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Зимний дворец на Дворцовой площади Санкт-Петербурга — главная достопри перевод - Зимний дворец на Дворцовой площади Санкт-Петербурга — главная достопри английский как сказать

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Зимний дворец на Дворцовой площади

Зимний дворец на Дворцовой площади Санкт-Петербурга — главная достопримечательность северной столицы, с 1762 по 1904 год служившая официальной зимней резиденцией российских императоров. По богатству и разнообразию архитектурного и скульптурного декора дворец не имеет себе равных в Петербурге. Итальянский архитектор Б. Ф. Растрелли в 1754 г. начал возводить это грандиозное сооружение в стиле пышного барокко с элементами французского рококо в интерьерах для императрицы Елизаветы Петровны, однако окончание строительства пришлось на период правления Екатерины II. В завершенном дворце было более 1000 комнат, 117 лестниц, почти по две тысячи окон и дверей.


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


The Winter Palace on Palace Square in St. Petersburg is the main attraction of the northern capital, from 1762 to 1904 year served as the official winter residence of the Russian emperors. The richness and diversity of architectural and sculptural decoration is unparalleled Palace in St. Petersburg. Italian architect b. Rastrelli in 1754, f. g. began to erect this grandiose structure in the style of a magnificent Baroque with elements of the French Rococo style in interiors for Empress Elizabeth, but the construction had to be on during the reign of Catherine II. In a completed the Palace was more than 1000 rooms, 117 staircases, almost two thousand Windows and doors.

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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


The Winter Palace on the Palace Square in St. Petersburg — the main attraction of the northern capital, from 1762 to 1904 served as the official winter residence of Russian emperors. The richness and variety of architectural and sculptural decoration of the palace is unmatched in St. Petersburg. Italian architect BF Rastrelli in 1754 began to build this magnificent building in the style of a magnificent Baroque with elements of French Rococo interiors for the Empress Elizabeth, however, had to complete the construction of the reign of Catherine II. The palace was completed more than 1,000 rooms, 117 staircases, almost two thousand windows and doors.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


the winter palace in the palace square in st. petersburg is the main attraction of the northern capital, 1762 in 1904 служившая official winter residence of the russian emperors.on the richness and diversity of architectural and sculptural decor palace is unmatched in st. petersburg. italian architect b. s. rastrelli in 1754.started to build this huge construction of magnificent baroque style with elements of french rococo interiors for the empress elizabeth petrovna in.however, the construction had the period of cathrine ii. once the palace was more than 1000 rooms, 117 staff, nearly two thousand windows and doors.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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The Winter Palace is one of the most outstanding monuments of architecture, located in Saint Petersburg. It houses the State Hermitage Museum with its rich collection of art and historical objects.

The current building of the palace was built in 1754-1762 by the Italian architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli during the reign of Empress Elizabeth. This is the fifth building of the Winter Palace and the most outstanding in size. It is worth mentioning that the four predecessors of the Winter Palace, unfortunately, were not preserved to this day. 

The palace is designed as a closed quadrangle and has an extensive yard. The abundance of excellent decorative details and many statues create a unique atmosphere of luxury and wealth. The south facade of the palace entrance has three arches that lead to the front yard, from which, one can get to the main entrance to the palace. Together with Rastrelli, several prominent architects such as Jean-Baptiste Vallin de la Mothe and Antonio Rinaldi, Giacomo Quarenghi, and Ivan Starov worked on the interior decoration of the palace.

In 1820, there was created the Military Gallery dedicated to the War of 1812 by the architect Carlo Rossi. In the 1830s, the followers of Rastrelli rebuilt some halls of the palace.

Book a guided tour to the Hermitage

After the revolution, the Winter Palace and other buildings were declared the State Hermitage Museum. Internal galleries and museums, as well as offices of the palace, were again restructured to make more space for the permanent and temporary exhibitions. During the Great Patriotic War, the Winter Palace was bombed three times, several rooms were severely damaged, but the destroyed areas, fortunately, were restored after the war. Nowadays, the Winter Palace with the Hermitage Theatre, as well as the Grand, the Small, and the New Hermitages is the world-famous museum complex — the State Hermitage Museum.


Описание Эрмитажа

*материал подготовлен на основе цифр и фактов из Википедии и официального сайта музея

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The State Hermitage Museum is a museum of art and culture in Saint Petersburg. It is the second largest art museum in the world after Louvre in Paris.

The Hermitage was founded in 1764 when Empress Catherine the Great acquired an impressive collection of paintings from the Berlin merchant Johann Ernst Gotzkowsky.

The State Hermitage Museum is one of the most visited art museums in the world. It attracted almost 5 million visitors in 2019.

The collection of the museum includes about 3 million works of art and world culture artefacts. It contains paintings, graphic works, sculptures, works of applied art, archaeological artefacts and numismatic objects.

The collection of the museum includes such masterpieces as Rembrandt’s The Return of the Prodigal Son, The Madonna and Child (The Litta Madonna) by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael’s The Conestabile Madonna, Gauguin’s Woman Holding a Fruit.

The Hermitage is home to around 70 cats, which guard its treasures against rodents. The tradition dates back to a 1745 decree of Empress Elizabeth.

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Перевод на русский язык

Государственный Эрмитаж – музей искусства и культуры в Санкт-Петербурге. Это второй по величине художественный музей в мире после Лувра в Париже.

Эрмитаж был основан в 1764 году, когда императрица Екатерина II приобрела внушительную коллекцию картин у берлинского купца Иоганна Эрнста Гоцковского.

Государственный Эрмитаж – один из самых посещаемых художественных музеев мира. В 2019 году его посетили почти 5 миллионов человек.

Музей обладает коллекцией, насчитывающей около 3 миллионов произведений искусства и памятников мировой культуры. В ее составе – живопись, графика, скульптура и предметы прикладного искусства, археологические находки и нумизматический материал.

Коллекция музея включает в себя такие шедевры, как «Возвращение блудного сына» Рембрандта, «Мадонна с младенцем» («Мадонна Литта») Леонардо да Винчи, «Мадонна Конестабиле» Рафаэля, «Женщина, держащая плод» Гогена.

В Государственном Эрмитаже живут около 70 кошек, которые охраняют сокровища музея от грызунов. Традиция восходит к указу императрицы Елизаветы 1745 года.

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Представлено сочинение на английском языке Эрмитаж/ Hermitage с переводом на русский язык.

Hermitage Эрмитаж
The State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg is the largest museum and picture gallery in Russia. It is also one of the most influential institutions in art sphere in the world. The museum is situated at the Harbor of Neva River in Winter Palace, which used to be the official residence of Russian monarchs. Государственный Эрмитаж в Санкт-Петербурге является крупнейшим музеем и картинной галереей в России. Он также является одним из самых влиятельных учреждений в сфере искусства в мире. Музей расположен на гавани реки Невы в Зимнем дворце, который раньше был официальной резиденцией русских монархов.
Hermitage has appeared in 1764 as a private collection of Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia. She was fond of European pictorial art and her first collection consisted of 200 pictures painted by Dutch and Flemish artists. At first these pictures weren’t on display. On the opposite, they were hidden in remote and secluded rooms of the Winter Palace. This has also become a reason to give the collection a name “Hermitage”, which means from French “a private secluded place”. In 1769 more pictures were purchased for the collection. They were brought from Dresden especially for the Empress. However, one of the most important renewals happened in 1772, when Queen Catherine has bought a large collection of European art in Paris. The collection included pictures which were dominantly of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch artists. Эрмитаж появился в 1764 году как частное собрание Екатерины Великой, императрицы России. Она любила европейское изобразительное искусство, и ее первая коллекция состояла из 200 картин, написанных голландскими и фламандскими художниками. Сначала эти картины не были на выставке. Напротив, они были спрятаны в отдаленных и уединенных залах Зимнего дворца. Это также стало причиной, чтобы назвать коллекцию «Эрмитаж», что с французского означает «личное укромное место». В 1769 году было приобретено больше картин для коллекции. Они были привезены из Дрездена, специально для императрицы. Тем не менее, одно из наиболее важных обновлений произошло в 1772 году, когда королева Екатерина приобрела большую коллекцию европейского искусства в Париже. В сборник вошли картины, которые были преимущественно итальянских, французских, голландских и фламандских художников.
As a museum, Hermitage has opened its doors for numerous visitors in 1852 in the New Hermitage building. Already by the 1880 the attendance of Hermitage reached 50 000 visitors a year. Как музей, Эрмитаж открыл свои двери для посетителей в 1852 году в здании Нового Эрмитажа. Уже к 1880 году посещаемость Эрмитажа достигла 50 000 посетителей в год.
At the moment people can see there various masterpieces of such world-known artists as Matisse, Picasso, Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Leonardo da Vinci and many others. В настоящий момент люди могут видеть там различные шедевры таких всемирно известных художников, как Матисс, Пикассо, Ван Гог, Рембрандт, Ван Дейк, Леонардо да Винчи и многих других.
Surprisingly, Hermitage is not only a picture gallery. There are also lots of sculptures, ancient arts and crafts items and else. Almost all works of art are of European origin. Удивительно, что Эрмитаж не только картинная галерея. Там есть также множество скульптур, предметов древнего прикладного искусства и т.д. Почти все произведения искусства европейского происхождения.
At some point the museum started receiving works of Russian painters, but they were later moved to the Russian Museum, which is also in Saint Petersburg. В какой-то момент в музей стали поступать произведения русских живописцев, но позднее они были перемещены в Русский музей, который также находится в Санкт-Петербурге.

Сочинение на тему «Эрмитаж» на английском языке

с переводом на русский язык



The Hermitage is one of the largest art museums in the world. It is located in St. Petersburg. It was founded on December 7, 1764 as a personal collection of valuable paintings belonging to Catherine II the Great.

Эрмитаж является одним из самых больших музеев во всём мире. Он находится в Санкт-Петербурге. Он был основан 7 декабря 1764 года как личная коллекция ценных картин, принадлежавших Екатерине II Великой.

These paintings were sent to Russia from Berlin. Of the 317 paintings transferred to Russia in 1764, at least 96 canvases are kept in the Hermitage today. At first, most of the paintings were placed in the private apartments of the palace (now the Small Hermitage). Later the apartments were named «Hermitage».

Эти картины были отправлены в Россию из Берлина. Из всех 317 направленных в Россию картин в 1764 году, как минимум 96 холстов находятся в Эрмитаже и по сей день. Изначально, большая часть картин размещалась в отдельных комнатах («Малый Эрмитаж» сегодня). Позже этим апартаментам дали название «Эрмитаж».

The total area (buildings) of the Hermitage is 233,345 m², the exhibition area is 100,000 m². The modern Hermitage is a sophisticated museum complex. Five buildings located along the Neva River. They are the main exposition part of the museum. The Winter Palace is considered to be the main building.

Общая площадь (зданий) Эрмитажа составляет 233,345 m², выставочная зона – 100,000 m². Современный Эрмитаж являет собой сложнейший музейный комплекс. Пять зданий расположены вдоль Невы. Они составляют главную выставочную часть музея. Главным считается «Зимний дворец».

The museum’s collection includes about 3 000 000 masterpieces, monuments of culture. The collection consists of sculpture and applied art, painting, archaeological finds and numismatic material, graphics.

Около 3 миллионов шедевров и памятников культуры входят в коллекцию музея. Коллекция состоит из: скульптуры и прикладного искусства, живописи, находок археологов и нумизматики, графики.

In 2013, the Hermitage was among the twenty most visited art museums in the world. In 2019, it welcomed 4 956 524 visitors, and took the eighth place.

В 2013 Эрмитаж попал в список 20-ти самых посещаемых музеев  всего мира. За 2019 музей посетили 4 956 524 и человека, и он занял 8-ое место.

As for me, I have been to St. Petersburg, but I have not visited the Hermitage. But I would really like to. I think that it is a very beautiful place with its magnificent history. To go through all the buildings included in the museum complex completely, you need to have a lot of free time and patience.

Что касается меня, я была в Санкт-Петербурге, но не посетила Эрмитаж. Но хотела бы. Я думаю, что это очень красивое место со своей великолепной историей. Чтобы полностью пройти все здания, включённые в музейный комплекс, потребуется много свободного времени и терпения.

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Currently, St Petersburg Winter Palace constitutes a part of the architectural complex of one of the largest museums in the world – the State Hermitage museum. The Palace is situated in the heart of Saints Petersburg. Its southern facade, that incorporates the gates, which serve as the main entrance to the museum, faces the Palace Square while its northern facade is up on the embankment of the Neva River. Along with the Winter Palace the Hermitage museum complex includes the buildings neighboring the palace that have been historically attributed the following names: The Small Hermitage, The Large Hermitage, the New Hermitage and the Hermitage theatre. All of these are interconnected by several passages and also by the left wing of the General Staff Building on the opposite side of the square.

malachite living room The Winter Palace

For 155 years the Winter Palace had been used as the main residence of the Russian royal family, starting with the Emperor Peter the 3rd and lasting until the last Russian monarch – Nicholas the 2nd. Its construction began on the orders of Elizabeth the 1st, the daughter of the founder of Saint Petersburg and the first Russian Emperor – Peter the 1st. While the palace was being built, her royal highness Elizabeth and her court inhabited a wooden version of the Winter Palace located nearby. That is also the place where Elizabeth the 1st passed away in 1761, only a year prior to the completion of the construction of the luxurious architectural masterpiece that we see today, the creation of Italian architect, Francesco Rastrelli. The Winter Palace is shaped as a square with a spacious intrinsic court, and distinct facade lines that total 200 meters (656 feet) in length and 117 meters (384 feet) in width. The height of the Winter Palace that is 28 meters (92 feet), for quite a while was the constant value that determined the height of new buildings being built in the capital. The Winter Palace is one of the brightest, finest, concordant, and simultaneously one of the latest momentum of the High Baroque, the style that strived to show solemnity, circumstance and grandiosity.

Empress private room The Winter Palace

The monarchy in Russia collapsed in 1917 as the result of The February revolution, and the Winter Palace became a strategic place utilized mainly for meetings and discussions of the Provisional government. However, in October of 1917 it was ceased by squads of peasants and proletariat raised to riot by the Bolshevik political party. Following the revolution, the palace was nationalized and converted to a museum open to the public.

The sophistication of the internal decor of the Winter Palace used to impress the visitors of the Royal family the same way it blows one away nowadays. Millions of tourists from all across the world admire and marvel the interior design of the palace. Passing through the various rooms, one has the opportunity to get acquainted with diverse architectural and decorative styles that interested the world in the past one and a half century: Elizabethan Baroque, Stripped Classicism, and Subtle Eclecticism. The highly skilled architects with a delicate taste used rare and precious materials for decoration. Steps, columns and walls made out of the whitest Carrara marble, an excess of gilded objects, sculptures and sculptural compositions, intricate parquet flooring made out of the most precious phyla of wood, picturesque plafonds, silver chandeliers, lamps and candelabra, natural semiprecious stone such as malachite, lazurite (mountain blue), porphyry, aventurine and lots of others. Some of these stones were used in the finishing of rooms, decorate vases and furniture. One can also see the burnished specimen of the objects of the decorative and applied arts manufactured by Russian, German, French and English craftsmen, and most importantly, the masterpieces of the western-European painters. It is impossible to recount and describe all of the objects in the museum’s collection; one must go and them by his own eyes!

Paintings gallery The Winter Palace

What to keep in mind if you want to enrich and optimize your visit to the museum(?)

Primarily, do not pick up more than you could carry!

The palace is very spacious with the total area of 60, 000 square meters (645,835 square feet). Try to relate and distribute the time that you have available accordingly with the exhibits that you would like to most definitely see. On average, the most general tour takes from 40 minutes to up to an hour, however, it is very probable that you will want to see the entire museum because the most distinct masterpieces and treasures of the Hermitage collection, such as paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Titian, El Greco, Diego Velázquez, Peter Paul Rubens, Rembrandt, are exhibited in the buildings of the Large Hermitage and The New Hermitage. If that is the case, you will need at least 2 and a half hours.

Jordan staircase in The Winter Palace

This time is an accurate estimate for you to see the collection only if you do not get lost along the way and do not end up walking around in circles trying to figure out the right entrance or exit to a certain exhibition hall or gallery. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that it would not be such a bad idea to get a tour-guide. Not only the guides know their way around the museum, but they also know the spots where the most important exhibits are being presented, they also would be able to give you the backstory for each and every masterpiece and will do their best at entertaining you and your travel companions.

According to the rules and regulations of the museum, groups of people accompanied by a guide that have more than 5 people are allowed to move only in one direction, i.e. you would have to make a circle to get back and see something again if there is the need. This policy is implemented in order to avoid the halls from being overcrowded in case there is an emergency. The administration of the museum does their best to make visiting the museum convenient for both, the individual visitors and the groups. Despite this fact you do lose the ability to freely move from a gallery to a gallery in case you are a part of a group. From my point of view, forming a group of less than five people is a very smart move that give you a reasonable price and good quality of the visit.

Amur. Etienne-Maurice Falcone Winter Palace

I am sure that at this point you have realized that there will be a lot of walking involved, so make sure that you wear comfortable shoes! There are benches and chairs present in most of the rooms in order to give the visitors the opportunity to rest. However, very often the tourists do not have the opportunity to spare any time on relaxing while being on tours, as there are too many interesting things to see and very often there is not enough time!

Keep in mind that the ticket grants you only one entrance to the museum, so if you leave the museum, you will have to purchase a new ticket in order to reenter. If you are carrying any luggage, parcels or personal belongings, you have to keep them in a cloakroom during your visit. Also, you may not enter exhibition halls with food or beverages.

Limoges enamel

If you have made the decision to visit the museum as a group or individually and you want to be accompanied by a tour-guide and if you happen to have any questions concerning the tour, or the cost, or directions, the current exhibits, please, do not hesitate to contact me.

Information About the Excursion


All year
Monday day off
Tuesday 10.30 — 18.00
Thursday 10.30 — 18.00
Saturday 10.30 — 18.00
Sunday 10.30 — 18.00
Last Admission 17.00
Wednesday 10.30 — 21.00
Friday 10.30 — 21.00
Last Admission 20.00

Public Transport

Palace Embankment, 32
Metro / Subway
Dvortsovaya Ploshad’  7, 10, 24, 191
Dvortsovaya Ploshad’ 1, 7, 10, 11
Minibuses (marshrutka)
Dvortsovaya Ploshad’ K-252

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The State Hermitage Museum is located in St. Petersburg – the cultural capital of Russia. It is one of the largest museums in the world.

The museum was founded in 1764 by Catherine the Great and has been open to the public since 1852.

Today, the Hermitage is a complex museum. Its main exhibition is located in five buildings situated in the center of St. Petersburg along the Neva river. The main building of the complex is the Winter Palace.

The building of the present (fifth) Winter Palace was built in 1754-1762 by the architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli. The building is in the style of a magnificent Elizabethan Baroque with Rococo elements.

The first thing that catches one’s eye is the splendor and solemnity of the outer shape of the Winter Palace. Along the perimeter of the building above the cornice there are sculptures and vases, which give the building a gorgeous and elegant look.

The three-storey building of the Winter Palace has four wings and a courtyard.

The building’s facades face the Neva river, the Palace Square and the Admiralty. The main facade is cut with an arch of front drive.

Modern palace is made in emerald colours; columns, cornices and window frames are in white; and stucco molding and the rest decor is made in ocher.

Государственный Музей Эрмитаж находится в Санкт-Петербурге – культурной столице России. Он является одним из крупнейших музеев в мире.

Музей был основан Екатериной Великой в 1764 году и в 1852 году был открыт для посещения публики.

Сегодня Эрмитаж – это сложный музейный комплекс. Его основная экспозиция расположена в пяти зданиях, находящихся в центре Санкт-Петербурга вдоль набережной реки Невы. Главное здание комплекса – Зимний дворец.

Здание нынешнего (пятого) Зимнего дворца было построено в 1754-1762 годах архитектором Бартоломео Франческо Растрелли. Здание выполнено в стиле пышного елизаветинского барокко с элементами рококо.

Первое, что бросается в глаза, – это пышность, праздничность наружного облика Зимнего дворца. По периметру здания над карнизом установлены скульптуры и вазы, что придает зданию великолепный и нарядный вид.

Трехэтажное здание Зимнего дворца имеет четыре флигеля и внутренний двор.

Фасады здания обращены к Неве, Дворцовой площади и Адмиралтейству. Главный фасад прорезан аркой парадного проезда.

Современный дворец выполнен в изумрудных тонах; колонны, карнизы и оконные рамы в белом цвете; лепнина и весь декор выполнены в охре.

  • 13.11.2018

Тема по английскому языку: Эрмитаж

Топик по английскому языку: Эрмитаж (The Hermitage). Данный текст может быть использован в качестве презентации, проекта, рассказа, эссе, сочинения или сообщения на тему.

Музей искусства и культуры

Эрмитаж – это всемирно известный музей искусства и культуры, находящийся в Санкт Петербурге. Это один из крупнейших и старейших музеев, основанный в 1765 Екатериной Великой и открытый для публики с 1852. Слово «Эрмитаж» означает «место уединения». Коллекция Эрмитажа включает более трех миллионов произведений искусства и артефактов мировой культуры. Среди них картины, графические работы, скульптуры и произведения прикладного искусства, археологические находки и нумизматический материал. Он также имеет самую большую коллекцию картин в мире. Здесь можно найти огромное количество произведений таких мастеров как Микеланджело, Рафаэль, Рембрандт, Рубенс и многих других. Следует отметить, что вход в музей является бесплатным в первый четверг каждого месяца для всех посетителей, а для студентов и детей ежедневно. По понедельникам музей закрыт.


В музее несколько отделов. Отдел западноевропейского искусства – это место, где можно увидеть произведения Леонардо да Винчи, Рафаэля, Тициана и картины импрессионистов и постимпрессионистов. В нем также собрана замечательная коллекция европейской скульптуры, содержащая работы Микеланджело, Канова, Фалконета, Родина и многих других выдающихся мастеров. Есть также отделы, посвященные культуре и искусству людей востока, доисторической культуре, русской культуре и отделы классическим памятникам древности и нумизматики.

Холл Святого Георгия

Одна из самых впечатляющих комнат – это холл Святого Георгия, украшенный белейшим мрамором и позолоченной бронзой. Это идеальный образец классического стиля. Другие известные комнаты – холл Леонардо да Винчи, декорированный в стиле французского барокко 17 века и Малахитовая комната, которая отражает стиль 19 века. Для ее декорирования было использовано около 2 тонн малахита. Одна из самых ценных коллекций музея – коллекция Рембрандта, состоящая из 24 полотен.

Ансамбль Эрмитажа

Главный архитектурный ансамбль Эрмитажа состоит из Зимнего Дворца, бывшей резиденции русских императоров, зданий старого и нового Эрмитажа, театра Эрмитажа и служебного здания.

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The Hermitage

Museum of art and culture

The Hermitage is the world-wide known museum of art and culture, situated in Saint Petersburg. It is one of the largest and oldest museums, founded in 1765 by Catherine the Great and open to the public since 1852. The word «Hermitage» means «a place of solitude». The collection of the Hermitage includes more than three million works of art and artefacts of the world culture. Among them are paintings, graphic works, sculptures and works of applied art, archaeological finds and numismatic material. It also has the largest collection of paintings in the world. One can find a great number of works of such masters as Michelangelo, Raphael, Rembrandt, Rubens and many others. It should be noticed that the entrance to the museum is free of charge the first Thursday of every month for all visitors and daily for students and children. The museum is closed on Mondays.

Departments in the museum

There are several departments in the museum. The department of Western European art is a place where one can see paintings of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Titian, and impressionist and post impressionist paintings. It also includes a fine collection of European sculpture, containing works by Michelangelo, Canova, Falconet, Rodin and many other eminent masters. There are also departments devoted to the culture and art of the Peoples of the East, of the Prehistoric culture, of the Russian culture and departments of classical antiquities and numismatics.

St. George Hall

One of the most impressive rooms is St. George Hall, which is decorated in the whitest marble and gilded bronze. It’s a perfect example of the Classical Style. The other famous rooms are the Leonardo da Vinci Hall, decorated in the style of the 17th century French Baroque and the Malachite Room, which reflects the style of the 19th century. About two tons of malachite were used to decorate it. One of the most treasured collections of the museum is the Rembrandt collection, consisting of 24 canvases.

Architectural ensemble of the Hermitage

The main architectural ensemble of the Hermitage consists of the Winter Palace, the former state residence of the Russian emperors, the buildings of the Small, Old and New Hermitages, the Hermitage Theatre and the Auxiliary House.

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