Раяна как пишется на английском

Транслит женсксого имени Раяна: Rayana

Написание имени Раяна в транслите или латиницей (латинскими или английскими буквами). Это может вам пригодиться, например, при написании имени Раяна в загранпаспорте, при бронировани билетов, при покупке по интернету и т.д.

Значение имени «Раяна»


Значение букв в имени «Раяна»

Р — самоуверенность, постоянное напряжение

А — властность, сила

Я — интеллигентность, творчество

Н — критичность, амбиции, острый ум

А — властность, сила

Популярные женские имена

  • Гульсана
  • Сафанур
  • Махизада
  • Зарина, Зарема
  • Айдынбика
  • Уммезагида
  • Диба
  • Гайне
  • Камиса
  • Юзлихаят
  • Махиназ
  • Сарбибану
  • Сылубика
  • Газизабану
  • Джиханбану
  • Файзия
  • Дахина
  • Яния
  • Юаныч
  • Чиа
  • Нурханифа
  • Нурсагида
  • Хатифа
  • Шагира
  • Физанур
  • Тахия
  • Гульзар
  • Хайриджихан
  • Джанисахиба
  • Маулиха
  • Маузуна
  • Минлебадар
  • Минлебанат
  • Дина
  • Дарига
  • Мунзира
  • Варакия
  • Сахлия
  • Таиба
  • Сабагуль
  • Гульфайруза
  • Маруабанат
  • Асхапкамал
  • Кари
  • Хуббинур
  • Гульбустан
  • Гайнель
  • Нуригуль
  • Хурия
  • Зайнапбика

Имена по национальностям

  • Абхазские
  • Калмыкские
  • Аварские
  • Китайские
  • Азербайджанские
  • Кхмерские
  • Албанские
  • Литовские
  • Американские
  • Норвежские
  • Английские
  • Осетинские
  • Персидские
  • Арабские
  • Римские
  • Арамейские
  • Румынские
  • Армянские
  • Русские
  • Ассирийские
  • Афганские
  • Сербские
  • Африканские
  • Сирийские
  • Афроамериканские
  • Скандинавские
  • Ацтекские
  • Славянские
  • Бакские
  • Словенские
  • Болгарские
  • Таджикские
  • Бурятские
  • Тайские
  • Ведические
  • Татарские
  • Венгерские
  • Тевтонские
  • Гавайские
  • Тибетские
  • Германские
  • Турецкие
  • Голландские
  • Тюркские
  • Греческие
  • Финские
  • Грузинские
  • Французские
  • Дагестанские
  • Халдейские
  • Хорватские
  • Датские
  • Цыганские
  • Еврейские
  • Чаморро
  • Египетские
  • Чеченские
  • Индийские
  • Чешские
  • Индиш
  • Шведские
  • Индонезийские
  • Швейцарские
  • Иранские
  • Шотландские
  • Ирландские
  • Эсперанто
  • Исландские
  • Якутские
  • Испанские
  • Японские
  • Казахские

Фамилии по национальностям

  • Американские
  • Английские
  • Белорусские
  • Болгарские
  • Еврейские
  • Индийские
  • Испанские
  • Итальянские
  • Казахские
  • Китайские
  • Немецкие
  • Русские
  • Украинские
  • Французские
  • Японские


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Перевод «Раяна» на английский

Уже проедпринимаются меры, чтобы гарантировать длительное сотрудничество Раяна.

Steps have already been taken to ensure Ryan’s continued cooperation.

Большим проектом Раяна был веб сайт, где дела шли не очень.

Ryan’s big project was the web site, which wasn’t doing so well.

Брат Раяна нуждается в помощи Сенди, таким образом он будет работать весь уикенд

Ryan’s brother needs Sandy’s legal help, so he’s going to be working all weekend.

Для Раяна и меня это наша жизнь.

For me and Ryan, it was our relationship.

Но для Раяна наступает время возвращаться домой…

Для Раяна и меня это наша жизнь.

For Aaron and I, this is our profession.

Ты не можешь обвинить Раяна в этом.

You can’t accuse Ryan of this.

Я просто подумал, что нам стоит уберечь её от Раяна.

I just figured we’d save her from Ryan.

Для Раяна и меня это наша жизнь.

For Hubert and me it’s our life.

Кстати, это была не шпилька в сторону Раяна.

By the way, this is not a bash on Ryan.

На данный момент переименованный и зарегистрированный на Кенни Раяна.

Now currently renamed and registered to one Kenneth Ryan.

Но мёртвое тело Раяна стало вновь появляться каждый раз.

But Ryan’s dead body reappears each time.

Мы правомочные работники и мы здесь, чтобы встретить пациента, которого зовут Раяна Круз.

We’re authorized personnel here to see a patient by the name of Rayna Cruz.

После случайного удара Раяна битой для крикета, Патрик оказывается шокирован, узнав, что Раян жених Мэрилин.

After accidentally knocking Ryan out with a cricket bat, Patrick is shocked to learn of Marilyn’s engagement to Ryan.

В основной части турнира Сергей сыграет против американца Раяна Харрисона.

In the main draw, he will face American Ryan Harrison.

В случае Скарлет Йохансен и Раяна Рейнольдса это расстояние и… самолюбие.

In the case of Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds, it was distance… and egos.

Раяна, ты показала себя выше, ты была рядом со мной, и ты поддерживала меня, несмотря ни на что.

Rayna, you’ve shown up, you’ve stood by me, and you’ve supported me through something

Нападение охранниками тела Джима Джоуна в маленькой отдаленной взлётно-посадочной полосе близко к Jonestown привело к убийству пяти человек, включая Лео Раяна, единственного Конгрессмена, убитого в линии обязанности в американской истории.

Jim Jones’ bodyguards had earlier attacked people taking off at a small remote airstrip close to Jonestown, killing five people, including Leo Ryan, the only US congressman ever assassinated in the line of duty.

Клейтон Хаскел (режиссер) приглашает зрителей в визуально ошеломляющее путешествие сквозь пространство и время, а Саммер Раяна Оакс (продюсер/ сценарист/ актриса) горячо одержима страстью и эмоциями, повествуя о деталях её личной истории и жизни.

CLAYTON HASKELL (director) takes viewers on a visually stunning journey through space and time, while SUMMER RAYNE OAKES (Producer/Writer/Actress) breathes fervent passion and emotion to the piece through her own personal story and life.

А сейчас мы возвращаемся к «Спасти рядового Раяна» Представленного без рекламы, спонсируемой Маздой Мазда.

We now return to Saving Private Ryan, brought to you without commercial interruption by Mazda.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 34. Точных совпадений: 34. Затраченное время: 44 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Большим проектом Раяна был веб сайт,

где дела шли не очень.

Ryan‘s big project was the web site,

which wasn’t doing so well.

В случае Скарлет Йохансен и Раяна Рейнольдса это расстояние и… самолюбие.

In the case of Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds, it was distance… and egos.

Но мертвое тело Раяна стало вновь появляться каждый раз.

But Ryan‘s dead body reappears each time.

Я личный ассистент Раяна Гослинга.

I’m Ryan Gosling’s personal assistant.

Вы наняли его чтоб изъять мозг вашего друга Раяна Демпси?

You hired him to remove your friend Ryan Dempsey’s brain?

На данный момент переименованный и зарегистрированный на Кенни Раяна.

Now currently renamed and registered to one Kenneth Ryan.

А сейчас мы возвращаемся к» Спасти рядового Раяна» Представленного без рекламы, спонсируемой Маздой Мазда.

We now return to Saving Private Ryan, brought to you without commercial interruption by Mazda.

Брат Раяна нуждается в помощи Сенди,

таким образом он будет работать весь уикэнд.

Ryan‘s brother needs Sandy’s legal help,

so he’s going to be working all weekend.

После случайного удара Раяна битой для крикета, Патрик оказывается шокирован, узнав, что Раян жених Мэрилин.

After accidentally knocking Ryan out with a cricket bat, Patrick is shocked to learn of Marilyn’s engagement to Ryan.

Вскоре, после Рождества, сестра Патрика Мэрилин( Кейт

Хьюлетт) посещает его, чтобы представить ему Раяна( Пол МакДжиллион)- звезду научно-фантастического телевидения.

Shortly before Christmas, Patrick’s sister Marilyn(Kate Hewlett)

visits Patrick to introduce him to Ryan(Paul McGillion), a science fiction television star.

Конференция по праву, науке и хозяйствованию в океане, организованная Центром по морскому праву и политике Виргинского университета, Морским институтом Ирландии,

ирландским Институтом мореведения им. Мартина Раяна, Центром морского права и

океанической политики Национального университета Ирландии и исландским Институтом морского права, Дублин, 2006 год: ведущий группы<< Морское биологическое разнообразие, генетические ресурсы и морское право.

Conference on Law, Science Ocean Management, organized by the Center for Oceans Law and Policy of the University of Virginia, the Marine Institute of Ireland,

the Martin Ryan Marine Science Institute of Ireland,

the Marine Law and Ocean Policy Center of the National University of Ireland and the Law of the Sea Institute of Iceland, Dublin, 2006: Moderator of the panel on Marine Biological Diversity, Genetic Resources and the Law of the Sea.

Раян, мы докажем сексизм.

Rayna, we have proven sexism.

Он открыл Раяну Джеймс, и он хочет работать с нами.

He discovered Rayna Jaymes, and he wants to work with us.

Иногда я думаю о Микки Раяне.

Sometimes I think about Mike Ryan.

I’m going out with Rayna.

Это были Сэнди Куфэкс, Нолэн Раян, вот немногие имена.

Lt was Sandy Koufax, Nolan Ryan to name a few.

У вас есть шанс не запачкать руки, доктор Раян.

I’m giving you a chance to come clean, Dr. Ryan.

Мы видели закат солнца, и Раян много плакал.

We saw the sun rise, and Ryan was crying a lot.

Kelly, how are things with Ryan?

Сделай одолжение, соедини меня с Раяном.

Would you do me a favor and connect me to Ryan?

Так зачем вы звонили, когда Раян был в спортзале?

So why were you calling when Ryan was at the gym?

Красочные барабаны, дикие символы,

20 бесплатных вращений приготовил радужный Раян.

Rainbow Ryan offers players colorful reels,

wild symbols and 20 free spins.

Мы прошли через многое, и Раян очень помог мне.

We have been through a lot, and Ryan has really been there for me.



Раяны думают, что твой отец убил их старика.

The Ryans think your dad killed their old man.

Ты думаешь, что Биркоф один из Амандиных… Блин, Раян, тебе нужно отдохнуть от этой сумасшедшей доски, ладно?

You think that Birkhoff is one of Amanda’s— oh, man, Ryan, you need to step away from the wall of crazy, okay?

Сооружение нового здания аэропорта местной компанией<< Раян инвестментс лтд.gt;gt; находится на стадии завершения.

Construction of the new terminal building by the local firm Ryan Investments Ltd. is nearing completion.

Раян, я видел как Дженна взяла это в руки у каждого парня по- соседству.

Ryan, I just watched Jenna take it in the hands from every guy in the neighborhood.

Раян Гослинг произнес всего пять слов в фильме» Драйв»,

и тем не менее заполучил замужнюю женщину при помощи этого.

Ryan gosling said five words in»drive» And

still got a married woman with just this.

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Русско-английский словарь

Перевод «Раяна» на английский язык: «Ryan»




Это от Раяна.

It’s from Ryan.



Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Уже проедпринимаются меры, чтобы гарантировать длительное сотрудничество Раяна.

Steps have already been taken to ensure Ryan‘s continued cooperation.



Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Это только слово Раяна Соммерса.

It’s just Ryan Sommers’ word.



Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

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Йон — шерсть, перевод с татарского;
Юн — стругай ( если вариант твёрдого произношения);
Юн —


my organizational and time management skills are my greatest strengths. I am capable of juggling


a fast learner
Based on what you’ve said and from the research I’ve done, your company is looking


Пожалуйста, помогите c переводом:

Профессия земельно-имущественные отношения
Такой профессии, как земельно-имущественные отношения, раньше не существовало. Земля считалась государственной и к рынку не имела


Сегодня хуже, чем вчера,
Все задом наперед.
Опять жара, жара, жара
И одинокая мигрень,
Подруга дней моих,
Меня любила целый день
За двоих.
Я поцелую провода и не


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Not to be confused with Rayan.


Pronunciation RY-ən
Gender Unisex
Language(s) English (via Irish)
Word/name Rian (Old Irish)
Meaning Unknown
Other names
Alternative spelling Ryann

Ryan is an English-language given name of Irish origin. Traditionally a male name, it has been used increasingly by both males and females since the 1970s. It comes from the Irish surname Ryan, which in turn comes from the Old Irish name Rían or Rian.[1] Popular modern sources typically suggest that the name means «little king»[2][3] or «illustrious»,[4][5] but the original meaning is unknown.[6] According to John Ryan, Professor of Early and Medieval History at University College Dublin, «Rian, like Niall, seems to be so ancient that its meaning was lost before records began.»[6]



The popularity of «Ryan» as a name for newborn children in Ireland was ranked at No. 10 in 2005 and No. 14 in 2006.[7] By 2021, the traditional Irish spellings of the name, Rían and Rian, had overtaken Ryan in popularity on the Irish charts.[8]

United Kingdom[edit]

In Scotland, «Ryan» was the most popular name given to newborn boys every year from 1994 to 1998.[9] This increase in popularity is fairly recent as records show that «Ryan» was barely in use in 1900, then was later ranked between No. 100 and No. 250 in 1950, and finally climbed to No. 64 in 1975.

In Northern Ireland, «Ryan» did not appear in the top ten most common male names for newborns in 1975, but was in the top five from 2000 to 2003.[10]

In England and Wales, records suggest less popularity for the name than in other parts of the UK, ranking at No. 21 in 2003 and 2004 before dropping to No. 25 from 2005 to 2007.[11]

United States[edit]

«Ryan» appeared in the top 20 male given names in the U.S. for 30 years between 1976 and 2006, having previously appeared in the top 1,000 for the first time in 1946 before steadily gaining popularity over the next three decades.[12] The name gained popularity for girls in the 1970s, having first appeared in this capacity in the top 1,000 in 1974, and has remained in the top 1,000 since then; in 2018, it was ranked at No. 364 on a list of the most popular girls’ names.[13]

List of people with the given name Ryan[edit]


  • Ryan Adams (born 1974), American musician
  • Ryan Adams (born 1993), American rapper
  • Ryan Adeleye (born 1985), Israeli-American professional soccer defender who has played for Hapoel Ashkelon
  • Ryan Aguilar (born 1994), American baseball player
  • Ryan Amador, American singer-songwriter and LGBT rights advocate
  • Ryan Anderson (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Anthony (1969–2020), American trumpet player
  • Ryan Bailey (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Bastinac (born 1991), Australian rules footballer
  • Ryan Bates (born 1997), American football player
  • Ryan Battaglia (born 1992), Australian professional baseball player
  • Ryan Bell (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Benjamin (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Bertrand (born 1989), English professional association football player
  • Ryan Bethea (born 1967), American football player
  • Ryan Blaney (born 1993), American professional stock car racing driver
  • Ryan Borucki (born 1994), American baseball player
  • Ryan Brasier (born 1987), American baseball player
  • Ryan Braun (born 1983), American All-Star Major League Baseball player
  • Ryan Briscoe (born 1981), Australian-American professional racing driver
  • Ryan Broekhoff (born 1990), Australian basketballer
  • Ryan Brooks (born 1988), American basketballer
  • Ryan Burr (born 1978), American sports television journalist
  • Ryan Burr (baseball) (born 1994), American baseball player
  • Ryan Cabrera (born 1982), American pop rock singer and musician
  • Ryan Cartwright (born 1981), English actor
  • Ryan Castellani (born 1996), American baseball player
  • Ryan Choi (fencer) (born 1997), Hong Kong fencer
  • Ryan Choi (musician) (born 1984), composer and multi-instrumentalist
  • Ryan Christenson (born 1974), American baseball player and coach
  • Ryan Conbeer (born 1999), Welsh rugby union player
  • Ryan Connelly (born 1995), American football player
  • Ryan Coogler (born 1986), American director
  • Ryan Coughlin (born 1973), Canadian football player
  • Ryan Dalziel (born 1982), British professional racing driver
  • Ryan Davies (1937–1977), Welsh Entertainer
  • Ryan Davies (cricketer) (born 1981), English cricketer
  • Ryan Davis (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan de Villiers (born 1992), South African actor
  • Ryan Dillon (born 1988), American puppeteer
  • Ryan Donaldson (born 1991), English footballer
  • Ryan Drummond (born 1973), American voice actor, actor, singer and comedian
  • Ryan Dull (born 1989), American professional baseball player
  • Ryan Dunn (1977–2011), American actor in TV show Jackass and stuntman
  • Ryan Edmondson (born 2001), English footballer
  • Ryan Eggold (born 1984), American actor
  • Ryan Eigenmann (born 1978), Filipino actor
  • Ryan Esson (born 1980), Scottish goalkeeper
  • Ryan Evans, basketball player
  • Ryan Feltner (born 1996), American baseball player
  • Ryan Finley (American football) (born 1994), American football player
  • Ryan Fitzpatrick (born 1982), American football player
  • Ryan Flaherty (born 1986), American baseball player and coach
  • Ryan Fuller (born 1990), American baseball coach
  • Ryan Fulton (born 1996), Scottish footballer
  • Ryan Getzlaf (born 1985), Canadian ice hockey player
  • Ryan Giggs (born 1973), Welsh football manager and former player
  • Ryan Glasgow (born 1993), American football player
  • Ryan Gosling (born 1980), Canadian actor
  • Ryan Hale (born 1975), American football player
  • Ryan Hall (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Harris (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Harrison (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Harwood (born 1991), Australian rules footballer
  • Ryan Helsley (born 1994), American baseball player
  • Ryan Hendrix (born 1994), American baseball player
  • Ryan Higa (born 1990), American YouTuber
  • Ryan Howard (born 1979), American All Star Major League Baseball player
  • Ryan Hunter-Reay (born 1979), American professional racing driver
  • Ryan Izzo (born 1995), American football player
  • Ryan Jeffers (born 1997), American baseball player
  • Ryan Jimmo (1981–2016), Canadian mixed martial arts fighter
  • Ryan Johnson (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Jones (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Kalil (born 1985), American football player
  • Ryan Kalish (born 1988), American Major League Baseball player
  • Ryan Kelly (singer) (born 1978), Northern Irish singer
  • Ryan Kent (born 1996), English footballer
  • Ryan Kerrigan (born 1988), American football player
  • Ryan Kesler (born 1984), American ice hockey player
  • Ryan Kreidler (born 1997), American baseball player
  • Ryan Lavarnway (born 1987), American Major League Baseball player
  • Ryan Leaf (born 1976), American football player
  • Ryan Lee (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Lester (born 1992), Australian rules footballer
  • Ryan Lewis (born 1988), American musician
  • Ryan Lexer (born 1976), American-Israeli basketball player
  • Ryan Lochte (born 1984), American swimmer
  • Ryan Longwell (born 1974), American football player
  • Ryan Malone (born 1979), American ice hockey player
  • Ryan Marks, American men’s college basketball coach
  • Ryan Martinez (born 1987), American mixed martial artist
  • Ryan Martinie (born 1975), American musician
  • Ryan McCann (born 1981), Scottish footballer
  • Ryan McCollum (born 1998), American football player
  • Ryan McCurdy (born 1991), Northern Irish footballer
  • Ryan McKenna (baseball) (born 1997), American baseball player
  • Ryan McKenna (politician) (born 1973), American politician in Missouri
  • Ryan McKenna (filmmaker), Canadian filmmaker
  • Ryan McMahon (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Merriman (born 1983), American actor
  • Royce da 5’9″ (born Ryan Daniel Montgomery in 1977), American rapper and songwriter
  • Ryan Moore (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Morgan (born 1990), Australian Rugby league player
  • Ryan Mountcastle (born 1997), American baseball player
  • Ryan Nall (born 1995), American football player
  • Ryan do Nascimento Ramos (born 1992), Brazilian footballer, known simply as Ryan
  • Ryan Navarro (born 1994), American football player
  • Ryan Neal (born 1995), American football player
  • Ryan Nelsen (born 1977), New Zealand footballer
  • Ryan Newman (born 1977), American professional stock car racing driver
  • Ryan Nielsen (born 1979), American football coach
  • Ryan Noda (born 1996), American professional baseball player
  • Ryan Ochoa (born 1996), American actor
  • Ryan O’Hearn (born 1993), American baseball player
  • Ryan O’Malley (born 1980), American Major League Baseball player
  • Ryan O’Malley (American football) (born 1993), American football player
  • Ryan O’Nan (born 1982), an American actor, writer, and director
  • Ryan O’Neal (born 1941), American television and film actor
  • Ryan Palmer, American professional golfer
  • Ryan Pardey (born 1979), American musician, singer, songwriter and DJ
  • Ryan Pepiot (born 1997), American baseball player
  • Ryan Phillippe (born 1974), American actor
  • Ryan Pickett (filmmaker), American film director
  • Ryan Potter (born 1995), American actor
  • Ryan Powell (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Preece (born 1990), American professional stock car racing driver
  • Ryan Pressly (born 1988), American baseball player
  • Ryan Ramczyk (born 1994), American football player
  • Ryan Reed (born 1993), American professional stock car racing driver
  • Ryan Spencer Reed (born 1979), American social documentary photographer
  • Ryan Reynolds (born 1976), Canadian-American actor
  • Ryan Max Riley (born 1979), American World Cup skier and humorist
  • Ryan Roberts (baseball) (born 1980), American Major League Baseball player
  • Ryan Ross (born 1986), American musician
  • Ryan Rowland-Smith (born 1983), Australian baseball player
  • Ryan Seacrest (born 1974), American radio and television personality
  • Ryan Searle (born 1989), Australian baseball player
  • Ryan Sheckler (born 1989), American professional skateboarder
  • Ryan Sherriff (born 1990), American Major League Baseball player
  • Ryan Sieg (born 1987), American professional stock car racing driver
  • Ryan Simpkins (rugby league) (born 1988), Australian Rugby League player
  • Ryan Sitton (born 1975), Texas politician
  • Ryan Skipper (1981–2007), American murder victim
  • Ryan Smyth (born 1976), former Canadian NHL ice hockey player
  • Ryan Star (born 1978), American singer-songwriter
  • Ryan Stiles (born 1959), American comedian
  • Ryan Switzer (born 1994), American football player
  • Ryan Tafazolli (born 1991), English footballer
  • Ryan Tannehill (born 1988), American football player
  • Ryan Taylor (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Tedder (born 1979), American singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer
  • Ryan ten Doeschate (born 1980), Dutch cricketer
  • Ryan Tepera (born 1987), American baseball player
  • Ryan Thomas (born 1984), English actor
  • Ryan Thompson (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Truex (born 1992), American professional stock car racing driver
  • Ryan Tubridy (born 1973), Irish broadcaster
  • Ryan Turell (born 1999), American professional basketball player
  • Ryan Van Dyke (born 1980), American football player
  • Ryan Vilade (born 1999), American baseball player
  • Ryan Walter (born 1958), Canadian former professional ice hockey player
  • Ryan Waters, American mountaineer, guide, polar adventurer and speaker
  • Ryan Weathers (born 1999), American baseball player
  • Ryan Weber (born 1990), American baseball player
  • Ryan Wetnight (1970–2020), American football player
  • Ryan Wheeler (born 1988), American Major League Baseball player
  • Ryan White (1971–1990), American AIDS activist
  • Ryan Williams (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Winslow (born 1994), American football player
  • Ryan Yarbrough (born 1991), American baseball player


  • Ryan Michelle Bathe (born 1976), American actor
  • Ryan Carlyle (born 1989), American rugby sevens player
  • Ryan Destiny (born 1995), American singer and actor
  • Ryan Haddon (born 1971), American journalist and television producer
  • Ryan Ashley Malarkey (born 1986/1987), American tattoo artist
  • Ryan Newman (born 1998), American actor, singer, and model
  • Ryan Shamrock (born 1979), American professional wrestling valet
  • Ryan Starr (born 1982), American singer and actor
  • Ryan Torrero (born 1990), American-Chilean professional soccer goalkeeper and model.
  • Ryan Tyler (born 1973), American country music artist
  • Ryan Williams (disambiguation), multiple people


  • Ryan Simpkins (born 1998), American actor

Fictional characters[edit]

  • Ryan, a young lion and Samson’s son in the 2006 Disney animated film The Wild
  • Ryan Atwood, a troubled teenager on the television series The O.C.
  • Ryan Chappelle a government agent on the series 24
  • Ryan Hardy, former FBI agent on The Following
  • Ryan Howard (The Office), a character on The Office
  • Ryan Laserbeam, on True Jackson VP
  • Ryan Lavery, a father on the American daytime drama All My Children
  • Ryan O’Reily, an inmate on the prison drama Oz
  • Ryan Sinclair, a companion of the Thirteenth Doctor in the series Doctor Who
  • Ryan Spalding, a character in Grey’s Anatomy, portrayed by Brandon Scott
  • Ryan Steele, from VR Troopers
  • Ryan Mitchell, from Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
  • Ryan Stone, an astronaut in the film Gravity
  • Ryan Wolfe, from CSI: Miami
  • Ryan Choi, from DC Comics
  • Ryan, a lion who is a popular figure of the Kakao Friends in South Korea


  • Murder of Ryan Poston, a 2012 crime perpetrated by Shayna Hubers in Kentucky
  • Typhoon Ryan (1992), a Category 4 typhoon from August 30 to September 11

See also[edit]

  • List of Irish-language given names
  • List of Scottish Gaelic given names
  • Rayan (Persian given name)
  • Rayan (disambiguation)
  • Rhyan, given name and surname


  1. ^ Hanks, Patrick; Hardcastle, Kate; Hodges, Flavia (2006), A Dictionary of First Names, Oxford Paperback Reference (2nd ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 355, ISBN 978-0-19-861060-1
  2. ^ Smith, Elsdon C. (1969). American Surnames. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company. p. 88. ISBN 0-8063-1150-9.
  3. ^ Rosenkrantz, Linda; Satran, Pamela Redmond (2002). Baby Names Now: From Classic to Cool—The Very Last Word on First Names. New York: St. Martin’s Paperbacks. p. 419. ISBN 0-312-98368-9.
  4. ^ Grehan, Ida (1997). The Dictionary of Irish Family Names. Lanham, Maryland: Roberts Rinehart Publishers. p. 299. ISBN 1-56833-224-6.
  5. ^ Grehan, Ida (1997). A little book of Irish family names. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. p. 56. ISBN 0-8118-1286-3.
  6. ^ a b MacLysaght, Edward (1964). A Guide to Irish Surnames. Helicon. p. 15.
  7. ^ «Top 25 Baby Names». Births, Deaths and Marriages. Central Statistics Office. 2008-01-28. Retrieved 2008-02-16.
  8. ^ Ó Séaghdha, Darach (3 March 2022). «The Irish For: The rise of Rían — the latest baby names in Ireland». thejournal.ie. The Journal. Retrieved 23 May 2022.
  9. ^ «The top names: year by year». National Records of Scotland. Retrieved 22 September 2015.
  10. ^ «Jack and Emma were the most popular first names in Northern Ireland in 2003» (PDF) (Press release). Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency. 2004-01-02. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2006-09-29. Retrieved 2008-02-14. (Consult tables «Comparison with 1975» and «Top 20 Names 2000-2003», the latter showing ranks of 5, 3, 4, 3 for 2003, 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively)
  11. ^ «Top 100 names for baby boys in England and Wales». National Statistics Online. Office for National Statistics. 2007-12-19. Archived from the original on 2011-05-22. Retrieved 2008-02-16.
  12. ^ «Popular baby names». Social Security Administration. 2007-05-11. Retrieved 2008-02-16. (Query in «Popularity of a name» section: Ryan – male – 100 years)
  13. ^ «Popular baby names». Social Security Administration. 2018-06-24. Retrieved 2018-06-24. (Query in «Popularity of a name» section: Ryan – female – 2000 and later)

Not to be confused with Rayan.


Pronunciation RY-ən
Gender Unisex
Language(s) English (via Irish)
Word/name Rian (Old Irish)
Meaning Unknown
Other names
Alternative spelling Ryann

Ryan is an English-language given name of Irish origin. Traditionally a male name, it has been used increasingly by both males and females since the 1970s. It comes from the Irish surname Ryan, which in turn comes from the Old Irish name Rían or Rian.[1] Popular modern sources typically suggest that the name means «little king»[2][3] or «illustrious»,[4][5] but the original meaning is unknown.[6] According to John Ryan, Professor of Early and Medieval History at University College Dublin, «Rian, like Niall, seems to be so ancient that its meaning was lost before records began.»[6]



The popularity of «Ryan» as a name for newborn children in Ireland was ranked at No. 10 in 2005 and No. 14 in 2006.[7] By 2021, the traditional Irish spellings of the name, Rían and Rian, had overtaken Ryan in popularity on the Irish charts.[8]

United Kingdom[edit]

In Scotland, «Ryan» was the most popular name given to newborn boys every year from 1994 to 1998.[9] This increase in popularity is fairly recent as records show that «Ryan» was barely in use in 1900, then was later ranked between No. 100 and No. 250 in 1950, and finally climbed to No. 64 in 1975.

In Northern Ireland, «Ryan» did not appear in the top ten most common male names for newborns in 1975, but was in the top five from 2000 to 2003.[10]

In England and Wales, records suggest less popularity for the name than in other parts of the UK, ranking at No. 21 in 2003 and 2004 before dropping to No. 25 from 2005 to 2007.[11]

United States[edit]

«Ryan» appeared in the top 20 male given names in the U.S. for 30 years between 1976 and 2006, having previously appeared in the top 1,000 for the first time in 1946 before steadily gaining popularity over the next three decades.[12] The name gained popularity for girls in the 1970s, having first appeared in this capacity in the top 1,000 in 1974, and has remained in the top 1,000 since then; in 2018, it was ranked at No. 364 on a list of the most popular girls’ names.[13]

List of people with the given name Ryan[edit]


  • Ryan Adams (born 1974), American musician
  • Ryan Adams (born 1993), American rapper
  • Ryan Adeleye (born 1985), Israeli-American professional soccer defender who has played for Hapoel Ashkelon
  • Ryan Aguilar (born 1994), American baseball player
  • Ryan Amador, American singer-songwriter and LGBT rights advocate
  • Ryan Anderson (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Anthony (1969–2020), American trumpet player
  • Ryan Bailey (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Bastinac (born 1991), Australian rules footballer
  • Ryan Bates (born 1997), American football player
  • Ryan Battaglia (born 1992), Australian professional baseball player
  • Ryan Bell (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Benjamin (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Bertrand (born 1989), English professional association football player
  • Ryan Bethea (born 1967), American football player
  • Ryan Blaney (born 1993), American professional stock car racing driver
  • Ryan Borucki (born 1994), American baseball player
  • Ryan Brasier (born 1987), American baseball player
  • Ryan Braun (born 1983), American All-Star Major League Baseball player
  • Ryan Briscoe (born 1981), Australian-American professional racing driver
  • Ryan Broekhoff (born 1990), Australian basketballer
  • Ryan Brooks (born 1988), American basketballer
  • Ryan Burr (born 1978), American sports television journalist
  • Ryan Burr (baseball) (born 1994), American baseball player
  • Ryan Cabrera (born 1982), American pop rock singer and musician
  • Ryan Cartwright (born 1981), English actor
  • Ryan Castellani (born 1996), American baseball player
  • Ryan Choi (fencer) (born 1997), Hong Kong fencer
  • Ryan Choi (musician) (born 1984), composer and multi-instrumentalist
  • Ryan Christenson (born 1974), American baseball player and coach
  • Ryan Conbeer (born 1999), Welsh rugby union player
  • Ryan Connelly (born 1995), American football player
  • Ryan Coogler (born 1986), American director
  • Ryan Coughlin (born 1973), Canadian football player
  • Ryan Dalziel (born 1982), British professional racing driver
  • Ryan Davies (1937–1977), Welsh Entertainer
  • Ryan Davies (cricketer) (born 1981), English cricketer
  • Ryan Davis (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan de Villiers (born 1992), South African actor
  • Ryan Dillon (born 1988), American puppeteer
  • Ryan Donaldson (born 1991), English footballer
  • Ryan Drummond (born 1973), American voice actor, actor, singer and comedian
  • Ryan Dull (born 1989), American professional baseball player
  • Ryan Dunn (1977–2011), American actor in TV show Jackass and stuntman
  • Ryan Edmondson (born 2001), English footballer
  • Ryan Eggold (born 1984), American actor
  • Ryan Eigenmann (born 1978), Filipino actor
  • Ryan Esson (born 1980), Scottish goalkeeper
  • Ryan Evans, basketball player
  • Ryan Feltner (born 1996), American baseball player
  • Ryan Finley (American football) (born 1994), American football player
  • Ryan Fitzpatrick (born 1982), American football player
  • Ryan Flaherty (born 1986), American baseball player and coach
  • Ryan Fuller (born 1990), American baseball coach
  • Ryan Fulton (born 1996), Scottish footballer
  • Ryan Getzlaf (born 1985), Canadian ice hockey player
  • Ryan Giggs (born 1973), Welsh football manager and former player
  • Ryan Glasgow (born 1993), American football player
  • Ryan Gosling (born 1980), Canadian actor
  • Ryan Hale (born 1975), American football player
  • Ryan Hall (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Harris (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Harrison (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Harwood (born 1991), Australian rules footballer
  • Ryan Helsley (born 1994), American baseball player
  • Ryan Hendrix (born 1994), American baseball player
  • Ryan Higa (born 1990), American YouTuber
  • Ryan Howard (born 1979), American All Star Major League Baseball player
  • Ryan Hunter-Reay (born 1979), American professional racing driver
  • Ryan Izzo (born 1995), American football player
  • Ryan Jeffers (born 1997), American baseball player
  • Ryan Jimmo (1981–2016), Canadian mixed martial arts fighter
  • Ryan Johnson (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Jones (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Kalil (born 1985), American football player
  • Ryan Kalish (born 1988), American Major League Baseball player
  • Ryan Kelly (singer) (born 1978), Northern Irish singer
  • Ryan Kent (born 1996), English footballer
  • Ryan Kerrigan (born 1988), American football player
  • Ryan Kesler (born 1984), American ice hockey player
  • Ryan Kreidler (born 1997), American baseball player
  • Ryan Lavarnway (born 1987), American Major League Baseball player
  • Ryan Leaf (born 1976), American football player
  • Ryan Lee (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Lester (born 1992), Australian rules footballer
  • Ryan Lewis (born 1988), American musician
  • Ryan Lexer (born 1976), American-Israeli basketball player
  • Ryan Lochte (born 1984), American swimmer
  • Ryan Longwell (born 1974), American football player
  • Ryan Malone (born 1979), American ice hockey player
  • Ryan Marks, American men’s college basketball coach
  • Ryan Martinez (born 1987), American mixed martial artist
  • Ryan Martinie (born 1975), American musician
  • Ryan McCann (born 1981), Scottish footballer
  • Ryan McCollum (born 1998), American football player
  • Ryan McCurdy (born 1991), Northern Irish footballer
  • Ryan McKenna (baseball) (born 1997), American baseball player
  • Ryan McKenna (politician) (born 1973), American politician in Missouri
  • Ryan McKenna (filmmaker), Canadian filmmaker
  • Ryan McMahon (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Merriman (born 1983), American actor
  • Royce da 5’9″ (born Ryan Daniel Montgomery in 1977), American rapper and songwriter
  • Ryan Moore (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Morgan (born 1990), Australian Rugby league player
  • Ryan Mountcastle (born 1997), American baseball player
  • Ryan Nall (born 1995), American football player
  • Ryan do Nascimento Ramos (born 1992), Brazilian footballer, known simply as Ryan
  • Ryan Navarro (born 1994), American football player
  • Ryan Neal (born 1995), American football player
  • Ryan Nelsen (born 1977), New Zealand footballer
  • Ryan Newman (born 1977), American professional stock car racing driver
  • Ryan Nielsen (born 1979), American football coach
  • Ryan Noda (born 1996), American professional baseball player
  • Ryan Ochoa (born 1996), American actor
  • Ryan O’Hearn (born 1993), American baseball player
  • Ryan O’Malley (born 1980), American Major League Baseball player
  • Ryan O’Malley (American football) (born 1993), American football player
  • Ryan O’Nan (born 1982), an American actor, writer, and director
  • Ryan O’Neal (born 1941), American television and film actor
  • Ryan Palmer, American professional golfer
  • Ryan Pardey (born 1979), American musician, singer, songwriter and DJ
  • Ryan Pepiot (born 1997), American baseball player
  • Ryan Phillippe (born 1974), American actor
  • Ryan Pickett (filmmaker), American film director
  • Ryan Potter (born 1995), American actor
  • Ryan Powell (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Preece (born 1990), American professional stock car racing driver
  • Ryan Pressly (born 1988), American baseball player
  • Ryan Ramczyk (born 1994), American football player
  • Ryan Reed (born 1993), American professional stock car racing driver
  • Ryan Spencer Reed (born 1979), American social documentary photographer
  • Ryan Reynolds (born 1976), Canadian-American actor
  • Ryan Max Riley (born 1979), American World Cup skier and humorist
  • Ryan Roberts (baseball) (born 1980), American Major League Baseball player
  • Ryan Ross (born 1986), American musician
  • Ryan Rowland-Smith (born 1983), Australian baseball player
  • Ryan Seacrest (born 1974), American radio and television personality
  • Ryan Searle (born 1989), Australian baseball player
  • Ryan Sheckler (born 1989), American professional skateboarder
  • Ryan Sherriff (born 1990), American Major League Baseball player
  • Ryan Sieg (born 1987), American professional stock car racing driver
  • Ryan Simpkins (rugby league) (born 1988), Australian Rugby League player
  • Ryan Sitton (born 1975), Texas politician
  • Ryan Skipper (1981–2007), American murder victim
  • Ryan Smyth (born 1976), former Canadian NHL ice hockey player
  • Ryan Star (born 1978), American singer-songwriter
  • Ryan Stiles (born 1959), American comedian
  • Ryan Switzer (born 1994), American football player
  • Ryan Tafazolli (born 1991), English footballer
  • Ryan Tannehill (born 1988), American football player
  • Ryan Taylor (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Tedder (born 1979), American singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer
  • Ryan ten Doeschate (born 1980), Dutch cricketer
  • Ryan Tepera (born 1987), American baseball player
  • Ryan Thomas (born 1984), English actor
  • Ryan Thompson (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Truex (born 1992), American professional stock car racing driver
  • Ryan Tubridy (born 1973), Irish broadcaster
  • Ryan Turell (born 1999), American professional basketball player
  • Ryan Van Dyke (born 1980), American football player
  • Ryan Vilade (born 1999), American baseball player
  • Ryan Walter (born 1958), Canadian former professional ice hockey player
  • Ryan Waters, American mountaineer, guide, polar adventurer and speaker
  • Ryan Weathers (born 1999), American baseball player
  • Ryan Weber (born 1990), American baseball player
  • Ryan Wetnight (1970–2020), American football player
  • Ryan Wheeler (born 1988), American Major League Baseball player
  • Ryan White (1971–1990), American AIDS activist
  • Ryan Williams (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ryan Winslow (born 1994), American football player
  • Ryan Yarbrough (born 1991), American baseball player


  • Ryan Michelle Bathe (born 1976), American actor
  • Ryan Carlyle (born 1989), American rugby sevens player
  • Ryan Destiny (born 1995), American singer and actor
  • Ryan Haddon (born 1971), American journalist and television producer
  • Ryan Ashley Malarkey (born 1986/1987), American tattoo artist
  • Ryan Newman (born 1998), American actor, singer, and model
  • Ryan Shamrock (born 1979), American professional wrestling valet
  • Ryan Starr (born 1982), American singer and actor
  • Ryan Torrero (born 1990), American-Chilean professional soccer goalkeeper and model.
  • Ryan Tyler (born 1973), American country music artist
  • Ryan Williams (disambiguation), multiple people


  • Ryan Simpkins (born 1998), American actor

Fictional characters[edit]

  • Ryan, a young lion and Samson’s son in the 2006 Disney animated film The Wild
  • Ryan Atwood, a troubled teenager on the television series The O.C.
  • Ryan Chappelle a government agent on the series 24
  • Ryan Hardy, former FBI agent on The Following
  • Ryan Howard (The Office), a character on The Office
  • Ryan Laserbeam, on True Jackson VP
  • Ryan Lavery, a father on the American daytime drama All My Children
  • Ryan O’Reily, an inmate on the prison drama Oz
  • Ryan Sinclair, a companion of the Thirteenth Doctor in the series Doctor Who
  • Ryan Spalding, a character in Grey’s Anatomy, portrayed by Brandon Scott
  • Ryan Steele, from VR Troopers
  • Ryan Mitchell, from Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
  • Ryan Stone, an astronaut in the film Gravity
  • Ryan Wolfe, from CSI: Miami
  • Ryan Choi, from DC Comics
  • Ryan, a lion who is a popular figure of the Kakao Friends in South Korea


  • Murder of Ryan Poston, a 2012 crime perpetrated by Shayna Hubers in Kentucky
  • Typhoon Ryan (1992), a Category 4 typhoon from August 30 to September 11

See also[edit]

  • List of Irish-language given names
  • List of Scottish Gaelic given names
  • Rayan (Persian given name)
  • Rayan (disambiguation)
  • Rhyan, given name and surname


  1. ^ Hanks, Patrick; Hardcastle, Kate; Hodges, Flavia (2006), A Dictionary of First Names, Oxford Paperback Reference (2nd ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 355, ISBN 978-0-19-861060-1
  2. ^ Smith, Elsdon C. (1969). American Surnames. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company. p. 88. ISBN 0-8063-1150-9.
  3. ^ Rosenkrantz, Linda; Satran, Pamela Redmond (2002). Baby Names Now: From Classic to Cool—The Very Last Word on First Names. New York: St. Martin’s Paperbacks. p. 419. ISBN 0-312-98368-9.
  4. ^ Grehan, Ida (1997). The Dictionary of Irish Family Names. Lanham, Maryland: Roberts Rinehart Publishers. p. 299. ISBN 1-56833-224-6.
  5. ^ Grehan, Ida (1997). A little book of Irish family names. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. p. 56. ISBN 0-8118-1286-3.
  6. ^ a b MacLysaght, Edward (1964). A Guide to Irish Surnames. Helicon. p. 15.
  7. ^ «Top 25 Baby Names». Births, Deaths and Marriages. Central Statistics Office. 2008-01-28. Retrieved 2008-02-16.
  8. ^ Ó Séaghdha, Darach (3 March 2022). «The Irish For: The rise of Rían — the latest baby names in Ireland». thejournal.ie. The Journal. Retrieved 23 May 2022.
  9. ^ «The top names: year by year». National Records of Scotland. Retrieved 22 September 2015.
  10. ^ «Jack and Emma were the most popular first names in Northern Ireland in 2003» (PDF) (Press release). Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency. 2004-01-02. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2006-09-29. Retrieved 2008-02-14. (Consult tables «Comparison with 1975» and «Top 20 Names 2000-2003», the latter showing ranks of 5, 3, 4, 3 for 2003, 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively)
  11. ^ «Top 100 names for baby boys in England and Wales». National Statistics Online. Office for National Statistics. 2007-12-19. Archived from the original on 2011-05-22. Retrieved 2008-02-16.
  12. ^ «Popular baby names». Social Security Administration. 2007-05-11. Retrieved 2008-02-16. (Query in «Popularity of a name» section: Ryan – male – 100 years)
  13. ^ «Popular baby names». Social Security Administration. 2018-06-24. Retrieved 2018-06-24. (Query in «Popularity of a name» section: Ryan – female – 2000 and later)

  • Рая на английском языке как пишется имя
  • Рая или райя как правильно пишется имя
  • Рая и последний дракон слушать сказку
  • Ращу детей как пишется
  • Рашитовна или рашидовна как правильно пишется отчество