В каком городе происходит действие рассказа муму

Тест по рассказу «Муму» Тургенева: вопросы и ответы (викторина)

Герасим и Муму.
Художник Н. Ращектаев.

«Муму» является одним из самых известных рассказов великого русского писателя И. С. Тургенева.

В этой статье представлен тест по рассказу «Муму» Тургенева в вопросах и ответах: материалы для викторины. 

Правильные ответы представлены в конце теста.

Тест по рассказу «Муму» Тургенева в вопросах и ответах (викторина)

1. В каком городе происходит действие рассказа «Муму»?

  1. Петербург
  2. Москва
  3. Смоленск
  4. Псков

2. К какому сословию принадлежит Герасим?

  1. дворяне
  2. купцы
  3. мещане
  4. крестьяне

3. Как зовут одну из приживалок барыни? 

  1. Любовь Любимовна
  2. Устинья Федоровна
  3. Ольга
  4. Татьяна

4. Как Герасим встретил Муму?

  1. Он нашел ее в заброшенном сарае
  2. Он спас ее из реки
  3. Он купил ее на базаре
  4. Он нашел Муму в лесу

5. Кем служит Татьяна?

  1. кухаркой
  2. кастеляншей
  3. прачкой
  4. гувернанткой

6. Какое блюдо Герасим заказывает для Муму в трактире перед тем, как утопить ее?

  1. щи с мясом
  2. борщ с салом
  3. уху
  4. котлету

7. Где Герасим топит Муму?

  1. в озере
  2. в пруду
  3. в реке Фонтанке
  4. в Москве-реке

8. Кто из героев рассказа дает собаке кличку «Муму»?

  1. Барыня
  2. Барин
  3. Герасим
  4. Гаврила

9. Где Герасим прячет Муму, чтобы ее не увидели?

  1. в сарае
  2. в каморке
  3. в погребе
  4. в бочке

10. Как зовут пьяницу-башмачника в рассказе «Муму»?

  1. Капитон
  2. Тихон
  3. Миколка
  4. Осип

11. Как зовут дворецкого в рассказе «Муму»?

  1. Кирилла
  2. Гаврила
  3. Данила
  4. Герасим 

12. Когда Герасим впервые увидел Муму, ей было:

  1. 2 недели
  2. 3 недели
  3. 4 недели
  4. 6 недель

13. К какой породе принадлежит Муму?

  1. «английская порода»
  2. «шотландская порода»
  3. «испанская порода»
  4. «немецкая порода»

14. За кого выходит замуж Татьяна?

  1. за Капитона
  2. за Герасима
  3. за Гаврилу
  4. за Степана

15. Что Герасим дарит Татьяне, когда она уезжает из города?

  1. варежки
  2. шляпку
  3. платок
  4. шаль

16. Какого цвета шерсть у Муму?

  1. белая с коричневыми пятнами
  2. белая с черными пятнами
  3. черная 
  4. коричневая

17. Что делает Герасим после того, как топит Муму?

  1. Он сидит в каморке несколько дней
  2. Он уезжает в Сибирь
  3. Он уходит пешком в деревню
  4. Он идет колоть дрова

18. На какое животное похож Герасим, по словам одного из героев?

  1. на слона
  2. на медведя
  3. на волка
  4. на обезьяну

19. Сколько лет Татьяне в рассказе «Муму»?

  1. 18 лет
  2. 20 лет
  3. 25 лет
  4. 28 лет

20. Какой рост у Герасима?

  1. пять вершков
  2. десять вершков
  3. двенадцать вершков
  4. двадцать вершков

Ответы на вопросы теста

  1. ответ (2) Москва
  2. ответ (4) крестьяне
  3. ответ (1) Любовь Любимовна
  4. ответ (2) Он спас ее из реки
  5. ответ (3) прачкой
  6. ответ (1) щи с мясом
  7. ответ (4) в Москве-реке
  8. ответ (3) Герасим
  9. ответ (2) в каморке
  10. ответ (1) Капитон
  11. ответ (2) Гаврила
  12. ответ (2) Муму было 3 недели
  13. ответ (3) испанская порода
  14. ответ (1) за Капитона
  15. ответ (3) платок
  16. ответ (2) белая с черными пятнами
  17. ответ (3) Он уходит пешком в деревню
  18. ответ (2) на медведя
  19. ответ (4) 28 лет
  20. ответ (3) 12 вершков

Тургенев. Муму. Публикация в журнале Современник. 1854.png

First publication in 1854

Author Ivan Turgenev
Original title Муму
Country Russian Empire
Language Russian
Subject serfdom, cruelty
Set in Moscow, early 19th century
Publisher Sovremennik

Publication date


Dewey Decimal

LC Class PG3420 .A15

Original text

Муму at Russian Wikisource
Translation Mumu at Wikisource

Mumu (Russian: «Муму») is a short story by Ivan Turgenev, a Russian novelist and story writer, written in 1852.

The story of Gerasim, a deaf and mute serf whose life of poverty is brought into sharp relief by his connection with Mumu, a dog he rescued, brought greater national attention to the cruelties of serfdom, and received praise for its brutal portrayal of this institution in Russian society.


Originally published in 1854, Mumu was written by Turgenev in 1852 while he was in custody for writing an obituary for fellow writer Nikolai Gogol.[1]

From a good family,[2] Turgenev was well-read, and had spent extensive time in the West (he was fluent in German, French, and English). His primary concern, and the main topic of his writings, was Russia, and he wrote only in Russian.[2] Although attempting to improve and distinguish Russia, he was not a Slavophile, but voiced his alignment with the west.[2] Turgenev was most concerned with writing about and discussing serfdom.[2] One reason Mumu was such an indirectly powerful critique of serfdom was the ways in which it showed the terror of absolute power of one human being over another. For this story, and his writings for Gogol’s obituary, Turgenev was banished to his estate.[2]

Although part of the intelligentsia, Turgenev was criticized from both the left and right, as his views were not radical enough for the more revolutionary members of the intelligentsia. Instead, he was viewed as holding consistent liberal, romantic ideals.[2] He was, however, one of the few writers who wrote on behalf of serfs, and against serfdom, treating serfs as humans with complex emotional lives.[3] He once went so far as to take up arms in defense of a serf.[4] This was reflected in his first work, A Sportsman’s Sketches, which was both a condemnation of his mother’s treatment of serfs, and the beginnings of his sympathetic portrayals of the peasantry.

Mumu, therefore, is an intense exploration of serfdom and the position of the Russian peasantry. Gerasim, the main character, is meant to represent the Russian peasant at his most raw: strong but mute, submissive yet resistant.[3] His work and situation is a direct tie to the peasantry, including his portrayal as a Russian folk hero. Turgenev evokes themes of the Russian folk hero, using words such as bogatyri to evoke a strong connection between the peasantry and the heroes of Russia’s past.[3]


Illustration of Mumu by Vladimir Tabourine

  • The landlady (barinya) — The lady of the house. An old, lonely and bitter widow who adheres to everything in the ancient ways. She cruelly decides and manipulates the fate of her serfs. In the story, she is the contrast to Gerasim, but she too is without love and has grown cruel and isolated.[3] Based on Turgenev’s mother, Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva.[5]
  • Gerasim — The porter in the household and protagonist of the story. Of remarkable size and strength, but deaf since birth. Gerasim is portrayed as a classical Russian folk figure, as both terrible and wonderful: mighty and sympathetic. He is also a symbol of the peasantry, while also very much his own person.[3] Based on Andrey, who however did not leave the mistress.[5]
  • Mumu — The dog rescued, raised, and pampered by Gerasim. The dog is an orphan, like Tatiana, but unlike her is not afraid of Gerasim, but rather loves him unconditionally.[3] She serves as an excellent watch-dog and devoted companion to her master. Ultimately, Gerasim is forced by the lady to drown Mumu in the river after she becomes angered by her rejection and barking.
  • Tatiana — A household laundress. Described as a meek and timid woman, with few relations and abundant suffering. Like Gerasim, she is orphaned and alone. She becomes the object of Gerasim’s desire, to which she responds with fear.[3] She is ultimately forced by the lady to marry Kapiton.
  • Kapiton Klimov — The shoemaker in the household, and resident drunkard. He is absorbed by self-pity, and forced by the lady of the house to marry Tatiana, whom he does not love.
  • Volchok — The old guard dog that sits chained on the property: he does not try to obtain freedom, unlike Mumu, nor is he ever censured: He is meant to represent the downtrodden peasant.[3]
  • Gavrila Andreyevich — The head steward of the household who does his mistress’ bidding while also stealing from her.[3]
  • Liubov Lubimovna — A household maid, who attends to the mistress, as well as an old companion of Gavrila’s who helps him steal from the mistress.

Plot summary[edit]

The story opens in Moscow, at the home of an unnamed, wealthy, and elderly widow. Mean and spiteful, she has been abandoned by whatever living friends and relatives she still has. The exposition then focuses on one of her porters, Gerasim, a man from the countryside. Born deaf and mute, he communicates with the other servants of the estate via hand signs. He is a man of almost superhuman strength, and was renowned in the country for his work in the fields. After being taken from his village, he eventually settles into life in the city, and, while his presence inspires fear in the other servants, he is able to remain on at least cordial terms with them.

During this time, Gerasim becomes infatuated with Tatiana, the mistress’ laundress. He offers her gifts, including a gingerbread chicken, and follows her, smiling and making his characteristic unintelligible noises. His affection is quite protective, and he threatens a servant who “nags” her too severely. In another incident, Kapiton Klimov, the widow’s shoemaker, speaks “too attentively” with Tatiana, and is, too, threatened by Gerasim.

Kapiton, a drunkard who feels unfairly castigated for his vices, is chosen by the mistress to be married off. Speaking with her head steward, Gavrila, the widow decides that Kapiton shall marry Tatiana. Gavrila, aware of Gerasim’s affections but unable to disagree with his master, relates this to Kapiton, who reacts with fear but ultimately agrees. He then informs Tatiana, who acquiesces but echoes the same concerns. Gavrila comes up with a plan, and, noting Gerasim’s hatred of drunkards, has Tatiana pretend to be drunk in his presence. The plot succeeds, and Tatiana and Kapiton are married. However, Kapiton’s drinking only worsens, and he and his wife are sent away after a year to a small village. As they depart, Gerasim follows them, and hands Tatiana a red handkerchief, causing her to burst into tears.

During this walk, Gerasim encounters a dog drowning in a river. He saves her, whom he names Mumu, and nurses her back to health. He loves Mumu passionately, and she follows him around throughout his daily activities. After a year, the mistress sees Mumu in the yard, and has the dog brought to her. Mumu reacts poorly to the mistress, baring her teeth. The following day, Gavrila is ordered to get rid of Mumu, whose barking disturbs the widow, and he has the footman, Stepan, ambush the dog behind Gerasim’s back and sell her in the market.

Gerasim, distraught, searches for Mumu for the entire day, but Mumu returns. He learns that Mumu’s disappearance was an order from his lady, and begins hiding his dog in his room. However, Mumu’s “whining” is still audible, and when she is finally brought into the yard, her barking alerts the mistress to her presence. Knowing that the servants will be coming for Mumu, Gerasim barricades himself with her in his room, but, after Gavrila signs to him, explaining the situation, he promises to get rid of Mumu himself.

He brings her to a cookshop, giving her a final treat before travelling to the river where he found her, commandeering a rowboat, and eventually drowns her—bringing his rescue of her full circle. He is followed by Eroshka, another servant, who reports back to the others. However, Gerasim does not return until night, when he gathers his things and then departs walking back to his old village. The mistress, initially angry, decides not to search for him, and soon dies. The story concludes with Gerasim returned to his fields, helping reap the harvest.


The real story with the dog happened at Turgenevs’ house in Moscow. The landlady was Turgenev’s mother, Varvara Turgeneva, and the strong mute serf was Andrey. Unlike Gerasim, Andrey stayed with his mistress.[5]

Varvara Zhitova, Varvara Turgeneva’s adoptive or real daughter, tells a story of a marriage the mistress arranged for two of her favorite serfs, Agafya Semyonovna and Andrey Polyakov. That marriage turned out well, although the mistress demanded that all babies be put away, but they were kept at home secretly, so one day one of them had to have her mouth shut to hide her presence.[5]

Interpretations and Themes[edit]

The Role of Chance:

Chance and coincidence are themes throughout Turgenev’s short works, and Mumu is no exception.[6] Several incidents in the story are based entirely upon coincidence. For instance, Gerasim finds Mumu exactly as his beloved, Tatiana departs with her husband.[6] Mumu is then reduced to a victim of fate; the mistress’s arbitrary cruelty acting as an agent of destiny.[7] While some critics, notably Briggs, have called Turgenev’s use of this device as clumsy, and even “egregious,»[6] it is less pronounced in this particular work than some of his others.

Love and Isolation:

A common theme discussed in this story is the presence and absence of love, and feelings of isolation which drive many of the characters’ decisions.

There are many instances and relationships lacking in affection in this story: Kapiton is not in love with Tatiana, the old woman has no family, and indeed, there is no mention of family in the entire story.[3] At the beginning, this lack of affection seems like an insurmountable barrier: In Gerasim’s love with Tatiana he is unable to overcome his muteness, to express his feelings and bridge this gap.[8] This, however, changes when Gerasim finds Mumu. Mumu represents love in its purest form:[3] Gerasim’s muteness does not limit his ability to express his feelings, and Mumu is unquestionably devoted to him.

These different loves of Gerasim tie the story together:[3] from Tatiana’s departure, to the discovery of Mumu, and ultimately Mumu’s death. The scene where Gerasim drowns Mumu seems almost like a wedding, drawing out the theme of tragic love.[3] This love is, in part, so tragic because of Gerasim’s lack of agency in finding and keeping love.

Gerasim is alone because he has no say, and the old lady forced him to leave his home,[3] thus isolating him and forcing him to give up love. Gerasim goes on to reject love and thus ends the story alone.[3]


In the act of rendering Gerasim both deaf and mute, scholars discuss how Turgenev takes the role of an external observer to the greatest extreme.[8] Due to his sensory failings, the author is unable to accurately represent his consciousness, or to infer his inner thoughts and feelings.[8] In the first scenes of the story, Gerasim’s inability to effectively communicate with his peers leaves him isolated and misunderstood.[9]

Scholars suggest that by naming the dog Mumu, Gerasim finally acquires speech.[8] His once meaningless moans become a meaningful word, that he can share with others. This language does not last long, however, for he is soon ordered to put the dog to death. With the death of Mumu, Gerasim also loses the only language he could possess.[8]

Final Rebellion:

Critics are divided in their interpretations of Gerasims’ two final acts. To some the murder of Mumu represents the “ultimate manifestation of the hero’s enslavement,»[8] and his return to his Homeland represents his defeat. There remains debate whether Gerasim represents a slave resigned to fate or a rebel finally liberated.[8] Some scholars believe that while killing the dog was an act of ultimate submission, it is only after killing Mumu that Gerasim finds the strength to break free.[8]

Textual evidence implies that Gerasim did not plan his escape prior to the killing, because he had to return home to gather his things before breaking away.[9] Furthermore, this idea of ultimate liberation is also supported by Turgenev’s use of animal symbolism.[8] When Gerasim is first brought to the estate he is described as an ox, a strong yet domesticated animal.[9] In contrast, at the end of the story, he is compared to a lion, a wild and uninhibited creature.[9]


As an extremely influential work, which was taught in schools during the Soviet Regime, Mumu has had many adaptations. Several film and media adaptations have been created since its publication, as this work was extremely influential for many Russian-speaking children.

Several movie adaptations are listed below:

A 1959 Live-Action movie (in Russian)

A 1987 animated film (in Russian) made for TV

A 1998 Live-Action movie (in Russian)

Many songs have also been written referencing the work, including “Why did Gerasim drown Mumu?”

There are also several monuments to Mumu in Russia, the most notable in Turgenev Square, next to Cafe Mumu (see header photo).


  1. ^ Moser, Charles. The Cambridge History of Russian Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Web.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Chamberlin, William Henry. «Turgenev: The Eternal Romantic.» Russian Review 5.2 (1946): 10-23.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Frost, Edgar L.. “Turgenev’s «Mumu» and the Absence of Love”. The Slavic and East European Journal 31.2 (1987): 171–186.
  4. ^ Zhitova, V. N. Vospominaniya o semje I.S. Turgeneva. Tul’skoye Knizhnoe Izdatelstvo, 1961.
  5. ^ a b c d «Lib.ru/Классика: Житова Варвара Николаевна. Воспоминания о семье И. С. Тургенева». az.lib.ru.
  6. ^ a b c Briggs, Anthony D. «Ivan Turgenev and the Workings of Coincidence.» The Slavonic and East European Review (1980): 195-211.
  7. ^ Kagan-Kans, Eva. «Fate and Fantasy: A Study of Turgenev’s Fantastic Stories.» Slavic Review 28.4 (1969): 543-560.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i Somoff, Victoria. «No Need for Dogs or Women: Muteness in Turgenev’s ‘Mumu’.» Russian Literature 68.3 (2010): 501-520.
  9. ^ a b c d Turgenev, I.S. “Mumu.” Polnoe sobranie socinenij i pisem v dvadcati vos’mi tomax, vol. 5, 264-92. M.-L.: AN SSSR, 1960-68

External links[edit]

  • Story Text (Russian)
  • 1987 Animated Movie (Russian)
  • 1998 Live-Action Movie (Russian)
  • Song: «Why did Gerasim Drown Mumu» (Russian)

Тургенев. Муму. Публикация в журнале Современник. 1854.png

First publication in 1854

Author Ivan Turgenev
Original title Муму
Country Russian Empire
Language Russian
Subject serfdom, cruelty
Set in Moscow, early 19th century
Publisher Sovremennik

Publication date


Dewey Decimal

LC Class PG3420 .A15

Original text

Муму at Russian Wikisource
Translation Mumu at Wikisource

Mumu (Russian: «Муму») is a short story by Ivan Turgenev, a Russian novelist and story writer, written in 1852.

The story of Gerasim, a deaf and mute serf whose life of poverty is brought into sharp relief by his connection with Mumu, a dog he rescued, brought greater national attention to the cruelties of serfdom, and received praise for its brutal portrayal of this institution in Russian society.


Originally published in 1854, Mumu was written by Turgenev in 1852 while he was in custody for writing an obituary for fellow writer Nikolai Gogol.[1]

From a good family,[2] Turgenev was well-read, and had spent extensive time in the West (he was fluent in German, French, and English). His primary concern, and the main topic of his writings, was Russia, and he wrote only in Russian.[2] Although attempting to improve and distinguish Russia, he was not a Slavophile, but voiced his alignment with the west.[2] Turgenev was most concerned with writing about and discussing serfdom.[2] One reason Mumu was such an indirectly powerful critique of serfdom was the ways in which it showed the terror of absolute power of one human being over another. For this story, and his writings for Gogol’s obituary, Turgenev was banished to his estate.[2]

Although part of the intelligentsia, Turgenev was criticized from both the left and right, as his views were not radical enough for the more revolutionary members of the intelligentsia. Instead, he was viewed as holding consistent liberal, romantic ideals.[2] He was, however, one of the few writers who wrote on behalf of serfs, and against serfdom, treating serfs as humans with complex emotional lives.[3] He once went so far as to take up arms in defense of a serf.[4] This was reflected in his first work, A Sportsman’s Sketches, which was both a condemnation of his mother’s treatment of serfs, and the beginnings of his sympathetic portrayals of the peasantry.

Mumu, therefore, is an intense exploration of serfdom and the position of the Russian peasantry. Gerasim, the main character, is meant to represent the Russian peasant at his most raw: strong but mute, submissive yet resistant.[3] His work and situation is a direct tie to the peasantry, including his portrayal as a Russian folk hero. Turgenev evokes themes of the Russian folk hero, using words such as bogatyri to evoke a strong connection between the peasantry and the heroes of Russia’s past.[3]


Illustration of Mumu by Vladimir Tabourine

  • The landlady (barinya) — The lady of the house. An old, lonely and bitter widow who adheres to everything in the ancient ways. She cruelly decides and manipulates the fate of her serfs. In the story, she is the contrast to Gerasim, but she too is without love and has grown cruel and isolated.[3] Based on Turgenev’s mother, Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva.[5]
  • Gerasim — The porter in the household and protagonist of the story. Of remarkable size and strength, but deaf since birth. Gerasim is portrayed as a classical Russian folk figure, as both terrible and wonderful: mighty and sympathetic. He is also a symbol of the peasantry, while also very much his own person.[3] Based on Andrey, who however did not leave the mistress.[5]
  • Mumu — The dog rescued, raised, and pampered by Gerasim. The dog is an orphan, like Tatiana, but unlike her is not afraid of Gerasim, but rather loves him unconditionally.[3] She serves as an excellent watch-dog and devoted companion to her master. Ultimately, Gerasim is forced by the lady to drown Mumu in the river after she becomes angered by her rejection and barking.
  • Tatiana — A household laundress. Described as a meek and timid woman, with few relations and abundant suffering. Like Gerasim, she is orphaned and alone. She becomes the object of Gerasim’s desire, to which she responds with fear.[3] She is ultimately forced by the lady to marry Kapiton.
  • Kapiton Klimov — The shoemaker in the household, and resident drunkard. He is absorbed by self-pity, and forced by the lady of the house to marry Tatiana, whom he does not love.
  • Volchok — The old guard dog that sits chained on the property: he does not try to obtain freedom, unlike Mumu, nor is he ever censured: He is meant to represent the downtrodden peasant.[3]
  • Gavrila Andreyevich — The head steward of the household who does his mistress’ bidding while also stealing from her.[3]
  • Liubov Lubimovna — A household maid, who attends to the mistress, as well as an old companion of Gavrila’s who helps him steal from the mistress.

Plot summary[edit]

The story opens in Moscow, at the home of an unnamed, wealthy, and elderly widow. Mean and spiteful, she has been abandoned by whatever living friends and relatives she still has. The exposition then focuses on one of her porters, Gerasim, a man from the countryside. Born deaf and mute, he communicates with the other servants of the estate via hand signs. He is a man of almost superhuman strength, and was renowned in the country for his work in the fields. After being taken from his village, he eventually settles into life in the city, and, while his presence inspires fear in the other servants, he is able to remain on at least cordial terms with them.

During this time, Gerasim becomes infatuated with Tatiana, the mistress’ laundress. He offers her gifts, including a gingerbread chicken, and follows her, smiling and making his characteristic unintelligible noises. His affection is quite protective, and he threatens a servant who “nags” her too severely. In another incident, Kapiton Klimov, the widow’s shoemaker, speaks “too attentively” with Tatiana, and is, too, threatened by Gerasim.

Kapiton, a drunkard who feels unfairly castigated for his vices, is chosen by the mistress to be married off. Speaking with her head steward, Gavrila, the widow decides that Kapiton shall marry Tatiana. Gavrila, aware of Gerasim’s affections but unable to disagree with his master, relates this to Kapiton, who reacts with fear but ultimately agrees. He then informs Tatiana, who acquiesces but echoes the same concerns. Gavrila comes up with a plan, and, noting Gerasim’s hatred of drunkards, has Tatiana pretend to be drunk in his presence. The plot succeeds, and Tatiana and Kapiton are married. However, Kapiton’s drinking only worsens, and he and his wife are sent away after a year to a small village. As they depart, Gerasim follows them, and hands Tatiana a red handkerchief, causing her to burst into tears.

During this walk, Gerasim encounters a dog drowning in a river. He saves her, whom he names Mumu, and nurses her back to health. He loves Mumu passionately, and she follows him around throughout his daily activities. After a year, the mistress sees Mumu in the yard, and has the dog brought to her. Mumu reacts poorly to the mistress, baring her teeth. The following day, Gavrila is ordered to get rid of Mumu, whose barking disturbs the widow, and he has the footman, Stepan, ambush the dog behind Gerasim’s back and sell her in the market.

Gerasim, distraught, searches for Mumu for the entire day, but Mumu returns. He learns that Mumu’s disappearance was an order from his lady, and begins hiding his dog in his room. However, Mumu’s “whining” is still audible, and when she is finally brought into the yard, her barking alerts the mistress to her presence. Knowing that the servants will be coming for Mumu, Gerasim barricades himself with her in his room, but, after Gavrila signs to him, explaining the situation, he promises to get rid of Mumu himself.

He brings her to a cookshop, giving her a final treat before travelling to the river where he found her, commandeering a rowboat, and eventually drowns her—bringing his rescue of her full circle. He is followed by Eroshka, another servant, who reports back to the others. However, Gerasim does not return until night, when he gathers his things and then departs walking back to his old village. The mistress, initially angry, decides not to search for him, and soon dies. The story concludes with Gerasim returned to his fields, helping reap the harvest.


The real story with the dog happened at Turgenevs’ house in Moscow. The landlady was Turgenev’s mother, Varvara Turgeneva, and the strong mute serf was Andrey. Unlike Gerasim, Andrey stayed with his mistress.[5]

Varvara Zhitova, Varvara Turgeneva’s adoptive or real daughter, tells a story of a marriage the mistress arranged for two of her favorite serfs, Agafya Semyonovna and Andrey Polyakov. That marriage turned out well, although the mistress demanded that all babies be put away, but they were kept at home secretly, so one day one of them had to have her mouth shut to hide her presence.[5]

Interpretations and Themes[edit]

The Role of Chance:

Chance and coincidence are themes throughout Turgenev’s short works, and Mumu is no exception.[6] Several incidents in the story are based entirely upon coincidence. For instance, Gerasim finds Mumu exactly as his beloved, Tatiana departs with her husband.[6] Mumu is then reduced to a victim of fate; the mistress’s arbitrary cruelty acting as an agent of destiny.[7] While some critics, notably Briggs, have called Turgenev’s use of this device as clumsy, and even “egregious,»[6] it is less pronounced in this particular work than some of his others.

Love and Isolation:

A common theme discussed in this story is the presence and absence of love, and feelings of isolation which drive many of the characters’ decisions.

There are many instances and relationships lacking in affection in this story: Kapiton is not in love with Tatiana, the old woman has no family, and indeed, there is no mention of family in the entire story.[3] At the beginning, this lack of affection seems like an insurmountable barrier: In Gerasim’s love with Tatiana he is unable to overcome his muteness, to express his feelings and bridge this gap.[8] This, however, changes when Gerasim finds Mumu. Mumu represents love in its purest form:[3] Gerasim’s muteness does not limit his ability to express his feelings, and Mumu is unquestionably devoted to him.

These different loves of Gerasim tie the story together:[3] from Tatiana’s departure, to the discovery of Mumu, and ultimately Mumu’s death. The scene where Gerasim drowns Mumu seems almost like a wedding, drawing out the theme of tragic love.[3] This love is, in part, so tragic because of Gerasim’s lack of agency in finding and keeping love.

Gerasim is alone because he has no say, and the old lady forced him to leave his home,[3] thus isolating him and forcing him to give up love. Gerasim goes on to reject love and thus ends the story alone.[3]


In the act of rendering Gerasim both deaf and mute, scholars discuss how Turgenev takes the role of an external observer to the greatest extreme.[8] Due to his sensory failings, the author is unable to accurately represent his consciousness, or to infer his inner thoughts and feelings.[8] In the first scenes of the story, Gerasim’s inability to effectively communicate with his peers leaves him isolated and misunderstood.[9]

Scholars suggest that by naming the dog Mumu, Gerasim finally acquires speech.[8] His once meaningless moans become a meaningful word, that he can share with others. This language does not last long, however, for he is soon ordered to put the dog to death. With the death of Mumu, Gerasim also loses the only language he could possess.[8]

Final Rebellion:

Critics are divided in their interpretations of Gerasims’ two final acts. To some the murder of Mumu represents the “ultimate manifestation of the hero’s enslavement,»[8] and his return to his Homeland represents his defeat. There remains debate whether Gerasim represents a slave resigned to fate or a rebel finally liberated.[8] Some scholars believe that while killing the dog was an act of ultimate submission, it is only after killing Mumu that Gerasim finds the strength to break free.[8]

Textual evidence implies that Gerasim did not plan his escape prior to the killing, because he had to return home to gather his things before breaking away.[9] Furthermore, this idea of ultimate liberation is also supported by Turgenev’s use of animal symbolism.[8] When Gerasim is first brought to the estate he is described as an ox, a strong yet domesticated animal.[9] In contrast, at the end of the story, he is compared to a lion, a wild and uninhibited creature.[9]


As an extremely influential work, which was taught in schools during the Soviet Regime, Mumu has had many adaptations. Several film and media adaptations have been created since its publication, as this work was extremely influential for many Russian-speaking children.

Several movie adaptations are listed below:

A 1959 Live-Action movie (in Russian)

A 1987 animated film (in Russian) made for TV

A 1998 Live-Action movie (in Russian)

Many songs have also been written referencing the work, including “Why did Gerasim drown Mumu?”

There are also several monuments to Mumu in Russia, the most notable in Turgenev Square, next to Cafe Mumu (see header photo).


  1. ^ Moser, Charles. The Cambridge History of Russian Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Web.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Chamberlin, William Henry. «Turgenev: The Eternal Romantic.» Russian Review 5.2 (1946): 10-23.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Frost, Edgar L.. “Turgenev’s «Mumu» and the Absence of Love”. The Slavic and East European Journal 31.2 (1987): 171–186.
  4. ^ Zhitova, V. N. Vospominaniya o semje I.S. Turgeneva. Tul’skoye Knizhnoe Izdatelstvo, 1961.
  5. ^ a b c d «Lib.ru/Классика: Житова Варвара Николаевна. Воспоминания о семье И. С. Тургенева». az.lib.ru.
  6. ^ a b c Briggs, Anthony D. «Ivan Turgenev and the Workings of Coincidence.» The Slavonic and East European Review (1980): 195-211.
  7. ^ Kagan-Kans, Eva. «Fate and Fantasy: A Study of Turgenev’s Fantastic Stories.» Slavic Review 28.4 (1969): 543-560.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i Somoff, Victoria. «No Need for Dogs or Women: Muteness in Turgenev’s ‘Mumu’.» Russian Literature 68.3 (2010): 501-520.
  9. ^ a b c d Turgenev, I.S. “Mumu.” Polnoe sobranie socinenij i pisem v dvadcati vos’mi tomax, vol. 5, 264-92. M.-L.: AN SSSR, 1960-68

External links[edit]

  • Story Text (Russian)
  • 1987 Animated Movie (Russian)
  • 1998 Live-Action Movie (Russian)
  • Song: «Why did Gerasim Drown Mumu» (Russian)

Тест по рассказу «Муму» И. С. Тургенева

Вариант 1.

1. В каком городе происходит действие рассказа «Муму»?

  1. Петербург
  2. Москва
  3. Смоленск
  4. Псков

2. К какому сословию принадлежит Герасим?

  1. дворяне
  2. купцы
  3. мещане
  4. крестьяне

3. Как зовут одну из приживалок барыни

  1. Любовь Любимовна
  2. Устинья Федоровна
  3. Ольга
  4. Татьяна

4. Как Герасим встретил Муму?

  1. Он нашел ее в заброшенном сарае
  2. Он спас ее из реки
  3. Он купил ее на базаре
  4. Он нашел Муму в лесу

5. Кем служит Татьяна?

  1. кухаркой
  2. кастеляншей
  3. прачкой
  4. гувернанткой

6. Какое блюдо Герасим заказывает для Муму в трактире?

  1. щи с мясом
  2. борщ с салом
  3. уху
  4. котлету

7. Где Герасим простился с Муму?

  1. в озере
  2. в пруду
  3. в реке Фонтанке
  4. в Москве-реке

8. Кто из героев рассказа дает собаке кличку «Муму»?

  1. Барыня
  2. Барин
  3. Герасим
  4. Гаврило

9. Где Герасим прячет Муму, чтобы ее не увидели?

  1. в сарае
  2. в каморке
  3. в погребе
  4. в бочке

10. Как зовут пьяницу-башмачника в рассказе «Муму»?

  1. Капитон
  2. Тихон
  3. Миколка
  4. Осип

Тест по рассказу «Муму» И. С. Тургенева

Вариант 2

1. Как зовут дворецкого в рассказе «Муму»?

  1. Кирилла
  2. Гаврило
  3. Данила
  4. Герасим 

2. Когда Герасим впервые увидел Муму, ее возраст:

  1. 2 недели
  2. 3 недели
  3. 4 недели
  4. 6 недель

3. К какой породе принадлежит Муму?

  1. «английская порода»
  2. «шотландская порода»
  3. «испанская порода»
  4. «немецкая порода»

4. За кого выходит замуж Татьяна?

  1. за Капитона
  2. за Герасима
  3. за Гаврилу
  4. за Степана

5. Что Герасим дарит Татьяне, когда она уезжает из города?

  1. варежки
  2. шляпку
  3. платок
  4. шаль

6. Какого цвета шерсть у Муму?

  1. белая с коричневыми пятнами
  2. белая с черными пятнами
  3. черная 
  4. коричневая

7. Что делает Герасим после того, как  простился с Муму?

  1. Он сидит в каморке несколько дней
  2. Он уезжает в Сибирь
  3. Он уходит пешком в деревню
  4. Он идет колоть дрова

8. На какое животное похож Герасим, по словам одного из героев?

  1. на слона
  2. на медведя
  3. на волка
  4. на обезьяну

9. Сколько лет Татьяне в рассказе «Муму»?

  1. 18 лет
  2. 20 лет
  3. 25 лет
  4. 28 лет

10. Какой рост у Герасима?

  1. пять вершков
  2. десять вершков
  3. двенадцать вершков
  4. двадцать вершков

Ответы на вопросы теста

Вариант 1

  1. ответ (2) Москва
  2. ответ (4) крестьяне
  3. ответ (1) Любовь Любимовна
  4. ответ (2) Он спас ее из реки
  5. ответ (3) прачкой
  6. ответ (1) щи с мясом
  7. ответ (4) в Москве-реке
  8. ответ (3) Герасим
  9. ответ (2) в каморке
  10. ответ (1) Капитон

Вариант 2

  1. ответ (2) Гаврило
  2. ответ (2) Муму было 3 недели
  3. ответ (3) испанская порода
  4. ответ (1) за Капитона
  5. ответ (3) платок
  6. ответ (2) белая с черными пятнами
  7. ответ (3) Он уходит пешком в деревню
  8. ответ (2) на медведя
  9. ответ (4) 28 лет
  10. ответ (3) 12 вершков


В каком городе происходит действие рассказа «Муму»?

  • Петербург
  • Москва
  • Смоленск
  • Псков

3 ответа:



Иван Сергеевич Тургенев написал великий рассказ, благодаря которому у нашего поколения появилась возможность изучать историю по первоисточнику.

В рассказе «Муму» описывается быт крепостных крестьян и привилегированное положение помещичьего дворянства. Главный герой рассказа Герасим до переселения в дом барыни жил в деревне. Он работал в поле, сеял хлеб и был крестьянином. Когда барыня увидела Герасима, она была впечатлена его ростом, статью и физической силой. Старая барыня приказала перевезти Герасима в ее московский дом, где Герасиму справили сапоги, дали метлу, и он стал работать дворником. Основные события рассказа происходили в этом доме в Москве.

Правильным ответом на этот вопрос будет: Действие рассказа «Муму» происходит в городе Москва.



Описывая место действия рассказа «Муму», автор упоминает удаленный уголок немаленького города, где располагался дом с белой колоннадой, в котором проживала барыня-вдова.

По признанию самого Ивана Сергеевича Тургенева в вышеупомянутом рассказе он описал усадьбу, в которой проживала его матушка, это место

писатель знал с закрытыми глазами. Нынешний адрес этого дома — улица Остоженка, дом 37/7, здесь находится музей Тургенева. Более того, у его матери служил крепостной крестьянин по имени Андрей, которого все называли «Немым».

Переходя к ответу, вспомним, что по сюжету рассказа «Муму» Герасим, выйдя со двора, отправился к реке, это была Москва-река. Правильный ответ на вопрос — город Москва, он находится на второй строчке.



В москве вроде, если память не обманывает

Читайте также

Рассказ был написан Иваном Сергеевичем Тургеневым через два года после смерти матери, ставшей прототипом той самой барыни в рассказе «Муму». Иначе и быть не могло. Варвара Петровна Тургенева (в девичестве Лутовинова) была очень жесткой по отношению к сыновьям — Сержу и Жану , это была очень странная неистовая материнская любовь. В детстве их нещадно пороли по любому поводу, а в старшем возрасте мать держала сыновей на коротком финансовом поводке, пытаясь контролировать их жизнь.

Тургенев имел в виду старость барыни, жизнь человека можно сравнить с утром, когда жизнь человека и день только начались и с вечером, когда жизнь заканчивается и вечер тоже. Барыня была злой, в молодости не видела ничего хорошего, озлобилась и са


Когда Герасим встретил Муму.Она произошла в тяжелый для героя момент, когда он навсегда простился с любимой девушкой, Татьяной, насильно выданной замуж за другого.

Лекаря Харитона, героя рассказа Тургенева «Муму», нельзя назвать главным персонажем, но он играет важную роль для того, чтобы полнее обрисовать образ барыни.

Харитон, хотя и находился в должности врача, никакого медицинского образования не получил. Он был одним из крепостных барыни, и жил в её доме. Писать и читать он не умел, а находился при хозяйке как личный лекарь. Но она выделяла его среди других слуг, что давало ему некоторые поблажки. Например, он мог спать сколько хочет и практически не работал.

Лекарь Харитон научился обращаться с барыней — умел её успокоить и вовремя оказать помощь. Когда у неё случалось послабление здоровья, он сжигал перья и давал ей специальные капли из лавровишни. Лавровишня — небольшое вечнозеленое деревце, из листьев которого делали капли.

Иногда Харитон халатно относился к обязанностям — например, мог накапать хозяйке больше капель, чем требовалось. Правда, такая доза успокаивала барыню и она быстро и крепко засыпала.

Вот как автор описывает врачебные приемы Харитона:


Ответ таков: Лекарь потчевал хозяйку лавровишневыми каплями.

Безусловно он актуален. Достаточно вспомнить Ольгу «государство не просило вас рожать» Глацких и прочую чиновничью шушару, которые сейчас даже не пытаются притворяться и в открытую глумятся над людьми, которых и за людей-то не считают из-за их покорности и терпения. А еще потому что им за это ничего не будет. Так же точно глумилась барыня над беззащитным и бесправным Герасимом и ей за это ничего не было.

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Помогите решить тест по русскому языку тест по русскому языку «местоимение. разряды местоимений» для 6 класса
1. укажите личное местоимение:
1) некто
2) вас
3) ни с кем
4) собой
2. укажите относительное местоимение:
1) кто-либо
2) некоторый
3) кто
4) нам
3. укажите вопросительное местоимение:
1) кем-нибудь
2) кем
3) себе
4) никакой
4. укажите определительное местоимение:
1) наш
2) который
3) некий
4) каждый
5. укажите возвратное местоимение:
1) свой
2) чей
3) сам
4) себя
6. найдите указательное местоимение:
1) твой
2) какой
3) тот
4) их
7. найдите притяжательное местоимение:
1) самый
2) моего
3) иной
4) ничей
8. укажите неопределённое местоимение:
1) весь
2) какой-нибудь
3) любой
4) этот
9. укажите вопросительное местоимение:
1) сколько
2) кое-что
3) она
4) нами
10. в каком варианте ответа выделенное слово является притяжательным местоимением?
1) увидел их
2) её нет дома
3) её тетрадь
4) их не спросили


Русский язык — 3 года назад

Переделай союзное предложение в предложение с бессоюзной связью.
1. океан с гулом ходил за стеной чёрными горами, и вьюга крепко свистала в отяжелевших снастях, а пароход весь дрожал.
2. множество темноватых тучек, с неясно обрисованными краями, расползались по бледно-голубому небу, а довольно крепкий ветер мчался сухой непрерывной струёй, не разгоняя зноя
3. поезд ушёл быстро, и его огни скоро исчезли, а через минуту уже не было слышно шума


Русский язык — 3 года назад

помогите прошу!перепиши предложения, расставляя недостающие знаки препинания. объясни, что соединяет союз и. если в предложении один союз и, то во втором выпадающем списке отметь «прочерк».пример:«я шёл пешком и,/поражённый прелестью природы/, часто останавливался».союз и соединяет однородные члены.ночь уже ложилась на горы (1) и туман сырой (2) и холодный начал бродить по ущельям.союз и соединяет:1) части сложного предложенияоднородные члены,2) однородные членычасти сложного предложения—.поэт — трубач зовущий войско в битву (1) и прежде всех идущий в битву сам (ю. янонис).союз и соединяет:1) части сложного предложенияоднородные члены,2) ​

Аккаунт удален

Физика — 3 года назад

Вокруг прямого проводника с током (смотри рисунок) существует магнитное поле. определи направление линий этого магнитного поля в точках a и b.обрати внимание, что точки a и b находятся с разных сторон от проводника (точка a — снизу, а точка b — сверху). рисунок ниже выбери и отметь правильный ответ среди предложенных.1. в точке a — «от нас», в точке b — «к нам» 2. в точке a — «к нам», в точке b — «от нас» 3. в обеих точках «от нас»4. в обеих точках «к нам»контрольная работа по физике.прошу,не наугад важно


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  • В каком году чехов написал рассказ мальчики
  • В каком году пушкин написал сказку о царе салтане
  • В каком году пушкин написал сказку о рыбаке и рыбке
  • В каком году пушкин написал сказку о мертвой царевне и семи богатырях
  • В каком году пушкин написал сказку о золотом петушке