Рассказы рэя брэдбери на английском

Afterword: Make Haste To Live, 1996


Послесловие: Спешите жить (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

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Ahmed and the Oblivion Machines: A Fable, 1998

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

All Summer in a Day, 1959


Все лето в один день (Нора Галь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

A Medicine For Melancholy (Лекарство от меланхолии)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Almost the End of the World, 1957


Почти конец света (Т. Полева, О. Глебов)

Почти конец света (С. Анисимов)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Machineries of Joy (Механизмы радости)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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And the Moon be Still as Bright (из «Марсианских хроник»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

And Watch the Fountains, 1944

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

Another Fine Mess, 1995


Опять влипли (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The April Witch, 1952


Апрельское колдовство (Лев Жданов)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Golden Apples of the Sun (Золотые яблоки солнца)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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At the End of the Ninth Year, 1995


По прошествии девяти лет (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

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The Best of All Possible Worlds, 1963


Высшее из блаженств (В. Денисов)

Лучший из возможных миров (В. Задорожный)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Machineries of Joy (Механизмы радости)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Bright Phoenix, 1963


Лучезарный Феникс (Нора Галь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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Bug, 1996


Баг (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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Christus Apollo, ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

I Sing the Body Electric (Электрическое тело пою)

The Cistern, 1947


Труба (?)

Город мёртвых (?)

Водосток (С. Анисимов)

Водосток (С. Сухарев)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Dark Carnival (Тёмный карнавал)

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The Crowd, 1943


Толпа (Татьяна Шинкарь)

Толпа (С. Сухарев)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Dark Carnival (Тёмный карнавал)

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Dandelion Wine (из «Вина из одуванчиков»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

Dark They were, And Golden Eyed (The Naming of Names), 1949


Они были смуглые и золотоглазые (Зинаида Бобырь)

Были они смуглые и золотоглазые (Нора Галь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

A Medicine For Melancholy (Лекарство от меланхолии)

S Is For Space (К значит Космос)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Darling Adolf, 1976


Душка Адольф (?)

Душка Адольф (Ольга Акимова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Long After Midnight (Далеко за полночь)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The Day it Rained Forever, 1959


Пришло время дождей (Татьяна Шинкарь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

A Medicine For Melancholy (Лекарство от меланхолии)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Dead of Summer, 2010

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

Death and the Maiden, 1960


Смерть и дева (Д. Жуков)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Machineries of Joy (Механизмы радости)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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Defense Mech, 1946

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

The Disease, 2010

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

The Dog in the Red Bandana, 2010


Пёс в красной бандане (Арам Оганян)

Пёс в красной бандане (Дмитрий Кузьмин)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

We Are the Carpenters of an Invisible Cathedral (Мы — плотники незримого собора)

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Doodad, 1943


Чепушинка (Ростислав Рыбкин)

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Dorian In Excelsis, 1996


Слава в вышних Дориану (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

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The Dragon, 1955


Дракон (Нора Галь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

A Medicine For Melancholy (Лекарство от меланхолии)

R Is For Rocket (Р — значит ракета)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The Dragon Who Ate His Tail, 2007

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

We Are the Carpenters of an Invisible Cathedral (Мы — плотники незримого собора)

The Dwarf, 1953


Карлик (С. Трофимов)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The Earth Men (из «Марсианских хроник»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

The Electrocution, 1946


Электрический стул (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

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The Emissary, 1947


Гонец (Татьяна Шинкарь)

Гонец (С. Сухарев)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Dark Carnival (Тёмный карнавал)

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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The End of the Beginning, 1956


Конец начальной поры (Нора Галь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

A Medicine For Melancholy (Лекарство от меланхолии)

R Is For Rocket (Р — значит ракета)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Exchange, 1996


Обмен (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

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The Exiles, 1949


Изгнанники (Татьяна Шинкарь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Illustrated Man (Человек в картинках)

R Is For Rocket (Р — значит ракета)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

Сборник редких рассказов (Замри, умри, воскресни!)

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Exorcism (из «Вина из одуванчиков»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

Fever Dream, 1948


Лихорадка (Б. Ерхов)

Горячечный бред (В. Гольдич, И. Оганесова)

Всего лишь лихорадочный бред (Л. Терехина, А. Молокин)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

A Medicine For Melancholy (Лекарство от меланхолии)

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Fill Me with Wonder, You Architects, 1991

The Finnegan, 1996


Финнеган (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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First Day, 2002


День первый (Александр Чех)

Первый день (Надежда Гавва)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

One More for the Road (На посошок)

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The Flying Machine, 1953


Человек в воздухе (Зинаида Бобырь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Golden Apples of the Sun (Золотые яблоки солнца)

S Is For Space (К значит Космос)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The Fog Horn, 1951


Ревун (Лев Жданов)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Golden Apples of the Sun (Золотые яблоки солнца)

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

R Is For Rocket (Р — значит ракета)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

Истории о динозаврах (Dinosaur Tales)

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The Fox and the Forest, 1950


Кошки-мышки (Нора Галь)

Обратно в будущее (Д. Вознякевич)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Illustrated Man (Человек в картинках)

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Free Dirt, 1996


Земля на вывоз (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

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G.B.S. — Mark V, 1976


ДЖ. Б. Ш., МОДЕЛЬ 5 (?)

Дж. Б. Шоу — Евангелие от Марка, глава V (Ольга Акимова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Long After Midnight (Далеко за полночь)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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G.B.S.: Refurbishing the Tin Woodman: Science Fiction with a Heart, a Brain, and the Nerve! (essay), 1997

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

We Are the Carpenters of an Invisible Cathedral (Мы — плотники незримого собора)

The Garbage Collector, 1953


Мусорщик (Лев Жданов)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Golden Apples of the Sun (Золотые яблоки солнца)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The Ghost in the Machine, 1996


Дух скорости (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

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The Golden Apples of the Sun, 1953


Золотые яблоки солнца (Лев Жданов)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Golden Apples of the Sun (Золотые яблоки солнца)

R Is For Rocket (Р — значит ракета)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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The Golden Kite, The Silver Wind, 1953


Золотой змей, серебряный ветер (В.Серебряков)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Machineries of Joy (Механизмы радости)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Good-by Grandma (из «Вина из одуванчиков»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

The Great Collision of Monday Last (из «Зелёные тени, белый кит»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

A Medicine For Melancholy (Лекарство от меланхолии)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

Green Wine for Dreaming (из «Вина из одуванчиков»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

Hail and Farewell, 1953


Здравствуй и прощай (Нора Галь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Golden Apples of the Sun (Золотые яблоки солнца)

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

S Is For Space (К значит Космос)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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The Happiness Machine (из «Вина из одуванчиков»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

Heart Transplant, 1981


Пересадка сердца (Александр Чех)

Пересадка сердца (Екатерина Опрышко)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

One More for the Road (На посошок)

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Henry the Ninth, 1969


Генрих девятый (Т. Шишкина)

Генрих девятый (Ростислав Рыбкин)

Последний король (С. Степанов)

Генрих Девятый (Т. Сальникова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

I Sing the Body Electric (Электрическое тело пою)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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Here There Be Tygers, 1951


Здесь могут водиться тигры (Д. Лившиц)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

R Is For Rocket (Р — значит ракета)

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Holiday, 1949

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

Hollerbochen’s Dilemma, 1938

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

The Homecoming, 1946


Возвращение (Наталья Казакова)

Ночь Семьи (П. Вязников)

День возвращения (А. Левкин)

Возвращение (Л. Брилова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Dark Carnival (Тёмный карнавал)

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Hopscotch, 1978


Прыг-скок (Елена Петрова)

Летняя прогулка (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

Summer Morning, Summer Night (Летнее утро, летняя ночь)

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I See You Never, 1947


Я никогда вас не увижу (Лев Жданов)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Golden Apples of the Sun (Золотые яблоки солнца)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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I Sing the Body Electric!, 1969


Электрическое тело пою! (Татьяна Шинкарь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

I Sing the Body Electric (Электрическое тело пою)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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I, Rocket, 1944

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

Illumination (из «Вина из одуванчиков»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

In a Season of Calm Weather, 1957


В штиль (Наталья Иоффе)

Погожий день (Нора Галь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

A Medicine For Melancholy (Лекарство от меланхолии)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Interim (Time Intervening), 1947


Провал во времени (Д. Новак)

Переходный период (Александр Чех)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

One More for the Road (На посошок)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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Invisible Boy, 1945


Мальчик-невидимка (Лев Жданов)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Golden Apples of the Sun (Золотые яблоки солнца)

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

S Is For Space (К значит Космос)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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The Irritated People, 1947

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

Is That You, Herb?, 1942

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

We Are the Carpenters of an Invisible Cathedral (Мы — плотники незримого собора)

It’s Not the Heat, It’s the Hu—, 1940

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

Jack-In-The-Box, 1947


Попрыгунчик В Шкатулке (К. Шиндер)

Попрыгунчик (Воронежская М.)

Попрыгунчик (Л. Брилова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Dark Carnival (Тёмный карнавал)

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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The Jar, 1944


Банка (Михаил Пчелинцев)

Банка (Л. Брилова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Dark Carnival (Тёмный карнавал)

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Jemima True, 2010

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

Juggernaut, 2008

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

We Are the Carpenters of an Invisible Cathedral (Мы — плотники незримого собора)

Kaleidoscope, 1949


Калейдоскоп (Лев Жданов)

Калейдоскоп (Нора Галь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Illustrated Man (Человек в картинках)

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Killer, Come Back To Me!, 1944

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

The Lake, 1944


Озеро (Татьяна Жданова)

Озеро (Л. Брилова)

Озеро (Татьяна Жданова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Dark Carnival (Тёмный карнавал)

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Last Rites, 1994


Последние почести (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The Library, 1947

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

We Are the Carpenters of an Invisible Cathedral (Мы — плотники незримого собора)

The Little Mice, 1955


Мышата (С. Ирбисов)

Маленькие мышки (В. Гольдич, И. Оганесова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

A Medicine For Melancholy (Лекарство от меланхолии)

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

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Long After Midnight, 1963


Далеко за полночь (Ольга Акимова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Long After Midnight (Далеко за полночь)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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The Long Years (из «Марсианских хроник»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

Love Contest, 1952


Научный подход (А. Башилова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

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Luana the Living, 1940

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

The Machine-Tooled Happyland (essay), 1965

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

The Machineries of Joy, 1960


Орудия Радости (И. Софронов)

Механизмы радости (С. Анисимов)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Machineries of Joy (Механизмы радости)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The Man Upstairs, 1947


Жилец из верхней квартиры (?)

Постоялец со второго этажа (Т. Жданова)

Постоялец со второго этажа (Л. Брилова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Dark Carnival (Тёмный карнавал)

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Marionettes, Inc., 1949


Корпорация «Марионетки» (Д. Смушкович)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Illustrated Man (Человек в картинках)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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The Marriage, 2010

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

Memento Mori, 2003

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

The Messiah, 1971


Мессия (Ростислав Рыбкин)

Мессия (Ольга Акимова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Long After Midnight (Далеко за полночь)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The Million-Year Picnic (из «Марсианских хроник»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

S Is For Space (К значит Космос)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

The Miracles of Jamie, 1946


Чудотворец (Татьяна Шишова)

Чудеса Джейми (Ольга Акимова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Long After Midnight (Далеко за полночь)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The Monster Maker, 1944

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

The Murderer, 1953


Убийца (Нора Галь)

Убийца (?)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Golden Apples of the Sun (Золотые яблоки солнца)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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The Nefertiti-Tut Express, 2012

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

The Next in Line, 1947


Следующий (Воронежская М.)

Следующий (С. Сухарев)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Dark Carnival (Тёмный карнавал)

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Night Meeting (из «Марсианских хроник»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

No News, or What Killed the Dog?, 1994


Все хорошо, или одна беда — собака ваша сдохла (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The October Game, 1948


Октябрьская Игра (А. Новиков)

Октябрьская Игра (Ольга Акимова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Long After Midnight (Далеко за полночь)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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The Off Season (из «Марсианских хроник»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

The Offering, 1997

Once More, Legato, 1995


И снова легато (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The One Who Waits, 1949


Тот, кто ждет (Б. Ерхов)

Тот, кто ждет (А. А. Лебедева, Александр Вениаминович Чапковский)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Machineries of Joy (Механизмы радости)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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The Other Highway, 1994


Другая дорога (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

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Payment in Full, 1950

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

The Pedestrian, 1951


Пешеход (Нора Галь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Golden Apples of the Sun (Золотые яблоки солнца)

S Is For Space (К значит Космос)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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Pendulum (co-authored with Henry Hasse), 1941


Маятник (в соавторстве c Генри Гассе) (В. Гольдич, И. Оганесова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

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Perchance to Dream (Asleep in Armageddon), 1948


Уснувший в Армагеддоне (П. Сумилло)

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The Piper, 1940

Prologue: The Illustrated Man, 1951


Пролог: Человек в картинках (Нора Галь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Illustrated Man (Человек в картинках)

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

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The Pumpernickel, 1951


Хлеб воспоминаний (Т. Юрова)

Пумперникель (Ольга Акимова)

Хлеб из прежних времен (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Long After Midnight (Далеко за полночь)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

Summer Morning, Summer Night (Летнее утро, летняя ночь)

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Quicker Than The Eye, 1996


В мгновенье ока (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

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Remember Sascha?, 1996


Помнишь Сашу? (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The Rocket, 1950


Ракета (Нора Галь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Illustrated Man (Человек в картинках)

R Is For Rocket (Р — значит ракета)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The Rocket Man, 1951


Космонавт (Лев Жданов)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Illustrated Man (Человек в картинках)

R Is For Rocket (Р — значит ракета)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Rocket Summer, 1947

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

A Scent of Sarsaparilla, 1958


Запах сарсапарели (Нора Галь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

A Medicine For Melancholy (Лекарство от меланхолии)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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The Scythe, 1943


Коса (Н. Куняева)

Коса (Н. Казакова)

Коса (Л. Брилова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Dark Carnival (Тёмный карнавал)

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Season of Disbelief (из «Вина из одуванчиков»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

The Silent Towns (из «Марсианских хроник»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

Skeleton, 1945


Скелет (Михаил Пчелинцев)

Скелет (Л. Брилова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Dark Carnival (Тёмный карнавал)

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Skeleton (2), 1944

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

We Are the Carpenters of an Invisible Cathedral (Мы — плотники незримого собора)

The Small Assassin, 1946


Маленький убийца (К. Шиндер)

Крошка-убийца (Т. Жданова)

Крошка-убийца (С. Сухарев)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Dark Carnival (Тёмный карнавал)

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

A Memory of Murder (Воспоминание об убийстве)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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The Smile, 1952


Улыбка (Лев Жданов)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

A Medicine For Melancholy (Лекарство от меланхолии)

S Is For Space (К значит Космос)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The Sound of Summer Running (из «Вина из одуванчиков»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

R Is For Rocket (Р — значит ракета)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

A Sound of Thunder, 1952


И грянул гром (Лев Жданов)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Golden Apples of the Sun (Золотые яблоки солнца)

R Is For Rocket (Р — значит ракета)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

Истории о динозаврах (Dinosaur Tales)

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Statues (из «Вина из одуванчиков»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

A Story of Love, 1951


Рассказ о любви (Р. Облонская)

Рассказ о любви (Ольга Акимова)

Всякое бывает (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Long After Midnight (Далеко за полночь)

Summer Morning, Summer Night (Летнее утро, летняя ночь)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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The Swan (из «Вина из одуванчиков»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

Tête-à-Tête, 2002


Тет-а-тет (Ю. Мачкасов)

Тет-а-тет (Александр Чех)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

One More for the Road (На посошок)

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Tale of the Mangledomvritch, 1941

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

That Woman on the Lawn, 1996


Разговор в ночи (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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There Was an Old Woman, 1944


Жила-была старушка (Р. Облонская)

Жила-была старушка (Л. Брилова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Dark Carnival (Тёмный карнавал)

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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There Will Come Soft Rains (из «Марсианских хроник»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

They Knew What They Wanted, 1954


Знали, чего хотят (А. Башилова)

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The Third Expedition (из «Марсианских хроник»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

The Time Machine (из «Вина из одуванчиков»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

R Is For Rocket (Р — значит ракета)

Tomorrow’s Child, 1948


И все-таки наш… (Нора Галь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

I Sing the Body Electric (Электрическое тело пою)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Touched with Fire, 1954


Прикосновение пламени (Арам Оганян)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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The Town Where No One Got Off, 1958


Город, в котором никто не выходит (В. Гольдич, И. Оганесова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

A Medicine For Melancholy (Лекарство от меланхолии)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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The Trolley (из «Вина из одуванчиков»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

S Is For Space (К значит Космос)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

Tyrannosaurus Rex, 1962


Tyrannosaurus Rex (Ростислав Рыбкин)

Tyrannosaurus Rex (В. Задорожный)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Machineries of Joy (Механизмы радости)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

Истории о динозаврах (Dinosaur Tales)

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Uncle Einar, 1947


Дядюшка Эйнар (Лев Жданов)

Дядюшка Эйнар (Л. Брилова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Dark Carnival (Тёмный карнавал)

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

R Is For Rocket (Р — значит ракета)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Unterderseaboat Doktor, 1994


Doktor с подводной лодки (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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Usher II (из «Марсианских хроник»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

The Veldt, 1950


Вельд (Лев Жданов)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Illustrated Man (Человек в картинках)

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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The Very Gentle Murders, 1994


Убить полюбовно (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

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The Visit, 2008


Посещение (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

We’ll always have Paris (У нас всегда будет Париж)

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The Watchful Poker Chip of H. Matisse, 1954


Пристальная покерная фишка работы А.Матисса (Михаил Пчелинцев)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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Way in the Middle of the Air, ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

We Are the Carpenters of an Invisible Cathedral (poem), 1990

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

We Are the Carpenters of an Invisible Cathedral (Мы — плотники незримого собора)

The Wheel, 2010

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

Where Everything Ends, 2010

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

Who Owns What and Which and Why (essay), 1990

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд (The Machine-Tooled Happyland)

The Whole Town’s Sleeping (из «Вина из одуванчиков»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

The Wilderness, 1952


Пустыня (Нора Галь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Golden Apples of the Sun (Золотые яблоки солнца)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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The Wind, 1943


Ветер (Лев Жданов)

Ветер (Л. Брилова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Dark Carnival (Тёмный карнавал)

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The Window (из «Вина из одуванчиков»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

The Witch Door, 1995


Ведьмин закут (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The Wonderful Death of Dudley Stone, 1954


Удивительная кончина Дадли Стоуна (Раиса Облонская)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The October Country (Октябрьская страна)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

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The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit, 1958


Чудесный костюм цвета сливочного мороженого (Татьяна Шинкарь)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

A Medicine For Melancholy (Лекарство от меланхолии)

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)

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Ylla (из «Марсианских хроник»), ?

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

The Vintage Bradbury (Классический Брэдбери)

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (Сборник ста лучших рассказов)

Zaharoff/Richter Mark V, 1996


Пять баллов по шкале Захарова-Рихтера (Елена Петрова)

Рассказ вошёл в сборники:

Quicker Than The Eye (В мгновение ока)

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    Fahrenheit 451

      Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451

Ray Bradbury’s internationally acclaimed novel Fahrenheit 451 is a masterwork of twentieth-century literature set in a bleak, dystopian future.

Guy Montag is a fireman. In his world, where television rules and literature is on the brink of extinction, firemen start fires rather than put them out. His job is to destroy the most illegal of commodities, the printed book, along with the houses in which they are hidden.

Montag never questions the destruction and ruin his actions produce, returning each day to his bland life and wife, Mildred, who spends all day with her television “family.” But then he meets an eccentric young neighbor, Clarisse, who introduces him to a past where people didn’t live in fear and to a present where one sees the world through the ideas in books instead of the mindless chatter of television.

When Mildred attempts suicide and Clarisse suddenly disappears, Montag begins to question everything he has ever known. He starts hiding books in his home, and when his pilfering is discovered, the fireman has to run for his life.


    Dandelion Wine

      Ray Bradbury

Dandelion Wine

Ray Bradbury’s moving recollection of a vanished golden era remains one of his most enchanting novels. *Dandelion Wine* stands out in the Bradbury literary canon as the author’s most deeply personal work, a semi-autobiographical recollection of a magical small-town summer in 1928.

Twelve-year-old Douglas Spaulding knows Green Town, Illinois, is as vast and deep as the whole wide world that lies beyond the city limits. It is a pair of brand-new tennis shoes, the first harvest of dandelions for Grandfather’s renowned intoxicant, the distant clang of the trolley’s bell on a hazy afternoon. It is yesteryear and tomorrow blended into an unforgettable *always*. But as young Douglas is about to discover, summer can be more than the repetition of established rituals whose mystical power holds time at bay. It can be a best friend moving away, a human time machine who can transport you back to the Civil War, or a sideshow automaton able to glimpse the bittersweet future.

Come and savor Ray Bradbury’s priceless distillation of all that is eternal about boyhood and summer.

    The Martian Chronicles

      Ray Bradbury

The Martian Chronicles

Soar above the fossil seas and crystal pillars of a deadworld in the pages of Ray Bradbury’s *The Martian Chronicles. *A milestoneof American literature, Bradbury’s classic collection of interconnectedvignettes about life on the red planet diverges from the *War of the Worlds *theme,in which humanity must defend its shores against its neighbors, for in Bradbury’sprismatic vision, humanity is the conqueror, colonizing Mars to escape an Earthdevastated by atomic war and environmental catastrophe. Bradbury’s *TheMartian Chronicles *is a must-read for any fan of science fiction orfantasy, a crucial precursor to films like *Avatar *and *Alien* andbooks like Kim Stanley Robinson’s *Red Mars *and Dan Simmons’ *Hyperion*,and a haunting prophesy of humanity’s destiny to bring our old dreams andfollies along with us wherever we may venture forth.

    The Illustrated Man

      Ray Bradbury

The Illustrated Man

*He was a riot of rockets and fountains and people, in such intricate detail and color that you could bear the voiced murmuring, small and muted, from the crowds that inhabited his body.* **The Illustrated Man**Ray Bradbury brings wonders alive. A peerless American storyteller, his oeuvre has been celebrated for decades—from *The Martian Chronicles* and *Fahrenheit 451* to *Dandelion Wine* and *Something Wicked This Way Comes. * The Illustrated Man is classic Bradbury —a collection of tales that breathe and move, animated by sharp, intaken breath and flexing muscle. Here are eighteen startling visions of humankind’s destiny, unfolding across a canvas of decorated skin—visions as keen as the tattooist’s needle and as colorful as the inks that indelibly stain the body. The images, ideas, sounds and scents that abound in this phantasmagoric sideshow are provocative and powerful: the mournful cries of celestial travelers cast out cruelly into a vast, empty space of stars and blackness … the sight of gray dust settling over a forgotten outpost on a road that leads nowhere … the pungent odor of Jupiter on a returning father’s clothing. Here living cities take their vengeance, technology awakens the most primal natural instincts, Martian invasions are foiled by the good life and the glad hand, and dreams are carried aloft in junkyard rockets.

    Something Wicked This Way Comes

      Ray Bradbury

Something Wicked This Way Comes

A carnival rolls in sometime after the midnight hour on a chill Midwestern October eve, ushering in Halloween a week before its time. A calliope’s shrill siren song beckons to all with a seductive promise of dreams and youth regained. In this season of dying, Cooger & Dark’s Pandemonium Shadow Show has come to Green Town, Illinois, to destroy every life touched by its strange and sinister mystery. And two inquisitive boys standing precariously on the brink of adulthood will soon discover the secret of the satanic raree-show’s smoke, mazes, and mirrors, as they learn all too well the heavy cost of wishes — and the stuff of nightmare.

    All Summer in a Day

      Ray Bradbury

All Summer in a Day

Margot is a nine-year-old girl whose family moved from Earth to Venus when she was four. She remembers the sun shining on Earth, something it rarely does on Venus. «All Summer in a Day» takes place on the one day when Venus’s rain will stop, and the sun will shine for a couple of hours only.

    The Cat’s Pajamas

      Ray Bradbury

The Cat's Pajamas

From the winner of the National Book Foundations’ 2000 Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters comes a «sweet, funny . . . thought–provoking» (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) collection of short stories.

As in his most recent major fiction collections, One More for the Road (1999) and Driving Blind (1997), Ray Bradbury has once again pulled together a stellar group of stories sure to delight readers of all ages. In The Cat’s Pyjamas we are treated to a treasure trove of Bradbury gems old and new –– eerie and strange, nostalgic and bittersweet, searching and speculative –– all but two of which have never been published before. The Cat’s Pyjamas is a joyous celebration of the lifelong work of a literary legend.

    A Medicine for Melancholy and Other Stories

      Ray Bradbury

A Medicine for Melancholy and Other Stories

Ray Bradbury is a painter who uses words rather than brushes—for he created lasting visual images that, once observed, are impossible to forget. Sinister mushrooms growing in a dank cellar. A family’s first glimpse at Martians. A wonderful white vanilla ice-cream summer suit that changes everyone who wears it. A great artist drawing in the sand on the beach. A clunky contraption made out of household implements to help some kids play a game called Invasion. The most marvelous Christmas display a little boy ever saw. All those images and many more are inside this book, a new trade edition of thirty-one of Bradbury’s most arresting tales—timeless short fiction that ranges from the farthest reaches of space to the innermost stirrings of the heart. Ray Bradbury is known worldwide as one of the century’s great men of imagination. Here are thirty-one reasons why.

    The Halloween Tree

      Ray Bradbury

The Halloween Tree

«A fast-moving, eerie…tale set on Halloween night. Eight costumed boys running to meet their friend Pipkin at the haunted house outside town encounter instead the huge and cadaverous Mr. Moundshroud. As Pipkin scrambles to join them, he is swept away by a dark Something, and Moundshroud leads the boys on the tail of a kite through time and space to search the past for their friend and the meaning of Halloween. After witnessing a funeral procession in ancient Egypt, cavemen discovering fire, Druid rites, the persecution of witches in the Dark Ages, and the gargoyles of Notre Dame, they catch up with the elusive Pipkin in the catacombs of Mexico, where each boy gives one year from the end of his life to save Pipkin’s. Enhanced by appropriately haunting black-and-white drawings.»—Booklist

    Farewell Summer

      Ray Bradbury

Farewell Summer

In a summer that refuses to end, in the deceiving warmth of earliest October, civil war has come to Green Town, Illinois. It is the age-old conflict: the young against the elderly, for control of the clock that ticks their lives ever forward. The first cap-pistol shot heard ’round the town is dead accurate, felling an old man in his tracks, compelling town elder and school board despot Mr. Calvin C. Quartermain to marshal his graying forces and declare total war on the assassin, thirteen-year-old Douglas Spaudling, and his downy-checked cohorts. Doug and his cronies, however, are most worthy adversaries who should not be underestimated, as they plan and execute daring campaigns-matching old Quartermain’s experience and cunning with their youthful enthusiasm and devil-may-care determination to hold on forever to childhood’s summer. Yet time must ultimately be the victor, with valuable revelations for those on both sides of the conflicts. And life waits in ambush to assail Doug Spaulding with its powerful mysteries-the irresistible ascent of manhood, the sweet surrender to a first kiss-

    The Fog Horn

      Ray Bradbury

The Fog Horn

Creative Education’s short story collections are ideal introductions to some of the world’s best-known authors. the short, timeless classics of Jack London, Rudyard Kipling, Ray Bradbury, and others are celebrated in these handsome volumes.

    Zen in the Art of Writing

      Ray Bradbury

Zen in the Art of Writing

«Every morning I jump out of bed and step on a land mine. The land mine is me. After the explosion, I spend the rest of the day putting the pieces back together. Now, it’s your turn. Jump!»

Zest. Gusto. Curiosity. These are the qualities every writer must have, as well as a spirit of adventure. In this exuberant book, the incomparable Ray Bradbury shares the wisdom, experience, and excitement of a lifetime of writing. Here are practical tips on the art of writing from a master of the craft—everything from finding original ideas to developing your own voice and style—as well as the inside story of Bradbury’s own remarkable career as a prolific author of novels, stories, poems, films, and plays.

Zen in the Art of Writing is more than just a how-to manual for the would-be writer: it is a celebration of the act of writing itself that will delight, impassion, and inspire the writer in you. Bradbury encourages us to follow the unique path of our instincts and enthusiasms to the place where our inner genius dwells, and he shows that success as a writer depends on how well you know one subject: your own life.

    Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales

      Ray Bradbury

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales

For more than sixty years, the imagination of Ray Bradbury has opened doors into remarkable places, ushering us across unexplored territories of the heart and mind while leading us inexorably toward a profound understanding of ourselves and the universe we inhabit. In this landmark volume, America’s preeminent storyteller offers us one hundred treasures from alifetime of words and ideas — tales that amaze, enthrall, and horrify; breathtaking journeys backward and forward in time; classic stories with the undiminished power to tantalize, mystify, elate, and move the reader to tears. Each small gem in the master’s collection remains as dazzling as when it first appeared in print.

There is magic in these pages: the wonders of interstellar flight, a conspiracy of insects, the early bloom of love in the warmth of August. Both the world of Ray Bradbury and its people are vivid and alive, as colorfully unique as a poker chip hand-painted by a brilliant artist or as warmly familiar as the well-used settings on a family’s dining room table. In a poor man’s desire for the stars, in the twisted night games of a hateful embalmer, in a magnificent fraud perpetrated to banish despair and repair a future, in a writer’s wonderful death is the glowing proof of the timeless artistry of one of America’s greatest living bards.

The one hundred stories in this volume were chosen by Bradbury himself, and span a career that blossomed in the pulp magazines of the early 1940s and continues to flourish in the new millennium. Here are representatives of the legendary author’s finest works of short fiction, including many that have not been republished for decades, all forever fresh and vital, evocative and immensely entertaining. This is Bradbury at his very best — golden visions of tomorrow, poetic memories of yesterday, dark nightmares and glorious dreams — a grand celebration of humankind, God’s intricate yet poignantly fallible machineries of joy.

    The Golden Apples of the Sun

      Ray Bradbury

The Golden Apples of the Sun

Ray Bradbury is a modern cultural treasure. His disarming simplicity of style underlies a towering body of work unmatched in metaphorical power by any other American storyteller. And here, presented in a new trade edition, are thirty-two of his most famous tales—prime examples of the poignant and mysterious poetry which Bradbury uniquely uncovers in the depths of the human soul, the otherwordly portraits of *outrÉ* fascination which spring from the canvas of one of the century’s great men of imagination. From a lonely coastal lighthouse to a sixty-million-year-old safari, from the pouring rain of Venus to the ominous silence of a murder scene, Ray Bradbury is our sure-handed guide not only to surprising and outrageous manifestations of the future, but also to the wonders of the present that we could never have imagined on our own.Ray Bradbury is a modern cultural treasure. His disarming simplicity of style underlies a towering body of work unmatched in metaphorical power by any other American storyteller. And here, presented in a new trade edition, are thirty-two of his most famous tales—prime examples of the poignant and mysterious poetry which Bradbury uniquely uncovers in the depths of the human soul, the otherwordly portraits of outre fascination which spring from the canvas of one of the centuries great men of imagination. From a lonely coastal lighthouse to a sixty-million-year-old safari, from the pouring rain of Venus to the ominous silence of a murder scene, Ray Bradbury is our sure-handed guide not only to surprising and outrageous manifestations of the future, but also to the wonders of the present that we could never have imagined on our own.

    The Playground

      Ray Bradbury

The Playground

«The Playground» was part of the first hardcover edition of Ray Bradbury’s legendary work Fahrenheit 451, published in 1953.

In the story, Charles Underhill is a widower who will do anything to protect his young son Jim from the horrors of the playground a playground which he and the boy pass by daily and the tumult of which, the activity, brings back to Charles the anguish of his own childhood. The playground, like childhood itself, is a nightmare of torment and vulnerability; Charles fears his sensitive son will be destroyed there just as he almost was so many years ago.

Underhill’s sister Carol, who has moved in to help raise the young boy after his mother passed away, feels differently. The playground, she believes, is preparation for life, Jim will survive the experience, she feels, and he will be the better for it and more equipped to deal with the rigor and obligation of adult existence.

Underhill is caught between his own fear and his sister’s invocation of reason and feels paralyzed. A mysterious boy calls out to him from the playground, and seems to know all too well why Underhill is there and what the source of his agony really is. A mysterious Manager also lurks to whom the strange boy directs Underhill. An agreement can be made perhaps this is what the boy tells Underhill. Perhaps Jim can be spared the playground, but of course, a substitute must be found.

    R Is for Rocket

      Ray Bradbury

R Is for Rocket

The spellbinding power of RAY BRADBURY

He can make you see things
that have never been seen by human eyes….
feel things that no flesh-and-blood
creature has ever felt. He can create visions so
compelling that they literally seem to dance
before your eyes. He can push you back to the
beginnings of time and then suddenly,
without warning, thrust you forward t the outmost
limits of the future. He can make you so much
a part of his strange worlds that you
literally scream to get out.

Seventeen breathtaking stories by the
master of the weird and wonderful, including
the space-age classic, FROST AND FIRE.

    S Is for Space

      Ray Bradbury

S Is for Space

S is for science fiction, spine-tingling, supernatural and sublime! S is for stories from a «Star Wilderness that stretched as far as eye and mind could see and imagine».

Pillar of Fire
Zero Hour
The Man
Time in Thy Flight
The Pedestrian
Hall and Farewell
Invisible Boy
Come into My Cellar
The Million-Year Picnic
The Screaming Woman
The Smile
Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed
The Trolley
The Flying Machine
Icarus Montgolfier Wright

    Let’s All Kill Constance

      Ray Bradbury

Let's All Kill Constance

On a dismal evening in the previous century, an unnamed writer in Venice, California, answers a furious pounding at his beachfront bungalow door and again admits Constance Rattigan into his life. An aging, once-glamorous Hollywood star, Constance is running in fear from something she dares not acknowledge — and vanishes as suddenly as she appeared, leaving the narrator two macabre books: twin listings of the Tinseltown dead and soon to be dead, with Constance’s name included among them. And so begins an odyssey as dark as it is wondrous, as the writer sets off in a broken-down jalopy with his irascible sidekick Crumley to sift through the ashes of a bygone Hollywood — a graveyard of ghosts and secrets where each twisted road leads to grim shrines and shattered dreams … and, all too often, to death.

Дорогие читатели! C 10 августа 2022 года стоимость подписки составит 700 рублей в год на ВСЕ книги и рассказы!

Рассказы для детейИщите интересные рассказы для детей? И это правильно! Ведь как иначе заинтересовать ребенка чтением. И чем раньше это сделать, тем лучше … Интернет с его онлайн играми, социальными сетями и прочими соблазнами уже ждет, как заманить неокрепшую душу в свои сети. Но не будем отвлекаться! Итак, сегодня вы прочитаете интереснейший рассказ Рэй Брэдбери, причем в немного упрощенной форме. Рассказ называется «Дракон». Вообще Рэй Брэдбери  — один из тех писателей, который всегда нравился детям. Моя дочь просто зачитывалась его произведениями уже в пять лет. Начинаем читать?

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Ray Bradbury's short stories - The Dragon

«Ночь. Мертвая тишина. Только дыхание ночи колышет траву на равнине. Горит в ночи одинокий костер», — так начинается эта история, которую написал еще в 1955 году великий фантазер и почти безумец Рэй Брэдбери. Читайте онлайн рассказ на английском языке, который называется The Dragon. Рассказ адаптирован для среднего уровня (intermediate). Прилагаются слова для изучения.

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Ray Bradbury Short Stories The Fog HornПредлагаем прочитать рассказ Рэя Брэдбери «Противотуманная сирена» (уровень средний — pre-intermediate) для продолжающих изучать английский язык из цикла «Ray Bradbury. Short Stories».

Действие рассказа в происходит в Туманном Альбионе. На берегу моря стоит одинокий маяк, свет которого помогает судам найти дорогу к гавани ночью и во время тумана. Туманы в этом месте особенно густые, поэтому маяк  оборудован еще и противотуманной сиреной.

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Рассказы Рэя Брэдбери на английском языке. Fever DreamПродолжаем публиковать рассказы Рэй Брэдбери на английском языке. Читайте захватывающую историю «Лихорадочный бред» (уровень средний — intermediate). Это рассказ о больном мальчике. Он лежал в постели и в его голову приходили разные мысли. Что это бред больного воображения или реальность, которая просто не воспринимается в нормальном состоянии… К рассказу прилагается список слов для изучения.

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 About Ray Bradbury and His Stories (in English)

Ray Bradbury

Фотография с сайта www.sochinitell.ru

Ray Bradbury is mostly known as the world’s greatest science-fiction writer.  However what he wrote is not a science-fiction but fantasy.  His stories tell us little about science but a great deal about the world of imagination. In his interview Ray Bradbury said: “For me, the ability to fantasize is the ability to survive”. He began to dream of becoming  a writer at the age of ten. His fantastic stories are based on the true presentation of modern American life. His contribution to the world literature is more than a thousand short stories, 11 novels, several plays and even poetry. The most famous of them are Fever Dream (1948),  The Veldt (1950), The Martian Chronicals (1953), 451 Farenheit (1953), and many others. We want you to get to know his most thrilling ones. Enjoy reading!

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Рей Брэдбери. Короткие рассказы на английском языкеСегодня читаем короткие рассказы на английском языке.  Рассказ Рэя Брэдбери  «Крик из-под земли» (Ray Bradbury «The Screaming Woman») адаптирован до  уровня СРЕДНИЙ (intermediate), стиль автора полностью сохранен. Рассказ «The Screaming Woman» не самый известный из рассказов Рей Брэдбери, но сюжет его просто захватывающий, при том, что повествование ведется от имени десятилетней девочки. Конец рассказа ОЧЕНЬ неожиданный.

Рассказ разделен на 8 небольших частей и к каждой части прилагаются слова для изучения и комментарии. Изучайте английский язык с нами. Удачи!

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Essential Bradbury

These must-read books continue to thrill readers today, decades after they were first published. How many are on your bookshelf?

Fahrenheit 451

‘It was a pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed. With the brass nozzle in his fists, with the great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in his head, and his hands were the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning to bring down the tatters and charcoal ruins of history.’

Firemen don’t put fires out in this world where books are forbidden—they set them. Guy Montag works tirelessly to incinerate any books hidden in people’s homes and the homes themselves until he meets young Clarisse, a solitary late-night pedestrian who is quietly nonconformist. In a society where most spend their lives in front of giant television screens as books are burned, she questions why. Montag’s suppressed doubts about their destruction come to the surface, and he decides to find and fight to preserve the hidden world of printed knowledge that still survives. Where are the Book People?

“With more than 5 million copies in print, this is a glorious American classic everyone should read: It’s life-changing if you read it as a teen, and still stunning when you reread it as an adult. Censorship is at the core of the novel, which is both a literary thriller and a dark meditation on the future of humanity.” —Boston Globe

The Martian Chronicles

‘One minute it was Ohio winter, with doors closed, windows locked, the panes blind with frost, icicles fringing every roof, children skiing on slopes, housewives lumbering like great black bears in their furs along the icy streets.

And then a long wave of warmth crossed the small town. A flooding sea of hot air; it seemed as if someone had left a bakery door open. The heat pulsed among the cottages and bushes and children. The icicles dropped, shattering, to melt.

The rocket made climates, and summer lay for a brief moment upon the land.’

These story-chapters form a pioneering saga of the next great frontier—the colonization of Mars—opening with a rocket’s flames heating up an Ohio winter in January 1999 and closing with a family fishing trip to Mars in October 2026. Earth’s explorers find great wonders on the planet, but they also encounter countless terrors. Successive waves of contact and settlement missions all but destroy the elusive Martians, until war on Earth pulls almost everyone home. Humanity will get a second chance on Mars, but it’s only for those who will conserve rather than exploit this new world.

“Bradbury’s second book . . . a number of short pieces to produce a whole far greater than its parts. . . . In that melancholy classic . . . Bradbury’s prose was correspondingly lyrical and wistful; the book itself unforgettable.” —The Washington Post

Something Wicked This Way Comes

‘Watching the boys vanish away, Charles Halloway suppressed a sudden urge to run with them, make the pack. He knew what the wind was doing to them, where it was taking them, to all the secret places that were never so secret again in life. Somewhere in him, a shadow turned mournfully over. You had to run with a night like this, so the sadness could not hurt.’

It’s autumn, and a mysterious carnival arrives in Green Town, Illinois. Neighbors Will and Jim, two young boys whose birthdays fall on either side of Halloween, are fascinated that the carnival arrives out of season in the middle of the night, offering rides and sideshows with hidden horrors. One of the proprietors can adjust the carousel to change his age; the other, Mr. Dark, is an illustrated man whose body art has strange powers. When Will’s father realizes the true insidious nature of the carnival, it takes the wits of both father and son to end the carnival’s predatory cycle of dread.

“The allusions (the October country, the autumn people, etc.) as well as the concerns of previous books will be familiar to Bradbury’s readers as once again this conjurer limns a haunted landscape in an allegory of good and evil. Definitely for all admirers.” —Kirkus Review

The Illustrated Man

‘The pictures were moving, each in its turn, each for a brief minute or two. There in the moonlight, with the tiny tinkling thoughts and the distant sea voices, it seemed, each little drama was enacted. Whether it took an hour or three hours for the dramas to finish, it would be hard to say. I only know that I lay fascinated and did not move while the stars wheeled in the sky.’

If you stare long enough at the Illustrated Man, each of his tattoos begins to spin a story—as the night progresses, each one comes alive with equal parts of wonder and terror. Together they represent many of Bradbury’s early and most well-known tales, including stories of Mars, a story of Venus, and glimpses into the far future. What happens when children learn to control their virtual reality nursery? How do you prepare for the last night of the world? Exploring a living canvas with Bradbury as the guide opens out into an exploration of the human condition—that, in itself, is an absolute thrill.

“Deftly plotted, beautifully written, characterized by protagonists who are intensely real. . . . There is no writer quite like Ray Bradbury.” —The New York Times

Dandelion Wine

‘A whole summer ahead to cross off the calendar, day by day. Like the goddess Siva in the travel books, he saw his hands jump everywhere, pluck sour apples, peaches, and midnight plums. He would be clothed in trees and bushes and rivers. He would freeze, gladly, in the hoarfrosted icehouse door.’

Vacation begins with great promise for 12-year-old Douglas Spaulding. It’s 1928, and all the summer joys of Green Town, Illinois, are ready to be savored. As some of the great promises of summer unexpectedly turn into even greater disappointments, the simple joys of childhood start to fade and the passions that lie beyond the world of innocence are gradually revealed: love, sadness, and the struggle to hold onto the past. The ravine that winds its way through the town symbolizes all of these challenges—a special place of adventure as well as misfortune, as temperatures rise.

“Bradbury learned long ago that amidst the joy, there is also evil in the world and in the hearts of men.” —The National Review

Bradbury Stories

‘She stood on the edge of the one hundred and thirteen steps that went down the steep hill and then across the bridge seventy yards and up the hills leading to Park Street. And only one lantern to see by. Three minutes from now, she thought, I’ll be putting my key in my house door. Nothing can happen in just one hundred eighty seconds.’

There is magic in the 100 short stories Bradbury chose for this volume: the marvels of interstellar flight, a conspiracy of insects, the early bloom of love in the warmth of August, with characters as colorfully unique as a poker chip hand-painted by a gifted artist, or the night games of a hateful embalmer. Spanning six decades, this is Bradbury at his very best—golden visions of tomorrow, poetic memories of yesterday, dark nightmares, and glorious dreams—a grand literary celebration of a master writer.

“He wrote beautifully enough for adults and clearly enough for kids. He didn’t give a damn if the literary lions accepted him. . . . He wrote in any and every genre, including poetry. He faced the parts of human nature most people don’t see even in their nightmares. . . . He was the shape of things to come.” —TIME

The Halloween Tree

‘Joe Pipkin was the greatest boy who ever lived. . . . The jolliest boy who ever hunted out all the haunted houses in town, which are hard to find, and came back to report on them. . . . The day Joe Pipkin was born all the Orange Crush and Nehi soda bottles in the world fizzed over; and joyful bees swarmed countrysides to sting maiden ladies.’

A band of young costumed trick-or-treaters setting out on Halloween find that their leader, Joe Pipkin, is having an emergency appendectomy. They soon discover the Halloween Tree, where Mr. Moundshroud, perhaps a personification of death, is about to harvest Pipkin’s jack-o-lantern. He takes the children with him back in time to learn the histories behind their individual costumes as they seek to help their dear friend. In the process, they just might have a chance to save him.

“Born of an idea shared with cartooning legend Chuck Jones . . . this novella explores the roots of Halloween in a time-and-globe-spanning adventure that’s both fun and still tattooed with Bradbury’s signature shadow.” —WIRED

Death Is a Lonely Business

‘I dreaded going back to my apartment bed, which was as empty as an icebox abandoned by the Okies on the way west.

The only thing emptier was my Great American Novelist’s bank account in an old Roman temple bank building on the edge of the sea, about to be washed away in the next recession.’

A killer is roaming the canals of Venice, California, drawing the attention of the unnamed narrator (a struggling young writer), who teams up with a tough but sentimental homicide detective to investigate. As the murders spread to downtown Los Angeles, the narrator realizes that the killer is slaying all of the friends who inspire the characters in his stories. An experiment in autobiography, the novel chronicles the point in Bradbury’s early career when he overcame self-doubt as a writer.

“A fantastic detective story, dedicated to Hammett, Chandler, Cain and Ross McDonald.” —The New York Times Book Review

Zen in the Art of Writing

‘When was the last time you dared release a cherished prejudice so it slammed the page like a lightning bolt? What are the best things and the worst things in your life, and when are you going to get around to whispering or shouting them?’

Through nine exuberant essays (the last including poems), Bradbury explains the rewards of his craft, while sharing his writing wisdom, authors he read and revered in his youth, the treats and tricks of word association, and even how he started his best-selling novel Fahrenheit 451. Each essay shares a single compelling theme: writing is a celebration, not a chore. With each page, Bradbury brings to every reader of this collection the passion and the satisfaction discovered through writing—and ways to sustain both.

“Bradbury, all charged up, drunk on life, joyous with writing, puts together nine past essays on writing and creativity and discharges every ounce of zest and gusto in him. . . . Bradbury lovers will find this a Bradbury feast.” —Kirkus Review

The October Country

‘October Country . . . that country where it is always turning late in the year. That country where the hills are fog and the rivers are mist; where noons go quickly, dusks and twilights linger, and midnights stay. . . . That country whose people are autumn people, thinking only autumn thoughts. Whose people passing at night on the empty walks sound like rain. . .  ‘

In 1947, Bradbury’s first collection of stories was published under the title Dark Carnival. Eight years later, he selected fourteen of the original twenty-seven stories, extensively revised them, and added five new ones to make up this tome of the macabre and fantastic. Such favorites as “The Next in Line,” “Skeleton,” “The Small Assassin,” and “Homecoming” are included, as well as introductions to a host of lost souls, meetings with strange emissaries from the graveyard, and many a bizarre circumstance.

“It was his ability to evoke a mood that first endeared Ray Bradbury to the public at large . . . Bradbury’s poetic style. It didn’t matter whether his fantasies made sense: Carried along by Bradbury’s seductive voice, they felt true.” —Los Angeles Times



  • 1950 The Martian Chronicles
  • 1953 Fahrenheit 451
  • 1957 Dandelion Wine
  • 1962 Something Wicked This Way Comes
  • 1972 The Halloween Tree
  • 1985 Death Is a Lonely Business
  • 1990 A Graveyard for Lunatics
  • 1992 Green Shadows, White Whale
  • 2001 From the Dust Returned
  • 2003 Let’s All Kill Constance
  • 2006 Farewell Summer


  • 1947 Dark Carnival
  • 1951 The Illustrated Man
  • 1953 The Golden Apples of the Sun
  • 1955 The October Country
  • 1959 A Medicine for Melancholy
  • 1959 The Day It Rained Forever
  • 1962 The Small Assassin
  • 1964 The Machineries of Joy
  • 1965 The Vintage Bradbury
  • 1966 Twice 22
  • 1969 I Sing The Body Electric!
  • 1975 Ray Bradbury
  • 1976 Long After Midnight
  • 1980 The Last Circus and the Electrocution
  • 1980 The Stories of Ray Bradbury
  • 1983 Dinosaur Tales
  • 1984 A Memory of Murder
  • 1988 The Toynbee Convector
  • 1990 Classic Stories 1
  • 1990 Classic Stories 2
  • 1996 Quicker Than The Eye
  • 1997 Driving Blind
  • 1997 The Golden Apples of the Sun and Other Stories
  • 1998 A Medicine For Melancholy And Other Stories
  • 1998 I Sing The Body Electric! And Other Stories
  • 2002 One More for the Road
  • 2003 Bradbury Stories
  • 2004 The Cat’s Pajamas: Stories
  • 2005 A Sound of Thunder and Other Stories
  • 2007 Now and Forever: Somewhere a Band is Playing & Leviathan ’99
  • 2007 Summer Morning, Summer Night
  • 2009 We’ll Always Have Paris: Stories
  • 2010 A Pleasure To Burn
  • 2011 The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury: A Critical Edition – Volume 1, 1938–1943
  • 2014 The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury: A Critical Edition – Volume 2, 1943–1944
  • 2017 The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury: A Critical Edition–Volume 3, 1944–1945

Children’s and Young Adults books

  • 1955 Switch On The Night

  • 1962 R Is For Rocket

  • 1965 The Autumn People (graphic)

  • 1966 S Is For Space

  • 1966 Tomorrow Midnight (graphic)

  • 1972 The Halloween Tree

  • 1983 Dinosaur Tales

  • 1998 Ahmed and the Oblivion Machines

  • 2012 Nemo

Essay collections

  • 1989 Zen in the Art of Writing
  • 1991 Yestermorrow


  • 1973 When Elephants Last in the Dooryard Bloomed
  • 1977 Where Robot Mice and Robot Men Run Round in Robot Towns
  • 1979 This Attic Where the Meadows Green
  • 1981 The Haunted Computer and the Android Pope
  • 1982 The Complete Poems of Ray Bradbury
  • 1987 Death Has Lost Its Charm For Me
  • 2001 They Have Not Seen the Stars
  • 2002 I Live by the Invisible


  • 1947 The Meadow: Radio Play
  • 1947 The Meadow: Stage Play
  • 1953 The Flying Machine: A One-Act Play for Three Men
  • 1963 The Anthem Sprinters and Other Antics
  • 1965 The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit and Other Plays
  • 1965 A Device Out of Time: A One-Act Play
  • 1966 The Day It Rained Forever: A Comedy in One Act
  • 1966 The Pedestrian: A Fantasy in One Act
  • 1972 Leviathan ’99: A Drama for the Stage
  • 1975 Pillar of Fire and Other Plays for Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond Tomorrow
  • 1975 Kaleidoscope
  • 1976 That Ghost, That Bride of Time: Excerpts from a Play-in-Progress Based on the Moby Dick Mythology and Dedicated to Herman Melville
  • 1984 Forever and the Earth
  • 1986 The Martian Chronicles
  • 1986 The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit
  • 1986 Fahrenheit 451
  • 1988 Dandelion Wine
  • 1988 To The Chicago Abyss
  • 1988 The Veldt
  • 1988 Falling Upward
  • 1990 The Day It Rained Forever
  • 1991 Ray Bradbury on Stage: A Chrestomathy of His Plays
  • 2003 Something Wicked This Way Comes
  • 2010 Wisdom 2116 (US) or Ray Bradbury’s 2116 The Musical (UK)

Bradbury short stories

This page collects many Ray Bradbury stories for your reading enjoyment. For now, it includes stories from the following collections:

  • Dark Carnival
  • The Martian Chronicles
  • The Illustrated Man
  • The Golden Apples of the Sun
  • The October Country
  • Dandelion Wine
  • A Medicine for Melancholy
  • R is for Rocket
  • The Machineries of Joy
  • I Sing the Body Electric!
  • Long After Midnight
  • The Toynbee Convector
  • Quicker Than the Eye
  • The Stories of Ray Bradbury
  • The Collected Stories

Bradbury was a prolific short story writer, so this page isn’t exhaustive. I’ll continue to add more as I read them. If you’d like to own a collection, my two favorites are The Stories of Ray Bradbury and Bradbury Stories. Each has 100 selections with no overlap between the two books. If you’re a big Bradbury fan, these are both excellent volumes.

Ray Bradbury Collections & Short Stories

“Dark Carnival” (1947) Short Stories

The Lake

The narrator, Harold, remembers when he visited the beach one last time as a twelve-year-old before his family moved. His mother told him to stay away from the water. He went in anyway. He had to look around and call out a name. His young friend, Tally, had drowned there the previous year.

This story can be read in the preview of The Stories of Ray Bradbury. (51% in)

The Traveler

Cecy sleeps a lot but she’s still active. Her father sleeps during the day and her mother doesn’t sleep at all. Cecy’s father wants her to contribute more, maybe get some kind of job. Cecy is a Traveler. She believes her father will come to see the value in what she does.

This story can also be read in the above preview of The Stories of Ray Bradbury. (39% in)

The Scythe

Drew Erickson runs out of gas by a small white house with a wheat field. He and his family are desperate. Drew doesn’t want to beg but has no choice. He approaches the house and finds the door open. He senses death as he explores the house. He finds an old man lying dead on a bed. The man wrote a will.

This story can also be read in the above preview of The Stories of Ray Bradbury. (70% in)

The Night

You are a child in a small town in 1927. You’re home with your mom. Your older brother, Skipper, is twelve and allowed to stay out later. When it’s almost nine-thirty, your mother wonders where Skipper is. After a while, she says you’re both going out for a walk.

This story can also be read in the above preview of The Stories of Ray Bradbury. (16% in)

The Crowd

Mr. Spallner crashes his car and is thrown out of it. A crowd quickly gathers around him. He hears a siren, and people asking if he’s dead. Looking at the faces in the crowd, Spallner realizes he’s not going to die. Despite this, he gets a bad feeling about them.

This story can also be read in the above preview of The Stories of Ray Bradbury. (62% in)

The Coffin

Charles Braling is old and dying. He spends days building his own coffin. His younger brother, Richard, criticizes it for its peculiarities. They hate each other. Richard is bad with money and lives off of Charlie. He’s not going to miss his brother. The work continues for two weeks.

This story can also be read in the above preview of The Stories of Ray Bradbury. (56% in)

There Was an Old Woman

A tall, dark gentleman is visiting Aunt Tildy. He came in without even knocking first, along with four other men and a large wicker basket. She remembers seeing that kind of basket years ago when Mrs. Dwyer died. The visitor wants Aunt Tildy to rest, but she wants to get back to her work.

This story can also be read in the above preview of The Stories of Ray Bradbury. (82% in)


Mr. Harris visits Dr. Burleigh for the tenth time this year. Harris complains again about aching bones. Burleigh is dismissive of his complaints and sends him away. Harris finds a bone specialist, Munigant, who doesn’t seem to have any formal qualifications. He listens to Harris and seems to understand. They try a session, but Harris isn’t cooperative enough.

The Jar

Charlie is at a sideshow, staring intently at an alcohol-preserved oddity in a jar. Charlie asks the boss if he’s interested in selling it. He’s sure his acquaintances would look up to him if he owned something like this. They strike a deal for the item.

The Tombstone

Walter and Leota need a room to rest after a long trip. A landlord takes them to a room that’s perfectly good except for one thing—there’s a tombstone in the middle of it. The previous tenant was a marble-cutter who left it behind after making a mistake. Leota is superstitious and doesn’t want to stay.

The Emissary

Martin is a bed-ridden boy. His dog is his connection to the outside world—he runs around and brings people to visit.  Among the visitors is his teacher, a pretty and pleasant woman. Martin’s dog has been digging in people’s gardens. His mother warns him that the digging has to stop or he’ll be locked up.

The Small Assassin

Alice Leiber thinks she’s being murdered. No one else knows—not her husband, David; or the doctors and nurses. She’s been targeted by a small assassin. Doctor Jeffers tells David that Alice is going to need lots of support to get through these feelings.

The Handler

Mr. Benedict is the mortician of a small town. He’s built up a good business over the years. Despite his success, he feels inferior to others and is the butt of many jokes. He looks forward to the time he can spend in his mortuary with the bodies. He likes the power reversal his work affords.


Edwin and his mother live in a mansion surrounded by trees. Edwin has been taught that the outside world is nothing but forest populated by dangerous Beasts. His father was killed by one of them. His mother keeps him inside and doesn’t even want him looking out the windows. The only other person he sees is his teacher in the upper part of the house. She reinforces his mother’s directives.

Let’s Play ‘Poison’

Mr. Howard, a teacher, has a breakdown after a disturbing incident in his classroom. He quits, moves to a small town, and makes his living writing. After seven years of this life, a fellow teacher and friend falls ill. A substitute is desperately needed. Mr. Howard is persuaded to come out of retirement for this temporary assignment.

The Man Upstairs

Douglas, an eleven-year-old, used to watch his grandmother gut and prepare chickens for supper. He was very interested in the process. He asked her if people were like that inside too. One day, an unusual man came to rent the upstairs room. He worked all night, brought his own utensils with him, and had a pocket full of new pennies.


Juliet and Anna, sisters, sit inside on a rainy afternoon. While Juliet embroiders, Anna looks out the window. She starts thinking about the city’s drainage system with all its underground cisterns. She thinks it would be fun to live in one. She thinks about a man and a woman down there who are in love. She talks on about the possibilities to her sister’s chagrin.

“The Martian Chronicles” (1950) Short Stories

This collection deals with the human colonization of Mars. It’s made up of previously published stories with new connective material.

Ylla (I’ll Not Ask For Wine)

Mr. and Mrs. K are Martians who aren’t happy anymore. One day Mrs. K has a dream about a man, tall with blue eyes. This sounds ridiculous to Mr. K, as Martians don’t have these traits. She fills in more details of the dream. She thinks it would be fascinating if there were people from another planet who could travel through space to visit them.

This story can be read in the preview of The Martian Chronicles.

The Earth Men

Captain Williams and his crew knock on a door on Mars. They’re delighted the homeowner, Mrs. Ttt, speaks English. The Captain introduces them as the Second Expedition from Earth. Mrs. Ttt has little interest in the humans. They’re disappointed with the reception. She sends the crew to Mr. Aaa.

The Third Expedition (Mars is Heaven!) 

A space ship with a crew of seventeen lands on Mars. To everyone’s surprise, Mars looks like small-town America in the 1920’s. Captain John Black is hesitant to leave the ship, but after confirming the atmosphere is breathable, he allows a small party to disembark. The ship’s navigator and the archaeologist offer theories to explain what they see. They approach a house.

Read Mars is Heaven!

August 2002: Night Meeting 

Tomas stops at a lonely gas station on Mars on his way to a party. He talks to the old owner about how different Mars is from Earth, and how time seems different as well. Tomas leaves and soon meets a native Martian; they make a surprising discovery about each other.

April 2005: Usher II

William Stendhal is given the key to his new house on Mars. The architect has made it just as William wanted—desolate, terrible, and hideous. All life has been exterminated around the house and hidden machines block out the sun. Years ago on Earth, all horror and fantasy stories were banned. William lost his huge library. Now he’s built the House of Usher from Poe’s story, and he has a plan for revenge.

Read April 2005: Usher II

There Will Come Soft Rains 

At 7 AM an automated house rings the alarm clock and prepares breakfast. It gives some practical reminders and says it’s time to go to school and work. Otherwise, the house is strangely silent.

“There Will Come Soft Rains” is the tenth story in the Amazon preview of The Stories of Ray Bradbury. (93% in)

“The Illustrated Man” (1951) Short Stories

The tales in this collection are connected by a frame story about the title character. He’s a tattooed vagrant and ex freak show member. Each of his tattoos tells a story.

The prologue can be read in the Amazon preview of The Illustrated Man.

The Veldt 

A family lives in a futuristic house that automatically meets all their needs, including a nursery for the children that can create any scene they want. The parents are thinking about reducing their reliance on technology by taking a break from the nursery and all the automation, but the children are against the idea.

Read The Veldt


A rocket ship is torn open, throwing the crew out to drift helplessly in space. Their suits allow them to maintain communication for a while. They try to figure out where they’re headed. They reflect on their lives.

The Man

A rocket from Earth lands on another planet. Captain Hart stands in the door of the rocket with his lieutenant, Martin. None of the locals have come to greet them, in fact, no one seems to care about their presence at all. The captain is upset, and speculates on the situation. Martin says they’ve come at an inopportune time. It seems that yesterday the city was visited by a remarkable man.

Read The Man

The Long Rain

Four survivors of a rocket crash on Venus are trudging through the jungle in heavy rain. They’re looking for a Sun Dome, a structure with hot food, dry clothes, and an artificial sun inside. The rain is unceasing. It puts a great mental strain on the travelers. They press on as they try to maintain their resolve.

Read The Long Rain

Rocket Man 

Doug’s father is a rocket man, an astronaut, who’s coming home after three months in space. Doug’s mother wants her husband to stay home with them, but he always feels the pull of space and leaves again. He is torn between his family and his love of space.

The Fire Balloons

A delegation of Episcopal priests led by Father Peregrine go to Mars as missionaries. While there’s a human colony on Mars, Father Peregrine plans to focus on the Martians and possibly discover new sins. Upon arriving they find their task will be difficult. There are two kinds of Martians—one is very hard to find, and the other are luminous globes of light.

Read The Fire Balloons

The Last Night of the World

A man asks his wife what she would do if this was the last night of the world. He tells her that really is the situation they’re in. He dreamed about it, and everyone at his office did too. His wife and the other neighborhood women also dreamed about it.

No Particular Night or Morning

Hitchcock and Clemens are both crew members on a ship in deep space. They talk one morning about where they really are. Hitchcock objects to the term “morning”, saying that it’s always night in space. He doesn’t believe in anything he’s not experiencing in the present moment. His insistence on this point of view starts to wear on the others.

The Fox and the Forest

William and Susan Travis have gone to Mexico in 1938. They’re enjoying a local celebration. William assures Susan that they’re safe—they have traveler’s checks to last a lifetime, and he’s confident they won’t be found. Susan notices a conspicuous man in a café looking at them. She thinks he could be a Searcher, but William says he’s nobody.

The Visitor

Saul wakes up on Mars, quarantined because of the “blood rust.” He longs to be back in New York. He’s lonely. The sickness makes it difficult for people to talk. A rocket lands and hastily drops off another exile. Saul runs to meet him. He’s a young man named Leonard, still relatively healthy, and he has a valuable ability.

Marionettes, Inc.

Braling is out at night walking with his friend Smith, headed for home. They talk about their unhappy marriages. Braling is hopeful that things are taking a turn for the better. He takes out a ticket to Rio and claims his wife won’t even know he’s gone. When they reach Braling’s home, he let’s Smith in on his clever plan.

Read Marionettes, Inc.

The Rocket 

Fiorello Bodini wakes at night and goes outside to listen to the rockets flying to Mars, Saturn and Venus. He’s a junk dealer, but has managed to save enough money to send one family member on a rocket ride. An acquaintance tells him this is doomed to fail because the rest of the family will resent whoever goes.

“The Rocket” is the second story in the Amazon preview of Bradbury Stories.

Zero Hour

The neighborhood children are playing a wonderful game, the most exciting game they’ve played in years. It’s called “Invasion”. Only the young children, those nine and under, are playing. The older children don’t care for it and the adults go about their day as usual. Mrs. Morris overhears some of the activity.

Read Zero Hour

The City

A city has been waiting twenty thousand years for a particular type of visitor. A rocket lands and a party disembarks. The city’s various automated functions start working to analyze the visitors. The landing party is armed and they proceed cautiously.

Read The City

“The Golden Apples of the Sun” (1953) Short Stories

The Fog Horn 

The narrator and McDunn are manning a lighthouse. It’s a lonely life with lots of time for thinking about the sea. McDunn reveals it’s the anniversary of an unusual event; it might happen again.

“The Fog Horn” is the first story in the Amazon preview of A Sound of Thunder and Other Stories.

The Pedestrian

Leonard Mead leaves his house at 8 PM for a walk. In ten years of taking evening walks he has never met up with another person; everyone stays inside to watch television. He is spotted by the police and approached.

The Flying Machine

In ancient China, Emperor Yuan is relaxing when a servant excitedly gives him the news that a man was seen flying with wings. The Emperor enjoys simple things, and this amazing development makes him think about his people’s safety and way of life.

“The Flying Machine” is the seventh story in the Amazon preview of Bradbury Stories.

The Murderer

Albert Brock is ushered into a psychiatrist’s office. He calls himself “The Murderer”. He’s been destroying machines lately, especially ones that keep him connected with others. He finds them intrusive and annoying.

Read The Murderer

The Golden Kite, the Silver Wind

A messenger brings distressing news to the Mandarin—the neighboring town of Kwan-Si is building a wall in the shape of a pig. Their own city’s wall is in the shape of an orange. The locals are sensitive to symbolism. Their city’s fortunes will suffer from this new comparison. The Mandarin’s daughter urges him to call the builders to counteract this affront.

Read The Golden Kite, the Silver Wind


Three women sit embroidering on a porch. The women are waiting for five o’clock, when the result of an experiment will become obvious.

Read Embroidery

A Sound of Thunder

Eckels goes into Time Safari, a business that offers hunting expeditions into the past. They make no guarantees about client safety. They do guarantee dinosaurs and a safari guide who’ll provide specific instructions. It’s expensive and dangerous, but Eckels wants the adventure.

The Great Wide World Over There (or Cora and the Great Wide World)

Cora and Tom live in the Missouri mountains in a sparsely populated area. She’s excited this morning because her nephew Benjy is coming to visit. He’s going to teach her to write so she’ll be able to send and receive letters. Her neighbor, Mrs. Brabbam, is always flaunting the mail she gets, while Cora has never gotten any mail.

There’s more than one published version of this story.


A husband and wife are traveling by horseback across Arizona. The woman is weary and hasn’t spoken for hours. She’s never been religious and has never gone to church. They’re headed for a small town. She had gotten a note saying her mother was dying.

The Garbage Collector

A garbage collector gets up at five every morning to do his job. He does it well, and some days he really likes it. One day after work he’s unusually quiet. Something happened that day that changed the job for him. A new directive was issued to garbage collectors.

“The October Country” (1955) Short Stories

This collection is mostly made up of stories from Dark CarnivalThere are four new additions.

The Dwarf

A dwarf has a nightly ritual of going into the mirror maze. He thinks what he does in there is a secret, but Ralph, the ticket attendant, has observed him. He tells Aimee about it. Ralph wants to show her.

This story can be read in the preview of The October Country.

Touched With Fire (or Shopping For Death)

Foxe and Shaw stand outside a tenement in the blazing sun. They’re looking for a woman Foxe has been keeping tabs on for three days. She soon comes out and goes on some errands. They follow and observe her interactions. She’s hostile and argumentative with everyone. Foxe and Shaw believe she needs their help.

“Dandelion Wine” (1957) Short Stories

This novel is made up of connected short stories with a focus on small-town life. The main character is Douglas Spaulding, a twelve-year-old boy.

The Happiness Machine

Leo Auffmann is in his garage full of supplies and tools wondering where he should start. He’s decided to build a Happiness Machine. He works for ten straight days on it. He goes into his house, announces that it’s finished, and collapses into sleep.

Season of Disbelief

Mrs. Bentley, seventy-two-years-old, has saved many little tokens from her life—tickets, scarves, records and the like. She’s lived in her current town for five years. She was always on good terms with the local children until they had a disagreement. They didn’t believe Mrs. Bentley when she said that she used to be young just like them.

“Season of Disbelief” is the third story in the Amazon preview of Bradbury Stories.

The Trolley

Mr. Tridden stops the trolley in the middle of the block and calls out to the local children. It’s time for their last ride. Mr. Tridden is retiring tomorrow and the trolley is being decommissioned. It will be replaced by a bus.

The Whole Town’s Sleeping

Lavinia and Francine are walking to Helen’s on a summer evening. They’re all going to see a movie. They cut through the ravine, even though Francine is worried about The Lonely One, a serial killer who’s been targeting local women. They come upon the body of a recently missing woman. Francine is distraught, but Lavinia convinces her to keep going.

“The Whole Town’s Sleeping” is the first story in the Amazon preview of Bradbury Stories.


Sam, a mailman, comes home midday to tell his wife, Elmira, about some unusual books he just delivered to Clara Goodwater. She said she was close to getting her diploma as a witch. This gets Elmira thinking about the string of minor misfortunes that have befallen her. She storms over to Clara’s house.

Calling Mexico (The Window)

Colonel Freeleigh is confined to his home in a wheelchair. He’s to have no excitement as it affects his heart. The neighborhood boys aren’t allowed to visit anymore. He makes secret calls to an old friend in Mexico to get some exposure to the outside world.

The Leave-Taking (Goodby, Grandma)

A ninety-year-old woman has worked for decades keeping her household running and doing everything under the sun for her family. One day, she makes a final tour of her house, climbs the stairs, and lies down on her bed to die. Word quickly spreads to her family.

“A Medicine for Melancholy” (1959) Short Stories

A Medicine for Melancholy

Mr. Wilkes dismisses Dr. Gimp, fed up with his inability to cure his daughter. Camillia hurts all over and wants to be allowed to die in peace. Her younger brother, Jamie, has an idea that would harness the collective medical knowledge of the community.

This story can be read in the preview of A Medicine for Melancholy and Other Stories.

The End of the Beginning (Next Stop: The Stars)

A man is mowing his lawn as the sun goes down. His wife tells him it’s almost time. A manned rocket is launching to build the first space station. They sit in two chairs on the lawn, anticipating the launch.

The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit

Three Mexican-American friends talk outside a pool hall. When a well-dressed man walks by with a woman on each arm, they wish they had nicer clothes. Another man, Gomez, approaches the group and starts taking their measurements. He’s looking for people the same size as himself. He has a plan for getting a nice suit.

Fever Dream

Charles, a fifteen-year-old, is sick in bed. His right hand starts to change; it feels like it doesn’t belong to him anymore. The doctor gives him medicine and assures him it’s manageable. Later, Charles feels a change in his other hand.

Read Fever Dream

The First Night of Lent 

The narrator tells the story of his time in Dublin working as a screenwriter. Every night after collaborating with his producer-director, he would call Heber Finn’s Pub for his cab driver, Nick, who would take him to his hotel. On the night before Lent, the narrator asks Nick what he’s going to give up.

A Scent of Sarsaparilla

William starts spending a lot of time in his attic. He views the attic with all its remnants of the past as a Time Machine. His wife doesn’t share his nostalgia.

The Picasso Summer

George and Alice Smith are on vacation in France. George is an art lover and is distracted. There’s a rumor that Picasso is visiting some friends in a nearby town. George would love to buy a Picasso painting, but the cost is prohibitive.

The Day It Rained Forever

Mr. Terle, a hotel owner, talks to his two boarders, Mr. Smith and Mr. Fremley. Terle can’t sell the hotel; it’s in a sweltering ghost town. He believes it’s going to rain on January 29, as it has every year since he was born. Mr. Smith doesn’t believe it.

Dark They Were, and Golden Eyed 

Passengers step off a rocket on Mars. Due to a war on Earth, they are colonizing Mars until they can return. The Bittering family settles in, but they are looking forward to going back. One day the daughter runs home with news of an atomic attack on New York.

All Summer in a Day 

Humans are living on Venus. The children are eagerly awaiting an event that scientists have confirmed: it will stop raining for two hours, the only break from rain in seven years. The kids speculate about what the sun is like. One student remembers the sun from earth, but the others don’t believe her.

The Strawberry Window

A family is living on Mars. The wife, Carrie, wants to go back to Earth. She misses the small familiar things from home. Her husband, Bob, wants her to hang on. Just as she has reached her breaking point, Bob reveals that he has spent their savings on something.

The Dragon

Two knights warm themselves at a fire in the wilderness. They intend to slay a dragon or be killed by it. It has a huge amber eye, comes out of nowhere, vanishes suddenly, and leaves its victims strewn about the hills.

Read The Dragon

“R is for Rocket” (1962) Short Stories

This collection is made up of mostly previously collected stories.

Frost and Fire

Sim is born during the night. He quickly becomes aware of his surroundings—a cave and lots of older people, including his father. His planet is close to the sun. The days are scorching and the nights are freezing. Life spans are very short. Their descendants crashed on the planet. There is a working spaceship in sight, but they can’t reach it.

“The Machineries of Joy” (1964) Short Stories

The One Who Waits

The narrator lives in a well. It’s like smoke or vapor and it waits. In the morning it hears alien voices. It can’t understand them. The voices approach the well. They want to test the water.

Read “The One Who Waits”

Some Live Like Lazarus

The narrator, Anna Marie, has waited more than 60 years for a murder. She tells the story of Mrs. Harrison and her son, Roger. Anna first met Roger when they were both five years old. He and his mother take their summer vacation in Green Bay. Roger is submissive and under his mother’s control. When Anna and Roger were twelve, they said they would get married when they grew up.

The Beggar on O’Connell (Dublin) Bridge

A husband and wife are staying in a hotel in Dublin. The man is upset because he sees a beggar from the hotel window whom he had given some money to. The man had a story about needing train fare to get out of town for a job, but here he is, still in Dublin. The husband is preoccupied with his interactions with the beggars in Dublin, especially one he saw on O’Connell Bridge.

“The Beggar on O’Connell Bridge” is the sixth story in the Amazon preview of Bradbury Stories.

The Drummer Boy of Shiloh

A fourteen-year-old boy is awakened by a sound at midnight. He’s with an encampment of soldiers at Shiloh. About a mile away, an opposing army waits. The boy is afraid. The soldiers have rifles and shields; he only has his drum and two sticks.

“The Drummer Boy of Shiloh” is the fifth story in the Amazon preview of Bradbury Stories.

The Best of All Possible Worlds

An older and a younger man ride the train. They take notice of a man who follows a woman off the train. They’re familiar with her game—she flirts on the train but she’s married with kids. She has the best of all possible worlds. The older man tells the story of a man he knew who had the best of both worlds.

“I Sing the Body Electric!” (1969) Short Stories

Any Friend of Nicholas Nickleby’s is a Friend of Mine

A stranger arrives in Green Town. He runs into Ralph Spaulding, a twelve-year-old boy, who brings him to a boarding house. He signs in as “Charles Dickens”. Ralph is impressed to be in the presence of the famous author. The adults humor him for a while. Ralph helps the stranger write his novels.


Heavy-set is a grown man who lives with his mother. He doesn’t socialize much. He spends his time lifting weights and doing other physical exercise. There’s a party tonight, but he’s not sure he’s going to go. His mother wants him to get out so she encourages him to attend.

“Heavy-Set” is the eighth story in the Amazon preview of Bradbury Stories.

Henry the Ninth

Two men in a helicopter are looking for a man named Harry in England. He’s spotted by Sam, an old friend. Sam wants to get Harry out of the area; everyone else is already gone. Harry insists on staying no matter how bad it is.

The Kilimanjaro Device (Machine)

A man arrives at the mountains and hills near Ketchum and Sun Valley. There’s one hill with a grave that he doesn’t want to look at. He’s looking for the place that an old man used to walk. He talks to a hunter who remembers seeing the old man. They talk about the old man’s writing.

This story can be read in the preview of I Sing the Body Electric and Other Stories.

The Man in the Rorschach Shirt

The narrator is riding a bus in California. He’s astonished to see Immanuel Brokaw, a great psychiatrist who disappeared ten years ago. He’s in his seventies and dressed very casually, including a wild looking shirt. As he walks down the aisle, he asks the passengers what they see in his shirt.

“Long After Midnight” (1976) Short Stories

The October Game

Mich puts the gun away. He wants his wife, Louise, to suffer more than that. It’s the last evening of October. They’re preparing to host a party. Their daughter, Marion, gets her costume ready. Mich thinks about why he’s unhappy, and what he’s going to do.

Read “The October Game”

The Blue Bottle

Mars is dead. Albert and Leonard are searching the abandoned buildings for the Blue Bottle, a legendary Martian receptacle that could contain anything.

A Piece of Wood

A young sergeant is called to his superior’s office. The Official offers to transfer him somewhere more to his liking. The young soldier only wants to live in peace. They discuss what would happen if all the world’s guns suddenly disintegrated.

Punishment Without Crime

George Hill is speaking to a man about killing his wife. The man gets all the relevant information, including a dimensional photo and audio recording. George knows the procedure is risky and illegal. It will take nine hours to prepare everything.

The Utterly Perfect Murder

On his forty-eighth birthday, the narrator gets an idea for a perfect murder. He decides to kill Ralph Underhill for what he did when he was twelve. He boards a train. The trip gives him time to think about his past.

Read “The Utterly Perfect Murder”

The Better Part of Wisdom

Tom and Frank are relaxing at home when they hear a scratching at the door. It’s Tom’s grandfather. He was hesitant about knocking because he thought Tom might have had a girl with him. Grandpa notices how nicely decorated the place is, which is Frank’s work. They sit down to have a drink and talk.

Long After Midnight

The ambulance reaches the cliff well after midnight. A young woman hangs from a tree. Two veteran responders and one new man, Latting, arrive to take her down. Latting is upset that his colleagues aren’t more deeply affected by the tragedy.

“The Toynbee Convector” (1988) Short Stories

A Touch of Petulance

Jonathan Hughes met his fate in the form of an old man while he rode the train home from work. He noticed the old man’s newspaper looked more modern than his own. There was a story on the front page about a murdered woman—his wife. His mind raced.

This story can be read in the preview of Killer, Come Back To Me: The Crime Stories of Ray Bradbury.

The Laurel and Hardy Love Affair

A man and woman meet at a cocktail party. It was lacking in the stock romantic accoutrements, but they bonded over their shared love of Laurel and Hardy. He calls her Stanley and she calls him Ollie. They leave the party to visit the stairs where Laurel and Hardy carried a piano crate. They become inseparable.

Lafayette, Farewell

Bill Westerleigh taps at the narrators door. He has tears on his cheeks and asks if this is his house. This has happened many times as Bill, eighty-nine-years-old, gets lost often. They drink and talk. Bill thinks a lot of his time as a pilot in the war. He’s haunted by his memories.


The narrator takes a taxi to Courtown House, the home of his employer and film director John Hampton. They’re going to go over the script he’s just finished. There are some sounds from outside. Hampton claims they’re from a banshee, who’s cries portend a death.

One For His Lordship, and One For the Road!

Some men are drinking at Heeber Finn’s Pub. A man known for his speed, Doone, runs into the pub with news. Lord Kilgotten died less than an hour ago. As they remember the deceased, the men wonder what will become of all the wine they know Kilgotten had stashed away. Perhaps he left it to the citizens of his town. Finn’s wife interrupts their speculation, announcing that the funeral is to be held in one hour.


Albert Beam, aged eighty-two, wakes to an incredible thing, a physiological response that he hasn’t experienced in many years. His old friend, Junior, as a girl had called it, is back. It’s such a pleasant surprise that he has to tell some people about it.


Clara Peck has lived in her old house for ten years. On the landing leading upstairs she notices an attic door for the first time. She feels a fool for not seeing it before. The house has always been quiet, so she’s never had reason to look at the ceiling. That night she hears a faint tapping from above.

Bless Me, Father, For I Have Sinned

Father Mellon is awakened before midnight on Christmas Eve. He can’t imagine who would be at his door at this time. An old man wants to make a confession. He says God made the priest open his door. He wants to reveal something he did sixty years ago.

“Quicker Than the Eye” (1996) Short Stories

Remember Sascha?

Maggie and Douglas Spaulding can never forget Sascha. They knew him only a short time. They talked to him late at night, and only in private. Maggie and Douglas were young and in love. One day, Maggie feels a bit sick. Douglas knows Sascha is back.

Read Remember Sascha?

That Woman on the Lawn

Late at night a man hears a young woman crying on his lawn. He can’t ignore it, but by the time he looks out his window, she’s gone. He becomes fixated on the incident; he must know who she is. He wants to catch her the next time.


Miss Adams, the head librarian, stays late to get everything in order. She hears knocking at the front door; a man in uniform wants to come in. She tells him they’re closed. He asks her if she remembers him.

“The Stories of Ray Bradbury” (1980)

Farewell Summer

Doug’s Grandpa says farewell to summer. Doug goes to have a snack and a nap. He dreams of a band playing and thinks it’s a parade. When he looks out the window, he sees familiar people on the lawn.

This story is the first chapter of the novel by the same name.

McGillahee’s Brat

The narrator, a writer, returns to Dublin after fifteen years. In front of his hotel, he’s accosted by a beggar woman with a baby. As he hands over some coins, he and the baby look directly at each other. He drops the coins in surprise. He’s speechless. His wife asks him what’s wrong.

The Aqueduct 

A huge aqueduct from the North to the South is almost constructed. Citizens of the South look forward to everything they’ll be able to do with this ready water source. There’s a war between the two Northern countries.


A man and woman are totally in love. About a year into the relationship, the woman brings up a game called “Gotcha”. The man has never heard of it. They make plans to play it that night. She says it will scare him.

“We’ll Always Have Paris: Stories” (2009)

The Visit 

A woman arranges a visit with a reluctant young man. He could feel her grief through the phone, and it’s an unusual situation. They’re both unsure how to handle it. The young man is alive because of her son.

This story can be read in the preview of We’ll Always Have Paris: Stories.

“The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury Volume I, 1938-43” (2011)

The Pendulum

Layeville has been swinging in a massive glass pendulum for a long time. The people call him The Prisoner of Time. It’s his punishment for his crime. He had constructed a time machine and invited thirty of the world’s preeminent scientists to attend the unveiling.

Read The Pendulum

“The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury Volume 3, 1944-45” (2017)

The Black Ferris

In the third week of the carnival, two boys, Hank and Peter, are walking at twilight. Hank wants to show Peter the ferris wheel. They secretly watch as Mr. Cooger gets on. The operator makes it turn in reverse. Peter doesn’t see why this matters. It soon becomes apparent what Hank was so excited about.

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