Здоровая еда на английском рассказ

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Здоровое питание/ Eating Healthy с переводом на русский язык.

Eating Healthy Здоровое питание
We live in a world where people are always in a hurry and don’t have enough time to eat healthy. Eating in a hurry can be harmful for the body. Buying every desired product is also risky. There are lots of products today which are genetically modified. It means that they weren’t grown in their natural environment and conditions. If we want to follow a healthy diet, we should avoid such products. Мы живем в мире, где люди всегда спешат и не имеют достаточно времени, чтобы питаться правильно. Еда в спешке может быть вредной для организма. Покупка каждого желаемого продукта также рискованна. Сегодня есть много продуктов, которые являются генетически модифицированными. Это означает, что они выросли не в естественной среде и условиях. Если мы хотим поддерживать здоровую диету, мы должны избегать таких продуктов.
Eating healthy is very important for every person. Wise people say, “Health is above wealth”. And, indeed, what can we do properly if we don’t eat. It is our natural source of energy, so it’s better to chose it carefully. For example, our body needs more vitamins and minerals but it doesn’t need much cholesterol. That’s why, it’s better to avoid using fat-containing products. We also need less sodium, which is found in salt and less sugar. I now try to eat less sweets and cakes. First of all, it can make me overweight. Secondly, it’s not good for health. Здоровое питание очень важно для каждого человека. Мудрые люди говорят: «Здоровье выше богатства». И, действительно, что мы можем делать хорошо, не покушав. Это наш естественный источник энергии, так что лучше выбирать его внимательно. Например, наше тело нуждается в большем количестве витаминов и минералов, но ему не нужно много холестерина. Вот почему, лучше избегать употребления жиросодержащих продуктов. Нам также необходимо меньше натрия, который содержится в соли и меньше сахара. С сейчас стараюсь кушать меньше сладостей и тортов. Прежде всего, это грозит мне избыточным весом. Во-вторых, это не очень хорошо для здоровья.
Eating lots of vegetables and fruit is healthy. Other healthy and nutritious products include fish, seafood, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk products, lean meat, eggs, beans, seeds and nuts. However, a lot depends on every person’s body and its needs. For example, some people are highly allergic to nuts. In this case they need to cut this product out of their daily diet. Для здоровья хорошо кушать много овощей и фруктов. К другим здоровым и питательным продуктам относится рыба, морепродукты, цельные зерна, обезжиренные или нежирные молочные продукты, постное мясо, яйца, бобовые, семена и орехи. Тем не менее, многое зависит от тела каждого человека и его потребностей. Например, у некоторых людей сильная аллергия на орехи. В этом случае они должны удалить этот продукт из своего ежедневного рациона.
Another problem is the increasing number of fast-food chains. People want to eat quickly but they don’t realize that fast-food is unhealthy. Еще одной проблемой является увеличение числа сетей быстрого питания. Люди хотят поесть быстро, но не понимают, что фаст-фуд является нездоровым.
The regime of eating is also important. It means we need to eat at certain hours during the day. For example, breakfast at 8 am, lunch at 1 pm, snack at 4 pm and dinner at 6 pm. Режим питания также важен. Это означает, что мы должны есть в определенные часы в течение дня. Например, завтрак в 8 утра, обед в 1 дня, полдник в 4 и ужин в 6 вечера.
Along with eating healthy, we should try to keep fit by doing exercise, cycling, spending less time in front of the TV and not smoking. Наряду со здоровым питанием, мы должны стараться поддерживать себя в форме, делая упражнения, катаясь на велосипеде, тратя меньше времени перед телевизором и не куря сигарет.

сбалансированный рацион

Our health depends on our eating. Food provides us with the energy that we spend with physical exertion. Update and development of the organism at the cellular level directly depends on the products that we use. The body needs to receive a sufficient number of nutrients every day: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, trace elements.

Proper nutrition is a mandatory point of a healthy lifestyle and a guarantee of stable functioning of the body as a whole.

Everyday diet should be diverse and full. Freshness of products is very important. It is necessary to monitor the volume of food intake. Each person’s portion varies, depending on age, health status, gender, and equipment. Cereals, fruits and vegetables, fish, meat, eggs, dairy products, nuts, salt, sugar, fat, should be present in the diet. A balanced diet should become a way of life. You should refuse to give up snacks and fast food. Thoroughly chew food, do not swallow large chunks. It is strictly forbidden to drink food with water. You can eat everything, but in moderation. Overeating and incompatibility of products leads to a disruption of metabolism, diabetes and obesity. It is very appropriate to say Socrates: «We do not live in order to eat, but eat in order to live.»


От того как мы питаемся зависит наше здоровье. Пища обеспечивает нас энергией которую мы тратим при физических нагрузках. Обновление и развитие организма на клеточном уровне напрямую зависит от продуктов которые мы употребляем. Организму необходимо каждый день получать достаточное количество питательных веществ: белки, углеводы, жиры, витамины, минералы, микроэлементы.

Правильное питание — это обязательный пункт здорового образа жизни и залог  стабильного функционирования организма в целом.

Каждодневный рацион должен отличаться разнообразием и быть полноценным. Важна свежесть продуктов. Следует следить за объёмом порций принимаемой пищи. У каждого человека порция разная, зависит от возраста, состояния здоровья, пола, комплектации. В рационе должны присутствовать зерновые культуры, фрукты и овощи, рыба, мясо, яйца, молочные изделия, орехи, солью сахар, жир. Сбалансированное питание должно стать образом жизни. Следует отказаться отказаться от перекусов и фаст-фуда. Тщательно пережевывать пищу, не глотать большими кусками. Категорически запрещено запивать еду водой. Кушать можно все, но в умеренном количестве. Переедание и несовместимость продуктов приводит к нарушению обмена веществ, сахарному диабета и ожирению. Здесь очень уместно высказывание Сократа: «Мы живем не для того, чтобы есть, а едим для того, чтобы жить».

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Сочинение на тему “Здоровая пища” на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

Healthy food

Здоровая пища

Nowadays it is very popular to keep a healthy lifestyle. I think that it is the very good fashion to be healthy. Many people all over the world spend many hours in the gym. However a healthy lifestyle includes not only some physical exercises or keeping regular hours but also healthy food.

В наше время очень популярно вести здоровый образ жизни. Я думаю, что мода на здоровый образ жизни – это очень хорошо. Многие люди во всем мире проводят много часов в спортзале. Однако здоровый образ жизни включает в себя не только физические упражнения или соблюдение режима дня, но и здоровую пищу.

It is very difficult for modern people to eat only healthy food because they are very busy and it is easier to have a bite or eat fast food. Moreover, some people think that healthy food is expensive. Of course, these statements are partially true. However, they are also the parts of the stereotypes.

Современным людям очень трудно употреблять только здоровую пищу, потому что они очень заняты, и намного легче просто перекусить или употребить в пищу фаст-фуд. Более того, некоторые люди считают, что здоровая пища – это дорого. Конечно, эти утверждения отчасти верны. Тем не менее, они также являются частью стереотипов.

Healthy food is also can be cooked fast. For example, it takes about fifteen minutes to cook buckwheat with fresh vegetables. You spend so little time to cook it but your organism gets so many vitamins. You also can cook a healthy sandwich using vegetables and whole-wheat bread.

Здоровую пищу также можно быстро приготовить. Например, на приготовление гречки со свежими овощами уходит около пятнадцати минут. Тратится так мало времени на приготовление, но организм получает так много витаминов. Также можно приготовить здоровый бутерброд, используя для его приготовления овощи и цельнозерновой хлеб.

I can agree that cooking healthy food may require much money, for example, in respect to seafood or nuts. However, people spend more money buying potato crisps or other kinds of fast food. Some time ago my family began to eat only healthy food, so I can say that our expenses have not increased.

Я могу согласиться, что приготовление здоровой пищи может потребовать много денег, например, если речь идет о морепродуктах или орехах. Однако люди тратят больше денег на покупку картофельных чипсов или других видов фаст-фуда. Некоторое время назад моя семья начала употреблять только здоровую пищу, и я могу сказать, что наши расходы не увеличились.

Healthy food is not only fruits and vegetables. Seafood, dairy products, nuts and even meat are also can be healthy food if it is cooked in a right way. Healthy food can be not only healthy but also delicious.

Здоровое питание – это не только фрукты и овощи. Морепродукты, молочные продукты, орехи и даже мясо также могут относиться к здоровой пище, если их правильно приготовить. Здоровая пища может быть не только полезной, но и вкусной.

You are what you eat. I think it’s right. Any food is food for the whole organism each cell so our state depends on the food we eat. I prefer healthy food.

Ты есть то, что ты ешь. Я считаю, что это правильно. Любая еда – это питание для всего организма, для каждой клетки, поэтому наше состояние во многом зависит от пищи, которую мы потребляем. Я предпочитаю здоровую пищу.

Healthy food begins with healthy products. Some foods help us to preserve youth and some sanity. The healthier food which I accept the better I feel. A healthy food is primarily natural products without chemical additives and intermediates. Another important factor is the freshness. It is undesirable to store any food for more than three days. I eat lots of fruits, vegetables and cereals. Although I can’t live without meat I largely support the vegetarian and raw-foodists. They are 10-20 years old live longer than ordinary people. I think this is the most compelling figure.

Здоровая пища начинается с полезных продуктов. Некоторые продукты помогают нам сохранить молодость, а некоторые и здравый рассудок. Чем здоровее пища, которую я принимаю, тем лучше я себя чувствую. Здоровая пища – это, прежде всего, натуральные продукты без химических добавок и полуфабрикатов. Еще один важный показатель – это свежесть. Нежелательно хранить любые продукты больше трех дней. Я ем много фруктов, овощей и злаковых. Хоть я и не могу без мясного, я во многом поддерживаю вегетарианцев и сыроедов. Они на 10-20 лет дольше живут, чем обычные люди. Мне кажется, это самый убедительный показатель.

Why do so many people eat junk food? Everyone understands how it harms the body. I believe that there are three main reasons for the popularity of such food: 1. Caloric content. 2. Availability 3. Taste qualities. Although high in fat, salt and sugar leads to obesity. This problem affects millions of people around the world. Healthy eating is very important to me and I encourage everyone to think about what they eat.

Почему же так много людей питаются нездоровой пищей? Ведь все понимают, как она вредит организму. Я считаю что есть три основные причины высокой популярности такой пищи: 1.калорийность 2.доступность 3.вкусовые качества. Хотя повышенное содержание жиров, соли и сахара приводит к ожирению. Этой проблемой страдают миллионы людей во всем мире. Здоровое питание очень важно для меня, и я рекомендую всем задуматься о том, что они едят.

Updated On — Monday , August 23 2021

Healthy food topic in English , contains all the useful information about healthy eating and its benefits to the human body. Here you will find a healthy food topic in English with all the information you are looking for about a healthy diet.

Healthy food topic in English

The whole world is now looking for healthy eating that contains all the necessary nutrients for the human body and following a healthy diet that provides the human body with energy. Here you will find a healthy food topic in English

Healthy food

Food is all that a person can eat, which is very important to the human body. He can not survive without food, but not everything that is good for him. There are some foods that are harmful to health and should be avoided. . Healthy food is divided into a number of groups: cereals, vegetables and fruits, milk and dairy products, meat, fat and sweets.

Healthy food is the one that benefits the person and provides him with the energy he requires daily to do his work actively and vigorously, and improves the health of the body, which is the way to prevent many diseases and health problems, so you should always pay attention to the quality of food.

Here are some tips to make food healthier and more beneficial to the human body:

The variety of foods, such as bread, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, water, and other healthy foods rich in essential nutrients.

Lots of vegetables, fruits, and grains.

Organizing meals, divided into 3 main meals, and if you feel hungry between each meal, it is possible to eat some vegetables or fruits that work to fill hunger without spoiling the system of meals used.

The food to be eaten should be balanced so that the person does not tend to eat more than one item.

Moderate eating, not over-eating.

Do not forbid any food, but there are some foods that should be minimized, such as foods rich in sugars, fats and salts.

Water is very important to the human body, so it should be included in the diet.

In order to the body benefit from the  food,the food must contain all the necessary nutrients for the body, because each of them enter as a key factor in many of the vital functions within the body, and the importance of healthy food to the human body in:

Provides the body with the energy necessary to carry out all its daily activities to the fullest.

Proteins in food work to build cells, regenerate damaged cells, and build muscle.

Calcium and phosphorus found in food enter the bones and teeth and strengthen them.

Many foods contain antioxidants that protect the body from cancer.

Make the body grow properly.

Maintaining the ideal weight, eating healthy food makes the body weight within the ideal weight that increases the efficiency of the performance of all its members.

Healthy eating has a great effect on making the skin more fresh and vibrant, and improves the health of hair.

Fiber in vegetables and fruits facilitates digestion and prevents disturbances in the digestive system.

Strengthen the immune system in the body and make it more resistant to diseases.

Improve brain capabilities, thus increasing concentration, cognitive abilities and memory strengthening.

To enjoy  health, and therefore live longer, but ages by the hand of God alone.

Healthy Food Topic

Healthy food contains many benefits that the body needs, such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It also contains important fluids and fibers for the body, as it contains salts, vitamins, and many different minerals.

Therefore, there is no doubt that healthy food that provides the body with useful nutrients to strengthen immunity and maintain sound health is very important.

It is also recommended to eat healthy food on an ongoing basis as a way of life, in order to protect the body from obesity or heart diseases and high cholesterol level, and to prevent diabetes.

Those who follow an unhealthy diet can have many diseases that weaken immunity and cause many problems in the digestive system.

Food topic in English

There is no doubt that food is an important necessity for the continuation of humanity and life on the whole earth. Man was created to worship, work and build on the earth. Food for a person is just a means to maintain his life to complete the mission for which he was born.

We often see that there are many people who think that he was created to eat. We find that he gives food a first priority in his life, of course this is a wrong thinking.

He should take care of what enters his stomach and make sure that it is healthy and useful food for the body that contains all the beneficial nutrients. So that he does not face any health problems due to a bad diet.

Many people are interested in work and busy in life and eat fast food that does not contain any healthy and varied food elements, so quickly we can find them suffering from problems of obesity, cholesterol and other diseases such as heart disease and digestive disorders.

Therefore, following a healthy  diet will protect you from many diseases and provide you with the required energy that will help you complete your business successfully.

Topic about healthy food

There is no doubt that healthy food today is more important than what it represented in previous years. This is due to the spread of diseases that affect the body due to weak immunity.

Therefore, healthy food is one of the requirements of daily life in our time, everyone wants to maintain his health and avoid infection with the Corona virus, or some other diseases.

Benefits of eating healthy food:

1- It prevents infectious diseases

A healthy diet can enhance the functions of the immune system, which helps prevent infection in some diseases.
It also helps in the fight in case you catch it to be less dangerous.

2- Maintains a high rate of activity and energy for the body

This allows you to perform many daily activities that require high physical activity with ease.

3- It reduces the incidence of some chronic diseases

Among the serious diseases that affect many are the heart, diabetes, cholesterol, such diseases when following a proper diet, this helps in nourishing the immunity and preventing their infection.

4- Prevent premature aging 

Many healthy foods help reduce premature aging because they contain antioxidants that benefit the body a lot.

Therefore, healthy food is very important for physical fitness and must be followed continuously to become a normal routine in life.

Easy topic about healthy food

Proper healthy food may be difficult to provide these days, and we must get tired a little in the beginning so that we can save it.

Not every food in the market, whether local or imported, can be said to be healthy. This is due to the chemicals added to it and so on.

Therefore, I am very interested in eating foods from reliable and confirmed sources that have not been injected to accelerate growth, such as chickens, cows, and so on. Or use materials to accelerate growth in the case of vegetables and fruits.

I have gone through this experience and I know very well how to choose my food in the seasons and from where to get it.

I like to maintain my body, especially since I was young, so that I do not suffer in old age, so I follow a healthy diet consisting of 5 meals a day, in addition to drinking green tea.

It contains vegetables and cheese for breakfast. And lunch is meat with a little starch. Dinner includes cheese, a little starch, and salad.
Between each meal, I eat a fruit to maintain the burning process. In addition to daily exercises that help me burn fat as much as required. This is my diet that I follow.

Healthy diet topic in English

A healthy diet requires  supervision with a specialist, in addition to the full awareness of the person who follows it, whether in terms of perseverance and following the instructions, or in terms of providing these healthy foodstuffs from reliable sources and confirmed that they do not contain any chemicals, or hydrogenated and injected with substances that help to growth speed.

First, personal awareness

When following a healthy diet, care must be taken to follow it properly, as many people follow a diet but do not adhere to the required instructions, which leads to an opposite result, whether on the level of fat, or the psychological aspect.

One of the most important points that many people make mistake is to follow the diet seriously, but they do not care about walking daily for half an hour to an hour with steady and fast steps.

One simple detail can  significantly affect the body’s ability to burn.

Secondly, public awareness

When you decide to follow a diet, you must pay close attention to what enters your body, as many vegetables, fruits, and meats have been introduced to chemicals to speed up the growth process. Which may cause many diseases, including cancer.

Therefore, you should know more about each fruit, such as when it ripens, the seasons of fruits and vegetables, sources of meat and which country sells the best free of any dangerous substances.

We have seen many athletes excluded from participating in tournaments due to the presence of doping in the blood because of eating meat imported from unreliable countries.

Once you pay attention to all these details, you can achieve a great result from following a healthy diet.

Healthy food definition in English

Definition of healthy food, which is food that contains all the necessary and important nutritional requirements that the human body needs for growth, building muscles and preventing diseases.

The integrated diet from childhood is the only way to build children’s bodies in a healthy and sound manner, which helps them build healthy muscle mass that is compatible with their bodies, and helps the body to obtain antioxidants and many minerals and vitamins that raise immunity and protect them from many diseases.

The more a person pays attention to the value of the food he eats, the farther he is from contracting many diseases.
Therefore, the human body needs a variety of foods, focusing heavily on vegetables and fruits, as they provide the body with great beneficial nutrients, with moderation in eating meat, starches and legumes.

A healthy diet, along with exercise, can protect the body from many diseases and maintain the appearance of the body for as long as possible.

When taking antioxidants, this can help and skin resist premature aging. And when eating fruits that contain a red cap, it prevents some types of cancer that infect humans.

Therefore, a healthy and varied diet along with exercise is very important and healthy.

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All food is made up of nutrients which our bodies use. There are different kinds of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Different kinds of food contain different nutrients.

Before we cut down on fat, sugar and salt, we have to know a bit more about the kind of food these things might be in. The biggest problem comes when these things are hidden in other foods: biscuits, crisps, sausages, meat pies, soft drinks and so on. The best way is to get into the habit of checking the ingredients and nutritional value on the sides of packets although this isn’t always easy to do. Another thing to know is, for example, that we do need fat to live, it’s an essential part of our diet and physically we couldn’t exist without it. But we all know that to eat much fat is bad for our health. The matter is that there are different kinds of fat. There are fats that are good for us and fats that are bad for us. Eating less of the bad ones and more of the good ones can actually help us to live longer! Bad fats are the saturated fats, found in animal productions, like red meat, butter and cheese.

Friendly fats are the unprocessed fats found naturally in foods like nuts and seeds, olives, avocados and oily fish, including tuna.One more thing to know is that when food is cooked, its structure changes. It can change the vitamin and nutrient contents of food.More and more people feel strongly about the way, their food is produced. Nowadays so much of the basic food we eat — meat, fish, fruit and vegetables — is grown using chemicals and additives.

Although fertilizers and pesticides have greatly increased the quantity of food and helped to improve its appearance, there is a growing concern about the effects of these chemicals in the food chain. This concern has led to a growth in the demand for organically grown products.Today there is another problem. It is modified food, which is cheaper that ordinary one. There is a rumour that such food can cause cancer and other problems. Nobody knows, either it is just an imagined fear or a real problem. This problem could be solved and examined, but it will take some time.The food we eat, depends on lots of things. Taste is a big factor. Culture, religion and health also play a part in what food we eat. Advertising and social factors also have a big influence.

Income is also an important factor. That is why not surprisingly, money, rather than a lack of knowledge about how to eat well, is at the heart of the problem.Finally, there are three main messages to follow for healthy eating: First, we should eat less fat, particularly saturated fat. Secondly, we are to cut down on sugar and salt. Thirdly, we must eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.

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Топик (сочинение) на тему еда на английском языке

Данное сочинение по английскому языку на тему Еда поможет Вам легко освоить и закрепить Ваше умение выражать свои мысли. Такие топики по английскому языку на тему Еда позволяют качественно подготовиться к экзаменационным работам, потренировать навыки писать сочинения и выучить новую лексику и грамматику.

Topic «Eating habits and healthy lifestyle»

Food plays a very important role for everyone and different nations eat different meals, but the majority of countries have 3 main courses of meal: breakfast, lunch and dinner. The usual breakfast consists of different baked products, sweets, tea or coffee. The majority of people have breakfast between 8 and 9 hours. The next eating occasion is at about 12 hours and is considered, as the main one. During this time, people eat different kinds of soups, meat, fish, potato; vegetables and fruits are also very popular. People have dinner at 6p.m, when they return home from work. Such dinner is also considered as a rich meal. People prefer different kinds of bakery and dairy products like cheese, or sour milk, salads, tea or mineral water.

But we can’t eat everything we want, as it influences our lives very much. We cannot buy our health, so we must pay attention to it every day. Active lifestyle and exercises are important factors for health of our body, mind and soul. If you do not smoke, move a lot, eat healthy food and are not overweight, your risk for chronic diseases is reduced by 80%. Sports, healthy eating, wellness and optimistic mood are tips for a healthy life. Movement is everything, whether it is walking or jogging — it doesn’t matter, but they can keep you fit. Regular exercises have the greatest effect. Eating habits influence our psychological and physical condition. It depends not only on what and how much you eat, but also the time and the frequency of the meals There are general tips on how to keep healthy eating habits. You should eat as less sweet and fat food as possible, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Of course it is not easy to keep such a diet, but on the other hand, it has a great effect on your health!

Топик «Привычки питания и здоровый образ жизни»

Еда играет для каждого очень важную роль, и разные нации едят по-разному, но у большинства стран есть 3 основных приема пищи: завтрак, обед, ужин. Обычный завтрак состоит из разной выпечки, сладостей, чая или кофе. Большинство людей завтракают между 8 и 9 часами. Следующий прием пищи осуществляется приблизительно в 12 часов и считается основным. В это время люди едят разные виды супов, мясо, рыбу, картофель, овощи и фрукты тоже очень популярны. Ужинают люди в 6 часов, когда возвращаются с работы. Такой ужин также считается сытным. Люди предпочитают разные виды выпечки, молочных продуктов, таких как сыр, кисломолочные продукты, салаты, чай или минеральную воду.

Но нельзя есть все, что мы хотим, так как это очень сильно влияет на нашу жизнь. Здоровье нельзя купить, надо обращать на него внимание каждый день. Активный образ жизни и физические упражнения – это важные факторы здоровья нашего тела, ума и души. Если вы не курите, много двигаетесь, едите здоровую пищу, и у вас нет избыточного веса, ваш риск заболеть хроническими болезнями снижается на 80%. Спорт, здоровая еда, уход за собой и хорошее настроение являются основными для здоровой жизни. Движение – это все, и неважно прогулка это, или бег трусцой, – все равно они поддерживают вас в форме. Регулярные физические упражнения дают самый лучший эффект. Пищевые привычки влияют на наше физическое и психическое состояние. Важно не только то, что и как вы едите, но и то, когда и как часто. Существуют общие правила того, как придерживаться здоровых пищевых привычек. Вам надо есть как можно меньше сладкой и жирной пищи, есть много фруктов и овощей. Конечно же, нелегко придерживаться такой диеты, но с другой стороны, это очень хорошо влияет на ваше здоровье!

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