Роджерс однажды в сказке

Крюк из Мира желания — персонаж сериала Однажды в сказке. Является альтернативной версией Крюка в мире, где тёмное проклятье не было наложено.


После третьего проклятья[]

В Мире Желаний проклятье никогда не было наложено, и поэтому жизнь Крюка здесь пошла в совершенно ином направлении. Он много путешествовал и даже имел дочь, которая оказалась в плену под магией. Ему удалось пробраться к дочери и сыграть с ней в шахматы. Однако ведьма обнаружила его, а в наказание прокляла сердце, чтобы пират больше никогда не смог любить. Крюк вернулся домой, забрав ладью. («Пиратская жизнь»)

Через несколько лет Крюк стареет и начинает много пить. Однажды он слышит, что принцесса Эмма была похищена, и находит её в лесу вместе с Пиноккио. Будучи уверенным, что последний держит её в плену, Крюк намерен спасти принцессу. Но та телепортирует его на корабль. («Выносливее остальных»)

После пятого проклятья[]


Once Upon a Time: Шестой сезон
«Спаситель»: «Горький осадок»: «Другая туфелька»: «Странная история»: «Уличные крысы»: «Тёмные воды»: «Бессердечные»: «Я буду твоим зеркалом»: «Подменыши»: «Хочу, чтобы ты был здесь»: «Выносливее остальных»:

«Убийство не по правилам»: «Предвещающие знаки»: «Страница 23»: «Дивное место»: «Мамин маленький помощник»: «Пробуждение»: «Где летают синие птицы»: «Чёрная фея»: «Песня в твоём сердце»: «Финальная битва. Часть 1»: «Финальная битва. Часть 2»:

Once Upon a Time: Седьмой сезон
«Гиперион Хайтс»: «Пиратская жизнь»: «Сад расходящихся тропок»: «Красавица»: «Лягушки»: «Пробуждающий звонок»: «Элоиза Гарденер»: «Красотка в голубом»: «Одна маленькая слезинка»: «Восьмая ведьма»: «Тайный сад»:



«Вкус высоты»: «Падение рыцаря»: «Девушка в башне»: «Союз сестер»: «Хлебные крошки»: «Избранная»: «Хранитель»: «Дитя цветов»: «Это Генри Миллс?»: «Возвращение домой»: «Покидая Сторибрук»:

After Regina cast Drizella’s curse to save Henry’s life, Captain Hook becomes Rogers, a cop who works at the Hyperion Heights 42nd Precinct Police Station. The curse he was afflicted with prior to the curse becomes dormant, due to the fact he is now in a Land Without Magic. In his cursed memories, he remembers having a childhood interest in the ocean and a desire to go there, but the dream was left unfulfilled as an adult because he had no family or anyone to go with. Rogers also recalls one of his first cases is a missing little girl named Eloise Gardner, and the night she disappeared, he was drinking instead of patrolling the neighborhood. A lead takes him into an alley where he is shot from behind, but a blonde woman appears, touching his wound and keeping him alive until an ambulance arrives for him. However, he never solves the case and is haunted by it, especially because he feels responsible for her disappearance. («Hyperion Heights», «A Pirate’s Life», «Greenbacks», «Eloise Gardener», «The Eighth Witch», «Knightfall»)

A year later, Henry arrives at the police station needing help with finding his missing car, and after an officer named Samuel provides little to no assistance, Rogers steps in to offer aid instead. He gives Henry a form to fill out and promises to do his best to check the local impoundments to see if the car is there. After some searching, Rogers turns up with no trace of the vehicle anywhere. Henry is frustrated over the news, however, he quickly calms down after Rogers assures him he’s on his side and just needs more time. Victoria shows up looking for her missing granddaughter Lucy, and she notes to Rogers that Lucy’s mother Jacinda is also suspiciously gone. After Henry eventually reveals Jacinda has likely taken Lucy to Bainbridge Island, Rogers is joined by Victoria’s daughter Ivy in his police car as he drives there. Ivy tells Jacinda that it was Henry who ratted her out, although Rogers tries to soften this blow by mentioning Henry was only trying to help. Before ushering her niece into the police car with her, Ivy grabs Henry’s book from Lucy’s bag and hands it to Rogers, telling him to dispose of it as he sees fit since it’s caused too much trouble for Lucy. Rogers flips the book open and appears mesmerized by something he sees in it, but he snaps out of his daze after Ivy asks if he is all right. Later, Rogers returns to the station, where he receives news about being promoted to Detective, in part due to Victoria’s recommendation. He shakes hands with his new partner, Weaver, who assures him that they will do great work together. Some time afterward, Rogers stands by his police cruiser as he looks through the storybook, seemingly transfixed by a picture of the same blonde woman who once saved him. («Hyperion Heights»)

Unable to put his curiosity to rest, Rogers shows up the next day at Henry’s apartment and asks if the blonde woman in his book was based on a real person. Henry, however, declares the woman is just a character he made up. Rogers is disappointed by this and prepares to leave, but then Henry requests his help with locating a cemetery where some of his family are buried. Although it’s not his usual line of work, Rogers agrees to try. Later that morning, Rogers meets up with Weaver, who chides him for being late. He protests that the shift doesn’t start for another hour, however, Weaver criticizes him for not considering that he chose him for this job despite the other officers complaining Rogers wouldn’t work well with a fake hand. Rogers is puzzled by this, wondering why Weaver would choose him when he doesn’t even know him. Weaver suggests he’ll have the answer when he’s a bigshot detective one day, and then tosses him the car keys, telling him to drive since he is the new guy. The two men arrive at Belfrey Towers, where they are assigned by Victoria to get rid of Henry. In the elevator, Rogers asks Weaver why they are accepting orders from her, and Weaver agrees that they don’t work for Victoria, but they do work for him. They visit Roni at her bar for information on Henry’s movements, though Roni refuses to offer up anything. After Weaver leaves and Rogers goes to pay Roni for Weaver’s drink, Roni presses him to be careful of the latter, whose previous partners have all mysterious vanished. Outside, Rogers tells Weaver that they haven’t gone far enough in finding dirt on Henry, to which Weaver amusedly wonders if Rogers has a dark side. Upon obtaining a search warrant for Henry’s apartment, the two look around, with Weaver discovering evidence that Henry had a daughter at some point in his life. Weaver explains that they’ve located a vulnerability that they can use against Henry, and questions if this bothers Rogers before pressuring him into being loyal to him or suffer the consequences. Before leaving the apartment, Rogers swipes a swan keychain from Henry’s dresser. When Victoria demands Henry be removed from her charity event, Weaver tasks Rogers with slipping Victoria’s bracelet into the man’s pocket and framing him for theft. Rogers purposely bumps into Henry, but he puts in the keychain instead, causing Henry to be exonerated when Weaver later asks him to turn out his pockets. Rogers tries to dispose of the bracelet into a sewer, but Weaver stops him, expressing approval over his moral code and how this is what he has sought after in a partner. Later, Rogers gives Henry a list of cemeteries in Seattle, despite having no luck finding the names of his deceased family. He tells him about his quest to find the missing little girl and how the woman who saved him gave him the inspiration to do things the morally right way. Rogers believes, after seeing Victoria accuse Henry of theft, that she may be responsible for keeping him from locating the girl. He shares this theory with Roni as well, suggesting that Victoria is involved with ruining everyone’s lives in Hyperion Heights and the three decide to work together to oust Victoria for her crimes. («A Pirate’s Life»)

At the bar, Roni tells Rogers and Henry about her encounter with a drunk employee from the building commission who alluded to accepting a bribe from Victoria. Rogers decides to do a stakeout at the plaza where the employee and Victoria are scheduled to meet, in the hopes of coercing the man into confessing everything. At the police station, he prints out a document with information on the man, an executive director named Michael, and begins heading out when Weaver asks him to tag a folder as evidence. Rogers declines because he is busy and lies about having to be present for a court date for a parking ticket he wrote up. Across from the plaza, Rogers observes Michael accepting an envelope from Victoria, while he himself is unaware that Weaver is watching him from the bridge above. Rogers corners Michael in a restaurant, and upon the latter’s denial that he knows anything about Victoria, he pulls the envelope from Michael’s jacket, revealing a wad of cash inside. He places Michael under arrest, however, at the station, Weaver allows the suspect to leave. Rogers is annoyed at him for allowing a criminal to go scot-free, to which Weaver reprimands him for lying and his poor attempt at doling out justice when it’ll only attract unwanted attention from Victoria. Weaver then curtly tells Rogers to enjoy the rest of his day off; implying he should be off from duty because of the stunt he just tried to pull. («The Garden of Forking Paths»)

From Weaver, Rogers finds out that Victoria is afraid of Tilly, one of Weaver’s street informants, and that the girl may possibly know something big about Victoria. Weaver wants to use Tilly to obtain the necessary information, but Rogers disapproves of his partner using her as a disposable pawn. In turn, Weaver warns him not to school him on how to deal with his informant, as he is aware Rogers has his own baggage concerning his old case with the missing girl, Eloise. Rogers expresses dismay at his callousness towards Tilly because he thought he cared for her, though Weaver coldly asserts he doesn’t care about anyone except himself. Later when Weaver is hospitalized after being shot by Tilly, Rogers shows him the bullet that almost killed him and jokes that he must be immortal to have survived. He also informs Weaver that Tilly has since calmed down soon after her pills started to take effect. Weaver then instructs him to let her go and file a report about a masked robber shooting him before fleeing on foot. Rogers, surprised by Weaver’s orders, comments that perhaps he does care for Tilly after all, although an annoyed Weaver snaps at him for daring to give his opinion on the matter. Outside in the waiting room, Rogers gives Tilly an update about Weaver’s recovery from the gunshot wound, with Tilly expressing deep remorse for her actions and she promises Rogers that she will not go off her pills again. Rogers notices she is sitting near a chess board, and after taking the seat across from her, he starts the game by moving the black rook. («Beauty»)

In the bar, Rogers shows Henry a box of evidence linked to Eloise, the missing girl he never found. Roni agrees to help him store the box in the backroom for safekeeping, while Rogers leaves with Eloise’s old journal. On the way back to work, Rogers opens the book to a drawing of a tower window with a red sky before hearing a commotion inside the station. He rushes in to help an officer fend off an attack from a bearded man, Sam, who was found at Pleasure Island Cabaret in a drunken state. Rogers then notices a tattoo on the assailant’s wrist which matches another drawing from Eloise’s book. When he interrogates him about the tattoo’s origins, Sam claims to have gotten it while he was serving a prison sentence as a way to ward off evil. Rogers doesn’t believe him, but the man stands by his words. As Rogers leaves, Sam protests about not being let go despite helping him, though Rogers implies he is lucky as the man he got into an altercation with at the cabaret didn’t want to press charges against him. Later, Rogers helps Jacinda find a truck at the impound lot so she and Sabine can use it to start a food truck business. After Sabine gifts Rogers a bag of her homemade beignets as thanks, Rogers tells her that the fire that broke out at her workplace was deliberately set, and although the camera footage can’t be recovered, he suspects Victoria did it. As Rogers and Sabine continue talking in the station, Sam watches them from across the street, where he informs someone on the phone that they have a problem now since Rogers is looking for Eloise. («Greenbacks»)

As Weaver prepares to leave the hospital to go back to work, Rogers reminds him that the captain wants him to rest for at least a week. After Tilly is left behind after Weaver departs to go talk to the captain at the station, Rogers persuades her to help him with his search for Eloise. Tilly brings him to her shed by the railroad tracks, where she suggests they have another chess match while they discuss Eloise’s case. Rogers asks if they should reset the board, but Tilly insists against it as it’s more fun if the game begins in the middle. Prompted by Tilly, Rogers tells her all about Eloise, who, until she disappeared ten years ago, was a normal girl who loved art and hated school. He goes on to say she was also an amateur poet and was fearless, and his belief that something must have spooked her. Rogers shows her the protection rune that Eloise drew in her journal but he remains confused about what he is missing. Tilly turns around the chessboard, telling him to look at the pieces he already has on his side, and that he has to pay attention to them as they may help him get onto the path to Eloise. With Tilly’s advice in mind, Rogers reexamines the file he has on the man with the tattoo, Sam, and decides to pay a visit to his home. He arrives there, but when no one answers the door, he shines a flashlight in and spots a body on the floor, prompting him to break in and find Sam is now dead. («Wake Up Call»)

After police backup is called to the crime scene, Rogers accuses Weaver of conspiring with whoever killed Sam to keep him from finding Eloise. Weaver calls him out for accusing him with no proof and believes Rogers’ obsession is affecting his judgment. In a conversation with Henry, Rogers is adamant that Eloise is still alive and, despite how crazy it sounds, he feels a familial bond with the missing girl. Henry accompanies him to the troll statue, where Rogers asks for Tilly’s opinion on Eloise’s journal. Tilly deducts that Eloise had a bad home life with unloving parents and that she probably wasn’t taken against her will. Rogers states he has already gone down that road before by talking to the street kids, but Tilly points out they wouldn’t want to talk to a cop. He then prompts her for assistance with this, and Tilly eventually agrees as she doesn’t want Rogers to write her up for the stolen watches she is attempting to sell off. Later while waiting for Tilly to report back, Rogers admits to Henry that he’s so invested in Eloise because he feels guilty for her disappearance, as he was drinking instead of patrolling during the night she went missing. Tilly provides information about a guy at the old group home who used to date a girl named Rain, who wrote poetry, loved Salinger, and drew often in her notebook. She gives Rogers one of Rain’s drawings, which matches a missing page in Eloise’s journal, but she reveals Rain died in a car accident and her body was never identified since her name was a pseudonym. As Rogers is reeling from the shock of Eloise’s death, he nearly drowns his sorrow in alcohol, only to angrily set down the bottle. Some of the spilled liquid causes the color in the drawing to run, which helps him figure out it is a forgery because all the other pages in the journal have always remained intact no matter what. Realizing Weaver made Tilly lie to him, he confronts the man. Weaver admits he was acting on Victoria’s orders, but the real reason he did it was to protect Rogers from himself as he is not ready to know the whole truth about what is going on in Hyperion Heights. Rogers vows to find Eloise now that Weaver has confirmed his suspicions that she is still alive, even though Weaver insists Eloise is not who he is truly looking for. Upon not finding Victoria at Belfrey Towers, he convinces Ivy to give him access to a tracking system on Victoria’s car. Rogers corners Victoria in one of her property buildings, where he rescues a woman who claims to be Eloise. In the aftermath of Victoria’s arrest, Rogers tells Tilly how disappointed he is in her for obeying Weaver’s commands as he thought she was not that kind of person, before accompanying Eloise in the ambulance as it drives away. («Eloise Gardener»)

As Rogers arrives at the precinct, the other police officers applaud him for his heroism in rescuing Eloise, except for Weaver, who cautions that he has no idea what he’s blown open. Eloise thanks him with a cake, and as she tells him about her not so smooth readjustment to normal life, Rogers hands her his card and suggests she call him if she needs anything. Rogers is cutting a slice of the cake when Roni drops by looking for Weaver. Roni persuades him to try reaching out to Tilly again and to not judge her too harshly for obeying Weaver as she believes the girl only allowed herself to be a pawn because she had no other option. Upon noticing Eloise’s cake, Roni promptly dumps it into the trash, much to Rogers’ confusion, as she tells him that too much sugar will kill him. At the troll statue under the bridge, Rogers reconciles with Tilly as he now understands she saw Weaver as a father figure. Tilly reflects on her perception of Weaver, whom she thought was a good person and had cared about her, but without him, she doesn’t know where she belongs in the world. Rogers gives her the chessboard and invites her to play a weekly chess game with him from now on, as he too is feeling lost since solving Eloise’s case and doesn’t know what to do next. («Pretty in Blue»)

Arriving outside the station, Rogers is shocked to see Victoria is now a free woman as Weaver informs him the judge had no choice to let her go seeing as Rogers did not have a warrant. Rogers, more than certain that Weaver pulled some strings for Victoria in order to get something out of the arrangement, vows to dig up whatever he is trying to hide. Weaver advises him to not as ignoring his advice thus far will only do more damage. Not to be deterred, Rogers sets off a fire alarm in order to get into the police station evidence room, where he finds a pirate book in a bag before his interest is piqued by a box of files. In it, he finds folders with information on several people; Victoria, Ivy, Sam, himself, and Sabine. Rogers goes to follow-up with Sabine about what Weaver questioned her about concerning the fire at Mr. Cluck’s. Sabine explains being shown an object that was supposedly used to force the back door open, and when Rogers asks her to describe what it looked like, she instead draws it for him, revealing it is a dagger-shaped weapon. She describes how Weaver had her hold it and asked if she «felt» anything from it. Still unsure what Weaver is up to, Rogers confronts him with Sabine’s drawing and why he has been investigating everyone in Hyperion Heights. Weaver confesses to looking for someone whom he believed Victoria could have helped to find, and that everything he has done is to reunite with his wife. Rogers finds the story unbelievable yet he believes Weaver is telling the truth. He offers to help him, to which Weaver tells him that they need to find Lucy. («One Little Tear»)

After Lucy mysteriously falls into a coma, Sabine calls him so he can investigate where the girl was during the day. As Rogers is trying to get information from a construction worker who was in the area around that time, Tilly grabs his attention by mentioning the symbol in Eloise’s journal. She then leads him to the same painted symbol on the troll bridge’s wall, where it is being scrubbed away by a worker. The pair later arrive into the evidence room, finding everything in a mess, including a disheveled Weaver, before Rogers tells him about the appearance of the symbol in Hyperion Heights. Weaver recognizes which symbol he means and shows him a coin bearing the same marking. Rogers then asks what it means, and Weaver ominously states that «they» — the Coven of the Eight — are here. («The Eighth Witch»)

When Rogers questions Weaver further about who exactly «they» are, Weaver tells him that Eloise is a member of a dangerous cult and though she was seduced into it, she eventually became its leader and is now attempting to recruit other girls, such as Victoria’s other daughter Anastasisa, who is still trapped in the cult. Rogers finds this hard to believe and remains certain Eloise is innocent. After discovering Victoria has gone missing, Rogers becomes concerned she might have gone after Eloise. He goes to check up on her at her apartment, where, unknown to him, she is hiding Victoria’s youngest daughter Anastasia in the closet. Rogers enters after seeing the door is unlocked and apologizes for startling Eloise before explaining his reasons for coming to see her. Upon seeing the cartoons playing on the television and cereal on the table, he asks if she is alone. Eloise says she has things as they are to remind her of simpler times, but Rogers remains unconvinced and starts to walk towards the closet. She stops him by shattering a teacup before pretending she did it by accident and telling him that closed spaces still make her wary. When Eloise asks him to walk her to her art therapy class, Rogers agrees and leaves the apartment with her. At the police station, Rogers shares his suspicions with Weaver about Eloise hiding something but he is still skeptical about his theory that she is in a cult. Weaver shows him information about botanical garden greenhouse and suggests there will be a ritual involving a sacred orchid and a sacrifice that they have to stop before someone gets hurt. Rogers only starts to believe him after they arrive in time to find Victoria dead as Ivy tells them her mother saved her from being the sacrifice. («Secret Garden»)

In the police station evidence room, Rogers blames himself for Victoria’s death, believing she would still be alive if he hadn’t rescued Eloise. Weaver suggests there were forces at work beyond his control, but that the situation can still be repaired. He shows Rogers a file on Andrea Sage, the doctor overseeing Lucy at the hospital who died on the same night as Victoria. Although the death was ruled as due to natural causes, Weaver finds it suspicious that a lock of Doctor Sage’s hair was missing. Rogers theorizes it was another coven member who killed her, and Weaver agrees, stating that person could lead them right back to Eloise. The detectives pay a visit to Hilda, a bakery owner who was with Andrea the morning prior to her death. Hilda confirms Andrea was at her bakery, however, she did not actually see her because she is blind. She explains the doctor bought her usual teacake and gave her some test results. As Rogers tries to use Hilda’s blindness to his advantage by sneaking into the backroom, the woman catches on and tells him that room is off limits because of food sanitary reasons. Hilda then apologizes for not being of more help due to her condition and offers the detectives a cookie for the road, but Rogers declines before walking out to follow after Weaver. Later, Rogers and Weaver break into the bakery during the night, discovering the gas is on and an unconscious Hilda is handcuffed to a table leg. («A Taste of the Heights»)

While Rogers is at work, Tilly tries to interest him in a chess game even though he is working a case. She believes a game could help him on a bad day and that she has a feeling something terrible will happen soon. Rogers is too busy for games and he tells her people are in danger. Tilly is hurt she is not important to him, to which Rogers denies that she isn’t and simply asks her to go home for now. As Tilly leaves, Weavers comes in to update Rogers on the situation with Hilda, who is recovering at the hospital with guards posted outside her room in case the culprit comes back. Eloise shows up unexpectedly to help them find the killer, but in the interrogation room, she becomes upset at Weaver’s suspicion of her when he questions her about where she was the night of Victoria’s death. Rogers apologizes on his partner’s behalf, however, Eloise wants Weaver gone so she can talk with Rogers only. While Eloise is left in the interrogation room, Weaver warns Rogers of the woman’s skill in manipulating others. Rogers believes he will be fine, considering Eloise’s targets are lonely lost girls and he is not, and he intends to let her believe she is in control of the situation. He then goes back to Eloise, reassuring her that Weaver is away on a coffee break, which Eloise knows is a lie but she cooperates, satisfied that she doesn’t have to deal with his partner anymore. When Eloise convinces Rogers that he cannot find the killer without first knowing who he truly is, she asks him to show her one of his favorite paintings. Weaver objects against this and believes Rogers doesn’t even understand the price he is paying for it, but Rogers insists he is willing if it’ll get him the answers he wants. Rogers returns with a painting of a ship at sea, and Tilly protests his decision, but he ignores her. Upon seeing the painting, Eloise inquiries about the story behind it. Rogers tells her about his childhood fascination with the ocean, though he eventually grew up and forgot about it. On further probing by Eloise, Rogers admits he never fulfilled his dream in adulthood because he has no one to share it with. Eloise then tells him that while he expressed his pain through painting, the killer has expressed it through murder and both victims were given a specific gift before their deaths, chocolate marzipan truffles in a heart-shaped box. This leads Rogers and Weavers to a flower shop where the chocolates were last delivered, but the woman they are looking for already died years ago, making them suspect that the killer set them up. They check up on Hilda, only to find her dead with Tilly standing over her with a scalpel. Tilly flees after berating them for not listening to her, and later, the detectives find a coven symbol in Tilly’s shed, which, unknown to them, was left by the actual killer to make Tilly look guilty, though neither believes she killed anyone. To help Rogers understand, Weaver tells him about a bad experience Tilly had with the coven many years ago, during which her father was taken from her. While Weaver heads back to the station to buy themselves some time, Rogers agrees to track down Tilly to prove her innocence. («Knightfall»)

Locating Tilly at the troll statue, Rogers convinces her to get into his car before taking her to Henry’s apartment to lay low for a while. He discusses Tilly’s situation with Henry, who suggests locating a trusted alibi to clear her name. Tilly, overhearing them, tells them she doesn’t have friends who can provide one, so Rogers asks if she can account for where she was between 3 and 4 PM yesterday at the time of Hilda’s death. Since Tilly cannot, Rogers pinpoints her whereabouts yesterday by asking about the spot of sugar on her sleeve, which Tilly recalls was from when she got beignets from Sabine’s food truck. Rogers and Henry go to investigate this while Tilly has to stay put in the apartment, however, Tilly later leaves to secure an alibi, only to discover none of the people she interacted with remember her being there. Henry sees Tilly wandering the streets and pulls her into an alleyway, where Rogers chides her for being out in the open where she might’ve been seen. Tilly denies that anyone did see her and begins to doubt she actually exists, but Rogers persuades her to have faith in herself by retracing her steps. Tilly recalls she came into the alley after having the marmalade sandwich, and in the dumpster, she retrieves the backpack she left there at the time. On return to Henry’s apartment, Rogers suggests Tilly needs something from her bag that has a timestamp on it, like a receipt, to show where she was, but instead, Tilly finds two hair clippings. Rogers recognizes them as the tokens that the killer took from his victims, which frightens Tilly into believing she really did murder those women despite having no memory of it. After Tilly flees the apartment, Rogers and Henry locate her at the troll statue again, except this time Tilly points out a security camera in the troll’s eye, proving she does have an alibi after all. Rogers reviews the footage at the police station, which shows Tilly walked past the statue at 3:20 PM during Hilda’s death. Tilly leaves to go home and forgets to take her bag with her, but Rogers shows up at her shed to return it to her. Out of concern for her safety since the killer is still on the loose, Rogers invites her to stay with him at his home instead, which Tilly happily accepts. («The Girl in the Tower»)

Upon walking into Weaver’s office, Rogers expresses surprise over seeing him gluing together a broken teacup, remarking that he never pegged him for an antiques’ kind of guy. He asks his partner if he wants to grab lunch and work on the Candy Killer case, which is the nickname that has been given to the murderer because of the candy boxes he gifts his victims before killing them. Weaver declines, suggesting they both need a break from work for now, and that perhaps wandering another path will lead them to where they need to go. Rogers then decides to head to the market to pick up some more jam for Tilly. Sometime during the day, Lucy commences with Operation Bromance to cheer up Henry with a guys’ night out by texting him, Rogers, and Nick. Rogers receives a message from Lucy stating Henry has information about the Candy Killer case and that he should meet with him at Flynn’s Barcade. He finds Henry has just lost in the game Galaga, but when Nick arrives asking if Lucy is around, the three men realize they have been duped by the girl. Henry grumbles that Lucy has literally «texted him into the friendzone» now that she is done pairing him up with Jacinda and he apologizes for wasting Rogers’ and Nick’s time, however, Rogers insists he wants to stay. Rogers then puts a token into the machine and plays Galaga as Henry watches. Later in the night, Henry attempts the game again but fails miserably, with Rogers commenting that Henry has two good hands and even he got a better score than him. After sitting down at a table, he tells Rogers about his difficulty in forgetting about Jacinda. Roger parrots Weaver’s earlier advice and says it to Henry, who doesn’t understand what he means. As Nick returns with drinks for his companions, he suggests Henry should try his hand at getting to know other women in the bar, and Rogers agrees by telling him to ask out the next woman who walks through the door. To Rogers and Nick’s surprise, Jacinda comes in, having come to wait while a table at the next door restaurant she and Sabine reserved is not yet available. While the lovebirds hang out, Rogers plays pool with Nick but misses his shot because his mind is still on the Candy Killer because he doesn’t really have any leads on the case. Jacinda eventually leaves for the table next door, and towards the end of the evening, the three men exit the barcade. Seeing that Nick’s car is broken, Rogers offers to help but the latter assures him that he can take care of it and wishes him good luck on the case, quipping that the answer might be right under his nose. After leaving Nick to his car, Rogers and Henry walk off together. («Sisterhood»)

Investigating the indoor parking lot where the Candy Killer attacked Ivy, Rogers and Weaver are unable to find a single trace left behind by the assailant. They discuss the benefit of Ivy’s decision to leave town as soon as she did, in order to be far from the killer’s grasp, though they believe the next victim may not be so lucky. Rogers then splits from Weaver for the day, explaining that he has to get Tilly to her new job as her voracious appetite at home has left him paying a lot for her much-loved organic marmalade. While accompanying Tilly to Sabine’s food truck, where she will work, Rogers nags at her to stop being nervous and to not bite her nails. Tilly then wonders if he is the one who is actually nervous, and Rogers admits he had to pull some strings to land this job for her but it’s likely she’ll have a knack for it. Before leaving Tilly in Sabine’s hands, Rogers receives his favorite order from Sabine. Rogers checks in with Weaver at the evidence room, where Henry is helping them with cracking the killer’s interest in his novel. After figuring it out, Henry tells them that the killer wrote in corrections for the Hansel and Gretel story, such as Gretel dying instead of living happily ever after with her brother and the underlined emphasis on the word «twins», which seem to suggest the killer believes himself to be Hansel avenging his sister’s death. Rogers praises Henry for his good work and then leaves to begin looking up records of people who have sisters and who may also be a twin, in addition to finding a match for someone with a scar or burn mark. That evening, Rogers comes to the food truck, noticing that Sabine is doing Tilly’s job of making beignets. Sabine reveals Tilly was better suited for selling the beignets out front and that she even came up with the idea of giving out free samples as a way to boost sales. When Tilly ends her shift, she happily tells Sabine and Rogers that talking to the customers have given them the chance to know her name now, unlike in the past when she snuck away with food and went unseen by them. As she leaves with Rogers, she also tells him about meeting Margot and how special it was because Margot truly saw her for her. («Breadcrumbs»)

After being notified by Samuel that Henry’s car was found abandoned on the road with a flat tire, Rogers agrees to look into the matter soon. When Kelly enters the precinct with a familiar looking heart-shaped box in her hands, he realizes she is the Candy Killer’s next intended target. He tries to talk to her about it, and though Kelly only wants to speak with Weaver, he insists she comes with him to the cafeteria so she can answer some questions. However, Kelly lies about needing to make a phone call first, leaving her daughter Margot and Rogers to proceed to the cafeteria first without her, while she goes to Weaver’s office. After following up with the airline Henry was supposed to check in with, Rogers receives confirmation from them that he never boarded his flight to New York. He finds Jacinda at a running track and asks if she has heard from Henry recently, and she states she got a text from him. As Jacinda fetches her phone from inside her car, Rogers sees a gingerbread house DIY kit in the backseat, which Jacinda says Nick gave to Lucy. Upon skimming the alleged text message from Henry, Rogers asks her to look at it again to see if anything in it sounds off. Jacinda notices Henry referred to her in writing as J, a nickname Sabine usually calls her, however, Rogers recalls Nick also called her that at Flynn’s Barcade during the other night. He then questions if Nick has any scars, and Jacinda admits Nick does but he is very self-conscious about them. Realizing Nick is the Candy Killer and that he may have kidnapped Henry, Rogers tells her he doesn’t have time to explain but urges her to go home and not answer her phone or let anyone in for her own safety. Later, Rogers bursts into Nick’s apartment with a gun before freeing a restrained Henry and leading him out. Nick, who was overpowered by Kelly during a confrontation with her at the bar, is arrested that night and held at the police station. («Chosen»)

As Nick is being held in the interrogation room, Weaver unlocks the door as Rogers goes in with him, only to find the man is now dead. Rogers doesn’t think murder is possible since no one else had the key to the room and he speculates Nick died from a medical condition. However, Weaver finds straw left behind by the voodoo doll that Mr. Samdi used to kill Nick. After discovering the Dark One’s dagger missing, Weaver leaves the station in a tense state and tells his partner he is going after the person responsible for Nick’s death as Rogers is unnerved by how he has never seen Weaver this scared before. Rogers replays the footage of Nick in the interrogation room when he was still alive, however, the camera cuts out and he is unable to see the moments leading up to Nick’s murder. Samuel comes in to hand over pictures that Rogers had printed out from footage taken from cameras across the street at the time of the death, which show Drew was present in the area. When Roger is asked by Henry for a chance to talk to Nick despite knowing it’s against police protocol, he reveals what happened at the station recently, leaving Henry shocked at his former friend’s passing. Henry, still wanting answers about something Nick previously showed him, persuades Rogers to allow him access to Nick’s apartment to search for the item. While both of them are in the apartment, they discover Drew lurking in there until he pushes Rogers aside before taking off. Rogers apprehends him after a long chase, and Drew confesses he was trying to find something in the apartment to protect himself from Mr. Samdi, who killed Nick, as he fears he will be next on the man’s hit list. Drew warns Rogers that Samdi has unimaginable power and directs him into taking a closer look at Nick’s coroner report as proof of this. Back at the station, Henry brings coffee to Rogers, who just reviewed Nick’s report, which reveals he apparently died from being stabbed in the heart from the inside. («The Guardian»)

While Drew is being kept in the interrogation room, Rogers visits him so they can talk further about Nick’s manner of death. Drew insists Samdi used magic to kill Nick, and while the detective may think magic is nothing but a fairytale, it is real and pockets of it are in this realm, and that Nick was hunting actual witches who are starting a war in Hyperion Heights. Rogers seems to change his mind about Eloise after this, and crosses out the word «cult» in her file and changes it to «coven». Tilly comes to him in hysterics over Eloise, who claims she is her mother. Rogers agrees to help her figure things out as he is starting to suspect there is more to Eloise than what he knows, and together, they go to Henry’s apartment. Henry lets them in, revealing he too is conducting his own investigation into the impossible; that everything in his book actually happened. The three discuss the probability that, if Eloise really is in a coven of witches, the reason she isn’t using magic is because the bigger the spell, the more magic users are needed for it. After getting a call from Samuel about the coven members being spotted going into a theater, Rogers leaves with Tilly to go there. As the pair is in Rogers’ car looking to see if Eloise will show up to the theater, Tilly plays with a paper rabbit origami. Rogers worries she is bored, but she is happy to do something with another person for a change. Tilly admits she is hungry, which Rogers helps with by giving her a sandwich. She thanks him it, in addition to everything else he has given her, and she wonders how she got so lucky to meet someone like him. Seeing Eloise go into the theater, the pair follow her in, There, Rogers is restrained while Eloise smugly admits to him that she is indeed in a coven of witches as he was starting to believe. Eloise then tries to persuade Tilly into joining their coven family and helping them to cast a spell, which Tilly wants no part in it and resents the coven for killing her father, but Eloise reveals Rogers is actually her father. Still, when given the chance, Tilly refuses to join the coven, leading Eloise to threaten Rogers’ life by extracting some of his blood and implying she will take his life too if Tilly continues to deny her. Tilly finally consents, and after Eloise performs a ritual where Rogers’ blood is one of the three items sacrificed, Rogers begs Tilly not aid the coven any further. He considers that, if he is truly her father, he doesn’t want her to go through with it. Tilly agrees he is right, declaring he really is her father and professes that is why she can’t let him die. Once Eloise completes a spell incantation, all the witches, including Tilly, link hands with each other in a circle and a pillar of fire rises from the center of the coven symbol, bringing magic to Hyperion Heights. («Flower Child», «Is This Henry Mills?»)

After Gothel leaves The Hyperion, Rogers remains a hostage and witnesses one of the coven members morph into a tree, which Samuel tells him is the reward each woman will have once they’ve completed their role in the ritual. Rogers distracts him by asking if he’ll be rewarded too, and while the latter is not looking, he escapes from his restraints by taking off his fake hand in the process. He then knocks Samuel unconscious and tries to talk to Tilly, who refuses to leave with him. Rogers tries to pull her away from the ritual circle, but a magical blast throws him back, causing him to feel intense pain, which is the poison in his heart being reactivated. He finds Weaver at the police station and learns that magic is real and everything in Henry’s book actually happened. Rogers tries to make sense of what Gothel said about him being Tilly’s father, and Weaver helps by explaining the familial bond he has with her has always been there although Rogers didn’t understand it at the time. Weaver comes up with an idea to rescue Tilly from the ritual by tracking down Margot, Tilly’s girlfriend, and persuading her to come with them to save Tilly. The trio arrive at the lower floor of The Hyperion, where Margot tries to convince Tilly to leave with her, but Tilly shoves her away before shrinking her, Weaver, and Rogers. One by one, the other coven members morph into trees after their roles in the ritual are complete, leaving only Tilly, but when Henry breaks the curse, she snaps out of it. («Is This Henry Mills?»)

After Regina cast Drizella’s curse to save Henry’s life, Captain Hook becomes Rogers, a cop who works at the Hyperion Heights 42nd Precinct Police Station. The curse he was afflicted with prior to the curse becomes dormant, due to the fact he is now in a Land Without Magic. In his cursed memories, he remembers having a childhood interest in the ocean and a desire to go there, but the dream was left unfulfilled as an adult because he had no family or anyone to go with. Rogers also recalls one of his first cases is a missing little girl named Eloise Gardner, and the night she disappeared, he was drinking instead of patrolling the neighborhood. A lead takes him into an alley where he is shot from behind, but a blonde woman appears, touching his wound and keeping him alive until an ambulance arrives for him. However, he never solves the case and is haunted by it, especially because he feels responsible for her disappearance. («Hyperion Heights», «A Pirate’s Life», «Greenbacks», «Eloise Gardener», «The Eighth Witch», «Knightfall»)

A year later, Henry arrives at the police station needing help with finding his missing car, and after an officer named Samuel provides little to no assistance, Rogers steps in to offer aid instead. He gives Henry a form to fill out and promises to do his best to check the local impoundments to see if the car is there. After some searching, Rogers turns up with no trace of the vehicle anywhere. Henry is frustrated over the news, however, he quickly calms down after Rogers assures him he’s on his side and just needs more time. Victoria shows up looking for her missing granddaughter Lucy, and she notes to Rogers that Lucy’s mother Jacinda is also suspiciously gone. After Henry eventually reveals Jacinda has likely taken Lucy to Bainbridge Island, Rogers is joined by Victoria’s daughter Ivy in his police car as he drives there. Ivy tells Jacinda that it was Henry who ratted her out, although Rogers tries to soften this blow by mentioning Henry was only trying to help. Before ushering her niece into the police car with her, Ivy grabs Henry’s book from Lucy’s bag and hands it to Rogers, telling him to dispose of it as he sees fit since it’s caused too much trouble for Lucy. Rogers flips the book open and appears mesmerized by something he sees in it, but he snaps out of his daze after Ivy asks if he is all right. Later, Rogers returns to the station, where he receives news about being promoted to Detective, in part due to Victoria’s recommendation. He shakes hands with his new partner, Weaver, who assures him that they will do great work together. Some time afterward, Rogers stands by his police cruiser as he looks through the storybook, seemingly transfixed by a picture of the same blonde woman who once saved him. («Hyperion Heights»)

Unable to put his curiosity to rest, Rogers shows up the next day at Henry’s apartment and asks if the blonde woman in his book was based on a real person. Henry, however, declares the woman is just a character he made up. Rogers is disappointed by this and prepares to leave, but then Henry requests his help with locating a cemetery where some of his family are buried. Although it’s not his usual line of work, Rogers agrees to try. Later that morning, Rogers meets up with Weaver, who chides him for being late. He protests that the shift doesn’t start for another hour, however, Weaver criticizes him for not considering that he chose him for this job despite the other officers complaining Rogers wouldn’t work well with a fake hand. Rogers is puzzled by this, wondering why Weaver would choose him when he doesn’t even know him. Weaver suggests he’ll have the answer when he’s a bigshot detective one day, and then tosses him the car keys, telling him to drive since he is the new guy. The two men arrive at Belfrey Towers, where they are assigned by Victoria to get rid of Henry. In the elevator, Rogers asks Weaver why they are accepting orders from her, and Weaver agrees that they don’t work for Victoria, but they do work for him. They visit Roni at her bar for information on Henry’s movements, though Roni refuses to offer up anything. After Weaver leaves and Rogers goes to pay Roni for Weaver’s drink, Roni presses him to be careful of the latter, whose previous partners have all mysterious vanished. Outside, Rogers tells Weaver that they haven’t gone far enough in finding dirt on Henry, to which Weaver amusedly wonders if Rogers has a dark side. Upon obtaining a search warrant for Henry’s apartment, the two look around, with Weaver discovering evidence that Henry had a daughter at some point in his life. Weaver explains that they’ve located a vulnerability that they can use against Henry, and questions if this bothers Rogers before pressuring him into being loyal to him or suffer the consequences. Before leaving the apartment, Rogers swipes a swan keychain from Henry’s dresser. When Victoria demands Henry be removed from her charity event, Weaver tasks Rogers with slipping Victoria’s bracelet into the man’s pocket and framing him for theft. Rogers purposely bumps into Henry, but he puts in the keychain instead, causing Henry to be exonerated when Weaver later asks him to turn out his pockets. Rogers tries to dispose of the bracelet into a sewer, but Weaver stops him, expressing approval over his moral code and how this is what he has sought after in a partner. Later, Rogers gives Henry a list of cemeteries in Seattle, despite having no luck finding the names of his deceased family. He tells him about his quest to find the missing little girl and how the woman who saved him gave him the inspiration to do things the morally right way. Rogers believes, after seeing Victoria accuse Henry of theft, that she may be responsible for keeping him from locating the girl. He shares this theory with Roni as well, suggesting that Victoria is involved with ruining everyone’s lives in Hyperion Heights and the three decide to work together to oust Victoria for her crimes. («A Pirate’s Life»)

At the bar, Roni tells Rogers and Henry about her encounter with a drunk employee from the building commission who alluded to accepting a bribe from Victoria. Rogers decides to do a stakeout at the plaza where the employee and Victoria are scheduled to meet, in the hopes of coercing the man into confessing everything. At the police station, he prints out a document with information on the man, an executive director named Michael, and begins heading out when Weaver asks him to tag a folder as evidence. Rogers declines because he is busy and lies about having to be present for a court date for a parking ticket he wrote up. Across from the plaza, Rogers observes Michael accepting an envelope from Victoria, while he himself is unaware that Weaver is watching him from the bridge above. Rogers corners Michael in a restaurant, and upon the latter’s denial that he knows anything about Victoria, he pulls the envelope from Michael’s jacket, revealing a wad of cash inside. He places Michael under arrest, however, at the station, Weaver allows the suspect to leave. Rogers is annoyed at him for allowing a criminal to go scot-free, to which Weaver reprimands him for lying and his poor attempt at doling out justice when it’ll only attract unwanted attention from Victoria. Weaver then curtly tells Rogers to enjoy the rest of his day off; implying he should be off from duty because of the stunt he just tried to pull. («The Garden of Forking Paths»)

From Weaver, Rogers finds out that Victoria is afraid of Tilly, one of Weaver’s street informants, and that the girl may possibly know something big about Victoria. Weaver wants to use Tilly to obtain the necessary information, but Rogers disapproves of his partner using her as a disposable pawn. In turn, Weaver warns him not to school him on how to deal with his informant, as he is aware Rogers has his own baggage concerning his old case with the missing girl, Eloise. Rogers expresses dismay at his callousness towards Tilly because he thought he cared for her, though Weaver coldly asserts he doesn’t care about anyone except himself. Later when Weaver is hospitalized after being shot by Tilly, Rogers shows him the bullet that almost killed him and jokes that he must be immortal to have survived. He also informs Weaver that Tilly has since calmed down soon after her pills started to take effect. Weaver then instructs him to let her go and file a report about a masked robber shooting him before fleeing on foot. Rogers, surprised by Weaver’s orders, comments that perhaps he does care for Tilly after all, although an annoyed Weaver snaps at him for daring to give his opinion on the matter. Outside in the waiting room, Rogers gives Tilly an update about Weaver’s recovery from the gunshot wound, with Tilly expressing deep remorse for her actions and she promises Rogers that she will not go off her pills again. Rogers notices she is sitting near a chess board, and after taking the seat across from her, he starts the game by moving the black rook. («Beauty»)

In the bar, Rogers shows Henry a box of evidence linked to Eloise, the missing girl he never found. Roni agrees to help him store the box in the backroom for safekeeping, while Rogers leaves with Eloise’s old journal. On the way back to work, Rogers opens the book to a drawing of a tower window with a red sky before hearing a commotion inside the station. He rushes in to help an officer fend off an attack from a bearded man, Sam, who was found at Pleasure Island Cabaret in a drunken state. Rogers then notices a tattoo on the assailant’s wrist which matches another drawing from Eloise’s book. When he interrogates him about the tattoo’s origins, Sam claims to have gotten it while he was serving a prison sentence as a way to ward off evil. Rogers doesn’t believe him, but the man stands by his words. As Rogers leaves, Sam protests about not being let go despite helping him, though Rogers implies he is lucky as the man he got into an altercation with at the cabaret didn’t want to press charges against him. Later, Rogers helps Jacinda find a truck at the impound lot so she and Sabine can use it to start a food truck business. After Sabine gifts Rogers a bag of her homemade beignets as thanks, Rogers tells her that the fire that broke out at her workplace was deliberately set, and although the camera footage can’t be recovered, he suspects Victoria did it. As Rogers and Sabine continue talking in the station, Sam watches them from across the street, where he informs someone on the phone that they have a problem now since Rogers is looking for Eloise. («Greenbacks»)

As Weaver prepares to leave the hospital to go back to work, Rogers reminds him that the captain wants him to rest for at least a week. After Tilly is left behind after Weaver departs to go talk to the captain at the station, Rogers persuades her to help him with his search for Eloise. Tilly brings him to her shed by the railroad tracks, where she suggests they have another chess match while they discuss Eloise’s case. Rogers asks if they should reset the board, but Tilly insists against it as it’s more fun if the game begins in the middle. Prompted by Tilly, Rogers tells her all about Eloise, who, until she disappeared ten years ago, was a normal girl who loved art and hated school. He goes on to say she was also an amateur poet and was fearless, and his belief that something must have spooked her. Rogers shows her the protection rune that Eloise drew in her journal but he remains confused about what he is missing. Tilly turns around the chessboard, telling him to look at the pieces he already has on his side, and that he has to pay attention to them as they may help him get onto the path to Eloise. With Tilly’s advice in mind, Rogers reexamines the file he has on the man with the tattoo, Sam, and decides to pay a visit to his home. He arrives there, but when no one answers the door, he shines a flashlight in and spots a body on the floor, prompting him to break in and find Sam is now dead. («Wake Up Call»)

After police backup is called to the crime scene, Rogers accuses Weaver of conspiring with whoever killed Sam to keep him from finding Eloise. Weaver calls him out for accusing him with no proof and believes Rogers’ obsession is affecting his judgment. In a conversation with Henry, Rogers is adamant that Eloise is still alive and, despite how crazy it sounds, he feels a familial bond with the missing girl. Henry accompanies him to the troll statue, where Rogers asks for Tilly’s opinion on Eloise’s journal. Tilly deducts that Eloise had a bad home life with unloving parents and that she probably wasn’t taken against her will. Rogers states he has already gone down that road before by talking to the street kids, but Tilly points out they wouldn’t want to talk to a cop. He then prompts her for assistance with this, and Tilly eventually agrees as she doesn’t want Rogers to write her up for the stolen watches she is attempting to sell off. Later while waiting for Tilly to report back, Rogers admits to Henry that he’s so invested in Eloise because he feels guilty for her disappearance, as he was drinking instead of patrolling during the night she went missing. Tilly provides information about a guy at the old group home who used to date a girl named Rain, who wrote poetry, loved Salinger, and drew often in her notebook. She gives Rogers one of Rain’s drawings, which matches a missing page in Eloise’s journal, but she reveals Rain died in a car accident and her body was never identified since her name was a pseudonym. As Rogers is reeling from the shock of Eloise’s death, he nearly drowns his sorrow in alcohol, only to angrily set down the bottle. Some of the spilled liquid causes the color in the drawing to run, which helps him figure out it is a forgery because all the other pages in the journal have always remained intact no matter what. Realizing Weaver made Tilly lie to him, he confronts the man. Weaver admits he was acting on Victoria’s orders, but the real reason he did it was to protect Rogers from himself as he is not ready to know the whole truth about what is going on in Hyperion Heights. Rogers vows to find Eloise now that Weaver has confirmed his suspicions that she is still alive, even though Weaver insists Eloise is not who he is truly looking for. Upon not finding Victoria at Belfrey Towers, he convinces Ivy to give him access to a tracking system on Victoria’s car. Rogers corners Victoria in one of her property buildings, where he rescues a woman who claims to be Eloise. In the aftermath of Victoria’s arrest, Rogers tells Tilly how disappointed he is in her for obeying Weaver’s commands as he thought she was not that kind of person, before accompanying Eloise in the ambulance as it drives away. («Eloise Gardener»)

As Rogers arrives at the precinct, the other police officers applaud him for his heroism in rescuing Eloise, except for Weaver, who cautions that he has no idea what he’s blown open. Eloise thanks him with a cake, and as she tells him about her not so smooth readjustment to normal life, Rogers hands her his card and suggests she call him if she needs anything. Rogers is cutting a slice of the cake when Roni drops by looking for Weaver. Roni persuades him to try reaching out to Tilly again and to not judge her too harshly for obeying Weaver as she believes the girl only allowed herself to be a pawn because she had no other option. Upon noticing Eloise’s cake, Roni promptly dumps it into the trash, much to Rogers’ confusion, as she tells him that too much sugar will kill him. At the troll statue under the bridge, Rogers reconciles with Tilly as he now understands she saw Weaver as a father figure. Tilly reflects on her perception of Weaver, whom she thought was a good person and had cared about her, but without him, she doesn’t know where she belongs in the world. Rogers gives her the chessboard and invites her to play a weekly chess game with him from now on, as he too is feeling lost since solving Eloise’s case and doesn’t know what to do next. («Pretty in Blue»)

Arriving outside the station, Rogers is shocked to see Victoria is now a free woman as Weaver informs him the judge had no choice to let her go seeing as Rogers did not have a warrant. Rogers, more than certain that Weaver pulled some strings for Victoria in order to get something out of the arrangement, vows to dig up whatever he is trying to hide. Weaver advises him to not as ignoring his advice thus far will only do more damage. Not to be deterred, Rogers sets off a fire alarm in order to get into the police station evidence room, where he finds a pirate book in a bag before his interest is piqued by a box of files. In it, he finds folders with information on several people; Victoria, Ivy, Sam, himself, and Sabine. Rogers goes to follow-up with Sabine about what Weaver questioned her about concerning the fire at Mr. Cluck’s. Sabine explains being shown an object that was supposedly used to force the back door open, and when Rogers asks her to describe what it looked like, she instead draws it for him, revealing it is a dagger-shaped weapon. She describes how Weaver had her hold it and asked if she «felt» anything from it. Still unsure what Weaver is up to, Rogers confronts him with Sabine’s drawing and why he has been investigating everyone in Hyperion Heights. Weaver confesses to looking for someone whom he believed Victoria could have helped to find, and that everything he has done is to reunite with his wife. Rogers finds the story unbelievable yet he believes Weaver is telling the truth. He offers to help him, to which Weaver tells him that they need to find Lucy. («One Little Tear»)

After Lucy mysteriously falls into a coma, Sabine calls him so he can investigate where the girl was during the day. As Rogers is trying to get information from a construction worker who was in the area around that time, Tilly grabs his attention by mentioning the symbol in Eloise’s journal. She then leads him to the same painted symbol on the troll bridge’s wall, where it is being scrubbed away by a worker. The pair later arrive into the evidence room, finding everything in a mess, including a disheveled Weaver, before Rogers tells him about the appearance of the symbol in Hyperion Heights. Weaver recognizes which symbol he means and shows him a coin bearing the same marking. Rogers then asks what it means, and Weaver ominously states that «they» — the Coven of the Eight — are here. («The Eighth Witch»)

When Rogers questions Weaver further about who exactly «they» are, Weaver tells him that Eloise is a member of a dangerous cult and though she was seduced into it, she eventually became its leader and is now attempting to recruit other girls, such as Victoria’s other daughter Anastasisa, who is still trapped in the cult. Rogers finds this hard to believe and remains certain Eloise is innocent. After discovering Victoria has gone missing, Rogers becomes concerned she might have gone after Eloise. He goes to check up on her at her apartment, where, unknown to him, she is hiding Victoria’s youngest daughter Anastasia in the closet. Rogers enters after seeing the door is unlocked and apologizes for startling Eloise before explaining his reasons for coming to see her. Upon seeing the cartoons playing on the television and cereal on the table, he asks if she is alone. Eloise says she has things as they are to remind her of simpler times, but Rogers remains unconvinced and starts to walk towards the closet. She stops him by shattering a teacup before pretending she did it by accident and telling him that closed spaces still make her wary. When Eloise asks him to walk her to her art therapy class, Rogers agrees and leaves the apartment with her. At the police station, Rogers shares his suspicions with Weaver about Eloise hiding something but he is still skeptical about his theory that she is in a cult. Weaver shows him information about botanical garden greenhouse and suggests there will be a ritual involving a sacred orchid and a sacrifice that they have to stop before someone gets hurt. Rogers only starts to believe him after they arrive in time to find Victoria dead as Ivy tells them her mother saved her from being the sacrifice. («Secret Garden»)

In the police station evidence room, Rogers blames himself for Victoria’s death, believing she would still be alive if he hadn’t rescued Eloise. Weaver suggests there were forces at work beyond his control, but that the situation can still be repaired. He shows Rogers a file on Andrea Sage, the doctor overseeing Lucy at the hospital who died on the same night as Victoria. Although the death was ruled as due to natural causes, Weaver finds it suspicious that a lock of Doctor Sage’s hair was missing. Rogers theorizes it was another coven member who killed her, and Weaver agrees, stating that person could lead them right back to Eloise. The detectives pay a visit to Hilda, a bakery owner who was with Andrea the morning prior to her death. Hilda confirms Andrea was at her bakery, however, she did not actually see her because she is blind. She explains the doctor bought her usual teacake and gave her some test results. As Rogers tries to use Hilda’s blindness to his advantage by sneaking into the backroom, the woman catches on and tells him that room is off limits because of food sanitary reasons. Hilda then apologizes for not being of more help due to her condition and offers the detectives a cookie for the road, but Rogers declines before walking out to follow after Weaver. Later, Rogers and Weaver break into the bakery during the night, discovering the gas is on and an unconscious Hilda is handcuffed to a table leg. («A Taste of the Heights»)

While Rogers is at work, Tilly tries to interest him in a chess game even though he is working a case. She believes a game could help him on a bad day and that she has a feeling something terrible will happen soon. Rogers is too busy for games and he tells her people are in danger. Tilly is hurt she is not important to him, to which Rogers denies that she isn’t and simply asks her to go home for now. As Tilly leaves, Weavers comes in to update Rogers on the situation with Hilda, who is recovering at the hospital with guards posted outside her room in case the culprit comes back. Eloise shows up unexpectedly to help them find the killer, but in the interrogation room, she becomes upset at Weaver’s suspicion of her when he questions her about where she was the night of Victoria’s death. Rogers apologizes on his partner’s behalf, however, Eloise wants Weaver gone so she can talk with Rogers only. While Eloise is left in the interrogation room, Weaver warns Rogers of the woman’s skill in manipulating others. Rogers believes he will be fine, considering Eloise’s targets are lonely lost girls and he is not, and he intends to let her believe she is in control of the situation. He then goes back to Eloise, reassuring her that Weaver is away on a coffee break, which Eloise knows is a lie but she cooperates, satisfied that she doesn’t have to deal with his partner anymore. When Eloise convinces Rogers that he cannot find the killer without first knowing who he truly is, she asks him to show her one of his favorite paintings. Weaver objects against this and believes Rogers doesn’t even understand the price he is paying for it, but Rogers insists he is willing if it’ll get him the answers he wants. Rogers returns with a painting of a ship at sea, and Tilly protests his decision, but he ignores her. Upon seeing the painting, Eloise inquiries about the story behind it. Rogers tells her about his childhood fascination with the ocean, though he eventually grew up and forgot about it. On further probing by Eloise, Rogers admits he never fulfilled his dream in adulthood because he has no one to share it with. Eloise then tells him that while he expressed his pain through painting, the killer has expressed it through murder and both victims were given a specific gift before their deaths, chocolate marzipan truffles in a heart-shaped box. This leads Rogers and Weavers to a flower shop where the chocolates were last delivered, but the woman they are looking for already died years ago, making them suspect that the killer set them up. They check up on Hilda, only to find her dead with Tilly standing over her with a scalpel. Tilly flees after berating them for not listening to her, and later, the detectives find a coven symbol in Tilly’s shed, which, unknown to them, was left by the actual killer to make Tilly look guilty, though neither believes she killed anyone. To help Rogers understand, Weaver tells him about a bad experience Tilly had with the coven many years ago, during which her father was taken from her. While Weaver heads back to the station to buy themselves some time, Rogers agrees to track down Tilly to prove her innocence. («Knightfall»)

Locating Tilly at the troll statue, Rogers convinces her to get into his car before taking her to Henry’s apartment to lay low for a while. He discusses Tilly’s situation with Henry, who suggests locating a trusted alibi to clear her name. Tilly, overhearing them, tells them she doesn’t have friends who can provide one, so Rogers asks if she can account for where she was between 3 and 4 PM yesterday at the time of Hilda’s death. Since Tilly cannot, Rogers pinpoints her whereabouts yesterday by asking about the spot of sugar on her sleeve, which Tilly recalls was from when she got beignets from Sabine’s food truck. Rogers and Henry go to investigate this while Tilly has to stay put in the apartment, however, Tilly later leaves to secure an alibi, only to discover none of the people she interacted with remember her being there. Henry sees Tilly wandering the streets and pulls her into an alleyway, where Rogers chides her for being out in the open where she might’ve been seen. Tilly denies that anyone did see her and begins to doubt she actually exists, but Rogers persuades her to have faith in herself by retracing her steps. Tilly recalls she came into the alley after having the marmalade sandwich, and in the dumpster, she retrieves the backpack she left there at the time. On return to Henry’s apartment, Rogers suggests Tilly needs something from her bag that has a timestamp on it, like a receipt, to show where she was, but instead, Tilly finds two hair clippings. Rogers recognizes them as the tokens that the killer took from his victims, which frightens Tilly into believing she really did murder those women despite having no memory of it. After Tilly flees the apartment, Rogers and Henry locate her at the troll statue again, except this time Tilly points out a security camera in the troll’s eye, proving she does have an alibi after all. Rogers reviews the footage at the police station, which shows Tilly walked past the statue at 3:20 PM during Hilda’s death. Tilly leaves to go home and forgets to take her bag with her, but Rogers shows up at her shed to return it to her. Out of concern for her safety since the killer is still on the loose, Rogers invites her to stay with him at his home instead, which Tilly happily accepts. («The Girl in the Tower»)

Upon walking into Weaver’s office, Rogers expresses surprise over seeing him gluing together a broken teacup, remarking that he never pegged him for an antiques’ kind of guy. He asks his partner if he wants to grab lunch and work on the Candy Killer case, which is the nickname that has been given to the murderer because of the candy boxes he gifts his victims before killing them. Weaver declines, suggesting they both need a break from work for now, and that perhaps wandering another path will lead them to where they need to go. Rogers then decides to head to the market to pick up some more jam for Tilly. Sometime during the day, Lucy commences with Operation Bromance to cheer up Henry with a guys’ night out by texting him, Rogers, and Nick. Rogers receives a message from Lucy stating Henry has information about the Candy Killer case and that he should meet with him at Flynn’s Barcade. He finds Henry has just lost in the game Galaga, but when Nick arrives asking if Lucy is around, the three men realize they have been duped by the girl. Henry grumbles that Lucy has literally «texted him into the friendzone» now that she is done pairing him up with Jacinda and he apologizes for wasting Rogers’ and Nick’s time, however, Rogers insists he wants to stay. Rogers then puts a token into the machine and plays Galaga as Henry watches. Later in the night, Henry attempts the game again but fails miserably, with Rogers commenting that Henry has two good hands and even he got a better score than him. After sitting down at a table, he tells Rogers about his difficulty in forgetting about Jacinda. Roger parrots Weaver’s earlier advice and says it to Henry, who doesn’t understand what he means. As Nick returns with drinks for his companions, he suggests Henry should try his hand at getting to know other women in the bar, and Rogers agrees by telling him to ask out the next woman who walks through the door. To Rogers and Nick’s surprise, Jacinda comes in, having come to wait while a table at the next door restaurant she and Sabine reserved is not yet available. While the lovebirds hang out, Rogers plays pool with Nick but misses his shot because his mind is still on the Candy Killer because he doesn’t really have any leads on the case. Jacinda eventually leaves for the table next door, and towards the end of the evening, the three men exit the barcade. Seeing that Nick’s car is broken, Rogers offers to help but the latter assures him that he can take care of it and wishes him good luck on the case, quipping that the answer might be right under his nose. After leaving Nick to his car, Rogers and Henry walk off together. («Sisterhood»)

Investigating the indoor parking lot where the Candy Killer attacked Ivy, Rogers and Weaver are unable to find a single trace left behind by the assailant. They discuss the benefit of Ivy’s decision to leave town as soon as she did, in order to be far from the killer’s grasp, though they believe the next victim may not be so lucky. Rogers then splits from Weaver for the day, explaining that he has to get Tilly to her new job as her voracious appetite at home has left him paying a lot for her much-loved organic marmalade. While accompanying Tilly to Sabine’s food truck, where she will work, Rogers nags at her to stop being nervous and to not bite her nails. Tilly then wonders if he is the one who is actually nervous, and Rogers admits he had to pull some strings to land this job for her but it’s likely she’ll have a knack for it. Before leaving Tilly in Sabine’s hands, Rogers receives his favorite order from Sabine. Rogers checks in with Weaver at the evidence room, where Henry is helping them with cracking the killer’s interest in his novel. After figuring it out, Henry tells them that the killer wrote in corrections for the Hansel and Gretel story, such as Gretel dying instead of living happily ever after with her brother and the underlined emphasis on the word «twins», which seem to suggest the killer believes himself to be Hansel avenging his sister’s death. Rogers praises Henry for his good work and then leaves to begin looking up records of people who have sisters and who may also be a twin, in addition to finding a match for someone with a scar or burn mark. That evening, Rogers comes to the food truck, noticing that Sabine is doing Tilly’s job of making beignets. Sabine reveals Tilly was better suited for selling the beignets out front and that she even came up with the idea of giving out free samples as a way to boost sales. When Tilly ends her shift, she happily tells Sabine and Rogers that talking to the customers have given them the chance to know her name now, unlike in the past when she snuck away with food and went unseen by them. As she leaves with Rogers, she also tells him about meeting Margot and how special it was because Margot truly saw her for her. («Breadcrumbs»)

After being notified by Samuel that Henry’s car was found abandoned on the road with a flat tire, Rogers agrees to look into the matter soon. When Kelly enters the precinct with a familiar looking heart-shaped box in her hands, he realizes she is the Candy Killer’s next intended target. He tries to talk to her about it, and though Kelly only wants to speak with Weaver, he insists she comes with him to the cafeteria so she can answer some questions. However, Kelly lies about needing to make a phone call first, leaving her daughter Margot and Rogers to proceed to the cafeteria first without her, while she goes to Weaver’s office. After following up with the airline Henry was supposed to check in with, Rogers receives confirmation from them that he never boarded his flight to New York. He finds Jacinda at a running track and asks if she has heard from Henry recently, and she states she got a text from him. As Jacinda fetches her phone from inside her car, Rogers sees a gingerbread house DIY kit in the backseat, which Jacinda says Nick gave to Lucy. Upon skimming the alleged text message from Henry, Rogers asks her to look at it again to see if anything in it sounds off. Jacinda notices Henry referred to her in writing as J, a nickname Sabine usually calls her, however, Rogers recalls Nick also called her that at Flynn’s Barcade during the other night. He then questions if Nick has any scars, and Jacinda admits Nick does but he is very self-conscious about them. Realizing Nick is the Candy Killer and that he may have kidnapped Henry, Rogers tells her he doesn’t have time to explain but urges her to go home and not answer her phone or let anyone in for her own safety. Later, Rogers bursts into Nick’s apartment with a gun before freeing a restrained Henry and leading him out. Nick, who was overpowered by Kelly during a confrontation with her at the bar, is arrested that night and held at the police station. («Chosen»)

As Nick is being held in the interrogation room, Weaver unlocks the door as Rogers goes in with him, only to find the man is now dead. Rogers doesn’t think murder is possible since no one else had the key to the room and he speculates Nick died from a medical condition. However, Weaver finds straw left behind by the voodoo doll that Mr. Samdi used to kill Nick. After discovering the Dark One’s dagger missing, Weaver leaves the station in a tense state and tells his partner he is going after the person responsible for Nick’s death as Rogers is unnerved by how he has never seen Weaver this scared before. Rogers replays the footage of Nick in the interrogation room when he was still alive, however, the camera cuts out and he is unable to see the moments leading up to Nick’s murder. Samuel comes in to hand over pictures that Rogers had printed out from footage taken from cameras across the street at the time of the death, which show Drew was present in the area. When Roger is asked by Henry for a chance to talk to Nick despite knowing it’s against police protocol, he reveals what happened at the station recently, leaving Henry shocked at his former friend’s passing. Henry, still wanting answers about something Nick previously showed him, persuades Rogers to allow him access to Nick’s apartment to search for the item. While both of them are in the apartment, they discover Drew lurking in there until he pushes Rogers aside before taking off. Rogers apprehends him after a long chase, and Drew confesses he was trying to find something in the apartment to protect himself from Mr. Samdi, who killed Nick, as he fears he will be next on the man’s hit list. Drew warns Rogers that Samdi has unimaginable power and directs him into taking a closer look at Nick’s coroner report as proof of this. Back at the station, Henry brings coffee to Rogers, who just reviewed Nick’s report, which reveals he apparently died from being stabbed in the heart from the inside. («The Guardian»)

While Drew is being kept in the interrogation room, Rogers visits him so they can talk further about Nick’s manner of death. Drew insists Samdi used magic to kill Nick, and while the detective may think magic is nothing but a fairytale, it is real and pockets of it are in this realm, and that Nick was hunting actual witches who are starting a war in Hyperion Heights. Rogers seems to change his mind about Eloise after this, and crosses out the word «cult» in her file and changes it to «coven». Tilly comes to him in hysterics over Eloise, who claims she is her mother. Rogers agrees to help her figure things out as he is starting to suspect there is more to Eloise than what he knows, and together, they go to Henry’s apartment. Henry lets them in, revealing he too is conducting his own investigation into the impossible; that everything in his book actually happened. The three discuss the probability that, if Eloise really is in a coven of witches, the reason she isn’t using magic is because the bigger the spell, the more magic users are needed for it. After getting a call from Samuel about the coven members being spotted going into a theater, Rogers leaves with Tilly to go there. As the pair is in Rogers’ car looking to see if Eloise will show up to the theater, Tilly plays with a paper rabbit origami. Rogers worries she is bored, but she is happy to do something with another person for a change. Tilly admits she is hungry, which Rogers helps with by giving her a sandwich. She thanks him it, in addition to everything else he has given her, and she wonders how she got so lucky to meet someone like him. Seeing Eloise go into the theater, the pair follow her in, There, Rogers is restrained while Eloise smugly admits to him that she is indeed in a coven of witches as he was starting to believe. Eloise then tries to persuade Tilly into joining their coven family and helping them to cast a spell, which Tilly wants no part in it and resents the coven for killing her father, but Eloise reveals Rogers is actually her father. Still, when given the chance, Tilly refuses to join the coven, leading Eloise to threaten Rogers’ life by extracting some of his blood and implying she will take his life too if Tilly continues to deny her. Tilly finally consents, and after Eloise performs a ritual where Rogers’ blood is one of the three items sacrificed, Rogers begs Tilly not aid the coven any further. He considers that, if he is truly her father, he doesn’t want her to go through with it. Tilly agrees he is right, declaring he really is her father and professes that is why she can’t let him die. Once Eloise completes a spell incantation, all the witches, including Tilly, link hands with each other in a circle and a pillar of fire rises from the center of the coven symbol, bringing magic to Hyperion Heights. («Flower Child», «Is This Henry Mills?»)

After Gothel leaves The Hyperion, Rogers remains a hostage and witnesses one of the coven members morph into a tree, which Samuel tells him is the reward each woman will have once they’ve completed their role in the ritual. Rogers distracts him by asking if he’ll be rewarded too, and while the latter is not looking, he escapes from his restraints by taking off his fake hand in the process. He then knocks Samuel unconscious and tries to talk to Tilly, who refuses to leave with him. Rogers tries to pull her away from the ritual circle, but a magical blast throws him back, causing him to feel intense pain, which is the poison in his heart being reactivated. He finds Weaver at the police station and learns that magic is real and everything in Henry’s book actually happened. Rogers tries to make sense of what Gothel said about him being Tilly’s father, and Weaver helps by explaining the familial bond he has with her has always been there although Rogers didn’t understand it at the time. Weaver comes up with an idea to rescue Tilly from the ritual by tracking down Margot, Tilly’s girlfriend, and persuading her to come with them to save Tilly. The trio arrive at the lower floor of The Hyperion, where Margot tries to convince Tilly to leave with her, but Tilly shoves her away before shrinking her, Weaver, and Rogers. One by one, the other coven members morph into trees after their roles in the ritual are complete, leaving only Tilly, but when Henry breaks the curse, she snaps out of it. («Is This Henry Mills?»)

After making a certain deal with the Underworld lord Hades, Liam agrees to sink the ship he is on, killing everyone on board except himself and his brother Killian, in exchange for the Eye of the Storm. Upon reaching the shoreline, Liam presents the jewel to a captain, but instead of a reward in riches from the king, he asks for a naval commission. The captain promptly makes Liam captain of a ship, Jewel of the Realm, while Killian will become its lieutenant. («The Brothers Jones»)

On orders of the king, Liam prepares to sail the Jewel of the Realm to a distant island, to procure a medical plant, Dreamshade, which is rumored to heal all wounds. Along with this duty, he is given a sextant for celestial navigation, star charts for a path to the island and back, and a large sail made of Pegasus feathers. For the journey, Liam brings Killian along with him. During the trip at sea, the crew’s lives are endangered when they are attacked by two ships from behind. To make a hasty escape, Liam orders for the Pegasus sail to be unveiled. Once it is fully uncovered, the ship, powered by the Pegasus feathers, lifts up off from the ocean’s waters and into the skies. The two brothers arrive at the island of Neverland and take a rowboat to shore. They meet a boy named Peter Pan who warns them that Dreamshade is poisonous, but Liam doesn’t listen while Killian is beginning to have doubts. Liam purposely cuts himself with a branch of Dreamshade and he passes out from the spreading poison. Killian is allowed access to healing water by Pan but is urged against leaving the island if he and his brother can’t pay the price. Liam is healed and they begin sailing home with intentions of exposing their king’s cruel ways. Once out of Neverland’s waters, Liam dies a fatal death as the price of leaving, and Killian later buries him at sea. Fueled by anger and a sense of justice, he convinces the crew to renounce the king by telling them the truth, and they all take on the life of pirates while the Jewel of the Realm is renamed the Jolly Roger. («Good Form»)

During a journey to the Southern Isles, the Jolly Roger is caught in a vicious storm. Although the helmsman, Lewis, manages to steady the vessel, the ship begins to flood. Through spyglass, he and Killian spot calmer waters surrounded by green mist in the distance that they recognize as the Leviathan Shoals. Lewis warns the mist causes hallucinations, but Killian is unconcerned about the risk. Reaching safety, the crew begin fixing the damaged vessel when another ship, carrying an alive Liam, arrives. Below deck, Liam tells Killian how he survived and about the great sea creature, Leviathan, who refuses anyone to leave the shoals. Lewis suggests Liam is a hallucination made by the mist, but Killian continues to be blind to the truth. To escape the shoals, the Jolly Roger sails towards Leviathan as Liam, from his own ship, defeats the creature with dynamite blasts. This causes Liam’s ship to catch fire, so Killian presses him to jump into the water so they can haul him onto the Jolly Roger. Too afraid there are more monsters at sea, Liam refuses and asks Killian to put off sailing out of the shoals in order to save him. Killian, reminded by Lewis that the real Liam was courageous enough to brave any unknown waters, finally accepts the illusion is not his brother. They then sail away, leaving the fake to perish, as Killian later says a prayer to guide Liam’s spirit home. («Out of the Past»)

At some point, Killian and his crew stop in a town pub where he meets a bored housewife named Milah. She begins drinking and gambling in their company and grows fascinated with Killian’s tales of the faraway places he’s traveled to. The two fall in love, but one night, Milah’s husband, Rumplestiltskin, comes to plead for her to come home. The next day, Milah decides to run away to be with Killian so they can voyage on the Jolly Roger together. Hearing rumors of a pirate kidnapping Milah, Rumplestiltskin goes aboard the ship to beg for her release. Killian agrees to relent, only if the latter bests him in a duel, but Rumplestiltskin is too cowardly to pick up a sword. («The Crocodile»)

Years later, Rumplestiltskin, having become the Dark One, seeks a magic bean from Smee, who attempts to steal one from the Jolly Roger, only to be caught by Milah. Later, Rumplestiltskin beats Killian in a duel, but before he can tear out his heart, Milah stops him. Asking the Dark One to spare both their lives, Milah promises him a magic bean. Aboard the ship, Rumplestiltskin confronts her about abandoning Baelfire as she admits letting her misery cloud her judgment. However, when Milah spitefully claims she never loved Rumplestiltskin, the Dark One attempts to grab the bean, though she throws it to Killian. Enraged, Rumplestiltskin rips out her heart, and as Killian holds Milah, he crushes it to ash. When Killian refuses to hand over the bean, the Dark One cuts off his clenched left hand, although the pirate previously moved the bean to his right hand. In agony, Killian grabs a hook and stabs Rumplestiltskin, which has no effect, so he vows to find a way to kill him. The Dark One then teleports away with the pirate’s severed left hand. With the hook, Killian puts it in place of his lost hand, and after burying Milah at sea, he allows Smee to join his crew. Smee, disappointed that he won’t obtain the «eternal life» Rumplestiltskin promised him, is reassured by Killian, as he throws the bean into the ocean, that they’ll be going to a place where no one grows old. After the bean turns into a portal, the ship sets sail for Neverland. («The Crocodile»)

While in Neverland’s waters, Hook and his crew rescue a boy from the ocean. When Hook learns his name is Baelfire, he hides him under an air vent while the Lost Ones of Neverland, on orders of Pan, come onto the ship to look for a particular boy, but leave empty-handed. In private, Smee advises Hook against keeping the boy and incurring Pan’s wraith, but the pirate sees Baelfire as an opportunity to learn more about Rumplestiltskin and get revenge. Despite this scheme, he develops a true friendship with Baelfire by teaching him how to steer the ship, and they bond over being abandoned by their fathers. Baelfire discloses how his father feared his magic powers would all be gone if someone stabbed him with a special dagger. This tidbit gives Hook a way to kill Rumplestiltskin, which conflicts with his growing kinship with Baelfire. All this comes to an end when the boy finds a drawing of his mother Milah and demands answers from Hook. He tells Baelfire the true fate of his mother, who ran away to be with him because they were in love, but she died when Rumplestiltskin tore out her heart and crushed it. Hook tries to alleviate his previous lies by bringing up Milah’s past desire to go back to get her son so the three of them could be together. Since she is gone now, he believes they can live out her dream. Baelfire rejects him and opts to go to Neverland. The renunciation crushes Hook, who strays back into darkened emotions as revenge becomes his main and only focus. («Second Star to the Right», «And Straight On ‘Til Morning»)

Shortly after the Jolly Roger reaches Neverland’s shoreline, Hook steps off the ship with plans of acquiring magic, returning to the Enchanted Forest and finding the dagger to kill Rumplestiltskin. («Going Home»)

Employed by Peter Pan, Hook begins traveling on his ship to procure food supplies for him. On one such journey back to the island, he scolds Smee for secretly eating some of it. Soon, the entire crew falls under the spell of a mermaid’s song as the ship begins sailing toward a mass of sharp rocks obscured by thick fog. The mermaid, Ursula, although under orders from her father Poseidon to kill them, stops singing, which snaps the crew back into consciousness. As the fog parts, Hook quickly calls for the ship to be redirected out of harm’s way. After docking the ship, Hook and his crew stay at a pub, where Ursula is entertaining patrons with her alluring voice. When Hook recognizes her as the mermaid, she admits running away from her father, who wants her to use her gift to kill humans. Rather than that, Ursula desires to sing at Glowerhaven and bring happiness to people, to which Hook agrees to bring her there. Poseidon, not wishing to lose his daughter, kidnaps Hook onto the Jolly Roger, much to the captain’s disgust. The sea king offers him squid ink to immobilize Rumplestiltskin if he captures Ursula’s voice in an enchanted shell. The next day, Ursula turns up on the ship and sings as the crew work. Learning about her father’s scheme from Hook, she helps by stealing the ink from Poseidon’s vault for him. However, Poseidon later takes away the ink, inciting an angry Hook, who absorbs Ursula’s singing voice so he can never sink another ship. After a distressed Ursula flees the ship, Hook threatens Poseidon into doing the same. («Poor Unfortunate Soul»)

Returning to the Enchanted Forest, Hook anchors his ship in a harbor while heading off to spend time at the tavern. Entering this timeline via a portal from the far future, Emma and another version of Hook make it their mission to choreograph a destined first meeting between Prince Charming and Snow White. While Emma distracts past Hook, future Hook boards the Jolly Roger. Whilst chasing after a rat on deck, Smee is surprised to see the captain has returned so soon and notices he is acting differently. Brushing off Smee’s suspicions, Hook sternly orders him to stop asking so many questions. He then commands his crewmate to ask a passing Snow White to meet him in his ship cabin. Smee does what he is told, and Snow White heads below deck. She sees Hook, his face obscured his shadow, who promises her passage on his ship to escape the Queen if she steals Prince Charming’s ring from King Midas’ castle. After agreeing to the deal, she promptly leaves just as a very drunken past Hook is carrying Emma onto the ship. Seeing the captain arrive on deck again, Smee believes something is amiss, but Hook simply tells him to leave so he and the lady can have privacy. Emma, having gone ahead to the captain’s cabin, bumps into future Hook. When past Hook enters to begin making out with Emma, future Hook stays hidden until he knocks out his past self before he and Emma leave the ship for good. («Snow Drifts»)

Under the influence of a singing spell, the now married Snow White and Prince Charming realize they can use the power of their song to defeat the Evil Queen. They seek out Hook and offer him money in exchange for passage on the Jolly Roger to the Queen’s castle. Hook eventually accepts the deal when the couple promise to give him his most hated enemy: Rumplestiltskin. Snow and Charming then ride the ship to the castle to battle the Queen, but after the singing spell ends, their memories are wiped and neither the couple or Hook remember the deal they made. («The Song in Your Heart»)

After making a certain deal with the Underworld lord Hades, Liam agrees to sink the ship he is on, killing everyone on board except himself and his brother Killian, in exchange for the Eye of the Storm. Upon reaching the shoreline, Liam presents the jewel to a captain, but instead of a reward in riches from the king, he asks for a naval commission. The captain promptly makes Liam captain of a ship, Jewel of the Realm, while Killian will become its lieutenant. («The Brothers Jones»)

On orders of the king, Liam prepares to sail the Jewel of the Realm to a distant island, to procure a medical plant, Dreamshade, which is rumored to heal all wounds. Along with this duty, he is given a sextant for celestial navigation, star charts for a path to the island and back, and a large sail made of Pegasus feathers. For the journey, Liam brings Killian along with him. During the trip at sea, the crew’s lives are endangered when they are attacked by two ships from behind. To make a hasty escape, Liam orders for the Pegasus sail to be unveiled. Once it is fully uncovered, the ship, powered by the Pegasus feathers, lifts up off from the ocean’s waters and into the skies. The two brothers arrive at the island of Neverland and take a rowboat to shore. They meet a boy named Peter Pan who warns them that Dreamshade is poisonous, but Liam doesn’t listen while Killian is beginning to have doubts. Liam purposely cuts himself with a branch of Dreamshade and he passes out from the spreading poison. Killian is allowed access to healing water by Pan but is urged against leaving the island if he and his brother can’t pay the price. Liam is healed and they begin sailing home with intentions of exposing their king’s cruel ways. Once out of Neverland’s waters, Liam dies a fatal death as the price of leaving, and Killian later buries him at sea. Fueled by anger and a sense of justice, he convinces the crew to renounce the king by telling them the truth, and they all take on the life of pirates while the Jewel of the Realm is renamed the Jolly Roger. («Good Form»)

During a journey to the Southern Isles, the Jolly Roger is caught in a vicious storm. Although the helmsman, Lewis, manages to steady the vessel, the ship begins to flood. Through spyglass, he and Killian spot calmer waters surrounded by green mist in the distance that they recognize as the Leviathan Shoals. Lewis warns the mist causes hallucinations, but Killian is unconcerned about the risk. Reaching safety, the crew begin fixing the damaged vessel when another ship, carrying an alive Liam, arrives. Below deck, Liam tells Killian how he survived and about the great sea creature, Leviathan, who refuses anyone to leave the shoals. Lewis suggests Liam is a hallucination made by the mist, but Killian continues to be blind to the truth. To escape the shoals, the Jolly Roger sails towards Leviathan as Liam, from his own ship, defeats the creature with dynamite blasts. This causes Liam’s ship to catch fire, so Killian presses him to jump into the water so they can haul him onto the Jolly Roger. Too afraid there are more monsters at sea, Liam refuses and asks Killian to put off sailing out of the shoals in order to save him. Killian, reminded by Lewis that the real Liam was courageous enough to brave any unknown waters, finally accepts the illusion is not his brother. They then sail away, leaving the fake to perish, as Killian later says a prayer to guide Liam’s spirit home. («Out of the Past»)

At some point, Killian and his crew stop in a town pub where he meets a bored housewife named Milah. She begins drinking and gambling in their company and grows fascinated with Killian’s tales of the faraway places he’s traveled to. The two fall in love, but one night, Milah’s husband, Rumplestiltskin, comes to plead for her to come home. The next day, Milah decides to run away to be with Killian so they can voyage on the Jolly Roger together. Hearing rumors of a pirate kidnapping Milah, Rumplestiltskin goes aboard the ship to beg for her release. Killian agrees to relent, only if the latter bests him in a duel, but Rumplestiltskin is too cowardly to pick up a sword. («The Crocodile»)

Years later, Rumplestiltskin, having become the Dark One, seeks a magic bean from Smee, who attempts to steal one from the Jolly Roger, only to be caught by Milah. Later, Rumplestiltskin beats Killian in a duel, but before he can tear out his heart, Milah stops him. Asking the Dark One to spare both their lives, Milah promises him a magic bean. Aboard the ship, Rumplestiltskin confronts her about abandoning Baelfire as she admits letting her misery cloud her judgment. However, when Milah spitefully claims she never loved Rumplestiltskin, the Dark One attempts to grab the bean, though she throws it to Killian. Enraged, Rumplestiltskin rips out her heart, and as Killian holds Milah, he crushes it to ash. When Killian refuses to hand over the bean, the Dark One cuts off his clenched left hand, although the pirate previously moved the bean to his right hand. In agony, Killian grabs a hook and stabs Rumplestiltskin, which has no effect, so he vows to find a way to kill him. The Dark One then teleports away with the pirate’s severed left hand. With the hook, Killian puts it in place of his lost hand, and after burying Milah at sea, he allows Smee to join his crew. Smee, disappointed that he won’t obtain the «eternal life» Rumplestiltskin promised him, is reassured by Killian, as he throws the bean into the ocean, that they’ll be going to a place where no one grows old. After the bean turns into a portal, the ship sets sail for Neverland. («The Crocodile»)

While in Neverland’s waters, Hook and his crew rescue a boy from the ocean. When Hook learns his name is Baelfire, he hides him under an air vent while the Lost Ones of Neverland, on orders of Pan, come onto the ship to look for a particular boy, but leave empty-handed. In private, Smee advises Hook against keeping the boy and incurring Pan’s wraith, but the pirate sees Baelfire as an opportunity to learn more about Rumplestiltskin and get revenge. Despite this scheme, he develops a true friendship with Baelfire by teaching him how to steer the ship, and they bond over being abandoned by their fathers. Baelfire discloses how his father feared his magic powers would all be gone if someone stabbed him with a special dagger. This tidbit gives Hook a way to kill Rumplestiltskin, which conflicts with his growing kinship with Baelfire. All this comes to an end when the boy finds a drawing of his mother Milah and demands answers from Hook. He tells Baelfire the true fate of his mother, who ran away to be with him because they were in love, but she died when Rumplestiltskin tore out her heart and crushed it. Hook tries to alleviate his previous lies by bringing up Milah’s past desire to go back to get her son so the three of them could be together. Since she is gone now, he believes they can live out her dream. Baelfire rejects him and opts to go to Neverland. The renunciation crushes Hook, who strays back into darkened emotions as revenge becomes his main and only focus. («Second Star to the Right», «And Straight On ‘Til Morning»)

Shortly after the Jolly Roger reaches Neverland’s shoreline, Hook steps off the ship with plans of acquiring magic, returning to the Enchanted Forest and finding the dagger to kill Rumplestiltskin. («Going Home»)

Employed by Peter Pan, Hook begins traveling on his ship to procure food supplies for him. On one such journey back to the island, he scolds Smee for secretly eating some of it. Soon, the entire crew falls under the spell of a mermaid’s song as the ship begins sailing toward a mass of sharp rocks obscured by thick fog. The mermaid, Ursula, although under orders from her father Poseidon to kill them, stops singing, which snaps the crew back into consciousness. As the fog parts, Hook quickly calls for the ship to be redirected out of harm’s way. After docking the ship, Hook and his crew stay at a pub, where Ursula is entertaining patrons with her alluring voice. When Hook recognizes her as the mermaid, she admits running away from her father, who wants her to use her gift to kill humans. Rather than that, Ursula desires to sing at Glowerhaven and bring happiness to people, to which Hook agrees to bring her there. Poseidon, not wishing to lose his daughter, kidnaps Hook onto the Jolly Roger, much to the captain’s disgust. The sea king offers him squid ink to immobilize Rumplestiltskin if he captures Ursula’s voice in an enchanted shell. The next day, Ursula turns up on the ship and sings as the crew work. Learning about her father’s scheme from Hook, she helps by stealing the ink from Poseidon’s vault for him. However, Poseidon later takes away the ink, inciting an angry Hook, who absorbs Ursula’s singing voice so he can never sink another ship. After a distressed Ursula flees the ship, Hook threatens Poseidon into doing the same. («Poor Unfortunate Soul»)

Returning to the Enchanted Forest, Hook anchors his ship in a harbor while heading off to spend time at the tavern. Entering this timeline via a portal from the far future, Emma and another version of Hook make it their mission to choreograph a destined first meeting between Prince Charming and Snow White. While Emma distracts past Hook, future Hook boards the Jolly Roger. Whilst chasing after a rat on deck, Smee is surprised to see the captain has returned so soon and notices he is acting differently. Brushing off Smee’s suspicions, Hook sternly orders him to stop asking so many questions. He then commands his crewmate to ask a passing Snow White to meet him in his ship cabin. Smee does what he is told, and Snow White heads below deck. She sees Hook, his face obscured his shadow, who promises her passage on his ship to escape the Queen if she steals Prince Charming’s ring from King Midas’ castle. After agreeing to the deal, she promptly leaves just as a very drunken past Hook is carrying Emma onto the ship. Seeing the captain arrive on deck again, Smee believes something is amiss, but Hook simply tells him to leave so he and the lady can have privacy. Emma, having gone ahead to the captain’s cabin, bumps into future Hook. When past Hook enters to begin making out with Emma, future Hook stays hidden until he knocks out his past self before he and Emma leave the ship for good. («Snow Drifts»)

Under the influence of a singing spell, the now married Snow White and Prince Charming realize they can use the power of their song to defeat the Evil Queen. They seek out Hook and offer him money in exchange for passage on the Jolly Roger to the Queen’s castle. Hook eventually accepts the deal when the couple promise to give him his most hated enemy: Rumplestiltskin. Snow and Charming then ride the ship to the castle to battle the Queen, but after the singing spell ends, their memories are wiped and neither the couple or Hook remember the deal they made. («The Song in Your Heart»)


  • Будем искать среди персонажей фандома




Бог Подземного мира. Брат Зевса и дядя Геркулеса. Имеет власть только в своём мире; в мире живых, который он называет Надземным, его могущество ограничено. Возлюбленный Зелены, питавший и к ней весьма уверенную страсть.

Айзек Хеллер

Isaac Heller


Автор книги сказок, в которой написано о каждом сказочном герое, и владелец волшебного пера. В дальнейшем написал книгу «Герои и злодеи», но поскольку создал счастливый финал для себя, то лишился звания Автора. После возвращения в реальный мир попал в тюрьму Сторибрука.




Вор из Аграбы, известен также как Спаситель, бывший им задолго до Эммы. Возлюбленный принцессы Жасмин.




Главная героиня. Пытаясь найти доказательства существования страны чудес, в которой она побывала в детстве, отправляется туда снова уже взрослой.

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Мать Сайруса. Колдунья, которая обучила магии Джафара.




Лидер стаи оборотней, живущей в провалившемся под землю старом замке. Мать Красной Шапочки. Научила её контролировать себя во время полнолуния.




Русалочка, спасшая тонущую Белоснежку, когда та убегала от стражей Злой Королевы. Влюблена в принца Эрика, выбирая между любовью и подругой, лишилась голоса. После помогла Реджине и Румпельштильцхену, получила свой голос обратно и воссоединилась с Эриком в Сторибруке. После второго проклятия живет с Эриком, своей истинной любовью, на острове Висельника.

Бабушка (вдова Лукас)

Granny (widow Lucas)


Бабушка Красной Шапочки, член Военного совета Зачарованного Леса. Отлично стреляет из арбалета. Имеет остаточные способности оборотня. В Сторибруке содержит гостиницу-кафе «У бабушки». У неё проблемы со здоровьем. Есть внучка Руби, которую эти проблемы удерживают от переезда в другой город.

Белль (Лейси Френч)

Belle (Lacey French)


Героиня сказки «Красавица и Чудовище». Возлюбленная Румпельштильцхена. В Сторибруке Белль 28 лет, пока действовало проклятие, провела запертой в психбольнице.

Белоснежка (Мэри Маргарет Бланшар)

Snow White (Mary Margaret Blanchard)


Жена Прекрасного Принца и мать Эммы, одна из самых добрых персонажей Зачарованного Леса. В Сторибруке — учительница школы, где учится Генри.

Белый Кролик

White Rabbit


Именно он привел Алису и Уилла в Страну Чудес.




Глава гномов. Объясняет гномам, кто они такие, помогает освоиться после рождения

Бреннан Джонс

Brennan Jones


Отец Лиама и Киллиана Джонсов, бросивший их детьми. Много лет провёл под проклятием Вечного сна, которое разрушила его сиделка. Был убит капитаном Крюком.

Бэлфайр (Нил Кэссиди)

Baelfire (Neal Cassidy)


Сын Румпельштильцхена, давний возлюбленный Эммы и отец Генри.




Девушка из Камелота, в которую влюблён Генри.

Великан Антон (Кроха)

Giant «Tiny» Anton


Последний из живых великанов. Впервые появляется в сериале, когда Эмма и капитан Крюк взобрались по волшебному стеблю за компасом, в ходе чего был усыплён маковыми зернами. Эмма сохранила ему жизнь. В дальнейшем он оказывается в Сторибруке, где выращивает бобовые стебли.

Венди Дарлинг

Wendy Darling


Приютила юного Бэлфайра у себя дома, в Лондоне. Летала добровольно с Тенью Питера Пэна в Неверленд. Вскоре была уже похищена Тенью, в итоге стала пленницей Питера Пэна в Неверленде и была вынуждена во всем ему подчиняться.




Один из семи гномов, получил своё имя, потому что всегда весёлый, на его лице по жизни сияет улыбка.

Виктор Франкенштейн (доктор Виктор Уэйл)

Victor Frankenstein (Dr. Victor Whale)


До проклятия жил в чёрно-белом мире, основанном на не сказках, а на «бульварных ужасах» и экранизациях. В Сторибруке — врач больницы.

Волшебник Страны Оз (Уолш)

Wizard of Oz (Walsh)


Был неудачливым фокусником в реальном мире, но затем оказался в Стране Оз, где притворялся Волшебником. Разоблачён Зелиной и превращён ей в летающую обезьяну. Шпионил за Эммой, встречаясь с ней, пока она и Генри жили в Нью-Йорке.

Волшебное Зеркало (Сидни Гласс)

Magic Mirror (Sidney Glass)


Джинн, одураченный и обольщённый Злой Королевой. В реальном мире стал репортёром местной газеты Сторибрука.

Ворчун (Лерой)

Grumpy (Leroy)


Один из семи гномов, член Военного совета Зачарованного Леса. В реальном мире — разнорабочий и главный смутьян Сторибрука.




Бывший жених Белль. Румпельштильцхен превратил его в розу, которую подарил Белль.




Жена Артура, королева Камелота. Испытывает чувства к Ланселоту, о чём Артур с помощью волшебного песка заставил её забыть.

Генри Джекилл

Dr. Henry Jekyll


Доктор из Страны Нерассказанных Историй, изобретатель сыворотки, отделяющей тёмную сущность от светлой. Альтер-эго — Хайд. Для создания сыворотки, отделяющей добрую часть человека от злой принял помощь Румпельштильцхена.

Генри Миллс

Henry Mills


Сын Эммы Свон и Нила Кэссиди, отданный Эммой на усыновление сразу после рождения. Приёмный сын Реджины Миллс.




Полубог, сын Зевса и племянник Аида. Дружил с молодой Белоснежкой и научил её стрелять из лука. Погиб во время выполнения одного из своих подвигов: не смог убить Цербера, и попал в Подземный мир. В дальнейшем разобрался со своим неоконченным делом и взошёл на Олимп вместе с Мегарой.

Герхардт Франкенштейн

Gerhardt Frankenstein


Младший брат Виктора Франкенштейна (доктора Виктора Уэйла), офицер. Был застрелен. Являлся первым, кого «оживил» Виктор.

Гидеон Голд

Gideon Gold


Сын Румпельштильцхена (мистера Голда) и Белль.

Голубая фея (мать-настоятельница)

Blue Fairy (Mother Superior)


Главная фея, член Военного совета Зачарованного Леса. Так как феи бессмертны, является старейшим жителем Зачарованного Леса. В Сторибруке возглавляет монашеский приход, в котором все монахини — бывшие феи.

Грег Мэнделл (Оуэн Флинн)

Greg Mendell (Owen Flynn)


Курт Флинн и его маленький сын Оуэн были в походе в лесу штата Мэн в 1983 году, ночуя под открытым небом, когда проклятие вступило в силу. Наутро они увидели, что на месте леса вокруг появился Сторибрук. После гибели отца Оуэн убежал, но все эти годы не забывал о том, что случилось. После разрушения заклятия уже взрослый Оуэн под другим именем попадает в аварию на границе Сторибрука.

Грэйс (Пейдж)

Grace (Paige)


Дочь Сумасшедшего Шляпника. В Сторибруке её зовут Пейдж, и она живёт в другой семье. Учится в одном классе с Генри.




Работала на Джафара, после того, как он освободил ее из заточения, так как у него находился кинжал с помощью котого можно было лишить ее магических сил. Питается страхом.




Темный маг. Пытался собрать трех джинов, чтобы получить силу,которая сможет сможет нарушить законы магии.

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Возлюбленный Клоринды, её жених.

Джепетто (Марко)

Geppetto (Marco)


Мастер-столяр из сказки Карло Коллоди «Приключения Пиноккио. История деревянной куклы».

Джон Дарлинг

John Darling


Один из Потерянных мальчиков Питера Пэна. Британец двадцати с небольшим лет. Прибыл в Сторибрук, чтобы помешать жителям города найти артефакт против Питера Пэна. Средний ребёнок в семье Дарлинг.

Дороти Гейл

Dorothy Gale


Молодая девушка из Канзаса, чей дом ураганом принесло в Страну Оз. Возвращается домой при помощи серебряных туфелек, которые ей обманом дала Зелина, боящаяся, что Дороти займёт её место Волшебницы Запада.

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Дэвид Нолан (Прекрасный Принц)

David Nolan (Prince Charming)


Глава Военного совета Зачарованного Леса, муж Белоснежки и отец Эммы. Во время проклятия находился в коме, из которой вышел вскоре после того, как сдвинулись стрелки часов. Снова влюбился в Белоснежку (ставшую в реальном мире Мэри Маргарет Бланшар), но никак не мог решиться быть с ней. После снятия проклятия воссоединился с женой, дочерью и внуком и участвовал во всех дальнейших приключениях.




Первая любовь Реджины. Они хотели сбежать и тайно сыграть свадьбу, но Кора узнала об их планах. В итоге Кора убила Дэниэла, вырвав ему сердце и уничтожив его на глазах своей дочери. Реджина применила противотленное заклинание, чтобы Дэниэл никогда не разложился. В Сторибруке его гроб находился в фамильном склепе Реджины. После снятия проклятия был неудачно воскрешен доктором Виктором Уэйлом (он же Франкенштейн). Из-за того, что Дэниэл сильно страдал после оживления и не мог себя контролировать: поначалу атаковал Реджину и едва не убил Генри — Реджине пришлось при помощи магии убить его.




Принцесса Аграбы, искала Алладина, чтобы он спас её государство от деспотизма колдуна Джафара.




Верховный бог в древнегреческой мифологии, брат Аида. Хочет одолеть его, чтобы тот оставил свои планы по завоеванию Надземного мира.




Злая ведьма Запада, сводная сестра Злой Королевы. Всю свою жизнь в волшебной стране Оз она сильно завидовала сестре. От безудержной зависти ее кожа в буквальном смысле стала зеленой. Ведьма направила свои магические силы на месть сестре и всем, кто станет у неё на пути. Она могла управлять проклятием, которое переместило всех жителей Зачарованного Леса обратно в Сторибрук. Именно там Зелина пыталась привести свой тщательно продуманный план в исполнение, но он провалился. Была убита Румпельштильцхеном, но сумела воскреснуть.

Злая Королева (Реджина Миллс)

Evil Queen (Regina Mills)


Мачеха Белоснежки, владеющая магией и сумевшая наложить проклятие на Зачарованный Лес. В реальном мире — мэр Сторибрука и приёмная мать Генри.

Реджина родилась в семье принца Генри, сына короля Ксавьера, и Коры, дочери мельника

Золушка (Эшли Бойд)

Cinderella (Ashley Boyd)


Первоначально была горничной у своей мачехи, потом при помощи Румпельштильцхена попала на бал и встретилась с принцем Томасом. За это она должна отдать Тёмному своего первенца. Ребенка она спасает, но её возлюбленный Томас исчезает. В Сторибруке она девятнадцатилетняя Эшли Бойд, одинокая беременная горничная. В дальнейшем воссоединяется со своим принцем и рожает дочь Александру.

Капитан Крюк (Киллиан Джонс)

Captain Hook (Killian Jones)


Пират, потерявший возлюбленную и руку из-за Румпельштильцхена, жаждущий мести. Около трёхсот лет провёл в Неверленде. В отношениях с Эммой Свон.

Капитан Немо



Основан на одноимённом герое романа «Двадцать тысяч лье под водой», был описан представителями телеканала ABC так: «ожесточившийся лидер подводной лодки Наутилус, ревностно веривший в причину того, что привело его от двадцати тысяч лье под водой к судьбе, которой он не даст никому помешать». По отечески относится к Лиаму Джонсу, пытается помогать заблудшим душам, вроде Крюка, живущего одной лишь местью Румпельштильцхену.




Приемная сестра Золушки. На самом деле «добрая сестра».

Список персонажей «Однажды в сказке» — List of Once Upon a Time characters

Ambox ток красный Asia Australia.svg

Части этой статьи (относящиеся к финальной информации серии) должны быть обновлено. Обновите эту статью, чтобы отразить недавние события или новую доступную информацию. (Май 2018)

В символы из ABC с Давным-давно и это Дополнительная выгода Однажды в стране чудес относятся к классическим сказка и фантазия персонажи, и часто соединение с другим Дисней медиа свойства.


Актер Аналог Давным-давно страна чудес
Оригинал Проклятый 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
Джиннифер Гудвин Чистый белый цвет Мэри Маргарет Бланшар Главный Гость
Дженнифер Моррисон Эмма Свон Нет данных Главный Повторяющийся Гость[а]
Лана Паррилья Регина Миллс /Королева зла Рони Главный
Джош Даллас Принц Дэйвид Дэвид Нолан Главный Гость
Джаред С. Гилмор Генри Дэниэл Миллс Нет данных Главный Повторяющийся
Эндрю Дж. Уэст Гость Главный
Рафаэль Сбардж Джимини Крикет Доктор Арчибальд Хоппер Главный Повторяющийся Гость Повторяющийся Гость
Джейми Дорнан Охотник Шериф Грэм Гумберт Главный[b] Гость
Роберт Карлайл Румпельштильцхен Мистер Голд / Дет. Ткачиха Главный
Эйон Бейли Пиноккио Август Уэйн Бут Главный[c] Повторяющийся Повторяющийся Повторяющийся
Эмили де Рэвин Belle French Лэйси Повторяющийся Главный Повторяющийся
Колин О’Донохью Киллиан Джонс /Крюк Нет данных Главный[d] Гость
Крюк Дет. Роджерс Гость Главный
Меган Ори Красный Лукас Рубин Повторяющийся Главный Повторяющийся Повторяющийся Гость[e]
Майкл Раймонд-Джеймс Baelfire Нил Кэссиди Повторяющийся Главный Гость
Майкл Соча Уилл Скарлет /Валет червей /Белый король Нет данных Главный Главный
Ребекка Мадер Зеленая /Злая Ведьма Запада Келли Уэст Повторяющийся Главный Повторяющийся
Том Эллис Робин Локсли /Робин Гуд Нет данных Гость
Шон Магуайр Повторяющийся Главный Повторяющийся Гость
Дания Рамирес Элла Джасинда Видрио Главный
Габриэль Анвар Рапунцель Tremaine Виктория Белфри Главный[f]
Элисон Фернандес Люси Миллс Люси Видрио Гость Главный
Мекия Кокс Королева тиана Сабина Главный[грамм]
Софи Лоу Алиса Нет данных Главный
Питер Гадиот Сайрус Нет данных Главный
Эмма Ригби Анастасия /Красная Королева /белая Королева Нет данных Главный
Нэвин Эндрюс Джафар Нет данных Главный
Одед Фер Повторяющийся
Джон Литгоу Перси /белый кролик Нет данных Главный


  • Чистый белый цвет/Мэри Маргарет Бланшар (сезоны 1-7) изображаемый Джиннифер Гудвин и Бэйли Мэдисон,

    Джиннифер Гудвин

    дочь короля Леопольда и королевы Евы, падчерица Регины Миллс,[1][2] жена принца Дэвида, мать Эммы Свон и принца Нила, бабушка Генри Миллса и Хоупа и прабабушка Люси Миллс.[1] В детстве она раскрывает секрет, который приводит к превращению Регины в Злую Королеву, что впоследствии приводит к наложению проклятия. Разлученная с дочерью, она воссоединяется с Эммой и остальной семьей после того, как проклятие разрушается. Затем Сноу столкнется с Малефисентой, вовлекая тайное прошлое между ними, которое в конечном итоге разрешается. После слияния миров Снежная короновала Реджину как Добрую Королеву Соединённых Королевств. За свое выступление Гудвин получила три номинации на Лучшая актриса сериала: фэнтези / научная фантастика от Teen Choice Awards в 2012, 2013 и 2014 годах, четыре — в номинации «Любимая актриса научно-фантастического / фэнтезийного телевидения» в номинации «Выбор народа» в 2013, 2014, 2015 и 2016 годах и по одной в номинации «Любимый теледуэт» (с Джошем Далласом) Приз зрительских симпатий в 2015 году.

  • Эмма Свон (сезоны 1-7, страна чудес )[час] изображается Дженнифер Моррисон, Эбби Росс и Маккенна Грейс,

    Дженнифер Моррисон

    дочь Белоснежки и принца Дэвида, сестра принца Нила, жена Киллиана Джонса, мать Генри Миллса и Хоупа и бабушка Люси Миллс.

  • Регина Миллс/Королева зла/Рони (сезоны 1-7) изображаемый Лана Паррилья и Ava Acres,

    Лана Паррилья

    дочь Коры Миллс и принца Генри Миллса, сводная сестра Зелины, приемной матери Генри Миллса,[2][3] и бабушка Люси Миллс. Регина ответственна за наложение оригинального проклятия, которое разорвало всех на Страну Без Магии. Однако с прибытием Эммы и разрушением проклятия Реджина исправляет свои злые пути и ищет искупления ради Генри. Позже она сталкивается со своей сводной сестрой, хотя в конце концов эти два исправления исправляют ситуацию после смерти настоящей любви Регины: Робин Гуда. Позже Регину охватывает новое проклятие, которое в конечном итоге разрушается и приводит к слиянию всех миров, где она становится Доброй Королевой. За свое выступление Парилла выиграла Премия телегида для любимого злодея и Премия ALMA за лучшую женскую роль в драматическом сериале 2012 г.[4][5] и получил номинацию на Лучшая женская роль второго плана на телевидении от 38-го конкурса Saturn Awards и за лучшую телевизионную женскую роль на 28-м Награды Imagen.[6][7]

  • Принц Дэйвид/Дэвид Нолан (сезоны 1-7) изображаемый Джош Даллас и Люк Ресслер,

    Джош Даллас

    сын Рут, брат-близнец принца Джеймса, муж Белоснежки, отец Эммы Свон и принца Нила, дедушка Генри Миллс и Хоуп и прадед Люси Миллс.[8] В Зачарованном лесу он влюбляется в Белоснежку и обручается с ней. Надеясь вернуть себе свои владения, Дэвид становится лидером военного совета. После победы в войне он женится на Сноу. После того, как проклятие наложено, он сначала становится коматозным Джоном Доу, а позже будет упиваться как Дэвид Нолан.[9][10][11] После того, как проклятие снимается, он воссоединяется со своей дочерью Эммой и остальной частью своей семьи. С помощью магии, принесенной в Сторибрук, Дэвид и другие герои защищают свой город от различных темных сил; среди них Кора, Злая Ведьма Запада, Снежная Королева, Королевы Тьмы и Черная Фея. После создания United Realms он вместе со Снежкой короновал Регину Доброй Королевой их недавно сформированного королевства. За свое выступление Даллас получил одну номинацию на «Лучшее телевизионное выступление» — «Мужской» и «За». Лучший телевизионный актер — фэнтези / научная фантастика от Teen Choice Awards в 2012 и 2014 годах, а также за Любимый телевизионный дуэт (с Джиннифер Гудвин) от Приз зрительских симпатий в 2015 году.

  • Генри Дэниэл Миллс (сезоны 1-7) изображаемый Джаред С. Гилмор и Эндрю Дж. Уэст,

    Джаред Гилмор

    является сыном Эммы Свон и Нила Кэссиди, приемного сына Регины Миллс,[1][12] пасынок Киллиана Джонса, старший сводный брат Хоуп, муж Эллы, отец Люси Миллс, племянник принца Нила, Гидеона и Зелины, внук Белоснежки, принца Дэвида, Коры Миллс, принца Генри, Румпельштильцхена и Милы и правнук короля Леопольда, королевы Евы, короля Ксавьера, Рут, Роберта, Малькольма и Фионы. В детстве он приводит Эмму Свон в Сторибрук, поскольку считает, что жители города — сказочные персонажи, проклятые Злой Королевой, его матерью и мэром: Реджиной Миллс. Родительская любовь Эммы к нему снимает проклятие, и он воссоединяется со своей семьей. Позже он станет автором Давным-давно книга, где его работа будет заключаться в том, чтобы засвидетельствовать и записать истории людей из всех частей их царства. После окончания средней школы Генри решает найти свою историю в другом царстве. В конце концов, достигнув Новой Страны Сказок, он влюбляется в Эллу и становится отцом Люси. Но наложено новое проклятие, и Генри попадает в Гиперион-Хайтс, разлученный с женой и дочерью. Как только он разрушает проклятие материнской любовью к Реджине, он воссоединяется со своей семьей. После того, как Регина объединяет все королевства, он вместе со своей семьей посещает ее коронацию. За свое выступление Гилмор выиграл Премия «Молодой артист» за лучшую роль в сериале — ведущий молодой актер в 2012.

  • Джимини Крикет/Доктор Арчибальд Хоппер (сезоны 1-4, 6-7) изображаемый Рафаэль Сбардж Морган Рофф и Адам Янг — сын мошенников, который хочет жить честной жизнью, но слишком безвольный, чтобы покинуть свою семью. В Зачарованном лесу, случайно превратив пару в марионеток, Джимини получает помощь от Синей Феи, чтобы помириться с сыном пары, Джеппетто. Голубая фея превращает его в сверчка, и он служит совестью Джеппетто. После наложения проклятия он становится доктором Арчибальдом Хоппером, Сторибруком. психотерапевт.[1] Он также владеет далматинской собакой по кличке Понго. После того, как проклятие снимается, он воссоединяется со своими бывшими друзьями. Позже он обслуживает свадьбу Эммы и Киллиана.
  • В Охотник/Шериф Грэм Гумберт (сезоны 1-2) изображаемый Джейми Дорнан, это безымянный охотник кто одинокий затворник. В Зачарованном лесу его воспитывает волки. Его наняла Злая Королева, чтобы убить Белоснежку. Тем не менее, он передумал и щадит ее, разозлив Злую Королеву, которая разрывает его сердце и хранит его в своем хранилище.[13] Затем он становится одним из ее Черных рыцарей в качестве наказания.[14] Он переносится в Сторибрук, когда Злая Королева наложила свое проклятие. В Сторибруке он — шериф Грэм Хумберт, полицейский города.[1] Однако после прибытия Эммы Свон он начинает вспоминать свою прежнюю жизнь, но его убивает Реджина, прежде чем он смог раскрыть это Эмме.[13]
  • Румпельштильцхен/Мистер Голд/Дет. Ткачиха (сезоны 1-7) изображаемый Роберт Карлайл и Вятт Олефф,

    Роберт Карлайл

    является сыном Малькольма и Фионы, бывшего мужа Милы, мужа Белль, отца Бэлфайра и Гидеона, дедушки Генри Миллса и прадеда Люси. Крюк дал ему прозвище «Крокодил» после того, как он взял его за руку за то, что украл у него Милу. Их борьба заканчивается тем, что он убивает Милу, так что ни один из них не может ее получить. Как Темный, Румпельштильцхен несет ответственность за большинство злодеяний, среди которых есть стремление Коры к власти, восхождение Ингрид к Снежной Королеве, Малефисента, Урсула и Круэлла, объединившиеся в Королевы Тьмы, и превращение Регины в Злая Королева, ведущая к Темному проклятию. Однако из-за своей любви к Белль Румпельштильцхен постоянно сражался между светом и тьмой. В конце концов, он успокаивается с Белль, от которой у него есть сын, пока она не умирает от старости, прежде чем искать Хранителя, чтобы избавиться от его темных сил, чтобы воссоединиться с Белль. Жертвуя своим сердцем, чтобы спасти Крюка, Румпельштильцхен умирает и воссоединяется с Белль на горе Олимп.

  • Пиноккио/Август Уэйн Бут (сезоны 1-2, 4, 6-7) изображаемый Эйон Бейли, Растин Гресюк, Якоб Дэвис и Джек Дэвис, кукольный тот Джеппетто вырезал из заколдованного дерева. В Зачарованном лесу, будучи мальчиком, он отдает свою жизнь, чтобы спасти Джеппетто от утопления, хотя Голубая Фея превращает его в настоящего мальчика. После того, как Джеппетто создает волшебный гардероб, чтобы спасти Эмму от проклятия Злой Королевы, он отправляет в нем Пиноккио вместе с ней, отправляя их обоих в Страну Без Магии. После транспортировки Пиноккио и Эмма живут в приюте, пока он не сбегает с другими членами дома. Семнадцать лет спустя Пиноккио, ныне известный как Август Уэйн Бут, едет в Портленд и сталкивается с Нилом Кэссиди, вором, который влюбился в Эмму. Он убеждает его оставить Эмму, чтобы позволить ей исполнить свое предназначение.[15] Август претерпевает несколько преобразований во время пребывания в Сторибруке, особенно когда герои охотились за Автором.
  • Belle French/Лэйси (сезоны 1-7), изображаемый Эмили де Рэвин,

    Эмили де Рэвин

    дочь сэра Мориса и Колетт, жена Румпельштильцхена, мать Гидеона и мачеха Бэлфайра. Взятый в плен Румпельштильцхеном в рамках сделки по спасению ее королевства от Войны огров, Белль в конечном итоге влюбляется в него, но они не могут выразить свои чувства друг к другу. Затем она попадает в плен и объявляется мертвой Злой Королевой, и после наложения Темного проклятия она остается в заточении Реджины в психиатрической больнице Сторибрука под городом. Затем она освобождается Джефферсоном и воссоединяется с Румпельштильцхеном после того, как проклятие разрушается. Имея с ним временные отношения, Белль в конце концов выходит за него замуж и имеет сына. Поскольку ее мечта — прыгнуть в миры, Румпельштильцхен берет ее и их сына, чтобы увидеть миры, где они в конечном итоге поселяются на Краю Царств. Позже она умирает от старости из-за разницы во времени на Краю Царств.

  • Киллиан Джонс /Крюк (сезоны 2-7) изображаемый Колин О’Донохью и Оливер Белл,

    Колин О’Донохью

    является сыном Бреннана Джонса, брата Лиама Джонса, сводного брата Лиама, мужа Эммы Свон, отчима Генри Миллса и отца Хоуп. Брошенные в детстве, Киллиан и его брат попадают во флот, работая на короля. Однако после смерти своего брата он решает восстать против короля и становится пиратом. После того, как он влюбился и украл жену Румпельштильцхена Милу, он теряет руку, зарабатывая себе имя «Крюк». Поклявшись отомстить Румпельштильцхену, он отправляется в Сторибрук с Корой, но о мести давно забыли после того, как он оказался с Эммой Свон. В конце концов они женятся и получают дочь: Надежду. Во время коронации Регины после слияния королевств, Крюк, Эмма и малышка Хоуп прибывают немного позже, прерывая церемонию, но Регина радостно встречает их.

  • Красный Лукас/Рубин (сезоны 1-3, 5, страна чудес )[я] изображается Меган Ори, дочь Аниты, внучки вдовы Лукас и любовницы Дороти Гейл. В Зачарованном лесу Рыжая, ей неизвестная, оборотень который терроризировал ее деревню. Ее бабушка использует плащ, чтобы Ред не поворачивался в полумесяце. После встречи с Белоснежкой, Рыжая узнает правду после того, как нечаянно убила своего любовника: Питера. Затем Ред становится близким другом Сноу. Она переносится в Сторибрук, когда Злая Королева накладывает свое проклятие. В Сторибруке она — Руби, мятежная, но ненадежная и любящая молодая женщина, которая хочет покинуть город, но ее сдерживает плохое здоровье бабушки.[1] и работает официанткой в ​​Granny’s Diner.[16][17][1] Как только проклятие снимается, Руби возвращается в Страну Сказок, где она в конечном итоге попадает в Страну Оз и начинает романтические отношения с Дороти Гейл.
  • Baelfire/Нил Кэссиди (сезоны 1-3, 5-6) изображаемый Майкл Раймонд-Джеймс Дилан Шмид, Брэндон Спинк, Себастьян Уилкинсон и Дин Петриу — сын Румпельштильцхена и Милы, сводного брата Гидеона, внука Малькольма и Фионы, первой любви Эммы Свон, отца Генри, дедушки Люси и тезки брата Эммы. В детстве Бэлфайр живет со своим отцом после того, как его мать Мила уезжает. Он никогда не принимает своего отца как Темного и вместо этого попадает в Страну Без Магии через волшебный боб. Выдавая себя за Нила Кэссиди, он встречает Эмму Свон, непреднамеренно пересекаясь с Августом Бутом, который убеждает его вести Эмму по новому пути, чтобы разрушить Темное проклятие. В конце концов, он обручился с Тамарой, но отношения так и не развиваются. Вернувшись в Зачарованный Лес через обратное проклятие, он жертвует собой, чтобы вернуть своего отца и соединяется с ним. После нового проклятия Эмма отделяет его от отца, позволяя ему мирно перейти на гору Олимп. Позже он ненадолго навещает Эмму в «Пейзаже снов», чтобы предупредить ее о Подземном мире и его опасностях.
  • Алиса (страна чудес ) изображаемый Софи Лоу и Милли Браун,

    Софи Лоу

    дочь Эдвина, падчерица Сары, сводная сестра Милли, жены Кира и мать ее дочери. В викторианской Англии Алиса случайно натыкается на кроличью нору, которая ведет ее в Страну чудес, где она взаимодействует с Белым Кроликом, Корой, Анастасией и Уиллом Скарлет. Она также находит джинна по имени Сайрус и влюбляется в него. После его очевидной смерти Алису отправляют обратно в викторианскую Англию и запирают в приюте за бредовые верования в Страну чудес. Проведя год в приюте, Алиса освобождается Уиллом и Белым Кроликом и отправляется в Страну Чудес, чтобы сразиться с Джафаром и Анастасией в поисках спасения Сайруса. После поражения Джафара Алиса и Сайрус возвращаются в викторианскую Англию на свадьбу. Затем Алиса рожает девочку. Несколько лет спустя Алиса рассказывает дочери о своих приключениях в Стране Чудес, называя Белого Короля и Королеву истинными правителями Страны Чудес.

  • Уилл Скарлет/Валет червей/Белый король (сезон 4, страна чудес ) изображаемый Майкл Соча,

    Майкл Соча

    является братом Пенелопы и любовником Анастасии. В Стране Оз он становится свидетелем смерти своей сестры Пенелопы. Затем он переезжает в Зачарованный лес и влюбляется в Анастасию. Вместе они сбегают в Страну чудес в поисках лучшей жизни, но Анастасия предает его, чтобы стать Красной Королевой. Сердце разбито, Уилл отдает свое сердце Коре, став ее Сердечным Валетом. С помощью Алисы Уилл в конце концов восстанавливает свое сердце. После наложения Темного проклятия Уилл отправляется в Страну Без Магии. В Сторибруке Белый Кролик ищет Уилла после того, как проклятие снято, и вместе с Алисой возвращается в Страну Чудес, чтобы помочь найти Сайруса. После того, как сердце Уилла снова вставлено в его грудь, он снова может чувствовать любовь. После поражения Джафара он воссоединяется с Анастасией и правит вместе с ней как Белый Король Страны Чудес.

  • Сайрус (страна чудес ) изображаемый Питер Гадиот, сын Амары, брат Тадж и Рафи, любовник Алисы, а затем отец его дочери. В Аграбе Сайрус и его братья превращаются в джиннов после кражи волшебной воды из Колодца чудес, и бутылка джинна Сайруса в конечном итоге оказывается в Стране чудес. Когда Алиса попадает в Страну чудес, он влюбляется в нее. Затем он «убит» Красной Королевой и схвачен Джафаром. Двадцать восемь лет спустя, когда выясняется, что Сайрус жив, Алиса возвращается в Страну Чудес, и она спасает Сайруса. После поражения Джафара Сайрус отправляется в викторианскую Англию, чтобы жениться на Алисе. Спустя годы у Сайруса и Алисы рождается дочь, и они рассказывают дочери о своих приключениях в Стране чудес.
  • Анастасия/Красная Королева/белая Королева (страна чудес ) изображаемый Эмма Ригби,

    Эмма Ригби

    дочь неназванной женщины, сводная сестра неназванной девушки и любовник Уилла Скарлетт. В Зачарованном лесу Анастасия встречает Уилла Скарлета и влюбляется в него. Для лучшей жизни она и Уилл сбегают в Страну чудес, но она предает его, чтобы стать Красной Королевой. Как Красная Королева, она изучает магию у Коры, чтобы возвысить власть над своим королевством. Однако Анастасия в конце концов сожалеет о своих действиях и желает воссоединиться с Уиллом, заключив союз с Джафаром, чтобы изменить законы магии. Используя Белого Кролика, она возвращает Алису и Уилла в Страну чудес, чтобы получить бутылку джинна Сайруса. Однако ее любовь к Уиллу прерывает план Джафара, разрушая их союз. Она исправляет вещи с Уиллом, но Джафар убивает и в конечном итоге воскресает после его поражения. Она и Уилл ненадолго разлучаются неизвестным образом, но в конце концов они воссоединяются и правят Страной Чудес как Белая Королева и Король.

  • Джафар (6 сезон, страна чудес ) изображаемый Нэвин Эндрюс, Одед Фер и Энтони Кейван,

    Нэвин Эндрюс

    — сын Улимы, внебрачного сына султана и сводного брата Мирзы. После смерти матери Джафар хочет, чтобы его признали сыном султана, но, будучи внебрачным сыном, султан отказывается. В надежде использовать три лампы-джинна, чтобы изменить законы магии, он похищает султана и заключает союз с Красной Королевой Страны Чудес, но предает ее, когда их цели больше не совпадают. Используя любые средства, необходимые для обретения всех трех джиннов, Джафар вместе с Амарой становится самым могущественным колдуном во всех сферах, но его проступок исправляется Никсом, когда он непреднамеренно крадет магические воды Колодца чудес, и он превращается в джинна и отправляется в Зачарованный Лес. Обнаруженный принцессой Жасмин в форме джинна, он был убит трансформацией в посох.

  • Перси/белый кролик (страна чудес ) озвучивает Джон Литгоу, является мужем миссис Рэббит и отцом его сына и дочери. Как Белый Кролик из Страны Чудес, Перси может создавать порталы из кроличьей норы в любое царство. Во время его пребывания в викторианской Англии Алиса следует за Перси через кроличью нору в Страну чудес. Двадцать восемь лет спустя он забирает Червового Валета из Сторибрука и помогает спасти Алису из приюта, доставив их обоих в Страну Чудес, чтобы помочь найти Сайруса. Чтобы победить Джафара, он набирает армию, чтобы победить армию нежити Джафара. После поражения Джафара он открывает портал для Алисы, Сайруса и многих их друзей из Страны Чудес в викторианскую Англию для подготовки к свадьбе Алисы и Сайруса. После свадьбы он отправляет свою семью, Анастасию и Вилле обратно в Страну чудес. Спустя годы его можно увидеть смотрящим из-за высокой травы, когда Алиса и Сайрус видны с их ребенком.
  • Zelena/Злая Ведьма Запада/Келли Уэст (сезоны 3-7) изображаемый Ребекка Мадер и Изабелла Блейк-Томас,

    Ребекка Мадер

    дочь Коры Миллс и Джонатана, сводная сестра Регины Миллс, матери Робин и невесты Чада. Брошенная в детстве, Елена желает семейной любви, но начинает завидовать своей сводной сестре Регине за то, что она получила все, что когда-либо хотела. Надеясь изменить прошлое, Зелина собирает ингредиенты, чтобы активировать портал времени, но ее план сорван. Позже Зелина решает исправить свою сестринскую связь с Региной после рождения Робин. После наложения нового проклятия Зелана становится Келли Уэст и обручена с Чадом, но восстанавливает свои воспоминания от Реджины. После создания United Realms Зелина решила остаться с Чадом.

  • Робин Локсли/Робин Гуд (сезоны 2-7, страна чудес ) изображаемый Шон Магуайр и Том Эллис,

    Шон Магуайр

    является мужем Мэриан, отцом их сына Роланда и отцом его и Зелины дочери Робин. Ограбляя богатых ради бедных, Робин оказывается с Мэриан из-за своего кодекса чести, но его действия злят шерифа Ноттингема, который угрожает закрыть бар Робина, побуждая его заключить сделку с Румпельштильцхеном. Спустя годы он обретает сына, но теряет Мэриан, но в конце концов находит новую любовь: Регину. Однако он умирает, защищая Регину от Аида посредством уничтожения Олимпийским кристаллом, и переходит на гору Олимп.

  • Крюк/Дет. Роджерс (сезоны 6-7) изображаемый Колин О’Донохью, капитан пиратов и отец Алисы через Готель. Находясь в Новом Зачарованном лесу, Готель обманывает Крюка, в результате чего рождается Алиса. Поскольку Алиса попадает в ловушку в башне с помощью магии Готель, Крюк решает поднять ее, забыв о своих прежних обидах с Румпельштильцхеном, и переходит в башню. Однако Готель проклинает его сердце, заставляя его держаться подальше от Алисы. Когда проклятие наложено, Крюк становится Дет. Роджерс в Гиперион Хайтс, работая вместе с Дет. Уивер. Во время его работы в качестве детектива он сближается с Тилли, и эти двое образуют тесную связь отца и дочери, не зная, что они связаны. Когда проклятие снимается, Крюк воссоединяется со своей дочерью после победы над Готель. Он также благословляет Робин жениться на Алисе. После объединения миров Крюк и Алиса переезжают в Сторибрук и присутствуют на дне коронации Регины.
  • Элла/Джасинда Видрио (сезон 7) изображаемый Дания Рамирес и Алехандра Перес — дочь Сесилии, падчерицы Маркуса Тремейна и Рапунцель Тремейн, сводной сестры Анастасии и Дризеллы, жены Генри Миллса и матери Люси Миллс. В детстве ее мать снова выходит замуж, и у нее появляется сводная семья. Однако после возвращения первой жены отчима: Рапунцель, семейные отношения усложняются, поскольку Рапунцель начинает ревновать к новой семье. Как только ее мать и отчим были устранены, Элла становится горничной. Спустя годы она влюбляется в Генри Миллса и рожает Люси. Однако после того, как наложено Темное проклятие, Элла отправляется в Страну Без Магии, но воссоединяется со своей семьей после того, как проклятие разрушается. Позже она посещает коронацию Регины, когда королевства были объединены.
  • Рапунцель Tremaine/Виктория Белфри (сезон 7) изображаемый Габриэль Анвар и Миган Уорнер,

    Габриэль Анвар

    первая жена Маркуса Тремейна, мать Анастасии и Дризеллы, мачеха Эллы, мачеха Генри и мачеха Люси Миллс. Чтобы спасти свою семью, Рапунцель заключает сделку с матерью Готель и оказывается запертой в башне на шесть лет. Освободившись, она узнает, что ее муж вступил в повторный брак с собственной семьей. Отчаявшись воссоединиться со своей семьей, она проклинает Сесилию. Однако после очевидной смерти Анастасии Рапунцель решает убить Маркуса и захватывает поместье. Она жестоко обращается с Дризеллой и Эллой, что побудило Дризеллу вступить в сговор с Готель, чтобы наложить Темное проклятие, которое отправляет Рапунцель в Страну Без Магии. В Hyperion Heights Рапунцель становится Викторией Белфри. Вспоминая свою прошлую жизнь, она заперла Готель в своей башне. Удалив веру Люси, она будит Анастасию. Она жертвует собой, чтобы спасти Айви и обменять свою жизнь на Люси.

  • Люси Миллс/Люси Видрио (сезоны 6-7) изображаемый Элисон Фернандес, дочь Эллы и Генри Миллс. Люси, рожденная в Новом Зачарованном лесу в семье Генри и Эллы, стала катализатором пророчества проклятия.Опасаясь за жизнь Люси, Генри уводит ее глубоко в лес с намерением построить волшебный гардероб, который отправит ее в новый мир, но она теряет его, когда он сражается со зверем, посланным Шабашем Восьми. После наложения Темного проклятия Люси отправляется в Страну Без Магии. В Гиперион-Хайтс она известна как Люси Видрио.[18] и считает, что большинство его жителей — сказочные персонажи. Она приводит Генри на Гиперион-Хайтс и пытается заставить его поверить в проклятие. В конце концов, она попадает в кому после того, как Виктория разбудила Анастасию. Люси просыпается, когда Виктория жертвует собой, чтобы спасти ее. Когда все миры объединяются, она присоединяется к своей семье на коронации Регины.
  • Королева тиана/Сабина (сезон 7) изображаемый Мекия Кокс, дочь королевы Евдоры и короля. Принцесса Тиана, вынужденная выставить свои вещи на аукционе, обращается за помощью к доктору Фасилье, чтобы найти принца, но обнаруживает, что это была уловка, и решает сформировать сопротивление королю королевства. Как лидер сопротивления, она нанимает Эллу, Генри, Регину и Крюка, чтобы они помогали их делу. В это время она встречает принца Навина, но теряет его из-за доктора Фасилье. В конце концов, она становится королевой своего королевства, когда ее мать уходит. Когда наложено Темное проклятие, Тиана отправляется в Страну Без Магии. В Гиперион-Хайтс Тиана известна как Сабина. Ее интерес к приготовлению бенье заставляет ее открыть фургон с едой, непреднамеренно воссоединившись с Дрю. После слияния королевств Тиана присутствует на коронации Регины Доброй Королевы Соединенных Королевств.

Смотрите также

  • Список повторяющихся персонажей «Однажды в сказке»


  1. ^ В страна чудес, Эмма Свон изображается неназванным статистом.
  2. ^ Дорнан объявлен главным только в первых семи эпизодах первого сезона.
  3. ^ Бейли выставляется как повторяющийся в течение первой половины первого сезона и оплачивается как основной во второй половине сезона.
  4. ^ О’Донохью считается повторяющимся в течение первой половины второго сезона и оплачивается как основной во второй половине сезона.
  5. ^ В страна чудес Красный Лукас изображен неназванным статистом.
  6. ^ Анвар объявлен главным только в первой половине седьмого сезона.
  7. ^ Кокс объявлен как повторяющийся в первых четырех эпизодах седьмого сезона, а основной счет — в пятом эпизоде ​​сезона.
  8. ^ В страна чудес, Эмма Свон изображается неназванным статистом.
  9. ^ В страна чудес Красный Лукас изображен неназванным статистом.


  1. ^ а б c d е ж грамм Орландо, Кристина (23 октября 2011 г.). «Однажды в сказке: верь в волшебство». ТВ Фанатик. Получено 21 января, 2013.
  2. ^ а б Рэтклифф, Эми (30 января 2012 г.). «Однажды в сказке:» Обзор «Плода ядовитого дерева». IGN. Получено 30 января, 2012.
  3. ^ «Резюме« Однажды в сказке »: проект« Ведьма-ловушка »» из Entertainment Weekly (16 марта 2014 г.)
  4. ^ «Выявлены победители премии» Избранное фанатами журнала TV Guide! — Сегодняшние новости: наш взгляд «. TVGuide.com. 10 апреля 2012 г.. Получено 3 июня, 2014.
  5. ^ «ALMA Awards 2012: Победители и основные моменты выставки (ВИДЕО, ФОТО)». Huffington Post. Huffingtonpost.com. 21 сентября 2012 г.. Получено 3 июня, 2014.
  6. ^ Голдберг, Мэтт (29 февраля 2012 г.). «Номинации на Премию Сатурн 2012 | Коллайдер | Страница 148931». Коллайдер. Получено 7 июня, 2015.
  7. ^ Объявлены номинанты 28-й ежегодной премии Imagen Awards В архиве 2014-11-26 в Wayback Machine Изображение, проверено 17 ноября 2015 г.
  8. ^ Мерфи, Шонна (7 ноября 2011 г.). «Резюме «Однажды в сказке»: Леса прекрасны, темны и глубоки «. Entertainment Weekly. Получено 18 ноября, 2012.
  9. ^ Джеффри, Морган (20 октября 2011 г.). «Однажды в сказке ‘: познакомьтесь с актерами новой фантастической драмы ABC «. Цифровой шпион. Получено 7 октября, 2015.
  10. ^ Недедог, Джетро (30 октября 2011 г.). ««Секретные пути создателей ток-шоу» Однажды в сказке «Лана Паррилла и Джош Даллас (видео)». Голливудский репортер. Получено 7 октября, 2015.
  11. ^ Гольдман, Эрик (5 декабря 2011 г.). «Однажды в сказке:» Пастух «Ревью». IGN. Получено 7 октября, 2015.
  12. ^ Бусис, Хилари (15 января 2012 г.). «Резюме «Однажды в сказке»: требуется два «. Entertainment Weekly. Получено 16 января, 2012.
  13. ^ а б Рэтклифф, Эми (12 декабря 2011 г.). «Однажды в сказке:» Сердце — одинокий охотник «Обзор». IGN. Получено 16 апреля, 2012.
  14. ^ «Итоги финала сезона« Однажды в сказке »: теперь я верующий» Хилари Бусис, из Entertainment Weekly (13 мая 2012 г.)
  15. ^ Прудом, Лаура (30 сентября 2012 г.). «Итоги премьеры сезона «Однажды в сказке»: магия возвращается и несет новую опасность »«. The Huffington Post. Получено 17 октября, 2012.
  16. ^ Бусис, Хилари (23 января 2012 г.). ««Однажды в сказке»: «Когда летают голуби». Entertainment Weekly. Получено 23 января, 2012.
  17. ^ Бусис, Хиллари (9 января 2012 г.). «Резюме Once Upon a Time: The Dark One Rises «. Entertainment Weekly. Получено 9 января, 2012.
  18. ^ «Возвращение домой». www.disneyabcpress.com. Получено 10 мая, 2018.

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