Handmaid to Commander Fred Waterford and his wife Serena Joy, and is called «Offred»; later she becomes handmaid to Commander Joseph Lawrence and is called «Ofjoseph».
  • Joseph Fiennes as Commander Fred Waterford (seasons 1–4), a high-ranking government official, and June’s first master. Both he and his wife were instrumental in Gilead’s founding.
  • Yvonne Strahovski as Serena Joy Waterford, Fred’s wife, and a former conservative cultural activist. She appears to have accepted her new role in a society that she helped create. She is poised and deeply religious, but capable of great cruelty and is often callous to June. She is desperate to become a mother.
  • Alexis Bledel as Dr. Emily Malek / Ofglen #1 / Ofsteven / Ofroy / Ofjoseph #1 (seasons 1–4), a former university professor in cellular biology and initially June’s shopping partner. Although June is initially wary of her, it is revealed she is not as pious as she seems, and the two become friends. Emily is involved with and first informs June of Mayday, an underground resistance movement. She has a wife and son living in Canada.
  • Madeline Brewer as Janine Lindo / Ofwarren / Ofdaniel / Ofhoward / Ofjoseph # 3, a Handmaid who entered the Red Center for training at the same time as June, and considers June a friend due to her kind treatment. Initially non-compliant, Janine has her right eye removed as a punishment. She becomes mentally unstable due to her treatment and often behaves in temperamental or childlike ways. Before Gilead, Janine was a waitress and had a son, Caleb, who unbeknownst to her was killed in a car crash after the takeover.
  • Ann Dowd as Aunt Lydia Clements, a woman in charge of overseeing the Handmaids in their sexual re-education and duties. She is brutal and subjects insubordinate Handmaids to sadistic physical punishment, but she also cares for her charges and believes deeply in the Gileadean mission and doctrine. She appears to have a soft spot for Janine and even goes so far as to address her by her given name on occasion. Before Gilead, she was a family court judge, and afterwards, an elementary school teacher.
  • O-T Fagbenle as Luke Bankole, June’s husband from before Gilead. Initially, June believes he was killed, but it is later revealed that Luke managed to escape to Canada.
  • Max Minghella as Commander Nick Blaine, Commander Waterford’s driver and a former drifter from Michigan who has feelings for June. June and Nick develop an intimate relationship and she eventually discovers that he is an Eye, a spy for Gilead and that he played a significant role in the Gileadean takeover. In season 3, he is promoted to Commander.
  • Samira Wiley as Moira Strand, June’s best friend since college. She is already at the Red Center when June enters Handmaid training but escapes before being assigned to a home. She is recaptured and becomes «Ruby», a Jezebel. She seems to have given up hope of ever being free, but on meeting June again regains the conviction to escape to Canada.
  • Amanda Brugel as Rita Blue (season 2–present, recurring season 1), a housekeeper at the Waterford house, who becomes one of June’s closest allies. She had a son named Matthew, who died fighting in the civil war when he was 19 years old.[18]
  • Bradley Whitford as Commander Joseph Lawrence (season 3–present, guest season 2), the founder of the Colonies and architect of Gilead’s economy. He is on and off with Mayday.[19][20]
  • Sam Jaeger as Mark Tuello (season 4–present, recurring season 3, guest season 2), an operative of the U.S. Government whom Serena encounters in Canada.[21]


  • Jordana Blake as Hannah Bankole, June and Luke’s daughter. After being taken, she is given a new family and renamed Agnes MacKenzie.
  • Ever Carradine as Naomi Putnam, Commander Putnam’s wife. She has no sympathy for Handmaids and only sees her baby as a status symbol.
  • Stephen Kunken as Commander Warren Putnam (seasons 1–5), a High Commander and the first known Commander of Janine.
  • Tattiawna Jones as Lillie Fuller / Ofglen #2 (seasons 1–2), who replaces Emily in the position after Emily is captured by the Eyes. She warns June away from breaking the rules and does not wish to upset the status quo, but this is because she believes her life as a Handmaid is better than the difficult, impoverished life she led prior to Gilead, rather than out of religious piety.
  • Nina Kiri as Alma / Ofrobert (seasons 1–4, guest season 5), another Handmaid who trained at the Red Center with June, Moira, and Janine. She is frank and chatty and often trades gossip and news with June. She is also involved with Mayday and becomes one of June’s first contacts with the resistance group.
  • Bahia Watson as Brianna / Oferic (seasons 1–4, guest season 5), another local Handmaid who is friends with June. She is Dolores’ shopping partner.
  • Jenessa Grant as Dolores / Ofsamuel (seasons 1–2, guest season 3), a local Handmaid with a friendly and talkative nature. She is Brianna’s shopping partner.
  • Edie Inksetter as Aunt Elizabeth, a fellow Aunt who works closely with Aunt Lydia at the Red Center.
  • Robert Curtis Brown as Commander Andrew Pryce (seasons 1–2), a Commander who is one of the leading members of the Sons of Jacob and is in charge of the Eyes.
  • Kristen Gutoskie as Beth (seasons 1 and 3, guest season 4), an award-winning chef before the rise of Gilead, formerly a Martha at Jezebel’s, and later a Martha in the Lawrence household.
  • Erin Way as Erin (seasons 1–3), a young, apparently mute woman who was being trained to become a Handmaid but managed to escape to Canada with Luke.[22]
  • Krista Morin as Rachel Tapping (seasons 1–2, season 4), an official at the United States Consulate in Canada.
  • Clea DuVall as Sylvia (season 3, guest seasons 2 and 5), Emily’s wife.[23]
  • Cherry Jones as Holly Maddox (season 2–3), June’s mother, an outspoken feminist.[24]
  • Sydney Sweeney as Eden Blaine (née Spencer) (season 2), a pious and obedient young girl who is married off to Nick.[25]
  • Greg Bryk as Commander Ray Cushing (season 2), a fellow Commander who later replaces Commander Pryce’s position.
  • Rohan Mead as Isaac (season 2), a young Guardian assigned to the Waterford home.
  • Julie Dretzin as Eleanor Lawrence (seasons 2–3), the mentally unstable wife of Commander Lawrence.
  • Amy Landecker as Mrs. Mackenzie (season 5, guest season 3), Hannah’s placement mother in Gilead.
  • Ashleigh LaThrop as Natalie / Ofmatthew (season 3), a devoted Handmaid whose loyalty to Gilead causes divisive tensions amongst her peers.[26]
  • Sugenja Sri as Sienna (season 3, guest season 4), a former radiology student and a new Martha in the Lawrence household.
  • Jonathan Watton as Commander Matthew Calhoun (season 3–present), the assigned Commander of Natalie/Ofmatthew.
  • Charlie Zeltzer as Oliver (seasons 3–4), Emily and Sylvia’s son.
  • Christopher Meloni as High Commander George Winslow (season 3), a High Commander stationed in Washington, D.C.[27]
  • Elizabeth Reaser as Olivia Winslow (season 3),[27] the wife of High Commander Winslow.
  • Mckenna Grace as Esther Keyes (season 4–5), a farmer and the teenage wife of an older Commander.[21]
  • Zawe Ashton as Oona (season 4), an aid worker in Toronto and Moira’s new girlfriend.[28]
  • Jeananne Goossen as Aunt Ruth (season 4), a high ranking Aunt who is desperate to replace Aunt Lydia as leading Aunt in their district.
  • Natasha Mumba as Danielle (season 4–present), a former handmaid.
  • Victoria Sawal as Tyler (season 4–present), a former handmaid.
  • Amanda Zhou as Vicky (season 4–present), a former handmaid.
  • Carey Cox as Rose Blaine (season 5), the daughter of a High Commander in Washington, D.C. and Nick’s new wife.
  • Jason Butler Harner as Commander Mackenzie (season 5), a High Commander and Hannah’s placement father.
  • Rossif Sutherland as Ezra Shaw (season 5), Serena’s personal Gileadan bodyguard in Canada.
  • Genevieve Angelson as Alanis Wheeler (season 5), an affluent Canadian who idolizes Serena and who is a driving force behind the rise of Gilead in Toronto.[29]
  • Lucas Neff as Ryan Wheeler (season 5), Alanis’ husband.


  • Jim Cummings as Burke (season 1), an Eye who interrogates June.
  • Zabryna Guevara as Mrs. Castillo (season 1), an ambassador from Mexico who visits Gilead to see the effectiveness of the regime.
  • Christian Barillas as Mr. Flores (season 1), Mrs. Castillo’s assistant.
  • Rosa Gilmore as Zoe (season 1), the daughter of a US army soldier and the leader of the group of survivors whom Luke encounters after being separated from June and Hannah.
  • Tim Ransom as Mr. Whitford (season 1), a friend of June’s mother who helps June, Luke, and Hannah attempt to cross the border.
  • Marisa Tomei as Mrs. O’Conner (season 2), a Commander’s wife who is exiled to the Colonies as punishment for committing a sin of the flesh.[30]
  • Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as Omar (season 2), a man who helps June attempt to escape Gilead.
  • John Carroll Lynch as Dan (season 2), Emily’s boss at the university where she worked.
  • Kelly Jenrette as Annie (season 2), Luke’s ex-wife.
  • Rebecca Rittenhouse as Odette (season 2), a doctor, and Moira’s deceased fiancée.
  • Laila Robins as Pamela Joy (season 3), Serena’s mother.
  • Deidrie Henry as Lori (seasons 3–4), a Martha who Nick uses for intel in Gilead.
  • Sarah McVie as Lena (season 3), a Swiss diplomat negotiating the hostile conflict between Gilead and Canada over Nichole.
  • Emily Althaus as Noelle (season 3), a young single mother whose son Aunt Lydia taught before the rise of Gilead.
  • Laura Vandervoort as Daisy (season 4), a Jezebels worker who aids June.
  • Alex Castillo as Dawn Mathis (season 4), the Waterfords’ defense attorney.
  • Reed Birney as Lieutenant Stans (season 4) a Gilead officer who interrogates June.[28]
  • Omar Maskati as Steven (season 4), the leader of a resistance group in Chicago.
  • Carly Street as Iris Baker/Aunt Irene (season 4), a former Aunt who attempts to make amends with Emily.
  • Christine Ko as Lily (season 5), a former Martha who is now a leader in the Canada-based resistance movement.[31]

In the second season, Oprah Winfrey has an uncredited appearance as a newsreader on a car radio.[32]



Hulu’s straight-to-series order of The Handmaid’s Tale was announced in April 2016, with Elisabeth Moss set to star.[33] Based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood, the series was created by Bruce Miller, who is also an executive producer with Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, and Warren Littlefield.[33] Atwood serves as consulting producer, giving feedback on some of the areas where the series expands upon or modernizes the book.[33][34] She also played a small cameo role in the first episode.[35] Moss is also a producer.[36]

In June 2016, Reed Morano was announced as director of the series.[37] Samira Wiley, Max Minghella, and Ann Dowd joined the cast in July 2016.[38][39][40] Joseph Fiennes, Madeline Brewer, and Yvonne Strahovski were cast in August 2016,[41][42][43] followed by O-T Fagbenle and Amanda Brugel in September 2016.[44][45] In October 2016, Ever Carradine joined the cast,[46] and Alexis Bledel was added in January 2017.[47]

Filming on the series took place in Toronto, Mississauga, Brantford, Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, and Cambridge, Ontario, from September 2016 to February 2017.[48][49] Hulu released the first full trailer of the TV series on YouTube, on March 23, 2017.[50] The series premiered on April 26, 2017.[51]

On May 3, 2017, The Handmaid’s Tale was renewed for a second season which premiered on April 25, 2018.[52][53]
Moss told the news media that the subsequent episodes would cover further developments in the story, filling in some of the unanswered questions and continuing the narrative already «finished» in the book.[54] The second season consists of 13 episodes and began filming in fall 2017. Alexis Bledel returned as a series regular.[55]

Showrunner Bruce Miller stated that he envisioned 10 seasons of the show, stating, «Well, you know, honestly, when I started, I tried to game out in my head what would ten seasons be like? If you hit a home run, you want energy to go around the bases, you want enough story to keep going, if you can hook the audience to care about these people enough that they’re actually crying at the finale.»[56] Season 2 was filmed in Ontario, primarily in Toronto, but some scenes were shot in Hamilton and Cambridge.[57]

On May 2, 2018, Hulu renewed the series for a third season,[58] which premiered on June 5, 2019.[59] Season 3 started production in Toronto in October 2018.[60][61] Scenes for season 3 were also filmed in Cambridge and Hamilton, Ontario as well as in Washington, D.C.[62][63][64] Season 3 saw the show’s long-serving Director of Photography, Colin Watkinson, make his directorial debut with the episode «Unknown Caller». Cambridge, Ontario was nominated by the Location Managers Guild International for «Outstanding Film Office» for their work on this season. This was the first time that a Canadian Film Office was nominated for this honor.[65]

On July 26, 2019, the series was renewed for a fourth season.[7] Season 4, consisting of 10 episodes, began production in March 2020, with Elisabeth Moss filming her directorial debut, but work had to be halted after only a few weeks, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[66][67] In June 2020, Hulu announced that the fourth season would premiere in 2021.[68] Production on season 4 resumed in September 2020[21] and wrapped on February 25, 2021, with Moss having directed three episodes.[69]

On December 10, 2020, ahead of the fourth season premiere, Hulu renewed the series for a fifth season.[10] Season 5 started production in Toronto in February 2022 and continued through July 2022.[70] In May 2022, Alexis Bledel departed the series ahead of the fifth season, and stated, «After much thought, I felt I had to step away from The Handmaid’s Tale«.[71] On September 8, 2022, ahead of the fifth season premiere, Hulu renewed the series for a sixth and final season.[12]

Broadcast and release[edit]

The first three episodes of the series premiered on April 26, 2017; the subsequent seven episodes were released on a weekly basis.[51][72] In Canada, the series is broadcast weekly by CTV Drama Channel and the streaming service Crave; the first two episodes premiered on April 30, 2017.[73] In Scandinavia, the series is available on HBO Nordic.[74] In the United Kingdom, the series premiered on May 28, 2017, on Channel 4.[75]

In New Zealand, the series was released on the subscription video on demand service Lightbox on June 8, 2017.[76] After satellite service provider Sky acquired Lightbox and merged it into its streaming service Neon on July 7, 2020, Neon acquired the distribution rights to the series in New Zealand.[77]

In Australia, the series premiered on the TV channel SBS’s video streaming service SBS on Demand, on July 6, 2017.[78] The series also released on the subscription video on demand service Stan on December 12, 2018.[79]

In Ireland, the series premiered on February 5, 2018, on RTÉ2, with a showing of the first two episodes.[80] RTÉ also became the first broadcaster in Europe to debut Season 2, Season 3 and Season 4 following its broadcast in the US and Canada.[81] In Brazil and Latin America, the series premiered on March 7, 2018, on Paramount Channel.[82]

In India, the series premiered on February 5, 2018, on AXN and ran for the first two seasons before moving to Amazon Prime Video for Season 3, which made all three seasons available for viewing on January 31, 2020.[83][84]

In Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, the series premiered on September 15, 2018, on HBO Asia through HBO Go.[85]

The first season was released on Blu-ray and DVD on March 13, 2018, the second season on December 4, 2018, and the third season on November 19, 2019, by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment.[86][87][88] The fourth season was released on DVD only (no Blu-ray) on April 5, 2022, by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment.[89]


Critical response[edit]

The Handmaid’s Tale was ranked as the 25th and 38th best TV series of the 21st century by The Guardian and BBC, respectively.[90][91] On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the overall series has an approval rating of 83%.[92] While on Metacritic, another aggregator website, it has an average score of 81 out of 100.[93]

Season 1[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, 94% of 259 reviews are positive for the first season, with an average rating of 8.65/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «Haunting and vivid, The Handmaid’s Tale is an endlessly engrossing adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel that’s anchored by a terrific central performance from Elisabeth Moss.»[94] On Metacritic, the season has a weighted average score of 92 out of 100 based on 41 critics, indicating «universal acclaim».[95]

Daniel Fienberg of The Hollywood Reporter called it «probably the spring’s best new show».[104] Jen Chaney of Vulture gave it a highly positive review, and wrote that it is «A faithful adaptation of the book that also brings new layers to Atwood’s totalitarian, sexist world of forced surrogate motherhood» and that «this series is meticulously paced, brutal, visually stunning, and so suspenseful from moment to moment that only at the end of each hour will you feel fully at liberty to exhale».[105]

There was much debate on whether parallels could be drawn between the series (and by extension, the book it is based on) and American society during the Presidency of Donald Trump.[106][107] Comparisons have also been made to the Salafi/Wahabbi extremism of ISIS, under which enslaved women of religious minorities are passed around and utilized as sex objects and vessels to bear new jihadis.[108][109][110]

Season 2[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, 89% of 340 critics have given the season a positive review, and an average rating of 8.35/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «Beautifully shot but dishearteningly relevant, The Handmaid’s Tale centers its sophomore season tightly around its compelling cast of characters, making room for broader social commentary through more intimate lenses.»[96] Metacritic assigned the season a weighted average score of 86 out of 100 based on 28 critics, indicating «universal acclaim».[97]

Some critics perceived the second season’s depictions of violence as excessive. The Atlantics Sophie Gilbert wrote: «There came a point during the first episode where, for me, it became too much.»[111] Lisa Miller of The Cut wrote: «I have pressed mute and fast forward so often this season, I am forced to wonder: ‘Why am I watching this’? It all feels so gratuitous, like a beating that never ends.»[112] The Daily Telegraphs Rebecca Reid admitted she had an anxiety attack watching an episode of the show.[113]

Season 3[edit]

For the third season, Rotten Tomatoes reports that 82% of 301 reviews are positive, and the average rating is 6.9/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «The Handmaid’s Tales third season reins in its horrors and inspires hope that revolution really is possible – if only the story would stop spinning its wheels and get to it already.»[98] Metacritic compiled 14 critic reviews and an average score of 68 out of 100, signifying «generally favorable reviews».[99]

Kelly Lawler of USA Today gave it a positive review, scoring it three out of four stars. She claimed it is an improvement over the second season, «that rights many – though definitely not all – of Season 2’s wrongs.» Overall, she wrote, «The new season is more propulsive and watchable, although it doesn’t quite reach the heights of that first moving season. But Handmaid’s regains its footing by setting off on a new path».[114]

Daniel Fienberg of The Hollywood Reporter wrote a generally positive review, praising Elisabeth Moss’s performance and the cinematography, but criticized the plot «that has become frustratingly repetitive». Overall, he wrote, «Still occasionally powerful, but rarely as provocative».[115]

Season 4[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, the fourth season earned positive reviews from 70% of 46 critics, with an average rating of 7/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «Elisabeth Moss is better than ever, but scattershot plotting and an overbearing sense of doom may prove too grim for some viewers to really enjoy The Handmaid’s Tales fourth season.»[100] According to Metacritic, which collected 18 reviews and calculated an average score of 62, the season received «generally positive reviews».[101]

Kristen Baldwin of Entertainment Weekly gave it a «C+» grade and wrote that the series «delivers on some long-delayed promises, but ultimately it’s too little, too late.»[116] Matthew Gilbert of The Boston Globe wrote, «the dystopian drama has exceeded the natural lifespan of its story, as it plows forward with nothing new to say, tinkling cymbals and sounding brass.»[117] In a more positive review from Jen Chaney of Vulture, she wrote, «Thankfully, season four finally regains some momentum and forward motion. Based on the eight out of ten total episodes made available to critics, this is the best The Handmaid’s Tale has been since its first season.»[118]

Season 5[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, the fifth season earned positive reviews from 81% of 27 critics, with an average rating of 7.55/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «The Handmaid’s Tale has lost its urgency after spreading its once-arresting premise thin in a season focused on vengeance’s consequences, but the women of Gilead are still played with compelling exactitude.»[102] On Metacritic, it received an average score of 63 out of 100, based on 7 reviews, indicating «generally positive reviews».[103]

Critics were given the first eight episodes of the season to review. Writing for IGN, Tara Bennett gave it a «good» score of 7 out of 10 and wrote in her verdict: «The Handmaid’s Tale remains the canary in the coalmine of TV shows […]. Elisabeth Moss continues to give a livewire performance as former handmaid/now Canadian refugee June Osborne. […] But overall, the series continues to suffer with very measured storylines that can’t seem to recapture the kinetic energy of the first two seasons.»[119] Abby Cavenaugh of Collider graded it with a «B-» and said, «Season 5 is full of scarce highs and really low lows, lots of heavy-hitting drama, and emotional scenes. Some of the biggest events of this season lead to some pretty uncomfortable viewing, but viewers who stick with it will be rewarded with some huge moments that will have repercussions for the final season.»[120]


Year Award Category Nominee(s) Result Ref.
Season 1
2017 Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Drama Series Bruce Miller, Warren Littlefield, Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, Ilene Chaiken, Sheila Hockin, Eric Tuchman, Frank Siracusa, John Weber, Kira Snyder, Elisabeth Moss, Joseph Boccia and Leila Gerstein Won [121]
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss (for «Night») Won
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Ann Dowd (for «Offred») Won
Samira Wiley (for «Night») Nominated
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Reed Morano (for «Offred») Won
Kate Dennis (for «The Bridge») Nominated
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Bruce Miller (for «Offred») Won
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel (for «Late») Won
Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series Russell Scott, Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, and Robin D. Cook Nominated
Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series (One Hour) Colin Watkinson (for «Offred») Won
Outstanding Period/Fantasy Costumes for a Series, Limited Series, or Movie Ane Crabtree and Sheena Wichary (for «Offred») Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary or Fantasy Program (One Hour or More) Julie Berghoff, Evan Webber and Sophie Neudorfer (for «Offred») Won
Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role Brendan Taylor, Stephen Lebed, Leo Bovell, Martin O’Brien, Winston Lee, Kelly Knauff, Zach Dembinski, Mike Suta and Cameron Kerr (for «Birth Day») Nominated
Television Critics Association Awards Program of the Year The Handmaid’s Tale Won [122]
Outstanding Achievement in Drama Won
Outstanding New Program Nominated
Individual Achievement in Drama Elisabeth Moss Nominated
American Film Institute Awards Top 10 TV Programs of the Year The Handmaid’s Tale Won [123]
2018 American Cinema Editors Awards Best Edited Drama Series for Non-Commercial Television Julian Clarke and Wendy Hallam Martin (for «Offred») Won [124]
Art Directors Guild Awards One-Hour Contemporary Single-Camera Series Julie Berghoff (for «Offred», «Birth Day», «Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum») Won [125]
Andrew Stearn (for «The Bridge») Nominated
Casting Society of America Television Pilot and First Season – Drama Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott, Robin D. Cook and Jonathan Oliveira Won [126]
Cinema Audio Society Awards Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Television Series – One Hour John J. Thomson, Lou Solakofski, Joe Morrow and Don White (for «Offred») Nominated [127]
Costume Designers Guild Awards Excellence in Contemporary Television Series Ane Crabtree Won [128]
Critics’ Choice Television Awards Best Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale Won [129]
Best Actress in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Won
Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Ann Dowd Won
Directors Guild of America Awards Outstanding Directorial Achievement for a Drama Series Reed Morano (for «Offred») Won [130]
Golden Globe Awards Best Television Series – Drama The Handmaid’s Tale Won [131]
Best Actress – Television Series Drama Elisabeth Moss Won
Best Supporting Actress – Series, Miniseries or Television Film Ann Dowd Nominated
Location Managers Guild Awards Outstanding Locations in Contemporary Television John Musikka and Geoffrey Smither Nominated [132]
Peabody Award Entertainment, children’s and youth honoree The Handmaid’s Tale Won [133]
Producers Guild of America Awards Outstanding Producer of Episodic Television, Drama The Handmaid’s Tale Won [134]
Satellite Awards Best Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [135]
Best Actress in a Drama / Genre Series Elisabeth Moss Won
Best Supporting Actress in a Series, Miniseries or TV Film Ann Dowd Won
Saturn Awards Best New Media Television Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [136]
Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series Madeline Brewer, Amanda Brugel, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Tattiawna Jones, Max Minghella, Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski and Samira Wiley Nominated [137]
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
USC Scripter Awards Best Adapted TV Screenplay Bruce Miller and Margaret Atwood (for «Offred») Won [138]
Writers Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Ilene Chaiken, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, Leila Gerstein, John Herrera, Lynn Maxcy, Bruce Miller, Kira Snyder, Wendy Straker Hauser and Eric Tuchman Won [139]
New Series Won
BAFTA Television Awards Best International Programme The Handmaid’s Tale Won
Season 2
2018 Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Drama Series Bruce Miller, Warren Littlefield, Elisabeth Moss, Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, Mike Barker, Sheila Hockin, Eric Tuchman, Kira Snyder, Yahlin Chang, Frank Siracusa, John Weber, Dorothy Fortenberry and Joseph Boccia Nominated [140]
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss (for «The Last Ceremony») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series Joseph Fiennes (for «First Blood») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel (for «Unwomen») Nominated
Ann Dowd (for «June») Nominated
Yvonne Strahovski (for «Women’s Work») Nominated
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Kari Skogland (for «After») Nominated
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Bruce Miller (for «June») Nominated
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Kelly Jenrette (for «Other Women») Nominated
Cherry Jones (for «Baggage») Nominated
Samira Wiley (for «After») Won
Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott, and Robin D. Cook Nominated
Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series (One Hour) Colin Watkinson (for «June») Nominated
Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes Ane Crabtree and Natalie Bronfman (for «Seeds») Nominated
Outstanding Makeup for a Single-Camera Series (Non-Prosthetic) Burton LeBlanc, Talia Reingold and Erika Caceres (for «Unwomen») Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour or More) Mark White, Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow and Caroline Gee (for «June») Won
Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow and Rob Hepburn (for «Seeds», «First Blood», «After») Nominated
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Drama Series Wendy Hallam Martin (for «June») Won
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy or Drama Series (One-Hour) Joe Morrow, Lou Solakofski and Sylvain Arseneault (for «June») Nominated
Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role Stephen Lebed, Brendan Taylor, Kelly Knauff, Kelly Weisz, Kevin McGeagh, Anderson Leo Bovell, Winston Lee, Xi Luo and Cameron Kerr (for «June») Nominated
2019 Cinema Audio Society Awards Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Television Series – One Hour Sylvain Arseneault, Lou Solakofski, Joe Morrow, Scott Michael Smith, Adam Taylor, Mark DeSimone and Jack Heeren (for «Holly») Nominated [141]
Satellite Awards Best Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [142][143]
Best Actress in a Drama / Genre Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel, Madeline Brewer, Amanda Brugel, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Nina Kiri, Max Minghella, Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski, Sydney Sweeney and Bahia Watson Nominated [144]
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series Joseph Fiennes Nominated
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
Golden Globe Awards Best Actress – Television Series Drama Elisabeth Moss Nominated [145]
Best Supporting Actress – Series, Miniseries or Television Film Yvonne Strahovski Nominated
Visual Effects Society Awards Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal Episode Brendan Taylor, Stephen Lebed, Winston Lee and Leo Bovell (for «June») Nominated [146]
Outstanding Created Environment in an Episode, Commercial, or Real-Time Project Patrick Zentis, Kevin McGeagh, Leo Bovell and Zachary Dembinski (for «June») – Fenway Park Nominated
Outstanding Compositing in a Photoreal Episode Winston Lee, Gwen Zhang, Xi Luo and Kevin Quatman (for «June») Nominated
Writers Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Yahlin Chang, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, John Herrera, Lynn Renee Maxcy, Bruce Miller, Kira Snyder and Eric Tuchman Nominated [147]
Episodic Drama Eric Tuchman (for «First Blood») Nominated
GLAAD Media Awards Outstanding Drama Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [148]
Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Daina Reid (for «Holly») Nominated [149]
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Bruce Miller & Kira Snyder (for «Holly») Nominated
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series Bradley Whitford Won [150]
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Cherry Jones Won
Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series (One Hour) Colin Watkinson for («The Word») Nominated
Zoë White (for «Holly») Nominated
Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes Ane Crabtree and Natalie Bronfman (for «The Word») Nominated
Outstanding Music Composition for a Series (Original Dramatic Score) Adam Taylor (for «The Word») Nominated
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Drama Series Wendy Hallam Martin (for «The Word») Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour or More) Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow and Robert Hepburn (for «Holly») Won
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy or Drama Series (One Hour) Joe Morrow, Lou Solakofski and Sylvain Arseneault (for «Holly») Nominated
Saturn Awards Best Streaming Horror & Thriller Series The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [151]
Season 3
2020 Cinema Audio Society Awards Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Television Series – One Hour Sylvain Arseneault, Lou Solakofski, Joe Morrow, Scott Michael Smith, Adam Taylor, Andrea Rusch and Kevin Schultz (for «Heroic») Nominated [152]
Make-Up Artists and Hair Stylists Guilds Best Television Series, Mini-Series or New Media Series – Best Contemporary Make-Up Burton LeBlanc, Alastair Muir and Faye Crasto Nominated [153]
Best Television Series, Mini-Series or New Media Series – Contemporary Hair Styling Paul Elliot and Ewa Latak-Cynk Nominated
Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel, Madeline Brewer, Amanda Brugel, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Kristen Gutoskie, Nina Kiri, Ashleigh LaThrop, Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski, Bahia Watson, Bradley Whitford and Samira Wiley Nominated [154]
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
American Society of Cinematographers Awards Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography in Regular Series for Non-Commercial Television Colin Watkinson (for «Night») Won [155]
Costume Designers Guild Awards Excellence in Sci-Fi/Fantasy Television Natalie Bronfman (for «Household») Nominated [156]
Casting Society of America Television Series – Drama Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott, Robin D. Cook, Stacia Kimler and Jonathan Oliveira Nominated [157]
Art Directors Guild Awards One-Hour Contemporary Single-Camera Series Elizabeth Williams (for «Mayday») Nominated [158]
Writers Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Marissa Jo Cerar, Yahlin Chang, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, Jacy Heldrich, John Herrera, Lynn Renee Maxcy, Bruce Miller, Kira Snyder and Eric Tuchman Nominated [159]
Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Drama Series Bruce Miller, Warren Littlefield, Elisabeth Moss, Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, Mike Barker, Eric Tuchman, Sheila Hockin, John Weber, Frank Siracusa, Kira Snyder, Yahlin Chang, Margaret Atwood, Dorothy Fortenberry, Marissa Jo Cerar, Nina Fiore, John Herrera and Kim Todd Nominated [160]
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series Bradley Whitford (for «Sacrifice») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Samira Wiley (for «Sacrifice») Nominated
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel (for «God Bless the Child») Nominated
Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott, and Robin D. Cook Nominated
Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes Natalie Bronfman, Helena Davis Perry and Christina Cattle (for «Household») Nominated
Outstanding Contemporary Hairstyling Paul Elliot and Ewa Latak-Cynk (for «Liars») Nominated
Outstanding Contemporary Makeup (Non-Prosthetic) Burton LeBlanc and Alastair Muir (for «Mayday») Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour or More) Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow and Robert Hepburn (for «Household») Won
Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role Stephen Lebed, Brendan Taylor, Leo Bovell, Rob Greb, Gwen Zhang, Marlis Coto, Stephen Wagner, Josh Clark and James Minett (for «Household») Nominated
Season 4
2021 Hollywood Critics Association TV Awards Best Streaming Series, Drama The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [161]
Best Actress in a Streaming Series, Drama Elisabeth Moss Nominated
Best Supporting Actor in a Streaming Series, Drama Bradley Whitford Nominated
Best Supporting Actress in a Streaming Series, Drama Alexis Bledel Nominated
Ann Dowd Nominated
Yvonne Strahovski Nominated
Samira Wiley Nominated
Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Drama Series Bruce Miller, Warren Littlefield, Elisabeth Moss, Daniel Wilson, Fran Sears, Eric Tuchman, Sheila Hockin, John Weber, Frank Siracusa, Kira Snyder, Yahlin Chang, Dorothy Fortenberry, Margaret Atwood, Kim Todd, Matt Hastings, Nina Fiore and John Herrera Nominated [162]
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss (for «Home») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series O-T Fagbenle (for «Home») Nominated
Max Minghella (for «The Crossing») Nominated
Bradley Whitford (for «Testimony») Nominated
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Madeline Brewer (for «Testimony») Nominated
Ann Dowd (for «Progress») Nominated
Yvonne Strahovski (for «Home») Nominated
Samira Wiley (for «Vows») Nominated
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Liz Garbus (for «The Wilderness») Nominated
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Yahlin Chang (for «Home») Nominated
Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel (for «Testimony») Nominated
Mckenna Grace (for «Pigs») Nominated
Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series Sharon Bialy, Sherry Thomas, Russell Scott and Robin D. Cook Nominated
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour or More) Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow, Larry Spittle and Rob Hepburn (for «Chicago») Nominated
Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes Debra Hanson, Jane Flanders and Darci Cheyne (for «Nightshade») Nominated
Outstanding Contemporary Hairstyling Paul Elliot and Franchi Pir (for «Vows») Nominated
Outstanding Contemporary Makeup (Non-Prosthetic) Burton LeBlanc and Alastair Muir (for «Pigs») Nominated
Outstanding Music Composition for a Series (Original Dramatic Score) Adam Taylor (for «The Crossing») Nominated
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Drama Series Wendy Hallam Martin (for «The Crossing») Nominated
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy or Drama Series (One-Hour) Lou Solakofski, Joe Morrow and Sylvain Arseneault (for «Chicago») Nominated
Television Critics Association Awards Outstanding Achievement in Drama The Handmaid’s Tale Nominated [163]
Women Film Critics Circle Outstanding Series Won [164]
2022 Golden Globe Awards Best Actress – Television Series Drama Elisabeth Moss Nominated [165]
Satellite Awards Best Actress in a Drama / Genre Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated [166]
Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series Alexis Bledel, Madeline Brewer, Amanda Brugel, Ann Dowd, O-T Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Sam Jaeger, Max Minghella, Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski, Bradley Whitford, and Samira Wiley Nominated


Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Elisabeth Moss Nominated
Set Decorators Society of America Awards Best Achievement in Décor/Design of a One Hour Fantasy or Science Fiction Series Rob Hepburn and Elisabeth Williams Nominated [168]
Visual Effects Society Awards Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal Episode Brendan Taylor, Stephen Lebed, Kayla Cabral, and Brannek Gaudet (for «Chicago») Nominated [169]
Writers Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Yahlin Chang, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, Jacey Heldrich, John Herrera, Bruce Miller, Aly Monroe, Kira Snyder, and Eric Tuchman Nominated [170]
Episodic Drama Kira Snyder for «Testimony» Nominated

See also[edit]

  • List of original programs distributed by Hulu
  • Sex and sexuality in speculative fiction


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External links[edit]

Сегодня поклонники шоу «Рассказ служанки» вновь отодвинут все дела на второй план и приступят к просмотру нового сезона. А если вы только планируете свое знакомство с нашумевшим проектом, то предлагаем для начала разобраться, кто есть кто из героев и на какие касты они делятся.

Рассказ служанки

Командоры — высокопоставленные лица Галаада. Только им дозволено иметь Служанок и проводить Церемонии;

Ангелы — солдаты армии, который считают героями в Галааде;

Жены — супруги Командоров;

Иезавели — проститутки, которые работают в борделе в качестве наказания. К ним частенько наведываются послы и Командоры;

"Рассказ служанки" простыми словами: кто есть кто в этом шоу?

Служанки — женщины детородного возраста, которых прикрепляют к семьям Командоров на два года. За это время служанка должна выносить, родить и отдать малыша своим хозяевам;

Марфы — бесплодные женщины, которые вынуждены работать обслуживающим персоналом;

Тетки — истинно верующие в Галаад женщины, которые несут ответственность за идеологическое воспитание служанок;

Неженщины — незавидное статус, который приписывается преступницам, феминисткам, лесбиянкам, беглянкам, а также бесплодным девушкам. За прегрешения их отправляют чистить зараженные радиацией колонии;

Хранители — здоровые дети, которых родили служанки;

"Рассказ служанки" простыми словами: кто есть кто в этом шоу?

Сыновья Иакова — религиозная группа, которая сформировала Галаад и устроила переворот против правительства США;

Очи — секретная полиция Галаада;

Церемония — обряд, при котором служанка приглашается в покои Командора для прохождения процедуры оплодотворения;

Гендерные изменники — представители сексуальных меньшинств;

«Благословен плод» — этой фразой служанки приветствуют друг друга;

«Святой день» — стандартное приветствие;

«Пред Его очами» — слова, которые звучат при прощании.

Автор. Harper’s BAZAAR Kazakhstan. Фото. IMDb.

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