Робби кэй питер пэн однажды в сказке


Британский актер Робби Кэй начал карьеру в совсем юном возрасте, и сейчас его запоминающееся лицо знакомо миллионам телезрителей. Еще мальчиком он снимался в сказках, а позже начал пробиваться во взрослое кино, имея все шансы стать звездой. У парня в арсенале не только талант и харизма, но и солидный опыт, включающий десятки работ в фильмах и сериалах.

Детство и юность

Актер успел пожить не в одной стране. Первой стала Великобритания, где он родился в 1995 году и прожил несколько лет, прежде чем семья переехала в Чехию. Именно в Праге началась актерская карьера мальчика, который рос в атмосфере любви и дружбы с поддержкой старших сестер Фионы и Камиллы.

Третьей страной являются США, куда пришлось переехать после того, как актерство стало профессией. При этом специального образования парень не получал. Мама Стефани удивлялась таланту сына и подчеркивала, что никто его этому не учил.

Мальчик ходил в обычную школу, увлекался регби и футболом и, только снявшись в нескольких фильмах, стал посещать английскую театральную школу Stagecoach, где занимался танцами, пением и актерским мастерством. Среднюю школу юноша оканчивал уже в Хьюстоне, где жил с 2011 года.

Личная жизнь

Робби сосредоточен на карьере, которая набирает обороты, но у него остается время и на личную жизнь. Большое место в ней отведено Керри Хеннесси, с которой парень встречается с 2016 года. Девушка — американка, живет в Калифорнии и работает художником по костюмам. Влюбленные проводят много времени вместе, чему не помеха разница в возрасте: Керри старше бойфренда на 11 лет.

В сентябре 2019 года пара отметила 3-летнюю годовщину отношений, о чем артист известил подписчиков в “Инстаграме”. Там часто появляются совместные фото, а также снимки из путешествий, кадры со съемок и бытовые зарисовки. Кэй также активен в “Фейсбуке” и “Твиттере”, где рассказывает последние новости и делится свежими фактами биографии.


Первый шанс сняться в кино Робби получил в 10 лет, когда жил в Праге. На руку сыграла национальность, ведь отбор шел среди англоговорящих детей. Роль в фильме “Иллюзионист” Кэй получил, но кадры с ним в итоговой версии вырезали. Но если это и стало поводом для огорчения, то мотивации не убавило: мальчик продолжал пробовать свои силы в других проектах.

Робби Кэй и Томас Сэнгстер

Робби Кэй и Томас Сэнгстер (кадр из фильма «Волшебная история Пиноккио»)

В его фильмографии числятся “Ганнибал: восхождение”, “Залечь на дно в Брюгге” и “Пираты Карибского моря. На странных берегах”. Но если в этих лентах мальчик играл эпизодических героев, то в 2008 году вытянул счастливый билет и получил главную роль в сказке “Волшебная история Пиноккио”. Партнером по площадке здесь стал Томас Сэнгстер. У Кэя получилось быть трогательным, милым и убедительным, а в профессионализме ребенок не уступал старшим коллегам.

Наступил момент, когда из детских персонажей Робби уже вырос, причем буквально (рост парня — 171 см при весе 63 кг). Тогда актер стал появляться в сериалах “Герои: возрождение”, “Анатомия страсти”, “Сонная лощина”. Последовали работы и в полнометражном кино, среди которых “Доставка гарантирована” и “В поисках серебряного озера”. В 2018 году артист исполнил главную роль в комедийном слэшере “Бладфест”.

Робби Кэй сейчас

В 2018 году Кэй в последний раз снялся в проекте “Однажды в сказке”, где периодически появлялся в роли Питера Пэна. С тех пор его фильмография пополнилась участием в полицейском сериале “Новичок”, где Робби сыграл адвоката Саймона Паркса – младшего. Актер много путешествует и наслаждается жизнью, в октябре 2019 года посетил Японию.


  • 2007 – «Ганнибал: восхождение»
  • 2007 – «Осколки»
  • 2008 – «Волшебная история Пиноккио»
  • 2010 – «Сделано в Дагенхэме»
  • 2011 – «Пираты Карибского моря: На странных берегах»
  • 2013-2018 – «Однажды в сказке»
  • 2015-2016 – «Герои: возрождение»
  • 2017 – «Доставка гарантирована»
  • 2018 – «Бладфест»
  • 2019 – «Новичок»

I hear you’re wicked. Well, I’m much worse.

Peter Pan, also known as Malcolm, the Pied Piper or just simply Pan, is a character on ABC’s Once Upon a Time. His daughter Miranda Pan Kay is portrayed Miranda Kay ans Miranda Lord. He is portrayed by Robbie Kay, with his older self portrayed by Stephen Lord. Peter Pan was the ruler of Neverland, and older than Rumplestiltskin himself. Peter Pan’s gallery is available here. 



Malcolm and Fiona are visited by their infant son’s fairy godmother, Tiger Lily, as well as the Blue Fairy, who explain that their son is prophecised to be the Savior destined to die fighting a great evil in an event called the Final Battle. And Miranda Pan Kay need more protecting from her brother rumple.

When Fiona, in her desperation to sever her son’s fate, ends up banished from the Enchanted Forest, Malcolm believes that the love of his life is dead and blames their son, scornfully naming him Rumplestiltskin. One day, Malcolm leaves Rumplestiltskin in the care of some spinsters, but Rumplestiltskin goes in search of him. He finds his father, and reveals to him that the spinsters gave him a magic bean so that he could have a better life. Malcolm and Rumplestiltskin use the magic bean to travel to Neverland. Malcolm reminisces about the times when he went to Neverland in his youth, and starts climbing a tree in order to obtain some pixie dust. However, Malcolm is confronted by his shadow which comes to life, and Malcolm discovers that he cannot stay in Neverland unless he is a child. Abandoning Rumplestiltskin and ordering the shadow to return him back to the Enchanted Forest, he reverts into a teenage boy and calls himself Peter Pan. He briefly goes back to the Enchanted Forest to recruit his group; the Lost Boys. When Captain Hook arrives in Neverland to plot revenge on Rumplestiltskin, who had grown up to become the Dark One, Hook becomes in Pan’s service. 

Season 3

After Tamara and Greg Mendell take a young boy named Henry Mills to Neverland on the orders of their «Home Office», they are shocked to find that the «Home Office» are actually the Lost Boys. After Pan’s shadow kills Greg and Tamara is eventually killed by Rumplestiltskin, Henry runs into Pan, who pretends to be a fugitive as well. He ensures that Henry has the heart of the truest believer when Henry uses some pixie dust that Pan claims doesn’t work. However, it does work and Pan eventually reveals his true identity to Henry, before taking him to his camp with the Lost Boys. Although Henry is wary of Pan at first, he eventually comes to trust Pan, who makes Henry feel like he is special. Pan eventually takes Henry to Skull Rock, where Henry willingly rips out his own heart and puts it in Pan’s chest. It is revealed that Pan needed the heart of the truest believer so that he could remain immortal in Neverland. However, after a confrontation with Henry’s biological mother Emma and adoptive mother Regina, Regina rips Henry’s heart out of Pan’s body, and they save Henry before they all head to the Jolly Roger. However, when Henry is left alone below deck, Pan tries to get Henry’s heart again, this time in a less friendly and cunning manner. However, Rumplestiltskin traps Pan inside Pandora’s Box.

Unknown to everyone else though, Pan switched bodies with Henry so that he was now controlling Henry’s body, with Henry being inside Pan’s body and trapped in Pandora’s Box. Pan, inside Henry’s body, goes with everyone else to Storybrooke, where he plans on enacting a second Dark Curse that will reform Storybrooke in his own image. Once Pan’s presence is noted, they release Pan from Pandora’s Box, only to discover that Henry is inside Pan’s body while Pan is in Henry’s body. Henry manages to gather the ingredients from Regina’s vault, along with the heart of Felix, and enacts a second Dark Curse. Using the Black Fairy’s wand, Rumplestiltskin manages to return Pan and Henry to their original bodies, and confronts Pan himself. When Pan threatens to kill Baelfire and Belle, Rumplestiltskin uses his dagger before wrapping his arms around Pan and stabbing

Pan and Rumplestiltskin’s demise.

him in the back. However, the dagger also goes through Rumplestiltskin as well. This causes Pan to start aging until he is the same age as he was when he abandoned Rumplestiltskin. Now an old man again, Malcolm tries to convince his son to remove the dagger, promising that they can have a happy ending. However, Rumplestiltskin replies that they are villains, and they don’t get happy endings. Rumplestiltskin then bursts into white light, which destroys Malcolm as well, leaving nothing behind but the curse.

Season 5

Upon venturing into the Underworld with the Charmings, as well as Regina and Robin Hood, Rumplestiltskin meets Peter Pan once again. Pan gives him the magical ale needed to contact Hook, but suggests that Rumplestiltskin aid him in escaping the Underworld, although Rumplestiltskin refuses. However, when Belle puts herself under a Sleeping Curse given to her by Zelena, Rumplestiltskin enlists the help of Peter Pan. Seemingly accepting his father’s request, together Pan and Rumplestiltskin kidnap Zelena, so that Hades can tear up the contract regarding Rumple’s unborn child with Belle. However, after abandoning Pan, Rumple double-crosses his father by sending him to the River of Lost Souls. Watching as Peter Pan disintegrates into green mist, Rumple mutters «Goodbye Papa, for good this time.» before leaving the Underworld. After Hades departs, Pan’s fate is unclear, as the rules change and souls begin to escape the River of Lost Souls.

Season 6

When Hook finds himself back in Neverland, he is confronted by the remainder of the Lost Boys, who seek revenge against Hook for Peter Pan’s death. Pan, however, is not avenged, as Tiger Lily helps Hook escape using Pan’s magic to send a shadow to Storybrooke in order to inform Emma that he is trapped in Neverland.



  • Gideon (grandson)
  • Emma Swan (Henry’s mother)
  • Henry Mills (great-grandson; via Baelfire)
  • Cinderella Mills (great-grandaughter-in-law)
  • Lucy Mills (great-great-grandaughter)


  • Fiona (wife / widow)
  • Milah (daughter-in-law)
  • Baelfire (grandson)
  • Peter Pan’s shadow (shadow)
  • Belle French (second daughter in-law)
  • Rumplestiltskin (son)

Status: Deceased


  • Pan is based on the character with the same name in the story Peter Pan, and the mysterious Pied Piper from the fairytale The Pied Piper of Hamelin, with elements of the god Pan from Greek Mythology.
  • An illustration of him – the Pied Piper – was on Grumpy’s drinking mug.   

Behind the Scenes

  • Peter Pan was the main antagonist of the first half of Season 3. He is the second antagonist to be related to the main characters and the second antagonist to die (tied with Rumplestiltskin).


  • S3, E01: «The Heart of the Truest Believer» 
  • S3, E02: «Lost Girl» 
  • S3, E03: «Quite a Common Fairy» 
  • S3, E04: «Nasty Habits» 
  • S3, E05: «Good Form» 
  • S3, E06: «Ariel» 
  • S3, E07: «Dark Hollow» 
  • S3, E08: «Think Lovely Thoughts» 
  • S3, E09: «Save Henry» 
  • S3, E10: «The New Neverland» 
  • S3, E11: «Going Home» 
  • S3, E19: «A Curious Thing» (flashback)
  • S5, E12: «Souls of the Departed»
  • S5, E14: «Devil’s Due» (voice)
  • S5, E19: «Sisters»
  • S5, E20: «Firebird»
  • S6, E19: «The Black Fairy» (flashback)
  • I hear you’re wicked. Well, I’m much worse.

    Peter Pan, also known as Malcolm, the Pied Piper or just simply Pan, is a character on ABC’s Once Upon a Time. His daughter Miranda Pan Kay is portrayed Miranda Kay ans Miranda Lord. He is portrayed by Robbie Kay, with his older self portrayed by Stephen Lord. Peter Pan was the ruler of Neverland, and older than Rumplestiltskin himself. Peter Pan’s gallery is available here. 



    Malcolm and Fiona are visited by their infant son’s fairy godmother, Tiger Lily, as well as the Blue Fairy, who explain that their son is prophecised to be the Savior destined to die fighting a great evil in an event called the Final Battle. And Miranda Pan Kay need more protecting from her brother rumple.

    When Fiona, in her desperation to sever her son’s fate, ends up banished from the Enchanted Forest, Malcolm believes that the love of his life is dead and blames their son, scornfully naming him Rumplestiltskin. One day, Malcolm leaves Rumplestiltskin in the care of some spinsters, but Rumplestiltskin goes in search of him. He finds his father, and reveals to him that the spinsters gave him a magic bean so that he could have a better life. Malcolm and Rumplestiltskin use the magic bean to travel to Neverland. Malcolm reminisces about the times when he went to Neverland in his youth, and starts climbing a tree in order to obtain some pixie dust. However, Malcolm is confronted by his shadow which comes to life, and Malcolm discovers that he cannot stay in Neverland unless he is a child. Abandoning Rumplestiltskin and ordering the shadow to return him back to the Enchanted Forest, he reverts into a teenage boy and calls himself Peter Pan. He briefly goes back to the Enchanted Forest to recruit his group; the Lost Boys. When Captain Hook arrives in Neverland to plot revenge on Rumplestiltskin, who had grown up to become the Dark One, Hook becomes in Pan’s service. 

    Season 3

    After Tamara and Greg Mendell take a young boy named Henry Mills to Neverland on the orders of their «Home Office», they are shocked to find that the «Home Office» are actually the Lost Boys. After Pan’s shadow kills Greg and Tamara is eventually killed by Rumplestiltskin, Henry runs into Pan, who pretends to be a fugitive as well. He ensures that Henry has the heart of the truest believer when Henry uses some pixie dust that Pan claims doesn’t work. However, it does work and Pan eventually reveals his true identity to Henry, before taking him to his camp with the Lost Boys. Although Henry is wary of Pan at first, he eventually comes to trust Pan, who makes Henry feel like he is special. Pan eventually takes Henry to Skull Rock, where Henry willingly rips out his own heart and puts it in Pan’s chest. It is revealed that Pan needed the heart of the truest believer so that he could remain immortal in Neverland. However, after a confrontation with Henry’s biological mother Emma and adoptive mother Regina, Regina rips Henry’s heart out of Pan’s body, and they save Henry before they all head to the Jolly Roger. However, when Henry is left alone below deck, Pan tries to get Henry’s heart again, this time in a less friendly and cunning manner. However, Rumplestiltskin traps Pan inside Pandora’s Box.

    Unknown to everyone else though, Pan switched bodies with Henry so that he was now controlling Henry’s body, with Henry being inside Pan’s body and trapped in Pandora’s Box. Pan, inside Henry’s body, goes with everyone else to Storybrooke, where he plans on enacting a second Dark Curse that will reform Storybrooke in his own image. Once Pan’s presence is noted, they release Pan from Pandora’s Box, only to discover that Henry is inside Pan’s body while Pan is in Henry’s body. Henry manages to gather the ingredients from Regina’s vault, along with the heart of Felix, and enacts a second Dark Curse. Using the Black Fairy’s wand, Rumplestiltskin manages to return Pan and Henry to their original bodies, and confronts Pan himself. When Pan threatens to kill Baelfire and Belle, Rumplestiltskin uses his dagger before wrapping his arms around Pan and stabbing

    Pan and Rumplestiltskin’s demise.

    him in the back. However, the dagger also goes through Rumplestiltskin as well. This causes Pan to start aging until he is the same age as he was when he abandoned Rumplestiltskin. Now an old man again, Malcolm tries to convince his son to remove the dagger, promising that they can have a happy ending. However, Rumplestiltskin replies that they are villains, and they don’t get happy endings. Rumplestiltskin then bursts into white light, which destroys Malcolm as well, leaving nothing behind but the curse.

    Season 5

    Upon venturing into the Underworld with the Charmings, as well as Regina and Robin Hood, Rumplestiltskin meets Peter Pan once again. Pan gives him the magical ale needed to contact Hook, but suggests that Rumplestiltskin aid him in escaping the Underworld, although Rumplestiltskin refuses. However, when Belle puts herself under a Sleeping Curse given to her by Zelena, Rumplestiltskin enlists the help of Peter Pan. Seemingly accepting his father’s request, together Pan and Rumplestiltskin kidnap Zelena, so that Hades can tear up the contract regarding Rumple’s unborn child with Belle. However, after abandoning Pan, Rumple double-crosses his father by sending him to the River of Lost Souls. Watching as Peter Pan disintegrates into green mist, Rumple mutters «Goodbye Papa, for good this time.» before leaving the Underworld. After Hades departs, Pan’s fate is unclear, as the rules change and souls begin to escape the River of Lost Souls.

    Season 6

    When Hook finds himself back in Neverland, he is confronted by the remainder of the Lost Boys, who seek revenge against Hook for Peter Pan’s death. Pan, however, is not avenged, as Tiger Lily helps Hook escape using Pan’s magic to send a shadow to Storybrooke in order to inform Emma that he is trapped in Neverland.



    • Gideon (grandson)
    • Emma Swan (Henry’s mother)
    • Henry Mills (great-grandson; via Baelfire)
    • Cinderella Mills (great-grandaughter-in-law)
    • Lucy Mills (great-great-grandaughter)


    • Fiona (wife / widow)
    • Milah (daughter-in-law)
    • Baelfire (grandson)
    • Peter Pan’s shadow (shadow)
    • Belle French (second daughter in-law)
    • Rumplestiltskin (son)

    Status: Deceased


    • Pan is based on the character with the same name in the story Peter Pan, and the mysterious Pied Piper from the fairytale The Pied Piper of Hamelin, with elements of the god Pan from Greek Mythology.
    • An illustration of him – the Pied Piper – was on Grumpy’s drinking mug.   

    Behind the Scenes

    • Peter Pan was the main antagonist of the first half of Season 3. He is the second antagonist to be related to the main characters and the second antagonist to die (tied with Rumplestiltskin).


    • S3, E01: «The Heart of the Truest Believer» 
    • S3, E02: «Lost Girl» 
    • S3, E03: «Quite a Common Fairy» 
    • S3, E04: «Nasty Habits» 
    • S3, E05: «Good Form» 
    • S3, E06: «Ariel» 
    • S3, E07: «Dark Hollow» 
    • S3, E08: «Think Lovely Thoughts» 
    • S3, E09: «Save Henry» 
    • S3, E10: «The New Neverland» 
    • S3, E11: «Going Home» 
    • S3, E19: «A Curious Thing» (flashback)
  • S5, E12: «Souls of the Departed»
  • S5, E14: «Devil’s Due» (voice)
  • S5, E19: «Sisters»
  • S5, E20: «Firebird»
  • S6, E19: «The Black Fairy» (flashback)
  • Robbie Kay

    Robbie Kay (cropped).jpg

    Kay in 2016


    Lymington, England

    Occupation Actor
    Years active 2006—present

    Robert Kay is a British actor whose credits include Fugitive Pieces, Heroes Reborn, Pinocchio, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, and Peter Pan in the Once Upon a Time television series.


    Kay’s family moved to the Czech Republic, where he saw a note for English-speaking children to be extras in a film on a school noticeboard. Despite a lack of previous acting experience, this led to him getting a speaking part in The Illusionist, but his scenes were eventually cut from the film.

    After small roles in Hannibal Rising and My Boy Jack, the Canadian production company making Fugitive Pieces asked him to play the part of young Jakob, which involved a 9-week shooting schedule, three of which were on Greek islands.[1]

    The people who made Fugitive Pieces had auditioned more than 150 boys before finding 10-year-old Robbie, who had been living in Prague for two years.[2] He spent a year studying acting, singing, and dancing at one of Britain’s Stagecoach theatre schools.[2] Kay appeared in the 2008 miniseries Pinocchio, playing the title character. After finishing Pinocchio, he went on to play Sam, a boy diagnosed with leukemia in Ways To Live Forever screening in late 2010.[3] He appeared in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, playing the Cabin Boy. More recently, he portrayed Peter Pan in Once Upon a Time.[4][5][6]

    In March 2015, Kay was cast as a high school student named Tommy Clark in the TV series Heroes Reborn.[7]


    Kay’s work has been generally well received by the critics. Alicia Cox of Chatelaine wrote on his work in Fugitive Pieces: «Robbie Kay, who plays the young Jakob, gives a remarkable performance with little words and a lot of emotion. When he smiles (which isn’t often) you can’t help but be affected.»[8]

    Personal life[edit]

    Kay was born in Lymington, Hampshire, England, to Ivan and Stephanie Kay. He moved to Brussels, Belgium, at an early age. He has two older sisters, Camilla and Fiona.[2]

    In 2006, Kay and his family moved to Prague in the Czech Republic, where he attended the International School of Prague. He has been living in Houston, Texas, since 2011.[9]

    Select filmography[edit]


    Year Title Role Notes
    2007 Hannibal Rising Kolnas’s son Credited as Robert Kay
    My Boy Jack Arthur Relp
    Fugitive Pieces Young Jakob
    2008 Bathory Pals Voice
    In Bruges Young Harry Deleted scenes
    2010 Made in Dagenham Graham
    Ways to Live Forever Sam McQueen
    2011 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Cabin boy
    2015 Flight World War II Nigel Sheffield Credited as Robbie A. Kay
    2016 Cold Moon Ben Redfield
    2017 No Postage Necessary Stanley
    2018 Blood Fest[10] Dax
    Locating Silver Lake Mack


    Year Title Role Notes
    2008 Pinocchio Pinocchio 2 episodes
    2013–2018 Once Upon a Time Peter Pan 16 episodes
    2015–2016 Heroes Reborn Tommy Clark Main role
    2017 Grey’s Anatomy Christopher Daniels Episode: «Back Where You Belong»
    Sleepy Hollow Logan MacDonald 2 episodes
    2019 The Rookie Simon Parks Jr. Episode: «Homefront»

    Awards and nominations[edit]


    1. ^ Old, David (29 July 2008). «Young acting star lands top role in Pinocchio». Evening Chronicle. Retrieved 17 February 2009.
    2. ^ a b c «Fugitive Pieces» (PDF) (Press release). Samuel Goldwyn Films. 2008. Archived from the original (PDF) on 25 February 2009. Retrieved 17 February 2009.
    3. ^ «Way To Life Forever Plot Summary». IMDb. Retrieved 23 February 2014.
    4. ^ Starr, Liane Bonin (14 December 2018). «Interview: ‘Once Upon A Time»s Peter Pan — Robbie Kay». UPROXX. Retrieved 25 September 2018.
    5. ^ «‘Once Upon a Time’ exclusive: Robbie Kay returning as Peter Pan!». ew.com. Retrieved 23 September 2016.
    6. ^ «Robbie Kay filmography». IMDb. Retrieved 23 February 2014.
    7. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. «Robbie Kay Cast In ‘Heroes Reborn’ NBC Event Series». Deadline.com. Retrieved 16 March 2015.
    8. ^ Cox, Alicia (7 September 2007). «Fugitive Pieces (review)». Chatelaine. Retrieved 17 February 2009.
    9. ^ «Robbie Kay Q&A». kidzworld (Interview). Retrieved 23 February 2014.
    10. ^ Spangler, Todd (4 August 2017). «Seychelle Gabriel to Star in Rooster Teeth’s ‘Blood Fest’ Horror-Comedy Film». Variety. Retrieved 10 April 2018.

    External links[edit]

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to Robbie Kay.

    • Robbie Kay at IMDb Edit this at Wikidata
    • Robbie Kay at Flixster
    • Ways to live forever- The movie

    Robbie Kay

    Robbie Kay (cropped).jpg

    Kay in 2016


    Lymington, England

    Occupation Actor
    Years active 2006—present

    Robert Kay is a British actor whose credits include Fugitive Pieces, Heroes Reborn, Pinocchio, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, and Peter Pan in the Once Upon a Time television series.


    Kay’s family moved to the Czech Republic, where he saw a note for English-speaking children to be extras in a film on a school noticeboard. Despite a lack of previous acting experience, this led to him getting a speaking part in The Illusionist, but his scenes were eventually cut from the film.

    After small roles in Hannibal Rising and My Boy Jack, the Canadian production company making Fugitive Pieces asked him to play the part of young Jakob, which involved a 9-week shooting schedule, three of which were on Greek islands.[1]

    The people who made Fugitive Pieces had auditioned more than 150 boys before finding 10-year-old Robbie, who had been living in Prague for two years.[2] He spent a year studying acting, singing, and dancing at one of Britain’s Stagecoach theatre schools.[2] Kay appeared in the 2008 miniseries Pinocchio, playing the title character. After finishing Pinocchio, he went on to play Sam, a boy diagnosed with leukemia in Ways To Live Forever screening in late 2010.[3] He appeared in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, playing the Cabin Boy. More recently, he portrayed Peter Pan in Once Upon a Time.[4][5][6]

    In March 2015, Kay was cast as a high school student named Tommy Clark in the TV series Heroes Reborn.[7]


    Kay’s work has been generally well received by the critics. Alicia Cox of Chatelaine wrote on his work in Fugitive Pieces: «Robbie Kay, who plays the young Jakob, gives a remarkable performance with little words and a lot of emotion. When he smiles (which isn’t often) you can’t help but be affected.»[8]

    Personal life[edit]

    Kay was born in Lymington, Hampshire, England, to Ivan and Stephanie Kay. He moved to Brussels, Belgium, at an early age. He has two older sisters, Camilla and Fiona.[2]

    In 2006, Kay and his family moved to Prague in the Czech Republic, where he attended the International School of Prague. He has been living in Houston, Texas, since 2011.[9]

    Select filmography[edit]


    Year Title Role Notes
    2007 Hannibal Rising Kolnas’s son Credited as Robert Kay
    My Boy Jack Arthur Relp
    Fugitive Pieces Young Jakob
    2008 Bathory Pals Voice
    In Bruges Young Harry Deleted scenes
    2010 Made in Dagenham Graham
    Ways to Live Forever Sam McQueen
    2011 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Cabin boy
    2015 Flight World War II Nigel Sheffield Credited as Robbie A. Kay
    2016 Cold Moon Ben Redfield
    2017 No Postage Necessary Stanley
    2018 Blood Fest[10] Dax
    Locating Silver Lake Mack


    Year Title Role Notes
    2008 Pinocchio Pinocchio 2 episodes
    2013–2018 Once Upon a Time Peter Pan 16 episodes
    2015–2016 Heroes Reborn Tommy Clark Main role
    2017 Grey’s Anatomy Christopher Daniels Episode: «Back Where You Belong»
    Sleepy Hollow Logan MacDonald 2 episodes
    2019 The Rookie Simon Parks Jr. Episode: «Homefront»

    Awards and nominations[edit]


    1. ^ Old, David (29 July 2008). «Young acting star lands top role in Pinocchio». Evening Chronicle. Retrieved 17 February 2009.
    2. ^ a b c «Fugitive Pieces» (PDF) (Press release). Samuel Goldwyn Films. 2008. Archived from the original (PDF) on 25 February 2009. Retrieved 17 February 2009.
    3. ^ «Way To Life Forever Plot Summary». IMDb. Retrieved 23 February 2014.
    4. ^ Starr, Liane Bonin (14 December 2018). «Interview: ‘Once Upon A Time»s Peter Pan — Robbie Kay». UPROXX. Retrieved 25 September 2018.
    5. ^ «‘Once Upon a Time’ exclusive: Robbie Kay returning as Peter Pan!». ew.com. Retrieved 23 September 2016.
    6. ^ «Robbie Kay filmography». IMDb. Retrieved 23 February 2014.
    7. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. «Robbie Kay Cast In ‘Heroes Reborn’ NBC Event Series». Deadline.com. Retrieved 16 March 2015.
    8. ^ Cox, Alicia (7 September 2007). «Fugitive Pieces (review)». Chatelaine. Retrieved 17 February 2009.
    9. ^ «Robbie Kay Q&A». kidzworld (Interview). Retrieved 23 February 2014.
    10. ^ Spangler, Todd (4 August 2017). «Seychelle Gabriel to Star in Rooster Teeth’s ‘Blood Fest’ Horror-Comedy Film». Variety. Retrieved 10 April 2018.

    External links[edit]

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to Robbie Kay.

    • Robbie Kay at IMDb Edit this at Wikidata
    • Robbie Kay at Flixster
    • Ways to live forever- The movie

    Робби Кей (Robbie Kay)

    cайт организации, признанной экстремистской и запрещенной в РФ



    Робби Кей родился в Лимингтоне, жил в Тайнсайде, что на севере Англии, до того как его семья переехала в Прагу, Чехия. Затем он переехал в Хьюстон, Техас. Робби увлекается регби и футболом.

    В течение года Робби Кей учился в одной английской театральной школе обучаясь актёрскому искусству, пению и танцам. Когда Робби переехал в Хьюстон, он обучался в British school of Houston, которую окончил в 2014 году.

    Кадры Съёмки Промо Скриншоты

    График фильмографии

    Рейтинг фильмов: 6.59

    Мои оценки:

    • Драма 22%
    • Боевик 9%
    • Криминал 9%
    • Триллер 9%
    • Фэнтези 9%

                              • Сбросить

                              Актёр — 20


                              Фильм «Сигналы спасения» (2021)

                              Burning at Both Ends, 2021 — Young German Soldier

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум


                              • IMDb



                              • Критики:


                              Фильм «В поисках серебряного озера» (2018)

                              Locating Silver Lake, 2018 — Mack

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум


                              • IMDb



                              • Критики:


                              The Rookie, 2018 — … — Simon Parks Jr.

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум



                              • IMDb



                              • Критики:


                              Фильм «Бладфест» (2018)

                              Blood Fest, 2018 — Дакс

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум



                              • IMDb



                              • Критики: 50%


                              9–1–1, 2018 — … — Erik

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум



                              • IMDb



                              • Критики: 81%


                              Фильм «Доставка гарантирована» (2017)

                              No Postage Necessary, 2017 — Stanley

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум


                              • IMDb



                              • Критики:


                              Фильм «Холодная Луна» (2016)

                              Cold Moon, 2016 — Ben Redfield

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум



                              • IMDb



                              • Критики: 73%


                              Heroes Reborn, 2015 — 2016 — Tommy Clark

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум



                              • IMDb



                              • Критики: 42%


                              Фильм «Рейс 1942» (2015)

                              Flight World War II, 2015 — Corporal Nigel Sheffield

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум


                              • IMDb



                              • Критики:


                              Фильм «Рита» (2013)

                              Rita, 2013

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум


                              • IMDb



                              • Критики:


                              Sleepy Hollow, 2013 — 2017 — Logan MacDonald

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум



                              • IMDb



                              • Критики: 74%


                              Once Upon a Time, 2011 — 2018 — Питер Пэн / Малкольм

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум



                              • IMDb



                              • Критики: 78%


                              Фильм «Пираты Карибского моря: На странных берегах» (2011)

                              Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, 2011 — Cabin Boy

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум



                              • IMDb



                              • Критики: 33%


                              Фильм «Путь к вечной жизни» (2010)

                              Ways to Live Forever, 2010 — Sam MacQueen

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум


                              • IMDb



                              • Критики:


                              Фильм «Сделано в Дагенхэме» (2010)

                              Made in Dagenham, 2010 — Graham O’Grady

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум



                              • IMDb



                              • Критики: 80%


                              Фильм «Волшебная история Пиноккио» (2008)

                              Pinocchio, 2008 — Pinocchio

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум


                              • IMDb



                              • Критики:


                              Фильм «Мой мальчик Джек» (2007)

                              My Boy Jack, 2007 — Артур Рельф

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум



                              • IMDb



                              • Критики: 71%


                              Фильм «Осколки» (2007)

                              Fugitive Pieces, 2007 — Jakob, Child

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум



                              • IMDb



                              • Критики: 68%


                              Фильм «Ганнибал: Восхождение» (2006)

                              Hannibal Rising, 2006 — Kolnas’s Son

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум



                              • IMDb



                              • Критики: 15%


                              Grey’s Anatomy, 2005 — … — Christopher Daniels

                              • Друзья


                              • Кинориум



                              • IMDb



                              • Критики: 84%

                              Другое — 5

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