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There is an extraordinary gentleness to this series that has no antecedent. There is no attempt to shock or horrify or amaze. Only engage. Quality is not even but some of the episodes are absolutely hypnotic, you cannot look away.

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A touching, thoughtful visit to Stålenhag’s Earth

The retro-futuristic and immeasurably cozy paintings of Simon Stålenhag have been given life by Amazon Prime. Thanks to my dad, who obtained the Tales from the Loop artbook (org. title Ur Varselklotet) when it was brand new (he may even have donated to its crowdfunding campaign), I’ve had a good look into Stålenhag’s dreamlike alternate past before.

My brother once referred to Stålenhag’s peculiar art style as «Sweden punk», where we’ll scan our eyeballs over familiar rural environments until, suddenly, some sort of technological behemoth appears. It may be a strange, defunct machine (that nevertheless looks as if Volvo or Stiga could realistically design it) next to a quaint Scandinavian meadow, or a vast spacecraft hovering over a dimly lit torp in the December twilight.

Amazon brings all of this to life with an anthology, each episode nonetheless set in the same continuity, directed by the likes of Andrew Stanton and Jodie Foster (a good choice after her work on Black Mirror) and scored in part by Philip Glass — his haunting, repetitive-but-beautiful tunes as distinctive as ever. The cast includes Jonathan Pryce and Rebecca Hall, who put it best when she said in an interview that the characters genuinely seem to inhabit a universe larger than themselves. The landscape around them clearly has history, even when it isn’t expositorily stated.

On that note, the «retro» part of the retro-futurism is also in the characters, including young children who are often more astute than the adults — it shares this with Stranger Things, another nostalgic streaming-original, but I currently think Tales from the Loop is better, partly because of how farcical Things has gotten. Early on, Loretta (Abby Ryder Fortson) and Cole (Duncan Joiner) are curious of the mysteries surrounding The Loop, a scientific facility in their area that seems to dabble in the unnatural.

One of the problems I had with the series is that, possibly due to the episodic structure, certain big revelations seem to come quite early in the show’s run. Let me elaborate: In the very first episode, we learn something shocking about two of the main characters, akin to one of the most existentially devastating twists in the Netflix masterpiece Dark, but since we don’t yet know these people that well, it isn’t as impactful as it could have been. Instead, the second episode moves on to a different (somewhat better-acted) story involving the effects of The Loop, starring a tertiary character from the prior story.

However, accepting the show and the format for what it is, ’tis certainly a charming expedition into the mind of Stålenhag. The book and the artwork are faithfully adapted (including the way the characters are cast, then costumed and groomed) by head writer and developer Nathaniel Halpern, but I gather Stålenhag himself was heavily involved (complete with an on-screen cameo). He even submitted a title card animation, pictured above, «as a suggestion» and they wound up using it.

It just warms my hollow ribcage when an artist gets to realize their vision in this manner, aided by people who demonstrably give a damn. Tales from the Loop, not unlike the Netflix series Love, Death + Robots, is one of those shows that truly prove what a safe space the streaming world is for auteurs, enabled to enrich us with something new instead of sticking to a marketable studio-imposed formula.

If shows like these become successful enough, ginormous studios may learn that providing something new and original is the way to go (people sometimes argue that recent Lucasfilm and Marvel movies do represent an artist’s vision, hence their controversy compared to other «factory-made» sequels, but I remain skeptical that Disney would truly allow freedom, or deem controversy as anything other than useful PR). I will certainly do my part and tell you this much: please check out Tales from the Loop. It’s a visually inventive and fun watch that touches on the «larger» life questions that sci-fi concepts ought to bring. The dialogue itself can be a bit obvious and some stories may be less intriguing than others, but no matter.

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All class

This is show is incredibly stylish. Beautifully made. A real work of art. Its really great to see a show of this caliber being produced today, in the age of the short attention span. Granted, you have to be in a certain mood. I watched it over a extended period. If you’re patient, it will certainly reward you.

Some episodes are better than others. I tend to agree with the individual rating on each. It’s not overly complex. Each episodes has its own simple story line, strong in concept. Perhaps not each story is entirely unique in the realms of science fiction, but in this particular setting, it does feel new. It doesn’t rely on effects either, so it’s strong concepts may give it a long life.

A breath of fresh air and an absolute pleasure to watch. Sadly I think the TikTok generation won’t be watching in droves so we may not see a second season. At least there is this. A real achievement.

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I hope they do more of this!

I really enjoyed this series. It’s slow paced, yes, but it’s tremendous solid too. And in an artistic way also very gripping and thrilling. And I loved the actors.

I salute the makers because they could have went the obvious road and give the audience the usual SciFi stuff they’d conditioned to expect from a show like this. But instead they choose to take us on a journey of some kind of meditation about what really matters in life. And this journey is not only beautiful shot, but offers some great ideas and unexpected turns too. Sometimes as a kind of side note and not as she focus of the show — but that is the whole point: don’t get distracted by the things you might think life is worth living for, let the stars in the sky be the stars, don’t miss in your life what is yet full of awe. And the show never preaches. It’s always showing instead of pointing with the finger or shouting at us. You have to think about it to get it. But it isn’t a far fetched deep secret either. Just go on the journey and let it sink in.

I guess if they had done it a bit more on the nose, the chance for a second season were better. But I’m glad they didn’t — a show like this is nothing you get get to see often. But I sure hope they do another one anyway.

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Subtle isn’t always a bad thing. . .

Not many times in my life I’ve felt compelled to binge watch a series but this got me. . .
A combination of beautiful cinematography, great character study and clever story lines make for a truly wonderful and complete series. The fact that it’s about the human interactions and relationships and not all about the weird and wonderful tech laying about just adds to it for me. So many series are in your face with the CGI and effects they forget about telling us anything.
The subtleness only ads to the whole feel of this superb show. Take time to slow down a bit and enjoy something that makes you think.

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Old School SciFi where humanity is the focus over effects

Happened across this today and ended up binging the entire series! As some reviewers have stated, the episodes run slowly, however, each episode looks at the story of indivudal characters in the ensemble cast. The twists are based on quirky SciFi elements and helps the viewer examine how the episode character comes to this point or to an unexpected situation, which may not have a typical resolution. The production, cinematography and acting are top notch and worth viewing from a visual and stylistic perspective. The stories leave you with a feeling of melancholy, that is strangely satisfying. Arthouse work in a TV series format. Worth a watch in my book. If you’re looking for lasers and whiz-bang effects, this may not be the series for you.

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Right up my ally

Thought-provoking Sci-Fi is my favorite! Wonderfully filmed, bizarre, intriguing characters and ambient soundtrack! I love the uncertainty throughout and the vibe it gives. Tales from the Loop is a nice unique change of pace compared to most shows.

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Heavy Going!

This, I’m sure, is the stuff of dreams to the «serious» sci-fi buff. The kind of thing they’ve been waiting their whole lives for. But be warned. The art house approach, the ponderous wringing of every drop of darkness from the tales, the dolorous minimalist soundtrack courtesy of Philip Glass, and the doom laden plots all contribute to weighty, even burdensome viewing at times. This is not the sort of thing you put on at the end of a riotous evening. Nor to be binge watched — it will spill your marbles and spark depressive spirals. And don’t gift it to your significant other for a birthday or the like if you don’t want weeks of angst as they try to work out what exactly you’re trying to say. It’s intelligent, meaningful and dark — maybe a little too so — well worth watching but make sure you’re in the right mood, at the right time, and preferably in easy reach of your support structure!

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Haven’t watched so good, so different TV series in long time

It’s not typical TV series. The ideas inside, the change of action and surprises caused my brain to constantly processing. As a engineer myself, I enjoyed the tech and alternative world. I really hope there will be more season. What a masterpiece!

If you like inception, you will like this one too.

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Beautiful and mesmerizing

Tales from the Loop is art. From the perfectly timeless visuals to the enduring relationships between the towns’ characters and the sublime music — this series should be in an art gallery.

It is slow, it is melancholy, it is dark, as it should be. It is also sensitive, moving and so very well done. The last episode had me in tears.

Such an antidote to today’s formulaic films. Thank you!

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Historic: a series filmed entirely in slow-motion…

Beneath a small town exists The Loop, a scientific research facility. The townspeople end up experiencing an altered version of reality, where impossible things become possible.

This series had potential, a sci fi series with passing similarities to Stranger Things, Dark, Black Mirror and the original (1959-64) Twilight Zone series, all of which are excellent series. However, it ends up nowhere near as interesting or engaging.

The main problem is that the plots (each episode has a separate one) develop at a snail’s pace. That wouldn’t be so bad if the characters were worth following, but they’re not. Not that they’re dislikeable, they’re just bland.

So you have 1-hour stories that develop very slowly, due to the script being massively padded, with characters that you don’t care about. Makes for very unengaging, dull viewing. Time seemed to slow down while I was watching, like everything was happening in slow motion.

Some of the concepts are interesting but by the time you reach the punchline you’ve already lost interest (and the will to live). It’s like an episode of The Twilight Zone, except the characters are less engaging, the twist is less profound or unexpected and the whole thing takes 60 minutes instead of 24 minutes!

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Back to the roots of Sci-fi

I’m sorry some of the reviewers can’t appreciate any Sci-fi that doesn’t include laser battles and far out explosions and such. this title goes back to the roots of Science Fiction. It uses another means and different modes to explore the Human Condition. Go back to the Golden Age of Sci-Fi with authors like Arthur C. Clarke and you will see. Sci-Fi simply provides the backdrop for the actual storytelling. The stories are good, albeit slower than we are used to in 2020, but good none the less- much like the original Science Fiction. It’s nice to see for a change where the story comes first and everything else is second as opposed to the current crop of Sci-Fi where the action and effects are first and the story is third or fourth.

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An Emo Teen «Black Mirror»… It’s Not That It’s Slow, It’s That It Has Nothing To Say

I don’t care that it’s slow and depressing. Lots of truly great films are slow and/or depressing. The pacing and mood of a story doesn’t matter so much, what matters is the destination and the trip along the way. WHAT do the filmmakers have to say and HOW do they say it?

The problem with «Tales from the Loop» is that they have absolutely nothing new to say AND they drag it out. The cinematography is great and the actors do a fine job but they have nothing to work with.

It is literally as if a production company’s president said «Hey this Black Mirror show is killing it, we’d better churn out something like this!» and then his yes-man VP said «Sir, didn’t your kid write some sci-fi short stories in creative writing class? Based off drawings of robots she saw on Reddit?» The show was then immediately green lit.

Every «twist» they utilize has been done before AND been done better AND takes them forever to get to.

  • Two kids find an abandoned magic chamber that let’s them switch bodies. One boy convinces the other to trade bodies for the day by promising he will for sure trade bodies back. You’ll never guess what happens!
  • Inexplicably not put off by the strange vortexes he’s seen opening in his field, a lonely man continues visiting that field and is — you guessed it — sucked through a vortex to another dimension. The version of him in that dimension has a super hot boyfriend. You’ll never guess what happens!
  • A teen girl who grows tired of her boyfriend wishes magical moments could last forever serendipitously finds a time freezing machine on the beach. She freezes time with her exciting new boyfriend, who promises to stay in that moment with her forever guaranteeing constant happiness. You’ll never guess what happens!

Every episode has about ten minutes of poorly conceived story stretched out to an hour, with no real reason to do so other than to pad the screen time.

Characters behave completely irrationally, and questions are posed but never answered. I know unanswered questions can be great in and of themselves, but for this show they are a total crutch. This isn’t Kubrickian, it’s just people writing scripts who literally have nothing to say and no point to make.

Also, there are not many characters who an audience will find likable or even identify with. That’s a serious problem considering how much time we spend with them… in scenes that linger on and on and on…

For all the strange goings-on in this town, nobody ever seeks help from each other. They rarely have logical reactions and never take actions or attempt solutions that any human being in their position would. The most glaring example would be The Loop organization itself. They apparently just leave robots, powerful devices and magical chambers just lying all over the place, no matter how dangerous, for anyone to find. The fuel rods that power this equipment are readily available and so not secure that children literally steal them.

Strange things keep happening, and not one person ever thinks to say «gee whiz, you know that Loop we’re always mentioning where they do mysterious stuff underground? Why don’t we go tell them about the problem? Or ask them for help?» The children and grandchildren of the man who RUNS the place don’t even think to ask grandpa for information or help. This show isn’t just tedious, it’s infuriatingly stupid at many points.

This series is a whole lot of waiting and waiting and waiting for something to happen, that you know is going to happen, then it finally happens, then you wait for something else to happen, then nothing happens. Roll credits.

Every episode is a cliche. For example: «Is the robot monster a monster, or is the real monster… MAN?»

Here’s everything that happens in one entire hour long episode (MILD SPOILERS): A man thinks a guy broke into his home. Instead of paying for much needed repairs he buys a robot from a junkyard to protect his lawn. His neighbours are upset, apparently forgetting that these machines are all over the damn place. The police ask him to stop standing in his yard with a robot but he says no. He never catches the bad guy but almost punches his deaf daughter with the robot, so his wife gets mad and leaves. He sells the robot and fixes the house, so his wife comes back. The end.

I am incredibly disappointed by this series because a lot of good work was put into it. There aren’t a ton of effects (given the source material I expected a hell of a lot more robots than just a couple scenes hiding behind trees in the woods), but the effects they did use are very well done. The actors aren’t stupendous but a lot of that could be due to the huge deficiencies they were dealing with script-wise, and possibly poor direction as well.

This series is pretentious and a huge, huge opportunity wasted. It could have been a truly great anthology series if they simply had capable writers who had an actual story to tell.

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Many reviews. A very slow relationship dramas with Sci fi/fantasy flavor.

Do not read reviews before watching.
even if too slooooow and with many episodes feeling meh, i really enjoyed the style of the story/filming.
I guess it is melo dramatic even in it restrained acting , and maybe that is why i enjoyed this series with much of it science plot holes.
it got a very Nordic Euro flavor too .

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I wonder where all this will lead?

Edit, one month later. After 3 episodes we quit watching, it just didn’t interest us enough to watch more. Not that it is a bad show, but we couldn’t see an interesting story unfold and there are lots of other shows to watch.

Original impressions, one month earlier: My wife and I have started watching this on Amazon streaming, two of the eight episodes down so far. My initial impression — it is interesting but hardly anything is explained. Very unusual things happen, presumably related to something going on below ground in «The Loop» where locals work. Is this set in the future, or in some parallel universe? This sort of approach worked fine in shows like «Twilight Zone» back in the 1960s but today’s audiences, I think, require some connection, some explanation.

This is the type of series that requires great viewer trust, that is trust that by the time all episodes are watched some sort of overall story, an interesting story, has emerged. If not, if these just turn out to be interesting but shallow episodes then I will be very upset with the producers of the show. Upset for betraying my trust. Eight hours is a long time to spend just watching interesting things without some rhyme and reason to tie it all together.

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Disturbingly surprising

Warning: Spoilers

It is probably not the science-fiction series that is going to change the world of science fiction, but it is fascinating in many ways because of some surprising elements that you feel are not correct, are mentally disturbing.

The fact that the science and technology of this new modern world is underground is disturbing and yet not so much after all. It is disturbing because science and technology that are going to dictate our future have to be debated by the people and the people have to be informed about what is happening, what is coming tomorrow, what has already been in its own coming for years or even decades. And there is no real information or discussion in this world. Science and technology are nothing but a mysterious and secret underground reality, meaning an under-mental world. You people do not need to have information or to discuss it. Just take what you can out of it.

But that’s not so much, after all, when compared to the next elements.

First, you can change time, back to the past, or forward to the future, or even into another universe that is simply disconnected from any other world. We thus can have a young teenage girl meeting herself as an adult and a mother of two children. You can also freeze time for everyone except you if you are protected against this change by some contraption. That leads to very disturbing, at times very revealing confrontation with yourself, with the reality of the world that you have changed, that has been changed, revealing in you a depth, a dark and frightening depth, made up of racism, segregation, rejection of others, extremely selfish and egocentric demands, or expectations, etc. What about you, a young adult, meeting in another world with yourself at the same age, but that has realized your desire for some gay relationship with a phantasmagoric character you only found a picture of somewhere in an abandoned machine that is the gate to that other world, though it only works one way. Add to that the fact you are black and the person you desire is a white man. Racism and gay narcissistic jealousy or exclusive desire, all that in this relationship.

But there might be a lot more dramatic events when an average but scientifically brilliant teenager exchanges his personality with a brilliant artistic person directly connected with the Loop, this underground scientific dictatorship named the Loop. And this exchange cannot be worked back because the scientifically brilliant teenager had no connection and was destined to be a mediocre shovel operator, whereas after his exchange he was destined to become an important member of the Loop, due to his new relationship with it through his newly acquired grandfather and mother. The desire of Jakob, the teenager whose personality this Danny stole, to get his identity back goes against the will of Danny, newly transformed into Jakob, who sees an opportunity for his future he would not have if he went back to being Danny. So, fate is a monster and Jakob is turned into a robot, a scavenging scrapper, with no scrap to deal with anyway, hence a machine condemned to rot away in nature. And what’s more this scrapper will end up broken and dead.

I must say this play with time is very surprising, though it is like SMS text communication with messages coming from we do not know where, from we do not know whom, and we just enter the text and its time, its surrounding, its characters as if it were real even when it is totally paranoid and outlandish. This is the world of tomorrow managed by an Artificial Intelligence that is totally unknown, incomprehensible, beyond any control or restraint, and unquestionable. The dictatorship of this Artificial Intelligence is the worst possible future we can imagine, and this series gives us this future world with a good amount of people dying here and there in this world or another, hence dying eventually several times. The gay theme added to this vision is maybe the only element that is mundane, humane, and by far going beyond the purely mechanical and absolutely cold world with which we are confronted.

We’ll see if there is a second season soon and if the only central author, producer, and director is able to get to a higher level or a deeper depth of humanity in this frighteningly inhumane vision of our future. And I can’t erase from my mental eyes the people demonstrating in my village in the mountains against the building of a 4G, eventually later on 5G, telecommunications tower, all of them with their smartphones in their hands calling people to the demonstration, with SMS texts that could only reach the world thanks to the tower they were demonstrating against. Ô, you unnamed nameless mindlessness!


Ce n’est probablement pas la série de science-fiction qui va changer le monde de la science-fiction, mais elle est fascinante à bien des égards en raison de certains éléments surprenants qui vous semblent incorrects, qui sont mentalement dérangeants.

Le fait que la science et la technologie de ce nouveau monde moderne soient souterraines est troublant et pourtant pas tant que ça après tout. C’est inquiétant parce que la science et la technologie qui vont dicter notre avenir doivent être débattues par les gens et les gens doivent être informés de ce qui se passe, de ce qui va arriver demain, de ce qui est déjà en train de se produire depuis des années, voire des décennies. Et il n’y a pas de véritable information ou discussion dans ce monde. La science et la technologie ne sont rien d’autre qu’une réalité souterraine mystérieuse et secrète, c’est-à-dire un monde sous-mental, mentalement atrophié. Vous, les gens, n’avez pas besoin d’avoir des informations ou d’en discuter. Prenez juste ce que vous pouvez en tirer et que la maître souterrain vous laisse prendre.

Mais ce n’est pas grand-chose, après tout, si on compare cela aux éléments suivants.

Tout d’abord, vous pouvez changer le temps, remonter dans le passé, ou avancer dans le futur, ou même dans un autre univers qui est simplement déconnecté de tout autre monde. On peut ainsi avoir une jeune adolescente qui se retrouve en face d’elle même adulte et mère de deux enfants. Vous pouvez également figer le temps pour tout le monde, sauf pour vous, si vous êtes protégé contre ce changement par un dispositif quelconque. Cela conduit à une confrontation très perturbante, parfois très révélatrice, avec vous-même, avec la réalité du monde que vous avez changé, qui a été changé, révélant en vous une profondeur, une sombre et effrayante profondeur, faite de racisme, de ségrégation, de rejet des autres, d’exigences ou d’attentes égoïstes et égocentriques extrêmes, etc. Qu’en est-il de vous, jeune adulte, qui vous retrouvez dans un autre monde avec vous-même au même âge, mais qui avez réalisé votre désir d’une relation gay avec un personnage fantasmagorique dont vous avez seulement trouvé une photo quelque part dans une machine abandonnée qui est la porte de cet autre monde, bien qu’elle ne fonctionne que dans un sens. Ajoutez à cela le fait que vous êtes noir et que la personne que vous désirez est un homme blanc. Racisme et jalousie narcissique gay ou désir exclusif, tout ça dans cette relation.

Mais il peut y avoir des événements beaucoup plus dramatiques lorsqu’un adolescent moyen mais scientifiquement brillant échange sa personnalité avec une personne artistique brillante directement liée au Loop, cette dictature scientifique souterraine nommée le Loop. Et cet échange est irréversible, car l’adolescent scientifiquement brillant n’avait aucune connexion et était destiné à être un médiocre manipulateur de pelle ou fossoyeur, alors qu’après son échange, il était destiné à devenir un membre important du Loop, en raison de sa nouvelle relation avec elle par l’intermédiaire de son grand-père et de sa mère nouvellement acquis. Le désir de Jakob, l’adolescent dont ce Danny a volé la personnalité, de récupérer son identité va à l’encontre de la volonté de Danny, nouvellement transformé en Jakob, qui voit une opportunité pour son avenir qu’il n’aurait pas s’il redevenait Danny. Ainsi, le destin est un monstre et Jakob est transformé en robot ferrailleur, qui n’a pas de ferraille à gérer de toute façon, donc une machine condamnée à pourrir dans la nature. Et qui plus est, ce ferrailleur finira brisé et mort.

Je dois dire que ce jeu avec le temps est très surprenant, bien qu’il s’agisse d’une communication par SMS avec des messages venant on ne sait d’où, on ne sait de qui, et on entre dans le SMS et son temps, son environnement, ses personnages comme si c’était réel même si c’est totalement paranoïaque et farfelu. C’est le monde de demain géré par une Intelligence Artificielle totalement inconnue, incompréhensible, hors de tout contrôle et de toute contrainte, et incontestable. La dictature de cette Intelligence Artificielle est le pire futur possible que l’on puisse imaginer, et cette série nous donne ce monde futur avec une bonne quantité de personnes mourant ici et là dans ce monde ou un autre, donc mourant finalement plusieurs fois. Le thème gay ajouté à cette vision est peut-être le seul élément qui est banal, humain et qui va de loin au-delà du monde purement mécanique et absolument froid auquel nous sommes confrontés.

Nous verrons s’il y a une deuxième saison bientôt, et si le seul auteur, producteur et réalisateur central est capable d’atteindre un niveau supérieur ou une profondeur plus profonde d’humanité dans cette vision effroyablement inhumaine de notre avenir. Et je ne peux pas effacer de mes yeux mentaux les gens qui manifestaient dans mon village le mois dernier dans mon Massif Central contre la construction d’une tour de télécommunications 4G, éventuellement plus tard 5G, tous avec leurs smartphones à la main appelant les gens à la manifestation, avec des SMS qui ne pouvaient atteindre le monde que grâce à la tour contre laquelle ils manifestaient. Ô bêtise innommable !


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Just for a moment…

Just for a moment it felt like the old late 50’s early 60’s Sci-Fi anthologies read by a teenager in the 70’s, then it wasn’t. I get it, some people like watching clouds drift by, I do sometimes, but not all the time. There’s slow then there’s ponderous and repetitive.

The whole show was inspired by an artist’s retro futuristic imagery, which sounds great in a pitch meeting I guess, but when put to moving pictures it falls short and always will.

The characters are an imitation of real people, that could have worked, but they just seem dull, immature, detached or inexplicably irrational.
The «Sci-Fi» ideas aren’t new, that’s why I can’t understand how they managed to balls it up, they have so much material to borrow from.

The show wants to be a slow meal thoroughly enjoyed, but the chefs weren’t up to the task. Some will enjoy this, but it left me hungry for something with more flavour.

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Most people won’t understand this series

If you’re a fan of sci-fi, art and the bigger questions in life, you will enjoy this.

If you’re looking for mindless or predictable action based sci-fi, this is not for you.

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Tedium on a Loop

Amazon’s TV series ‘Tales from the Loop’ is set in a rural 1970s Ohio where some experimental physics research is going on at an underground facility called The Loop. This has resulted in the surrounding countryside being littered with futuristic gizmos irresponsibly dumped by the scientists. The narratives derived from this scenario are old-fashioned Twilight Zone fables which seem to last much longer than their 60-minute running time. Instead of unsettling enigmas, the tales are schmaltzy, the characters dull, the pacing glacial, the dialog clunky and the directing ponderous. Schoolkids are the protagonists in several segments, with the actors mostly delivering stilted performances, although much of their awkwardness could be the director’s fault.

The project was inspired by Simon Stalenhag’s striking landscape paintings of monstrous rusting robots looming over the suburbs, seashores, strip malls and wildernesses of a semi-dystopian America. The artist created eerie and threatening imagery portraying these mechanical behemoths wandering aimlessly on unimaginable missions or else as broken down derelicts. Presumably due to budget limitations, the machines which feature so prominently in the paintings, make only fleeting appearances in the TV episodes. Although Stalenhag is credited as one of the writers, these stories are almost devoid of the mysterious element present in his artwork.

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What a beautiful piece of art!

I have been a huge fan of the illustrated novels and was — to be honest — expecting a sellout of the story. I started watching the Show today and it has a detail for the magic of this story. Tales from the loop has always been made for those, whose fantasy has no borders!

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Perfect Blend of Sci Fi and Semi Anthology

Really well done series with great pace. Very unique style of mixing anthology and ongoing plot/arc. My kind of Syfy, great character building, great music, awesome acting, directing and ultra mysterious. You cant really compare this to anything — some elements of Black Mirror, Lost, The Leftovers and well, not fair to compare or even name other shows. Very unique — trying to do something no other show has done that I have come across. They took out the element I hate from an anthology series but kept the premise anthology based. I hate getting emotionally vested and loving characters then never hearing about them again. This show not only has a completely different story line in each episode but it somehow keeps all the stories rolling in one giant ball of awesomeness. Cool Cool series you wont be disappointed the end of Episode 2 left a mighty impression on me — best ending ever! Keep up the good loop!

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Slow. Not a slow burn, just slow.

Acting was up to par, hence the 4 stars. Episodes were slow, boring, depressing, and uninteresting. I felt nothing for any of the characters since there really wasn’t any build up…

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Awful mannerism in search of an audience

It pains me to write this about a Stalenhag-inspired series, and to do that after watching just one episode, but it’s hopeless. A potentially interesting story is told with zero passion and no skill. The way the episode developes is just *wrong*. It’s not gripping, not thrilling, not interesting. The twist is trite. The storytelling is trite. They tried to offset that with a slow, poetic tone, with scarce dialogues and (yet again) a trite score, but it’s just makeup. It comes out as a millennial-style, audience-milking pulp that mixes some darkness, some mystery, some «Stranger Things», some sci-fi and some children adventure. The outcome, you guess it, is truly awful.

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This series took its time. It looks like there not going to renew the series fir a second season which is a shame because it was special in its own way. And maybe it was done anyway. The series was comfortable with silence and it had a definite felling throughout the film. I think it was definitely worth watching and they accomplished the overarching story well.

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Рассказы из Петли (TV Series 2020) Poster



There is an extraordinary gentleness to this series that has no antecedent. There is no attempt to shock or horrify or amaze. Only engage. Quality is not even but some of the episodes are absolutely hypnotic, you cannot look away.

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A touching, thoughtful visit to Stålenhag’s Earth

The retro-futuristic and immeasurably cozy paintings of Simon Stålenhag have been given life by Amazon Prime. Thanks to my dad, who obtained the Tales from the Loop artbook (org. title Ur Varselklotet) when it was brand new (he may even have donated to its crowdfunding campaign), I’ve had a good look into Stålenhag’s dreamlike alternate past before.

My brother once referred to Stålenhag’s peculiar art style as «Sweden punk», where we’ll scan our eyeballs over familiar rural environments until, suddenly, some sort of technological behemoth appears. It may be a strange, defunct machine (that nevertheless looks as if Volvo or Stiga could realistically design it) next to a quaint Scandinavian meadow, or a vast spacecraft hovering over a dimly lit torp in the December twilight.

Amazon brings all of this to life with an anthology, each episode nonetheless set in the same continuity, directed by the likes of Andrew Stanton and Jodie Foster (a good choice after her work on Black Mirror) and scored in part by Philip Glass — his haunting, repetitive-but-beautiful tunes as distinctive as ever. The cast includes Jonathan Pryce and Rebecca Hall, who put it best when she said in an interview that the characters genuinely seem to inhabit a universe larger than themselves. The landscape around them clearly has history, even when it isn’t expositorily stated.

On that note, the «retro» part of the retro-futurism is also in the characters, including young children who are often more astute than the adults — it shares this with Stranger Things, another nostalgic streaming-original, but I currently think Tales from the Loop is better, partly because of how farcical Things has gotten. Early on, Loretta (Abby Ryder Fortson) and Cole (Duncan Joiner) are curious of the mysteries surrounding The Loop, a scientific facility in their area that seems to dabble in the unnatural.

One of the problems I had with the series is that, possibly due to the episodic structure, certain big revelations seem to come quite early in the show’s run. Let me elaborate: In the very first episode, we learn something shocking about two of the main characters, akin to one of the most existentially devastating twists in the Netflix masterpiece Dark, but since we don’t yet know these people that well, it isn’t as impactful as it could have been. Instead, the second episode moves on to a different (somewhat better-acted) story involving the effects of The Loop, starring a tertiary character from the prior story.

However, accepting the show and the format for what it is, ’tis certainly a charming expedition into the mind of Stålenhag. The book and the artwork are faithfully adapted (including the way the characters are cast, then costumed and groomed) by head writer and developer Nathaniel Halpern, but I gather Stålenhag himself was heavily involved (complete with an on-screen cameo). He even submitted a title card animation, pictured above, «as a suggestion» and they wound up using it.

It just warms my hollow ribcage when an artist gets to realize their vision in this manner, aided by people who demonstrably give a damn. Tales from the Loop, not unlike the Netflix series Love, Death + Robots, is one of those shows that truly prove what a safe space the streaming world is for auteurs, enabled to enrich us with something new instead of sticking to a marketable studio-imposed formula.

If shows like these become successful enough, ginormous studios may learn that providing something new and original is the way to go (people sometimes argue that recent Lucasfilm and Marvel movies do represent an artist’s vision, hence their controversy compared to other «factory-made» sequels, but I remain skeptical that Disney would truly allow freedom, or deem controversy as anything other than useful PR). I will certainly do my part and tell you this much: please check out Tales from the Loop. It’s a visually inventive and fun watch that touches on the «larger» life questions that sci-fi concepts ought to bring. The dialogue itself can be a bit obvious and some stories may be less intriguing than others, but no matter.

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All class

This is show is incredibly stylish. Beautifully made. A real work of art. Its really great to see a show of this caliber being produced today, in the age of the short attention span. Granted, you have to be in a certain mood. I watched it over a extended period. If you’re patient, it will certainly reward you.

Some episodes are better than others. I tend to agree with the individual rating on each. It’s not overly complex. Each episodes has its own simple story line, strong in concept. Perhaps not each story is entirely unique in the realms of science fiction, but in this particular setting, it does feel new. It doesn’t rely on effects either, so it’s strong concepts may give it a long life.

A breath of fresh air and an absolute pleasure to watch. Sadly I think the TikTok generation won’t be watching in droves so we may not see a second season. At least there is this. A real achievement.

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I hope they do more of this!

I really enjoyed this series. It’s slow paced, yes, but it’s tremendous solid too. And in an artistic way also very gripping and thrilling. And I loved the actors.

I salute the makers because they could have went the obvious road and give the audience the usual SciFi stuff they’d conditioned to expect from a show like this. But instead they choose to take us on a journey of some kind of meditation about what really matters in life. And this journey is not only beautiful shot, but offers some great ideas and unexpected turns too. Sometimes as a kind of side note and not as she focus of the show — but that is the whole point: don’t get distracted by the things you might think life is worth living for, let the stars in the sky be the stars, don’t miss in your life what is yet full of awe. And the show never preaches. It’s always showing instead of pointing with the finger or shouting at us. You have to think about it to get it. But it isn’t a far fetched deep secret either. Just go on the journey and let it sink in.

I guess if they had done it a bit more on the nose, the chance for a second season were better. But I’m glad they didn’t — a show like this is nothing you get get to see often. But I sure hope they do another one anyway.

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Subtle isn’t always a bad thing. . .

Not many times in my life I’ve felt compelled to binge watch a series but this got me. . .
A combination of beautiful cinematography, great character study and clever story lines make for a truly wonderful and complete series. The fact that it’s about the human interactions and relationships and not all about the weird and wonderful tech laying about just adds to it for me. So many series are in your face with the CGI and effects they forget about telling us anything.
The subtleness only ads to the whole feel of this superb show. Take time to slow down a bit and enjoy something that makes you think.

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Old School SciFi where humanity is the focus over effects

Happened across this today and ended up binging the entire series! As some reviewers have stated, the episodes run slowly, however, each episode looks at the story of indivudal characters in the ensemble cast. The twists are based on quirky SciFi elements and helps the viewer examine how the episode character comes to this point or to an unexpected situation, which may not have a typical resolution. The production, cinematography and acting are top notch and worth viewing from a visual and stylistic perspective. The stories leave you with a feeling of melancholy, that is strangely satisfying. Arthouse work in a TV series format. Worth a watch in my book. If you’re looking for lasers and whiz-bang effects, this may not be the series for you.

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Right up my ally

Thought-provoking Sci-Fi is my favorite! Wonderfully filmed, bizarre, intriguing characters and ambient soundtrack! I love the uncertainty throughout and the vibe it gives. Tales from the Loop is a nice unique change of pace compared to most shows.

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Heavy Going!

This, I’m sure, is the stuff of dreams to the «serious» sci-fi buff. The kind of thing they’ve been waiting their whole lives for. But be warned. The art house approach, the ponderous wringing of every drop of darkness from the tales, the dolorous minimalist soundtrack courtesy of Philip Glass, and the doom laden plots all contribute to weighty, even burdensome viewing at times. This is not the sort of thing you put on at the end of a riotous evening. Nor to be binge watched — it will spill your marbles and spark depressive spirals. And don’t gift it to your significant other for a birthday or the like if you don’t want weeks of angst as they try to work out what exactly you’re trying to say. It’s intelligent, meaningful and dark — maybe a little too so — well worth watching but make sure you’re in the right mood, at the right time, and preferably in easy reach of your support structure!

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Haven’t watched so good, so different TV series in long time

It’s not typical TV series. The ideas inside, the change of action and surprises caused my brain to constantly processing. As a engineer myself, I enjoyed the tech and alternative world. I really hope there will be more season. What a masterpiece!

If you like inception, you will like this one too.

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Beautiful and mesmerizing

Tales from the Loop is art. From the perfectly timeless visuals to the enduring relationships between the towns’ characters and the sublime music — this series should be in an art gallery.

It is slow, it is melancholy, it is dark, as it should be. It is also sensitive, moving and so very well done. The last episode had me in tears.

Such an antidote to today’s formulaic films. Thank you!

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Historic: a series filmed entirely in slow-motion…

Beneath a small town exists The Loop, a scientific research facility. The townspeople end up experiencing an altered version of reality, where impossible things become possible.

This series had potential, a sci fi series with passing similarities to Stranger Things, Dark, Black Mirror and the original (1959-64) Twilight Zone series, all of which are excellent series. However, it ends up nowhere near as interesting or engaging.

The main problem is that the plots (each episode has a separate one) develop at a snail’s pace. That wouldn’t be so bad if the characters were worth following, but they’re not. Not that they’re dislikeable, they’re just bland.

So you have 1-hour stories that develop very slowly, due to the script being massively padded, with characters that you don’t care about. Makes for very unengaging, dull viewing. Time seemed to slow down while I was watching, like everything was happening in slow motion.

Some of the concepts are interesting but by the time you reach the punchline you’ve already lost interest (and the will to live). It’s like an episode of The Twilight Zone, except the characters are less engaging, the twist is less profound or unexpected and the whole thing takes 60 minutes instead of 24 minutes!

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Back to the roots of Sci-fi

I’m sorry some of the reviewers can’t appreciate any Sci-fi that doesn’t include laser battles and far out explosions and such. this title goes back to the roots of Science Fiction. It uses another means and different modes to explore the Human Condition. Go back to the Golden Age of Sci-Fi with authors like Arthur C. Clarke and you will see. Sci-Fi simply provides the backdrop for the actual storytelling. The stories are good, albeit slower than we are used to in 2020, but good none the less- much like the original Science Fiction. It’s nice to see for a change where the story comes first and everything else is second as opposed to the current crop of Sci-Fi where the action and effects are first and the story is third or fourth.

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An Emo Teen «Black Mirror»… It’s Not That It’s Slow, It’s That It Has Nothing To Say

I don’t care that it’s slow and depressing. Lots of truly great films are slow and/or depressing. The pacing and mood of a story doesn’t matter so much, what matters is the destination and the trip along the way. WHAT do the filmmakers have to say and HOW do they say it?

The problem with «Tales from the Loop» is that they have absolutely nothing new to say AND they drag it out. The cinematography is great and the actors do a fine job but they have nothing to work with.

It is literally as if a production company’s president said «Hey this Black Mirror show is killing it, we’d better churn out something like this!» and then his yes-man VP said «Sir, didn’t your kid write some sci-fi short stories in creative writing class? Based off drawings of robots she saw on Reddit?» The show was then immediately green lit.

Every «twist» they utilize has been done before AND been done better AND takes them forever to get to.

  • Two kids find an abandoned magic chamber that let’s them switch bodies. One boy convinces the other to trade bodies for the day by promising he will for sure trade bodies back. You’ll never guess what happens!
  • Inexplicably not put off by the strange vortexes he’s seen opening in his field, a lonely man continues visiting that field and is — you guessed it — sucked through a vortex to another dimension. The version of him in that dimension has a super hot boyfriend. You’ll never guess what happens!
  • A teen girl who grows tired of her boyfriend wishes magical moments could last forever serendipitously finds a time freezing machine on the beach. She freezes time with her exciting new boyfriend, who promises to stay in that moment with her forever guaranteeing constant happiness. You’ll never guess what happens!

Every episode has about ten minutes of poorly conceived story stretched out to an hour, with no real reason to do so other than to pad the screen time.

Characters behave completely irrationally, and questions are posed but never answered. I know unanswered questions can be great in and of themselves, but for this show they are a total crutch. This isn’t Kubrickian, it’s just people writing scripts who literally have nothing to say and no point to make.

Also, there are not many characters who an audience will find likable or even identify with. That’s a serious problem considering how much time we spend with them… in scenes that linger on and on and on…

For all the strange goings-on in this town, nobody ever seeks help from each other. They rarely have logical reactions and never take actions or attempt solutions that any human being in their position would. The most glaring example would be The Loop organization itself. They apparently just leave robots, powerful devices and magical chambers just lying all over the place, no matter how dangerous, for anyone to find. The fuel rods that power this equipment are readily available and so not secure that children literally steal them.

Strange things keep happening, and not one person ever thinks to say «gee whiz, you know that Loop we’re always mentioning where they do mysterious stuff underground? Why don’t we go tell them about the problem? Or ask them for help?» The children and grandchildren of the man who RUNS the place don’t even think to ask grandpa for information or help. This show isn’t just tedious, it’s infuriatingly stupid at many points.

This series is a whole lot of waiting and waiting and waiting for something to happen, that you know is going to happen, then it finally happens, then you wait for something else to happen, then nothing happens. Roll credits.

Every episode is a cliche. For example: «Is the robot monster a monster, or is the real monster… MAN?»

Here’s everything that happens in one entire hour long episode (MILD SPOILERS): A man thinks a guy broke into his home. Instead of paying for much needed repairs he buys a robot from a junkyard to protect his lawn. His neighbours are upset, apparently forgetting that these machines are all over the damn place. The police ask him to stop standing in his yard with a robot but he says no. He never catches the bad guy but almost punches his deaf daughter with the robot, so his wife gets mad and leaves. He sells the robot and fixes the house, so his wife comes back. The end.

I am incredibly disappointed by this series because a lot of good work was put into it. There aren’t a ton of effects (given the source material I expected a hell of a lot more robots than just a couple scenes hiding behind trees in the woods), but the effects they did use are very well done. The actors aren’t stupendous but a lot of that could be due to the huge deficiencies they were dealing with script-wise, and possibly poor direction as well.

This series is pretentious and a huge, huge opportunity wasted. It could have been a truly great anthology series if they simply had capable writers who had an actual story to tell.

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Many reviews. A very slow relationship dramas with Sci fi/fantasy flavor.

Do not read reviews before watching.
even if too slooooow and with many episodes feeling meh, i really enjoyed the style of the story/filming.
I guess it is melo dramatic even in it restrained acting , and maybe that is why i enjoyed this series with much of it science plot holes.
it got a very Nordic Euro flavor too .

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I wonder where all this will lead?

Edit, one month later. After 3 episodes we quit watching, it just didn’t interest us enough to watch more. Not that it is a bad show, but we couldn’t see an interesting story unfold and there are lots of other shows to watch.

Original impressions, one month earlier: My wife and I have started watching this on Amazon streaming, two of the eight episodes down so far. My initial impression — it is interesting but hardly anything is explained. Very unusual things happen, presumably related to something going on below ground in «The Loop» where locals work. Is this set in the future, or in some parallel universe? This sort of approach worked fine in shows like «Twilight Zone» back in the 1960s but today’s audiences, I think, require some connection, some explanation.

This is the type of series that requires great viewer trust, that is trust that by the time all episodes are watched some sort of overall story, an interesting story, has emerged. If not, if these just turn out to be interesting but shallow episodes then I will be very upset with the producers of the show. Upset for betraying my trust. Eight hours is a long time to spend just watching interesting things without some rhyme and reason to tie it all together.

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Disturbingly surprising

Warning: Spoilers

It is probably not the science-fiction series that is going to change the world of science fiction, but it is fascinating in many ways because of some surprising elements that you feel are not correct, are mentally disturbing.

The fact that the science and technology of this new modern world is underground is disturbing and yet not so much after all. It is disturbing because science and technology that are going to dictate our future have to be debated by the people and the people have to be informed about what is happening, what is coming tomorrow, what has already been in its own coming for years or even decades. And there is no real information or discussion in this world. Science and technology are nothing but a mysterious and secret underground reality, meaning an under-mental world. You people do not need to have information or to discuss it. Just take what you can out of it.

But that’s not so much, after all, when compared to the next elements.

First, you can change time, back to the past, or forward to the future, or even into another universe that is simply disconnected from any other world. We thus can have a young teenage girl meeting herself as an adult and a mother of two children. You can also freeze time for everyone except you if you are protected against this change by some contraption. That leads to very disturbing, at times very revealing confrontation with yourself, with the reality of the world that you have changed, that has been changed, revealing in you a depth, a dark and frightening depth, made up of racism, segregation, rejection of others, extremely selfish and egocentric demands, or expectations, etc. What about you, a young adult, meeting in another world with yourself at the same age, but that has realized your desire for some gay relationship with a phantasmagoric character you only found a picture of somewhere in an abandoned machine that is the gate to that other world, though it only works one way. Add to that the fact you are black and the person you desire is a white man. Racism and gay narcissistic jealousy or exclusive desire, all that in this relationship.

But there might be a lot more dramatic events when an average but scientifically brilliant teenager exchanges his personality with a brilliant artistic person directly connected with the Loop, this underground scientific dictatorship named the Loop. And this exchange cannot be worked back because the scientifically brilliant teenager had no connection and was destined to be a mediocre shovel operator, whereas after his exchange he was destined to become an important member of the Loop, due to his new relationship with it through his newly acquired grandfather and mother. The desire of Jakob, the teenager whose personality this Danny stole, to get his identity back goes against the will of Danny, newly transformed into Jakob, who sees an opportunity for his future he would not have if he went back to being Danny. So, fate is a monster and Jakob is turned into a robot, a scavenging scrapper, with no scrap to deal with anyway, hence a machine condemned to rot away in nature. And what’s more this scrapper will end up broken and dead.

I must say this play with time is very surprising, though it is like SMS text communication with messages coming from we do not know where, from we do not know whom, and we just enter the text and its time, its surrounding, its characters as if it were real even when it is totally paranoid and outlandish. This is the world of tomorrow managed by an Artificial Intelligence that is totally unknown, incomprehensible, beyond any control or restraint, and unquestionable. The dictatorship of this Artificial Intelligence is the worst possible future we can imagine, and this series gives us this future world with a good amount of people dying here and there in this world or another, hence dying eventually several times. The gay theme added to this vision is maybe the only element that is mundane, humane, and by far going beyond the purely mechanical and absolutely cold world with which we are confronted.

We’ll see if there is a second season soon and if the only central author, producer, and director is able to get to a higher level or a deeper depth of humanity in this frighteningly inhumane vision of our future. And I can’t erase from my mental eyes the people demonstrating in my village in the mountains against the building of a 4G, eventually later on 5G, telecommunications tower, all of them with their smartphones in their hands calling people to the demonstration, with SMS texts that could only reach the world thanks to the tower they were demonstrating against. Ô, you unnamed nameless mindlessness!


Ce n’est probablement pas la série de science-fiction qui va changer le monde de la science-fiction, mais elle est fascinante à bien des égards en raison de certains éléments surprenants qui vous semblent incorrects, qui sont mentalement dérangeants.

Le fait que la science et la technologie de ce nouveau monde moderne soient souterraines est troublant et pourtant pas tant que ça après tout. C’est inquiétant parce que la science et la technologie qui vont dicter notre avenir doivent être débattues par les gens et les gens doivent être informés de ce qui se passe, de ce qui va arriver demain, de ce qui est déjà en train de se produire depuis des années, voire des décennies. Et il n’y a pas de véritable information ou discussion dans ce monde. La science et la technologie ne sont rien d’autre qu’une réalité souterraine mystérieuse et secrète, c’est-à-dire un monde sous-mental, mentalement atrophié. Vous, les gens, n’avez pas besoin d’avoir des informations ou d’en discuter. Prenez juste ce que vous pouvez en tirer et que la maître souterrain vous laisse prendre.

Mais ce n’est pas grand-chose, après tout, si on compare cela aux éléments suivants.

Tout d’abord, vous pouvez changer le temps, remonter dans le passé, ou avancer dans le futur, ou même dans un autre univers qui est simplement déconnecté de tout autre monde. On peut ainsi avoir une jeune adolescente qui se retrouve en face d’elle même adulte et mère de deux enfants. Vous pouvez également figer le temps pour tout le monde, sauf pour vous, si vous êtes protégé contre ce changement par un dispositif quelconque. Cela conduit à une confrontation très perturbante, parfois très révélatrice, avec vous-même, avec la réalité du monde que vous avez changé, qui a été changé, révélant en vous une profondeur, une sombre et effrayante profondeur, faite de racisme, de ségrégation, de rejet des autres, d’exigences ou d’attentes égoïstes et égocentriques extrêmes, etc. Qu’en est-il de vous, jeune adulte, qui vous retrouvez dans un autre monde avec vous-même au même âge, mais qui avez réalisé votre désir d’une relation gay avec un personnage fantasmagorique dont vous avez seulement trouvé une photo quelque part dans une machine abandonnée qui est la porte de cet autre monde, bien qu’elle ne fonctionne que dans un sens. Ajoutez à cela le fait que vous êtes noir et que la personne que vous désirez est un homme blanc. Racisme et jalousie narcissique gay ou désir exclusif, tout ça dans cette relation.

Mais il peut y avoir des événements beaucoup plus dramatiques lorsqu’un adolescent moyen mais scientifiquement brillant échange sa personnalité avec une personne artistique brillante directement liée au Loop, cette dictature scientifique souterraine nommée le Loop. Et cet échange est irréversible, car l’adolescent scientifiquement brillant n’avait aucune connexion et était destiné à être un médiocre manipulateur de pelle ou fossoyeur, alors qu’après son échange, il était destiné à devenir un membre important du Loop, en raison de sa nouvelle relation avec elle par l’intermédiaire de son grand-père et de sa mère nouvellement acquis. Le désir de Jakob, l’adolescent dont ce Danny a volé la personnalité, de récupérer son identité va à l’encontre de la volonté de Danny, nouvellement transformé en Jakob, qui voit une opportunité pour son avenir qu’il n’aurait pas s’il redevenait Danny. Ainsi, le destin est un monstre et Jakob est transformé en robot ferrailleur, qui n’a pas de ferraille à gérer de toute façon, donc une machine condamnée à pourrir dans la nature. Et qui plus est, ce ferrailleur finira brisé et mort.

Je dois dire que ce jeu avec le temps est très surprenant, bien qu’il s’agisse d’une communication par SMS avec des messages venant on ne sait d’où, on ne sait de qui, et on entre dans le SMS et son temps, son environnement, ses personnages comme si c’était réel même si c’est totalement paranoïaque et farfelu. C’est le monde de demain géré par une Intelligence Artificielle totalement inconnue, incompréhensible, hors de tout contrôle et de toute contrainte, et incontestable. La dictature de cette Intelligence Artificielle est le pire futur possible que l’on puisse imaginer, et cette série nous donne ce monde futur avec une bonne quantité de personnes mourant ici et là dans ce monde ou un autre, donc mourant finalement plusieurs fois. Le thème gay ajouté à cette vision est peut-être le seul élément qui est banal, humain et qui va de loin au-delà du monde purement mécanique et absolument froid auquel nous sommes confrontés.

Nous verrons s’il y a une deuxième saison bientôt, et si le seul auteur, producteur et réalisateur central est capable d’atteindre un niveau supérieur ou une profondeur plus profonde d’humanité dans cette vision effroyablement inhumaine de notre avenir. Et je ne peux pas effacer de mes yeux mentaux les gens qui manifestaient dans mon village le mois dernier dans mon Massif Central contre la construction d’une tour de télécommunications 4G, éventuellement plus tard 5G, tous avec leurs smartphones à la main appelant les gens à la manifestation, avec des SMS qui ne pouvaient atteindre le monde que grâce à la tour contre laquelle ils manifestaient. Ô bêtise innommable !


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Just for a moment…

Just for a moment it felt like the old late 50’s early 60’s Sci-Fi anthologies read by a teenager in the 70’s, then it wasn’t. I get it, some people like watching clouds drift by, I do sometimes, but not all the time. There’s slow then there’s ponderous and repetitive.

The whole show was inspired by an artist’s retro futuristic imagery, which sounds great in a pitch meeting I guess, but when put to moving pictures it falls short and always will.

The characters are an imitation of real people, that could have worked, but they just seem dull, immature, detached or inexplicably irrational.
The «Sci-Fi» ideas aren’t new, that’s why I can’t understand how they managed to balls it up, they have so much material to borrow from.

The show wants to be a slow meal thoroughly enjoyed, but the chefs weren’t up to the task. Some will enjoy this, but it left me hungry for something with more flavour.

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Most people won’t understand this series

If you’re a fan of sci-fi, art and the bigger questions in life, you will enjoy this.

If you’re looking for mindless or predictable action based sci-fi, this is not for you.

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Tedium on a Loop

Amazon’s TV series ‘Tales from the Loop’ is set in a rural 1970s Ohio where some experimental physics research is going on at an underground facility called The Loop. This has resulted in the surrounding countryside being littered with futuristic gizmos irresponsibly dumped by the scientists. The narratives derived from this scenario are old-fashioned Twilight Zone fables which seem to last much longer than their 60-minute running time. Instead of unsettling enigmas, the tales are schmaltzy, the characters dull, the pacing glacial, the dialog clunky and the directing ponderous. Schoolkids are the protagonists in several segments, with the actors mostly delivering stilted performances, although much of their awkwardness could be the director’s fault.

The project was inspired by Simon Stalenhag’s striking landscape paintings of monstrous rusting robots looming over the suburbs, seashores, strip malls and wildernesses of a semi-dystopian America. The artist created eerie and threatening imagery portraying these mechanical behemoths wandering aimlessly on unimaginable missions or else as broken down derelicts. Presumably due to budget limitations, the machines which feature so prominently in the paintings, make only fleeting appearances in the TV episodes. Although Stalenhag is credited as one of the writers, these stories are almost devoid of the mysterious element present in his artwork.

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What a beautiful piece of art!

I have been a huge fan of the illustrated novels and was — to be honest — expecting a sellout of the story. I started watching the Show today and it has a detail for the magic of this story. Tales from the loop has always been made for those, whose fantasy has no borders!

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Perfect Blend of Sci Fi and Semi Anthology

Really well done series with great pace. Very unique style of mixing anthology and ongoing plot/arc. My kind of Syfy, great character building, great music, awesome acting, directing and ultra mysterious. You cant really compare this to anything — some elements of Black Mirror, Lost, The Leftovers and well, not fair to compare or even name other shows. Very unique — trying to do something no other show has done that I have come across. They took out the element I hate from an anthology series but kept the premise anthology based. I hate getting emotionally vested and loving characters then never hearing about them again. This show not only has a completely different story line in each episode but it somehow keeps all the stories rolling in one giant ball of awesomeness. Cool Cool series you wont be disappointed the end of Episode 2 left a mighty impression on me — best ending ever! Keep up the good loop!

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Slow. Not a slow burn, just slow.

Acting was up to par, hence the 4 stars. Episodes were slow, boring, depressing, and uninteresting. I felt nothing for any of the characters since there really wasn’t any build up…

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Awful mannerism in search of an audience

It pains me to write this about a Stalenhag-inspired series, and to do that after watching just one episode, but it’s hopeless. A potentially interesting story is told with zero passion and no skill. The way the episode developes is just *wrong*. It’s not gripping, not thrilling, not interesting. The twist is trite. The storytelling is trite. They tried to offset that with a slow, poetic tone, with scarce dialogues and (yet again) a trite score, but it’s just makeup. It comes out as a millennial-style, audience-milking pulp that mixes some darkness, some mystery, some «Stranger Things», some sci-fi and some children adventure. The outcome, you guess it, is truly awful.

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This series took its time. It looks like there not going to renew the series fir a second season which is a shame because it was special in its own way. And maybe it was done anyway. The series was comfortable with silence and it had a definite felling throughout the film. I think it was definitely worth watching and they accomplished the overarching story well.

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Ретрофутуризм с человеческим лицом. Обзор сериала «Рассказы из Петли»

КУЛЬТУРА, Кино     

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Все рекомендации

Рассказ о сериале стоит начать с первоисточника. Если обычно им может выступать книга или полнометражный фильм, или (не дай бог) игра, то тут все немного сложнее. В начале десятых годов шведский художник Саймон Сталенхаг прославился, выложив в Сеть десятки причудливых рисунков. Вы наверняка их видели: на фоне лесов, гор и полей возвышаются роботы и странные машины, а маркером эпохи выступают старые «Вольво» и «Саабы» — стало быть, ретрофутуризм.

У Сталенхага нашлась куча поклонников, не без помощи которых в 2013 году он выпустил альбом под названием Tales from the Loop. Кроме рисунков там был и текст — про то, как в альтернативной Швеции 60-х открыли Институт физики высоких энергий под кодовым названием «Петля», где создали крупнейший в мире ускоритель частиц. Эксперименты шведов вкупе с технологиями других стран (включая СССР) привели к небывалому прогрессу в робототехнике и еще массе открытий.

Главный герой альбома — сам Сталенхаг,  типа как рос в тех краях и вместе со своим другом лазил по окрестностям, натыкаясь на роботов и другие причудливые машины, а теперь делится воспоминаниями о тех временах. В дальнейшем швед выпустил еще один альбом с подобными работами, но уже про Америку, а также настольную игру. Далее на экранизацию его рисунков, как бы странно это ни звучало, подписался Amazon. Первый сезон сериала вышел 3 апреля. Это довольно своеобразное зрелище — и оно едва ли стоит вашего времени.

Так как Сталенгхаг изначально не возражал, чтобы его «вселенная» существовала не только в родной Швеции, но и в Америке, местом действия для удобства определили Огайо 80-х. Именно там работает институт под названием «Петля», эксперименты которого приводят к неожиданным эффектам и явлениям. Основная мысль, которую проговаривает в самом начале герой Джонатана Прайса (Воробейшество из «Игры престолов»), заведующий институтом: здесь вы увидите вещи, которые могут показаться вам невозможными. 

Одна серия «Петли» — история из жизни городка, прилегающего к институту.

Главными героями выступают в основном дети или подростки — в этом плане сценарист остался верен изначальной идее Сталенхага. Их «приключения» завязаны на происходящих (или происходивших) в окрестностях исследованиях «Петли», про которые толком ничего непонятно. Одни становятся их жертвами просто так, другие — из любопытства. В первой серии мы видим маленькую девочку, чья мама, вроде как ученая, у себя в комнате увлеченно изучает некий артефакт — а затем бесследно пропадает; дальнейшие поиски родительницы по городу приводят к неожиданному открытию. В другой серии два друга натыкаются в лесу на загадочный шар, который позволяет меняться друг с другом телами. В еще одной серии девушка находит устройство, неведомым образом способное останавливать время. Таким образом герои каждый раз оказываются в необычных ситуациях — и весь интерес в том, как они себя ведут и чем все кончится.

Как и на рисунках Сталенхага, винтажные шведские авто неизбежно привлекают внимание и радуют глаз, контрастируя с роботами и причудливыми машинами. Кроме того, это единственное связующее звено со Швецией, где по замыслу художника все началось. Другое важное сходство сериала с рисунками: люди как были безликими фигурами, так ими остались.

Все это чем-то напоминает «Черное зеркало», где герои из раза в раз сталкиваются с оскалом технического прогресса.

Но на самом деле структура сериала на удивление близка к первоисточнику. Как было в первом альбоме Сталенхага: на рисунке два пацана залезают на условного робота; рядом короткий текст — воспоминания одного из них, как это было, со скомканной исторической справкой: дескать, прогресс в нашей Швеции дошел до того, что появились роботы. Важное отличие от «Зеркала» — здесь все происходит в одном месте. Персонажи если не одни и те же, то неизбежно пересекаются. Все это вроде как должно собираться в единую картину — по крайней мере, так думаешь из серии в серию, встречая знакомые лица и по крупицам сюжета пытаясь понять, что происходит. Но оно не собирается.

У вас бывало такое, что вам неловко за действия персонажей? Это не всегда плохо и нередко работает на пользу сюжету — но в случае с «Петлей» эта неловкость не покидает ни на минуту.

На 50 минут эпизода приходится 5-10 минут осмысленного действия.

В это время происходит что-то интересное — мы знакомимся с принципами устройства этого мира, наблюдаем реально необычные вещи вроде роботов или каких-то аномалий, как обещал нам заведующий «Петли». Смотрите, мол, какие у нас тут штуки — и вот они как могут делать! Все остальное время не происходит ничего. Герои шатаются по экрану в какой-то прострации и разговаривают односложными фразами. В какой-то момент между ними происходит конфликт. Потом герои немножко страдают, но в итоге все встает на свои места, хоть с оговорками. Возможно, эти события еще кому-то аукнутся, но не сейчас — не в этом сезоне уж точно. Такое впечатление, что цель у каждой серии одна — устроить зрителю майндфак средней паршивости, и переходить к следующему цирковому номеру. В конце остро не хватает появления героя Прайса в образе типа такого:

Снова на ум приходит первоисточник — но уже не комплиментарно.

Каждая серия несет не больше информации о вселенной Сталенхага, чем разворот его альбома с рисунком и парой абзацев текста.

Да, теперь в этой вселенной есть персонажи — тот же Прайс, вроде как заправляющий «Петлей» и знающий больше прочих, и еще несколько других. Но за восемь серий ни один из них так и не раскрылся, и что самое плохое — едва ли заинтриговал своей личностью. Кто вы такие? Чем вы занимаетесь в своем институте? Откуда в вашем мире столько роботов и причудливых машин? Хороший набор вопросов, чтобы подробно на них отвечать целый сезон, но авторы вообще не спешат это делать. Пролистайте альбом — и вы узнаете столько же, если не больше. Правда, теперь та информация уже не особо актуальна — ведь «Петля» теперь в Америке, в не в Швеции, и ее историю заново придумывают сценаристы сериала. Что они там придумают — интрига уже второго сезона. Если он, конечно, будет.

Натаниэль Халперн оживил картины шведского художника Саймона Сталенхага и превратил в сериал «Рассказы из Петли»


Сериал вдохновлен рисунками шведского художника Саймона Сталенхага. Некоторые из его работ можно увидеть на пикабу. Искусствоведы обозначают его картины как «ретрофутуризм» и «неосоцреализм». В обыденную жизнь вторгаются роботы, странные машины, конструктивистские здания и даже доисторические животные. Они претендуют, чтобы стать неотъемлемой частью окружающего ландшафта. Натаниэль Халперн оживил картины и превратил в сериал «Рассказы из Петли». По настроению и сюжету сериал напоминает «Пикник на обочине» Стругацких, может быть «Прибытие» Дени Вильнёва. Научно-мистическое смешивается с психикой, как способ извлечь из нашего сознания скрытые и отвергнутые эмоции и чувства.

Место действия: небольшой городок под названием Мерсер. Под городом построена секретная лаборатория, в которой находится таинственная левитирующая черная сфера. По словам директора лаборатории Расса, способная на чудеса. Каким-то образом магическое распространяется и влияет на жизнь горожан. Многие работают в лаборатории, усиленно изучают Нечто, записывая длинные математические формулы.

Несмотря на то, что действие происходит в сельской Америке, Мерсер похож на закрытые научные города(ЗАТО) Советского Союза. Преобладают серые здания, индустриальные конструкции, вечное межсезонье и тусклый свет. Медленный и монотонный темп повествования. Сумерки всё размывают, стирают границы между реальностью и вымыслом, сознанием и подсознанием. Здесь есть ностальгическое чувство по модным сейчас 80-м. Громоздкие компьютеры, старые машины, но определить точно начало это или конце 80-х, также невозможно. Это где-то и когда-то.



Сериал представляет собой антологию. Центром некоторых эпизодов «Сказок из петли» является классическая семья: Лоретта (Ребекка Холл), которая работает в Петле; муж Джордж (Пол Шнайдер), его отец Расс (Джонатан Прайс) главный по Петле, два сына Коул (Дункан Джойнер) и Якоб (Даниэль Золгадри). Но и другие жители рассказывают свои истории. Окончив ее, они не исчезают, появляются как второстепенные персонажи, образуя интересные маленькие связи, когда можно проследить, как живут герои истории дальше. Благодаря этому приему, создается странная атмосфера закрытого городка. Персонажи контактируют с артефактами — ржавая капсула, которая переселяет сознание, выключатель, останавливающий время, сфера Эха, как кукушка, определяющая сколько проживет человек.

В сериале нет насилия и антиутопического безысходности как в «Черном зеркале». Некоторые истории сохраняет оптимистичный оттенок, вселяют чувство надежды, возможность исправить ситуацию.



В фильмах с медленным темпом музыка — важная часть повествования. Фортепианные и струнные партитуры Пола Леонарда-Моргана и Филипа Гласса прекрасно сочетаются с визуальными эффектами и с общим вдумчивым тоном сериала.

Натаниэль Халперн не раскрывает тайны — откуда пришли эти артефакты, и что они означают. Они просто есть как данность, как «Непознанное» и «Необъяснимое», которое так или иначе присутствует в нашей жизни. «…Что это было? Падение метеорита? Посещение обитателей космической бездны? Так или иначе, в нашей маленькой стране возникло чудо из чудес – ЗОНА.» Здесь — Петля.

Автор использует таинственное, чтобы в очередной раз заняться вопросом, что значит быть человеком — про жизнь и смерть, про отношения между родителями и детьми, про одиночество и сложный выбор.

Если вы любите динамичный сай-фай — боевик-аттракцион, то рассказы из Петли вас разочаруют. Поклонники же Стругацких, Филипа Дика наверняка почувствуют красоту вдумчивых историй и странную атмосферу Петли.

Еще антология: «Любовь. Смерть. Роботы» — анимационная антология от Дэвида Финчера

3 апреля состоялся релиз фантастического сериала от Amazon «Байки из петли» (Tales From the Loop). Удалось ли перенести на экран дух известного артбука?

«Байки из петли» — это экранизация артбука шведского художника Симона Столенхага. Рисунки в духе ретрофутуризма демонстрируют маленький шведский городок 80-х, для которого присутствие роботов было в порядке вещей. Под ним находится огромный ускоритель частиц под названием «Петля». Из-за него на поверхности и начинают происходить странные вещи.

Взяв за основу сеттинг и некоторые пояснения из артбука, Amazon попытались воплотить эти идеи в 8-серийном сезоне. С первого эпизода стало понятно, что получилось далеко не все.

Рецензия на сериал «Байки из петли». Шаблонная драма с элементами научной фантастики - фото 1

Стоит начать с того, что сериал не похож на «Черное зеркало» или «Сумеречная зона» — у него совершенно другая атмосфера. Он очень медленный и грустный.

Первой проблемой становится хронометраж. Для такого огромного экранного времени на серию не смогли прописать хоть сколько-нибудь объемного сценария. Каждый эпизод идет в районе 55 минут, что в два раза больше, чем нужно для каждой истории, которую они рассказывают.

В результате время приходится тянуть всеми возможными способами. У персонажей часто долгие паузы в диалогах, демонстрация передвижения героя занимает много времени, статичные кадры, длящиеся дольше, чем нужно. А самый излюбленный способ — включить грустную музыку и начать показывать череду событий, демонстрирующих быт.

От этой грустной музыки, включающейся постоянно, начинает тошнить к концу первой серии. И ладно бы все это окупалось интересным сюжетом. Но нет.

Рецензия на сериал «Байки из петли». Шаблонная драма с элементами научной фантастики - фото 2

Первая история демонстрирует крупицы фантастических элементов, а банальной концовкой вызывает желание просто бросить сериал. И последующие эпизоды не далеко от нее уходят.

По большей части это абсолютно простые бытовые сюжеты, к которым прикручены фантастические элементы в каких-то совершенно микроскопических порциях. Фоновые декорации и некоторые фантастические приспособления присутствуют в кадре, но не так много, как бы хотелось.

Пред зрителем предстают темы: родителей, которые из-за работы вызывают ощущение у детей, что они им не нужны; самоопределения в жизни; подростковых отношений; принятия жизненного цикла ребенком. Все это было пережевано уже множество раз. Да, нам показали драматичную версию затасканного сюжета в духе фильма «Чумовая пятница», только сам способ был уныл до безобразия. Поменялись они телами в эпизоде, но ничего интересного за всю серию с этим не сделали. Ведь это драма, а значит нужно ходить с постными лицами в ожидании развязки.

Рецензия на сериал «Байки из петли». Шаблонная драма с элементами научной фантастики - фото 3

Серия про отношения двух подростков в мире, который они благодаря чудесному девайсу смогли поставить на паузу, просто поверхностна и недостойна часа времени, потраченного на нее. И словно этого мало, так еще и главная героиня этого сюжета лицемерна и неприятна.

Неплохая идея представлена в истории про отца, который узнал, что ночами по району кто-то лазает в дома, поэтому стал повернутым на охране дочери. И пускай итог предсказуем, но проблемой этого сюжета стал именно хронометраж, а не жуткая в своей банальности идея.

Все же сцены, где он управляет ручным роботом приятны глазу, а в некоторых моментах даже вызывают улыбку, что для этого сериала редкость, ведь это драма. Да и его речь во время разговора с коллегой в баре очень жизненна.

Рецензия на сериал «Байки из петли». Шаблонная драма с элементами научной фантастики - фото 4

Худшим эпизодом можно смело признать жалкую попытку угодить трендам, сделав сюжет про чернокожего гея, который попадает в параллельную реальность, где встречается с самим собой, живущим с другим мужчиной. В итоге всю серию герой пытается отбить парня у самого себя. Фантастика, которую мы заслужили!

Сериал не желает хоть как-то менять тон, продолжая затапливать зрителя меланхолией. Словно сейчас мало проблем. Вот посмотрите, как всем людям в этом сериале плохо. Какой тлен кругом. Просто смиритесь — это жизнь. И ему соответствуют все герои. Какие-то все утомленные и загруженные внутренними проблемами. Их можно понять, но интересными они от этого не становятся.

Рецензия на сериал «Байки из петли». Шаблонная драма с элементами научной фантастики - фото 5

Но у сериала есть и положительные моменты. Сеттинг сошел со страниц артбука без каких-либо погрешностей. Интерьеры, технологии, альтернативная эпоха. Просто всех фантастических элементов, взятых из рисунков, чудовищно мало. Одни периодически мелькают на фоне, какие-то напрямую используются для сюжета в отдельных эпизода. Некоторые истории ничего не потеряют от отсутствия фантастики.

Идеальный пример — сюжет про пару подростков, остановивших время. Если убрать остановку времени, то это абсолютно типичная иллюстрация истории о подростковой влюбленности с обыкновенным концом. Или одержимость отца охраной дочери. Вместо робота могло быть ружье. Основной посыл истории остался бы неизменен.

С технической точки зрения сериал нельзя назвать антологией, хотя в каждой серии и рассказываются разные истории. Дело в том, что персонажи здесь перемещаются из эпизода в эпизод, только величина их роли меняется. Эпизодический персонаж одной серии становится главным в другой. Сюжеты пересекаются. И это тоже хорошая идея, которая как раз грамотно была воплощена в шоу.

В итоге получился грустный меланхоличный сериал с элементами научной фантастики, который страдает от банальных идей и затянутости.

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