Рассказы o henry на английском

Рассказы О. Генри на английском языке

Сегодня читаем О. Генри. Рассказы О. Генри на английском языке представлены на сайте englishstory в разных уровнях сложности от beginner до advanced. 

Рассказы делятся на части. Трудные слова и выражения выделены и переведены на русский язык. К рассказам предлагаются аудио, озвученные профессиональными дикторами, их можно не только читать, но и слушать.

А в рубрике О. Генри и его истории вы найдете рассказы О. Генри на русском языке в кратком изложении и в переводе  с английского.

Рассказы О. Генри на английском языке

Читайте самые лучшие рассказы американского писателя О.Генри  и изучайте английский язык самостоятельно! Успехов всем!


  1. Рассказы О. Генри (уровень легкий, for beginners)
  2. Рассказы О. Генри (уровень средний, for intermediate)
  3. Рассказы О. Генри (уровень продвинутый, for advanced)

Итак, выбирайте рассказ, соответствующий вашему уровню и читайте, читайте! Вас ждут лучшие рассказы О. Генри на английском языке:

  1. The Gift of the Magi (Дары волхвов)
  2. The Last Leaf (Последний лист)
  3. No Story (Без вымысла)
  4. After Twenty Years (Двадцать лет спустя)
  5. A Retrieved Reformation (Обращение Джимми Валентайна).

I. Уровень «легкий» (beginner, pre-intermediate)

1.O. Henry «The Gift of the Magi» (in English, for beginners)

Della counted the money. It was one dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all that she could save on vegetables and meat during 5 months.  Della counted it once more. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas.

There was nothing to do but sit down and cry. So Della cried. When she finished crying, she dried her face and came up by the window. She saw a grey cat walking along a grey fence in a grey back yard. She sighed unhappily as the money was not enough to buy her husband Jim a gift.

The Christmas story «The Gift of the Magi» (for beginner, read online)

* * *

2.  O. Henry «The Last Leaf» (in English, for beginners)

Two young women, Sue and Johnsy, lived in New York. They were artists. Johnsy’s real name was Joanna.

In November it was very cold and Johnsy fell ill. She had a pneumonia, a decease that killed many people.

Johnsy lay on her bed and looked through the small window. She could see only the brick wall of the house next to her building.

«The Last Leaf» (for beginners, read online)

* * *

4. O. Henry «After Twenty Years» (in English, for pre-intermediate)

The policeman walked along the street looking important. The time was nearly ten o’clock at night and it was cold. There was a wind with a little rain. The policeman looked up and down the street. Cigar shops or cafes that work all night were open; but most of the doors belonged to offices and they had been closed.

In the middle of one street the policeman suddenly began to walk slowly. In the doorway of one shop stood a man, with an unlighted cigar in his mouth. When the policeman came up to him, the man spoke quickly.

After Twenty Years (for pre-intermediate, read online)

II. Уровень «средний» (intermediate, upper-intermediate)

1. O.Henry «The Gift of the Magi» (in English, for intermediate)

One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it in the smallest pieces of money — pennies. Pennies saved one and two at a time by negotiating with the men at the market who sold vegetables and meat. Negotiating until one’s face burned with the silent knowledge of being poor. Three times Della counted it. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas.

There was clearly nothing to do but sit down and cry. So Della cried. Which led to the thought that life is made up of little cries and smiles, with more little cries than smiles.

The Gift of the Magi (for intermediate, read and listen online)

* * *

2. O. Henry «The Last Leaf» (in English, for intermediate)

Many artists lived in the Greenwich Village area of New York. Two young women named Sue and Johnsy shared a studio apartment at the top of a three-story building. Johnsy’s real name was Joanna.

In November, a cold, unseen stranger came to visit the city. This disease, pneumonia, killed many people. Johnsy lay on her bed, hardly moving. She looked through the small window. She could see the side of the brick house next to her building.

  • O. Henry «The Last Leaf» (for intermediate, read online)

* * *

3. O.Henry «No Story» (in English, for intermediate)

I worked in a newspaper. One day Tripp came in and leaned on my table. Tripp was something. He was about twenty-five and looked forty. His face was covered with short, curly red hair. He was pale and unhealthy and miserable and always was borrowing money from twenty-five cents to a dollar. One dollar was his limit. When he leaned on my table he held one hand with the other to keep from shaking. Whisky.
O.Henry «No Story» (for intermediate, read online)

Рассказы О. Генри на английском языке. Уровень «сложный» (advanced)

1. O. Henry «A Retrieved Reformation»

A GUARD CAME to the prison shoe-shop, where Jimmy Valentine was stitching uppers (тачал заготовки), and escorted him to the front office. There the warden handed Jimmy his pardon, which had been signed that morning by the governor. Jimmy took it in a tired kind of way. He had served nearly ten months of a four year sentence. He had expected to stay only about three months, at the longest. When a man had as many friends on the outside as Jimmy Valentine did it is hardly worthwhile to cut his hair.

  • A Retrieved Reformation (for advanced, read online with translation)
  • A Retrieved Reformation (in the original, read and listen online)

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Image of O. Henry

1862 — 1910

O. Henry was the pen name of William Sydney Porter, an American short story writer who is known for his tales about the life of ordinary people, especially in New York. His stories generally expressed the effect of coincidence on character through humour, grim or irony. Above anything else, he is known for his surprise endings. Once his trademark, it finally cost him critical favour.


After Twenty Years

The policeman on the beat moved up the avenue impressively. The impressiveness was habitual and not for show, for spectators were few. The time was barely 10 o’clock at night, but chilly gusts of wind


A Strange Story

In the northern part of Austin there once dwelt an honest family by the name of Smothers. The family consisted of John Smothers, his wife, himself, their little daughter, five years of age, and he


The Gift of the Magi

One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies. Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one’s


Hearts and Hands

At Denver there was an influx of passengers into the coaches on the eastbound B. & M. Express. In one coach there sat a very pretty young woman dressed in elegant taste and surrounded by all the


The Last Leaf

In a little district west of Washington Square the streets have run crazy and broken themselves into small strips called «places.» These «places» make strange angles and curves. One Street crosses


The Prisoner of Zembla

So the king fell into a furious rage, so that none durst go near him for fear, and he gave out that since the Princess Ostla had disobeyed him there would be a great tourney, and to the knight who


A Newspaper Story

AT 8 A. M. it lay on Giuseppi’s news-stand, still damp from the presses. Giuseppi, with the cunning of his ilk, philandered on the opposite comer, leaving his patrons to help themselves, no doubt on


The Cop and the Anthem

On his bench in Madison Square Soapy moved uneasily. When wild geese honk high of nights, and when women without sealskin coats grow kind to their husbands, and when Soapy moves uneasily on his bench


The Skylight Room

First Mrs. Parker would show you the double parlours. You would not dare to interrupt her description of their advantages and of the merits of the gentleman who had occupied them for eight years. Then


The Cactus

The most notable thing about Time is that it is so purely relative. A large amount of reminiscence is, by common consent, conceded to the drowning man; and it is not past belief that one may review an


Lord Oakhurst’s Curse

Lord Oakhurst lay dying in the oak chamber in the eastern wing of Oakhurst Castle. Through the open window in the calm of the summer evening, came the sweet fragrance of the early violets and


Aristocracy Versus Hash

The snake reporter of The Rolling Stone was wandering up the avenue last night on his way home from the Y.M.C.A. rooms when he was approached by a gaunt, hungry-looking man with wild eyes and

O. Henry

(1862 — 1910) was an American short story author whose real name was William Sydney Porter. Henry’s rich canon of work reflected his wide-range of experiences and is distinctive for its witticism, clever wordplay, and unexpected twist endings.

Like many other writers, O. Henry’s early career aspirations were unfocused and he wandered across different activities and professions before he finally found his calling as a short story writer. He started working in his uncle’s drugstore in 1879 and became a licensed pharmacist by the age of 19. His first creative expressions came while working in the pharmacy where he would sketch the townspeople that frequented the store. The customers reacted warmly to his drawings and he was admired for his artistry and drawing skills.

O. Henry moved to Texas in March of 1882 hoping to get rid of a persistent cough that he had developed. While there, he took up residence on a sheep ranch, learned shepherding, cooking, babysitting, and bits of Spanish and German from the many migrant farmhands. He had an active social life in Austin and was a fine musician, skilled with the guitar and mandolin. Over the next several years, Porter — as he was still known — took a number of different jobs, from pharmacy to drafting, journalism, and banking.

Here’s where the twists and turns really started. Banking, in particular, was not to be O. Henry’s calling; he was quite careless with his bookkeeping, fired by the bank and charged with embezzlement in 1894. His father-in-law posted bail for him, but he fled the day before the trial in 1896, first to New Orleans, then to Honduras, where there was no extradition treaty. He befriended a notorious train robber there, Al Jennings, who later wrote a book about their friendship. O. Henry sent his wife and daughter back to Texas, after which he holed up in a hotel to write his first collection of short stories, Cabbages an Kings published in 1904. He learned his wife was dying of tuberculosis and could not join him in Honduras, so he returned to Austin and turned himself in to the court. His father-in-law again posted his bail so he could remain with his wife until her death in 1897. He was sentenced and served in Federal prison in Ohio for five years from 1989-1902. During his jail time, he returned to practicing pharmacy and had a room in the hospital, never having to live in a cell.

O. Henry was always a lover of classic literature, and while pursuing his many ventures, O. Henry had begun writing as a hobby. When he lost his banking position he moved to Houston in 1895 and started writing for the The Post, earning $25 per month (an average salary at this time in American history was probably about $300 a year). O. Henry collected ideas for his column by loitering in hotel lobbies and observing and talking to people there. He relied on this technique to gain creative inspiration throughout his writing career; which is a fun fact to keep in mind while reading an imaginative masterpiece of a story like Transients in Arcadia. The many twists and turns of his own life, including his travels in Latin America and time spent in prison, clearly inspired his stories’ twists and wordplay.

O. Henry’s prolific writing period began in 1902 in New York City, where he wrote 381 short stories. He wrote one story a week for The New York World Sunday Magazine for over a year. Some of his best and least known work is contained in Cabbages and Kings, whose title was inspired by Lewis Carroll’s poem, The Walrus and the Carpenter. The stories were set in a midwestern American town in which sub-plots and larger plots are interwoven in an engaging manner. His second collection of stories, The Four Million, was released in 1906. The stories are set in New York City, and the title is based on the population of the city at that time. The collection contained several short story masterpieces, including The Gift of the Magi, The Cop and the Anthem, and many others. Henry had an obvious affection for New York City and its diversity of people and places, a reverence that rises up through many of his stories.

O. Henry’s trademark is his witty, plot-twisting endings, and his warm characterization of the awkward and difficult situations and the creative ways people find to resolve them. His most famous short story, The Gift of the Magi, epitomizes his style. It’s bout a young married couple, short on money, who wish to buy each other Christmas gifts. That problem — their lack of funds — finds a famously endearing and ironic resolution. The Cop and the Anthem is about A New York City hobo with a creative solution for dealing with the cold city streets during winter. Another story, A Retrieved Reformation, is about a safecracker, Jimmy Valentine, fresh from prison, whose life takes an unexpected turn while trying to come clean (or is he casing his next crime scene?) The Ransom of Red Chief, a story about two hapless kidnappers who snatch a heinous boy whose menacing ways turn the tables on them. All of O. Henry’s stories are highly entertaining, whether read for pleasure or studied in classrooms around the world.

In 1952, Marilyn Monroe and Charles Laughton starred in O. Henry’s Full House, a film featuring five of O. Henry’s short stories. The film included The Cop and the Anthem, The Clarion Call, The Last Leaf, The Ransom of Red Chief (starring Fred Allen and Oscar Levant), and The Gift of the Magi.

Unfortunately, O. Henry’s personal tragedy was heavy drinking. By 1908, his health had deteriorated and his writing dropped off accordingly. He died in 1910 of cirrhosis of the liver, complications of diabetes, and an enlarged heart. The funeral was held in New York City, but he was buried in North Carolina, the state where he was born. He was a gifted short story writer and left us a rich legacy of great stories to enjoy.

Предисловие учебного издания

О. Генри писал короткие интересные рассказы, но язык его цветист и сложен. Без хорошего багажа знаний и опыта чтения на языке оригинала, О. Генри не осилить. Поэтому мы сделали две версии этой книги – с упрощенным текстом и оригинальным. Эта версия – упрощенная, и она вполне может стать первой книгой, которую вы прочтете на английском языке.

Особенность адаптированного текста – это короткие предложения и общеупотребимые слова. Мы старались уменьшить насыщенность текста прилагательными, причастными и деепричастными оборотами, сократили описания и заменили редкие слова на частые в использовании. И да, грамматика О. Генри даже в адаптированной книге местами может быть сложной, но за счет лаконичности автора вы не запутаетесь.

Текст в этой книге устроен следующим образом: жирным шрифтом выделены сложные места (которые, возможно, вам и не покажутся сложными – все зависит от уровня ваших знаний), иногда ключевые моменты рассказа и некоторые фразовые глаголы. Сразу за жирным текстом в скобках курсивом будет мой перевод и если надо, его пояснение. Да, мой текст всегда в скобках и всегда курсивом, причем все слова стоят в том числе, роде, склонении или падеже, в каком они нужны для правильного перевода.

Я перевел только сложные места текста. Остальное – ваша работа. Вам точно потребуется словарь, и место, куда вы будете записывать новые слова. Тогда с каждым прочитанным рассказом ваш английской будет становиться лучше. Я уверен, что учебные книги с полным переводом текста, будь он построчный или кусками – это плохие учебные книги. Также, как и двуязычные издания, где на одной странице идет английский текст, а на соседней – его дословный перевод. Почему это плохо? Это слишком облегчает задачу читателя. Когда вы не работаете, не ищете в словаре новые слова, не думаете над переводом всего предложения, а просто подсматриваете в готовое, вы не учитесь, не привыкаете к структуре английского языка, а просто считываете. Чтение на английском должно быть достаточно сложным, чтобы оно было полезным. По той же причине в конце книги нет словаря, как это обычно бывает. Это ваша работа, а не моя записывать новые слова, переводить их и запоминать. Да, времени уйдет больше, это скучно, но, если не поленитесь и сделаете это, ваши знания и навыки станут лучше. А словарь в конце книги будет заброшен сразу же после прочтения. Я такое чтение за глаза называю халтурой, а читателей таких книжек – халтурщиками.

Теперь несколько слов о рассказах О. Генри, которые у вас будут перед глазами. Я уже сказал, что текст автора мы переработали в нечто простое, но грамматика осталась, как сейчас говорят, авторская. Все рассказы изобилуют временем Past Perfect: had и глагол в третьей форме. Время Perfect нужно, когда речь идет о каком-то событии произошедшем (или не произошедшем) к какому-то времени. Примеры: я уже поел/I have already eaten (к настоящему моменту), я еще не купил квартиру/I haven’t bought the flat yet (к настоящему моменту), к университету я уже бросил курить/I had quit smoking by the time I went to the university (на момент, к которому я пошел учиться в университет). Почему О. Генри часто использует had и третью форму глагола? Потому, что в его рассказах многие события происходят к моменту самого рассказа, который сам по себе уже в прошлом.

Вторая особенность рассказов О. Генри – пассивный залог, который автор, для придания тексту торжественности происходящему (хотя сделано это скорее для гротеска, чтобы подчеркнуть нелепость событий, ведь речь почти во всех рассказах автора идет о людях с низкой социальной ответственностью: ворах, бандитах, нищих и т.д.) Пассив – это когда не я совершаю действие, а надо мной/предметом совершают действие: меня уволили/I was fired, мне сказали/I was told, книгу прочтут/a book will be read. Строится пассив при помощи глагола to be в нужном времени и опять же третьей формы глагола.

И, наконец, третий момент – это инверсия. Нестандартный порядок слов в английском предложении. Не “я тебя люблю”, как это принято, а “люблю я тебя”. Если вы смотрели фильм “Звездные войны” и знаете Йоду, вы поймете, что такое инверсия. Зачем О. Генри переставляет слова? Опять же, для придания тексту торжественности, даже напыщенности.

Приятного чтения, главное, установите на вашем телефоне хороший словарь, записывайте новые слова и составляйте с ними предложения, которые тоже лучше записывать. Тогда все запомнится. Удачи и спасибо за чтение.

Преподаватель английского языка

Роман Зинзер



The Gift of the Magi

One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. She had put it aside |Она откладывала деньги. To put aside – откладывать|, one cent and then another and then another, in her careful buying of meat and other food. Della counted it three times. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas.

There was nothing to do but fall on the bed and cry |”But” в этом случае значиткроме как|. So Della did it.

While the lady of the home is slowly growing quieter |медленно успокаивалась|, we can look at the home. Furnished rooms at a cost of $8 a week. There is little more to say about it.

In the hall below was a letter-box too small to hold a letter. There was an electric bell, but it could not make a sound. Also there was a name beside the door: “Mr. James Dillingham Young.”

When the name was placed there, Mr. James Dillingham Young was being paid $30 a week |ему платили. Пассив: над ним совершали действие, to be и третья форма глагола. “Being”, чтобы подчеркнуть периодичность выплат|. Now, when he was being paid only $20 a week, the name seemed too long and important. It should perhaps have been “Mr. James D. Young.”|наверно, имя должно было бы звучать| But when Mr. James Dillingham Young entered the furnished rooms, his name became very short indeed. Mrs. James Dillingham Young put her arms warmly about him and called him “Jim.” You have already met her |вы с ней уже встречались|. She is Della.

Della finished her crying and cleaned the marks of it from her face. She stood by the window and looked out with no interest. Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a gift. She had put aside as much as she could for months, with this result. Twenty dollars a week is not much. Everything had cost more than she had expected |had и третья форма глагола. О. Генри очень любит рассказывать о событиях, предшествующих повествованию|. It always happened like that |таким образом|.

Only $ 1.87 to buy a gift for Jim. Her Jim. She had had many happy hours planning something nice for him |had had – это не опечатка. Это опять же had и третья форма глагола have, которые значат, что на тот момент у нее было много счастья с Джимом|. Something nearly good enough. Something almost worth the honor of belonging to Jim |стоящее той чести|.

There was a looking-glass between the windows of the room. Perhaps you have seen the kind of looking-glass that is placed in $8 furnished rooms. It was very narrow. A person could see only a little of himself at a time |за раз|. However, if he was very thin and moved very quickly, he might be able to get a good view of himself. Della, being |будучи| quite thin, had mastered this art.

Suddenly she turned from the window and stood before the glass. Her eyes were shining brightly, but her face had lost its color. Quickly she pulled down her hair and let it fall to its complete length.

The James Dillingham Youngs |обычный для английского языка способ назвать семью по имени мужчины. Главное здесь – это поставить впереди артикль the, и фамилию во множественном числе| were very proud of two things which they owned. One thing was Jim’s gold watch. It had once belonged to his father. And, long ago, it had belonged to his father’s father. The other thing was Della’s hair.


Книги 1—25 из 25.

  • A Midsummer Masquerade
  • Жанр: Юмористическая проза
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  • A Ruler of Men
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  • A Tempered Wind
  • Жанр: Классическая проза
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  • Cabbages and Kings
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  • Conscience in Art
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  • Hostages to Momus
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  • Innocents of Broadway
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  • Jeff Peters as a Personal Magnet
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  • Modern Rural Sports
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  • Options
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  • Shearing the Wolf
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  • Sixes and Sevens
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  • The Chair of Philanthromathematics
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  • The Complete Works of O. Henry
  • Жанр: Юмористическая проза
  • O. Henry’s short stories are well known for their wit, wordplay, warm characterization and clever twist endings. Collected in this book (Golgotha Press, 2010) is a giant anthology of his work, including the stories, some early verses and a few letters.
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  • The Ethics of Pig
  • Жанр: Юмористическая проза
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  • The Exact Science of Matrimony
  • Жанр: Классическая проза
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  • The Four Million
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  • The Gentle Grafter
  • Жанр: Юмористическая проза
  • «The Gentle Grafter» by O. Henry, Author of «The Four Million,» «The Voice of the City,» «The Trimmed Lamp,» «Strictly Business,» «Whirligigs,» Etc.
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  • The Hand That Riles the World
  • Жанр: Юмористическая проза
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  • The Man Higher Up
  • Жанр: Юмористическая проза
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  • The Octopus Marooned
  • Жанр: Юмористическая проза
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  • The Trimmed Lamp
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  • Waifs and Strays (Part 1)
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