Восточная европа как пишется

§ 169. В
географических и административно-территориальных названиях — названиях
материков, морей, озер, рек, возвышенностей, гор, стран, краев, областей,
населенных пунктов, улиц и т. п. — с прописной буквы пишутся все слова, кроме
родовых понятий (остров, море, гора, область, провинция, улица,
и т. п.), служебных слов, а также слов года, лет,

Альпы, Америка, Европа, Болгария, Новая
Зеландия, Северная Америка, Центральная Азия; Южный полюс, Северное полушарие;

Волга, Везувий, Большая Багамская банка,
водопад Кивач, долина Тамашлык, Голодная степь, залив Благополучия, котловина
Больших Озёр, ледник Северный Энгильчек, Днепровский лиман, мыс Доброй Надежды,
Абиссинское нагорье, Онежское озеро, Северный Ледовитый океан, Белое
море, плато Устюрт, Среднесибирское плоскогорье, полуостров Таймыр, Большая
Песчаная пустыня, Голубой Нил, Москва-река, Большой Барьерный риф, течение
Западных Ветров, тропик Рака, хребет Академии Наук, Главный Кавказский хребет;

Краснодарский край, Орловская область,
Щёлковский район, графство Суссекс, департамент Верхние Пиренеи, штат Южная
Каролина, округ Колумбия, область Тоскана, префектура Хоккайдо, провинция
Сычуань, Щецинское воеводство, Нижний Новгород, Киев, Париж, Новосибирск;

Тверская улица, улица Малая Грузинская, улица
26 Бакинских Комиссаров, Лаврушинский переулок, Арбатская площадь, Фрунзенская
набережная, проспект Мира, Цветной бульвар, Садовое кольцо, улица 1905 года,
площадь 50 лет Октября, Андреевский спуск, Большой Каменный мост.

В названиях, начинающихся на Северо-
Северно-), Юго- Южно-),
Восточно-, Западно-, Центрально-, с прописной буквы
пишутся (через дефис) оба компонента первого сложного слова, напр.: Северо-Байкальское нагорье, Восточно-Китайское море, Западно-Сибирская
низменность, Центрально-Чернозёмный регион, Юго-Западный территориальный округ.
Так же пишутся в составе географических названий компоненты других
пишущихся через дефис слов и их сочетаний, напр.: Индо-Гангская
равнина, Волго-Донской канал, Военно-Грузинская дорога, Алма-Атинский
заповедник, Сен-Готардский перевал
туннель), земля Баден-Вюртемберг, мыс Сердце-Камень, Новгород-Северский,
Соль-Илецк, Усть-Илимск, Садовая-Сухаревская улица.

Примечание 1. Нарицательные существительные в
составных географических названиях пишутся с прописной буквы, если они
употреблены не в своем обычном значении, напр.: Новая Земля, Огненная Земля (архипелаги),
Золотой Рог (бухта),
Чешский Лес (горы),
Белая Церковь, Минеральные Воды,
Сосновый Бор, Вятские Поляны, Царское Село
(города), Пушкинские Горы, Камское Устье
(поселки), Голодная Губа
(озеро), Большой Бассейн
(плоскогорье), Золотые Ворота
(пролив), Кузнецкий Мост, Охотный
Ряд, Земляной Вал
(улицы), Никитские Ворота, Рогожская Застава (площади), Марьина Роща (район в
Москве), Елисейские Поля
(улица в Париже).

Примечание 2. Служебные слова (артикли,
предлоги, частицы), находящиеся в начале географических названий, пишутся с
прописной буквы, напр.: Под
Вязом, На Скалах
(улицы), Лос-Анджелес, Ла-Манш, Лас-Вегас, Ле-Крезо, Де-Лонга. Также
пишутся начальные части Сан-,
Сен-, Сент-, Санкт-, Сайта-,
напр.: Сан-Диего, Сен-Дени, Сент-Луис, Санта-Барбара,
(города). Однако служебные слова, находящиеся в
середине географических названий, пишутся со строчной буквы, напр.: Ростов-на-Дону, Франкфурт-на-Майне,
Экс-ан-Прованс, Стратфорд-он-Эйвон, Рио-де-Жанейро, Шуази-ле-Руа,
Абруццо-э-Молизе, Дар-эс-Салам, Булонь-сюр-Мер.

Примечание 3. Некоторые иноязычные родовые
наименования, входящие в географическое название, но не употребляющиеся в
русском языке как нарицательные существительные, пишутся с прописной буквы,
напр.: Йошкар-Ола (ола — город), Рио-Колорадо (рио — река), Аракан-Йома (йома — хребет), Иссык-Куль (куль — озеро). Однако
иноязычные родовые наименования, которые могут употребляться в русском языке
как нарицательные существительные, пишутся со строчной буквы, напр.: Согне-фьорд, Уолл-стрит, Мичиган-авеню,
Пятая авеню, Беркли-сквер, Гайд-парк.

Примечание 4. Названия титулов, званий,
профессий, должностей и т. п. в составе географических названий пишутся с
прописной буквы, напр.: Земля
Королевы Шарлотты
(острова), остров Принца Уэльского, мыс Капитана Джеральда, улица
Зодчего Росси, проспект Маршала Жукова.
Аналогично пишутся
названия, в состав которых входит слово святой: остров Святой Елены, залив Святого Лаврентия.

Примечание 5. Слова, обозначающие участки
течения рек, пишутся со строчной буквы, если не входят в состав названий,
напр.: верхняя Припять, нижняя
но: Верхняя
Тура, Нижняя Тунгуска
(названия рек).

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

Поиск ответа

С прописной или строчной буквы нужно писать после дефиса вторую часть слова в сочетании «Северо-(В, в)осточная окружная дорога?»

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Правильно: Северо- Восточная окружная дорога.

Добрый день, уважаемая Грамота! Скажите, пожалуйста, как правильно писать: восточная Украина или Восточная Украина. И почему. Спасибо!

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Правильно: Восточная Украина. В полном академическом справочнике «Правила русской орфографии и пунктуации» под ред. В. В. Лопатина (М., 2006 и более поздние издания) сформулировано следующее правило: «Названия частей государств и континентов, носящие терминологический характер, пишутся с прописной буквы, напр.: Европейская Россия, Западная Белоруссия, Правобережная Украина. ».

Здравствуйте, у вас опечатка в слове «Мавритания», слово написано через «е» после «р».

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Слово Мавретания тоже существует. В истории Древнего мира это название области на северо-западе Африки (западная часть территории современного Алжира и восточная часть территории современного Марокко). В словарях есть и Мавретания (исторический термин), и Мавритания (современное государство в Африке).

Добрый день! Помогите, пож., как правильно: Юго- Восточная Азия, Юго- восточная Азия или юго- восточная Азия?
Большое спасибо за вашу постоянную помощь!

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Подскажите, правильно ли написание: Юго- Восточная Европа

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Помогите, пожалуйста. Фраза: «…заключить договор с общественной организацией-дорожной территориальной организацией Российского профессионального союза железнодорожников и транспортных строителей на Юго-Восточной железной дороге-филиал(е) ОАО «РЖД»…». Имеется в виду, что Юго- Восточная железная дорога является филиалом ОАО «РЖД». Какое окончание должно быть у филиала? Спасибо.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Добрый день. Как правильно написать: северо- восточная Европа или северо восточная Европа? Очень прошу помочь.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Спрашиваю в третий раз и не получаю ответа. Как правильно написать: На шахте «Восточной». или На шахте » Восточная «.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Корректно: _на шахте « Восточная »_.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Восточная Римская империя или Восточная римская империя?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Правильно: _ Восточная Римская империя_.

Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Огромная просьба все-таки ответить на вопрос, поставленный мною немногим ранее: как пишется словосочетание «северо- восточная транспортно-экспедиторская компания» с точки зрения написания больших букв (только первое слово с большой или все слова названия)если учесть, что это название ООО и все словосочетание будет писаться в кавычках?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Корректно: _ООО «Северо- Восточная транспортно-экспедиторская компания»_.

Здравствуйте! Скажите, пожалуйста, как правильно: Восточная Россия? Спасибо

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Правильно со строчной: _ восточная Россия_.


Центральная, Восточная и Южная Европа

«Мощности Крымского моста придётся кардинально увеличивать, потому что через него будет идти снабжение китайскими товарами Центральной, Восточной и Южной Европы.»

Верно ли употребление с большой буквы регионов Европы?

2 ответа 2

Существует экономико-политическое деление Европы на пять регионов: Западный; Восточный; Северный; Южный; Центральный. Названия регионов являются именами собственными и пишутся с прописной буквы.

Есть правило: названия частей государств и континентов, носящие терминологический характер, пишутся с прописной буквы: Западная Европа, Средняя Азия, Центральная Америка.

Всё ещё ищете ответ? Посмотрите другие вопросы с метками прописная-строчная или задайте свой вопрос.


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Восточная Европа

Из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

Восто́чная Евро́па в узком смысле слова — географически центральная и северо-восточная Европа, населённая преимущественно славянскими народами, составляющая 2/3 территории этого подконтинента Евразии. Термин очень контекстно-зависим и даже изменчив; как отмечено в документе Организации Объединённых Наций, есть «почти так же много определений Восточной Европы, как областей науки» и «каждая оценка пространственных тождеств — по существу социальная и культурная конструкция».

Восточная Европа — область, находящаяся между Центральной Европой и Западной Азией, с отличительными чертами, присущими Византии, сформировавшимися под сильным влиянием Османской империи. Таким образом, европейскими историками признаётся преемственность крупнейших стран Восточной Европы культуре Эллинской, Римской и Византийской империй. Поэтому даже в колониальный период Западной Европы в Англии и Франции империями в полном смысле считались только Российская, Германская и Австрийская, находившиеся большей частью восточнее Эльбы. Империи Востока противопоставлялись цивилизациям Запада.

Другое определение было создано во время холодной войны и использовалось более или менее синонимично с термином Восточный блок. По этому определению все прежние социалистические европейские государства — это и есть Восточная Европа. Иногда эти государства разделяют на страны Центральной и Восточной Европы. Иногда, деля Европу на две части (Западную и Восточную, без учёта Южной, Юго-Восточной Европы и других субрегионов) согласно списку стран Варшавского договора, из Восточной Европы исключается вся бывшая Югославия, Албания и Греция, но добавляется вся современная Германия. Австрия и Скандинавия при этом считаются западноевропейскими территориями, согласно их политическому прошлому. [2]

Хотя территория Восточной Европы больше территории Южной, Западной и Северной Европы вместе взятых, в 2016 году на территории 5 млн км² проживает 34 % [3] населения Европы.


Связанные словари

Восточная европа

Восточная Европа

⇒ Гласные буквы в слове:

В о ст о чн а я Е вр о п а

гласные выделены красным

гласными являются: о, о, а, я, Е, о, а

общее количество гласных: 7 (семь)

Вост о ́ чная Евр о ́ па

ударная гласная выделена знаком ударения « ́ »

ударение падает на буквы: о, о,

В о сточн а я Е вроп а

безударные гласные выделены пунктирным подчеркиванием « »

безударными гласными являются: о, а, я, Е, а

общее количество безударных гласных: 5 (пять)

⇒ Согласные буквы в слове:

В о с т о ч н ая Е в р о п а

согласные выделены зеленым

согласными являются: В, с, т, ч, н, в, р, п

общее количество согласных: 8 (восемь)

В осточ н ая Е в р опа

звонкие согласные выделены одинарным подчеркиванием « »

звонкими согласными являются: В, н, в, р

общее количество звонких согласных: 4 (четыре)

Во с т о ч ная Евро п а

глухие согласные выделены двойным подчеркиванием « »

глухими согласными являются: с, т, ч, п

общее количество глухих согласных: 4 (четыре)


Восточная Европа

Восточная Европа — в наиболее узком смысле слова — именно восточная, а не западная часть Европы. Термин очень контекстно-зависим и даже изменчив; как отмечено в документе Организации Объединённых Наций, есть «почти так же много определений Восточной Европы, как областей науки» и «каждая оценка пространственных тождеств — по существу социальная и культурная конструкция».

Одно определение описывает Восточную Европу как культурное (и экономико-культурное) юридическое лицо: область, находящаяся между Центральной Европой и Западной Азией, с отличительными чертами, присущими Византии, сформировавшимися под сильным влиянием Османской империи.

Другое определение, которое считается устаревшим все увеличивающимся числом авторов, было создано во время холодной войны и использовалось более или менее синонимично с термином Восточный блок. По этому определению все прежние социалистические европейские государства — это и есть Восточная Европа. Иногда эти государства разделяют на страны Центральной и Восточной Европы.


История термина

На протяжении своего существования термин «Восточная Европа» претерпел ряд изменений. До Второй мировой войны северная часть границы между Восточной и Центральной Европой обычно проводилась по р. Эльбе, между славянами и германцами. Опубликованная в 1913 году Католическая Энциклопедия указывает, что к Восточной Европе относились Балканские государства, а также части таких стран как Австро-Венгрия и Российская империя. Указывалось, что восточную границу Европы следует определять этнологически.

В годы холодной войны к Восточной Европе относили все социалистические страны Европы, включая не участвовавшую в Варшавском договоре Югославию и впоследствии вышедшую из него Албанию.

После окончания холодной войны ряд стран, ранее считавшихся частью Восточной Европы, стали относить к другим регионам.

Другие определения

Термин «Восточная Европа» не имеет четкого однозначного определения, но, однако, носит яркую политическую окраску. В связи с этим, некоторые страны, ранее включавшиеся в этот регион, стремятся из него выйти, а другие страны, напротив, стремятся в него войти.

См. также


Регионы мира
Европа Северная · Западная · Центральная · Восточная · Южная
Азия Северная · Западная · Центральная · Восточная · Южная · Юго-Восточная
Ближний Восток · Средний Восток · Дальний Восток
Африка Северная · Западная · Центральная · Восточная · Южная
Америка Северная · Карибы · Латинская · Центральная · Южная
Океания Австралия · Меланезия · Микронезия · Полинезия
Полярные регионы Арктика · Антарктика
Океаны Атлантический · Индийский · Северный Ледовитый · Тихий · Южный (Официально не признан)
Это заготовка статьи по географии Европы. Вы можете помочь проекту, исправив и дополнив её.
Это примечание по возможности следует заменить более точным.


Смотреть что такое «Восточная Европа» в других словарях:

Восточная Европа — — [http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en] EN Eastern Europe A geographic region of the European continent west of Asia and east of Germany and the Adriatic Sea, traditionally consisting of countries that were formerly… … Справочник технического переводчика

ВОСТОЧНАЯ ЕВРОПА — К ней относятся: Албания, Болгария, Босния и Герцеговина, Венгрия, Литва, Латвия, Македония, Польша, Румыния, Словакия, Словения, Чехия, Хорватия, Югославия (Сербия и Черногория), Эстония. Общая площадь региона составляет 1,53 млн.кв.км, населен … Мировое овцеводство

Восточная Европа — историко географическая область на востоке Европы; с 1946 г. по кон. 1980 х гг. – геополитическое понятие, обозначающее группу стран «социалистического лагеря», в военно политическом и экономическом отношении тесно связанных с бывшим СССР, в т. ч … Географическая энциклопедия

Восточная Европа — Вост очная Евр опа … Русский орфографический словарь

Восточная Европа. Геополитический код — В традиционной геополитике рассматривается как срединный или осевой регион (Хартленд), контроль над которым ведет к мировому могуществу. В Холодной войне Запад стремился победить Хартленд (Советский Союз). В реальной действительности Хартленд был … Геоэкономический словарь-справочник

Восточная Европа. Геоэкономический код — Интегрированная Восточная Европа имела возможность получать высокую геоэкономическую ренту (сверхприбыль) за счет единого коммуникационного каркаса «от моря до моря» (Балтика, Черноморье, Каспий, и северные моря). После распада Советского Союза… … Геоэкономический словарь-справочник

Восточная Европа. Новый «железный занавес» — Вызывает тревогу будущее Восточной Европы, где двухсотмиллионное население стремительно нищает, а власть демонстрирует неспособность принимать профессиональные решения. После эйфории победы в «холодной войне» перед Западом стал вопрос «что… … Геоэкономический словарь-справочник

Центральная и Восточная Европа — (англ. Central and Eastern Europe, CEE ) бывшие социалистические государства Европы. Термин используемый для характеристики группы стран, тесно связанных в рамках экономической, политической интеграции до падения железного… … Википедия

Disney Channel Центральная и Восточная Европа — Disney Channel Disney Channel Централна и Източна Европа (Болгария) Disney Channel Srednje i Istočne Europe (Хорватия) Disney Channel střední a východní Evropě (Чехия) Disney Csatorna Közép és Kelet Európában (Венгрия) Disney Channel Europa… … Википедия


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Восточная европа как пишется, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Восточная европа как пишется», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

Какие вы еще знаете однокоренные слова к слову Восточная европа как пишется:

Всего найдено: 13

Здравствуйте, пишу уже в третий раз в надежде, что всё-таки поможете разобраться с особенностями написания прилагательного (восточно)прусский. Орфографический словарь указывает на слитное написание (от Восточная Пруссия, по аналогии с древнерусский – Древняя Русь, западноевропейский – Западная Европа), однако в работах по истории мировых войн используется только вариант «Восточно-Прусская операция». Это исключение из правил или ошибка?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Нет, это не ошибка, это закономерность письма, которая пока недостаточно хорошо изучена и описана. Сейчас можно сказать, что через дефис пишутся собственные названия с частями восточно-, западно— и под. Посмотрите список слов в «Академосе» и Вы увидите эту закономерность. Благодарим Вас за вопрос, название операции будет добавлено в академический орфографический ресурс при следующем обновлении базы.

С прописной или строчной буквы нужно писать после дефиса вторую часть слова в сочетании «Северо-(В, в)осточная окружная дорога?»

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Правильно: Северо-Восточная окружная дорога.

Добрый день, уважаемая Грамота! Скажите, пожалуйста, как правильно писать: восточная Украина или Восточная Украина. И почему. Спасибо!

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Правильно: Восточная Украина. В полном академическом справочнике «Правила русской орфографии и пунктуации» под ред. В. В. Лопатина (М., 2006 и более поздние издания) сформулировано следующее правило: «Названия частей государств и континентов, носящие терминологический характер, пишутся с прописной буквы, напр.: Европейская Россия, Западная Белоруссия, Правобережная Украина…».

Здравствуйте, у вас опечатка в слове «Мавритания», слово написано через «е» после «р».

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Слово Мавретания тоже существует. В истории Древнего мира это название области на северо-западе Африки (западная часть территории современного Алжира и восточная часть территории современного Марокко). В словарях есть и Мавретания (исторический термин), и Мавритания (современное государство в Африке).

Добрый день! Помогите, пож., как правильно: Юго-Восточная Азия, Юго-восточная Азия или юго-восточная Азия?
Большое спасибо за вашу постоянную помощь!

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Правильно: Юго-Восточная Азия.

Подскажите, правильно ли написание: Юго-Восточная Европа

Ответ справочной службы русского языка


Помогите, пожалуйста. Фраза: «…заключить договор с общественной организацией-дорожной территориальной организацией Российского профессионального союза железнодорожников и транспортных строителей на Юго-Восточной железной дороге-филиал(е) ОАО «РЖД»…». Имеется в виду, что Юго-Восточная железная дорога является филиалом ОАО «РЖД». Какое окончание должно быть у филиала?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Лучше согласовать: _дороге — филиале ОАО_.

Добрый день. Как правильно написать: северо-восточная Европа или северовосточная Европа? Очень прошу помочь.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Верно: _Северо-Восточная Европа_.

Спрашиваю в третий раз и не получаю ответа.

Как правильно написать:

На шахте «Восточной»… или На шахте «Восточная«…

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Корректно: _на шахте «Восточная»_.

Восточная Римская Империя — все слова с прописных. Правильно? Спасибо.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

С прописных — первые два: _Восточная Римская империя_.

Восточная Римская империя или Восточная римская империя?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Правильно: _Восточная Римская империя_.

Здравствуйте, уважаемые эксперты! Огромная просьба все-таки ответить на вопрос, поставленный мною немногим ранее: как пишется словосочетание «северо-восточная транспортно-экспедиторская компания» с точки зрения написания больших букв (только первое слово с большой или все слова названия)если учесть, что это название ООО и все словосочетание будет писаться в кавычках?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Корректно: _ООО «Северо-Восточная транспортно-экспедиторская компания»_.

Здравствуйте! Скажите, пожалуйста, как правильно:
Восточная Россия?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Правильно со строчной: _восточная Россия_.

Digital rendering of Europe, focused over the continent’s eastern portion

Eastern Europe is a subregion of the European continent. As a largely ambiguous term, it has a wide range of geopolitical, geographical, ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic connotations. The vast majority of the region is covered by Russia, which spans roughly 40% of the continent’s landmass while accounting for approximately 15% of its total population.[1][2]

It represents a significant part of European culture; the main socio-cultural characteristics of Eastern Europe have historically been defined by the traditions of Slavs and Greeks, as well as by the influence of Eastern Christianity as it developed through the Eastern Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire.[3][4] Another definition was created by the Cold War, as Europe was ideologically divided by the Iron Curtain, with «Eastern Europe» being synonymous with communist states constituting the Eastern Bloc under the influence of the Soviet Union.[4][1][5][6][7][3][8][9]

The term is sometimes considered to be pejorative, through stereotypes about Eastern Europe being inferior (poorer, less developed) to Western Europe; the term Central and Eastern Europe is sometimes used instead for more neutral grouping.[10][11][12][13][14]


Traditional cultural borders of Europe: usage recommendation by the Standing Committee on Geographical Names, Germany.[15]

Several definitions of Eastern Europe exist in the early 21st century, but they often lack precision and may be anachronistic. These definitions are debated across cultures and among experts, even political scientists,[16] as the term has a wide range of geopolitical, geographical, cultural, and socioeconomic connotations. It has also been described as a «fuzzy» term, as the idea itself of Eastern Europe is in constant redefinition.[17] The solidification of the idea of an «Eastern Europe» dates back chiefly to the (French) Enlightenment.[17]

There are «almost as many definitions of Eastern Europe as there are scholars of the region».[1] A related United Nations paper adds that «every assessment of spatial identities is essentially a social and cultural construct».[2]


European regional grouping according to CIA World Factbook

  Eastern Europe here is mainly equivalent to the European part of the former Soviet Union

  Northern Europe

  Western Europe

  Central Europe

  Southwest Europe

  Southern Europe

  Southeast Europe

While the eastern geographical boundaries of Europe are well defined, the boundary between Eastern and Western Europe is not geographical but historical, religious and cultural and is harder to designate.

The Ural Mountains, Ural River, and the Caucasus Mountains are the geographical land border of the eastern edge of Europe. E.g. Kazakhstan, which is mainly located in Central Asia with the most western parts of it located west of the Ural River also shares a part of Eastern Europe.

In the west, however, the historical and cultural boundaries of «Eastern Europe» are subject to some overlap and, most importantly, have undergone historical fluctuations, which makes a precise definition of the western geographic boundaries of Eastern Europe and the geographical midpoint of Europe somewhat difficult.

Religious and cultural influence[edit]

The map of Eastern Europe which includes the entire former communist countries.

After the East–West Schism in 1054, significant parts of Eastern Europe developed cultural unity and resistance to the Catholic (and later also Protestant) Western Europe within the framework of the Eastern Orthodox Church, Church Slavonic language and the Cyrillic alphabet.[18][19][20][21]

Western Europe according to this point of view is formed by countries with dominant Roman Catholic and Protestant churches (including Central European countries such as Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia).

A large part of Eastern Europe is formed by countries with dominant Orthodox churches, like Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, and Ukraine, for instance.[22][23] The Eastern Orthodox Church has played a prominent role in the history and culture of Eastern and Southeastern Europe.[24]

The schism is the break of communion and theology between what are now the Eastern (Orthodox) and Western (Roman Catholic from the 11th century, as well as from the 16th century also Protestant) churches. This division dominated Europe for centuries, in opposition to the rather short-lived Cold War division of four decades.

  • Expansion of Christianity[25][26]

    Expansion of Christianity[25][26]

Since the Great Schism of 1054, Europe has been divided between Roman Catholic (and later additionally Protestant) churches in the West, and the Eastern Orthodox Christian (often incorrectly labelled «Greek Orthodox») churches in the east. Due to this religious cleavage, Eastern Orthodox countries are often associated with Eastern Europe. A cleavage of this sort is, however, often problematic; for example, Greece is overwhelmingly Orthodox, but is very rarely included in «Eastern Europe», for a variety of reasons, the most prominent being that Greece’s history, for the most part, was more influenced by Mediterranean cultures and contact.[27]

Cold War (1946–1991)[edit]

The fall of the Iron Curtain brought the end of the Cold War east–west division in Europe,[28] but this geopolitical concept is sometimes still used for quick reference by the media.[29] Another definition was used during the 40 years of Cold War between 1947 and 1989, and was more or less synonymous with the terms Eastern Bloc and Warsaw Pact. A similar definition names the formerly communist European states outside the Soviet Union as Eastern Europe.[4]

Historians and social scientists generally view such definitions as outdated or relegated.[5][1][6][7][8][3][9]


European sub-regions according to EuroVoc

  Western Europe

  Southern Europe

  Northern Europe

EuroVoc, a multilingual thesaurus maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union, has entries for «23 EU languages»[30] classifying Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak and Slovenian, plus the languages of candidate countries Albanian, Macedonian and Serbian as Central and Eastern European.[31]

Contemporary developments[edit]

Baltic states[edit]

UNESCO,[32] EuroVoc, National Geographic Society, Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography, and the STW Thesaurus for Economics place the Baltic states in Northern Europe, whereas the CIA World Factbook places the region in Eastern Europe with a strong assimilation to Northern Europe. They are members of the Nordic-Baltic Eight regional cooperation forum whereas Central European countries formed their own alliance called the Visegrád Group.[33] The Northern Future Forum, the Nordic Investment Bank, the Nordic Battlegroup, the Nordic-Baltic Eight and the New Hanseatic League are other examples of Northern European cooperation that includes the three countries collectively referred to as the Baltic states.

  • Estonia
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania

Caucasus states[edit]

The South Caucasus nations of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia[34] are included in definitions or histories of Eastern Europe. They are located in the transition zone of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. They participate in the European Union’s Eastern Partnership program, the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, and are members of the Council of Europe, which specifies that all three have political and cultural connections to Europe. In January 2002, the European Parliament noted that Armenia and Georgia may enter the EU in the future.[35][36] However, Georgia is currently the only South Caucasus nation actively seeking NATO and EU membership.

  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Georgia

There are three de facto independent Republics with limited recognition in the South Caucasus region. All three states participate in the Community for Democracy and Rights of Nations:

  • Abkhazia
  • Artsakh
  • South Ossetia

There are seven republics in the North Caucasus that fall under direct Russian political control:

  • Adygea
  • Chechnya
  • Dagestan
  • Ingushetia
  • Kabardino-Balkaria
  • Karachay-Cherkessia
  • North Ossetia-Alania

Post-Soviet states[edit]

Some European republics of the former Soviet Union are considered a part of Eastern Europe:

  • Belarus
  • Moldova (sometimes considered a part of the Balkans or Southeast Europe)[37]
  • Russia (western portion)
  • Ukraine

Unrecognized states:

  • Transnistria

Central Europe[edit]

The term «Central Europe» is often used by historians to designate states formerly belonging to the Holy Roman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the western portion of Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.

In some media, «Central Europe» can thus partially overlap with «Eastern Europe» of the Cold War Era. The following countries are labelled Central European by some commentators, though others still consider them to be Eastern European.[38][39][40]

  • Czech Republic
  • Croatia (can variously be included in Southeastern[41] or Central Europe)[42]
  • Hungary
  • Poland
  • Romania (can variously be included in Southeastern[43] or Central Europe)[44]
  • Serbia (mostly placed in Southeastern but sometimes in Central Europe)[45]
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia (most often placed in Central Europe but sometimes in Southeastern Europe)[46]

Southeastern Europe[edit]

Some countries in Southeast Europe can be considered part of Eastern Europe. Some of them can sometimes, albeit rarely, be characterized as belonging to Southern Europe,[3] and some may also be included in Central Europe.

In some media, «Southeast Europe» can thus partially overlap with «Eastern Europe» of the Cold War Era. The following countries are labelled Southeast European by some commentators, though others still consider them to be Eastern European.[47]

  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Bulgaria
  • Cyprus (Geographically located in Asia, though most often considered a part of Southeastern Europe)
  • Croatia (can variously be included in Southeastern[41] or Central Europe)[42]
  • Greece (Sometimes grouped in Southern Europe with countries like Italy, Spain and Portugal)
  • Moldova (usually grouped with the non-Baltic post-Soviet states but sometimes considered part of Southeastern Europe)[48]
  • Montenegro
  • North Macedonia
  • Romania (can variously be included in Southeastern[43] or Central Europe)[44]
  • Serbia (mostly placed in Southeastern but sometimes in Central Europe)[45]
  • Slovenia (most often placed in Central Europe but sometimes in Southeast Europe)[46]
  • Turkey (East Thrace, the portion west of the Turkish Straits)

Partially recognized states:

  • Kosovo


Classical antiquity and medieval origins[edit]

Ancient kingdoms of the region included Orontid Armenia, Caucasian Albania, Colchis and Iberia (not to be confused with the Iberian Peninsula in Western Europe), of which the former two were the predecessor states of Armenia and Azerbaijan respectively, while the latter two were the predecessor states of modern-day Georgia. These peripheral kingdoms were, either from the start or later on, incorporated into various Iranian empires, including the Achaemenid Persian, Parthian, and Sassanid Persian Empires.[49] Parts of the Balkans and some more northern areas were ruled by the Achaemenid Persians as well, including Thrace, Paeonia, Macedon, and most of the Black Sea coastal regions of Romania, Ukraine, and Russia.[50][51] Owing to the rivalry between the Parthian Empire and Rome, and later between Byzantium and the Sassanid Persians, the Parthians would invade the region several times, although it was never able to hold the area, unlike the Sassanids who controlled most of the Caucasus during their entire rule.[52]

The earliest known distinctions between east and west in Europe originate in the history of the Roman Republic. As the Roman domain expanded, a cultural and linguistic division appeared. The mainly Greek-speaking eastern provinces had formed the highly urbanized Hellenistic civilization. In contrast, the western territories largely adopted the Latin language. This cultural and linguistic division was eventually reinforced by the later political east–west division of the Roman Empire. The division between these two spheres deepened during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages due to a number of events. The Western Roman Empire collapsed in the 5th century, marking the start of the Early Middle Ages. By contrast, the Eastern Roman Empire—the Byzantine Empire—had a survival strategy that kept it alive for another 1,000 years.[53]

The rise of the Frankish Empire in the west, and in particular the Great Schism that formally divided Eastern and Western Christianity in 1054, heightened the cultural and religious distinctiveness between Eastern and Western Europe. Much of Eastern Europe was invaded and occupied by the Mongols.[54]

During the Ostsiedlung, towns founded under Magdeburg rights became centers of economic development and scattered German settlements were founded all over Eastern Europe.[55] Introduction of German town law is often seen as a second great step after introduction of Christianity at the turn of the first and second millennia. The ensuing modernization of society and economy allowed the increased role played by the rulers of Poland, Bohemia, and Hungary.[56]

1453 to 1918[edit]

The conquest of the Byzantine Empire, center of the Eastern Orthodox Church, by the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century, and the gradual fragmentation of the Holy Roman Empire (which had replaced the Frankish empire) led to a change of the importance of Roman Catholic/Protestant vs. Eastern Orthodox concept in Europe. Armour points out that Cyrillic-alphabet use is not a strict determinant for Eastern Europe, where from Croatia to Poland and everywhere in between, the Latin alphabet is used.[57] Greece’s status as the cradle of Western civilization and an integral part of the Western world in the political, cultural and economic spheres has led to it being nearly always classified as belonging not to Eastern, but Southern or Western Europe.[58] During the late-sixteenth and early-seventeenth centuries, Eastern Europe enjoyed a relatively high standard of living. This period is also called the east-central European golden age of around 1600.[59] At the beginning of the 17th century, numeracy levels in eastern Europe were relatively low, although regional differences existed. During the 18th century, the regions began to catch up with western Europe, but did not develop as rapidly. Areas with stronger female autonomy developed more quickly in terms of numeracy.[60]


Serfdom was a prevalent status of agricultural workers until the 19th century. It resembled slavery in terms of lack of freedom, however the landowners could not buy and sell serfs, who are permanently attached to specific plots of land. The system emerged in the 14th and 15th century, the same time it was declining in Western Europe.[61] The climax came in the 17th and 18th century. The early 19th century saw its decline, marked especially by the abolition of serfdom in Russia in 1861. Emancipation meant that the ex-serfs paid for their freedom with annual cash payments to their former masters for decades. The system varied widely country by country, and was not as standardized as in Western Europe. Historians, until the 20th century, focused on master-serf economic and labor relations, portraying the serfs as slave-like, passive, and isolated. 20th century scholars downplayed the evils and emphasize the complexities.[62][63]

Interwar period (1919–1939)[edit]

A major result of the First World War was the breakup of the Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman empires, as well as partial losses to the German Empire. A surge of ethnic nationalism created a series of new states in Eastern Europe, validated by the Versailles Treaty of 1919. Poland was reconstituted after the partitions of the 1790s had divided it between Germany, Austria, and Russia. New countries included Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine (which was soon absorbed by the Soviet Union), Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. Austria and Hungary had much-reduced boundaries. The new states included sizeable ethnic minorities, which were to be protected according to the League of Nations minority protection regime.[64] Throughout Eastern Europe, ethnic Germans constituted by far the largest single ethnic minority.[65] In some areas, as in the Sudetenland, regions of Poland, and in parts of Slovenia, German speakers constituted the local majority, creating upheaval regarding demands of self-determination.

Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania likewise were independent. Many of the countries were still largely rural, with little industry and only a few urban centres. Nationalism was the dominant force but most of the countries had ethnic or religious minorities who felt threatened by majority elements. Nearly all became democratic in the 1920s, but all of them (except Czechoslovakia and Finland) gave up democracy during the depression years of the 1930s, in favor of autocratic, strong-man or single-party states. The new states were unable to form stable military alliances, and one by one were too weak to stand up against Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union, which took them over between 1938 and 1945.

World War II and onset of the Cold War[edit]

Russia ended its participation in the First World War in March 1918 and lost territory, as the Baltic countries and Poland became independent. The region was the main battlefield in the Second World War (1939–45), with German and Soviet armies sweeping back and forth, with millions of Jews killed by the Nazis, and millions of others killed by disease, starvation, and military action, or executed after being deemed as politically dangerous.[66] During the final stages of World War II the future of Eastern Europe was decided by the overwhelming power of the Soviet Red Army, as it swept the Germans aside. It did not reach Yugoslavia and Albania, however. Finland was free but forced to be neutral in the upcoming Cold War.

Throughout Eastern Europe, German-speaking populations were expelled to the reduced borders of Germany in one of the largest ethnic cleansing operations in history.[67] Regions where Germans had formed the local population majority were re-settled with Polish- or Czech-speakers.

The region fell to Soviet control and Communist governments were imposed. Yugoslavia and Albania had their own Communist regimes independent of Moscow. The Eastern Bloc at the onset of the Cold War in 1947 was far behind the Western European countries in economic rebuilding and economic progress. Winston Churchill, in his famous «Sinews of Peace» address of 5 March 1946, at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, stressed the geopolitical impact of the «iron curtain»:

From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe: Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest, and Sofia.

Pre-1989 division between the «West» (grey) and «Eastern Bloc» (orange) superimposed on current borders:

  Russia (the former RSFSR)

  Other countries formerly part of the USSR

  Other former Communist states not aligned with Moscow

Eastern Bloc[edit]

Eastern Europe after 1945 usually meant all the European countries liberated from Nazi Germany and then occupied by the Soviet army. It included the German Democratic Republic (also known as East Germany), formed by the Soviet occupation zone of Germany. All the countries in Eastern Europe adopted communist modes of control by 1948. These countries were officially independent of the Soviet Union, but the practical extent of this independence was quite limited. Yugoslavia and Albania had Communist control that was independent of the Kremlin.

The communists had a natural reservoir of popularity in that they had destroyed the Nazi invaders.[68] Their goal was to guarantee long-term working-class solidarity. The Soviet secret police, the NKVD, working in collaboration with local communists, created secret police forces using leadership trained in Moscow. This new secret police arrived to arrest political enemies according to prepared lists.[69] The national Communists then took power in a gradualist manner, backed by the Soviets in many, but not all, cases. For a while, cooperative non-Communist parties were tolerated.[70] The Communist governments nationalized private businesses, placing them under state ownership, and monitored the media and churches.[70] When dividing up government offices with coalition partners, the Communists took control of the interior ministries, which controlled the local police.[71] They also took control of the mass media, especially radio,[72] as well as the education system.[73] They confiscated and redistributed farmland,[74] and seized control of or replaced the organizations of civil society, such as church groups, sports, youth groups, trade unions, farmers’ organizations, and civic organizations. In some countries, they engaged in large-scale ethnic cleansing, moving ethnic groups such as Germans, Poles, Ukrainians and Hungarians far away from where they previously lived, often with high loss of life, to relocate them within the new post-war borders of their respective countries.[75]

Under pressure from Stalin, these nations rejected grants from the American Marshall Plan. Instead, they participated in the Molotov Plan, which later evolved into the Comecon (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance). When NATO was created in 1949, most countries of Eastern Europe became members of the opposing Warsaw Pact, forming a geopolitical concept that became known as the Eastern Bloc. This consisted of:

  • First and foremost was the Soviet Union (which included the modern-day territories of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova and the illegally occupied Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia). Other countries dominated by the Soviet Union were the German Democratic Republic, People’s Republic of Poland, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, People’s Republic of Hungary, People’s Republic of Bulgaria, and Socialist Republic of Romania.
  • The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY; formed after World War II and before its later dismemberment) was not a member of the Warsaw Pact. It was a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement, an organization created in an attempt to avoid being assigned to either the NATO or Warsaw Pact blocs. The movement was demonstratively independent of both the Soviet Union and the Western bloc for most of the Cold War period, allowing Yugoslavia and its other members to act as a business and political mediator between the blocs.[76]
  • The Socialist People’s Republic of Albania broke with the Soviet Union in the early 1960s as a result of the Sino-Soviet split, aligning itself instead with China. Albania formally left the Warsaw pact in September 1968 after the suppression of the Prague Spring. When China established diplomatic relations with the United States in 1978, Albania also broke away from China. Albania and especially Yugoslavia were not unanimously appended to the Eastern Bloc, as they were neutral for a large part of the Cold War period.[77]

Since 1989[edit]

  existing members

  new members in 2013


With the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989, the political landscape of the Eastern Bloc, and indeed the world, changed. In the German reunification, the Federal Republic of Germany peacefully absorbed the German Democratic Republic in 1990. In 1991, COMECON, the Warsaw Pact, and the Soviet Union were dissolved. Many European nations that had been part of the Soviet Union declared or regained their independence (Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, as well as the Baltic States of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia). Czechoslovakia peacefully separated into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993. Many countries of this region joined the European Union, namely Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. The term «EU11 countries» refer to the Central and Eastern European member states, including the Baltic states, that accessed in 2004 and after: in 2004 the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, and the Slovak Republic; in 2007 Bulgaria, Romania; and in 2013 Croatia.

The economic changes were in harmony with the constitutional reforms: constitutional provisions on public finances can be identified and, in some countries, a separate chapter deals with public finances. Generally, they soon encountered the following problems: high inflation, high unemployment, low economic growth, and high government debt. By 2000 these economies were stabilized, and between 2004 and 2013 all of them joined the European Union. Most of the constitutions define directly or indirectly the economic system of the countries parallel to the democratic transition of the 1990s: free-market economy (sometimes complemented with the socially [and ecologically] oriented sector), economic development, or only economic rights are included as a ground for the economy.[78]

In the case of fiscal policy, the legislative, the executive and other state organs (Budget Council, Economic and Social Council) define and manage the budgeting. The average government debt in the countries is nearly 44%, but the deviation is great because the lowest figure is close to 10% but the highest is 97%. The trend shows that the sovereign debt ratio to GDP in most countries has been rising. Only three countries are affected by high government debt: Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia (over 70% of the GDP), while Slovakia and Poland fulfill the Maastricht requirement but only 10% below the threshold. The contribution to cover the finances for common needs is declared, the principle of just tax burden-sharing is supplemented sometimes with special aspects. Tax revenues expose typically 15–19 % of the GDP, and rates above 20% only rarely can be found.[78]

The state audit of the government budget and expenditures is an essential control element in public finances and an important part of the concept of checks and balances. The central banks are independent state institutions, which possess a monopoly on managing and implementing a state’s or federation’s monetary policy. Besides monetary policy, some of them even perform the supervision of the financial intermediary system. In the case of a price stability function, the inflation rate, in the examined area, relatively quickly dropped to below 5% by 2000. In monetary policy the differences are based on the euro-zone: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia use the common currency. The economies of this decade – similar to the previous one – show a moderate inflation. As a new phenomenon, a slight negative inflation (deflation) appeared in this decade in several countries (Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia), which demonstrates sensitivity regarding international developments. The majority of the constitutions determine the national currency, legal tender or monetary unit. The local currency exchange rate to the U.S. dollar shows that drastic interventions were not necessary. National wealth or assets are the property of the state and/or local governments and, as an exclusive property, the management and protection of them aim at serving the public interest.[78]

See also[edit]

  • Community for Democracy and Rights of Nations
  • Eastern European Group
  • Eastern Partnership
  • Enlargement of the European Union
  • Eurasian Economic Union
  • Euronest Parliamentary Assembly
  • European Union
  • European Russia
  • Eurovoc
  • Future enlargement of the European Union
  • Geography of the Soviet Union
  • Intermarium
  • List of Intangible Cultural Heritage elements in Eastern Europe
  • List of political parties in Eastern Europe
  • Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
  • Post-Soviet States
European subregions
  • Eurovoc#Eastern Europe
  • East-Central Europe
  • Central Europe
  • Central and Eastern Europe
  • Northern Europe
  • Southeast Europe
  • Western Europe
  • Geographical midpoint of Europe
  • Regions of Europe


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  3. ^ a b c d e «United Nations Statistics Division- Standard Country and Area Codes Classifications (M49)-Geographic Regions».
  4. ^ a b c Ramet, Sabrina P. (1998). Eastern Europe: politics, culture, and society since 1939. Indiana University Press. p. 15. ISBN 978-0253212566. Retrieved 5 October 2011.
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  6. ^ a b «A New Journal for Central Europe». www.ce-review.org. Archived from the original on 31 October 2017. Retrieved 31 August 2009.
  7. ^ a b Frank H. Aarebrot (14 May 2014). The handbook of political change in Eastern Europe. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 1–. ISBN 978-1-78195-429-4.
  8. ^ a b [1] Archived 3 April 2015 at the Wayback Machine. Eurovoc.europa.eu. Retrieved on 4 March 2015.
  9. ^ a b c «Population Division, DESA, United Nations: World Population Ageing 1950-2050» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2022-10-09.
  10. ^ Mälksoo, Maria (2019-05-04). «The normative threat of subtle subversion: the return of ‘Eastern Europe’ as an ontological insecurity trope». Cambridge Review of International Affairs. 32 (3): 365–383. doi:10.1080/09557571.2019.1590314. ISSN 0955-7571. S2CID 159184190.
  11. ^ Twardzisz, Piotr (2018-04-25). Defining ‘Eastern Europe’: A Semantic Inquiry into Political Terminology. Springer. p. 18. ISBN 978-3-319-77374-2.
  12. ^ Hall, Derek (July 1999). «Destination branding, niche marketing and national image projection in Central and Eastern Europe». Journal of Vacation Marketing. 5 (3): 227–237. doi:10.1177/135676679900500303. ISSN 1356-7667. S2CID 154698941.
  13. ^ Zarycki, Tomasz (2014). Ideologies of Eastness in Central and Eastern Europe. doi:10.4324/9781315819006. ISBN 9781317818571. S2CID 129401740.
  14. ^ «Eastern promise and Western pretension – DW – 09/07/2018». dw.com. Retrieved 2022-11-16.
  15. ^ Jordan, Peter (2005). «Großgliederung Europas nach kulturräumlichen Kriterien» [The large-scale division of Europe according to cultural-spatial criteria]. Europa Regional. Leipzig: Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde (IfL). 13 (4): 162–173. Retrieved 21 January 2019 – via Ständiger Ausschuss für geographische Namen (StAGN).
  16. ^ Drake, Miriam A. (2005) Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, CRC Press
  17. ^ a b Grob, Thomas (February 2015). «The concept of «Eastern Europe» in past and present». UNI NOVA. University of Basel.
  18. ^ Magocsi 2002, chapter 11.
  19. ^ Kasper von Greyerz (2007). Religion and Culture in Early Modern Europe. Oxford University Press. pp. 38–. ISBN 978-0-19-804384-3.
  20. ^ Jean W Sedlar (1994). East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000–1500. University of Washington Press. pp. 161–. ISBN 0-295-97291-2.
  21. ^ Dumitran, Adriana (2010). «Uspořádání Evropy – duch kulturní jednoty na prahu vzniku novověké Evropy» [The shape of Europe. The spirit of unity through culture in the eve of Modern Europe] (in Czech). Czech Republic: Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands, The Institute of History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
  22. ^ «Religious Belief and National Belonging in Central and Eastern Europe». Pew Research Center. May 10, 2017.
  23. ^ «The History of Georgian Orthodox Church». www.atlantaserbs.com.
  24. ^ Ware 1993, p. 8.
  25. ^ «Atlas of the Historical Geography of the Holy Land». Rbedrosian.com. Archived from the original on 10 June 2013. Retrieved 23 February 2013.
  26. ^ «home.comcast.net». Archived from the original on February 13, 2013. Retrieved 23 February 2013.
  27. ^ Peter John, Local Governance in Western Europe, University of Manchester, 2001, ISBN 9780761956372
  28. ^ V. Martynov, The End of East-West Division But Not the End of History, UN Chronicle, 2000 (available online)
  29. ^ «Migrant workers: What we know». BBC News. 21 August 2007.
  30. ^ «EuroVoc». European Union. Retrieved 30 January 2016.
  31. ^ «EuroVoc – 7206 Europe». European Union. Retrieved 11 December 2016.
  32. ^ Division, United Nations Statistics. «UNSD — Methodology». unstats.un.org.
  33. ^ «About the Visegrad Group». Visgradgroup.eu. 15 August 2006. Archived from the original on 2011-09-25. Retrieved 30 July 2021.
  34. ^ «Department for General Assembly and Conference Management |». www.un.org.
  35. ^ How Armenia Could Approach the European Union (PDF), archived from the original (PDF) on 28 April 2008, retrieved 27 February 2017
  36. ^ European Parliament on the European Union’s relations with the South Caucasus
  37. ^ Simic, Predrag (2001). «Do the Balkans Exist? Visions of the Future of Southeastern Europe: Perspectives from the Region». Medzinárodné otázky. Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association. 10 (1): 19–39. JSTOR 44963345.
  38. ^ Wallace, W. The Transformation of Western Europe London, Pinter, 1990
  39. ^ Huntington, Samuel The Clash of Civilizations Simon & Schuster, 1996
  40. ^ Johnson, Lonnie Central Europe: Enemies, Neighbours, Friends Oxford University Press, USA, 2001
  41. ^ a b «The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency». www.cia.gov. 18 January 2022.
  42. ^ a b Lonnie Johnson, Central Europe: Enemies, Neighbors, Friends, Oxford University Press
  43. ^ a b «U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)». www.eia.gov. Archived from the original on February 5, 2009.
  44. ^ a b «7 Invitees — Romania». www.nato.int.
  45. ^ a b Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, Louise Olga Vasvári (2011). Comparative Hungarian Cultural Studies. Purdue University Press. ISBN 9781557535931.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link)
  46. ^ a b Armstrong, Werwick. Anderson, James (2007). «Borders in Central Europe: From Conflict to Cooperation». Geopolitics of European Union Enlargement: The Fortress Empire. Routledge. p. 165. ISBN 978-1-134-30132-4.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  47. ^ Bideleux and Jeffries (1998) A History of Eastern Europe: Crisis and Change
  48. ^ «A List of Countries That Make up the Balkan Peninsula». www.ThoughtCo.com.
  49. ^ Rapp, Stephen H. (2003), Studies In Medieval Georgian Historiography: Early Texts And Eurasian Contexts, pp. 292-294. Peeters Bvba ISBN 90-429-1318-5.
  50. ^ The Oxford Classical Dictionary by Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth,ISBN 0-19-860641-9,»page 1515,»The Thracians were subdued by the Persians by 516″
  51. ^ Roisman, Joseph; Worthington, Ian (7 July 2011). A Companion to Ancient Macedonia. ISBN 9781444351637. Retrieved 22 April 2015.
  52. ^ Olson, James Stuart; Pappas, Lee Brigance; Pappas, Nicholas Charles; Pappas, Nicholas C. J. (1994). An Ethnohistorical Dictionary of the Russian and Soviet Empires. ISBN 9780313274978. Retrieved 22 April 2015.
  53. ^ Edward Luttwak, The grand strategy of the Byzantine Empire (Harvard UP, 2009).
  54. ^ Denis Sinor, «The Mongols in the West.» Journal of Asian History 33.1 (1999): 1-44 online.
  55. ^ Martyn Rady, «The German Settlement in Central and Eastern Europe during the High Middle Ages.» in The German Lands and Eastern Europe (Palgrave Macmillan, 1999) pp. 11-47.
  56. ^ Jan M. Pisorski (2008). «Medieval Colonization in East Central Europe». In Ingrao; Szabo (eds.). The Germans and the East. Purdue University Press. p. 31.
  57. ^ Armour, Ian D. 2013. A History of Eastern Europe 1740–1918: Empires, Nations and Modernisation. London: Bloomsbury Academic. p. 23. ISBN 978-1849664882
  58. ^ See, inter alia, Norman Davies, Europe: a History, 2010, Eve Johansson, Official Publications of Western Europe, Volume 1, 1984, Thomas Greer and Gavin Lewis, A Brief History of the Western World, 2004
  59. ^
    Baten, Jörg (2016). A History of the Global Economy. From 1500 to the Present. Cambridge University Press. p. 46. ISBN 9781107507180.
  60. ^ Baten, Joerg; Szołtysek, Mikołaj (2017). ««Girl Power» in Eastern Europe? The human capital development of Central-Eastern and Eastern Europe in the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries and its determinants». European Review of Economic History. 21 (1): 29–63.
  61. ^ Jerome Blum, «The Rise of Serfdom in Eastern Europe» American Historical Review 62#4 (1957), pp. 807-836 Online
  62. ^ Boris B. Gorshkov, «Serfdom: Eastern Europe» in Peter Stearns, ed., Encyclopedia of European Social History (2001) 2:379-88; Online.
  63. ^ David Moon, «Reassessing Russian Serfdom.» European History Quarterly 26 (1996): 483–526.
  64. ^ P. de Azcarate, League of Nations and National Minorities (1945) online
  65. ^ R. M. Douglas. Orderly and Humane. The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War. Yale University Press. p. 331.
  66. ^ Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin (2011) excerpt and text search
  67. ^ Gregor Thum. Uprooted: How Breslau Became Wroclaw during the Century of Expulsions. Princeton University Press.
  68. ^ Applebaum, pp. 312–33.
  69. ^ Anne Applebaum, Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944–1956 (2012) p. xxix.
  70. ^ a b Applebaum, p. xxx
  71. ^ Applebaum, p. 71.
  72. ^ Applebaum, pp. 174–191.
  73. ^ Applebaum, pp. 172–173.
  74. ^ Applebaum, pp. 223–228.
  75. ^ Applebaum, pp. 1162–147.
  76. ^ Jeronim Perović, «The Tito-Stalin split: a reassessment in light of new evidence.» Journal of Cold War Studies 9.2 (2007): 32-63 online.
  77. ^ Stavro Skendi, «Albania and the Sino-Soviet Conflict.» Foreign affairs 40.3 (1962): 471-478.
  78. ^ a b c Vértesy, László (2018). «Macroeconomic Legal Trends in the EU11 Countries» (PDF). Public Governance, Administration and Finances Law Review. 3. No. 1. 2018. Archived from the original (PDF) on 12 August 2019. Retrieved 12 August 2019.

Further reading[edit]

  • Applebaum, Anne. Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944–1956 (2012)
  • Berend, Iván T. Decades of Crisis: Central and Eastern Europe before World War II (2001)
  • Connelly, John (2020). From Peoples Into Nations: A History of Eastern Europe. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-16712-1.
  • Day, Alan J. et al. A Political and Economic Dictionary of Eastern Europe (2nd ed 2007) abstract
  • Donert, Celia, Emily Greble, and Jessica Wardhaugh. «New Scholarship on Central and Eastern Europe.» Contemporary European History 26.3 (2017): 507-507. DOI: New Scholarship on Central and Eastern Europe
  • Frankel, Benjamin. The Cold War 1945-1991. Vol. 2, Leaders and other important figures in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, China, and the Third World (1992), 379pp of biographies.
  • Frucht, Richard, ed. Encyclopedia of Eastern Europe: From the Congress of Vienna to the Fall of Communism (2000)
  • Fuchs-Schündeln, Nicola, and Matthias Schündeln. «The long-term effects of communism in Eastern Europe.» Journal of Economic Perspectives 34.2 (2020): 172–91. online
  • Gal, Susan and Gail Kligman, The Politics of Gender After Socialism (Princeton University Press, 2000).
  • Gorshkov, Boris B. «Serfdom: Eastern Europe.» in Encyclopedia of European Social History, edited by Peter N. Stearns, (vol. 2: 2001), pp. 379–388. Online
  • Ghodsee, Kristen R. Lost in Transition: Ethnographies of Everyday Life After Communism (Duke University Press, 2011).
  • Held, Joseph, ed. The Columbia History of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century (1993)
  • Jeffries, Ian, and Robert Bideleux. The Balkans: A Post-Communist History (2007).
  • Jelavich, Barbara (1983a). History of the Balkans: Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Vol. 1. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521274586.
  • Jelavich, Barbara. History of the Balkans, Vol. 1: Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (1983)
  • Jelavich, Barbara (1983b). History of the Balkans: Twentieth Century. Vol. 2. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521274593.
  • Mazower, Mark (2007). The Balkans: A Short History. Random House Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0-307-43196-7.
  • Myant, Martin; Drahokoupil, Jan (2010). Transition Economies: Political Economy in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-470-59619-7.
  • Ramet, Sabrina P. Eastern Europe: Politics, Culture, and Society Since 1939 (1999)
  • Roskin, Michael G. The Rebirth of East Europe (4th ed. 2001); 204pp
  • Schenk, Frithjof Benjamin, Mental Maps: The Cognitive Mapping of the Continent as an Object of Research of European History, EGO — European History Online, Mainz: Institute of European History, 2013, retrieved: March 4, 2020 (pdf).
  • Schevill, Ferdinand. The History of the Balkan Peninsula; From the Earliest Times to the Present Day (1966)
  • Seton-Watson, Hugh. Eastern Europe Between the Wars 1918-1941 (1945) online
  • Simons, Thomas W. Eastern Europe in the Postwar World (1991)
  • Snyder, Timothy. Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin (2011)
  • Stanković, Vlada, ed. (2016). The Balkans and the Byzantine World before and after the Captures of Constantinople, 1204 and 1453. Lexington Books. ISBN 978-1-4985-1326-5.
  • Stavrianos, L.S. The Balkans Since 1453 (1958), major scholarly history; online free to borrow
  • Swain, Geoffrey and Nigel Swain, Eastern Europe Since 1945 (3rd ed. 2003)
  • Verdery, Katherine. What Was Socialism and What Comes Next? Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996.
  • Wachtel, Andrew Baruch (2008). The Balkans in World History. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-988273-1.
  • Walters, E. Garrison. The Other Europe: Eastern Europe to 1945 (1988) 430pp; country-by-country coverage
  • Wolchik, Sharon L. and Jane L. Curry, eds. Central and East European Politics: From Communism to Democracy (2nd ed. 2010), 432pp
  • Wolff, Larry: Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994. ISBN 0-8047-2702-3
  • Eastern Europe Unmapped: Beyond Borders and Peripheries (1 ed.). Berghahn Books. 2020. doi:10.2307/j.ctvw049zd. ISBN 978-1-78533-685-0. JSTOR j.ctvw049zd.

External links[edit]

  • Interview with historian Larry Wolff on «Inventing Eastern Europe»
  • Eastern Europe Economic Data
  • Emerging Europe — A new narrative for the region

Coordinates: 50°N 30°E / 50°N 30°E

Digital rendering of Europe, focused over the continent’s eastern portion

Eastern Europe is a subregion of the European continent. As a largely ambiguous term, it has a wide range of geopolitical, geographical, ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic connotations. The vast majority of the region is covered by Russia, which spans roughly 40% of the continent’s landmass while accounting for approximately 15% of its total population.[1][2]

It represents a significant part of European culture; the main socio-cultural characteristics of Eastern Europe have historically been defined by the traditions of Slavs and Greeks, as well as by the influence of Eastern Christianity as it developed through the Eastern Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire.[3][4] Another definition was created by the Cold War, as Europe was ideologically divided by the Iron Curtain, with «Eastern Europe» being synonymous with communist states constituting the Eastern Bloc under the influence of the Soviet Union.[4][1][5][6][7][3][8][9]

The term is sometimes considered to be pejorative, through stereotypes about Eastern Europe being inferior (poorer, less developed) to Western Europe; the term Central and Eastern Europe is sometimes used instead for more neutral grouping.[10][11][12][13][14]


Traditional cultural borders of Europe: usage recommendation by the Standing Committee on Geographical Names, Germany.[15]

Several definitions of Eastern Europe exist in the early 21st century, but they often lack precision and may be anachronistic. These definitions are debated across cultures and among experts, even political scientists,[16] as the term has a wide range of geopolitical, geographical, cultural, and socioeconomic connotations. It has also been described as a «fuzzy» term, as the idea itself of Eastern Europe is in constant redefinition.[17] The solidification of the idea of an «Eastern Europe» dates back chiefly to the (French) Enlightenment.[17]

There are «almost as many definitions of Eastern Europe as there are scholars of the region».[1] A related United Nations paper adds that «every assessment of spatial identities is essentially a social and cultural construct».[2]


European regional grouping according to CIA World Factbook

  Eastern Europe here is mainly equivalent to the European part of the former Soviet Union

  Northern Europe

  Western Europe

  Central Europe

  Southwest Europe

  Southern Europe

  Southeast Europe

While the eastern geographical boundaries of Europe are well defined, the boundary between Eastern and Western Europe is not geographical but historical, religious and cultural and is harder to designate.

The Ural Mountains, Ural River, and the Caucasus Mountains are the geographical land border of the eastern edge of Europe. E.g. Kazakhstan, which is mainly located in Central Asia with the most western parts of it located west of the Ural River also shares a part of Eastern Europe.

In the west, however, the historical and cultural boundaries of «Eastern Europe» are subject to some overlap and, most importantly, have undergone historical fluctuations, which makes a precise definition of the western geographic boundaries of Eastern Europe and the geographical midpoint of Europe somewhat difficult.

Religious and cultural influence[edit]

The map of Eastern Europe which includes the entire former communist countries.

After the East–West Schism in 1054, significant parts of Eastern Europe developed cultural unity and resistance to the Catholic (and later also Protestant) Western Europe within the framework of the Eastern Orthodox Church, Church Slavonic language and the Cyrillic alphabet.[18][19][20][21]

Western Europe according to this point of view is formed by countries with dominant Roman Catholic and Protestant churches (including Central European countries such as Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia).

A large part of Eastern Europe is formed by countries with dominant Orthodox churches, like Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, and Ukraine, for instance.[22][23] The Eastern Orthodox Church has played a prominent role in the history and culture of Eastern and Southeastern Europe.[24]

The schism is the break of communion and theology between what are now the Eastern (Orthodox) and Western (Roman Catholic from the 11th century, as well as from the 16th century also Protestant) churches. This division dominated Europe for centuries, in opposition to the rather short-lived Cold War division of four decades.

  • Expansion of Christianity[25][26]

    Expansion of Christianity[25][26]

Since the Great Schism of 1054, Europe has been divided between Roman Catholic (and later additionally Protestant) churches in the West, and the Eastern Orthodox Christian (often incorrectly labelled «Greek Orthodox») churches in the east. Due to this religious cleavage, Eastern Orthodox countries are often associated with Eastern Europe. A cleavage of this sort is, however, often problematic; for example, Greece is overwhelmingly Orthodox, but is very rarely included in «Eastern Europe», for a variety of reasons, the most prominent being that Greece’s history, for the most part, was more influenced by Mediterranean cultures and contact.[27]

Cold War (1946–1991)[edit]

The fall of the Iron Curtain brought the end of the Cold War east–west division in Europe,[28] but this geopolitical concept is sometimes still used for quick reference by the media.[29] Another definition was used during the 40 years of Cold War between 1947 and 1989, and was more or less synonymous with the terms Eastern Bloc and Warsaw Pact. A similar definition names the formerly communist European states outside the Soviet Union as Eastern Europe.[4]

Historians and social scientists generally view such definitions as outdated or relegated.[5][1][6][7][8][3][9]


European sub-regions according to EuroVoc

  Western Europe

  Southern Europe

  Northern Europe

EuroVoc, a multilingual thesaurus maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union, has entries for «23 EU languages»[30] classifying Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak and Slovenian, plus the languages of candidate countries Albanian, Macedonian and Serbian as Central and Eastern European.[31]

Contemporary developments[edit]

Baltic states[edit]

UNESCO,[32] EuroVoc, National Geographic Society, Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography, and the STW Thesaurus for Economics place the Baltic states in Northern Europe, whereas the CIA World Factbook places the region in Eastern Europe with a strong assimilation to Northern Europe. They are members of the Nordic-Baltic Eight regional cooperation forum whereas Central European countries formed their own alliance called the Visegrád Group.[33] The Northern Future Forum, the Nordic Investment Bank, the Nordic Battlegroup, the Nordic-Baltic Eight and the New Hanseatic League are other examples of Northern European cooperation that includes the three countries collectively referred to as the Baltic states.

  • Estonia
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania

Caucasus states[edit]

The South Caucasus nations of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia[34] are included in definitions or histories of Eastern Europe. They are located in the transition zone of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. They participate in the European Union’s Eastern Partnership program, the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, and are members of the Council of Europe, which specifies that all three have political and cultural connections to Europe. In January 2002, the European Parliament noted that Armenia and Georgia may enter the EU in the future.[35][36] However, Georgia is currently the only South Caucasus nation actively seeking NATO and EU membership.

  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Georgia

There are three de facto independent Republics with limited recognition in the South Caucasus region. All three states participate in the Community for Democracy and Rights of Nations:

  • Abkhazia
  • Artsakh
  • South Ossetia

There are seven republics in the North Caucasus that fall under direct Russian political control:

  • Adygea
  • Chechnya
  • Dagestan
  • Ingushetia
  • Kabardino-Balkaria
  • Karachay-Cherkessia
  • North Ossetia-Alania

Post-Soviet states[edit]

Some European republics of the former Soviet Union are considered a part of Eastern Europe:

  • Belarus
  • Moldova (sometimes considered a part of the Balkans or Southeast Europe)[37]
  • Russia (western portion)
  • Ukraine

Unrecognized states:

  • Transnistria

Central Europe[edit]

The term «Central Europe» is often used by historians to designate states formerly belonging to the Holy Roman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the western portion of Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.

In some media, «Central Europe» can thus partially overlap with «Eastern Europe» of the Cold War Era. The following countries are labelled Central European by some commentators, though others still consider them to be Eastern European.[38][39][40]

  • Czech Republic
  • Croatia (can variously be included in Southeastern[41] or Central Europe)[42]
  • Hungary
  • Poland
  • Romania (can variously be included in Southeastern[43] or Central Europe)[44]
  • Serbia (mostly placed in Southeastern but sometimes in Central Europe)[45]
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia (most often placed in Central Europe but sometimes in Southeastern Europe)[46]

Southeastern Europe[edit]

Some countries in Southeast Europe can be considered part of Eastern Europe. Some of them can sometimes, albeit rarely, be characterized as belonging to Southern Europe,[3] and some may also be included in Central Europe.

In some media, «Southeast Europe» can thus partially overlap with «Eastern Europe» of the Cold War Era. The following countries are labelled Southeast European by some commentators, though others still consider them to be Eastern European.[47]

  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Bulgaria
  • Cyprus (Geographically located in Asia, though most often considered a part of Southeastern Europe)
  • Croatia (can variously be included in Southeastern[41] or Central Europe)[42]
  • Greece (Sometimes grouped in Southern Europe with countries like Italy, Spain and Portugal)
  • Moldova (usually grouped with the non-Baltic post-Soviet states but sometimes considered part of Southeastern Europe)[48]
  • Montenegro
  • North Macedonia
  • Romania (can variously be included in Southeastern[43] or Central Europe)[44]
  • Serbia (mostly placed in Southeastern but sometimes in Central Europe)[45]
  • Slovenia (most often placed in Central Europe but sometimes in Southeast Europe)[46]
  • Turkey (East Thrace, the portion west of the Turkish Straits)

Partially recognized states:

  • Kosovo


Classical antiquity and medieval origins[edit]

Ancient kingdoms of the region included Orontid Armenia, Caucasian Albania, Colchis and Iberia (not to be confused with the Iberian Peninsula in Western Europe), of which the former two were the predecessor states of Armenia and Azerbaijan respectively, while the latter two were the predecessor states of modern-day Georgia. These peripheral kingdoms were, either from the start or later on, incorporated into various Iranian empires, including the Achaemenid Persian, Parthian, and Sassanid Persian Empires.[49] Parts of the Balkans and some more northern areas were ruled by the Achaemenid Persians as well, including Thrace, Paeonia, Macedon, and most of the Black Sea coastal regions of Romania, Ukraine, and Russia.[50][51] Owing to the rivalry between the Parthian Empire and Rome, and later between Byzantium and the Sassanid Persians, the Parthians would invade the region several times, although it was never able to hold the area, unlike the Sassanids who controlled most of the Caucasus during their entire rule.[52]

The earliest known distinctions between east and west in Europe originate in the history of the Roman Republic. As the Roman domain expanded, a cultural and linguistic division appeared. The mainly Greek-speaking eastern provinces had formed the highly urbanized Hellenistic civilization. In contrast, the western territories largely adopted the Latin language. This cultural and linguistic division was eventually reinforced by the later political east–west division of the Roman Empire. The division between these two spheres deepened during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages due to a number of events. The Western Roman Empire collapsed in the 5th century, marking the start of the Early Middle Ages. By contrast, the Eastern Roman Empire—the Byzantine Empire—had a survival strategy that kept it alive for another 1,000 years.[53]

The rise of the Frankish Empire in the west, and in particular the Great Schism that formally divided Eastern and Western Christianity in 1054, heightened the cultural and religious distinctiveness between Eastern and Western Europe. Much of Eastern Europe was invaded and occupied by the Mongols.[54]

During the Ostsiedlung, towns founded under Magdeburg rights became centers of economic development and scattered German settlements were founded all over Eastern Europe.[55] Introduction of German town law is often seen as a second great step after introduction of Christianity at the turn of the first and second millennia. The ensuing modernization of society and economy allowed the increased role played by the rulers of Poland, Bohemia, and Hungary.[56]

1453 to 1918[edit]

The conquest of the Byzantine Empire, center of the Eastern Orthodox Church, by the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century, and the gradual fragmentation of the Holy Roman Empire (which had replaced the Frankish empire) led to a change of the importance of Roman Catholic/Protestant vs. Eastern Orthodox concept in Europe. Armour points out that Cyrillic-alphabet use is not a strict determinant for Eastern Europe, where from Croatia to Poland and everywhere in between, the Latin alphabet is used.[57] Greece’s status as the cradle of Western civilization and an integral part of the Western world in the political, cultural and economic spheres has led to it being nearly always classified as belonging not to Eastern, but Southern or Western Europe.[58] During the late-sixteenth and early-seventeenth centuries, Eastern Europe enjoyed a relatively high standard of living. This period is also called the east-central European golden age of around 1600.[59] At the beginning of the 17th century, numeracy levels in eastern Europe were relatively low, although regional differences existed. During the 18th century, the regions began to catch up with western Europe, but did not develop as rapidly. Areas with stronger female autonomy developed more quickly in terms of numeracy.[60]


Serfdom was a prevalent status of agricultural workers until the 19th century. It resembled slavery in terms of lack of freedom, however the landowners could not buy and sell serfs, who are permanently attached to specific plots of land. The system emerged in the 14th and 15th century, the same time it was declining in Western Europe.[61] The climax came in the 17th and 18th century. The early 19th century saw its decline, marked especially by the abolition of serfdom in Russia in 1861. Emancipation meant that the ex-serfs paid for their freedom with annual cash payments to their former masters for decades. The system varied widely country by country, and was not as standardized as in Western Europe. Historians, until the 20th century, focused on master-serf economic and labor relations, portraying the serfs as slave-like, passive, and isolated. 20th century scholars downplayed the evils and emphasize the complexities.[62][63]

Interwar period (1919–1939)[edit]

A major result of the First World War was the breakup of the Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman empires, as well as partial losses to the German Empire. A surge of ethnic nationalism created a series of new states in Eastern Europe, validated by the Versailles Treaty of 1919. Poland was reconstituted after the partitions of the 1790s had divided it between Germany, Austria, and Russia. New countries included Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine (which was soon absorbed by the Soviet Union), Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. Austria and Hungary had much-reduced boundaries. The new states included sizeable ethnic minorities, which were to be protected according to the League of Nations minority protection regime.[64] Throughout Eastern Europe, ethnic Germans constituted by far the largest single ethnic minority.[65] In some areas, as in the Sudetenland, regions of Poland, and in parts of Slovenia, German speakers constituted the local majority, creating upheaval regarding demands of self-determination.

Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania likewise were independent. Many of the countries were still largely rural, with little industry and only a few urban centres. Nationalism was the dominant force but most of the countries had ethnic or religious minorities who felt threatened by majority elements. Nearly all became democratic in the 1920s, but all of them (except Czechoslovakia and Finland) gave up democracy during the depression years of the 1930s, in favor of autocratic, strong-man or single-party states. The new states were unable to form stable military alliances, and one by one were too weak to stand up against Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union, which took them over between 1938 and 1945.

World War II and onset of the Cold War[edit]

Russia ended its participation in the First World War in March 1918 and lost territory, as the Baltic countries and Poland became independent. The region was the main battlefield in the Second World War (1939–45), with German and Soviet armies sweeping back and forth, with millions of Jews killed by the Nazis, and millions of others killed by disease, starvation, and military action, or executed after being deemed as politically dangerous.[66] During the final stages of World War II the future of Eastern Europe was decided by the overwhelming power of the Soviet Red Army, as it swept the Germans aside. It did not reach Yugoslavia and Albania, however. Finland was free but forced to be neutral in the upcoming Cold War.

Throughout Eastern Europe, German-speaking populations were expelled to the reduced borders of Germany in one of the largest ethnic cleansing operations in history.[67] Regions where Germans had formed the local population majority were re-settled with Polish- or Czech-speakers.

The region fell to Soviet control and Communist governments were imposed. Yugoslavia and Albania had their own Communist regimes independent of Moscow. The Eastern Bloc at the onset of the Cold War in 1947 was far behind the Western European countries in economic rebuilding and economic progress. Winston Churchill, in his famous «Sinews of Peace» address of 5 March 1946, at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, stressed the geopolitical impact of the «iron curtain»:

From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe: Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest, and Sofia.

Pre-1989 division between the «West» (grey) and «Eastern Bloc» (orange) superimposed on current borders:

  Russia (the former RSFSR)

  Other countries formerly part of the USSR

  Other former Communist states not aligned with Moscow

Eastern Bloc[edit]

Eastern Europe after 1945 usually meant all the European countries liberated from Nazi Germany and then occupied by the Soviet army. It included the German Democratic Republic (also known as East Germany), formed by the Soviet occupation zone of Germany. All the countries in Eastern Europe adopted communist modes of control by 1948. These countries were officially independent of the Soviet Union, but the practical extent of this independence was quite limited. Yugoslavia and Albania had Communist control that was independent of the Kremlin.

The communists had a natural reservoir of popularity in that they had destroyed the Nazi invaders.[68] Their goal was to guarantee long-term working-class solidarity. The Soviet secret police, the NKVD, working in collaboration with local communists, created secret police forces using leadership trained in Moscow. This new secret police arrived to arrest political enemies according to prepared lists.[69] The national Communists then took power in a gradualist manner, backed by the Soviets in many, but not all, cases. For a while, cooperative non-Communist parties were tolerated.[70] The Communist governments nationalized private businesses, placing them under state ownership, and monitored the media and churches.[70] When dividing up government offices with coalition partners, the Communists took control of the interior ministries, which controlled the local police.[71] They also took control of the mass media, especially radio,[72] as well as the education system.[73] They confiscated and redistributed farmland,[74] and seized control of or replaced the organizations of civil society, such as church groups, sports, youth groups, trade unions, farmers’ organizations, and civic organizations. In some countries, they engaged in large-scale ethnic cleansing, moving ethnic groups such as Germans, Poles, Ukrainians and Hungarians far away from where they previously lived, often with high loss of life, to relocate them within the new post-war borders of their respective countries.[75]

Under pressure from Stalin, these nations rejected grants from the American Marshall Plan. Instead, they participated in the Molotov Plan, which later evolved into the Comecon (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance). When NATO was created in 1949, most countries of Eastern Europe became members of the opposing Warsaw Pact, forming a geopolitical concept that became known as the Eastern Bloc. This consisted of:

  • First and foremost was the Soviet Union (which included the modern-day territories of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova and the illegally occupied Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia). Other countries dominated by the Soviet Union were the German Democratic Republic, People’s Republic of Poland, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, People’s Republic of Hungary, People’s Republic of Bulgaria, and Socialist Republic of Romania.
  • The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY; formed after World War II and before its later dismemberment) was not a member of the Warsaw Pact. It was a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement, an organization created in an attempt to avoid being assigned to either the NATO or Warsaw Pact blocs. The movement was demonstratively independent of both the Soviet Union and the Western bloc for most of the Cold War period, allowing Yugoslavia and its other members to act as a business and political mediator between the blocs.[76]
  • The Socialist People’s Republic of Albania broke with the Soviet Union in the early 1960s as a result of the Sino-Soviet split, aligning itself instead with China. Albania formally left the Warsaw pact in September 1968 after the suppression of the Prague Spring. When China established diplomatic relations with the United States in 1978, Albania also broke away from China. Albania and especially Yugoslavia were not unanimously appended to the Eastern Bloc, as they were neutral for a large part of the Cold War period.[77]

Since 1989[edit]

  existing members

  new members in 2013


With the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989, the political landscape of the Eastern Bloc, and indeed the world, changed. In the German reunification, the Federal Republic of Germany peacefully absorbed the German Democratic Republic in 1990. In 1991, COMECON, the Warsaw Pact, and the Soviet Union were dissolved. Many European nations that had been part of the Soviet Union declared or regained their independence (Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, as well as the Baltic States of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia). Czechoslovakia peacefully separated into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993. Many countries of this region joined the European Union, namely Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. The term «EU11 countries» refer to the Central and Eastern European member states, including the Baltic states, that accessed in 2004 and after: in 2004 the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, and the Slovak Republic; in 2007 Bulgaria, Romania; and in 2013 Croatia.

The economic changes were in harmony with the constitutional reforms: constitutional provisions on public finances can be identified and, in some countries, a separate chapter deals with public finances. Generally, they soon encountered the following problems: high inflation, high unemployment, low economic growth, and high government debt. By 2000 these economies were stabilized, and between 2004 and 2013 all of them joined the European Union. Most of the constitutions define directly or indirectly the economic system of the countries parallel to the democratic transition of the 1990s: free-market economy (sometimes complemented with the socially [and ecologically] oriented sector), economic development, or only economic rights are included as a ground for the economy.[78]

In the case of fiscal policy, the legislative, the executive and other state organs (Budget Council, Economic and Social Council) define and manage the budgeting. The average government debt in the countries is nearly 44%, but the deviation is great because the lowest figure is close to 10% but the highest is 97%. The trend shows that the sovereign debt ratio to GDP in most countries has been rising. Only three countries are affected by high government debt: Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia (over 70% of the GDP), while Slovakia and Poland fulfill the Maastricht requirement but only 10% below the threshold. The contribution to cover the finances for common needs is declared, the principle of just tax burden-sharing is supplemented sometimes with special aspects. Tax revenues expose typically 15–19 % of the GDP, and rates above 20% only rarely can be found.[78]

The state audit of the government budget and expenditures is an essential control element in public finances and an important part of the concept of checks and balances. The central banks are independent state institutions, which possess a monopoly on managing and implementing a state’s or federation’s monetary policy. Besides monetary policy, some of them even perform the supervision of the financial intermediary system. In the case of a price stability function, the inflation rate, in the examined area, relatively quickly dropped to below 5% by 2000. In monetary policy the differences are based on the euro-zone: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia use the common currency. The economies of this decade – similar to the previous one – show a moderate inflation. As a new phenomenon, a slight negative inflation (deflation) appeared in this decade in several countries (Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia), which demonstrates sensitivity regarding international developments. The majority of the constitutions determine the national currency, legal tender or monetary unit. The local currency exchange rate to the U.S. dollar shows that drastic interventions were not necessary. National wealth or assets are the property of the state and/or local governments and, as an exclusive property, the management and protection of them aim at serving the public interest.[78]

See also[edit]

  • Community for Democracy and Rights of Nations
  • Eastern European Group
  • Eastern Partnership
  • Enlargement of the European Union
  • Eurasian Economic Union
  • Euronest Parliamentary Assembly
  • European Union
  • European Russia
  • Eurovoc
  • Future enlargement of the European Union
  • Geography of the Soviet Union
  • Intermarium
  • List of Intangible Cultural Heritage elements in Eastern Europe
  • List of political parties in Eastern Europe
  • Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
  • Post-Soviet States
European subregions
  • Eurovoc#Eastern Europe
  • East-Central Europe
  • Central Europe
  • Central and Eastern Europe
  • Northern Europe
  • Southeast Europe
  • Western Europe
  • Geographical midpoint of Europe
  • Regions of Europe


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  38. ^ Wallace, W. The Transformation of Western Europe London, Pinter, 1990
  39. ^ Huntington, Samuel The Clash of Civilizations Simon & Schuster, 1996
  40. ^ Johnson, Lonnie Central Europe: Enemies, Neighbours, Friends Oxford University Press, USA, 2001
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  44. ^ a b «7 Invitees — Romania». www.nato.int.
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  47. ^ Bideleux and Jeffries (1998) A History of Eastern Europe: Crisis and Change
  48. ^ «A List of Countries That Make up the Balkan Peninsula». www.ThoughtCo.com.
  49. ^ Rapp, Stephen H. (2003), Studies In Medieval Georgian Historiography: Early Texts And Eurasian Contexts, pp. 292-294. Peeters Bvba ISBN 90-429-1318-5.
  50. ^ The Oxford Classical Dictionary by Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth,ISBN 0-19-860641-9,»page 1515,»The Thracians were subdued by the Persians by 516″
  51. ^ Roisman, Joseph; Worthington, Ian (7 July 2011). A Companion to Ancient Macedonia. ISBN 9781444351637. Retrieved 22 April 2015.
  52. ^ Olson, James Stuart; Pappas, Lee Brigance; Pappas, Nicholas Charles; Pappas, Nicholas C. J. (1994). An Ethnohistorical Dictionary of the Russian and Soviet Empires. ISBN 9780313274978. Retrieved 22 April 2015.
  53. ^ Edward Luttwak, The grand strategy of the Byzantine Empire (Harvard UP, 2009).
  54. ^ Denis Sinor, «The Mongols in the West.» Journal of Asian History 33.1 (1999): 1-44 online.
  55. ^ Martyn Rady, «The German Settlement in Central and Eastern Europe during the High Middle Ages.» in The German Lands and Eastern Europe (Palgrave Macmillan, 1999) pp. 11-47.
  56. ^ Jan M. Pisorski (2008). «Medieval Colonization in East Central Europe». In Ingrao; Szabo (eds.). The Germans and the East. Purdue University Press. p. 31.
  57. ^ Armour, Ian D. 2013. A History of Eastern Europe 1740–1918: Empires, Nations and Modernisation. London: Bloomsbury Academic. p. 23. ISBN 978-1849664882
  58. ^ See, inter alia, Norman Davies, Europe: a History, 2010, Eve Johansson, Official Publications of Western Europe, Volume 1, 1984, Thomas Greer and Gavin Lewis, A Brief History of the Western World, 2004
  59. ^
    Baten, Jörg (2016). A History of the Global Economy. From 1500 to the Present. Cambridge University Press. p. 46. ISBN 9781107507180.
  60. ^ Baten, Joerg; Szołtysek, Mikołaj (2017). ««Girl Power» in Eastern Europe? The human capital development of Central-Eastern and Eastern Europe in the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries and its determinants». European Review of Economic History. 21 (1): 29–63.
  61. ^ Jerome Blum, «The Rise of Serfdom in Eastern Europe» American Historical Review 62#4 (1957), pp. 807-836 Online
  62. ^ Boris B. Gorshkov, «Serfdom: Eastern Europe» in Peter Stearns, ed., Encyclopedia of European Social History (2001) 2:379-88; Online.
  63. ^ David Moon, «Reassessing Russian Serfdom.» European History Quarterly 26 (1996): 483–526.
  64. ^ P. de Azcarate, League of Nations and National Minorities (1945) online
  65. ^ R. M. Douglas. Orderly and Humane. The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War. Yale University Press. p. 331.
  66. ^ Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin (2011) excerpt and text search
  67. ^ Gregor Thum. Uprooted: How Breslau Became Wroclaw during the Century of Expulsions. Princeton University Press.
  68. ^ Applebaum, pp. 312–33.
  69. ^ Anne Applebaum, Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944–1956 (2012) p. xxix.
  70. ^ a b Applebaum, p. xxx
  71. ^ Applebaum, p. 71.
  72. ^ Applebaum, pp. 174–191.
  73. ^ Applebaum, pp. 172–173.
  74. ^ Applebaum, pp. 223–228.
  75. ^ Applebaum, pp. 1162–147.
  76. ^ Jeronim Perović, «The Tito-Stalin split: a reassessment in light of new evidence.» Journal of Cold War Studies 9.2 (2007): 32-63 online.
  77. ^ Stavro Skendi, «Albania and the Sino-Soviet Conflict.» Foreign affairs 40.3 (1962): 471-478.
  78. ^ a b c Vértesy, László (2018). «Macroeconomic Legal Trends in the EU11 Countries» (PDF). Public Governance, Administration and Finances Law Review. 3. No. 1. 2018. Archived from the original (PDF) on 12 August 2019. Retrieved 12 August 2019.

Further reading[edit]

  • Applebaum, Anne. Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944–1956 (2012)
  • Berend, Iván T. Decades of Crisis: Central and Eastern Europe before World War II (2001)
  • Connelly, John (2020). From Peoples Into Nations: A History of Eastern Europe. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-16712-1.
  • Day, Alan J. et al. A Political and Economic Dictionary of Eastern Europe (2nd ed 2007) abstract
  • Donert, Celia, Emily Greble, and Jessica Wardhaugh. «New Scholarship on Central and Eastern Europe.» Contemporary European History 26.3 (2017): 507-507. DOI: New Scholarship on Central and Eastern Europe
  • Frankel, Benjamin. The Cold War 1945-1991. Vol. 2, Leaders and other important figures in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, China, and the Third World (1992), 379pp of biographies.
  • Frucht, Richard, ed. Encyclopedia of Eastern Europe: From the Congress of Vienna to the Fall of Communism (2000)
  • Fuchs-Schündeln, Nicola, and Matthias Schündeln. «The long-term effects of communism in Eastern Europe.» Journal of Economic Perspectives 34.2 (2020): 172–91. online
  • Gal, Susan and Gail Kligman, The Politics of Gender After Socialism (Princeton University Press, 2000).
  • Gorshkov, Boris B. «Serfdom: Eastern Europe.» in Encyclopedia of European Social History, edited by Peter N. Stearns, (vol. 2: 2001), pp. 379–388. Online
  • Ghodsee, Kristen R. Lost in Transition: Ethnographies of Everyday Life After Communism (Duke University Press, 2011).
  • Held, Joseph, ed. The Columbia History of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century (1993)
  • Jeffries, Ian, and Robert Bideleux. The Balkans: A Post-Communist History (2007).
  • Jelavich, Barbara (1983a). History of the Balkans: Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Vol. 1. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521274586.
  • Jelavich, Barbara. History of the Balkans, Vol. 1: Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (1983)
  • Jelavich, Barbara (1983b). History of the Balkans: Twentieth Century. Vol. 2. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521274593.
  • Mazower, Mark (2007). The Balkans: A Short History. Random House Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0-307-43196-7.
  • Myant, Martin; Drahokoupil, Jan (2010). Transition Economies: Political Economy in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-470-59619-7.
  • Ramet, Sabrina P. Eastern Europe: Politics, Culture, and Society Since 1939 (1999)
  • Roskin, Michael G. The Rebirth of East Europe (4th ed. 2001); 204pp
  • Schenk, Frithjof Benjamin, Mental Maps: The Cognitive Mapping of the Continent as an Object of Research of European History, EGO — European History Online, Mainz: Institute of European History, 2013, retrieved: March 4, 2020 (pdf).
  • Schevill, Ferdinand. The History of the Balkan Peninsula; From the Earliest Times to the Present Day (1966)
  • Seton-Watson, Hugh. Eastern Europe Between the Wars 1918-1941 (1945) online
  • Simons, Thomas W. Eastern Europe in the Postwar World (1991)
  • Snyder, Timothy. Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin (2011)
  • Stanković, Vlada, ed. (2016). The Balkans and the Byzantine World before and after the Captures of Constantinople, 1204 and 1453. Lexington Books. ISBN 978-1-4985-1326-5.
  • Stavrianos, L.S. The Balkans Since 1453 (1958), major scholarly history; online free to borrow
  • Swain, Geoffrey and Nigel Swain, Eastern Europe Since 1945 (3rd ed. 2003)
  • Verdery, Katherine. What Was Socialism and What Comes Next? Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996.
  • Wachtel, Andrew Baruch (2008). The Balkans in World History. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-988273-1.
  • Walters, E. Garrison. The Other Europe: Eastern Europe to 1945 (1988) 430pp; country-by-country coverage
  • Wolchik, Sharon L. and Jane L. Curry, eds. Central and East European Politics: From Communism to Democracy (2nd ed. 2010), 432pp
  • Wolff, Larry: Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994. ISBN 0-8047-2702-3
  • Eastern Europe Unmapped: Beyond Borders and Peripheries (1 ed.). Berghahn Books. 2020. doi:10.2307/j.ctvw049zd. ISBN 978-1-78533-685-0. JSTOR j.ctvw049zd.

External links[edit]

  • Interview with historian Larry Wolff on «Inventing Eastern Europe»
  • Eastern Europe Economic Data
  • Emerging Europe — A new narrative for the region

Coordinates: 50°N 30°E / 50°N 30°E

Восточная Европа

Восточная Европа

Вост’очная Евр’опа

Русский орфографический словарь. / Российская академия наук. Ин-т рус. яз. им. В. В. Виноградова. — М.: «Азбуковник».

Смотреть что такое «Восточная Европа» в других словарях:

  • Восточная Европа — по определению ООН …   Википедия

  • Восточная Европа — — [http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en] EN Eastern Europe A geographic region of the European continent west of Asia and east of Germany and the Adriatic Sea, traditionally consisting of countries that were formerly… …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • ВОСТОЧНАЯ ЕВРОПА — К ней относятся: Албания, Болгария, Босния и Герцеговина, Венгрия, Литва, Латвия, Македония, Польша, Румыния, Словакия, Словения, Чехия, Хорватия, Югославия (Сербия и Черногория), Эстония. Общая площадь региона составляет 1,53 млн.кв.км, населен …   Мировое овцеводство

  • Восточная Европа. Геополитический код — В традиционной геополитике рассматривается как срединный или осевой регион (Хартленд), контроль над которым ведет к мировому могуществу. В Холодной войне Запад стремился победить Хартленд (Советский Союз). В реальной действительности Хартленд был …   Геоэкономический словарь-справочник

  • Восточная Европа. Геоэкономический код — Интегрированная Восточная Европа имела возможность получать высокую геоэкономическую ренту (сверхприбыль) за счет единого коммуникационного каркаса «от моря до моря» (Балтика, Черноморье, Каспий, и северные моря). После распада Советского Союза… …   Геоэкономический словарь-справочник

  • Восточная Европа — историко географическая область на востоке Европы; с 1946 г. по кон. 1980 х гг. – геополитическое понятие, обозначающее группу стран «социалистического лагеря», в военно политическом и экономическом отношении тесно связанных с бывшим СССР, в т. ч …   Географическая энциклопедия

  • Центральная и Восточная Европа — (англ. Central and Eastern Europe, CEE )  бывшие социалистические государства Европы. Термин используемый для характеристики группы стран, тесно связанных в рамках экономической, политической интеграции до падения железного… …   Википедия

  • Cartoon Network (Россия и Юго-Восточная Европа) — Картун Нетворк …   Википедия

  • Disney Channel Центральная и Восточная Европа — Disney Channel Disney Channel Централна и Източна Европа (Болгария) Disney Channel Srednje i Istočne Europe (Хорватия) Disney Channel střední a východní Evropě (Чехия) Disney Csatorna Közép és Kelet Európában (Венгрия) Disney Channel Europa… …   Википедия

  • Конкурс песни Западная и Восточная Европа — [ЗИВЕ] (англ. Song Contest East and West Europe [WEES]) конкурс песни между странами Европы, а точнее между странами Западной и Восточной Европы. Впервые проводился конкурс в Брюсселе, Бельгии в 2009 году, где дебютировали девять стран: Франция,… …   Википедия

  • Восторженный рассказ о своих успехах истинных или мнимых это
  • Восторженный как пишется и почему
  • Восстановить последовательность событий в сказке о царе салтане о сыне его 3 класс
  • Восстановите рассказ незнайки используя слова для справок я проснулся ни свет ни заря
  • Восстановите последовательность событий в сказке царевна лягушка