Ресторан моей мечты сочинение на английском

Описание ресторана

I would like to tell about my favourite restaurant. It is called IL Punto. This Italian restaurant is located in the city centre. The restaurant serves traditional Italian cuisine in a calm, relaxing atmosphere.

In front of the entrance there is a summer terrace where guests can enjoy a light business lunch or a cup of coffee.

The interior of the restaurant is elegantly decorated in warm colours. Quiet music is played in the background. Guests can order fresh pizza, delicious pasta as well as excellent meat and fish specialties.

A wide range of salads and snacks is also served here. After a lunch or dinner, you will be offered to try one of the desserts. The meal can be accompanied by alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

Prices in this restaurant are affordable. Waiters are very attentive and can assist with the choice of the dishes. I have their loyalty card and receive 5% discount every time I go there. You can also order food online and they will deliver it to your door. The delivery is free of charge.

Перевод на русский язык

Я бы хотел рассказать о своем любимом ресторане. Он называется IL Punto. Этот ресторан итальянской кухни находится в центре города. Традиционные блюда итальянской кухни подаются в ресторане в спокойной расслабляющей обстановке.

Перед входом в ресторан расположена летняя терраса, на которой можно отведать легкий бизнес-ланч или выпить чашку кофе.

Интерьер ресторана изысканно оформлен в теплых цветах. В зале звучит тихая музыка. Здесь можно заказать свежую пиццу, вкусную пасту, а также великолепные мясные и рыбные блюда.

В меню представлен широкий выбор салатов и закусок. После обеда или ужина вам предложат попробовать один из десертов. К столу подают алкогольные и безалкогольные коктейли.

Цены в этом ресторане приемлемые. Официанты очень внимательны и могут помочь с выбором блюда. У меня есть их дисконтная карта, и каждый раз я получаю скидку 5%. Также можно заказать любые блюда онлайн с доставкой на дом. Доставка в этом ресторане бесплатная.

Другие полезные материалы

1. Краткое описание блюда на английском языке
2. Мое любимое блюдо (сочинение)
3. Food – Еда (слова по теме)
4. Описание отеля на английском языке


I enjoy eating out. I often have dinner in a good restaurant or café with my friends or my family. I’ve got a couple of favourite places for eating out. One of them is “Tokyo”. It’s a restaurant which offers excellent Japanese cuisine.

The prices aren’t quite low there, the average dinner is about 20-30 dollars for each person. But I prefer high quality and nice service, that’s why I go to “Tokyo“ once or twice a month.

The menu can fit any taste. There is a large selection of vegetarian dishes and special dishes for children which include chicken, steak and pasta meals. There are also a lot of fantastic desserts to choose from. For a starter I normally have some seafood salad, and for the main course it is usually grilled salmon served with wild mushrooms and seasonal vegetables. Sometimes my meal is accompanied by a glass of dry wine. The favourite part of my dinner is the dessert. I am sure that “Tokyo” makes the best chocolate pudding I have ever tasted. So I always order this with a cup of black coffee.

We can have much fun in this restaurant because the food is cooked just in front of us and served by the chefs. We sit around the table for eight people. Our chef brings all ingredients to the table and starts a theatrical performance of preparing the food. The chef chops and grills meat, fish and vegetables. Then he serves our freshly cooked, juicy and steaming hot food. Both adults and children enjoy the show.

I really love my evening meals at “Tokyo” restaurant. It offers outstanding food, great service and unforgettable entertainment.


Я люблю ужинать вне дома. Я часто ужинаю в хорошем ресторане или кафе со своими друзьями или семьей. И у меня есть парочка любимых мест для выхода. Одно из них – «Токио». Это ресторан, предлагающий отличную японскую кухню.

Цены там не очень низкие, средний ужин обходится в среднем в 20-30 долларов на одного человека. Но я предпочитаю высокое качество и хороший сервис, поэтому я хожу в «Токио» один-два раза в месяц.

Меню придется любому по вкусу. Здесь большой выбор вегетарианских блюд и особых блюд для детей, включающих курицу, стейки и пасту. Есть также множество фантастических десертов на выбор. Сначала я обычно беру какой-нибудь салат из морепродуктов, а на горячее блюдо – это, в основном, лосось, приготовленный на гриле, подаваемый с лесными грибами и сезонными овощами. Иногда моя еда сопровождается бокалом сухого вина. Любимой частью моего ужина является десерт. Я уверен, что в «Токио» лучший шоколадный пудинг, который я когда-либо пробовал. Поэтому я всегда его заказываю вместе с чашечкой черного кофе.

В этом ресторане можно весело провести время, поскольку еда готовится непосредственно перед нами и подается шеф-поваром. Мы сидим вокруг стола для восьми человек. Наш шеф-повар приносит все ингредиенты к нашему столу, и начинается театральное представление по приготовлению пищи. Он нарезает и готовит на гриле мясо, рыбу и овощи. Затем подает свежеприготовленную, сочную и дымящуюся горячую еду. Удовольствие от такого шоу испытывают как взрослые, так и дети.

Я очень люблю вечерние походы в ресторан «Токио». В нем предлагается выдающаяся кухня, отличное обслуживание и незабываемое развлечение.


Тема «Мой любимый ресторан» (My favourite café/restaurant)4.1 out of
based on
59 votes

Updated On — Sunday , June 20 2021

My favorite restaurant essay ,The places we prefer vary according to our taste, culture and mood, along with our experience and our first impression of the place. Today I will talk about my favorite restaurant that I went to one day and leave me feeling calm and happy as well as the quality of the food and its tasty taste. All this will be found here in My favorite restaurant essay

My favorite restaurant essay

Places we prefer vary depending on our taste, culture, mood, previous experience and our first impression of the place.

Today, I will talk about my favorite restaurant that I visited one day and left an impression of calm and quietness as well as the quality of the food and it’s tasty taste.

Italian cuisine is one of the most famous kitchens around the world and is one of the most luxurious and characteristic cuisines in the world. It is the origin of pasta and pizza that is unparalleled anywhere else.

The Italian restaurant is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding and magnificent food establishments in my city. Characterized by the quiet atmosphere, its light-colored interior and its elegant, glamorous decor, it was once a cafe before turning into a restaurant with many qualities of the former.

The restaurant offers delicious dining options, with Italian authentic flavor. Waiters in the restaurant are friendly and respectful.

This place is no less than a typical example of how to build a restaurant.

The restaurant serves many famous Italian meals.

The chicken soup with cream is a great start to any meal, and I have not found a restaurant serving it as here. I prefer the Chicken Caesar Salad after it.

My favorite dishes are the fettuccine Alfredo pasta with chicken, grilled chicken with cream and mushroom sauce. I love pizza of all kinds. They are all delicious and different options. Parmesan cheese is a good choice to accompany any Italian dish.

Canoloni Agnolotti with garlic and rosemary is one of the best Italian dishes. Agnolotti is a stuffed pasta and is very similar to ravioli, served with some rosemary and garlic. This dish is one of the distinctive foods in Italian cuisine.

Rap Arancini broccoli with marinara sauce is one of the best Italian dishes. It is rice balls with well fried broccoli and characterized by its golden color and served with marinara sauce.

The restaurant also offers different types of juices with meals. Such as lemon juice with mint mixed with crushed ice is an effective recipe for extinguishing the heat of the atmosphere.

The restaurant at the weekend is busy … my advice is to arrive early or book or call for booking to ensure a place.

The restaurant is rated 4 stars and its prices are high.

my favorite restaurant

My favorite restaurant for sure is one that specializes in chicken meals. The name of my favorite restaurant is “…?…”.
It contains in the menu many recipes of chicken. I would prefer to order the Portuguese style chicken.
So it contains a lot of hot spices. I prefer to choose the shape of the chicken and how to present it, whether it is with bones or boneless. Like a chicken burger or grilled chicken. Or other delicious recipes that I find very nice.
I love to serve salads and appetizers first. Then serve the main meal in addition to some of the side dishes that I can add to the meal. All this is very nice to me.

my favourite restaurant essay

My favorite restaurant is an Italian restaurant called “…?…”. The best meal it serves is delicious and wonderful pizza.
I like the way they prepare this pizza more than many other restaurants. I find it a nice way they cut the ingredients, I always find it thin and it is always fresh and of excellent quality.

The degree of cooking is great, always moderate and not too much. So I love it so much and I love eating it in this place so much. I can’t get rid of the wonderful smell that I can smell while it’s still on its way to me.

I certainly have that childish expression on my face because I long to take a piece of it and leave it a little in my mouth. I can never hide this expression no matter who I take with me to my favorite restaurant.

Of course, what makes me more determined for this restaurant is the experiences of others around me, friends and family, all of whom praise the wonderful taste of this restaurant.

I feel like I’m going there very soon, because this talk made me want to eat some pizza. I might go today, I don’t know if I could, but if I did, it would be very nice.

I also hope that everyone will be fortunate to find a favorite restaurant that he would like to return to with great anticipation.

restaurant essay

My favorite restaurant is very simple, I can not say that it is one of those large and famous restaurants that contain several stars, led by a skilled team of highly-acclaimed chefs.

My favorite restaurant is one of those small restaurants that the owner and one of his sons strive to manage and satisfy customers. Those restaurants you can find on the corner of the street.

They don’t have much food on the main menu but they do have a feeling of love and affection. I always order different food to try the items they have and they all feel the same as the food my mum made for me.

I like very much to order and eat meals that are served in famous restaurants, such as burgers, KFC pieces. Certainly not the same quality. But it makes me very happy. It’s great to see what it looks like in other places and get the closest taste to it. With a simple soft drink.

That’s all I can say in an essay about a restaurant in which I can express my experience. I wish in the future to finish my studies and be able to travel to broaden my horizons of thought. Visit famous restaurants and eat different meals. Until then, this simple restaurant will remain my favorite.

paragraph about restaurant

I like that the restaurant in which I eat my food contains Mexican or Indian recipes that contain sharp spices, especially chicken. I like to have the ability to choose in the size provided, such as a quarter to a whole chicken. Where I ask only for what is sufficient for me and there is nothing left. I also prefer that it be served with the meal, French fries and a large glass of soft water, such as Coca-Cola. I find such restaurants serving these meals very wonderful to me.

my favorite restaurant essay

It’s great that I can talk about my favorite restaurant. I like very much restaurants that have modern  menu on the food, the drinks and the dessert .

I am very attracted by those that are served as pumpkin sauce with cream. Or offer arugula juice. Things like this make me happy.

Eating in the restaurant is one of the good things. Since childhood, we did not encourage eating in restaurants a lot due to the loss of beneficial nutrients. The orders are always saturated with oils and fats.

But because of the change and the experience of some new varieties, I became a lot more encouraged to eat in restaurants. One of my most favorite restaurants is the tomato Indian restaurant. They can always surprise me and offer one of those new meals or offer a modern sauce that I like.

my favorite restaurant short essay

My favorite restaurant is near my house. The name of the restaurant is “………” This is definitely my favorite restaurant because the price is very cheap. I can for as little as “Put the price of the meal here ‘ I can eat a whole bowl of pasta.

But what is really special about this restaurant is that I can get an additional amount of the same size and the same price if I want more . So, I like the idea of little money and a lot of food. I love going to this restaurant very much.

my favourite restaurant essay for class 2

My favorite restaurant is dedicated to fresh seafood. I love eating recipes from this restaurant, such as the shrimp dish mixed with cream and garlic. I am amazed at the consistency of this dish.

I really like the innovative way they present this dish, so I highly recommend it to all my friends and family. It is always a pleasure to return for this dish at High Seas Restaurant.

my favourite restaurant essay for class 3

On occasions, I always go with my family to eat at my favorite restaurant, me and my siblings. The name of this restaurant is Crazy about you.

Your imagination will surely go with this wonderful name. And it is worth it in fact, it is dedicated to food and dancing as well, as it contains an area dedicated to dancing in different forms. There are always new people and different requests for dances that express their reference.

Eating is more fun while watching, and my brothers and I often participate in dancing. It makes us have a lot of fun and have a great time.

I like it very much when my dad and mom share a quiet dance. It makes us feel so happy when we see them smiling and nothing distracts them for a few minutes.

This place is my favorite and one day when I make a family I would like to go back and spend such a wonderful family time.

my favourite restaurant essay for class 6

My favorite restaurant is sweet and savory restaurant. This restaurant is famous for serving very delicious meals such as burgers, chicken and Italian pasta. It also features wonderful dessert meals, whether hot or cold.

This place is my favorite because I always love variety and innovation and I don’t like to eat the same meal whenever I go there. I would rather try all their varieties. Especially sweet dishes that always make me feel happy and re-energize me after eating a heavy meal.

In fact, I love to eat a lot and have a great appetite. I like to eat until I feel full. So this is my favorite restaurant because it serves a large plate of food. Not like those famous restaurants that serve small samples in the middle of the plate.

I would very much love to come back and eat there from time to time and try some spicy food like Indian food.
Although they are not specialized in it, but they offer some wonderful simple meals that contain different spices. I also like the way the meat is grilled and the spices used. It has a sharp and clear taste.

Definitely very soon I will be going again to this restaurant and I am glad that I have a favorite restaurant that can make me happy.

my favourite restaurant essay for class 7

My favorite restaurant is very simple and it’s just a car parked by the road near my house with a man working on it always smiling. He makes snacks called hot dog sandwiches. Its price is very low, it tastes great, it is nice to talk with friends and eat in the middle of the road where the air and friends are.

I often have it on my way back from school. And before going to exercise, I find it wonderful to eat this meal. It makes me feel energized.  My friends in training often ask to bring them some. Everyone loves a hot dog, it is suitable for all times. Quick to prepare, easy to eat and completely satiating.

Of course, this is not a famous restaurant or one of the famous dishes, but always the most important thing is psychological comfort and happiness. This place always makes me happy. All I need is a hot dog sandwich and a glass of soda water.

my first visit to a restaurant essay 250 words

My first visit to a restaurant was years ago and it was the famous McDonald’s. My family used to take me there to have a happy meal and to provide a space for the children to play.

Always in these restaurants in every country you will find a dedicated area for children in which they can play and practice a lot of activities.

I remember my first day getting a good meal and a gift too. The gift was a small car. I was very happy with it, I didn’t want to play with it at the time, but kept it until I got home and then played with it.

I remember very well that I was able to keep it intact and working for several years later. One of the wonderful things that delight children are such gifts.

I remember the games in the place and there was this room full of little balls that we jump on, and we swim in trying to get out, and dive inside and throw them all over the place.

I also remember participating with other children in the race for those who climb to the skating game, and shouting loudly while skating.

Definitely this place is my favorite and I like to go back and eat there, and it would be great if I got one of the gifts they offer.

It is great that my family took me to this place where I was able to create very wonderful memories. And build a good family bond with them. Such outings make you always want to accompany them, eat with them, and visit different places.

Of course, I now have several different experiences from visiting restaurants, but my first restaurant remains the best, and returning to it makes me feel happiness that I often need it.

I love the idea of ​​a place that makes me happy and I want to go back to it and bring back some good memories. Thank you McDonald’s for being a partner in this happiness memories.

We have provided you with My favorite restaurant essay in English, and you can read more through the following link:

  • English essay

Представлено сочинение на английском языке В ресторане/ At A Restaurant с переводом на русский язык.

At A Restaurant В ресторане
I enjoy eating out. We often go to a restaurant with my parents. It usually happens at weekend or Friday evenings, when everybody is free from work and studies. My mum likes Italian food: pasta with different sauces, pizza, lasagne and other national dishes. My father prefers eastern cuisine. His favourite dish is grilled meat with vegetables. As for me, I’m a fan of sushi and fast food. As you see our tastes differ. That’s why we choose to go to various restaurants. Я люблю ходить куда-нибудь поесть. Мы часто ходим в ресторан с родителями. Обычно это происходит в выходные дни или в пятницу вечером, когда все свободны от работы и учебы. Моя мама любит итальянскую кухню: паста с различными соусами, пицца, лазанья и другие национальные блюда. Мой отец предпочитает восточную кухню. Его любимым блюдом является мясо на гриле с овощами. Что касается меня, то я поклонницы суши и фастфуда. Как видите, наши вкусы различны. Вот почему мы решили ходить в разные рестораны.
For example, last week, we went to the nearest sushi-bar. We had a great time there. First of all, the atmosphere in the restaurant was nice. There were black square tables and lots of Japanese national ornaments. We chose the table next to the window. The waiters were also very kind and welcoming. My parents don’t like Japanese food much, so they ordered simply some salads and fried chicken wings. Luckily, they don’t serve only national food in this restaurant. I ordered a portion of traditional rolls and a cup green tea. Everything was rather delicious. My parents tried a small piece of my rolls and said they weren’t bad. We asked the waiter to bring us the bill and left after paying. It was an excellent evening. Например, на прошлой неделе, мы ходили в ближайший суши-бар. Мы прекрасно провели там время. Прежде всего, атмосфера в ресторане была хорошей. Там были черные квадратные столики и много японских национальных украшений. Мы выбрали столик рядом с окном. Официанты были также очень добры и радушны. Мои родители не особо любят японскую еду, поэтому они заказали просто какие-то салаты и жареные куриные крылышки. К счастью, они подают не только национальную еду в этом ресторане. Я заказал порцию традиционных роллов и чашку зеленого чая. Все было довольно вкусно. Мои родители попробовали небольшой кусок моих роллов и сказали, что они не плохи. Мы попросили официанта принести нам счет, и ушли после того, как оплатили его. Это был отличный вечер.
Sometimes I eat out with my friends. We usually go to a fast food place. There is a large shopping center not far from my house and we often go there. When we get hungry, we go to the ground floor where many fast food restaurants are situated. There we usually have a sandwich or a portion of pancakes with a glass of juice. Иногда я хожу куда-нибудь поесть с друзьями. Мы обычно идем в места, где фастфуд. Недалеко от моего дома есть большой торговый центр, и мы там часто там бываем. Проголодавшись, мы идем на нижний этаж, где расположено много ресторанов быстрого питания. Там мы, как правило, берем по сэндвичу или порции блинов со стаканом сока.

  • The air-conditioned spacious dining room is elegantly decorated in warm tones. Quiet music is played in the background. The waiting staff will be happy to give all the information about new and specialty dishes.
    Mainly there are Italian dishes on the menu. Guests can order fresh pizza, delicious pasta as well as excellent meat and fish specialties. A wide range of salads and snacks is also served here. After a lunch or dinner, you will be offered to try one of the wonderful desserts. The meal can be accompanied by alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails or other refreshments.
    Я бы хотел рассказать о своем любимом ресторане TrattoriaFormaggi. Этот ресторан итальянской кухни находится на одной из центральных улиц. Это очень уютное место с тихой и спокойной атмосферой. Перед входом в ресторан расположена летняя терраса, на которой можно отведать легкий бизнес-ланч или выпить чашку вкусного итальянского кофе.
    Просторный зал, оснащенный кондиционером, изысканно оформлен в теплых тонах. В зале звучит тихая музыка. Обслуживающий персонал предоставит полную информацию о новинках меню и фирменных блюдах.
    В меню в основном представлены блюда итальянской кухни. Здесь можно заказать свежую пиццу, вкусную пасту, а также великолепные мясные и рыбные блюда. В меню представлен широкий выбор салатов и закусок. После обеда или ужина вам предложат попробовать великолепный десерт. К столу подают алкогольные и безалкогольные коктейли, а также другие освежающие напитки.

    Другие полезные материалы

    1. Краткое описание блюда на английском языке
    2. Мое любимое блюдо (сочинение)
    3. Food – Еда (слова по теме)
    4. Описание отеля на английском языке

  • I enjoy eating out. I often have dinner in a good restaurant or cafe with my friends or my family. I’ve got a couple of favourite places for eating out. One of them is “Tokyo”. It’s a restaurant which offers excellent Japanese cuisine.
    The prices aren’t quite low there, the average dinner is about 20-30 dollars for each person. But I prefer high quality and nice service, that’s why I go to “Tokyo“ once or twice a month.
    The menu can fit any taste. There is a large selection of vegetarian dishes and special dishes for children which include chicken, steak and pasta meals. There are also a lot of fantastic desserts to choose from. For a starter I normally have some seafood salad, and for the main course it is usually grilled salmon served with wild mushrooms and seasonal vegetables. Sometimes my meal is accompanied by a glass of dry wine. The favourite part of my dinner is the dessert. I am sure that “Tokyo” makes the best chocolate pudding I have ever tasted. So I always order this with a cup of black coffee.
    We can have much fun in this restaurant because the food is cooked just in front of us and served by the chefs. We sit around the table for eight people. Our chef brings all ingredients to the table and starts a theatrical performance of preparing the food. The chef chops and grills meat, fish and vegetables. Then he serves our freshly cooked, juicy and steaming hot food. Both adults and children enjoy the show.
    I really love my evening meals at “Tokyo” restaurant. It offers outstanding food, great service and unforgettable entertainment.
    Я люблю ужинать вне дома. Я часто ужинаю в хорошем ресторане или кафе со своими друзьями или семьей. И у меня есть парочка любимых мест для выхода. Одно из них – «Токио». Это ресторан, предлагающий отличную японскую кухню.
    Цены там не очень низкие, средний ужин обходится в среднем в 20-30 долларов на одного человека. Но я предпочитаю высокое качество и хороший сервис, поэтому я хожу в «Токио» один-два раза в месяц.
    Меню придется любому по вкусу. Здесь большой выбор вегетарианских блюд и особых блюд для детей, включающих курицу, стейки и пасту. Есть также множество фантастических десертов на выбор. Сначала я обычно беру какой-нибудь салат из морепродуктов, а на горячее блюдо – это, в основном, лосось, приготовленный на гриле, подаваемый с лесными грибами и сезонными овощами. Иногда моя еда сопровождается бокалом сухого вина. Любимой частью моего ужина является десерт. Я уверен, что в «Токио» лучший шоколадный пудинг, который я когда-либо пробовал. Поэтому я всегда его заказываю вместе с чашечкой черного кофе.
    В этом ресторане можно весело провести время, поскольку еда готовится непосредственно перед нами и подается шеф-поваром. Мы сидим вокруг стола для восьми человек. Наш шеф-повар приносит все ингредиенты к нашему столу, и начинается театральное представление по приготовлению пищи. Он нарезает и готовит на гриле мясо, рыбу и овощи. Затем подает свежеприготовленную, сочную и дымящуюся горячую еду. Удовольствие от такого шоу испытывают как взрослые, так и дети.
    Я очень люблю вечерние походы в ресторан «Токио». В нем предлагается выдающаяся кухня, отличное обслуживание и незабываемое развлечение.

  • I like to spend time with my family a lot. My parents like to make surprises for us and for each other. So we went to museums, galleries and very often my father organizes the evening in a restaurant for the whole family.
    My mom says it’s nice to forget about house work sometime and enjoy one nice dinner with the family.
    Last weekend we went to the restaurant not far from my home. It was very nice and warm evening, so we walked there. My dad booked a table for us near the window and we were not in a hurry. We arrived about 19.00 and the restaurant was almost full.
    We ordered salad as a starter, steak as a main dish and cheese cake. Sometime we take different dishes and share the opinion.
    The music was not loud and slow. Some people went to dance. And we prefer to speak about our goals and plans in future.
    We have been to different restaurants. Some of them are in the center of the town and they are more expensive. We like to explore new places.
    The service is usually good, the waiters are polite and hospitable.
    My mom cooks very well, but we like to try sometime something new and unusual.
    I think a dinner in a restaurant is a great possibility to stay with your family relaxed, quiet and enjoy every minute of communication.

    В ресторане

    Я очень люблю проводить время со своей семьёй. Мои родители любят устраивать сюрпризы друг для друга и для нас. Вот мы часто ходим в музеи, посещаем галереи, а порой папа организовывает ужин в ресторане для всей семьи.
    Мама говорит, что так рада порой забыть об обязанностях по дому и насладиться ужином со всей семьёй.
    На прошлой неделе мы ходили в ресторан, который находится рядом с моим домом. Был тёплый и хороший вечер, поэтому, мы пошли туда пешком. Папа забронировал столик возле окошка, поэтому, мы собирались без спешки. Мы пришли в ресторан выколот 19.00 и зал был почти полным.
    Мы заказали салат на стартер, стейк, как основное блюдо и чизкейк на десерт.
    Иногда мы заказываем разные блюда, а затем делимся впечатлением.
    Музыка играла медленная и не очень громко. Кто-то из посетителей пошёл танцевать. А мы любим больше посидеть и пообщаться, обсудить наши цели и планы на будущее.
    Мы были в разных ресторанах. Некоторые из них находятся в центре города, они и дороже. Но мы любим посещать новые места.
    Сервис обычно хороший, официанты очень вежливые и радушные.
    Мама готовит очень хорошо, но нам нравится пробывать что-то новое и необычное.
    Я думаю, ужин в ресторане это прекрасная возможность побыть с семьёй в хорошей и спокойной обстановке, наслаждаясь каждой минутой общения.

  • Today there are a lot of different restaurants and cafes where you can eat delicious and expensive food. In restaurants people can also meet and communicate with their friends, relatives or business partners.
    There are many types of restaurants. They are divided into groups for price class, for service type (fast food, smorgasbord, a la carte), for type of cuisine (Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Indian and others).
    Fast food is very popular and saves time for busy working people and it is not expensive. For example, McDonald’s restaurants sell what is called “fast” or “junk” food — hamburgers, chips and so on. Such food is very popular, especially with children and teenagers. Personally, I don’t go to fast food restaurants often because I think that fast food is tasty, cheap but it is not completely healthy. But sometimes I can relax, enjoy the food and celebrate some event with my friends there.
    There are many traditional restaurants of a la carte menu. The service is usually excellent and friendly waiters help you to relax and enjoy your meal fully.
    You can try any types of food in restaurants – you can try homemade cakes, beefsteaks, pasta and macaroni and others. For a main course you can order fish, meat or chicken with some rice or potatoes, also you can ask for pasta and salad. You can eat a bowl of ice-cream, a pieces of apple pie, strawberries with cream or something like that for dessert. For drink you can order a glass of water or juice, a cup of coffee or tea or alcohol drink such as wine or beer.
    Many people often prefer restaurants of national cuisine such as Italian, Mexican and other. This restaurants offer types of food which are traditional for one or other country. For example, in the Italian restaurant you find many kinds of pasta, vegetables, cheese. In Mexican restaurant you are offered many meet dishes with different hot sauces. Personally, I dislike going to a Chinese restaurant but I prefer to order a portion of traditional rolls and a cup green tea in Japanese restaurant.
    Everyone can find a cafe or restaurant for own taste. I think that restaurants are important part of public life.

  • What I prefer to do when I want to enjoy myself is go to a cafe with my friend because it’s a way to cheer me up and to chat about everything I want to. “Coffee et Chocolate” is a good chain coffee house in Saratov city. Most of all I like to go to one that is located in Kirova street.
    Coffee et Chocolate provides the customers with a rich tea and coffee list, desserts, and ice-creams. You may pop into this cafe to have breakfast, lunch or dinner. The quality of food is out of the world beginning from coffee up to second courses.
    The coffee house tries to create a tranquil atmosphere in order to attract customers. The waitresses are smiley and are ready to serve quickly. There is always French music or French songs which you may enjoy listening to.
    The last time I ate out there on the 12-th of October with my friend before going to the Drama theatre. It was raining all day long, the rain beat against the windows. We were sitting in cosy armchairs, drinking coffee, eating sweet cakes “Tiramisu”, and watching the passers-by through the window. We were satisfied with the service as usual I should say, and I was surprised by the waitress who did not take notes but remembered our order, by the way we ordered a lot. After having a lunch there we went to the theatre.
    I would recommend this cafe to anyone who likes cosy atmosphere, where you can plunge and just relax, you may chat with friends there and listen to the French music if you wish.


    Когда я хочу отдохнуть, я иду в кафе со своей подругой, потому что это способ подбодрить себя и поболтать обо всем на свете. “Кофе и Шоколад” – сеть заведений в Саратове. Больше всего я люблю ходить в кофейню, которая расположена на проспекте Кирова.
    В “Кофе и Шоколад” предоставлены разнообразные чайная и кофейная карты, десерты, и мороженое. Вы можете заглянуть в это кафе, чтобы позавтракать, пообедать или поужинать. Качество еды, начиная от кофе до вторых блюд – превосходит все ожидания. В кофейне царит спокойная атмосфера, что привлекает клиентов. Официантки – улыбчивые и готовы быстро Вас обслужить. Здесь всегда звучит французская музыка или песни французских исполнителей, которыми Вы можете насладиться.
    В прошлый раз я была там 12-го октября со своей подругой, мы заглянули туда, перед тем как пойти в драмтеатр. Целый день шел дождь, он стучал в окна, а мы сидели в удобных креслах, пили кофе, ели пирожные “Тирамису” и наблюдали за прохожими в окно.
    Как обычно нам понравился сервис, и я должна сказать, что меня удивила официантка, которая стала записывать заказ в блокнот, а запомнила все, что мы заказали, а заказывали мы много в тот день. После обеда в “Кофе и Шоколад” мы отправились в театр.
    Это кафе понравится всем, кто любит уют, спокойную атмосферу, здесь Вы можете встретиться и поболтать с друзьями, а также послушать французскую музыку, если она Вам, конечно, нравится.
    Коновалова Татьяна

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    ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку » My dream Restaurant» ( 10 класс)

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    MY DREAM RESTAURANTPresented bySofia RzhannikovaForm 10B 
Gymnasium №8

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    • Сейчас обучается 105 человек из 44 регионов

    • Сейчас обучается 283 человека из 71 региона

    • Курс добавлен 17.10.2022

    Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

    • MY DREAM RESTAURANTPresented bySofia RzhannikovaForm 10B 
Gymnasium №8

      1 слайд

      Presented by
      Sofia Rzhannikova
      Form 10B
      Gymnasium №8
      Teacher: Marina Yuryevna Timofeeva

    • Hello! My name is Sofia and I am a manager of one of the most prestigious res...

      2 слайд

      Hello! My name is Sofia and I am a manager of one of the most prestigious restaurants in the world.

    • Our restaurant is unique. It is situated five metres below the surface, offer...

      3 слайд

      Our restaurant is unique. It is situated five metres below the surface, offering 180-degree panoramic views of the vibrant coral gardens surrounding it. Our restaurant is the world’s first and the only all glass undersea restaurant. The beautiful panoramic view allows our visitors to dine while watching thousands of fish of every colour and shape imaginable swimming around them. The luckiest diners might glimpse turtles, stingrays or even sharks.

    • Entering the restaurant is magical. Guests are led across a wooden jetty to a...

      4 слайд

      Entering the restaurant is magical. Guests are led across a wooden jetty to a tiny thatched pavilion, then pointed down a dark, winding staircase. At the bottom is the restaurant itself – essentially a tiny transparent box, only nine metres long and five metres wide, with space for 14 diners at a time.

    • I am responsible for making  important decisions: from controlling the price...

      5 слайд

      I am responsible for making important decisions: from controlling the price policy to agreeing on the menu design. I engage in personnel management, control all the finances and need to ensure effective work of all departments of our restaurant. Besides, maintaining the construction isn’t easy: for one thing, the glass has to be cleaned every day, and I have to supervise it, too.

    • It is not easy to coordinate all of this at the appropriate level. It is a ve...

      6 слайд

      It is not easy to coordinate all of this at the appropriate level. It is a very hard and stressful work. You need to be really dedicated to what you are doing to be a restaurant manager.

    • I graduated from one of the most famous European Universities. It was very ch...

      7 слайд

      I graduated from one of the most famous European Universities. It was very challenging to enter that University and then to study there but it was worth it — I gained a lot of knowledge and met a lot of interesting and talented people from different countries.

    • Usually to become a restaurant manager you have to start working from junior...

      8 слайд

      Usually to become a restaurant manager you have to start working from junior positions such as a waiter and gradually move up the career ladder. When you try working on different positions in a restaurant, it gives you an opportunity to better understand “how things work” and not to be detached from the real situation.
      That’s what I did — I started working as a waitress and at every position I occupied during these years I learned something new and necessary for me now.

    • This job is not for everyone. To become a restaurant manager you have to pos...

      9 слайд

      This job is not for everyone. To become a restaurant manager you have to possess the following qualities:

      organizational skills
      leadership skills
      analytical mind
      communication skills
      the ability to analyze large amount of information, make decisions and take responsibility
      capacity to learn and willingness to perfect oneself

    • I believe that self improvement is what you need most. I was far from having...

      10 слайд

      I believe that self improvement is what you need most. I was far from having all these skills once so I had to work very hard to get a job in my dream restaurant. So if you really want to succeed in any profession, you have to hone your skills patiently.

    • “The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill; The will...

      11 слайд

      “The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill; The
      willingness to learn is a choice.”

      ― Brian Herbert
      I consider this quote to be my motto and I never stop learning and improving my skills.

    • This job is very challenging and difficult but it is also exciting and fascin...

      12 слайд

      This job is very challenging and difficult but it is also exciting and fascinating. I am truly happy to work here.

    • Thank you for your attention!

      13 слайд

      Thank you for your attention!

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    Автор представляет, что она- менеджер ресторана, прослеживает свой путь к осуществлению мечты ( ресторан её мечты), рассматривает какими качествами необходимо обладать человеку, чтобы достичь успеха и мечты. За свою работу автор презентации ( после представлении англоязычной комиссии) выиграла приз -бесплатную поездку в Швейцарию летом 2018г.

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    Think about your favourite restaurant. Why do you like going there? 

    P1: name, location, frequency of visits

    P2: outside/inside description

    P3: service, staff, dishes, prices

    P4: recommendation (atmosphere, food…)

    My favourite restaurant is ‘Belavila’. It is in the centre of our town. I usually go there with my mum when she feels lazy and doesn’t want to cook. 

    This restaurant is modern and furnished really nice. It is small, the tables are big, and on the left side of the restaurant there’s the kids’ play area. 

    I love going there because people who work there are kind to their guests, always smile and think positive. The dishes are always different. It depends on the day of the week, so it’s always different. My favourite meal there is pasta with meat in mushroom sauce. The prices are sometimes low or high, which depends on how much the food costs. 

    My mum is not a really good cook, so I love going there. The food is so tasty, the atmosphere is great and people smile all the time. It’s the most perfect restaurant I have ever been to.

    Ninoslava Marinkov, VII1, 13 May 2015

    My favourite restaurant is the ‘Big ship’. It is located in Koper, on the Adriatic coast. I go there with my family every time I am in Koper.

    The restaurant is designed as a ship, inside and outside. The waiters and all the staff are dressed like sailors. They smile and they are kind. The food is delicious. I have tasted a lot of tasty dishes, but the most beautiful ones are seafood and calamari.

    The atmosphere is beautiful and relaxing at the ‘Big ship’.

    Teodora Volarov, VII1, 13 May 2015

    The place where I often go with my family is called Slap in Serbian. In English, we can call it Waterfall. It is a pizza house, located in Nikola Francuski Street.

    I really like going there so much because both the interior and exterior are well-decorated. Inside, there are a lot of leather dining boots and mirrors, so it looks more spacious than it really is. Outside, there is a  wonderful garden with beautiful flowers. 

    The service is fine. The staff are kind and hospitable. The dishes are tasty and the portions are large enough. The prices are acceptable.

    I gladly recommend visiting Slap because it is the best pizza house in our town. 

    Emilija Mijandžić, VII4, 20 May 2015

    My favourite restaurant is Twenty. The restaurant is located at the
    square of Kikinda. Every day a lot of people visit the restaurant. Lots
    of tourists and celebrities visit it when they come to Kikinda.
    the restaurant is a large garden full of flowers with tables and
    chairs. The garden overlooks the square full of various plants, birds
    and smiling children. Inside the restaurant, there are beautifully set
    tables of different sizes and shapes with decorations on them.
    dishes are always tasty and interestingly served. The staff are
    friendly and polite to guests. The dishes are delicious and the prices
    I recommend that you go to this restaurant and try all of the dishes but pizza is a must!

    Andrea Ružić, VII4, 20 May 2015 

    My favourite restaurant is Bela Vila. It is located in the main street of Kikinda, Svetosavska.
    The restaurant has a lot of visitors. The outside of Bela Vila is very beautiful. There is a small area where guests can sit during the summer. Outside, there are also a lot of flowers covering the restaurant. The inside is very big. The walls are covered with a lot of beautiful paintings. 

    The service is quick. The staff are really polite and friendly. The dishes are tasty and the prices are very low.
    I recommend Bela Vila to you because it is a perfect restaurant when you want to go out for lunch with your family.

    Kosana Jakonić, VII4, 20 May 2015 

    My favourite restaurant is called ‘Santa Maria’. It is located in the Ovčar-Kablar Gorge. It is a fish restaurant.

    It is an often visited place because of the delicious food and a nice view. The restaurant is placed on a wooden raft on the river side. It has a roof with a blind on the terrace. The restaurant is painted dark green and bright yellow. 

    Inside the restaurant, there are a lot of flower pots with colourful flowers. There is a model of a sailing ship and stuffed fish.

    The staff are friendly and polite. There are a lot of fish dishes at affordable prices. 

    I would recommend this restaurant because of the good view on the mountains and tasty dishes.   

    Marko Dejanović, VII4, 20 May 2015 

    When I was on holiday in Sokobanja with my parents, I visited the most beautiful restaurant I’ve ever seen, the Cave restaurant.
    It’s very interesting because it’s located in the suburbs, in the forest, not in the centre of the city. A lot of tourists visit this restaurant every year.
    All the tables and chairs are made of wood and they are under a rock, at the entrance to the cave. A narrow shallow river flows nearby and the visitors can cross it over a wooden bridge. What a wonderful view!
    People usually drink coffee and juice there. They mostly eat different types of meat, soups, salads and desserts. But, the best-selling and the tastiest dish is fresh trout. Most dishes have reasonable prices, but some are more expensive. The staff are kind and pleasant.
    The Cave restaurant in Sokobanja is my favourite restaurant, because I enjoy the nature. It’s beautiful and relaxing to have lunch in the forest and listen to the birds and the ripple of the river. 

    Tijana Varađanin, VII2, 22 May 2015

    My favourite restaurant is Macchiato. It is in the centre of the city. I went to Macchiato every day in the winter, but now I go there once a week.
    It is big and you can sit downstairs, upstairs and outside. The walls outside are yellow. The inside walls are purple and it is dark.
    The service is very good and the waiters are fast. The prices are very low.
    The food is very tasty. Pizza is the tastiest in Macchiato. It is always full of guests and there we can listen to music or watch a match on TV.
    I like eating in Macchiato.

    Anja Berić, VII2, 22 May 2015

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