Имена принцев в сказках

Как и принцессы, принцы бывают разными: способными поддержать беседу, слепыми в нужный момент, романтичными, отважными и теми, кто влюбит зрителей в себя быстрее, чем закончится мультфильм.

Тлум.Ру выбрал топ-10 принцев из сказок Disney и расставил от десятого к первому. Смотрите за тем, как они обходят друг друга в гонке за признание. В конце материала читателей ждёт голосование, в котором можно выбрать своего фаворита.

№ 10: Принц, «Белоснежка и семь гномов»

Чем запомнился зрителям: давайте честно — из мультфильма зрителям скорее запомнились строптивые и разнохарактерные гномы, чем принц. В этом нет ничего плохого, так фокус внимания не сбивался с истории жажды мести, которая произошла из-за скверного характера Злой Королевы и её алчности.

Чем влюбил в себя принцессу: здесь сильно стараться было не нужно — достаточно оказалось спасти принцессу от заклятья при помощи поцелуя (частый приём в сказках, ничего не поделаешь) и счастливо уехать вместе с ней в закат. Почти так и было в мультфильме.

№ 9: Прекрасный принц, «Золушка»

Чем запомнился зрителям: умением выбрать себе такую возлюбленную, что придётся половину света поднять на уши, лишь бы найти её. И удивительной забывчивостью на лица. Впрочем, упорства герою не занимать — за это можно только похвалить, ведь у него всё получилось.

Чем влюбил в себя принцессу: сначала Золушка влюбилась в ощущение свободы, которое с ней разделил принц. Девушка вырвалась из заточения и провела вечер так, что могла бы рассказывать об этом сказки. Уже позже, когда принц доказал, что между ними успели за короткий промежуток времени появиться настоящие чувства, Золушка осознала, что он — тот самый.

№ 8: Эрик, «Русалочка»

Чем запомнился зрителям: отважностью, а ещё ветреностью, хотя в итоге настоящие чувства победили, а Урсула осталась ни с чем и была повержена. Но зрители всё-всё запомнили!

Чем влюбил в себя принцессу: тем, что он человек, а по счастливой случайности ещё и принц, хотя подводной принцессе принадлежность к определённому социальному слою была неважна. Кстати, Ариэль и Эрик стали первой парой Disney, у которой появился ребёнок.

№ 7: Навин, «Принцесса и лягушка»

Чем запомнился зрителям: тем, что даже лягушка может оказаться нахальной и капризной, оставаясь при этом принцем. Навин — один из тех героев, которые на протяжении мультфильма становятся лучшей своей версией, так что он неплохой пример для подражания.

Чем влюбил в себя принцессу: открытием, ведь оказалось — когда и Тиана стала лягушкой, — что заносчивый парень не такой уж и избалованный, а вполне сносный. И за счёт того, что оказался в облике лягушки в том числе. Он стал для Тианы настоящей опорой и поддержал её на пути к мечте.

№ 6: Филипп, «Спящая красавица»

Чем запомнился зрителям: внешним видом, тем, как не побоялся сразиться с Малефисентой в образе дракона, да и вообще — его можно назвать душкой. Филипп — образец милых принцев, которые отказываются следовать заветам отца и всё делают так, как велит им сердце. И это первый принц с именем!

Чем влюбил в себя принцессу: порядочностью, мягким нравом и тем, как он был к ней внимателен. И тайной личности, ведь брак этих принца и принцессы был ожидаем, так решили ещё их родители. Вот уж где совпадения совсем не случайны, принц влюбился в обычную девушку, оказавшуюся принцессой, а та ответила ему взаимностью.

№ 5: Ли Шанг, «Мулан»

Чем запомнился зрителям: несгибаемым желанием сделать лучше войско, от силы солдат зависел итог важного сражения за родину. Плюс то, как Ли Шанг изменил свой взгляд на Мулан, узнав, что она девушка — дорогого стоит.

Чем влюбил в себя принцессу: вот уж сложный вопрос, ведь Мулан основную часть мультфильма была занята своими проблемами. Ей нельзя было выдавать, кто она такая. Одно понятно точно — вместе эти два борца найдут общую дорогу, что в мультфильме отлично показали (да и в сиквеле тоже).

№ 4: Джон Смит, «Покахонтас»

Чем запомнился зрителям: это единственный принц, созданный на основе реальной исторической фигуры. В мультфильме его герой, конечно, не такой, но сказка на то и сказка, в ней не нужно везде и всюду опираться на факты.

Чем влюбил в себя принцессу: тем, что смог отказаться от идеи колонизаторства и захвата чужих земель. Благодаря Покахонтас Джон увидел, в чём участвовал. Получается, что для гармоничных отношений нужно найти такого человека, который будет позитивно на вас влиять, и у Покахонтас со Смитом (из мультфильма) это вышло. Пусть и финал у их отношений не сложился.

№ 3: Адам, «Красавица и чудовище»

Чем запомнился: одним из самых поучительных уроков о манерах — не стоит говорить всё, что приходит на ум, лучше подумать раз, а иногда и все семь. Кто знает, от какой беды это может уберечь? Да и замок у чудовища потрясающий, ещё бы прислугу не заколдовали вместе с ним. Кстати, Тлум.Ру смог разглядеть другую метафору в мультфильме, не пропускайте.

Чем влюбил в себя принцессу: заботой, пусть и поданной под соусом сомнительного согласия и закрытости от мира и от самой Белль. Она, как любительница книжек, разглядела за пугающим внешним видом душу, которая идеально ей подходила — и готова была побороться за возлюбленного.

№ 2: Юджин, «Рапунцель: Запутанная история»

Чем запомнился: очарованием и способностью украсть что-то из-под носа охраны. Награду за героя назначили знатную, а ему хоть бы хны — продолжал и дальше заниматься сомнительного рода деятельностью. Плюс у Юджина наблюдается одна из самых сильных эволюций на протяжении мультфильма. Был вором, а стал честным человеком, готовым на подвиги.

Чем влюбил в себя принцессу: помните, как состоялось их знакомство? Тут стоит рассмотреть их отношения наоборот, и подумать о том, как Рапунцель влюбила его в себя. Тем, как разглядывала окружающий мир, радовалась пустякам и была при этом чиста душой. Он, кстати, настоящий принц, не забудьте убедиться в этом и посмотреть мультсериал «Рапунцель: Новая история».

№ 1: Аладдин, «Аладдин»

Чем запомнился: жаждой жизни и готовностью бороться за своё место под солнцем. Аладдин не из пугливых парней, а больше храбрости ему придаёт потрясающий синий друг, способный исполнять желания — Джинни.

Чем влюбил в себя принцессу: тем, что знал, как живёт обычный люд. Аладдин не находился всю жизнь под гнётом родителей, запиравших его в замке, а Жасмин требовалось как можно скорее глотнуть свежего воздуха, побывать в опасном приключении и понять, что выйти замуж можно по собственному желанию, а не по велению отца.

Настало время голосовать за вашего любимого принца!

Подписывайтесь на наш канал в Яндекс.Дзен, там вы найдёте не только лучшие подборки мультфильмов, но и самые свежие новости о них и семейном кино. А ещё мы завели Telegram — присоединяйтесь, если вам удобнее этот формат.

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This is a list of fictional princes that have appeared in various works of fiction. It is organized by medium and limited to well-referenced, notable examples of the fictional princes.


This section contains examples of both classic and more modern writing.

Fictional prince(s) Work Notes Author
Ivan Tsarevich Tsarevitch Ivan, the Fire Bird and the Gray Wolf;
The Frog Princess;
The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise;
The Bold Knight, the Apples of Youth, and the Water of Life;
The Wicked Sisters;
The Death of Koschei the Deathless
One of the main protagonists of the Russian folktales collected by Alexander Afanasyev in Narodnye russkie skazki. Alexander Afanasyev
Ring Prince Ring Icelandic fairy tale included by Andrew Lang in The Yellow Fairy Book. Jón Árnason
Prince Lír The Last Unicorn He is a skilled hero who was adopted by King Haggard, found in the town of Hagsgate. Peter S. Beagle
Michel Ard Rhi Magic Kingdom of Landover He was formerly the prince of Landover who was so cruel that his kingdom banished him, long before he became a Washington state millionaire. Michel appears in the third novel Wizard at Large. Terry Brooks
Ivor Fedorovitch The Lost Prince He was the lost prince of Samavia who vanished during the Middle Ages. Frances Hodgson Burnett
Carthoris Barsoom series He is the prince of Helium who is part red Martian and part Earthman. His name is a combaination of his parents John Carter and Princess Dejah Thoris. Edgar Rice Burroughs
Gahan He is the prince from Gathol who marries Carthoris’s sister Princess Tara.
John Carter of Mars He marries Princess Dejah Thoris of Helium. In The Warlord of Mars, John is known as the Warlord of Barsoom.
Ian How Ian Direach got the Blue Falcon Scottish fairy tale collected by John Francis Campbell in Popular Tales of the West Highlands and included by Andrew Lang in The Orange Fairy Book. John Francis Campbell
Snake Prince The Snake Prince The Indian fairy tale collected by Major Campbell in Firozpur; included by Andrew Lang in The Olive Fairy Book.[1] Major Campbell
Prince Maxon Calix Schreave The Selection series The son and heir of King Clarkson and Queen Amberly Schreave of Illéa. Kiera Cass
Prince Paul The King of Clubs The prince of Maurania. Agatha Christie
Prince of Erin The Thirteenth Son of the King of Erin He is the youngest of the King’s thirteen sons, in the Irish fairy tale collected by Jeremiah Curtin in Myths and Folk-lore of Ireland and included by Ruth Manning-Sanders in A Book of Dragons. Jeremiah Curtin
Furibon Le Prince Lutin He was a malformed prince whose rival governor had claimed to his throne. Madame d’Aulnoy
Léandre He was originally a handsome human prince but has been turned into a lutin.
Prince Chéri Princess Belle-Etoile French fairy tale inspired by Giovanni Francesco Straparola’s Ancilotto, King of Provino.
Prince Pondicherry Charlie and the Chocolate Factory He is the reigning Indian prince who could rule in his chocolate palace, despite Willy Wonka’s warning, until it melts in the hot weather. Roald Dahl
Prince Edward Plantagenet Dragon Knight The prince of England who was being held captive by a rogue magickian Malvinne and later identified as the historical «Black Prince»; the son of King Edward III Plantagenet. Gordon R. Dickson
Prince Karl «Charles» von Waldron The Fall of a Nation Thomas Dixon, Jr.
Prince Myshkin The Idiot Prince Lev Nikolayevich Myshkin Fyodor Dostoevsky
Kheldar The Belgariad series Also known as Silk, he is the prince of Drasnia as well as a spy and thief; the nephew of King Rhodar and Queen Porenn. He first appears in Pawn of Prophecy. David Eddings
Kheva The crown prince of Drasnia, the younger cousin of Kheldar and the son of King Rhodar and Queen Porenn. He ascended the throne upon his father’s death.
Prince La Fireez The Worm Ouroboros The reigning prince of Pixyland and the brother of Lady Prezmyra. He died in the naval battle. E. R. Eddison
Prince John Robin Hood legends The villainous prince of England who is assisted by the Sheriff of Nottingham and Sir Guy of Gisbourne, loosely based on the historical John, King of England. English folklore
Prince of Aragon Robin Hood and the Prince of Aragon
Horace Altman Ranger’s Apprentice He is the knight and former captain of Royal Guard Unit B of the kingdom of Araluen who is married to its crown princess Cassandra as her prince consort. Also of note is his father-in-law, King Duncan, who was formerly the prince of Araluen during his youthhood. John Flanagan
Prince Ahmed Prince Ahmad and the Fairy Peri-Banu A Middle Eastern folktale; one of a collection of tales from The Book of One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights). Translated and added by Antoine Galland
Prince Ali
Prince Hussain
Aladdin The Story of Aladdin; or, the Wonderful Lamp Aladdin is a humble young man who wishes to become a wealthy prince to be married to Princess Badroulbadour.
Prince Humperdinck The Princess Bride He is the heir to the throne of Florin who wants the most beautiful woman to be his bride. The son of the elderly King Lotharon and the stepson of Queen Bella. William Goldman
Prince Fyren The Sword of Truth The High Prince of Kelton. Terry Goodkind
Prince Harold Amnell The prince and the leader of the armies of Galea; the son of King Wyborn and Queen Bernadine Amnell and the brother of Queen Cyrilla Amnell.
Prince Charming Cinderella Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault
Prince Bertie King & King A young gay prince whose mother the grouchy queen forces him to marry a princess, but he is actually in love with another prince named Lee. Both Bertie and Lee later become kings when they marry each other. Linda de Haan and Stern Nijland
Prince George The Princess and the Hound Mette Ivie Harrison
Farad’n Dune The son of Princess Wensicia and Dalak and the grandson of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV and Anirul. Frank Herbert
Prince Casamassima Roderick Hudson The rich Neapolitan. Henry James
Five Princes The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter They are the five princes who have been telling Kaguya-hime (the Princess Kaguya) to choose from among them for her hand in marriage but fail on her, in a 10th-century Japanese folktale. This story is also the basis for the science fiction manga series Kaguyahime. Japanese folklore
Köke Temür The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber The son of Prince Chaghan Temür of Ruyang of the Yuan Dynasty and the older brother of Zhao Min. Jin Yong
Zhang Wuji He is married to Zhao Min.
Prince Justin/Percival Howl’s Moving Castle He is the younger brother of the King of Ingary, who is cursed to transform into a dog. Justin also appears in the sequel Castle in the Air where he is married to Princess Beatrice of Strangia. Diana Wynne Jones
Fox Prince The Greek Princess and the Young Gardener He is the brother of Princess Golden Locks. Irish fairy tale collected in Kennedy’s Fireside Stories of Ireland. Included by Joseph Jacobs in More Celtic Fairy Tales. Collected by Patrick Kennedy
Young Gardener He marries Princess Golden Locks.
The Schoolboy The Glass Mountain He is married to the Princess. Polish fairy tale collected by Hermann Kletke. Also collected by Andrew Lang. Hermann Kletke
Asmund Asmund and Signy Icelandic fairy tale collected in Islandische Märchen and included by Andrew Lang in The Brown Fairy Book. Collected by Andrew Lang
Prince Ring
Prince Hermod Hermod and Hadvor
Nix Nought Nothing Nix Nought Nothing A fairy tale originally collected by Andrew Lang; Joseph Jacobs included it in English Fairy Tales.
Prince Darling Prince Darling
Prigio Prince Prigio 1889 literary and comic fairy tale illustrated by Gordon Browne.
Prince Lebannen
(aka Arren)
Earthsea series He is the prince, and later king, of Enlad who first appeared in The Farthest Shore. Ursula K. Le Guin
Prince Ligovskoy Princess Ligovskaya Character based on Nikolai Bakhmetyev. Varvara Lopukhina, Bakhmetyev’s wife, was the prototype for the character of Vera Ligovskaya. Mikhail Lermontov
Prince Charmont («Char») Ella Enchanted The prince of Kyrria. Gail Carson Levine
Prince Ijori Fairest The crown prince and heir to the throne of Ayortha.
Caspian X The Chronicles of Narnia The former prince, and now king, of Narnia. C. S. Lewis
Prince Cor (aka Shasta) The prince and rightful heir of Archenland, the son of King Lune and the older twin brother of Prince Corin.
Rabadash The prince and heir to the throne of Calormen, son of the Tisroc, who attempts to take over Archenland but has been thwarted by Prince Cor and turned into a donkey by Aslan.
Rilian The prince, and later king, of Narnia and the son of King Caspian X.
Dorian Havilliard Throne of Glass series The Crown Prince, and later King, of Adarlan and one of the main characters of the novel series. Sarah J. Maas
Prince Harelip The Princess and the Goblin The Goblin prince. George MacDonald
Prince Tung Thank You, Mr. Moto He is descended from an old Manchu family; a friend of Tom Nelson. John P. Marquand
Joffrey Baratheon A Song of Ice and Fire He was formerly the Crown Prince of the Seven Kingdoms, legal son of King Robert Baratheon and biological son of Cersei and Jaime Lannister; older brother of Tommen and Myrcella Baratheon. He becomes the king of the Seven Kingdoms after his legal father’s death. George R. R. Martin
Tommen Baratheon He is the younger brother of Joffrey and Myrcella Baratheon and the husband of Margaery Tyrell.
Theon Greyjoy He is the son of King Balon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands.
Doran Martell He is the prince of Dorne.
Oberyn Martell Better known as the Red Viper, he is the younger brother of Prince Doran and Princess Elia Martell.
Trystane Martell He is the son of Prince Doran Martell and is betrothed to Myrcella Baratheon.
Rhaegar Targaryen He was the heir apparent to the Iron Throne of the Targaryen dynasty, first son of King Aerys II Targaryen and older brother of Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen; the husband of Princess Elia Martell.
Viserys III Targaryen He was formerly the exiled prince and heir of the Targaryen dynasty, second son of King Aerys II Targaryen and middle brother of Rhaegar and Daenerys Targaryen.
Prince Azim The Drum A. E. W. Mason
Prince Guhl The main antagonist of the story.
Prince Kaito «Kai» The Lunar Chronicles series He is formerly the crown prince, and now emperor, of the Eastern Commonwealth; the son of the late Emperor Rikan. He is based on Prince Charming from «Cinderella». Marissa Meyer
Earnest The Princes and the Treasure The two gay men who become princes as they marry each other in the end. Jeffrey A. Miles
Prince Dolor The Little Lame Prince and his Travelling Cloak Miss Mulock
Prince Ronald The Paper Bag Princess Illustrated by Michael Martchenko. Robert Munsch
Russian Prince The Emperor’s Candlesticks The kidnapped prince from Russia. Baroness Orczy
Prince Xizor Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Steve Perry
Aphai and Sisuwan Phra Aphai Mani The Thai princes. Sunthorn Phu
Prince Jonathan of Conté The Song of the Lioness The crown prince of the kingdom of Tortall. Tamora Pierce
Duke Roger of Conté The cousin of Prince Jonathan.
Prince Heinrich Discworld The ruler of the principality of Zlobenia (a parody of Slovenia) and the heir to the throne of the neighboring duchy of Borogravia after the death of Duchess Annagovia. Terry Pratchett
King Teppic King Pteppicymon XXVIII, formerly the crown prince of Djelibeybi (the fictional counterpart to Ancient Egypt) and the half-brother of Queen Ptraci I; the son of the late King Pteppicymon XXVII.
Prince Rudolf The Tin Princess A part of the Sally Lockhart series, Rudolf was the crown prince of Razkavia who was going to be a new king after his father’s death but was suddenly killed during his coronation. Philip Pullman
Ruslan Ruslan and Ludmila The brave knight who would marry Ludmila, daughter of Prince Vladimir after the rescue, in the 1820 Russian poem by Alexander Pushkin. Alexander Pushkin
Prince Vladimir The ruler of Kiev and the father of Ludmila. Based on the historical figure of Vladimir the Great.
Prince Yelsei The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights Also called «The Tale of the Dead Tsarevna and the Seven Bogatyrs», the 1833 Russian poem by Alexander Pushkin.
Prince Gvidon The Tale of Tsar Saltan 1831 Russian poem written after the fairy tale edited by Vladimir Dahl.
Prince Arlis Dragon Prince and Dragon Star trilogies The prince of Kierst-Isel who was the grandson of Prince Volog of Kierst and Prince Saumer of Isel. Melanie Rawn
Prince Davvi The prince of Syr and the lord of River Run; the older brother of the Sunrunner witch and the High Princess, Sioned.
Prince Jastri The prince of Syr and the older brother of Princess Gemma; the main antagonist of the trilogies.
Prince Laric The son of Chadric and Audrite of Dorval and the prince of Firon.
Prince Miyon The prince of Cunaxa and one of the main villains.
Prince Pol The son and heir of Prince Rohan and Sioned; one of the main protagonists of the trilogies.
Prince Roelstra The High Prince of Princemarch and one of the primary antagonists of the trilogies.
Prince Rohan The Dragon Prince of the Desert, the son of Prince Zehava and Milar and the husband of the Sunrunner witch, Sioned. He is one of the main protagonists of the trilogies.
Prince Norman («Noman») Fearsome Tales for Fiendish Kids The young prince, and later king, of Misery. Jamie Rix
Prince Egor Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids He is the prince who quickly becomes the crowned king of Ruritania.
Little Prince The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince) He is a young prince who visits each of various planets in space, including Earth. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Sandokan The Tigers of Mompracem The last of a dynasty of Borneo, he is the prince and rightful heir who sails across the South China Sea as a pirate under the alias «The Tiger of Malaysia». Emilio Salgari
Prince of Lormere The Sin Eater’s Daughter The son of the Queen of Lormere. Melinda Salisbury
Duke of Albany King Lear The husband of Goneril of Britain. William Shakespeare
Duke of Burgundy
Duke of Cornwall The husband of Regan of Britain.
Donalbain Macbeth He is the younger son of King Duncan of Scotland. Based on the historical figure of Donald III of Scotland.
Malcolm He is older son of King Duncan and the brother of Donalbain. Based on the historical figure of Malcolm III of Scotland.
Don Pedro Much Ado About Nothing The prince of Aragon.
Don John Don Pedro’s brother.
Prince Othello Othello He is the Moorish prince and the title character of the story, who lives in Venice.
Prince Pericles Pericles, Prince of Tyre He is the ruling prince of Tyre and the titular character of the story; the father of Marina and the husband of Thaisa, daughter of King Simonides of Pentapolis.
Duke of Aumerle Richard II Based on the historical figure of Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of York.
Duke of Surrey Based on the historical figure of Thomas Holland, 1st Duke of Surrey.
Duke of York The father of the Duke of Aumerle and the uncle of King Richard II. Based on the historical figure, Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York.
Henry Bolingbroke IV The duke, and later king, of Hereford. Based on the historical figure, Henry IV of England.
John of Gaunt The duke of Lancaster, the father of Henry Bolingbroke and the uncle of King Richard II. Based on the historical figure of John of Gaunt.
Thomas Mowbray The duke of Norfolk who is based on the historical figure, Thomas de Mowbray, 1st Duke of Norfolk.
Prince Escalus Romeo and Juliet He is the ruler of Verona. He is possibly based on the member of the actual Scaliger family, Bartolomeo I.
Prince Ferdinand The Tempest The prince of Naples, son of King Alonso and the husband of Miranda.
Fortinbras The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark He is the crown prince of Norway and the minor character of the story. His father, the former Norwegian king, was also named Fortinbras.
Prince Hamlet The son of the late King Hamlet and Queen Gertrude of Denmark, he is the titular protagonist of the story.
Prince Amaryllis Somebody Else’s Prince A short story collected by Evelyn Sharp in The Other Side of the Sun. Evelyn Sharp
Prince Hyacinth The youngest of the four princes.
Hikaru Genji The Tale of Genji Better known as the «Shining Prince», he is the second son of Emperor Kiritsubo. Murasaki Shikibu
Otto Johann Friedrich Prince Otto: A Romance He is the ruling prince of Grünewald who seeks to prevent his country from revolution and war, while striving to repair his marriage to the discontented Princess Seraphina. Robert Louis Stevenson
Prince Florizel The Suicide Club He is the prince of Bohemia and one of the main characters of the short story trilogy.
Prince Alexander The Prince and the Pilgrim He is the main protagonist of the story. Mary Stewart
Prince Baudouin The father of Prince Alexander.
Miller’s Son Puss in Boots A young man who is married to the Princess. An Italian fairy tale originally included by Giovanni Francesco Straparola in The Facetious Nights of Straparola, with the different versions published by Giambattista Basile and then by Charles Perrault. Giovanni Francesco Straparola
Prince of Denmark The Prince and the Princess in the Forest Danish fairy tale collected in Tang Kristensen’s Æventyr far Jylland («Tales from Jutland») and included by Andrew Lang in The Olive Fairy Book. Evald Tang Kristensen
Duke of Winterset Monsieur Beaucaire 1900 short novel by Booth Tarkington. Booth Tarkington
Louis-Philippe d’Orléans («Beaucaire») The titular character of the story based on the historical figure of Louis Philippe I, Duke of Orléans.
Princes Three princes who support their sister Princess Ida.

  • Prince Arac
  • Prince Guron
  • Prince Scynthius
Prince Pompadore Kabumpo in Oz The prince of Pumperdink. He marries Princess Peg Amy of Sun-Top Mountain to have a daughter Pajonia. Ruth Plumly Thompson
Prince Randy The Purple Prince of Oz The prince of Regalia. Illustrated by John R. Neill.
Curufin The Silmarillion The prince of the elves of Noldor. J. R. R. Tolkien
Faramir II The Lord of the Rings;
The Two Towers;
The Return of the King
The prince of Ithilien, the second son of the Steward Denethor II and the younger brother of Boromir. He is also the husband of Éowyn, princess of Rohan.
Finarfin The Lord of the Rings;
The Silmarillion
The prince, and later high king, of Noldor and the son of King Finwë and Queen Indis; the husband of Princess Eärwen of Teleri.
Imrahil The Lord of the Rings;
The Return of the King
The prince of Dol Amroth.
Legolas The Fellowship of the Ring;
The Two Towers;
The Return of the King
Though he never actually held the title of «prince», Legolas is an elven prince of Mirkwood and the son of King Thranduil.
Prince Dmitri Ivanovich Nekhlyudov Resurrection Leo Tolstoy
Prince Andrei Nikolayevich Bolkonsky War and Peace The son of the domineering Prince Nikolay Andreevich Bolkonsky.
Prince Edward Tudor VI The Prince and the Pauper He is the Prince of Wales who trades places with Tom Canty and later becomes the King. Based on the historical Edward VI of England. Mark Twain
Wulfgar, Abas and Kenric Heir Apparent The three legitimate sons of Queen Andreanna and the late King Cynric and three brothers of Princess Janine de St. Jehan. Vivian Vande Velde
Prince Dakkar
(aka Captain Nemo)
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea;
The Mysterious Island
The former Hindu prince of Bundelkhand who serves as the captain of his submarine, the Nautilus. Jules Verne
Judah Ben-Hur Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ He is the Jewish Prince of Jerusalem and the titular character of the story. Lew Wallace
Prince Manfred The Shape of Things to Come The ruler of Bavaria and the leader of the worldwide rebellion. H.G. Wells
Prince Ilaron The Fall of Ile-Rien trilogy[2] He is the crown prince of Ile-Rien. Martha Wells
Arthur Pendragon («Wart») The Once and Future King Based upon a reworking Le Morte d’Arthur about the legendary King Arthur, he was formerly the prince of England, son of the deceased King Uther Pendragon. Due to his father’s death, Arthur was originally fostered by Sir Ector and his son Kay until he later became the new King of England after pulling his Excalibur out of the stone and anvil. T. H. White
Happy Prince The Happy Prince and Other Tales Oscar Wilde
Prince Daystar Enchanted Forest Chronicles series Patricia C. Wrede
Prince Therandil


Fictional prince Comic title Notes
Prince Abdullah The Adventures of Tintin The young, spoiled, mischievous prince of the fictional Arabian state of Khemed; the son of Mohammed Ben Kalish Ezab. Based on Faisal II of Iraq.
Prince of the Sun
Prince Ithaca Andromeda Stories He is formerly the prince of the empire of Cosmoralia who marries Princess Lilia, in the process crowining him King Astralta III.
Prince Jimsa Ithaca and Lilia’s son, and the brother of Princess Affle, who is destined to lead the resistance of planet Astria against the sinister alien machines.
Apaimanee Apaimanee Saga The first prince and heir of Rattana; the first son of Thao Srisutat and Pratumkesorn.
Srisuwan The second prince and heir of Rattana; the younger brother of Apaimanee and the second son of Thao Srisutat and Pratumkesorn.
Prince Brion Markov («Geo-Force») DC Comics He is the prince of Markovia and the half-brother of Princess Tara Markov («Terra»).
Prince Evillo The evil prince of the planet Tartarus.
Prince Amentep («Ibis the Invincible») He was the prince from an ancient Egypt who has been brought back to life by the work of the wizard Shazam after 4000 years and uses his vast powers to become a crimefighter.
Prince Khufu Maat Kha-Tar («Hawkman») Khufu is the prince from an ancient Egypt during his past life who was killed by his rival Hath-Set before his soul was reborn as Carter Hall, the true identity of Hawkman himself.
Ryand’r («Darkfire») He is the Prince of the planet Tamaran in the fictional Vegan system, son of King Myand’r and Queen Luand’r; younger brother of the evil Princess Komand’r («Blackfire») and the heroic Princess Koriand’r («Starfire»). He is also the current member of the Omega Men.
Prince Topaz He is the prince of Gemworld.
Viking Prince
Prince Barin Flash Gordon The sovereign of Arboria.
Prince Thun He is the prince of the Lion Men and the son of King Jugrid.
Prince Vultan He is the prince of the Hawkmen.
Shin Lee Goong The crown prince of Korea.
Sun Lee The younger brother of Shin Lee.
Princes of Kakin Hunter × Hunter The sons of King Nasubi Hui Guo Rou of the Kakin kingdom:

  • Benjamin Hui Guo Rou
  • Zhang Lei Hui Guo Rou
  • Tserriednich Hui Guo Rou
  • Luzurus Hui Guo Rou
  • Salé-salé Hui Guo Rou
  • Halkenburg Hui Guo Rou
  • Marayam Hui Guo Rou
Rei Kilala Princess The prince of Paradiso who seeks for one princess for his country.
Prince Joon A Kiss for my Prince
Prince Shion
Prince Yu-Jen
Prince Ludwig Ludwig Kakumei Also known simply as Lui, he is a flamboyant prince and a womanizer who is forced by his father the King to find a princess to marry and bears an uncanny resmblance to his mother Queen Amalberga. Ludwig is also the stepbrother of Prince Julius. He is named after Jacob Ludwig Grimm.
Namor McKenzie Marvel Comics He is the prince of Atlantis and the mutant son of Fen and Leonard McKenzie.
Prince Rudolfo Fortunov He was the former crown prince of Latveria.
Prince Zorba Fortunov He is the brother of Rudolfo Fortunov and was formerly the prince of Latveria before he later became king.
Asbel Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind The Prince of Pejite and the twin brother of the deceased Princess Rastel.
Crown Prince Sebastian The Prince and the Dressmaker He is the crown prince of Belgium who cross-dresses as the glamorous Lady Crystallia by night.
Prince Nathan Prince Valiant He is the son of Prince Valiant of Thule and Queen Aleta of the Misty Isles.
Prince of the Tambourine Star Princess Comet
Prince Franz Charming Princess Knight He is the prince of Goldland.
Prince Roy Royal Roy The young prince of Cashelot.
Princes from Sailor Moon Sailor Moon
  • Mamoru Chiba (Chiba Mamoru, «Darien»), Tuxedo Mask — Prince Endymion
  • Prince Demand — The leader of the Black Moon Clan
  • Blue Saphir — One of the members of the Black Moon Clan and the younger brother of Prince Demand
Prince Ahmad Shounen Princess: Putri Harimau Naoko The «prince» of the Southeast Asian country of Urunei who is actually a woman disguised as a man in place of her late twin brother the previous prince, who died in an accident fifteen years ago, and later marries Naotora, a young man who came to her country pretending to be a woman.
Shuna Shuna’s Journey He is the prince from the small mountain valley who is on a quest to find the golden grain.
Prince Alfonse The Sword of Paros The half-brother of the King of Paros who tries to get his niece Princess Erminia to marry Prince Phaon.
Prince Phaon The prince of the neighboring kingdom of Kauros who Erminia has been chosen to marry him but repeatedly rejects it due to being lesbian.
Prince Canute Vinland Saga The prince of the Danes and the son of King Sweyn Forkbeard. Based on the historical Canute the Great.
Prince Harald The deceased older brother of Prince Canute. Based on the historical Harald II of Denmark.


Fictional prince Title Notes
Aladdin Aladdin The traditional pantomime was originally dramatized by John O’Keeffe in 1788 for the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Different versions of the pantomime story have been performed for over 200 years. The «Aladdin» story was also adapted into other theatrical productions. Notable adaptations include:

  • Aladdin (1805), verse drama by Adam Oehlenschläger; with incidental music by Carl Nielsen.
  • The New Aladdin (1906), successful Edwardian musical comedy
    • Originally starred Lily Elsie as «Lally»
  • Aladdin, the 1979 musical adaptation
Prince Chulalongkorn The King and I The eldest son and heir of King Mongkut of Siam; based on the real-life Chulalongkorn. The 1951 Broadway musical composed by Richard Rodgers and written by Oscar Hammerstein II based on the semi-fictionalized novel Anna and the King of Siam.
Prince Leonce Leonce and Lena The Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Popo.
Prince Alexander The Light Princess The prince of Lagobel and the brother of Princess Althea. Based on the Scottish fairy tale of the same name by George MacDonald.
Prince Digby The prince of Sealand.
Tamino The Magic Flute He also appears in the following sequels, Das Labyrinth and The Magic Flute Part Two.
Prince Tokmakov The Maid of Pskov Prince Yuriy Ivanovich Tokmakov. The adoptive father of Princess Olga and the brother-in-law of Vera Sheloga. 1872 opera composed by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, based on the drama of the same name by Lev Mei.
Prince Afanasy Prince Afanasy Vyazemsky
Nutcracker Prince The Nutcracker He is the prince who has been turned into a nutcracker.
Prince Karl
  • Old Heidelberg, the 1901 German play by Wilhelm Meyer-Förster.
  • The Student Prince, the 1924 operetta composed by Sigmund Romberg.
Prince Dauntless Once Upon a Mattress A musical comedy based on Hans Christian Andersen’s The Princess and the Pea.
Prince Hilarion The Princess
Princess Ida
  • The Princess, a blank verse farcical play by W. S. Gilbert, parodying Alfred Tennyson’s poem, «The Princess: A Medley».
  • Princess Ida, a comic opera; music by Arthur Sullivan, libretto by W. S. Gilbert. Based on the poem «The Princess» by Alfred Tennyson.
Three Princes
  • Prince Arac
  • Prince Guron
  • Prince Scynthius
Jean Puss in Boots 1915 short children’s opera in three acts composed by César Cui, based on the fairy tale of the same name.
Prince Yeletsky The Queen of Spades 1890 opera in three acts (seven scenes) by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, based on the short story of the same name by Alexander Pushkin.
Prince Keri of Zalgar The Queen Was in the Parlour 1926 play written by Noël Coward.
Prince Dimitri Nekhlyudov Resurrection
  • Risurrezione, 1904 Italian opera/drama composed by Franco Alfano.
  • Vzkriesenie, 1960 Slovak opera composed by Ján Cikker.
  • Resurrection, 1999 American opera composed by Tod Machover.

Based on the novel of the same name by Leo Tolstoy.

Ratmir Ruslan and Lyudmila The prince of Khazars. 1842 Russian opera composed by Mikhail Glinka, based on Alexander Pushkin’s poem of the same name.
Ruslan The main protagonist of the opera.
Svetozar The Great Prince of Kiev.
Prince Désiré The Sleeping Beauty The ballet composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, based on Charles Perrault’s fairy tale of the same name.
Prince Charles The Sleeping Prince: An Occasional Fairy Tale 1953 play by Terence Rattigan.
Prince The Snow Queen A chamber opera in six scenes based on Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale of the same name; prologue by Matthew King, libretto by Andrew McKinnon.
Prince Siegfried Swan Lake He is the prince who is the love interest of the Swan-Princess Odette.
Agis The Triumph of Love He is the prince and rightful heir to the throne of Sparta and the son of the deposed King Cléomène.

The play was originally written by Pierre de Marivaux in 1732 and later adapted into a Broadway musical in 1997 by James Magruder.

Disney Princes Various A number of Disney Princes have gotten their own musicals.

  • Title character in Aladdin
  • Beast in Beauty and the Beast
  • Hans in Frozen
  • Title character in Hercules
  • Simba in The Lion King
  • Eric in The Little Mermaid
  • Li Shang in Mulan Jr.[3]
Prince Anatole Kuragin War and Peace 1946 opera based on the novel of the same name by Leo Tolstoy.
Prince Andrei Bolkonsky
Prince Mikhail Barclay de Tolly
Prince Marcus Yahudi Ki Ladki The historical Urdu play Agha Hashar Kashmiri.
Azor Zémire et Azor Operatic version of the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast, written by Jean-François Marmontel and composed by André Grétry.


Live action[edit]

Fictional prince Film Notes
Judah Ben-Hur Ben-Hur
  • Ramon Novarro in the 1925 silent film version.
  • Charlton Heston in the 1959 version.
  • Jack Huston in the 2016 version.

Based on Lew Wallace’s novel Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ.

Prince Rohenhauer Black Oxen Based on the novel Black Oxen by Gertrude Atherton. Portrayed by Alan Hale Sr.
T’Challa («Black Panther») Black Panther He is the former prince, and now king, of Wakanda; the son of the late King T’Chaka and the brother of Princess Shuri. Portrayed by Chadwick Boseman.
Prince Mamuwalde/Blacula Blacula;
Scream Blacula Scream
An African prince who was turned into a vampire by Count Dracula. Portrayed by William Marshall.
Prince Ramon The Brigand Portrayed by Anthony Quinn.
Prince Achmed Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back Portrayed by Warner Oland.
Prince Alexis Paneiev/Paul Café Metropole Portrayed by Gregory Ratoff.
Myles, 12th Duke of Dunbar A Castle for Christmas The ill-tempered Scottish duke who owns the fictional Dun Dunbar Castle (modeled after Dalmeny House).[4][5] He is portrayed by Cary Elwes.
Yuvaraj Sukumar Chandra Portrayed by Vivek.
Veerasimhan Chandralekha 1948 Indian film. Portrayed by M. K. Radha.
Prince Pondicherry Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Based on the novel of the same name by Roald Dahl. Portrayed by Nitin Ganatra.
Prince Richard A Christmas Prince;
A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding;
A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby
He is formerly the crown prince, and now king, of Aldovia. Portrayed by Ben Lamb.
Prince Alexander Cavalieri Christmas with a Prince[6] 2018 television film. Portrayed by Nick Hounslow.
Prince Caspian The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Based on the novel by C. S. Lewis. Portrayed by Ben Barnes.
Prince Akeem Joffer Coming to America Akeem, portrayed by Eddie Murphy, was formerly the crown prince of Zamunda, son of the late King Jaffe and Queen Aoleon Joffer. He later becomes the new king of Zamunda in the sequel Coming 2 America.
Prince Metternich Conquest Based on the novel Pani Walewska by Wacław Gąsiorowski. Portrayed by Ian Wolfe.
Prince Mirska Portrayed by Stanley Andrews.
Prince Poniatowski Portrayed by C. Henry Gordon.
Prince Jai Curse of the Golden Flower The middle son of Emperor Ping and Empress Phoenix. Portrayed by Jay Chou.
Crown Prince Wan The elder son of Emperor Ping and Empress Phoenix. Portrayed by Liu Ye.
Prince Yu The younger son of Emperor Ping and Empress Phoenix. Portrayed by Qin Junjie.
Prince Sirki Death Takes a Holiday Portrayed by Fredric March.
Einon Dragonheart He was formerly the prince who becomes a tyrannical king and shares part of the heart of the last dragon, Draco. He is the son of the late King Freyne and Queen Aislinn. Portrayed by Lee Oakes as a child and David Thewlis as an adult.
Edric Dragonheart: Battle for the Heartfire He is the biological son of the late King Walter of Britannia, grandson of King Gareth and Queen Rhonu and twin brother of Mehgan. Portrayed by Tom Rhys Harries.
Prince Azim The Drum Based on the novel of the same name by A. E. W. Mason. Portrayed by Sabu Dastagir.
Prince Ghul Portrayed by Raymond Massey.
Prince Harshvardhan Eklavya: The Royal Guard 2007 Indian film. Portrayed by Saif Ali Khan
Prince Udaywardhan Portrayed by Jimmy Sheirgill.
Prince Charmont Ella Enchanted Based on the 1997 book of the same name by Gail Carson Levine. Portrayed by Hugh Dancy.
Prince Johann The Emperor’s Candlesticks 1937 film based on the 1899 novel of the same name. Portrayed by Henry Stephenson.
Prince Edward Enchanted He is the prince from Andalasia who ends up confused with the world of New York once entering it; stepson of the evil Queen Narissa. Portrayed by James Marsden.
Prince Henry Ever After: A Cinderella Story 1998 film adaptation of «Cinderella» set in Renaissance France. Portrayed by Dougray Scott.
Prince Karl «Charles» von Waldron The Fall of a Nation Based on the novel of the same name. Portrayed by Percy Standing.
Prince Michael Fit for a King Portrayed by Donald Briggs.
Prince Michael Boris Alexis Gateway Portrayed by Gregory Ratoff.
George Jr. George of the Jungle 2 He is the Prince of the Jungle and the son of George of the Jungle and Ursula Stanhope. Portrayed by Angus T. Jones.
Prince Koura The Golden Voyage of Sinbad The main antagonist of the film. Portrayed by Tom Baker.
Friedrich Hapnick The Great Race He is the foppish and alcoholic crown prince of Carpania and the look-alike of villainous Professor Fate, whose Baron Rolf von Stuppe and General Kuhster plot for a military coup. Both Friedrich and Fate were portrayed by Jack Lemmon.
Fortinbras Hamlet Fortinbras, the Norwegian crown prince, has been included in only a couple of the adaptations of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, portrayed by a few different actors:

  • Fritz Achterberg in Hamlet: The Drama of Vengeance, a 1921 German silent film.
  • Rufus Sewell in Hamlet (1996).
Prince Hamlet Numerous adaptations of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet have been made over the years, starring several different actors. Some of these include:

  • Sarah Bernhardt in Le Duel d’Hamlet, the 1900 French film.
  • Ruggero Ruggeri in Hamlet (1917), the Italian silent film.
  • Asta Nielsen in Hamlet: The Drama of Vengeance, a 1921 German silent film.
  • Sohrab Modi in Khoon Ka Khoon, a 1935 Hindi/Urdu film.
  • Laurence Olivier in Hamlet (1948), a British film.
  • Maximilian Schell in Hamlet (1961), a German film.
  • Innokenti Smoktunovsky in Gamlet, a 1964 Russian film.
  • Nicol Williamson in Hamlet (1969), a British film.
  • Mel Gibson in Hamlet (1990).
  • Kenneth Branagh in Hamlet (1996).
Prince Nicholas/Nicki Here is My Heart Based on the play La Grande-Duchesse et le garçon d’étage by Alfred Savoir. Portrayed by Roland Young.
Prince Vladimir/Vova Portrayed by Reginald Owen.
Crown Prince Home Alone 4 Portrayed by Craig Geldenhuys.
Crown Prince Leopold The Illusionist The villainous and influential heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary. Portrayed by Rufus Sewell.
Prince Jeroným It Is Hell With the Princess[7] 2009 Czech film. Portrayed by Jiří Mádl.
John Carter John Carter Based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ A Princess of Mars. Portrayed by Taylor Kitsch.
Prince Joachim Jungle Cruise He was the ambitious German aristocrat who financed and led a military expedition to claim the Tree of Life for himself. He is loosely based on the real-life Prince Joachim of Prussia and was portrayed by Jesse Plemons.
Prince Julio Kath & Kimderella Julio, portrayed by Erin Mullally, is the prince of the former kingdom of Papilloma who is meant to be married to Kim Craig, but fails. He is the adoptive son of the last king Javier.
Yuvraj Vikram Singh Rathore Khoobsurat He is the prince of Rajasthan, older brother of Princess Divya and son of King Shekhar Singh and Queen Nirmala Devi Rathore, who marries Dr. Mili Chakravarty, although he was formerly a fiancé to Lady Kiara. Portrayed by Fawad Khan.
Prince Alexis King Kelly of the U.S.A. The prince of the neighboring country of Moronia who invades the kingdom of Belgardia and seizes its castle. Portrayed by William Orlamond.
Colwyn Krull Portrayed by Ken Marshall.
Prince Ferdi Zu Schwarzwald Lancer Spy Based on the story by Marthe McKenna. Portrayed by Joseph Schildkraut.
Mohammed Khan The Lives of a Bengal Lancer The well-known prince of the region. Portrayed by Douglass Dumbrille.
Prince Paul of Arvonne The Lone Wolf in Paris Portrayed by Pio Peretti.
Crown Prince Otto Long Live the King Based on the novel of the same name by Mary Roberts Rinehart. Portrayed by Jackie Coogan.
Boromir The Lord of the Rings The fallen prince of the Stewards of Gondor. Portrayed by Sean Bean.
Faramir The younger brother of Boromir. Portrayed by David Wenham.
Legolas Though he actually never held the title of «prince», he is the son of the elven King Thranduil of Mirkwood. Portrayed by Orlando Bloom.
Prince Ramo Lost in a Harem Portrayed by John Conte.
Prince Nicholas Alexnov Meet the Prince A former Russian prince who was bankrupted. Portrayed by Joseph Schildkraut.
Prince Danilo Petrovich The Merry Widow The nephew of King Nikita I of Monteblanco. Based on the operetta of the same name by Franz Lehár. Portrayed by John Gilbert.
Crown Prince Mirko Portrayed by Roy D’Arcy.
Prince Otto Von Liebenheim Monte Carlo Based on the novel Monsieur Beaucaire by Booth Tarkington. Portrayed by Claud Allister.
Prince Herbert Monty Python and the Holy Grail Portrayed by Terry Jones.
Prince Alexander «Alex» Theodore William Hendricks My Christmas Prince[8] He is the crown prince of Madelvia. Portrayed by Callum Alexander in the 2017 Lifetime television film.
Prince Colin My Summer Prince[9] The prince of Edgemere. Portrayed by Jack Turner in the 2016 Hallmark television film.
Prince de Namour de la Bonfain Naughty Marietta Based on the 1910 operetta of the same name by Victor Herbert. Portrayed by Douglass Dumbrille.
Prince Kishan North West Frontier The son of the recently deceased Hindu Maharajah. Portrayed by Govind Raja Ross.
Prince of Rapur The Notorious Lone Wolf Portrayed by Olaf Hytten.
Prince Kamal Khan Octopussy Exiled Afghan prince and the secondary antagonist of the film. Portrayed by Louis Jourdan.
Prince Karl Old Heidelberg
  • Old Heidelberg (1915), an American silent film starring Wallace Reid.
  • Old Heidelberg (1923), a German silent drama starring Paul Hartmann.
  • The Student Prince in Old Heidelberg (1927), the MGM silent film starring Ramon Novarro.
  • The Student Prince (1954), a musical film starring Edmund Purdom.
  • Old Heidelberg (1959), the West German film starring Christian Wolff.

Based on the 1901 play by Wilhelm Meyer-Förster and the 1924 operetta by Sigmund Romberg.

Prince Ahmud Omar Khayyam Portrayed by Perry Lopez.
Prince Malik Portrayed by John Derek.
Prince Eric Paid to Love Portrayed by William Powell.
Crown Prince Michael Portrayed by George O’Brien.
Yuvraj Ajay Singh Prem Ratan Dhan Payo The antagonist of the Indian film. Portrayed by Neil Nitin Mukesh.
Prem Dilwale He is married to Princess Maithili Devi. Portrayed by Salman Khan.
Yuvraj Vijay Singh The crown prince of Pritampur, the half-brother of Ajay and the doppelgänger of Prem. Also portrayed by Salman Khan.
Prince Frederick Pretty Princess 1993 Italian film, portrayed by Adam Barker.
Prince Max The ruler of a small principality of Liechtenhaus and the father of Princess Sofia. Portrayed by David Warner.
Prince Shamsher Singh Prince Portrayed by Shammi Kapoor.
Edvard III/Eddie Williams The Prince & Me;
The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding;
The Prince & Me: A Royal Honeymoon;
The Prince & Me: The Elephant Adventure
The former crown prince, and now king, of Denmark and the son of King Haraald and Queen Rosalind. Portrayed by Luke Mably and Chris Geere.
Prince Albert The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding Portrayed by Jim Holt.
Prince Vladimir Portrayed by Mirek Hrabe.
Prince Georgiev The Prince & Me: A Royal Honeymoon The prince of Belavia. Portrayed by Valentin Ganev.
Alu The Prince & Me: The Elephant Adventure He is married to Princess Myra to become the king of Sangyoon. Portrayed by Amarin Cholvibul.
Velen The Prince and the Evening Star The son of the Old King. Portrayed by Juraj Ďurdiak in the 1979 Czech film.
Edward Tudor, Prince of Wales The Prince and the Pauper Multiple film adaptations of Mark Twain’s novel have been made. Some of these include:

  • The Prince and the Pauper (1909), a two-reel short, with Cecil Spooner as Edward, featuring rare film footage of Mark Twain, shot by Thomas Edison at Twain’s Connecticut home.
  • The Prince and the Pauper (1915), the lost silent film with Marguerite Clark as Edward
  • The Prince and the Pauper (1920), an Austrian film with Tibor Lubinszky.
  • The Prince and the Pauper (1937), with Bobby Mauch as Edward.
  • The Prince and the Pauper (1977), also known as Crossed Swords, with Mark Lester as Edward.
  • The Prince and the Pauper (2000), a British film with Jonathan Timmins as Edward.
Prince Charles The Prince and the Showgirl The regent prince of Carpathia. Based on Terence Rattigan’s play The Sleeping Prince. Portrayed by Laurence Olivier.
Prince Edward The Prince and the Surfer The prince of Gelfland, and the son of Queen Albertina, who trades places with skateboarding surfer Cash Canty. Both Edward and Cash are portrayed by Sean Kellman in the updated adaptation of The Prince and the Pauper.
Prince «Charming» John Prince Charming The Prince of Anwyn who is cursed as a frog. Portrayed by Sean Maguire in the 2001 television film.
Prince Duncan A Prince for Christmas 2015 Starz television film. Duncan is the prince and the heir of Balemont, portrayed by Kirk Barker.
Dastan Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time He was adopted by King Sharaman of Persia. Based on the video game of the same name. Portrayed by Jake Gyllenhaal.
Prince Garsiv Portrayed by Toby Kebbell.
Prince Nizam The brother of King Sharaman. Portrayed by Ben Kingsley.
Prince Tus Portrayed by Richard Coyle.
Prince Valiant Prince Valiant
  • Robert Wagner in the 1954 version.
  • Stephen Moyer in the 1997 version.
Prince Humperdinck The Princess Bride Based on the novel of the same name. Portrayed by Chris Sarandon.
Prince Regent Princess Caraboo Portrayed by John Sessions.
Prince Ashton A Princess for Christmas The prince of Castlebury. Portrayed by Sam Heughan in the 2011 Hallmark television film.
Eddie O’Rourke Princess O’Rourke Portrayed by Robert Cummings, Eddie is married to Princess Maria. 1943 romantic comedy similar to the 1953 film Roman Holiday.
Prince Philip Princess of Thieves The illegitimate son of the late King Richard the Lionheart, based on the historical Philip of Cognac. Portrayed by Stephen Moyer in the 2001 television film inspired by the Robin Hood legend.
Prince Edward Wyndham The Princess Switch He is the crown prince of the Kingdom of Belgravia and the son of King George and Queen Caroline Wyndham. The films are inspired by Mark Twain’s novel The Prince and the Pauper. Portrayed by Sam Palladio.
Kevin Richards He becomes the future prince consort under the marriage of Lady Margaret Delacourt, duchess of Montenaro. Portrayed by Nick Sagar.
Prince Nikolas Pursuit to Algiers Portrayed by Leslie Vincent.
The Prince Pygmalion Based on the play of the same name. Portrayed by Leo Genn (uncredited).
Prince Wolfram Queen Kelly Portrayed by Walter Byron.
Shamsher Singh Raaj Tilak Portrayed by Raj Kiran.
Yuvraj Narendradev Raja Aur Runk The 1968 Bollywood film based on Mark Twain’s The Prince and the Pauper. Portrayed by Mahesh Kothare.
Rajkumar Rajkumar Portrayed by Anil Kapoor.
Crown Prince Lee Young Rampant The son of King Lee Jo and the crown prince of the Joseon dynasty. Portrayed by Kim Tae-woo.
Prince Paul Chegodieff Rasputin and the Empress Portrayed by John Barrymore.
Rajkumar Chakravarthy Rathnagiri Rahasya Rajkumar, portrayed by Udaykumar, is a prince who ends up becoming a vicious caveman after being separated from his royal family. There is also a similar Indian film Thangamalai Ragasiyam featuring Sivaji Ganesan as Prince Gajendran.
Prince Ken Arok Road to Bali He is a crafty prince of Bali and the cousin of Princess Lala McTavish. Portrayed by Murvyn Vye.
Prince John Robin Hood
  • Sam De Grasse in Robin Hood (1922)
  • Claude Rains in The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
  • George Macready in Rogues of Sherwood Forest (1950)
  • Hubert Gregg in The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1952)
  • Edward Fox in Robin Hood (1991)
  • Richard Lewis in Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
  • Jonathan Hyde in Princess of Thieves (2001)
  • Oscar Isaac in Robin Hood (2010)
Prince Serge The Rogue Song Portrayed by Ullrich Haupt.
Prince Escalus Romeo and Juliet
  • Horace Vinton in the 1916 silent film version.
  • Conway Tearle in the 1936 version.
  • Robert Stephens in the 1968 version.
  • Stellan Skarsgård in the 2013 version.

Based on the tragic play by William Shakespeare.

Freddie Granton The Royal Bed He was speedily married to Princess Anne. Based on the 1928 play The Queen’s Husband by Robert E. Sherwood. Portrayed by Anthony Bushell.
Crown Prince William of Grec Portrayed by Hugh Trevor.
Prince Leopold/Leo James A Royal Christmas He is the prince and heir to the throne of Cordinia. Portrayed by Stephen Hagan in the 2014 Hallmark television film.
Prince Sebastian Royal Matchmaker[10] The son of King Edward. 2018 Hallmark television film. Portrayed by Will Kemp.
Prince Jeffrey Royal New Year’s Eve[11] 2017 Hallmark television film. Portrayed by Sam Page.
Prince Thomas The Royal Treatment He is the prince of Lavania, and the son of King John and Queen Catherine, whose Manhattan hairdresser Izzy works at his wedding. He is portrayed by Mena Massoud.[12]
Prince Daniel Royally Ever After[13] The prince of St Ives. Portrayed by Torrance Coombs in the 2018 television film.
Ruslan Ruslan and Ludmila Based on the Russian poem of the same name. Portrayed by Valeri Kozinets.
Sandokan Sandokan films The following movies are all based the Sandokan novels by Emilio Salgari.

  • Luigi Pavese in Pirates of Malaya (Italian: I pirati della Malesia) and The Two Tigers (Italian: Le due tigri), both released in 1941.
  • Steve Reeves in Sandokan the Great (Italian: Sandokan, la tigre di Mompracem) (1963) and Pirates of Malaysia (Italian: I pirati della Malesia) (1964)
  • Ray Danton in Sandokan to the Rescue (Italian: Sandokan alla riscossa) and Sandokan Against the Leopard of Sarawak (Italian: Sandokan contro il leopardo di Sarawak), released in 1964.
  • Mimmo Palmara in Temple of the White Elephant (aka Sandok, il Maciste della giungla) (1964)
  • Ivan Rassimov in The Tigers of Mompracem (1970)
Prince Ali Secret of Stamboul Portrayed by Cecil Ramage.
Prince Edmnond/Inmate 34 Secret Society of Second-Born Royals A sinister who kills his brother King Robert and plans to take down the monarchy of Illyria. He is the villainous uncle of Princesses Samantha and Eleanor. Portrayed by Greg Bryk.
Prince Matteo He is one of the members of the Secret Society of Second-Born Royals. Portrayed by Faly Rakotohavana.
Prince Tuma He is the other member of the Secret Society of Second-Born Royals. Portrayed by Niles Fitch.
Prince George Seven Nights in Japan Portrayed by Michael York.
Tao Hing Shaolin Prince Portrayed by Ti Lung.
Wong Szu Tai Portrayed by Derek Yee.
Prince Alexis Sherlock Holmes Portrayed by Reginald Denny.
Prince Abdullah Khan The Sign of Four Based on the British novel of the same name featuring Sherlock Holmes. Portrayed by Fred Raynham.
Prince Gianfranco di Siracusa Silver Bears The prince of Italy. Portrayed by Louis Jourdan.
Captain Arkadiy Trubetskoy The Silver Skates In English known as Prince Arkady, he is the prince of the Russian Empire who serves as an officer of the Guard Department. Portrayed by Kirill Zaytsev.
Prince Kassim Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger The prince of Charak who was going to be crowned Caliph but was transformed into a baboon by his evil stepmother, Queen Zenobia. Portrayed by Damien Thomas.
Prince Ali Sinbad of the Seven Seas Portrayed by Roland Wybenga.
Prince Edward The Slipper and the Rose He is the prince of Euphrania, in the retelling fairy tale of «Cinderella». Portrayed by Richard Chamberlain.
Duke of Montague He is the cousin of Prince Edward. Portrayed by Julian Orchard.
Prince The Snow Queen The 2005 BBC television film based on Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale of the same name. Portrayed by Bradie Whetham.
The Prince Snow White Numerous adaptations of the Snow White story have been made over the years, which starred several different actors as well as different names for the Prince from the story. Some include:

  • Creighton Hale as Prince Florimond in Snow White, the 1916 silent film.
  • Roberto Risso as Prince Charming in The Seven Dwarfs to the Rescue (Italian: I sette nani alla riscossa), the 1951 Italian comedy film.
  • Niels Clausnitzer as Prince Edelmunt in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (German: Schneewittchen und die 7 Zwerge), the 1955 German film.
  • Edson Stroll as Prince Charming in Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961)
  • James Ian Wright as The Prince in Snow White, the 1987 musical film.
  • Tyron Leitso as Prince Alfred in Snow White: The Fairest of Them All (2001)
  • Jamie Thomas King as Prince Alexander in Grimm’s Snow White (2012)
  • Armie Hammer as Prince Andrew Alcott in Mirror Mirror (2012)
  • Sam Claflin as William in Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)
Prince Paul Pavlov The Son of Monte Cristo Portrayed by Michael Visaroff.
Lone Starr Spaceballs He marries Princess Vespa. Portrayed by Bill Pullman.
Prince Valium Portrayed by Jim J. Bullock.
Bail Prestor Organa Star Wars Formally styled as His Serene Highness, Bail Organa is the Prince, First Chairman and Viceroy of the planet Alderaan. He is the consort of Queen Breha Organa and the adoptive father of Princess Leia Organa.

Portrayed by Jimmy Smits in:

  • Attack of the Clones
  • Revenge of the Sith
  • Rogue One
Princes from Stardust Stardust
  • Prince Primus, portrayed by Jason Flemyng
  • Prince Secundus, portrayed by Rupert Everett
  • Prince Tertius, portrayed by Mark Heap
  • The ghost of Prince Quartus, portrayed by Julian Rhind-Tutt
  • The ghost of Prince Quintus, portrayed by Adam Buxton
  • The ghost of Prince Sextus, portrayed by David Walliams

Based upon the 1999 novel of the same name by Neil Gaiman.

Ramin Khan Storm Over Bengal The Maharajah of Lhanapur and the main antagonist of the film. Portrayed by Douglass Dumbrille.
Prince Courageous The Strange Adventures of Prince Courageous The son of King Lagg. 1923 silent film series starring Arthur Trimble as a child and William Butts as an adult.
Crown Prince Albert The Swan
  • Adolphe Menjou in The Swan (1925).
  • Rod La Rocque in the One Romantic Night (1930).
  • Alec Guinness in The Swan (1956).

Based on the 1920 play, The Swan by Ferenc Molnár.

Prince Arsene
  • George Walcott in The Swan (1925)
  • Byron Sage in One Romantic Night (1930)
  • Christopher Cook in The Swan (1956)
Prince George
  • Joseph Depew in The Swan (1925)
  • Philippe De Lacy in One Romantic Night (1930)
  • Van Dyke Parks in The Swan (1956)
Elias Tale of Tales Prince of Longtrellis; portrayed by Christian Lees. Based on the fairy tale collection «Pentamerone».
Prince Chung Thank You, Mr. Moto Based on the novel of the same name by John P. Marquand. Portrayed by Philip Ahn.
Prince Kurt von Rotenberg They Dare Not Love The main character who flees Austria. Portrayed by George Brent.
Ahmed The Thief of Bagdad (1924)
The Thief of Bagdad (1940)
This character appears in the 1924 silent version and the 1940 Technicolor version of this story, loosely based on the adaptation of the story of «Aladdin». Portrayed by Douglas Fairbanks in 1924 and John Justin in 1940.

There are also other princes featured in the 1924 version of the film:

  • Cham Shang, Prince of the Mongols, portrayed by Sojin Kamiyama
  • The Prince of Indies, portrayed by Noble Johnson
  • The Prince of Persia, portrayed by Mathilde Comont (uncredited)
Prince Osman The Thief of Baghdad (1961) Portrayed by Arturo Dominici.
Prince Taj The Thief of Baghdad (1978) Prince Taj of Sakkar. Portrayed by Kabir Bedi.
Prince Rudolph Thin Ice Portrayed by Tyrone Power.
Loki Laufeyson Thor He is the prince of Asgard who is adopted by its King Odin and Queen Frigga; the biological son of Laufey. Portrayed by Tom Hiddleston.
Thor Odinson He is the crown prince, and later king, of Asgard, the son of King Odin and Queen Frigga and adoptive brother of Loki Laufeyson. Portrayed by Chris Hemsworth.
Prince Mikail Alexandrovitch Ouratieff Tovarich Portrayed by Charles Boyer.
Prince Agis The Triumph of Love 2001 film based on the three-act comic play and musical of the same name. Portrayed by Jay Rodan.
Prince Florizel of Corovia Trouble for Two Based on the short story «The Suicide Club» by Robert Louis Stevenson. Portrayed by Robert Montgomery.
Prince Henry Two Guys from Milwaukee The prince of the Balkans and one of the main characters of the film. Portrayed by Dennis Morgan.
Prince Nicolai Poliakoff The Unholy Garden Portrayed by Mischa Auer.
The Prince Vanjikottai Valiban He is the heir of the Vanjikottai Kingdom and the brother of Princess Padma. Portrayed by Master Murali.
Prince Gustav Waltzes from Vienna Portrayed by Frank Vosper.
Prince Bohemund of Tarentum The Wandering Jew Portrayed by Bertram Wallis.
Prince Andrei Bolkonsky War and Peace The 1956 film based on the novel of the same name. Portrayed by Mel Ferrer.
Prince Vasily Kuragin Portrayed by Tullio Carminati.
Prince Dmitri Nekhlyudov We Live Again Based on the novel Resurrection by Leo Tolstoy. Portrayed by Fredric March.
Prince Nickolas «Nicki» von Wildeliebe-rauffenburg The Wedding March Portrayed by Erich von Stroheim.
Prince Ottokar Portrayed by George Fawcett.
Hannoc When the Redskins Rode He is the tribal prince of the Delaware Native Americans and the son of Chief Shingiss. Portrayed by Jon Hall.
Prince Emile A Winter Princess[14] 2019 Hallmark television film. Portrayed by Brendon Zub.
Prince Gustav Portrayed by Casey Manderson.
Prince Kynd The Wizard of Oz Portrayed by Bryant Washburn.
Prince Erman Wizards of the Lost Kingdom II He is the prince, and later king, of Baldor. Portrayed by Blake Bahner.
Prince Hassan Women of All Nations Portrayed by Bela Lugosi.
Prince Marcus Yahudi Ki Ladki
  • Yahudi Ki Ladki (1933), portrayed by K.L. Saigal
  • Yahudi Ki Ladki (1957)
  • Yahudi (1958), portrayed by Dilip Kumar

Based on the Urdu play of the same name by Agha Hashar Kashmiri.

Prince Caryl Young April Prince of Belgravia. Based on the novel of the same name by Egerton Castle. Portrayed by Joseph Schildkraut.
Prince Michael The unethical brother of Caryl. Portrayed by Bryant Washburn.



Disney prince(s) Film(s) Notes
Prince Achmed Aladdin Voiced by Corey Burton.
Aladdin («Prince Ali») He is the titular protagonist of the film, who wishes to become a wealthy prince so that he can win over a heart of Princess Jasmine. Voiced by Scott Weinger; singing voice by Brad Kane.
Bambi Bambi;
Bambi II
Based on the novel Bambi, a Life in the Woods by Felix Salten, Bambi is the young prince of the forest whose mother was shot and killed during winter. He was originally voiced by Donnie Dunagan as a fawn, Hardie Albright as an adolescent deer and John Sutherland as a young buck, and by Alexander Gould in the sequel.
Great Prince of the Forest Bambi’s widowed father and the ruler of the forest. Voiced by Fred Shields (original) and Patrick Stewart (sequel).
Prince Adam/The Beast Beauty and the Beast Voiced by Robby Benson.
Harris, Hubert and Hamish Brave Triplet sons of King Fergus and Queen Elinor of DunBroch and three younger brothers of Princess Merida.
Prince Wheeliam Cars 2 He is a royal Bentley Continental GT car, based on the real-life Prince William, Duke of Cambridge; grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.
Prince Charming Cinderella Originally voiced by William Edward Phipps; singing voice by Mike Douglas.
Prince Hans Westergaard Frozen He is the villainous prince from the Southern Isles, the nemesis of Elsa the Snow Queen of Arendelle and the former love interest of her sister Princess Anna. Voiced by Santino Fontana.
Hercules Hercules Loosely based on the mythological deity Heracles (Hercules), he is the biological son of King Zeus and Queen Hera of the Gods in Mount Olympus, possibly making him the God Prince. He has been raised as a human being by farmers Amphitryon and Alcmene but retains his god-like strength. Voiced by Josh Keaton as a teenager and Tate Donovan as an adult; singing voice by Roger Bart.
Simba The Lion King;
The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride;
The Lion King 1½
Formerly the prince of the Pride Lands, son of the late King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi, he becomes a new king of the Pride Lands after his father’s death. Voiced by Jonathan Taylor Thomas (singing voice by Jason Weaver) as a cub and Matthew Broderick (singing voice by Joseph Williams) as an adult.
Prince Eric The Little Mermaid;
The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea
He is the human prince who was rescued by the Mermaid Princess Ariel from a shipwreck and was later married to have a daughter Melody. Voiced by Christopher Daniel Barnes (original) and Rob Paulsen (sequel).
Li Shang Mulan;
Mulan II
While in actuality he is neither a prince by birth nor by marriage, Shang is considered one of the Disney Princes though he is the Chinese army captain, son of the late General Li, because his respective love interest Fa Mulan is the member of the official Disney Princess lineup.[15] Voiced by BD Wong (speaking) and Donny Osmond (singing).
Prince Jeeki Mulan II The son of Lord Qin of Qigong. Voiced by Rob Paulsen.
John Smith Pocahontas Loosely based on the real-life John Smith. Although he is actually just the English explorer and the captain, John is considered one of the Disney Princes because of Pocahontas, his respective love interest, who is one of the official Disney Princesses to the English.[15] Voiced by Mel Gibson; singing voice by Corey Burton.
Prince Mickey The Prince and the Pauper He is the mouse prince of England who trades places with the mouse pauper. Both Prince and Pauper were portrayed by a famous Disney character, Mickey Mouse (voiced by Wayne Allwine).
Prince Naveen The Princess and the Frog He is the prince from the fictional kingdom of Maldonia who moves to New Orleans but gets turned into a frog. Naveen was originally planning to marry Charlotte La Bouff, but was later married to Tiana after breaking the spell. He is inspired by the title character from «The Frog Prince» as well as Prince Eadric from the novel «The Frog Princess», and was voiced by Bruno Campos.
Prince John Robin Hood Voiced by Peter Ustinov.
Prince Phillip Sleeping Beauty He is the son and heir of King Hubert and the husband of Princess Aurora. He was named after Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (husband and consort of Queen Elizabeth II), since he was one of the few actual princes familiar to the Disney animators. Originally voiced by Bill Shirley.
The Prince Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs He is a prince who appears in the first scene where he hears Snow White singing at the wishing well and later reappears to revive her with a kiss. Originally voiced by Harry Stockwell.
Arthur Pendragon («Wart») The Sword in the Stone Based on the 1938 novel of the same name by T. H. White, Arthur was formerly the prince of England, foster son of Sir Ector, and later king of England; son of the late King Uther Pendragon. Voiced by Rickie Sorensen, Richard and Robert Reitherman.
Eugene Fitzherbert
(aka Flynn Rider)
Tangled He marries Princess Rapunzel. Voiced by Zachary Levi.


Fictional prince Film(s) Notes
Prince Achmed The Adventures of Prince Achmed The eponymous character in the 1926 German film based on a combination of the stories of «The Story of Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Paribanou» and «Aladdin» from One Thousand and One Nights. The oldest surviving animated feature film.
Prince Amat Alakazam the Great The son of King Amo and Queen Amas. Voiced by Nobuaki Sekine.
Frowning Prince Alice of Wonderland in Paris 1966 anthology film that includes a brief adaptation of a short story The Frowning Prince by Crockett Johnson. Voiced by Howard Morris.
Zane Barbie: A Fairy Secret The Italian fairy who marries the Fairy-Princess Graciella. Voiced by Silvio Pollio.
Twin Princes Barbie & the Diamond Castle
  • Prince Jeremy, voiced by Jeremy From.
  • Prince Ian, voiced by Noel Johansen.
Aidan Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus He is married to Princess Annika. Voiced by Mark Hildreth.
Prince Kieran Barbie and the Secret Door Voiced by Andrew Francis.
Prince Louis Barbie and the Three Musketeers He is the crown prince, and later king, of the kingdom of France. Voiced by Mark Hildreth.
Prince Stefan Barbie as Rapunzel Voiced by Mark Hildreth.
Tommy Stefan’s younger brother. Voiced by Danny McKinnon
Prince Antonio Barbie as the Island Princess The prince of Apollonia. Voiced by Alessandro Juliani.
Azul «Prince Azul Vasu Morantha the Fourth». Voiced by Steve Marvel.
Julian Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper He was formerly the tutor of, and now married to, Princess Anneliese. Voiced Alessandro Juliani.
Prince Nalu Barbie: Fairytopia;
Barbie Fairytopia: Mermaidia
He is the merprince of Mermaidia. Voiced by Alessandro Juliani.
Derek Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses He marries Princess Genevieve. Voiced by Shawn Macdonald.
Prince Eric Barbie in the Nutcracker The prince, and later king, of Parthenia who has been cursed as a nutcracker. Voiced by Kirby Morrow.
Prince Daniel Barbie of Swan Lake Voiced by Mark Hildreth.
Prince Nicholas Barbie: Princess Charm School He is the prince who attends the Prince Charming Academy. Voiced by Vincent Tong.
Prince Leo Barbie: Star Light Adventure The naïve prince of Kumai who is the fastest pilot in the galaxy. Voiced by Robbie Daymond.
Prince Liam Barbie: The Princess & the Popstar He is the prince of Stuffinsburg. Portrayed by Ken; voiced by Adrian Petriw.
Prince Abba-Dabba Bugs Bunny’s 3rd Movie: 1001 Rabbit Tales Voiced by Lennie Weinrib.
Prince Lune The Cat Returns Based on the manga Baron: The Cat Returns. Voiced by Andrew Bevis in English and Takayuki Yamada in Japanese.
Prince Phillipe Charming Charming Voiced by Wilmer Valderrama.
Arabian Prince The Chipmunk Adventure Voiced by Nancy Cartwright.
Prince Meru Chō Gekijōban Keroro Gunsō 2: Shinkai no Princess de Arimasu! He is the prince of Maron, the fictional planet of water. Voiced by Houko Kuwashima.
Prince Gorman Crayon Shin-chan: Great Adventure in Henderland He is the prince from Hendarando and the fiancé of Princess Memory Mimori. Voiced by Sōichirō Hoshi.
Prince Sunnosukeshi Crayon Shin-chan: The Hidden Treasure of the Buri Buri Kingdom He is the prince of the Buri Buri Kingdom and the doppelgänger of Shin-chan. Voiced by Taeko Yamada.
Prince Tio Doraemon: Nobita and the Legend of the Sun King He is the young prince of the Mesoamerican kingdom of Mayana. Voiced by Megumi Ogata.
Prince Dev Dragons: Fire and Ice Voiced by Mark Hildreth.
Prince Ivan Enchanted Princess[16] Voiced by Anton Makarskiy.
Prince Albrecht Faeries The faery prince and ruler of Faeryland. Voiced by Dougray Scott.
Prince Cream Fairy Tail the Movie: Phoenix Priestess The vain duke of Veronica.
Prince Taro Fire and Ice He was the brother of Princess Teegra. Modeled and voiced by William Ostrander.
Prince David Gulliver’s Travels Voiced by Lanny Ross.
The Prince Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Mermaid Voiced by Taro Shigaki in Japanese and Ian Finlay in English.
The Prince Happily Ever After Voiced by Michael Horton.
Prince Zeke HappinessCharge PreCure! the Movie: The Ballerina of the Land of Dolls The prince of the Doll Kingdom. Voiced by Daisuke Ono.
Prince Justin
Howl’s Moving Castle Based on the novel of the same name, he is the missing prince who has been transformed into a scarecrow. Voiced by Crispin Freeman in English and Yō Ōizumi in Japanese.
Prince Ivan Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf;
Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf 2;
Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf 3
Voiced by Nikita Yefremov.
Prince Chulalongkorn The King and I Loosely on the real-life Chulalongkorn. Voiced by Allen D. Hong; singing voice by David Burnham.
Last Prince The Last Prince of Atlantis[17] He is known as the last surviving prince from Atlantis who spent thousands of years in a stone sarcophagus.
Prince Lír The Last Unicorn Based on Peter S. Beagle’s novel of the same name. Voiced by Jeff Bridges.
Prince Dando Little Insects[18] Voiced by Gregory Poppen.
Prince Nemo Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland Voiced by Gabriel Damon in English and Takuma Gōno in Japanese.
Little Prince/Mr. Prince The Little Prince Based on the 1943 novella of the same name by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Voiced by Riley Osborne as a child and Paul Rudd as an adult.
Legolas The Lord of the Rings Voiced by Anthony Daniels.
Prince Panish Lupin III: Dead or Alive He is the only surviving member of the royal family of Zufu. Voiced by Tōru Furuya in Japanese and Sonny Strait in English.
Bob Muzzy in Gondoland;
Muzzy Comes Back
He is married to Princess Sylvia to have a baby daughter Amanda. Voiced by Derek Griffiths.
Asbel (Milo) Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind The twin brother of the deceased Princess Lastelle of Pejite. 1984 anime film by Hayao Miyazaki based on his manga of the same name. In Japanese, he is voiced by Yōji Matsuda. In English, he was dubbed by Cam Clarke in New World Pictures version and then Shia LaBeouf in Disney version.
Prince Hans The Nutcracker Prince Voiced by Kiefer Sutherland.
Prince Alexander The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie He is the leek prince of Monteria and the older brother of Princess Eloise. Voiced by Yuri Lowenthal.
Raleigh Pokémon the Movie: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel He is the prince of the Azoth Kingdom and the younger brother of Princess Kimia. Voiced by Laurie Hymes in English and Shoko Nakagawa in Japanese.
Moses The Prince of Egypt Moses was adopted by Pharaoh Seti and Queen Tuya. Based on the biblical figure of Moses; voiced by Val Kilmer (speaking) and Amick Byram (singing).
Rameses The former prince, and now pharaoh, of Egypt who was the adoptive brother of Moses, the son of Pharaoh Seti and Queen Tuya, and the main antagonist of the film. Based on the biblical figure of Rameses II; voiced by Ralph Fiennes.
Rameses’ Son The young prince of Egypt. Voiced by Bobby Motown.
Prince Froglip The Princess and the Goblin Voiced by Rik Mayall.
Prince Rollo The Princess and the Pea Voiced by Steven Webb (speaking) and Dan Finnerty (singing).
Prince Anthony The Princess Castle[19] The son of Queen Emma. 1996 film produced by Golden Films.
Prince Eis Princess Lillifee and the Little Unicorn (Prinzessin Lillifee und das kleine Einhorn) Voiced by Patrick Roche.
Prince Tau Voiced by Roman Wolko.
Ashitaka Princess Mononoke He is the last prince of the Emishi tribe. Voiced by Billy Crudup in English and Yōji Matsuda in Japanese.
Garrett Quest for Camelot Garrett holds an honorary title as a knight of the Round Table, while in actuality he is neither a prince by birth nor by marriage. Voiced by Cary Elwes; singing voice by Bryan White.
Prince Kirin Ranma ½: Big Trouble in Nekonron, China Voiced by John Payne in English and Kaneto Shiozawa in Japanese.
Prince Tutankhaten La Reine Soleil Voiced by David Scarpuzza.
The Prince Romeo & Juliet: Sealed with a Kiss Voiced by Phil Nibbelink.
Amin La Rosa di Bagdad He marries Princess Zeila. Voiced by Patricia Hayes.
Prince Omar Scooby-Doo! in Where’s My Mummy? Voiced by Ajay Naidu.
Prince Sirius The Sea Prince and the Fire Child Also known as Syrius in English, he is the son and heir of the Water God Glaucus of the Sea Kingdom. Voiced by Tōru Furuya in Japanese and Tony Oliver in English.
Shrek Shrek Shrek, the eponymous protagonist of the franchise, becomes the husband of Princess Fiona (only when she becomes an ogre like himself), but still lives in the Swamp with her. Voiced by Mike Myers in the film series and Michael Gough in the video game series.
Prince Charming Shrek 2 He is one of the main antagonists of the film series. Voiced by Rupert Everett.
Two Princes Sinbad The two sons of King Jamaal of Salabat. The Golden Films version of the tale of Sinbad the Sailor.
Prince Proteus Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas The prince of Syracuse. Voiced by Joseph Fiennes.
Thorp Smallfoot The son of the Yeti Village chief called the Stonekeeper; the older brother of Meechee. Voiced by Jimmy Tatro.
The Prince The Snow Queen
  • Vera Bendina in the 1957 Soviet animated film.
  • Rowan D’Albert in the 1995 British animated film.
  • Christopher Corey Smith in the 2012 Russian 3D animated film.

Based on the fairy tale of the same name by Hans Christian Andersen.

Ruslan The Stolen Princess He marries Princess Mila. Voiced by Oleksiy Zavgorodniy.
Prince Derek The Swan Princess Voiced by Howard McGillin.
Prince Ishitsukuri The Tale of the Princess Kaguya Based on the legendary Japanese folklore The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. Voiced by James Marsden in English and Takaya Kamikawa in Japanese.
Prince Kuramochi Voiced by Beau Bridges in English and Isao Hashizume in Japanese.
Prince Lebannen/Arren Tales from Earthsea The prince of Enlad and one of the main characters of the film, based on the novel series Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin. Voiced by Matt Levin in English and Junichi Okada in Japanese.
Tack The Thief and the Cobbler
(The Princess and the Cobbler)
He marries Princess Yum-Yum. Voiced by Steve Lively in the Majestic Films version, and by Matthew Broderick in Miramax version with a singing voice by Steve Lively.
Prince Cornelius Thumbelina Based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, Cornelius is the prince of the Fairies and the son of King Colbert and Queen Tabitha in the 1994 adaption of «Thumbelina», voiced by Gary Imhoff. Other adaptions include:

  • Thumbelina, 1978 anime film featuring Noriko Ohara as the Prince of Tulips.
  • The Adventures of Tom Thumb and Thumbelina, starring Elijah Wood as Tom Thumb/Horace.
Prince Cooper Trolls;
Trolls World Tour
He is a giraffe-like rap-playing troll who is the long-lost prince of the Funk Trolls, the son of King Quincy and Queen Essence and the twin brother of Prince D. Voiced by Ron Funches.
King Gristle Jr. He was formerly the prince of the Bergens in the beginning of the first film. Voiced by Christopher Mintz-Plasse.
Pierre The Wonderful World of Puss ‘n Boots Voiced by Jack Grimes in English and Toshiko Fujita in Japanese.


Live action[edit]

Fictional prince Series title Notes
Prince Arthur The Adventures of Robin Hood Based on the historical Arthur I, Duke of Brittany. Portrayed by Peter Asher (three episodes, series 1 & 2), Richard O’Sullivan (one episode, series 3) and Jonathon Bailey (one episode, series 4)
Prince John Portrayed by Donald Pleasence, Hubert Gregg, and Brian Haines.
Runyu Ashes of Love The eldest prince of the Heaven realm and the Night God; the older son of the Heavenly Emperor Taiwei. Portrayed by Luo Yunxi.
Xufeng The second prince of the Heaven realm, the Fire God and the God of War; the younger son of Emperor Taiwei and Runyu’s younger brother. He later becomes the Demon King after his revival. Portrayed by Deng Lun.
Princes of Aragon BBC Television Shakespeare
  • Don Pedro, portrayed by Jon Finch.
  • Don John, portrayed by Vernon Dobtcheff.

They both appeared in the episode «Much Ado About Nothing».

Prince Escalus Portrayed by Laurence Naismith in the episode «Romeo & Juliet».
Prince Ferdinand Portrayed by Christopher Guard in the episode «The Tempest».
Crown Prince Fortinbras Portrayed by Ian Charleson in the episode «Hamlet, Prince of Denmark».
Prince Hamlet Portrayed by Derek Jacobi in the episode «Hamlet, Prince of Denmark».
Prince Othello Portrayed by Anthony Hopkins in the episode «Othello».
Prince Pericles Portrayed by Mike Gwilym in the episode «Pericles, Prince of Tyre».
Prince Yubi Benji, Zax & the Alien Prince The crown prince and rightful heir of the fictional planet of Antars. Portrayed by Christopher Burton.
George Blackadder Based on the historical figure of George IV of the United Kingdom. Portrayed by Hugh Laurie.
Prince Ludwig the Indestructible Portrayed by Hugh Laurie in the episode «Chains».
Prince Dakkar/Nana Sagib/Captain Nemo Captain Nemo 1975 miniseries loosely based on Jules Verne’s classic novels Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, The Mysterious Island and The Steam House. Portrayed by Vladislav Dvorzhetsky.
Prince Buldont/Sprocket Chōriki Sentai Ohranger/Power Rangers Zeo He is the son of Emperor Bacchus Wrath/King Mondo and Empress Hysteria/Queen Machina of the Machine Empire Baranoia. Voiced by Tomokazu Seki in Chōriki Sentai Ohranger and Barbara Goodson in Power Rangers Zeo.
Prince Michael Dynasty He is the heir of the European kingdom of Moldavia who has been arranged to marry Amanda Carrington, although he was originally in relationship to Duchess Elena. However, their wedding was intervened by a political coup in attempt to kill Michael’s father, King Galen. Prince Michael was portrayed by Michael Praed.
Junior Gorg Fraggle Rock He is the self-proclaimed prince and heir-apparent of the «Universe» with his parents as its king and queen. Performed by Richard Hunt.
Farad’n Frank Herbert’s Children of Dune The son of Princess Wensicia. 2003 miniseries based on the Dune novels by Frank Herbert. Portrayed by Jonathan Büün.
Prince Harry Galavant Prince of Hortensia. Portrayed by Kemaal Deen-Ellis.
Joffrey Baratheon Game of Thrones He was formerly the Crown Prince of the Seven Kingdoms, legal son of King Robert Baratheon and biological son of Cersei and Jaime Lannister; older brother of Tommen and Myrcella Baratheon. He becomes the king of the Seven Kingdoms after his legal father’s death. Based on A Song of Ice and Fire novel series. Portrayed by Jack Gleeson.
Tommen Baratheon He is the younger brother of Joffrey and Myrcella Baratheon and the husband of Margaery Tyrell. Portrayed by Callum Wharry (seasons 1-2) and Dean-Charles Chapman (seasons 4-6).
Theon Greyjoy He is the son of King Balon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands. Portrayed by Alfie Allen.
Doran Martell He is the prince of Dorne. Portrayed by Alexander Siddig.
Oberyn Martell
(aka Red Viper)
He is the younger brother of Prince Doran and Princess Elia Martell. Portrayed by Pedro Pascal.
Trystane Martell He is the son of Prince Doran Martell and is betrothed to Myrcella Baratheon. Portrayed by Toby Sebastian.
Rhaegar Targaryen He was the heir apparent to the Iron Throne of the Targaryen dynasty, first son of King Aerys II Targaryen and older brother of Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen; the husband of Princess Elia Martell. Portrayed by Wilf Scolding.
Viserys III Targaryen He was formerly the exiled prince and the heir of the Targaryen dynasty, second son of King Aerys II Targaryen and middle brother of Rhaegar and Daenerys Targaryen. Portrayed by Harry Lloyd.
Nikolas Cassadine General Hospital He is the prince of Russia, the son of Prince Stavros Cassadine and Laura Spencer and the father of Prince Spencer Cassadine.
Prince Otto Genie in the House A character appeared in the episode «Princess Emma», portrayed by Nathan Guy.
Richard Winslow Guiding Light He is the prince of the island of San Cristobel. Portrayed by Bradley Cole.
Prince Munodi Gulliver’s Travels The son of Empress Munodi. 1996 miniseries based on the novel of the same name by Jonathan Swift. Portrayed by Navin Chowdhry as a guest star.
Ka Suo Ice Fantasy The most powerful prince of the Ice Tribe and one of the main characters of the series. Portrayed by Feng Shaofeng.
Li Guang The second prince of the Ice Tribe. Portrayed by He Xiang.
Shang Lie The crown prince of the Ice Tribe. Portrayed by Huang Shengchi.
Shuo Gang The crown prince of the Fire Tribe. Portrayed by Shu Yaxin.
Xin Jue The second prince of the Fire Tribe. Portrayed by Jiang Chao.
Ying Kong Shi Ka Suo’s younger half-brother who wants to replace him as the king of the Ice Tribe to set him free. Portrayed by Ma Tianyu.
Zhu Gong The eldest prince of the Ice Tribe. Portrayed by Zhang Ziwen.
Prince Lee Jae-ha The King 2 Hearts He is the Crown Prince, and later King, of South Korea, the second son of Queen Bang Yang-seon and the middle brother of King Lee Jae-kang and Princess Lee Jae-shin. Portrayed by Kang Han-byeol as a child and Lee Seung-gi as a young man.
Crown Prince Yi Chang Kingdom Crown prince of the Joseon dynasty. Based on the webcomic series The Kingdom of the Gods by Kim Eun-hee. Portrayed by Ju Ji-hoon.
Jonathan «Jack» Benjamin Kings Crown Prince of Gilboa and son of King Silas. Portrayed by Sebastian Stan.
Prince Fyren Legend of the Seeker The High Prince of Kelton. Portrayed by Toby Leonard Moore in Season 2, Episode 11 «Torn». Based on the novel series The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind.
Prince Iridian The Letter for the King Based on the Dutch novel of the same name. Portrayed by Jakob Oftebro.
Prince Viridian Portrayed by Gijs Blom.
King Arthur Pendragon Merlin He was formerly the prince of Camelot, the son of Uther and Ygraine Pendragon and half-brother of Lady Morgana Pendragon. Portrayed by Bradley James.
Prince Tuesday Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood The prince of the Neighborhood of Make-Believe and the son of King Friday XIII and Queen Sara Saturday. He was performed as a hand puppet character.
Prince Ivar Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog Mystic Knight of Water. Portrayed by Justin Pierre.
Prince George The Palace He is the son of the widowed Queen Charlotte and the late King James III; the brother of King Richard IV and Princesses Eleanor and Isabelle. Portrayed by Sebastian Armesto.
King Richard IV He was formerly Prince Richard of Wales until his father, King James III, suddenly dies in the first episode. Portrayed by Rupert Evans.
Prince Colin Power Rangers Dino Charge He was prince of the fictional small country of Zander. Portrayed by Josh Masterton.
Prince Phillip III He is the descendant of Prince Colin and the Dino Charge Graphite Ranger. Portrayed by Jarred Blakiston.
Prince Olympius («Impus») Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue He is the prince of the demons and the son of Queen Bansheera. Voiced by Brianne Siddall as an infant and Michael Forest as an adult.
Prince Vekar Power Rangers Megaforce The primary fleet leader of the Armada and the older son of Emperor Mavro. Voiced by Stephen Butterworth.
Prince Vrak The second son of Emperor Mavro and younger brother of Prince Vekar. Voiced by Jason Hood.
Prince Gasket Power Rangers Zeo The first-built son of King Mondo and Queen Machina of the Machine Empire and the older brother of Prince Sprocket. Voiced by Douglas Sloan.
Prince E’Hawke/Matthew Star The Powers of Matthew Star He is the crown prince from the Tau Ceti planet of Quadris who acts like a typical teenager when living on planet Earth. Portrayed by Peter Barton.
Prince Caspian Prince Caspian/The Voyage of the Dawn Treader The former prince, and later king, of Narnia. Portrayed by Jean Marc Perret (teenager) and Samuel West (adult).
Prince Lee Hoo/Kang Hoo Prince Hours A spin-off of the 2006 series Princess Hours. Portrayed by Seven.
Prince Lee Joon Portrayed by Kang Doo.
Prince Maxemil «Emil» Vanderklaut III Prince of Peoria He is the prince of Buronia and the main character of the series. Portrayed by Gavin Lewis.
King Anand Wangchuck Princess and I He was formerly Prince Anand of Yangdon, son of the late King Majaraja Wangchuck in the first episode «A Princess is born». Portrayed by Albert Martinez.
Prince Jan Alfonso «Jao» Rinpoche The son of Ashi Behati Rinpoche and one of the main characters of the show. Portrayed by Enrique Gil.
Prince Goldy Princess Dollie Aur Uska Magic Bag Portrayed by Sharad Malhotra.
Crown Prince Lee Shin Princess Hours 2006 South Korean television series based on the manhwa Goong. Portrayed by Ju Ji-hoon.
Prince Lee Yul The son of Prince Lee Soo and Lady Hwa-young. Portrayed by Kim Jeong-hoon.
Tuoba Jun The Princess Weiyoung The prince of Northern Wei and the son of the deceased Crown Prince Tuoba Huang and the Crown Princess. Based on the historical figure of Emperor Wencheng. Portrayed by Luo Jin.
Tuoba Yu The villainous prince whose greatest ambition is to become the emperor to rule the world. Based on the historical figure of Tuoba Yu. Portrayed by Vanness Wu.
Prince Cyrus Henstridge The Royals The brother of King Simon Henstridge and the duke of York. Portrayed by Jake Maskall.
Prince Liam Henstridge The son of King Simon and Queen Helena Henstridge, the brother of King Robert and Princess Eleanor Henstridge and the heir to the throne of England. Portrayed by William Moseley.
Prince Sebastian Idrisi Portrayed by Toby Sandeman.
Prince Rupert A Rubovian Legend He is the heir apparent of the Kingdom of Rubovia and the son of King Rufus XIV and Queen Caroline.
Sandokan Sandokan 1976 six-part miniseries based upon the novels by Emilio Salgari; portrayed by Kabir Bedi.

He also appears in the 1977 film adaptation The Tiger is Still Alive: Sandokan to the Rescue!, and two further television sequels The Return of Sandokan (1996) and The Son of Sandokan (1998).

Prince Richard Scandal The reigning prince of Caledonia and the son of Queen Isabel. He appears in the Season 5 episode «Heavy Is the Head» and is based on Charles, Prince of Wales; portrayed by Adam Fergus.
Ander Elessedil The Shannara Chronicles He was formerly the irresponsible prince, younger son of King Eventine, due to the death of his older brother Aine. He later becomes the responsible king of the Elves. Portrayed by Aaron Jakubenko.
Prince Rilian The Silver Chair Prince of Narnia and the son of King Caspian. Played by Richard Henders.
Prince Harold III Sliders The prince and heir of the Americas and the son of the late King Thomas. He was portrayed by Ben Bodé in the Season 1 episode «Prince of Wails».
Hongxiao, Prince Yi Story of Yanxi Palace The cousin of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing dynasty. Portrayed by Cheng Junwen.
Hongzhou, Prince He The brother of Emperor Qianlong. Based on the historical Hongzhou, portrayed by Hong Yao.
Yongcheng, Prince Lü The fourth son of Emperor Qianlong and the surrogate son of Empress Hoifa-Nara Shushen. Portrayed by Fang Yangfei.
Yongcong, Prince Zhe The seventh son of Emperor Qianlong. He died at a young age. Portrayed by Zhou Yicheng.
Yongqi, Prince Rong The fifth son of Emperor Qianlong and the surrogate son of Wei Yingluo, Consort Ling. Based on the historical Yongqi, portrayed by Chen Youwei.
Yuntao, Prince Lü Portrayed by Gong Fangmin.
Prince Aethelwulf Vikings The son of King Ecbert of Wessex. He is the husband of Princess Judith of Northumbria and the father of Prince Aethelred. Based on the historical Æthelwulf of Wessex. Portrayed by Moe Dunford.
Prince Ari The younger son of King Horik. Portrayed by Jay Duffy.
Prince Burgred Based on the historical Burgred of Mercia. Portrayed by Aaron Monaghan.
Prince Egbert The son of King Aelle and Queen Ealhswith. Portrayed by Sean Treacy.
Prince Erlendur He is the first son of King Horik and Ari’s older brother. Portrayed by Edvin Endre.
Eerde A Weaver on the Horizon A Mongol prince. Portrayed by Lou Yejiang.
Prince Hector of Bulgaria Year of the Rabbit He is the prince and heir to the throne of Bulgaria who has been taken captive by his sister Princess Juliana. Portrayed by Matthew Holness.


Fictional prince Series title Notes
Prince Schwann ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. He is the prince and heir to the throne of the Dowa Kingdom. Voiced by Mamoru Miyano in Japanese and Daman Mills in English.
Prince Uncouthma Aladdin He is the ruler of the barbarian land of Odiferous who was originally a suitor of Princess Jasmine until he is married to a woman named Brawnhilda to have a son, Bud. Voiced by Tino Insana.
Prince Barty All Hail King Julien A ring-tailed lemur who becomes the prince of the Lemur Kingdom in Madagascar as the husband of Princess Julienne and the father of King Julien XIII. Voiced by John Michael Higgins.
Prince Zuko Avatar: The Last Airbender He is the prince, and later Fire Lord, of the Fire Nation. Also notice that his father, the late Fire Lord Ozai, was originally a prince during his childhood.
Prince Hydron Bakugan Battle Brawlers The prince of Vestal, commander of the Vexos, and the son of King Zenoheld. Voiced by Lyon Smith (English) and Sōichirō Hoshi (Japanese).
Soma Asman Kadar Black Butler The Indian prince of Bengal. Voiced by Shinnosuke Tachibana in Japanese and Christopher Ayres in English.
Lumiere Silvamillion Clover Black Clover Lumiere is the former human prince, and later named the first Wizard King, of the Clover Kingdom. Voiced by Syu Hikari in Japanese and Chris Burnett in English.
Lelouch vi Britannia Code Geass The former prince of the Holy Britannian Empire and the main protagonist of the series. Voiced by Jun Fukuyama (Japanese) and Johnny Yong Bosch (English).
Odysseus eu Britannia The First Prince of the Holy Britannian Empire and the first older brother of Lelouch. Voiced by Jin Yamanoi (Japanese) and Peter Emshwiller (English).
Schneizel el Britannia The Second Prince of the Holy Britannian Empire and the Prime Minister of Britannia; the second older brother of Lelouch. Voiced by Norihiro Inoue (Japanese) and Troy Baker (English).
Julio Asuka Misurugi Cross Ange He is formerly the prince of the Empire of Misurugi who executes his father Emperor Jurai, following the death of his mother Empress Sophia, and exiles his middle sister Princess Ange to the island of Arzenal as he exposes her as a «Norma» to claim the throne for himself as the new emperor. Voiced by Kōsuke Toriumi in Japanese and Blake Shepard in English.
Vegeta IV Dragon Ball He is the last prince of the Saiyans and the son of King Vegeta III. In the anime featurette Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!, Vegeta has a younger brother named Tarble.
Mark Chang The Fairly OddParents He is the alien prince of the planet Yugopotamia. Voiced by Rob Paulsen.
Mystogan Fairy Tail Mystogan is one of the S-Class wizards as well as the former prince of Edolas, the son of King Faust. He succeeds his father as the new king of Edolas.
Hard-to-Hit Fox’s Peter Pan & the Pirates The tribal prince of the Native Americans in Neverland; the son of Chief Great Big Little Panther and the younger brother of Tiger Lily. An animated series that aired on Fox based on the original story of Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie. Voiced by Aaron Lohr.
Lin Yao Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood He is the prince of the fictional country of Xing and the half-brother of Princess May Chang. Voiced by Todd Haberkorn in English and Mamoru Miyano in Japanese.
Pollun Futari wa Pretty Cure Also known as Porun in English dub, he is the Prince of the Garden of Light and the older brother of Princess Lulun.
Pandat Galtar and the Golden Lance The prince of the Nerms. Voiced by Don Messick.
Zorn The mind-controlling brother of Princess Goleeta; the former prince of Bandisar. Voiced by David Mendenhall.
Prince Malcolm Gargoyles The son of Malcolm I of Scotland, brother of King Kenneth and the father of Princess Katharine. Voiced by Roger Rees.
Zorzal El Caesar Gate The villainous prince of the Empire and the main antagonist of the series; the older half-brother of Princess Piña Co Lada. Voiced by Kregg Daily (English) and Katsuyuki Konishi (Japanese).
Wein Salema Arbalest The Genius Prince’s Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt He is the crown prince and capable heir of the Kingdom of Natra who is lauded as a genius but actually plots to sell his kingdom. He is the son of the late King Natra Owen and older brother of Princess Falanya. Voiced by Soma Saito in Japanese and Dallas Reid in English.
Earthworld Princes They are the three princes of the Earthworld Empire and three brothers of Princess Lowellmina.

  • Demetrio Earthworld, the eldest and arrogant prince, voiced by Ryūichi Kijima.
  • Bardloche Earthworld, the middle prince, voiced by Kenichirō Matsuda.[20]
  • Manfred Earthworld, the youngest prince, voiced by Kengo Kawanishi.
Hope Grand Kanata Go! Princess PreCure The crown prince of the Hope Kingdom and the brother of Towa Akagi.
Holdem Grimoire of Zero He is a wolf-like Beastfallen who is formerly the prince but runs away from his family to live with the Mooncaller witch, Sorena. Voiced by Masayuki Kato in Japanese and David Wald in English.
Prince Norman Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids Based on the book series of the same name by Jamie Rix. Voiced by Nigel Planer.
Prince Spencer Voiced by Nigel Planer.
Remus Farseer Guin Saga The crown prince of Parros, and the son of King Aldross III, who along with his twin sister Crown Princess Rinda allies with the mysterious, amnesiac warrior Guin. He is voiced by Tsubasa Yonaga in Japanese and Blake Shepard in English.
Serge Flora Hana no Ko Lunlun He is the prince of the Flower Star and a photographer who cedes the throne to his younger brother to live on Earth and marry Lunlun. Voiced by Yū Mizushima.
Prince Adam («He-Man») He-Man and the Masters of the Universe;
The New Adventures of He-Man;
Masters of the Universe: Revelation
The prince of Eternia; son of King Randor and Queen Marlena and twin brother of Princess Adora.
Xie Lian Heaven Official’s Blessing He is the crown prince from the Xian Le kingdom who ascends to Heaven at least thrice and eventually reveals to be gay due to his love for a mysterious ghost king, Hua Cheng. Voiced by Jiang Guangtao in the original Chinese and Howard Wang in English dub.
Arslan The Heroic Legend of Arslan He is the Crown Prince of Pars, son of King Andragoras III and Queen Tahamine and the main protagonist of the series. Voiced by Aaron Dismuke in English and Yūsuke Kobayashi in Japanese.
Hilmes/Silvermask He is the leader of the army in Lusitania, and the main antagonist of the series, who was formerly the Prince of Pars, the son of former King Osroes and the cousin of Prince Arslan. Voiced by Vic Mignogna in English and Yuki Kaji in Japanese.
Rajendra The younger son of King Karikala II, he is made Crown Prince of Shindra following the arrest of his older half-brother Prince Gadevi. Voiced by Ian Sinclair in English and Kousuke Toriumi in Japanese.
Julius Amidonia How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom The exiled prince of the former Principality of Amidonia who was meant to become its ruler but has been driven out of his country as rebellions rise up. He is the son of the late Prince Gaius Amidonia and the older brother of Princess Roroa Amidonia. Voiced by Kenji Nojima in Japanese and David Matranga in English.
Pierre Bichelberger The iDOLM@STER SideM He is a bright and innocent prince from the European country, probably Belgium or Luxembourg, who goes to Japan and works as a frog mascot at an amusement park due to a throne dispute between his two older brothers, making it unsafe for him to stay in his country anymore. Voiced by Shun Horie.
Lord Nabokov Jugglaburk Ixion Saga DT The prince of Jugglaburk who is to be married to the little princess Ecarlate for peace but is a rather bizzare manchild with a fetish for dolls and stuffed animals. Voiced by Kōji Yusa.
Prince Cuthbert Hakan Kippernook Jane and the Dragon Based on the book series of the same name by Martin Baynton. Voiced by Cameron Ansell.
Prince Wally the Third Kim Possible The arrogant prince of Rodeghan. Voiced by Rob Paulsen.
Prince Cherry Kinnikuman He is the prince of Planet Kinmoku and the younger brother of Princess Lily. Voiced by Hiromi Tsuru.
Prince Kamehame He was the prince from Planet Coconuts who traveled to Earth to become the Hawaiian Champion and a veteran Choujin until he was later killed by Sunshine when protecting Terryman. Voiced by Masaharu Satō.
Prince Nata Kirakira PreCure a la Mode The flamboyant prince of Confetto who attempts to flirt with Yukari Kotozume. He appeared in the episode «Lightning Fast Wedding!? Princess Yukari!» and was voiced by Kohsuke Toriumi.
Wolfram von Bielefeld Kyo Kara Maoh! The youngest son of the former Demon Queen Cecilie von Spitzweg of The Demon Kingdom and the younger half-brother of Gwendal von Voltaire and Conrart Weller. Voiced by Mitsuki Saiga in Japanese and Mona Marshall in English.
Prince StrongHeart Lady Lovely Locks He was originally a human but was cursed as a dog. He was soon adopted by a wizard, Shining Glory. Voiced by Danny Mann.
Villagulio De Metrio Lu Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne He is the former prince of De Metrio, and the older brother of Princess Yurikano, who forms the rebellious organization KISS and is in the close relationship with Muginami after being thrown into her home planet. Voiced by Yuichi Nakamura in Japanese and Keith Silverstein in English.
Prince Desna The Legend of Korra Son of Chief Unalaq of the Northern Water Tribe and twin brother of Princess Eska; the cousin of Avatar Korra.
Prince Wu The great-nephew of the late Earth Queen Hou-Ting and the great-grandson of Earth King Kuei. He is the sovereign of the Earth Kingdom who is meant to be a crowned King but abolishes the monarchy in favor of independent states with democratically elected leaders.
Prince Michael The Legend of Prince Valiant The prince, and later king, of Northland and the nephew of the Duke of Lionsgate. Voiced by Wil Wheaton.
Prince Valiant The exiled prince of Thule and the eponymous protagonist of the series. Voiced by Robby Benson.
Prince Richard The Legend of Snow White The prince of Albertville. Italian-Japanese anime series. Voiced by Takehito Koyasu.
Prince Façade The Legend of Zelda He is the prince of Arcadia who only appeared in the episode «The White Knight». Based on the video game series of the same name.
Prince Chris («Wish») Lilpri The son of the Queen of Fairyland. Voiced by Tetsuya Kakihara.
Kion The Lion Guard He is the prince of the Pride Lands, the leader of the Lion Guard and the main protagonist of the series; the son of King Simba and Queen Nala and the younger brother of Kiara. Voiced by Max Charles.
Prince Ferg Little Charmers He was originally a normal prince but was turned into a frog. Inspired by the character of The Frog Prince.
Little Prince The Little Prince There are multiple animated TV series adaptation of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s classic novella:

  • The Adventures of the Little Prince, 1978 Japanese anime series featuring Taiki Matsuno.
  • Le Petit Prince, 2010 French computer-animated series featuring Gabriel Bismuth-Bienaimé.
Prince Borch The Little Troll Prince The two-headed younger brother of Bu. Voiced by Rob Paulsen (right head) and Laurie Faso (left head).
Crown Prince Bu The gnome prince and the first son of two-headed King Ulvik and Queen Sirena. Voiced by Danny Cooksey.
Prince Prag Two-headed younger brother of Bu. Voiced by Neil Ross (right head) and Frank Welker (left head).
Iselus El-Arde Corwen Log Horizon He is a member of the Corwen clan in the League of Freedom Cities Eastal; the princeling of Maihama. Voiced by Mariya Ise in Japanese and Kalin Coats in English.
Jodan LoliRock He is the Prince of Volta.
Rudo Bernstein IV Lost Song The cunning and cold-hearted prince of the kingdom of Golt, and the brother of Princess Alea/Pony, who desires to use Finis as a human weapon to win the war. Voiced by Yuto Suzuki in Japanese and Todd Haberkorn in English.
Heinz Nerich Windermere Macross Delta The young prince of the Windermere Kingdom, and the son of late King Grammier VI, who as the «Wind Singer» is the main source of the Vár Syndrome. He later becomes the new king of the Windermere Kingdom upon his father’s death. Voiced by Yuka Terasaki; singing voice by Melody Chubak.
Keith Aero Windermere The leader of the Aerial Knights in the Windermere Kingdom, who holds the distinctive title of «White Knight of Derwent» but is actually the illegitimate son of the late King Grammier and the older half-brother of Prince Heinz. Voiced by Ryōhei Kimura.
Aladdin Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic He is the son of King Solomon and Queen Sheba and the former prince of Alma Torran. Voiced by Erica Mendez (English) Kaori Ishihara (Japanese).
Alibaba Saluja He has been taken by his father, the King, as the third prince of Balbadd after his mother’s death. Voiced by Erik Scott Kimerer (English) and Yūki Kaji (Japanese).
Mystras Leoxses He was first prince of Sasan and the older son of Knight King Darius Leoxses. Voiced by Robbie Daymond (English) and Wataru Hatano (Japanese).
Spartos Leoxses He is originally the second prince, and later king, of Sasan and the younger brother of Mystras. Voiced by Sam Riegel (English) and Wataru Hatano (Japanese).
Princes of the Kou Empire
  • Kouen Ren, voiced by Kaiji Tang (English) and Yuichi Nakamura (Japanese)
  • Koumei Ren, Voiced by Ethan Murray (English) and Satoshi Hino (Japanese)
  • Kouha Ren, voiced by Mark Allen Jr. (English) and Tetsuya Kakihara (Japanese)
  • Hakuryuu Ren, voiced by Darrel Guilbeau (English) and Kenshō Ono (Japanese)
Prince Ferio Magic Knight Rayearth He is the younger brother of Princess Emeraude of Cephiro.
Kaito Domoto Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch He is the prince from an ancient water clan known as Panthalassa. Voiced by Daisuke Kishio.
Mike Alfred Mike the Knight Mike is the young prince who wants to be a knight, though he is still a knight-in-training. He is the son of King Norg (also the knight) and Queen Martha and the older brother of Princess Evie. Voiced by Jake Beale and Trek Buccino in North America and Benjamin Baker in the United Kingdom.
Prince Rygan Miles from Tomorrowland The son of Queen Gemma of the Dethalians. Voiced by Rio Mangini.
Prince Neel Mira, Royal Detective He is the second prince of the fictional Indian kingdom of Jalpur, second son of Queen Shanti. Voiced by Kamran Lucas.[21][22]
Crown Prince Veer He is the first prince and heir apparent of the kingdom of Jalpur, older brother of Prince Neel and first son of Queen Shanti. Voiced by Karan Brar.[21][22]
Milliardo Peacecraft/Zechs Merquise Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Voiced by Brian Drummond (English) and Takehito Koyasu (Japanese).
Prince Blueblood My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic A unicorn prince who is an object of Rarity’s affection but proves that he is a «pompous fool» and «quite vain». He is the distant nephew of Princesses Celestia and Luna of Equestria and the cousin of Princess Cadance. Voiced by Vincent Tong.
Prince Rutherford He is a temperamental yak who is the prince of the Yakyakistan kingdom. Voiced by Garry Chalk.
Shining Armor The captain of the Canterlot royal guard, Shining Armor is married to Princess Cadance to become a ruler of the Crystal Empire. He is the father of Princess Flurry Heart and the older brother of Twilight Sparkle. Voiced by Andrew Francis.
Prince Alan Stuart My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! Voiced by Tatsuhisa Suzuki in Japanese and Bryce Papenbrook in English.
Prince Geordo Stuart Voiced by Shouta Aoi in Japanese and Griffin Burns in English.
Ojarumaru Sakanoue Ojarumaru He is the five-year-old prince from the Heian-era Fairy World and the eponymous character of the series. Voiced by Hiroko Konishi (Series 1–3) and Chinami Nishimura (Series 4–present).
Neptune Brothers One Piece The three princes of the Ryugu Kingdom, three sons of King Neptune and the late Queen Otohime, and the brothers of Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi.

  • Fukaboshi, the eldest son
  • Ryuboshi, the middle son
  • Manboshi, the youngest son
Vinsmoke Princes The four princes of the Germa Kingdom, four brothers of Princess Reiju and four sons of King Judge and Queen Sora.

  • Vinsmoke Sanji, the former prince
  • Vinsmoke Ichiji
  • Vinsmoke Niji
  • Vinsmoke Yonji
Prince Sorara Onegai My Melody He is the 13-year-old prince from the Star Kingdom who transforms into a small chick and visits Mary Land after the Wishing Star got crashed and scattered to pieces. Voiced by Kōki Miyata.
Barbro Vaiself Overlord Barbro Andrean Ield Ryle Vaiself, the crown prince of the Re-Estize Kingdom, the first son of King Ramposa III and the older brother of Prince Zanac and Princess Renner. Voiced by Newton Pittman in English and Taiten Kusunoki in Japanese.
Zanac Vaiself Zanac Valleon Igana Ryle Vaiself, the second prince of the Re-Estize Kingdom and the middle brother of Barbro and Princess Renner; the younger son of King Ramposa III. Voiced by Cris George in English and Kouji Fujiyoshi in Japanese.
Prince Arrow/Arc Petite Princess Yucie He is a prince in disguise whose mother Queen Ercell is the principal of the Princess Academy. Voiced by Takayuki Yamaguchi in Japanese and Joey Hood in English.
Prince Ren The Pirates of Dark Water He is the prince of the Octopon Kingdom, and the son of the late King Primus, who goes on a quest to find the lost Thirteen Treasures of Rule. Voiced by George Newbern.
Prince Kogoto Popolocrois He is the adpoptive son of GamiGami Maou and the older brother of Princess PunPun, who builds a robot and plans world conquest in the second series. Voiced by Koki Miyata.
Pietro PakaPuka He is the crown prince, and later king, of Popolocrois who is a main hero in the first series; the son of King Paulo and Sania. Voiced by Ai Orikasa as a child and Akio Ōtsuka as an adult.
Pinon PakaPuka He is the new prince of Popolocrois, and the son of King Pietro and Queen Narcia, who is a main hero in the second series. Voiced by Omi Minami.
Akata The Prince of Atlantis The last Atlantean prince who has to save his city from modern technologies.
Prince Franz Princess Sissi Voiced by Terrence Scammell.
Prince Karl Voiced by Jacob Tierney.
Prince Mytho Princess Tutu Voiced by Naoki Yanagi in Japanese and Jay Hickman in English.
Prince Badjura XVII Psychic Squad He is the crown prince of the Kingdom of Impalahem who The Children of B.A.B.E.L. are tasked to assist him in freeing his lover Sera the priestess from being possessed by her grandmother Masara. He appeared in one episode «Marital Vows! His Majesty and The Children» and was voiced by Daisuke Ono.
Prince Bojji Ranking of Kings Bojji is a young prince who is deaf and barely able to speak. He is the older half-brother of King Daida and the son of former King Boss. Voiced by Minami Hinata in Japanese and Emily Fajardo in English.[23]
Eugene Fitzherbert Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure The animated television series reveals that Eugene (aka Flynn Rider) is the prince from the Dark Kingdom, orphaned son of King Edmund. He was escorted out of his birthplace by a servant woman who then placed him in an orphanage where he soon grew up to be a thief. Based on the Disney film Tangled.
Belphegor Reborn! Also known as «Prince the Ripper», he was once a prince and is an assassin working for the Varia. Voiced by Yūki Fujiwara.
Rasiel Belphegor’s older twin brother who states that he is a king, rather than a prince. Voiced by Ryuji Kamiyama.
Prince Dios/Akio Ohtori Revolutionary Girl Utena He was formerly the prince in his early life before becoming the chairman of Ohtori Academy where his younger sister Anthy Himemiya is the «Rose Bride». There is also an anime film, Adolescence of Utena.
Romeo Candore De Montague Romeo × Juliet The crown prince and heir to the throne of Neo Verona and the son of Lord Leontes Montague and Lady Portia. Voiced by Takahiro Mizushima (Japanese) and Chris Burnett (English).
Prince Endymion («Tuxedo Mask») Sailor Moon;
Sailor Moon Crystal
He is the prince of the Kingdom of Earth. In the future he becomes King Endymion of Crystal Tokyo as the husband of Neo-Queen Serenity and the father of Chibiusa.
Prince Demand/Diamond He is the leader of the Black Moon Clan.
Saphir/Sapphire Although he never actually held the title of «prince», he is one of the members of the Black Moon Clan and the younger brother of Prince Demand (Diamond).
Kyle Salutania The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent He is the crown prince of the Kingdom of Salutania and the senior at the Royal Academy. Voiced by Jun Fukuyama in Japanese and Adam McArthur in English.
Rain Salutania He is the second prince of the Kingdom of Salutania, and Kyle’s younger brother, who is a junior at the Royal Academy. Voiced by Aoi Ichikawa in Japanese and Justin Briner in English.
Ukyo Samurai 7 The self-proclaimed heir to the throne of Ayamaro. Voiced by Anthony Bowling in English and Takehito Koyasu in Japanese.
Samurai Jack Samurai Jack Jack is the samurai prince from feudal Japan, the biological son of the Emperor and the Empress and the titular protagonist of the series. He was raised by several tribes in a variety of skills to fight against the demon lord Aku. Voiced by Phil LaMarr.
Sandokan Sandokan[24] Based on the novels by Emilio Salgari, Sandokan is an anthropomorphic tiger who is the usurped Bornean prince. He also appears in the 1995 animated film adaptation The Princess and the Pirate,[25] voiced by Stuart Organ.
Prince Keppi Sarazanmai He is the prince of the Kappa Kingdom whose shirikodama is split into two after the victory of the Otter Empire. Voiced by Junichi Suwabe in Japanese and Tyler Walker in English.
The Prince Scooby-Doo! in Arabian Nights He is the Arabian prince and the love interest of Aliyah-Din in the gender-bent version of «Aladdin». Voiced by Rob Paulsen.
Prince Forsyth Scrapped Princess The crown prince of the Leinwan kingdom and the biological twin brother of the series’ main protagonist, Pacifica. Voiced by Junji Majima in Japanese and Dave Wittenberg in English.
Prince Spong The Secret Show The leader of the Floaty Heads of the planet Zabulon and the brother of Princess Ping.
Prince Pyrus Shadow Raiders He is the prince of the Planet Fire. Voiced by Matt Hill.
Dakares Ciely Karlon Rhoden Vetran Skeleton Knight in Another World The second prince of the Rhoden Kingdom who secretly but actively participates in the elf and beast people slave trade in violation of a 400-year-old peace treaty. He was the younger son of King Karlon and the younger half-brother of Princesses Seriarna and Yuriarna. Voiced by Daiki Hamano (Japanese) and Bradley Gareth (English).
Sekt Rondahl Karlon Rhoden Sahdiay The first prince of the Rhoden Kingdom and the leader of the political faction who is enganged against his younger half-siblings Prince Dakares and Princess Yuriarna in a power struggle to successfully succeed to the throne. He is the older son of King Karlon and Lefitia Sahdiay. Voiced by Kengo Kawanishi (Japanese) and Grant Paulsen (English).
Philionel «Phil» El Di Seyruun Slayers The crown prince of Seyruun and the father of Princesses Amelia Wil Tesla and Gracia Ul Naga Seyruun.
Raji Shenazard Snow White with the Red Hair The first prince of Tanbarun and the older son of King Shenazard. Voiced by Jun Fukuyama (Japanese) and Todd Haberkorn (English).
Eugena Shenazard The second prince of Tanbarun, younger son of King Shenazard and younger brother of Raji. Voiced by Mikako Komatsu (Japanese) and Megan Shipman (English).
Izana Wistaria The first prince of Clarines and the older son of the late King Kain and Queen Haruto Wistaria. Voiced by Akira Ishida (Japanese) and Eric Vale (English).
Zen Wistaria The second prince of Clarines, second son of King Kain and Queen Haruto Wistaria, younger brother of Izana and one of the main characters of the series. Voiced by Ryōta Ōsaka (Japanese) and Josh Grelle (English).
Cylis Analeit So I’m a Spider, So What? He is the crown prince of the Analeit Kingdom who launches a coup d’état to kill his father King Meiges and framing his younger half-brother Shun. Voiced by Takashi Kondō.
Julius Zagan Analeit He was the second prince of the Analeit Kingdom and the previous Hero who has been killed by a mysterious white girl, Shiraori. Voiced by Junya Enoki in Japanese and Landon McDonald in English.
Leston Analeit He is the third prince of the Analeit Kingdom. Voiced by Shunichi Toki.
Schlain Zagan Analeit/Shunsuke «Shun» Yamada He is the fourth prince of the Analeit Kingdom who is reincarnated from the Japanese high school student and becomes a new Hero after the death his brother Julius. Voiced by Shun Horie in Japanese and Alejandro Saab in English.
Princes from Sofia the First Sofia the First
  • Prince James, stepbrother of Sofia the First and twin brother of Princess Amber; the prince of Enchancia. Voiced by Zach Callison, Tyler Merna and Nicolas Cantu.
  • Prince Hugo, the prince who attends Royal Prep. Voiced by Colin Ford and Grayson Hunter.
  • Prince Axel, Hugo’s older brother. Voiced by Colin Ford.
  • Prince Jin of Wei-Ling, son of Emperor Quon and Empress Lin-Lin. Voiced by Brian JY Lee, J. J. Totah and Forrest Wheeler.
  • Prince Khalid of Khaldoun, son of King Nasir and Queen Anya. Voiced by Khamani Griffin and Jaden Betts.
  • Prince Zander of Tangu. Voiced by Maxim Knight, Karan Brar, Cade Sutton and Nathaniel Semsen.
  • Prince Desmond, voiced by Maxim Knight and Joshua Carlon.
Manic the Hedgehog Sonic Underground He is the twin brother of Sonic and Sonia Hedgehog and one of the three children of Queen Aleena of Mobius. Voiced by Jaleel White (speaking) and Tyley Ross (singing).
Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic appears in the series as the crown prince of Mobius, the son of Queen Aleena and the brother of Manic and Sonia Hedgehog. Voiced by Jaleel White; singing voice by Sam Vincent.
Prince Lumen Spider Riders The prince of Arachna and the leader of the Spider Riders; the older brother of Princess Sparkle. Voiced by Cameron Ansell in English and Kumiko Higa in Japanese.
Prince Triton SpongeBob SquarePants The teenage son of King Neptune and Queen Amphitrite. He appeared in the episode «The Clash of Triton» and was voiced by Sebastian Bach.
Tchar Star Trek: The Animated Series He is the hereditary prince of the ornithoid race called Skorr. Tchar appeared in the episode «The Jihad» and was voiced by James Doohan.
Thomas Draconius «Tom» Lucitor Star vs. the Forces of Evil Three-eyed demon crown prince of the Underworld. Voiced by Rider Strong.
Prince Gaima Starzinger Voiced by Keiichi Noda.
Seiran Shi The Story of Saiunkoku He is the exiled prince of Saiunkoku, son of the previous Emperor Shi Senka. Voiced by Andrew Francis in English and Hikaru Midorikawa in Japanese.
Prince Nevarhas Bin-Broak TaleSpin He is the eccentric but kindly hyena ruler of the Middle Eastern desert country in the episode «I Only Have Ice for You». Voiced by Jim Cummings.
Prince Rudolf He is a black swan who claims to be the «long-lost cousin» of Princess Grace in attempt to rule her kingdom of Walla-Walla-Bing-Bang in the episode «Waiders of the Wost Tweasure». Voiced by Dan Castellaneta.
Prince Krel Tarron Tales of Arcadia Voiced by Diego Luna.
Prince Pero Tantei Opera Milky Holmes The prince of Ripa who is meant to be engaged to marry Princess Claris but actually has to marry her grandmother. Voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi.
The Crystal Prince Thumbelina: A Magical Story Voiced by Akira Ishida (Japanese) and Jan Rabson (English).
Prince Dandarn Time Travel Tondekeman Voiced by Akira Kamiya.
Prince Richter Tōshō Daimos A part of the Robot Romance Trilogy, Richter is a disgruntled prince of the Baam Empire, and the brother of Princess Erika, who is determinded to assassinate the villainous Olban whose right-hand man Georiya had poisoned his father Emperor Leon. Voiced by Osamu Ichikawa.
Princes from Twin Princess of Wonder Planet Twin Princess of Wonder Planet
  • Shade («Eclipse»), the prince of the Moon Kingdom.
  • Tio, the prince of the Flame Kingdom.
  • Narlo, the baby prince of the Water Drop Kingdom.
  • Solo, the prince of the Seed Kingdom.
  • Bright, the prince of the Jewelry Kingdom.
  • Auler, the prince of the Windmill Kingdom.
Princes from Twin Princess of Wonder Planet Gyu!
  • Toma, the prince of the planet Wulpurgis.
  • Noche, the prince of the planet Orchestra.
  • Fango, the prince of the planet Gretel.
  • Melon, the prince of the planet Naniwan.
  • Hiruzu, the prince of the planet Gorgeous.
Duke Fleed/Daisuke Umon UFO Robot Grendizer He is the crown prince whose Planet Fleed has been destroyed by the forces of King Vega, leading him and his sister Princess Maria Fleed to be raised on Earth. He is also the fiancé of Vega’s daughter Princess Rubina.
Prince Puppycorn Unikitty! He is the younger brother of Princess Unikitty but is a hybrid of pug dog and unicorn; the rightful prince of the Unikingdom. Voiced by Grey Griffin.
A-Drei Valvrave the Liberator He is an agent captain and former prince of Dorssia. Voiced by Jun Fukuyama.
The Prince An unnamed prince of the Third Galactic Empire who so far only appears in the futuristic scenes. Voiced by Yui Horie.
Canute Vinland Saga The prince, and later king, of Danes. Based on the historical Canute the Great; voiced by Kenshō Ono.
Damian Baldur Flügel Violet Evergarden He is the prince of the Kingdom of Flügel who is engaged to marry Charlotte Abelfreyja Drossel, princess of the neighboring Kingdom of Drossel. Voiced by Kenjiro Tsuda.
Prince Heinel Voltes V A part of the Robot Romance Trilogy, Heinel, voiced by Osamu Ichikawa, is the prince and commander of Boazania whose evil uncle Emperor Zu Zambajil had him waging a senseless war against Earth. Also notice that his father, Professor Kentaro Goh (real name La Gour), is formerly the noble prince of Boazania.
Prince Lotor
(Prince Imperial Sincline)
Voltron Voiced by Lennie Weinrib in the 1980s version, Tim Curry in the 1990s version, Mark Hildreth in the 2011 version, and A. J. Locascio in the 2016 version.
Prince Phobos W.I.T.C.H. He is the evil ruler of Meridian, in spite of his sister Princess Elyon being its rightful heir, and the primary antagonist of the series. Voiced by Mitchell Whitfield.
Prince Adale Wakfu The crown prince of New Sufokia.
Prince Armand Sheran Sharm He is the prince of Sadida and the brother of Princess Amalia Sheran Sharm.
Prince Cashmere Wander Over Yonder Voiced by Bill Fagerbakke.
Prince Cavan
(aka John Cavanaugh)
Wildfire He is the prince of the planet Dar-Shan who was married to the late Queen Sarana to have a daughter, Princess Sara. His alter-ego is a farmer named John Cavanaugh. Voiced by David Ackroyd.
Prince Nereus Winx Club The merman crown prince of the planet Andros.
Prince Sky The crown prince of the planet Eraklyon.
Prince Thoren The paladin and the cousin of Prince Sky.
Tritannus The former merprince of Andros, the evil twin brother of Nereus and one of the main antagonists of the series.
August von Earlshide Wise Man’s Grandchild Also known simply as «Aug» or «Gus», he is invested as the crown prince of the Earlshide Kingdom and has a cousin-like relationship with Shin Wolford. He is the son of King Diseum and Queen Julia and the older brother of Princess May. Voiced by Shōhei Komatsu in Japanese and Brandon McInnis in English.
Leonhart «Leol» XV Yakitate!! Japan He is the heir to the throne of Monaco who becomes a world-class clown in the Quedam circus under the name Pierrot Bolneze; the biological son of King Leonhart XIV. Voiced by Tomokazu Seki.
Prince Cloud Yume no Crayon Oukoku The young prince who wields the Sword of Light and travels with Princess Silver. His ancestor Duke Klaus had defeated the evil Grim Reaper with Queen Buretsu.


Fictional prince Radio title Notes
Prince Herbert Another Case of Milton Jones The character in the episode «Royal Speech Therapist» starring Milton Jones.[26][27]
Prince of the Pigeon People Special Relativity[28] Played by Dee Bradley Baker.

Video games[edit]

Fictional prince Game title System(s) Note
Alex Kidd Alex Kidd in Miracle World Master System The main protagonist of the game series, Alex is the long-lost son of King Sander of Radaxian who used to live in Mount Eternal alone on the planet of Aries until he returns to Radaxian to rescue his brother Igle and his fiancée Princess Lora from the evil Janken the Great.
Prince Igle He is the former prince, and now king, of Radaxian, the first son of King Sander and the older brother of Alex Kidd.
Crown Prince Orlando ARMA: Queen’s Gambit Microsoft Windows The rightful heir of Sahrani who leads the Partisans in attempt to dethrone his evil sister Queen Isabella for her crimes. He is the son of the late King Joseph.
Matthias Ferrié Adalet Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings
  • Vita
  • PS4
  • Windows
  • Switch
The crown prince of Adalet and a knight-in-training. Voiced by Yuuki Inoue.
Prince Morley Breath of Fire IV
  • PlayStation
  • Windows
He is the prince of Ludia who has been betrothed to Princess Elina of Wyndia.
Prince Lance Brigandine: The Legend of Forsena PlayStation The prince of the former kingdom of Padstow (renamed New Almekia) who becomes a new ruler after the abdication of his father King Coel.
Prince Rubino IV Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia
  • Switch
  • PS4
  • Windows
The uncrowned ruler of the Norzaleo Kingdom and the son of the late King Rubino III. Voiced by Soma Saito.
Janus Chrono Trigger
  • SNES
  • PlayStation
  • Nintendo DS
The prince of Zeal and the younger brother of Princess Schala.
Prince Farron Conquest of the Crystal Palace NES He is the prince of the Kingdom of the Crystal Palace and the main protagonist of the game.
Prince Kirelan Cute Knight
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Macintosh
He has been raised as the heir to the throne by Queen Penelope who replaces him from her biological daughter Michiko. He is actually the son of magic teacher Orchid and the brother of Rose.
Narek Ischl de Milidonia Dame×Prince
  • Android
  • iOS
The crown prince of Milidonia. Voiced by Kaito Ishikawa.
Mare Selen el Phiriazar The second prince of Selenfalen. Voiced by Ryōhei Kimura.
Ruze Selen el Phiriazar The first and airheaded prince of Selenfalen. Voiced by Sōma Saitō.
Prince Myer Deadly Towers NES
Levantia Shaytham The Diofield Chronicle
  • Windows
  • Switch
  • PS4
  • PS5
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X/S
The prince of the Kingdom of Alletain and the brother of Princess Hezeliah Shaytham.[29]
Prince Euden Dragalia Lost
  • Android
  • iOS
He is the seventh prince of Alberia whose royal family has the Dragon Transformation ability and who sets off on his Dragon Slection Trial to save his kingdom.
Sebastian Vael Dragon Age II
  • Windows
  • PS3
  • Xbox 360
  • OS X
The kind but often mocked prince in exile of Starkhaven. He is only available through The Exiled Prince DLC. Voiced by Alec Newman.
Alistair Dragon Age: Origins
  • Windows
  • Xbox 360
  • PS3
  • Mac OS X
  • Xbox One
He is the son of King Maric and Fiona and the heir to the throne of Ferelden who may be put on as the king. Voiced by Steve Valentine.
Prince of Cannock Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line NES/Famicom The cousin of the Prince of Midenhall and Princess of Moonbrooke and one of the main characters of the game.
Prince of Midenhall The main protagonist of the game.
Prince Harry Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
  • Super Famicom
  • PS2
  • Nintendo DS
  • iOS
  • Android
The elder son of the King of Coburg.
Prince of Somnia Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
  • Super Famicom
  • Nintendo DS
  • iOS
  • Android
The main protagonist who gets some strange dreams in the village of Weaver’s Peak. He is the son of King Somnus and Queen Apnea.
Prince Kiefer Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past
  • PlayStation
  • Nintendo 3DS
  • iOS
  • Android
He is the prince and heir to the throne of Estard. Kiefer also appeared as the main character in Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart.
Prince Charmles Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
  • PS2
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Nintendo 3DS
Spoiled prince of Argonia and the son of King Clavius; the cousin of the Hero.
The Hero The main protagonist who is the lost son of the late Prince Eltrio and Princess Xia of Argonia.
Prince Odisu Dragon Quest X: Awakening of the Five Tribes Online
  • Wii
  • Wii U
  • Windows
  • Android
  • iOS
  • 3DS
  • PS4
  • Switch
The son of Queen Diore and the prince of the Weltings.
Prince Ragus The prince of the Poppets.
Prince Thomas «Toma» The villainous prince of Gran Zedora, the son of King Arios and Princess Yulia, and the brother of Princess Anlucia.
Prince Faris Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
  • 3DS
  • PS4
  • Windows
  • Switch
  • Xbox One
  • Stadia
The son of the Sultan of Gallopolis.
The Luminary The main protagonist of the game who is the lost prince of Dundrasil; the biological son of King Irwin and Queen Eleanor.
Prince Cesar Dragon Quest Heroes II
  • PS3
  • Vita
  • PS4
  • Switch
  • Windows
The mighty warrior-prince of Dunisia and one of the main characters of the game.
Prince Anlace Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors Wii The prince of Avalonia.
Prince Serios (Logan) Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes
  • NEC PC-8801
  • NEC PC-9801
  • FM Towns
  • MSX 2
  • TurboGrafx-CD
  • Super Famicom
  • Sharp X68000
  • Mega Drive
  • Satellaview
  • Windows
  • PlayStation
  • Sega Saturn
He was formerly the prince of Farlalyne, son of King Corwin I and Queen Felicia (Sylvia), and the main protagonist of the game. He later becomes the king of Farlalyne in Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes II.
Princes Atlas Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes II
  • NEC PC-8801
  • NEC PC-9801
  • FM Towns
  • MSX 2
  • PC Engine CD
  • Super Famicom
  • Mega Drive
  • MS-DOS
  • PlayStation
  • Sega Saturn
The son of King Serios and Queen Tina (Mica) of Farlalyne and the new protagonist of the game.
Prince Lace Dragon Spirit: The New Legend NES The prince of the kingdom of Olympis, the son of King Amul (Amru in English) and Queen Alicia and the brother of Princess Iris.
The Prince (The Hero) Fable III
  • Xbox 360
  • Windows
The player may choose to control either a male character (The Prince/The Hero), voiced by Louis Tamone, or a female character (The Princess/The Heroine), voiced by Mischa Goodman.
The Elf Prince Final Fantasy
  • NES
  • various
He is the prince of Elfheim who has been put into a deep sleep by the evil dark elf, Astos, until he is revived by the Light Warriors.
Prince Gordon Final Fantasy II
  • Famicom
  • WonderSwan Color
  • PlayStation
  • GBA
  • PSP
  • iOS
  • Android
The prince of Kas’ion.
Prince Scott Prince Gordon’s older brother.
Edward Chris von Muir Final Fantasy IV
  • SNES
  • PlayStation
  • WonderSwan Color
  • GBA
  • FOMA 903i/703i
  • PSP
He is the prince of Damcyan who later becomes the seventh king of the region.
Edward Geraldine Also known simply as «Edge». He is the skilled ninja prince of Eblan.
Edgar Roni Figaro Final Fantasy VI
  • SNES
  • PlayStation
  • GBA
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows
He was formerly the prince, and now king, of the Figaro Castle.
Sabin Rene Figaro Also known as Macias Rene Figaro in Japanese version, he is King Edgar Figaro’s younger twin brother.
Eald’narche Final Fantasy XI
  • PS2
  • Windows
  • Xbox 360
The Zilart prince.
Kam’lanaut Eald’narche’s brother.
Rasler Heios Nabradia Final Fantasy XII
  • PS2
  • PS4
  • Windows
  • Xbox One
  • Switch
He was the prince of Nabradia.
Noctis Lucis Caelum Final Fantasy XV
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
Also known simply as Noct, he is the crown prince of the Kingdom of Lucis and the only son and heir of King Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII.
Ravus Nox Fleuret Formerly the prince of Tenebrae, older brother of the former Princess Lunafreya the oracle, he is the high commander and the secondary antagonist of the game.
Orinas Atkascha Final Fantasy Tactics PlayStation Prince of Ordalia and younger brother of Princess Ovelia Atkascha.
Chrom Fire Emblem Awakening Nintendo 3DS One of the main characters of the game, he is the prince of Ylisse, the middle brother of Queen Emmeryn and Princess Lissa, and the future father of Princess Lucina.
Conrad Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Nintendo 3DS He is the prince of Zofia, the son of King Lima IV and half-brother of Princess Celica.
Corrin (Avatar) Fire Emblem Fates Nintendo 3DS The player may choose to control either a male (Nohr Prince) or female character (Nohr Princess).
Hoshidan Princes
  • Ryoma, the first prince of Hoshido, older son of King Sumeragi and Queen Ikona; older stepson of Queen Mikoto.
  • Takumi, the second prince of Hoshido, younger son of King Sumeragi and Queen Ikona; younger stepson of Queen Mikoto.

Brothers of the Hoshidan Princesses Hinoka and Sakura.

Nohrian Princes
  • Xander, first prince and heir apparent of Nohr and older son of King Garon.
  • Leo, second prince of Nohr and younger son of King Garon.

Brothers of the Nohrian Princesses Camilla and Elise and stepbrothers of Princess Azura.

Albein Alm Rudolf
  • Fire Emblem Gaiden
  • Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
  • Famicom
  • 3DS
Also known simply as Alm, he is the prince from the Rigelian Empire who has been fostered in the village by former knight Mycen; the biological son and heir of the late Emperor Rudolf.
Julius Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Super Famicom The scion of Loptyr and the prince of Grannvale.
Kurth He was the prince of Grannvale who was murdered.
Leif Prince of Leonster and the brother of Princess Altena.
Quan The prince of Leonster and the father of Prince Leif and Princess Altena.
Seliph The prince of Chalphy and the son of Prince Sigurd and Queen Deirdre.
Sigurd The prince of Grannvale and Chalphy; Seliph’s father.
Alfonse Fire Emblem Heroes
  • Android
  • iOS
The prince of the Askr Kingdom and the older brother of Princess Sharena.
Bruno The prince of the Emblian Empire and older half-brother of Princess Veronica.
Hríd The prince of the Nifl Kingdom and the older brother of the princesses Gunnthrá, Fjorm and Ygler.
Ótr The villainous prince of Niðavellir, older brother of Princess Reginn and adoptive brother of King Fáfnir.
Reyson Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Nintendo GameCube He is the white-winged Heron prince of Serenes, son of King Lorazieh and brother of Princess Leanne.
Rafiel Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Wii He is the first Heron prince of Serenes and older brother of Reyson and Leanne.
Marth Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light;
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem;
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon;
Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
  • Famicom
  • Nintendo DS
Better known as the heroic prince of Altea, Marth is one of the primary protagonists of the series.
Michalis Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
  • Famicom
  • Nintendo DS
He is the former prince, and now king, of Macedon and older brother of Princesses Minerva and Maria.
Elffin Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade Game Boy Advance Although he is the local rebel, Elffin is actually the prince of Etruria.
Zephiel Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade Game Boy Advance He was formerly the prince of Bern, son of King Desmond and Queen Hellene. He becomes the king of Bern and the main antagonist in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade.
Ephraim Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones Game Boy Advance The prince of Renais, twin brother of Princess Eirika and one of the main characters of the game.
Innes He is the prince of Frelia and older brother of Princess Tana.
Lyon The prince of the Grado Empire and the secondary antagonist of the game.
Khalid «Claude» von Riegan Fire Emblem: Three Houses;
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Nintendo Switch The heir of House Riegan, son of Tiana von Riegan and the King of Almyra, and the leader of the Golden Deer.
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd The crown prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the leader of the Blue Lions. He is the stepbrother of Princess Edelgard of the Adrestian Empire.
Darios Fire Emblem Warriors
  • Nintendo Switch
  • New Nintendo 3DS
Prince of the Gristonne Kingdom and the son of King Oskar.
Rowan Prince of the Aytolis Kingdom, son of Queen Yelena, and younger twin brother of Princess Lianna.
Prince James Stewart Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned Windows The prince of Albany and a descendant of the House of Stuart. Voiced by Simon Templeman.
Prince Ander Gemfire
  • MSX
  • NES
  • SNES
  • Mega Drive/Genesis
  • MS-DOS
  • NEC PC-9801
  • FM Towns
  • Sharp X68000
  • NEC PC-8801
  • Windows
The leader of the Lyles.
Prince Erin The leader of the Blanches.
Traveler’s Sibling Genshin Impact
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows
  • PS4
  • PS5
The player may choose either a male (Prince of the Abyss Order) or female character (Princess of the Abyss Order).
Prince Pixel Graffiti Kingdom PlayStation 2 The prince of the Canvas Kingdom who takes the graffiti wand to create Graffiti Creatures in order to restore his kingdom.
Richard Heroes of Mana Nintendo DS He was formerly the prince and the «Silver Knight» of Valsena. He later becomes the king of Valsena in Trials of Mana.
Crown Prince Ice Palace Commodore 64
The Prince JumpStart Adventures 4th Grade: Haunted Island
  • Windows
  • Macintosh
The character based on «The Frog Prince» in the Enchanted Forest, in an early version of the JumpStart Adventures 4th Grade game prior to its updated version Sapphire Falls. Voiced by Tony Pope.
Prince Richard Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru Game Boy The prince of the Custard Kingdom.
Sablé Prince He is the prince of the Sablé Kingdom.
The Prince Katamari
  • PS2
  • PS3
  • Nintendo DSi
  • Switch
  • Xbox 360
  • iOS
  • Android
Also referred to as the Dashing Prince or the Prince of All Cosmos; he is the son of the King of All Cosmos and the main protagonist of the game series.
Prince Alexander
(aka Gwydion)
King’s Quest III: To Heir Is Human
  • MS-DOS
  • Apple II
  • Apple IIGS
  • Amiga
  • Atari ST
  • Mac
  • Tandy Color Computer 3
Prince Edgar King’s Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella
  • MS-DOS
  • Amiga
  • Apple II
  • Apple IIGS
  • Atari ST
Prince Fluff Kirby’s Epic Yarn
  • Wii
  • Nintendo 3DS
He is the prince of Patch Land.
Prince Garett (Ledin) Langrisser: The Descendants of Light
  • Mega Drive/Genesis
  • PlayStation
  • Sega Saturn
  • PC
  • PC Engine
  • 90xi Series Mobile Phone
  • PSN
The prince of the Kingdom of Baltia, and the son of King Alfador (Illzach), who leads his armies to battle the Dalsis Empire and the monsters they unwittingly awaken.
Olivert Reise Arnor The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
  • Windows
  • PSP
  • PS3
  • Vita
He is the prince of the Empire of Erebonia and the oldest son Emperor Eugent III and Empress Priscilla. Voiced by Troy Baker and Matthew Mercer in English and Takehito Koyasu in Japanese.
Cedric Reise Arnor The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
  • PS3
  • Vita
  • Windows
  • PS4
He is the half-brother of Prince Olivert, crown prince of the Empire of Erebonia, the son of Emperor Eugent III and Empress Priscilla, and the twin brother of Princess Alfin.
Prince Sidon The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Wii U
  • Nintendo Switch
The prince of the Zoras, son of King Dorephan and the brother of Princess Mipha.
Prince Ralis The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • Wii
  • GameCube
The crown prince of the Zoras and the son King Zora and Queen Rutela.
Blind Prince The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince
  • Vita
  • Switch
  • PS4
  • Android
  • iOS
He is a human prince who becomes blind by accident when the wolf princess impulsively tries to cover his eyes.
Prince Dreambert Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Nintendo 3DS The prince of the Pi’illo people.
Prince Peasley Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga Game Boy Advance The prince of the Beanbean kingdom and the son of Queen Bean.
Prince Paco Marvel Land
  • Arcade
  • Sega Mega Drive
Also known as Prince Talmit in English.
Goro Mortal Kombat Arcade
Rain He is the Prince and demigod of Edenia.
Prince Selius Heatherwood Nine Parchments;
Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince
  • Windows
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
  • Nintendo Switch
Voiced by Daniel Kendrick.
Cornelius Odin Sphere
  • PS2
  • PS3
  • PS4
  • Vita
The prince of the Fire Kingdom of Titania who has been transformed into a Pooka. Voiced by Daisuke Namikawa.
Ingway Also known as Yngwie in Japanese, he is the prince from the destroyed Kingdom of Valentine who has been turned into a frog by the sorcerers, the Three Wise Men. He is the maternal grandson of the villainous King Valentine, older twin brother of Princess Velvet and half-brother of the Valkyrie Princess Gwyndolyn. Voiced by Showtaro Morikubo.
Prince Gares Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen
  • SNES
  • Sega Saturn
  • PlayStation
  • Mobile phone
He is the imperial prince and Black Knight of the Sacred Zetegenian Empire who is to become an ogre.
Pheryx Tristan Zenobia Also known simply as Tristan, he is the prince and rightful heir of Zenobia, the son of the late King Gran and Queen Floran Zenobia and the brother of Prince Jan. He later becomes the king of New Zenobia.
Rhys Phantasy Star III Sega Genesis He is the Orakian crown prince of Landen.
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Spirit of Justice
  • Nintendo 3DS
  • iOS
  • Android
The prosecutor from the Kingdom of Khura’in, a small Asian country. He acts as a regent as his younger sister Rayfa Padma Khura’in, crown princess and royal priestess of the Khura’inism religion, becomes in-line as Queen by post-game.
Prince Prince of Persia Various There are several distinct Prince characters, sharing general traits for several main protagonists of the series.
Tapioca Princess Quest
  • Sega Saturn
  • PC
The prince of Dilma. Voiced by Emi Shinohara.
Patton Misnarge Rance
  • PC-8800 series
  • PC-9800 series
  • X68000
  • FM Towns
  • Windows
The former prince of the Helman Empire who has led the war against the Leazas Kingdom.
Ferdinand Marl E. Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure
  • PlayStation
  • PSN
  • DS
He was the former prince, and now king, of the Marl Kingdom.
Prince Calum The Royal Trap
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Linux
The prince of the rival kingdom of Gwellinor and the brother of Princess Cassidy.[30]
Prince Oscar The prince of Ocendawyr whose companion Madeleine Valois serves as his bodyguard.[30]
Arthur D. Lawrence Rune Factory 4
  • 3DS
  • Switch
  • Windows
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
He is the actual prince of the kingdom of Norad whose townspeople in Selphia have mistaken Lest for their prince, or Frey for their princess.
Nick Shining Force Gaiden;
Shining Force: The Sword of Hajya
Game Gear He is the prince of Cypress and the main character of the games.
Ragnus Shining Hearts PlayStation Portable He is the prince of Wynderia and the older brother of Princess Rufina.
Prince Tortiss Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage!;
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
  • PlayStation
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Switch
The turtle prince of Sunny Beach in the Summer Forest who asks Spyro to bring the baby turtles to safety in the other end of his realm.
Prince Azrael Spyro: Year of the Dragon;
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
  • PlayStation
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Switch
The feline prince of Felinia who has to marry the fairy princess Ami. His name and appearance are a reference to Gargamel’s pet cat from The Smurfs.
Prince Tricky Star Fox Adventures GameCube He is the young Centrosaurus who is the crown prince of the EarthWalker Tribe and serves as a companion of Fox McCloud.
Luca Blight Suikoden II
  • PlayStation
  • Windows
The prince and heir to the throne of Highland and a major antagonist of the game who is referred to as the «Mad Prince». He is the son of the late King Agares Blight and the half-brother of Princess Jillia.
Freyjadour Falenas Suikoden V PlayStation 2 The prince and heir of the Queendom of Falena and the main character of the game who deals with the political struggles of the nation. He is the son of Queen Arshtat Falenas and Ferid Egan and the brother of Princess Lym Falenas.
Prince Shams Suikoden Tierkreis Nintendo DS The prince of the Magedom of Janam, the son of Mage Lord Danash VIII and Lady Kureyah and the stepbrother of Princess Manaril. Voiced by Cameron Ansell in English and Ai Orikasa in Japanese.[31]
Dylan Will Delteana Summon Night X: Tears Crown Nintendo DS He is the prince and heir of the Kingdom of Delteana, son of King Glocken, and the male protagonist of the game. Voiced by Jun Fukuyama.
Noin Won Celestia He is the prince from the Kingdom of Celestia, older brother of Princess Phara and son of King Novice, who has been taken by Prince Dylan’s father Glocken to settle disputes between two kingdoms. Voiced by Daisuke Kishio.
Mallow Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars SNES The rightful prince of Nimbus Land who has been turned into a tadpole.
Bowser Jr. Super Mario Sunshine GameCube He is the son and heir of the Koopa King Bowser and one of the main antagonists of the Mario series.
Prince AbeABE Super Monkey Ball Adventure
  • GameCube
  • PS2
  • PSP
The monkey prince of Monkitropolis.
Elliot Trials of Mana
  • Super Famicom
  • Switch
  • Windows
  • PS4
He is the young prince of the Wind Kingdom of Laurent and the brother of Princess Riesz. He is voiced by Christie Cate in the video game remake.
Kevin He is the prince of Ferolia and the son of the Beast King; one of the main protagonists of the game. He is voiced by T.J. Rhoads in English and Ryota Ohsaka in Japanese in the video game remake.
Roland Glenbrook Triangle Strategy Nintendo Switch The prince of the Kingdom of Glenbrook and the member of the House Wolffort War Council who becomes a sole heir to the throne after the villainous Archduke Gustadolph Aesfrost has seized his country, executing his father King Regna and brother Prince Frani and capturing his younger sister Princess Cordelia. Voiced by Alan Lee in English and Yuichi Nakamura in Japanese.
Asriel Dreemurr («Flowey») Undertale
  • Windows
  • OS X
  • Linux
  • PS4
  • Vita
  • Switch
He is the son of King Asgore Dreemurr and Toriel of the Underground and main antagonist of the game.
Cecil Aijima (Kuppuru) Uta no Prince-sama PlayStation Portable He is the prince from Agnapolis who has been cursed to transform into a black cat. Voiced by Kousuke Toriumi.
Maximilian Gaius Von Reginrave Valkyria Chronicles
  • PS3
  • Windows
  • PS4
He is the imperial prince of East Europan Imperial Alliance and the main antagonist of the game. Voiced by Matthew Yang King in English and Jun Fukuyama in Japanese.
Maxim Laertes Valkyria Revolution
  • PS4
  • Vita
  • Xbox One
He is the exiled prince of Ipseria who has been pressed into service as a military officer in the Ruzhien Empire. Voiced by Matthew Mercer in English and Kenichi Suzumura in Japanese.
Mont Leonis War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
  • Android
  • iOS
Also known as the Destined Prince, he is formerly the first prince, and later king, of the Kingdom of Leonis; the first son of King Oelde and Queen and Helena Leonis. Voiced by Bryce Papenbrook in English and Kensho Ono in Japanese.
Sterne Leonis He is the second prince of the Kingdom of Leonis, the Knight of Ruin, and a major antagonist of the game; Mont’s younger twin brother and the second son of King Oelde and Queen Helena. Voiced by Zach Aguilar in English and Yūichirō Umehara in Japanese.
Arthas Menethil Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos;
Heroes of the Storm
  • Windows
  • Classic Mac OS
  • Mac OS X
Arthas was formerly the crown prince of Lordaeron. He is currently known as the Lich King, leader of the Scourge.
Kael’thas Sunstrider Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
He was the prince of Quel’Thalas and the lord of the Blood Elves.
Anduin Wrynn World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth;
Heroes of the Storm
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
Formerly, he was the Crown Prince of Stormwind, son of the late King Varian Wrynn; he is the King of Stormwind, High King of the Alliance, and commander of all Alliance forces.
Zeke von Genbu Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Nintendo Switch Zeke, whose real name is Ozychlyrus Brounev Tantal, is the crown prince of the Kingdom of Tantal and the son of King Eulogimenos Tantal. Voiced by Daniel Barker in English and Kenjiro Tsuda in Japanese.
Prince Pine Yoshi’s Safari SNES The son of King Fret and the prince of Jewelry Land.
Prince Atory Arcadia Zoids Saga;
Zoids VS
  • GBA
  • Nintendo DS
  • Nintendo GameCube
Also known as Athle Arcadia in the international version, he is the prince of Arcadia Kingdom. In Zoids VS, he is voiced by Noriko Hidaka in Japanese and Greg Ayres in English.

See also[edit]

  • List of fictional princesses
  • List of fictional monarchs (fictional countries)
  • List of fictional nobility


  1. ^ Andrew Lang, The Olive Fairy Book,»The Snake Prince»
  2. ^ The Ile-Rien Books by Martha Wells
  3. ^ «Disney’s Mulan JR». Retrieved 25 May 2014.
  4. ^ Pullar, Jess. «The Set Of Netflix’s ‘A Castle For Christmas’ Has A Surprising Twist. Everything you *want* to know about the filming location». Marie Claire. Retrieved December 5, 2021.
  5. ^ Murphy, Sean; Traynor, Sian (December 1, 2021). «Scots react to new Netflix Christmas film shot in Edinburgh». Edinburgh Live. Retrieved December 5, 2021.
  6. ^ Christmas with a Prince on IMDb
  7. ^ It is Hell with the Princess on IMDb
  8. ^ My Christmas Prince on IMDb
  9. ^ My Summer Prince on IMDb
  10. ^ Royal Matchmaker on IMDb
  11. ^ Royal New Year’s Eve on IMDb
  12. ^ Edwards, Chris (January 31, 2021). «Aladdin star Mena Massoud lands leading role in new Netflix movie». Digital Spy. Retrieved February 7, 2021.
  13. ^ Royally Ever After on IMDb
  14. ^ A Winter Princess on IMDb
  15. ^ a b List of Disney Prince and Princess Names
  16. ^ Enchanted Princess on IMDb
  17. ^ The Last Prince of Atlantis on IMDb
  18. ^ Little Insects on IMDb
  19. ^ The Princess Castle on IMDb
  20. ^ Pineda, Rafael Antonio (November 19, 2021). «The Genius Prince’s Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt Anime Unveils More Cast, Song Artists, January 11 Debut». Anime News Network.
  21. ^ a b Malone, Michael (2020-03-19). «‘Mira, Royal Detective’ Premieres on Disney Junior March 20″. Broadcasting & Cable.
  22. ^ a b «‘Mira, Royal Detective’ and other Disney shows to watch with your kids». Yahoo. March 20, 2020.
  23. ^ Mateo, Alex (November 17, 2021). «Funimation Streams Ranking of Kings Anime’s English Dub». Anime News Network.
  24. ^ Sandokan on IMDb
  25. ^ The Princess and the Pirate on IMDb
  26. ^ BBC Radio 4 Extra — Another Case of Milton Jones, «Royal Speech Therapist»
  27. ^ «Another Case of Milton Jones, Series 5, Episode 4″. Listening Books.
  28. ^ «Special Relativity — A Radio Comedy starring Alex Borstein».
  29. ^ Lada, Jenni (March 11, 2022). «The DioField Chronicle Characters Introduced». Siliconera.
  30. ^ a b Johnson, Neilie (2012). «The Royal Trap Review». Gamezebo. Retrieved October 29, 2022.
  31. ^ «Voice of Shams in Suikoden: Tierkreis». Behind The Voice Actors.

External links[edit]

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This is a list of fictional princes that have appeared in various works of fiction. It is organized by medium and limited to well-referenced, notable examples of the fictional princes.


This section contains examples of both classic and more modern writing.

Fictional prince(s) Work Notes Author
Ivan Tsarevich Tsarevitch Ivan, the Fire Bird and the Gray Wolf;
The Frog Princess;
The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise;
The Bold Knight, the Apples of Youth, and the Water of Life;
The Wicked Sisters;
The Death of Koschei the Deathless
One of the main protagonists of the Russian folktales collected by Alexander Afanasyev in Narodnye russkie skazki. Alexander Afanasyev
Ring Prince Ring Icelandic fairy tale included by Andrew Lang in The Yellow Fairy Book. Jón Árnason
Prince Lír The Last Unicorn He is a skilled hero who was adopted by King Haggard, found in the town of Hagsgate. Peter S. Beagle
Michel Ard Rhi Magic Kingdom of Landover He was formerly the prince of Landover who was so cruel that his kingdom banished him, long before he became a Washington state millionaire. Michel appears in the third novel Wizard at Large. Terry Brooks
Ivor Fedorovitch The Lost Prince He was the lost prince of Samavia who vanished during the Middle Ages. Frances Hodgson Burnett
Carthoris Barsoom series He is the prince of Helium who is part red Martian and part Earthman. His name is a combaination of his parents John Carter and Princess Dejah Thoris. Edgar Rice Burroughs
Gahan He is the prince from Gathol who marries Carthoris’s sister Princess Tara.
John Carter of Mars He marries Princess Dejah Thoris of Helium. In The Warlord of Mars, John is known as the Warlord of Barsoom.
Ian How Ian Direach got the Blue Falcon Scottish fairy tale collected by John Francis Campbell in Popular Tales of the West Highlands and included by Andrew Lang in The Orange Fairy Book. John Francis Campbell
Snake Prince The Snake Prince The Indian fairy tale collected by Major Campbell in Firozpur; included by Andrew Lang in The Olive Fairy Book.[1] Major Campbell
Prince Maxon Calix Schreave The Selection series The son and heir of King Clarkson and Queen Amberly Schreave of Illéa. Kiera Cass
Prince Paul The King of Clubs The prince of Maurania. Agatha Christie
Prince of Erin The Thirteenth Son of the King of Erin He is the youngest of the King’s thirteen sons, in the Irish fairy tale collected by Jeremiah Curtin in Myths and Folk-lore of Ireland and included by Ruth Manning-Sanders in A Book of Dragons. Jeremiah Curtin
Furibon Le Prince Lutin He was a malformed prince whose rival governor had claimed to his throne. Madame d’Aulnoy
Léandre He was originally a handsome human prince but has been turned into a lutin.
Prince Chéri Princess Belle-Etoile French fairy tale inspired by Giovanni Francesco Straparola’s Ancilotto, King of Provino.
Prince Pondicherry Charlie and the Chocolate Factory He is the reigning Indian prince who could rule in his chocolate palace, despite Willy Wonka’s warning, until it melts in the hot weather. Roald Dahl
Prince Edward Plantagenet Dragon Knight The prince of England who was being held captive by a rogue magickian Malvinne and later identified as the historical «Black Prince»; the son of King Edward III Plantagenet. Gordon R. Dickson
Prince Karl «Charles» von Waldron The Fall of a Nation Thomas Dixon, Jr.
Prince Myshkin The Idiot Prince Lev Nikolayevich Myshkin Fyodor Dostoevsky
Kheldar The Belgariad series Also known as Silk, he is the prince of Drasnia as well as a spy and thief; the nephew of King Rhodar and Queen Porenn. He first appears in Pawn of Prophecy. David Eddings
Kheva The crown prince of Drasnia, the younger cousin of Kheldar and the son of King Rhodar and Queen Porenn. He ascended the throne upon his father’s death.
Prince La Fireez The Worm Ouroboros The reigning prince of Pixyland and the brother of Lady Prezmyra. He died in the naval battle. E. R. Eddison
Prince John Robin Hood legends The villainous prince of England who is assisted by the Sheriff of Nottingham and Sir Guy of Gisbourne, loosely based on the historical John, King of England. English folklore
Prince of Aragon Robin Hood and the Prince of Aragon
Horace Altman Ranger’s Apprentice He is the knight and former captain of Royal Guard Unit B of the kingdom of Araluen who is married to its crown princess Cassandra as her prince consort. Also of note is his father-in-law, King Duncan, who was formerly the prince of Araluen during his youthhood. John Flanagan
Prince Ahmed Prince Ahmad and the Fairy Peri-Banu A Middle Eastern folktale; one of a collection of tales from The Book of One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights). Translated and added by Antoine Galland
Prince Ali
Prince Hussain
Aladdin The Story of Aladdin; or, the Wonderful Lamp Aladdin is a humble young man who wishes to become a wealthy prince to be married to Princess Badroulbadour.
Prince Humperdinck The Princess Bride He is the heir to the throne of Florin who wants the most beautiful woman to be his bride. The son of the elderly King Lotharon and the stepson of Queen Bella. William Goldman
Prince Fyren The Sword of Truth The High Prince of Kelton. Terry Goodkind
Prince Harold Amnell The prince and the leader of the armies of Galea; the son of King Wyborn and Queen Bernadine Amnell and the brother of Queen Cyrilla Amnell.
Prince Charming Cinderella Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault
Prince Bertie King & King A young gay prince whose mother the grouchy queen forces him to marry a princess, but he is actually in love with another prince named Lee. Both Bertie and Lee later become kings when they marry each other. Linda de Haan and Stern Nijland
Prince George The Princess and the Hound Mette Ivie Harrison
Farad’n Dune The son of Princess Wensicia and Dalak and the grandson of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV and Anirul. Frank Herbert
Prince Casamassima Roderick Hudson The rich Neapolitan. Henry James
Five Princes The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter They are the five princes who have been telling Kaguya-hime (the Princess Kaguya) to choose from among them for her hand in marriage but fail on her, in a 10th-century Japanese folktale. This story is also the basis for the science fiction manga series Kaguyahime. Japanese folklore
Köke Temür The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber The son of Prince Chaghan Temür of Ruyang of the Yuan Dynasty and the older brother of Zhao Min. Jin Yong
Zhang Wuji He is married to Zhao Min.
Prince Justin/Percival Howl’s Moving Castle He is the younger brother of the King of Ingary, who is cursed to transform into a dog. Justin also appears in the sequel Castle in the Air where he is married to Princess Beatrice of Strangia. Diana Wynne Jones
Fox Prince The Greek Princess and the Young Gardener He is the brother of Princess Golden Locks. Irish fairy tale collected in Kennedy’s Fireside Stories of Ireland. Included by Joseph Jacobs in More Celtic Fairy Tales. Collected by Patrick Kennedy
Young Gardener He marries Princess Golden Locks.
The Schoolboy The Glass Mountain He is married to the Princess. Polish fairy tale collected by Hermann Kletke. Also collected by Andrew Lang. Hermann Kletke
Asmund Asmund and Signy Icelandic fairy tale collected in Islandische Märchen and included by Andrew Lang in The Brown Fairy Book. Collected by Andrew Lang
Prince Ring
Prince Hermod Hermod and Hadvor
Nix Nought Nothing Nix Nought Nothing A fairy tale originally collected by Andrew Lang; Joseph Jacobs included it in English Fairy Tales.
Prince Darling Prince Darling
Prigio Prince Prigio 1889 literary and comic fairy tale illustrated by Gordon Browne.
Prince Lebannen
(aka Arren)
Earthsea series He is the prince, and later king, of Enlad who first appeared in The Farthest Shore. Ursula K. Le Guin
Prince Ligovskoy Princess Ligovskaya Character based on Nikolai Bakhmetyev. Varvara Lopukhina, Bakhmetyev’s wife, was the prototype for the character of Vera Ligovskaya. Mikhail Lermontov
Prince Charmont («Char») Ella Enchanted The prince of Kyrria. Gail Carson Levine
Prince Ijori Fairest The crown prince and heir to the throne of Ayortha.
Caspian X The Chronicles of Narnia The former prince, and now king, of Narnia. C. S. Lewis
Prince Cor (aka Shasta) The prince and rightful heir of Archenland, the son of King Lune and the older twin brother of Prince Corin.
Rabadash The prince and heir to the throne of Calormen, son of the Tisroc, who attempts to take over Archenland but has been thwarted by Prince Cor and turned into a donkey by Aslan.
Rilian The prince, and later king, of Narnia and the son of King Caspian X.
Dorian Havilliard Throne of Glass series The Crown Prince, and later King, of Adarlan and one of the main characters of the novel series. Sarah J. Maas
Prince Harelip The Princess and the Goblin The Goblin prince. George MacDonald
Prince Tung Thank You, Mr. Moto He is descended from an old Manchu family; a friend of Tom Nelson. John P. Marquand
Joffrey Baratheon A Song of Ice and Fire He was formerly the Crown Prince of the Seven Kingdoms, legal son of King Robert Baratheon and biological son of Cersei and Jaime Lannister; older brother of Tommen and Myrcella Baratheon. He becomes the king of the Seven Kingdoms after his legal father’s death. George R. R. Martin
Tommen Baratheon He is the younger brother of Joffrey and Myrcella Baratheon and the husband of Margaery Tyrell.
Theon Greyjoy He is the son of King Balon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands.
Doran Martell He is the prince of Dorne.
Oberyn Martell Better known as the Red Viper, he is the younger brother of Prince Doran and Princess Elia Martell.
Trystane Martell He is the son of Prince Doran Martell and is betrothed to Myrcella Baratheon.
Rhaegar Targaryen He was the heir apparent to the Iron Throne of the Targaryen dynasty, first son of King Aerys II Targaryen and older brother of Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen; the husband of Princess Elia Martell.
Viserys III Targaryen He was formerly the exiled prince and heir of the Targaryen dynasty, second son of King Aerys II Targaryen and middle brother of Rhaegar and Daenerys Targaryen.
Prince Azim The Drum A. E. W. Mason
Prince Guhl The main antagonist of the story.
Prince Kaito «Kai» The Lunar Chronicles series He is formerly the crown prince, and now emperor, of the Eastern Commonwealth; the son of the late Emperor Rikan. He is based on Prince Charming from «Cinderella». Marissa Meyer
Earnest The Princes and the Treasure The two gay men who become princes as they marry each other in the end. Jeffrey A. Miles
Prince Dolor The Little Lame Prince and his Travelling Cloak Miss Mulock
Prince Ronald The Paper Bag Princess Illustrated by Michael Martchenko. Robert Munsch
Russian Prince The Emperor’s Candlesticks The kidnapped prince from Russia. Baroness Orczy
Prince Xizor Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Steve Perry
Aphai and Sisuwan Phra Aphai Mani The Thai princes. Sunthorn Phu
Prince Jonathan of Conté The Song of the Lioness The crown prince of the kingdom of Tortall. Tamora Pierce
Duke Roger of Conté The cousin of Prince Jonathan.
Prince Heinrich Discworld The ruler of the principality of Zlobenia (a parody of Slovenia) and the heir to the throne of the neighboring duchy of Borogravia after the death of Duchess Annagovia. Terry Pratchett
King Teppic King Pteppicymon XXVIII, formerly the crown prince of Djelibeybi (the fictional counterpart to Ancient Egypt) and the half-brother of Queen Ptraci I; the son of the late King Pteppicymon XXVII.
Prince Rudolf The Tin Princess A part of the Sally Lockhart series, Rudolf was the crown prince of Razkavia who was going to be a new king after his father’s death but was suddenly killed during his coronation. Philip Pullman
Ruslan Ruslan and Ludmila The brave knight who would marry Ludmila, daughter of Prince Vladimir after the rescue, in the 1820 Russian poem by Alexander Pushkin. Alexander Pushkin
Prince Vladimir The ruler of Kiev and the father of Ludmila. Based on the historical figure of Vladimir the Great.
Prince Yelsei The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights Also called «The Tale of the Dead Tsarevna and the Seven Bogatyrs», the 1833 Russian poem by Alexander Pushkin.
Prince Gvidon The Tale of Tsar Saltan 1831 Russian poem written after the fairy tale edited by Vladimir Dahl.
Prince Arlis Dragon Prince and Dragon Star trilogies The prince of Kierst-Isel who was the grandson of Prince Volog of Kierst and Prince Saumer of Isel. Melanie Rawn
Prince Davvi The prince of Syr and the lord of River Run; the older brother of the Sunrunner witch and the High Princess, Sioned.
Prince Jastri The prince of Syr and the older brother of Princess Gemma; the main antagonist of the trilogies.
Prince Laric The son of Chadric and Audrite of Dorval and the prince of Firon.
Prince Miyon The prince of Cunaxa and one of the main villains.
Prince Pol The son and heir of Prince Rohan and Sioned; one of the main protagonists of the trilogies.
Prince Roelstra The High Prince of Princemarch and one of the primary antagonists of the trilogies.
Prince Rohan The Dragon Prince of the Desert, the son of Prince Zehava and Milar and the husband of the Sunrunner witch, Sioned. He is one of the main protagonists of the trilogies.
Prince Norman («Noman») Fearsome Tales for Fiendish Kids The young prince, and later king, of Misery. Jamie Rix
Prince Egor Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids He is the prince who quickly becomes the crowned king of Ruritania.
Little Prince The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince) He is a young prince who visits each of various planets in space, including Earth. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Sandokan The Tigers of Mompracem The last of a dynasty of Borneo, he is the prince and rightful heir who sails across the South China Sea as a pirate under the alias «The Tiger of Malaysia». Emilio Salgari
Prince of Lormere The Sin Eater’s Daughter The son of the Queen of Lormere. Melinda Salisbury
Duke of Albany King Lear The husband of Goneril of Britain. William Shakespeare
Duke of Burgundy
Duke of Cornwall The husband of Regan of Britain.
Donalbain Macbeth He is the younger son of King Duncan of Scotland. Based on the historical figure of Donald III of Scotland.
Malcolm He is older son of King Duncan and the brother of Donalbain. Based on the historical figure of Malcolm III of Scotland.
Don Pedro Much Ado About Nothing The prince of Aragon.
Don John Don Pedro’s brother.
Prince Othello Othello He is the Moorish prince and the title character of the story, who lives in Venice.
Prince Pericles Pericles, Prince of Tyre He is the ruling prince of Tyre and the titular character of the story; the father of Marina and the husband of Thaisa, daughter of King Simonides of Pentapolis.
Duke of Aumerle Richard II Based on the historical figure of Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of York.
Duke of Surrey Based on the historical figure of Thomas Holland, 1st Duke of Surrey.
Duke of York The father of the Duke of Aumerle and the uncle of King Richard II. Based on the historical figure, Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York.
Henry Bolingbroke IV The duke, and later king, of Hereford. Based on the historical figure, Henry IV of England.
John of Gaunt The duke of Lancaster, the father of Henry Bolingbroke and the uncle of King Richard II. Based on the historical figure of John of Gaunt.
Thomas Mowbray The duke of Norfolk who is based on the historical figure, Thomas de Mowbray, 1st Duke of Norfolk.
Prince Escalus Romeo and Juliet He is the ruler of Verona. He is possibly based on the member of the actual Scaliger family, Bartolomeo I.
Prince Ferdinand The Tempest The prince of Naples, son of King Alonso and the husband of Miranda.
Fortinbras The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark He is the crown prince of Norway and the minor character of the story. His father, the former Norwegian king, was also named Fortinbras.
Prince Hamlet The son of the late King Hamlet and Queen Gertrude of Denmark, he is the titular protagonist of the story.
Prince Amaryllis Somebody Else’s Prince A short story collected by Evelyn Sharp in The Other Side of the Sun. Evelyn Sharp
Prince Hyacinth The youngest of the four princes.
Hikaru Genji The Tale of Genji Better known as the «Shining Prince», he is the second son of Emperor Kiritsubo. Murasaki Shikibu
Otto Johann Friedrich Prince Otto: A Romance He is the ruling prince of Grünewald who seeks to prevent his country from revolution and war, while striving to repair his marriage to the discontented Princess Seraphina. Robert Louis Stevenson
Prince Florizel The Suicide Club He is the prince of Bohemia and one of the main characters of the short story trilogy.
Prince Alexander The Prince and the Pilgrim He is the main protagonist of the story. Mary Stewart
Prince Baudouin The father of Prince Alexander.
Miller’s Son Puss in Boots A young man who is married to the Princess. An Italian fairy tale originally included by Giovanni Francesco Straparola in The Facetious Nights of Straparola, with the different versions published by Giambattista Basile and then by Charles Perrault. Giovanni Francesco Straparola
Prince of Denmark The Prince and the Princess in the Forest Danish fairy tale collected in Tang Kristensen’s Æventyr far Jylland («Tales from Jutland») and included by Andrew Lang in The Olive Fairy Book. Evald Tang Kristensen
Duke of Winterset Monsieur Beaucaire 1900 short novel by Booth Tarkington. Booth Tarkington
Louis-Philippe d’Orléans («Beaucaire») The titular character of the story based on the historical figure of Louis Philippe I, Duke of Orléans.
Princes Three princes who support their sister Princess Ida.

  • Prince Arac
  • Prince Guron
  • Prince Scynthius
Prince Pompadore Kabumpo in Oz The prince of Pumperdink. He marries Princess Peg Amy of Sun-Top Mountain to have a daughter Pajonia. Ruth Plumly Thompson
Prince Randy The Purple Prince of Oz The prince of Regalia. Illustrated by John R. Neill.
Curufin The Silmarillion The prince of the elves of Noldor. J. R. R. Tolkien
Faramir II The Lord of the Rings;
The Two Towers;
The Return of the King
The prince of Ithilien, the second son of the Steward Denethor II and the younger brother of Boromir. He is also the husband of Éowyn, princess of Rohan.
Finarfin The Lord of the Rings;
The Silmarillion
The prince, and later high king, of Noldor and the son of King Finwë and Queen Indis; the husband of Princess Eärwen of Teleri.
Imrahil The Lord of the Rings;
The Return of the King
The prince of Dol Amroth.
Legolas The Fellowship of the Ring;
The Two Towers;
The Return of the King
Though he never actually held the title of «prince», Legolas is an elven prince of Mirkwood and the son of King Thranduil.
Prince Dmitri Ivanovich Nekhlyudov Resurrection Leo Tolstoy
Prince Andrei Nikolayevich Bolkonsky War and Peace The son of the domineering Prince Nikolay Andreevich Bolkonsky.
Prince Edward Tudor VI The Prince and the Pauper He is the Prince of Wales who trades places with Tom Canty and later becomes the King. Based on the historical Edward VI of England. Mark Twain
Wulfgar, Abas and Kenric Heir Apparent The three legitimate sons of Queen Andreanna and the late King Cynric and three brothers of Princess Janine de St. Jehan. Vivian Vande Velde
Prince Dakkar
(aka Captain Nemo)
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea;
The Mysterious Island
The former Hindu prince of Bundelkhand who serves as the captain of his submarine, the Nautilus. Jules Verne
Judah Ben-Hur Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ He is the Jewish Prince of Jerusalem and the titular character of the story. Lew Wallace
Prince Manfred The Shape of Things to Come The ruler of Bavaria and the leader of the worldwide rebellion. H.G. Wells
Prince Ilaron The Fall of Ile-Rien trilogy[2] He is the crown prince of Ile-Rien. Martha Wells
Arthur Pendragon («Wart») The Once and Future King Based upon a reworking Le Morte d’Arthur about the legendary King Arthur, he was formerly the prince of England, son of the deceased King Uther Pendragon. Due to his father’s death, Arthur was originally fostered by Sir Ector and his son Kay until he later became the new King of England after pulling his Excalibur out of the stone and anvil. T. H. White
Happy Prince The Happy Prince and Other Tales Oscar Wilde
Prince Daystar Enchanted Forest Chronicles series Patricia C. Wrede
Prince Therandil


Fictional prince Comic title Notes
Prince Abdullah The Adventures of Tintin The young, spoiled, mischievous prince of the fictional Arabian state of Khemed; the son of Mohammed Ben Kalish Ezab. Based on Faisal II of Iraq.
Prince of the Sun
Prince Ithaca Andromeda Stories He is formerly the prince of the empire of Cosmoralia who marries Princess Lilia, in the process crowining him King Astralta III.
Prince Jimsa Ithaca and Lilia’s son, and the brother of Princess Affle, who is destined to lead the resistance of planet Astria against the sinister alien machines.
Apaimanee Apaimanee Saga The first prince and heir of Rattana; the first son of Thao Srisutat and Pratumkesorn.
Srisuwan The second prince and heir of Rattana; the younger brother of Apaimanee and the second son of Thao Srisutat and Pratumkesorn.
Prince Brion Markov («Geo-Force») DC Comics He is the prince of Markovia and the half-brother of Princess Tara Markov («Terra»).
Prince Evillo The evil prince of the planet Tartarus.
Prince Amentep («Ibis the Invincible») He was the prince from an ancient Egypt who has been brought back to life by the work of the wizard Shazam after 4000 years and uses his vast powers to become a crimefighter.
Prince Khufu Maat Kha-Tar («Hawkman») Khufu is the prince from an ancient Egypt during his past life who was killed by his rival Hath-Set before his soul was reborn as Carter Hall, the true identity of Hawkman himself.
Ryand’r («Darkfire») He is the Prince of the planet Tamaran in the fictional Vegan system, son of King Myand’r and Queen Luand’r; younger brother of the evil Princess Komand’r («Blackfire») and the heroic Princess Koriand’r («Starfire»). He is also the current member of the Omega Men.
Prince Topaz He is the prince of Gemworld.
Viking Prince
Prince Barin Flash Gordon The sovereign of Arboria.
Prince Thun He is the prince of the Lion Men and the son of King Jugrid.
Prince Vultan He is the prince of the Hawkmen.
Shin Lee Goong The crown prince of Korea.
Sun Lee The younger brother of Shin Lee.
Princes of Kakin Hunter × Hunter The sons of King Nasubi Hui Guo Rou of the Kakin kingdom:

  • Benjamin Hui Guo Rou
  • Zhang Lei Hui Guo Rou
  • Tserriednich Hui Guo Rou
  • Luzurus Hui Guo Rou
  • Salé-salé Hui Guo Rou
  • Halkenburg Hui Guo Rou
  • Marayam Hui Guo Rou
Rei Kilala Princess The prince of Paradiso who seeks for one princess for his country.
Prince Joon A Kiss for my Prince
Prince Shion
Prince Yu-Jen
Prince Ludwig Ludwig Kakumei Also known simply as Lui, he is a flamboyant prince and a womanizer who is forced by his father the King to find a princess to marry and bears an uncanny resmblance to his mother Queen Amalberga. Ludwig is also the stepbrother of Prince Julius. He is named after Jacob Ludwig Grimm.
Namor McKenzie Marvel Comics He is the prince of Atlantis and the mutant son of Fen and Leonard McKenzie.
Prince Rudolfo Fortunov He was the former crown prince of Latveria.
Prince Zorba Fortunov He is the brother of Rudolfo Fortunov and was formerly the prince of Latveria before he later became king.
Asbel Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind The Prince of Pejite and the twin brother of the deceased Princess Rastel.
Crown Prince Sebastian The Prince and the Dressmaker He is the crown prince of Belgium who cross-dresses as the glamorous Lady Crystallia by night.
Prince Nathan Prince Valiant He is the son of Prince Valiant of Thule and Queen Aleta of the Misty Isles.
Prince of the Tambourine Star Princess Comet
Prince Franz Charming Princess Knight He is the prince of Goldland.
Prince Roy Royal Roy The young prince of Cashelot.
Princes from Sailor Moon Sailor Moon
  • Mamoru Chiba (Chiba Mamoru, «Darien»), Tuxedo Mask — Prince Endymion
  • Prince Demand — The leader of the Black Moon Clan
  • Blue Saphir — One of the members of the Black Moon Clan and the younger brother of Prince Demand
Prince Ahmad Shounen Princess: Putri Harimau Naoko The «prince» of the Southeast Asian country of Urunei who is actually a woman disguised as a man in place of her late twin brother the previous prince, who died in an accident fifteen years ago, and later marries Naotora, a young man who came to her country pretending to be a woman.
Shuna Shuna’s Journey He is the prince from the small mountain valley who is on a quest to find the golden grain.
Prince Alfonse The Sword of Paros The half-brother of the King of Paros who tries to get his niece Princess Erminia to marry Prince Phaon.
Prince Phaon The prince of the neighboring kingdom of Kauros who Erminia has been chosen to marry him but repeatedly rejects it due to being lesbian.
Prince Canute Vinland Saga The prince of the Danes and the son of King Sweyn Forkbeard. Based on the historical Canute the Great.
Prince Harald The deceased older brother of Prince Canute. Based on the historical Harald II of Denmark.


Fictional prince Title Notes
Aladdin Aladdin The traditional pantomime was originally dramatized by John O’Keeffe in 1788 for the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Different versions of the pantomime story have been performed for over 200 years. The «Aladdin» story was also adapted into other theatrical productions. Notable adaptations include:

  • Aladdin (1805), verse drama by Adam Oehlenschläger; with incidental music by Carl Nielsen.
  • The New Aladdin (1906), successful Edwardian musical comedy
    • Originally starred Lily Elsie as «Lally»
  • Aladdin, the 1979 musical adaptation
Prince Chulalongkorn The King and I The eldest son and heir of King Mongkut of Siam; based on the real-life Chulalongkorn. The 1951 Broadway musical composed by Richard Rodgers and written by Oscar Hammerstein II based on the semi-fictionalized novel Anna and the King of Siam.
Prince Leonce Leonce and Lena The Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Popo.
Prince Alexander The Light Princess The prince of Lagobel and the brother of Princess Althea. Based on the Scottish fairy tale of the same name by George MacDonald.
Prince Digby The prince of Sealand.
Tamino The Magic Flute He also appears in the following sequels, Das Labyrinth and The Magic Flute Part Two.
Prince Tokmakov The Maid of Pskov Prince Yuriy Ivanovich Tokmakov. The adoptive father of Princess Olga and the brother-in-law of Vera Sheloga. 1872 opera composed by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, based on the drama of the same name by Lev Mei.
Prince Afanasy Prince Afanasy Vyazemsky
Nutcracker Prince The Nutcracker He is the prince who has been turned into a nutcracker.
Prince Karl
  • Old Heidelberg, the 1901 German play by Wilhelm Meyer-Förster.
  • The Student Prince, the 1924 operetta composed by Sigmund Romberg.
Prince Dauntless Once Upon a Mattress A musical comedy based on Hans Christian Andersen’s The Princess and the Pea.
Prince Hilarion The Princess
Princess Ida
  • The Princess, a blank verse farcical play by W. S. Gilbert, parodying Alfred Tennyson’s poem, «The Princess: A Medley».
  • Princess Ida, a comic opera; music by Arthur Sullivan, libretto by W. S. Gilbert. Based on the poem «The Princess» by Alfred Tennyson.
Three Princes
  • Prince Arac
  • Prince Guron
  • Prince Scynthius
Jean Puss in Boots 1915 short children’s opera in three acts composed by César Cui, based on the fairy tale of the same name.
Prince Yeletsky The Queen of Spades 1890 opera in three acts (seven scenes) by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, based on the short story of the same name by Alexander Pushkin.
Prince Keri of Zalgar The Queen Was in the Parlour 1926 play written by Noël Coward.
Prince Dimitri Nekhlyudov Resurrection
  • Risurrezione, 1904 Italian opera/drama composed by Franco Alfano.
  • Vzkriesenie, 1960 Slovak opera composed by Ján Cikker.
  • Resurrection, 1999 American opera composed by Tod Machover.

Based on the novel of the same name by Leo Tolstoy.

Ratmir Ruslan and Lyudmila The prince of Khazars. 1842 Russian opera composed by Mikhail Glinka, based on Alexander Pushkin’s poem of the same name.
Ruslan The main protagonist of the opera.
Svetozar The Great Prince of Kiev.
Prince Désiré The Sleeping Beauty The ballet composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, based on Charles Perrault’s fairy tale of the same name.
Prince Charles The Sleeping Prince: An Occasional Fairy Tale 1953 play by Terence Rattigan.
Prince The Snow Queen A chamber opera in six scenes based on Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale of the same name; prologue by Matthew King, libretto by Andrew McKinnon.
Prince Siegfried Swan Lake He is the prince who is the love interest of the Swan-Princess Odette.
Agis The Triumph of Love He is the prince and rightful heir to the throne of Sparta and the son of the deposed King Cléomène.

The play was originally written by Pierre de Marivaux in 1732 and later adapted into a Broadway musical in 1997 by James Magruder.

Disney Princes Various A number of Disney Princes have gotten their own musicals.

  • Title character in Aladdin
  • Beast in Beauty and the Beast
  • Hans in Frozen
  • Title character in Hercules
  • Simba in The Lion King
  • Eric in The Little Mermaid
  • Li Shang in Mulan Jr.[3]
Prince Anatole Kuragin War and Peace 1946 opera based on the novel of the same name by Leo Tolstoy.
Prince Andrei Bolkonsky
Prince Mikhail Barclay de Tolly
Prince Marcus Yahudi Ki Ladki The historical Urdu play Agha Hashar Kashmiri.
Azor Zémire et Azor Operatic version of the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast, written by Jean-François Marmontel and composed by André Grétry.


Live action[edit]

Fictional prince Film Notes
Judah Ben-Hur Ben-Hur
  • Ramon Novarro in the 1925 silent film version.
  • Charlton Heston in the 1959 version.
  • Jack Huston in the 2016 version.

Based on Lew Wallace’s novel Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ.

Prince Rohenhauer Black Oxen Based on the novel Black Oxen by Gertrude Atherton. Portrayed by Alan Hale Sr.
T’Challa («Black Panther») Black Panther He is the former prince, and now king, of Wakanda; the son of the late King T’Chaka and the brother of Princess Shuri. Portrayed by Chadwick Boseman.
Prince Mamuwalde/Blacula Blacula;
Scream Blacula Scream
An African prince who was turned into a vampire by Count Dracula. Portrayed by William Marshall.
Prince Ramon The Brigand Portrayed by Anthony Quinn.
Prince Achmed Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back Portrayed by Warner Oland.
Prince Alexis Paneiev/Paul Café Metropole Portrayed by Gregory Ratoff.
Myles, 12th Duke of Dunbar A Castle for Christmas The ill-tempered Scottish duke who owns the fictional Dun Dunbar Castle (modeled after Dalmeny House).[4][5] He is portrayed by Cary Elwes.
Yuvaraj Sukumar Chandra Portrayed by Vivek.
Veerasimhan Chandralekha 1948 Indian film. Portrayed by M. K. Radha.
Prince Pondicherry Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Based on the novel of the same name by Roald Dahl. Portrayed by Nitin Ganatra.
Prince Richard A Christmas Prince;
A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding;
A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby
He is formerly the crown prince, and now king, of Aldovia. Portrayed by Ben Lamb.
Prince Alexander Cavalieri Christmas with a Prince[6] 2018 television film. Portrayed by Nick Hounslow.
Prince Caspian The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Based on the novel by C. S. Lewis. Portrayed by Ben Barnes.
Prince Akeem Joffer Coming to America Akeem, portrayed by Eddie Murphy, was formerly the crown prince of Zamunda, son of the late King Jaffe and Queen Aoleon Joffer. He later becomes the new king of Zamunda in the sequel Coming 2 America.
Prince Metternich Conquest Based on the novel Pani Walewska by Wacław Gąsiorowski. Portrayed by Ian Wolfe.
Prince Mirska Portrayed by Stanley Andrews.
Prince Poniatowski Portrayed by C. Henry Gordon.
Prince Jai Curse of the Golden Flower The middle son of Emperor Ping and Empress Phoenix. Portrayed by Jay Chou.
Crown Prince Wan The elder son of Emperor Ping and Empress Phoenix. Portrayed by Liu Ye.
Prince Yu The younger son of Emperor Ping and Empress Phoenix. Portrayed by Qin Junjie.
Prince Sirki Death Takes a Holiday Portrayed by Fredric March.
Einon Dragonheart He was formerly the prince who becomes a tyrannical king and shares part of the heart of the last dragon, Draco. He is the son of the late King Freyne and Queen Aislinn. Portrayed by Lee Oakes as a child and David Thewlis as an adult.
Edric Dragonheart: Battle for the Heartfire He is the biological son of the late King Walter of Britannia, grandson of King Gareth and Queen Rhonu and twin brother of Mehgan. Portrayed by Tom Rhys Harries.
Prince Azim The Drum Based on the novel of the same name by A. E. W. Mason. Portrayed by Sabu Dastagir.
Prince Ghul Portrayed by Raymond Massey.
Prince Harshvardhan Eklavya: The Royal Guard 2007 Indian film. Portrayed by Saif Ali Khan
Prince Udaywardhan Portrayed by Jimmy Sheirgill.
Prince Charmont Ella Enchanted Based on the 1997 book of the same name by Gail Carson Levine. Portrayed by Hugh Dancy.
Prince Johann The Emperor’s Candlesticks 1937 film based on the 1899 novel of the same name. Portrayed by Henry Stephenson.
Prince Edward Enchanted He is the prince from Andalasia who ends up confused with the world of New York once entering it; stepson of the evil Queen Narissa. Portrayed by James Marsden.
Prince Henry Ever After: A Cinderella Story 1998 film adaptation of «Cinderella» set in Renaissance France. Portrayed by Dougray Scott.
Prince Karl «Charles» von Waldron The Fall of a Nation Based on the novel of the same name. Portrayed by Percy Standing.
Prince Michael Fit for a King Portrayed by Donald Briggs.
Prince Michael Boris Alexis Gateway Portrayed by Gregory Ratoff.
George Jr. George of the Jungle 2 He is the Prince of the Jungle and the son of George of the Jungle and Ursula Stanhope. Portrayed by Angus T. Jones.
Prince Koura The Golden Voyage of Sinbad The main antagonist of the film. Portrayed by Tom Baker.
Friedrich Hapnick The Great Race He is the foppish and alcoholic crown prince of Carpania and the look-alike of villainous Professor Fate, whose Baron Rolf von Stuppe and General Kuhster plot for a military coup. Both Friedrich and Fate were portrayed by Jack Lemmon.
Fortinbras Hamlet Fortinbras, the Norwegian crown prince, has been included in only a couple of the adaptations of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, portrayed by a few different actors:

  • Fritz Achterberg in Hamlet: The Drama of Vengeance, a 1921 German silent film.
  • Rufus Sewell in Hamlet (1996).
Prince Hamlet Numerous adaptations of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet have been made over the years, starring several different actors. Some of these include:

  • Sarah Bernhardt in Le Duel d’Hamlet, the 1900 French film.
  • Ruggero Ruggeri in Hamlet (1917), the Italian silent film.
  • Asta Nielsen in Hamlet: The Drama of Vengeance, a 1921 German silent film.
  • Sohrab Modi in Khoon Ka Khoon, a 1935 Hindi/Urdu film.
  • Laurence Olivier in Hamlet (1948), a British film.
  • Maximilian Schell in Hamlet (1961), a German film.
  • Innokenti Smoktunovsky in Gamlet, a 1964 Russian film.
  • Nicol Williamson in Hamlet (1969), a British film.
  • Mel Gibson in Hamlet (1990).
  • Kenneth Branagh in Hamlet (1996).
Prince Nicholas/Nicki Here is My Heart Based on the play La Grande-Duchesse et le garçon d’étage by Alfred Savoir. Portrayed by Roland Young.
Prince Vladimir/Vova Portrayed by Reginald Owen.
Crown Prince Home Alone 4 Portrayed by Craig Geldenhuys.
Crown Prince Leopold The Illusionist The villainous and influential heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary. Portrayed by Rufus Sewell.
Prince Jeroným It Is Hell With the Princess[7] 2009 Czech film. Portrayed by Jiří Mádl.
John Carter John Carter Based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ A Princess of Mars. Portrayed by Taylor Kitsch.
Prince Joachim Jungle Cruise He was the ambitious German aristocrat who financed and led a military expedition to claim the Tree of Life for himself. He is loosely based on the real-life Prince Joachim of Prussia and was portrayed by Jesse Plemons.
Prince Julio Kath & Kimderella Julio, portrayed by Erin Mullally, is the prince of the former kingdom of Papilloma who is meant to be married to Kim Craig, but fails. He is the adoptive son of the last king Javier.
Yuvraj Vikram Singh Rathore Khoobsurat He is the prince of Rajasthan, older brother of Princess Divya and son of King Shekhar Singh and Queen Nirmala Devi Rathore, who marries Dr. Mili Chakravarty, although he was formerly a fiancé to Lady Kiara. Portrayed by Fawad Khan.
Prince Alexis King Kelly of the U.S.A. The prince of the neighboring country of Moronia who invades the kingdom of Belgardia and seizes its castle. Portrayed by William Orlamond.
Colwyn Krull Portrayed by Ken Marshall.
Prince Ferdi Zu Schwarzwald Lancer Spy Based on the story by Marthe McKenna. Portrayed by Joseph Schildkraut.
Mohammed Khan The Lives of a Bengal Lancer The well-known prince of the region. Portrayed by Douglass Dumbrille.
Prince Paul of Arvonne The Lone Wolf in Paris Portrayed by Pio Peretti.
Crown Prince Otto Long Live the King Based on the novel of the same name by Mary Roberts Rinehart. Portrayed by Jackie Coogan.
Boromir The Lord of the Rings The fallen prince of the Stewards of Gondor. Portrayed by Sean Bean.
Faramir The younger brother of Boromir. Portrayed by David Wenham.
Legolas Though he actually never held the title of «prince», he is the son of the elven King Thranduil of Mirkwood. Portrayed by Orlando Bloom.
Prince Ramo Lost in a Harem Portrayed by John Conte.
Prince Nicholas Alexnov Meet the Prince A former Russian prince who was bankrupted. Portrayed by Joseph Schildkraut.
Prince Danilo Petrovich The Merry Widow The nephew of King Nikita I of Monteblanco. Based on the operetta of the same name by Franz Lehár. Portrayed by John Gilbert.
Crown Prince Mirko Portrayed by Roy D’Arcy.
Prince Otto Von Liebenheim Monte Carlo Based on the novel Monsieur Beaucaire by Booth Tarkington. Portrayed by Claud Allister.
Prince Herbert Monty Python and the Holy Grail Portrayed by Terry Jones.
Prince Alexander «Alex» Theodore William Hendricks My Christmas Prince[8] He is the crown prince of Madelvia. Portrayed by Callum Alexander in the 2017 Lifetime television film.
Prince Colin My Summer Prince[9] The prince of Edgemere. Portrayed by Jack Turner in the 2016 Hallmark television film.
Prince de Namour de la Bonfain Naughty Marietta Based on the 1910 operetta of the same name by Victor Herbert. Portrayed by Douglass Dumbrille.
Prince Kishan North West Frontier The son of the recently deceased Hindu Maharajah. Portrayed by Govind Raja Ross.
Prince of Rapur The Notorious Lone Wolf Portrayed by Olaf Hytten.
Prince Kamal Khan Octopussy Exiled Afghan prince and the secondary antagonist of the film. Portrayed by Louis Jourdan.
Prince Karl Old Heidelberg
  • Old Heidelberg (1915), an American silent film starring Wallace Reid.
  • Old Heidelberg (1923), a German silent drama starring Paul Hartmann.
  • The Student Prince in Old Heidelberg (1927), the MGM silent film starring Ramon Novarro.
  • The Student Prince (1954), a musical film starring Edmund Purdom.
  • Old Heidelberg (1959), the West German film starring Christian Wolff.

Based on the 1901 play by Wilhelm Meyer-Förster and the 1924 operetta by Sigmund Romberg.

Prince Ahmud Omar Khayyam Portrayed by Perry Lopez.
Prince Malik Portrayed by John Derek.
Prince Eric Paid to Love Portrayed by William Powell.
Crown Prince Michael Portrayed by George O’Brien.
Yuvraj Ajay Singh Prem Ratan Dhan Payo The antagonist of the Indian film. Portrayed by Neil Nitin Mukesh.
Prem Dilwale He is married to Princess Maithili Devi. Portrayed by Salman Khan.
Yuvraj Vijay Singh The crown prince of Pritampur, the half-brother of Ajay and the doppelgänger of Prem. Also portrayed by Salman Khan.
Prince Frederick Pretty Princess 1993 Italian film, portrayed by Adam Barker.
Prince Max The ruler of a small principality of Liechtenhaus and the father of Princess Sofia. Portrayed by David Warner.
Prince Shamsher Singh Prince Portrayed by Shammi Kapoor.
Edvard III/Eddie Williams The Prince & Me;
The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding;
The Prince & Me: A Royal Honeymoon;
The Prince & Me: The Elephant Adventure
The former crown prince, and now king, of Denmark and the son of King Haraald and Queen Rosalind. Portrayed by Luke Mably and Chris Geere.
Prince Albert The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding Portrayed by Jim Holt.
Prince Vladimir Portrayed by Mirek Hrabe.
Prince Georgiev The Prince & Me: A Royal Honeymoon The prince of Belavia. Portrayed by Valentin Ganev.
Alu The Prince & Me: The Elephant Adventure He is married to Princess Myra to become the king of Sangyoon. Portrayed by Amarin Cholvibul.
Velen The Prince and the Evening Star The son of the Old King. Portrayed by Juraj Ďurdiak in the 1979 Czech film.
Edward Tudor, Prince of Wales The Prince and the Pauper Multiple film adaptations of Mark Twain’s novel have been made. Some of these include:

  • The Prince and the Pauper (1909), a two-reel short, with Cecil Spooner as Edward, featuring rare film footage of Mark Twain, shot by Thomas Edison at Twain’s Connecticut home.
  • The Prince and the Pauper (1915), the lost silent film with Marguerite Clark as Edward
  • The Prince and the Pauper (1920), an Austrian film with Tibor Lubinszky.
  • The Prince and the Pauper (1937), with Bobby Mauch as Edward.
  • The Prince and the Pauper (1977), also known as Crossed Swords, with Mark Lester as Edward.
  • The Prince and the Pauper (2000), a British film with Jonathan Timmins as Edward.
Prince Charles The Prince and the Showgirl The regent prince of Carpathia. Based on Terence Rattigan’s play The Sleeping Prince. Portrayed by Laurence Olivier.
Prince Edward The Prince and the Surfer The prince of Gelfland, and the son of Queen Albertina, who trades places with skateboarding surfer Cash Canty. Both Edward and Cash are portrayed by Sean Kellman in the updated adaptation of The Prince and the Pauper.
Prince «Charming» John Prince Charming The Prince of Anwyn who is cursed as a frog. Portrayed by Sean Maguire in the 2001 television film.
Prince Duncan A Prince for Christmas 2015 Starz television film. Duncan is the prince and the heir of Balemont, portrayed by Kirk Barker.
Dastan Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time He was adopted by King Sharaman of Persia. Based on the video game of the same name. Portrayed by Jake Gyllenhaal.
Prince Garsiv Portrayed by Toby Kebbell.
Prince Nizam The brother of King Sharaman. Portrayed by Ben Kingsley.
Prince Tus Portrayed by Richard Coyle.
Prince Valiant Prince Valiant
  • Robert Wagner in the 1954 version.
  • Stephen Moyer in the 1997 version.
Prince Humperdinck The Princess Bride Based on the novel of the same name. Portrayed by Chris Sarandon.
Prince Regent Princess Caraboo Portrayed by John Sessions.
Prince Ashton A Princess for Christmas The prince of Castlebury. Portrayed by Sam Heughan in the 2011 Hallmark television film.
Eddie O’Rourke Princess O’Rourke Portrayed by Robert Cummings, Eddie is married to Princess Maria. 1943 romantic comedy similar to the 1953 film Roman Holiday.
Prince Philip Princess of Thieves The illegitimate son of the late King Richard the Lionheart, based on the historical Philip of Cognac. Portrayed by Stephen Moyer in the 2001 television film inspired by the Robin Hood legend.
Prince Edward Wyndham The Princess Switch He is the crown prince of the Kingdom of Belgravia and the son of King George and Queen Caroline Wyndham. The films are inspired by Mark Twain’s novel The Prince and the Pauper. Portrayed by Sam Palladio.
Kevin Richards He becomes the future prince consort under the marriage of Lady Margaret Delacourt, duchess of Montenaro. Portrayed by Nick Sagar.
Prince Nikolas Pursuit to Algiers Portrayed by Leslie Vincent.
The Prince Pygmalion Based on the play of the same name. Portrayed by Leo Genn (uncredited).
Prince Wolfram Queen Kelly Portrayed by Walter Byron.
Shamsher Singh Raaj Tilak Portrayed by Raj Kiran.
Yuvraj Narendradev Raja Aur Runk The 1968 Bollywood film based on Mark Twain’s The Prince and the Pauper. Portrayed by Mahesh Kothare.
Rajkumar Rajkumar Portrayed by Anil Kapoor.
Crown Prince Lee Young Rampant The son of King Lee Jo and the crown prince of the Joseon dynasty. Portrayed by Kim Tae-woo.
Prince Paul Chegodieff Rasputin and the Empress Portrayed by John Barrymore.
Rajkumar Chakravarthy Rathnagiri Rahasya Rajkumar, portrayed by Udaykumar, is a prince who ends up becoming a vicious caveman after being separated from his royal family. There is also a similar Indian film Thangamalai Ragasiyam featuring Sivaji Ganesan as Prince Gajendran.
Prince Ken Arok Road to Bali He is a crafty prince of Bali and the cousin of Princess Lala McTavish. Portrayed by Murvyn Vye.
Prince John Robin Hood
  • Sam De Grasse in Robin Hood (1922)
  • Claude Rains in The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
  • George Macready in Rogues of Sherwood Forest (1950)
  • Hubert Gregg in The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1952)
  • Edward Fox in Robin Hood (1991)
  • Richard Lewis in Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
  • Jonathan Hyde in Princess of Thieves (2001)
  • Oscar Isaac in Robin Hood (2010)
Prince Serge The Rogue Song Portrayed by Ullrich Haupt.
Prince Escalus Romeo and Juliet
  • Horace Vinton in the 1916 silent film version.
  • Conway Tearle in the 1936 version.
  • Robert Stephens in the 1968 version.
  • Stellan Skarsgård in the 2013 version.

Based on the tragic play by William Shakespeare.

Freddie Granton The Royal Bed He was speedily married to Princess Anne. Based on the 1928 play The Queen’s Husband by Robert E. Sherwood. Portrayed by Anthony Bushell.
Crown Prince William of Grec Portrayed by Hugh Trevor.
Prince Leopold/Leo James A Royal Christmas He is the prince and heir to the throne of Cordinia. Portrayed by Stephen Hagan in the 2014 Hallmark television film.
Prince Sebastian Royal Matchmaker[10] The son of King Edward. 2018 Hallmark television film. Portrayed by Will Kemp.
Prince Jeffrey Royal New Year’s Eve[11] 2017 Hallmark television film. Portrayed by Sam Page.
Prince Thomas The Royal Treatment He is the prince of Lavania, and the son of King John and Queen Catherine, whose Manhattan hairdresser Izzy works at his wedding. He is portrayed by Mena Massoud.[12]
Prince Daniel Royally Ever After[13] The prince of St Ives. Portrayed by Torrance Coombs in the 2018 television film.
Ruslan Ruslan and Ludmila Based on the Russian poem of the same name. Portrayed by Valeri Kozinets.
Sandokan Sandokan films The following movies are all based the Sandokan novels by Emilio Salgari.

  • Luigi Pavese in Pirates of Malaya (Italian: I pirati della Malesia) and The Two Tigers (Italian: Le due tigri), both released in 1941.
  • Steve Reeves in Sandokan the Great (Italian: Sandokan, la tigre di Mompracem) (1963) and Pirates of Malaysia (Italian: I pirati della Malesia) (1964)
  • Ray Danton in Sandokan to the Rescue (Italian: Sandokan alla riscossa) and Sandokan Against the Leopard of Sarawak (Italian: Sandokan contro il leopardo di Sarawak), released in 1964.
  • Mimmo Palmara in Temple of the White Elephant (aka Sandok, il Maciste della giungla) (1964)
  • Ivan Rassimov in The Tigers of Mompracem (1970)
Prince Ali Secret of Stamboul Portrayed by Cecil Ramage.
Prince Edmnond/Inmate 34 Secret Society of Second-Born Royals A sinister who kills his brother King Robert and plans to take down the monarchy of Illyria. He is the villainous uncle of Princesses Samantha and Eleanor. Portrayed by Greg Bryk.
Prince Matteo He is one of the members of the Secret Society of Second-Born Royals. Portrayed by Faly Rakotohavana.
Prince Tuma He is the other member of the Secret Society of Second-Born Royals. Portrayed by Niles Fitch.
Prince George Seven Nights in Japan Portrayed by Michael York.
Tao Hing Shaolin Prince Portrayed by Ti Lung.
Wong Szu Tai Portrayed by Derek Yee.
Prince Alexis Sherlock Holmes Portrayed by Reginald Denny.
Prince Abdullah Khan The Sign of Four Based on the British novel of the same name featuring Sherlock Holmes. Portrayed by Fred Raynham.
Prince Gianfranco di Siracusa Silver Bears The prince of Italy. Portrayed by Louis Jourdan.
Captain Arkadiy Trubetskoy The Silver Skates In English known as Prince Arkady, he is the prince of the Russian Empire who serves as an officer of the Guard Department. Portrayed by Kirill Zaytsev.
Prince Kassim Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger The prince of Charak who was going to be crowned Caliph but was transformed into a baboon by his evil stepmother, Queen Zenobia. Portrayed by Damien Thomas.
Prince Ali Sinbad of the Seven Seas Portrayed by Roland Wybenga.
Prince Edward The Slipper and the Rose He is the prince of Euphrania, in the retelling fairy tale of «Cinderella». Portrayed by Richard Chamberlain.
Duke of Montague He is the cousin of Prince Edward. Portrayed by Julian Orchard.
Prince The Snow Queen The 2005 BBC television film based on Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale of the same name. Portrayed by Bradie Whetham.
The Prince Snow White Numerous adaptations of the Snow White story have been made over the years, which starred several different actors as well as different names for the Prince from the story. Some include:

  • Creighton Hale as Prince Florimond in Snow White, the 1916 silent film.
  • Roberto Risso as Prince Charming in The Seven Dwarfs to the Rescue (Italian: I sette nani alla riscossa), the 1951 Italian comedy film.
  • Niels Clausnitzer as Prince Edelmunt in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (German: Schneewittchen und die 7 Zwerge), the 1955 German film.
  • Edson Stroll as Prince Charming in Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961)
  • James Ian Wright as The Prince in Snow White, the 1987 musical film.
  • Tyron Leitso as Prince Alfred in Snow White: The Fairest of Them All (2001)
  • Jamie Thomas King as Prince Alexander in Grimm’s Snow White (2012)
  • Armie Hammer as Prince Andrew Alcott in Mirror Mirror (2012)
  • Sam Claflin as William in Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)
Prince Paul Pavlov The Son of Monte Cristo Portrayed by Michael Visaroff.
Lone Starr Spaceballs He marries Princess Vespa. Portrayed by Bill Pullman.
Prince Valium Portrayed by Jim J. Bullock.
Bail Prestor Organa Star Wars Formally styled as His Serene Highness, Bail Organa is the Prince, First Chairman and Viceroy of the planet Alderaan. He is the consort of Queen Breha Organa and the adoptive father of Princess Leia Organa.

Portrayed by Jimmy Smits in:

  • Attack of the Clones
  • Revenge of the Sith
  • Rogue One
Princes from Stardust Stardust
  • Prince Primus, portrayed by Jason Flemyng
  • Prince Secundus, portrayed by Rupert Everett
  • Prince Tertius, portrayed by Mark Heap
  • The ghost of Prince Quartus, portrayed by Julian Rhind-Tutt
  • The ghost of Prince Quintus, portrayed by Adam Buxton
  • The ghost of Prince Sextus, portrayed by David Walliams

Based upon the 1999 novel of the same name by Neil Gaiman.

Ramin Khan Storm Over Bengal The Maharajah of Lhanapur and the main antagonist of the film. Portrayed by Douglass Dumbrille.
Prince Courageous The Strange Adventures of Prince Courageous The son of King Lagg. 1923 silent film series starring Arthur Trimble as a child and William Butts as an adult.
Crown Prince Albert The Swan
  • Adolphe Menjou in The Swan (1925).
  • Rod La Rocque in the One Romantic Night (1930).
  • Alec Guinness in The Swan (1956).

Based on the 1920 play, The Swan by Ferenc Molnár.

Prince Arsene
  • George Walcott in The Swan (1925)
  • Byron Sage in One Romantic Night (1930)
  • Christopher Cook in The Swan (1956)
Prince George
  • Joseph Depew in The Swan (1925)
  • Philippe De Lacy in One Romantic Night (1930)
  • Van Dyke Parks in The Swan (1956)
Elias Tale of Tales Prince of Longtrellis; portrayed by Christian Lees. Based on the fairy tale collection «Pentamerone».
Prince Chung Thank You, Mr. Moto Based on the novel of the same name by John P. Marquand. Portrayed by Philip Ahn.
Prince Kurt von Rotenberg They Dare Not Love The main character who flees Austria. Portrayed by George Brent.
Ahmed The Thief of Bagdad (1924)
The Thief of Bagdad (1940)
This character appears in the 1924 silent version and the 1940 Technicolor version of this story, loosely based on the adaptation of the story of «Aladdin». Portrayed by Douglas Fairbanks in 1924 and John Justin in 1940.

There are also other princes featured in the 1924 version of the film:

  • Cham Shang, Prince of the Mongols, portrayed by Sojin Kamiyama
  • The Prince of Indies, portrayed by Noble Johnson
  • The Prince of Persia, portrayed by Mathilde Comont (uncredited)
Prince Osman The Thief of Baghdad (1961) Portrayed by Arturo Dominici.
Prince Taj The Thief of Baghdad (1978) Prince Taj of Sakkar. Portrayed by Kabir Bedi.
Prince Rudolph Thin Ice Portrayed by Tyrone Power.
Loki Laufeyson Thor He is the prince of Asgard who is adopted by its King Odin and Queen Frigga; the biological son of Laufey. Portrayed by Tom Hiddleston.
Thor Odinson He is the crown prince, and later king, of Asgard, the son of King Odin and Queen Frigga and adoptive brother of Loki Laufeyson. Portrayed by Chris Hemsworth.
Prince Mikail Alexandrovitch Ouratieff Tovarich Portrayed by Charles Boyer.
Prince Agis The Triumph of Love 2001 film based on the three-act comic play and musical of the same name. Portrayed by Jay Rodan.
Prince Florizel of Corovia Trouble for Two Based on the short story «The Suicide Club» by Robert Louis Stevenson. Portrayed by Robert Montgomery.
Prince Henry Two Guys from Milwaukee The prince of the Balkans and one of the main characters of the film. Portrayed by Dennis Morgan.
Prince Nicolai Poliakoff The Unholy Garden Portrayed by Mischa Auer.
The Prince Vanjikottai Valiban He is the heir of the Vanjikottai Kingdom and the brother of Princess Padma. Portrayed by Master Murali.
Prince Gustav Waltzes from Vienna Portrayed by Frank Vosper.
Prince Bohemund of Tarentum The Wandering Jew Portrayed by Bertram Wallis.
Prince Andrei Bolkonsky War and Peace The 1956 film based on the novel of the same name. Portrayed by Mel Ferrer.
Prince Vasily Kuragin Portrayed by Tullio Carminati.
Prince Dmitri Nekhlyudov We Live Again Based on the novel Resurrection by Leo Tolstoy. Portrayed by Fredric March.
Prince Nickolas «Nicki» von Wildeliebe-rauffenburg The Wedding March Portrayed by Erich von Stroheim.
Prince Ottokar Portrayed by George Fawcett.
Hannoc When the Redskins Rode He is the tribal prince of the Delaware Native Americans and the son of Chief Shingiss. Portrayed by Jon Hall.
Prince Emile A Winter Princess[14] 2019 Hallmark television film. Portrayed by Brendon Zub.
Prince Gustav Portrayed by Casey Manderson.
Prince Kynd The Wizard of Oz Portrayed by Bryant Washburn.
Prince Erman Wizards of the Lost Kingdom II He is the prince, and later king, of Baldor. Portrayed by Blake Bahner.
Prince Hassan Women of All Nations Portrayed by Bela Lugosi.
Prince Marcus Yahudi Ki Ladki
  • Yahudi Ki Ladki (1933), portrayed by K.L. Saigal
  • Yahudi Ki Ladki (1957)
  • Yahudi (1958), portrayed by Dilip Kumar

Based on the Urdu play of the same name by Agha Hashar Kashmiri.

Prince Caryl Young April Prince of Belgravia. Based on the novel of the same name by Egerton Castle. Portrayed by Joseph Schildkraut.
Prince Michael The unethical brother of Caryl. Portrayed by Bryant Washburn.



Disney prince(s) Film(s) Notes
Prince Achmed Aladdin Voiced by Corey Burton.
Aladdin («Prince Ali») He is the titular protagonist of the film, who wishes to become a wealthy prince so that he can win over a heart of Princess Jasmine. Voiced by Scott Weinger; singing voice by Brad Kane.
Bambi Bambi;
Bambi II
Based on the novel Bambi, a Life in the Woods by Felix Salten, Bambi is the young prince of the forest whose mother was shot and killed during winter. He was originally voiced by Donnie Dunagan as a fawn, Hardie Albright as an adolescent deer and John Sutherland as a young buck, and by Alexander Gould in the sequel.
Great Prince of the Forest Bambi’s widowed father and the ruler of the forest. Voiced by Fred Shields (original) and Patrick Stewart (sequel).
Prince Adam/The Beast Beauty and the Beast Voiced by Robby Benson.
Harris, Hubert and Hamish Brave Triplet sons of King Fergus and Queen Elinor of DunBroch and three younger brothers of Princess Merida.
Prince Wheeliam Cars 2 He is a royal Bentley Continental GT car, based on the real-life Prince William, Duke of Cambridge; grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.
Prince Charming Cinderella Originally voiced by William Edward Phipps; singing voice by Mike Douglas.
Prince Hans Westergaard Frozen He is the villainous prince from the Southern Isles, the nemesis of Elsa the Snow Queen of Arendelle and the former love interest of her sister Princess Anna. Voiced by Santino Fontana.
Hercules Hercules Loosely based on the mythological deity Heracles (Hercules), he is the biological son of King Zeus and Queen Hera of the Gods in Mount Olympus, possibly making him the God Prince. He has been raised as a human being by farmers Amphitryon and Alcmene but retains his god-like strength. Voiced by Josh Keaton as a teenager and Tate Donovan as an adult; singing voice by Roger Bart.
Simba The Lion King;
The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride;
The Lion King 1½
Formerly the prince of the Pride Lands, son of the late King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi, he becomes a new king of the Pride Lands after his father’s death. Voiced by Jonathan Taylor Thomas (singing voice by Jason Weaver) as a cub and Matthew Broderick (singing voice by Joseph Williams) as an adult.
Prince Eric The Little Mermaid;
The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea
He is the human prince who was rescued by the Mermaid Princess Ariel from a shipwreck and was later married to have a daughter Melody. Voiced by Christopher Daniel Barnes (original) and Rob Paulsen (sequel).
Li Shang Mulan;
Mulan II
While in actuality he is neither a prince by birth nor by marriage, Shang is considered one of the Disney Princes though he is the Chinese army captain, son of the late General Li, because his respective love interest Fa Mulan is the member of the official Disney Princess lineup.[15] Voiced by BD Wong (speaking) and Donny Osmond (singing).
Prince Jeeki Mulan II The son of Lord Qin of Qigong. Voiced by Rob Paulsen.
John Smith Pocahontas Loosely based on the real-life John Smith. Although he is actually just the English explorer and the captain, John is considered one of the Disney Princes because of Pocahontas, his respective love interest, who is one of the official Disney Princesses to the English.[15] Voiced by Mel Gibson; singing voice by Corey Burton.
Prince Mickey The Prince and the Pauper He is the mouse prince of England who trades places with the mouse pauper. Both Prince and Pauper were portrayed by a famous Disney character, Mickey Mouse (voiced by Wayne Allwine).
Prince Naveen The Princess and the Frog He is the prince from the fictional kingdom of Maldonia who moves to New Orleans but gets turned into a frog. Naveen was originally planning to marry Charlotte La Bouff, but was later married to Tiana after breaking the spell. He is inspired by the title character from «The Frog Prince» as well as Prince Eadric from the novel «The Frog Princess», and was voiced by Bruno Campos.
Prince John Robin Hood Voiced by Peter Ustinov.
Prince Phillip Sleeping Beauty He is the son and heir of King Hubert and the husband of Princess Aurora. He was named after Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (husband and consort of Queen Elizabeth II), since he was one of the few actual princes familiar to the Disney animators. Originally voiced by Bill Shirley.
The Prince Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs He is a prince who appears in the first scene where he hears Snow White singing at the wishing well and later reappears to revive her with a kiss. Originally voiced by Harry Stockwell.
Arthur Pendragon («Wart») The Sword in the Stone Based on the 1938 novel of the same name by T. H. White, Arthur was formerly the prince of England, foster son of Sir Ector, and later king of England; son of the late King Uther Pendragon. Voiced by Rickie Sorensen, Richard and Robert Reitherman.
Eugene Fitzherbert
(aka Flynn Rider)
Tangled He marries Princess Rapunzel. Voiced by Zachary Levi.


Fictional prince Film(s) Notes
Prince Achmed The Adventures of Prince Achmed The eponymous character in the 1926 German film based on a combination of the stories of «The Story of Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Paribanou» and «Aladdin» from One Thousand and One Nights. The oldest surviving animated feature film.
Prince Amat Alakazam the Great The son of King Amo and Queen Amas. Voiced by Nobuaki Sekine.
Frowning Prince Alice of Wonderland in Paris 1966 anthology film that includes a brief adaptation of a short story The Frowning Prince by Crockett Johnson. Voiced by Howard Morris.
Zane Barbie: A Fairy Secret The Italian fairy who marries the Fairy-Princess Graciella. Voiced by Silvio Pollio.
Twin Princes Barbie & the Diamond Castle
  • Prince Jeremy, voiced by Jeremy From.
  • Prince Ian, voiced by Noel Johansen.
Aidan Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus He is married to Princess Annika. Voiced by Mark Hildreth.
Prince Kieran Barbie and the Secret Door Voiced by Andrew Francis.
Prince Louis Barbie and the Three Musketeers He is the crown prince, and later king, of the kingdom of France. Voiced by Mark Hildreth.
Prince Stefan Barbie as Rapunzel Voiced by Mark Hildreth.
Tommy Stefan’s younger brother. Voiced by Danny McKinnon
Prince Antonio Barbie as the Island Princess The prince of Apollonia. Voiced by Alessandro Juliani.
Azul «Prince Azul Vasu Morantha the Fourth». Voiced by Steve Marvel.
Julian Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper He was formerly the tutor of, and now married to, Princess Anneliese. Voiced Alessandro Juliani.
Prince Nalu Barbie: Fairytopia;
Barbie Fairytopia: Mermaidia
He is the merprince of Mermaidia. Voiced by Alessandro Juliani.
Derek Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses He marries Princess Genevieve. Voiced by Shawn Macdonald.
Prince Eric Barbie in the Nutcracker The prince, and later king, of Parthenia who has been cursed as a nutcracker. Voiced by Kirby Morrow.
Prince Daniel Barbie of Swan Lake Voiced by Mark Hildreth.
Prince Nicholas Barbie: Princess Charm School He is the prince who attends the Prince Charming Academy. Voiced by Vincent Tong.
Prince Leo Barbie: Star Light Adventure The naïve prince of Kumai who is the fastest pilot in the galaxy. Voiced by Robbie Daymond.
Prince Liam Barbie: The Princess & the Popstar He is the prince of Stuffinsburg. Portrayed by Ken; voiced by Adrian Petriw.
Prince Abba-Dabba Bugs Bunny’s 3rd Movie: 1001 Rabbit Tales Voiced by Lennie Weinrib.
Prince Lune The Cat Returns Based on the manga Baron: The Cat Returns. Voiced by Andrew Bevis in English and Takayuki Yamada in Japanese.
Prince Phillipe Charming Charming Voiced by Wilmer Valderrama.
Arabian Prince The Chipmunk Adventure Voiced by Nancy Cartwright.
Prince Meru Chō Gekijōban Keroro Gunsō 2: Shinkai no Princess de Arimasu! He is the prince of Maron, the fictional planet of water. Voiced by Houko Kuwashima.
Prince Gorman Crayon Shin-chan: Great Adventure in Henderland He is the prince from Hendarando and the fiancé of Princess Memory Mimori. Voiced by Sōichirō Hoshi.
Prince Sunnosukeshi Crayon Shin-chan: The Hidden Treasure of the Buri Buri Kingdom He is the prince of the Buri Buri Kingdom and the doppelgänger of Shin-chan. Voiced by Taeko Yamada.
Prince Tio Doraemon: Nobita and the Legend of the Sun King He is the young prince of the Mesoamerican kingdom of Mayana. Voiced by Megumi Ogata.
Prince Dev Dragons: Fire and Ice Voiced by Mark Hildreth.
Prince Ivan Enchanted Princess[16] Voiced by Anton Makarskiy.
Prince Albrecht Faeries The faery prince and ruler of Faeryland. Voiced by Dougray Scott.
Prince Cream Fairy Tail the Movie: Phoenix Priestess The vain duke of Veronica.
Prince Taro Fire and Ice He was the brother of Princess Teegra. Modeled and voiced by William Ostrander.
Prince David Gulliver’s Travels Voiced by Lanny Ross.
The Prince Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Mermaid Voiced by Taro Shigaki in Japanese and Ian Finlay in English.
The Prince Happily Ever After Voiced by Michael Horton.
Prince Zeke HappinessCharge PreCure! the Movie: The Ballerina of the Land of Dolls The prince of the Doll Kingdom. Voiced by Daisuke Ono.
Prince Justin
Howl’s Moving Castle Based on the novel of the same name, he is the missing prince who has been transformed into a scarecrow. Voiced by Crispin Freeman in English and Yō Ōizumi in Japanese.
Prince Ivan Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf;
Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf 2;
Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf 3
Voiced by Nikita Yefremov.
Prince Chulalongkorn The King and I Loosely on the real-life Chulalongkorn. Voiced by Allen D. Hong; singing voice by David Burnham.
Last Prince The Last Prince of Atlantis[17] He is known as the last surviving prince from Atlantis who spent thousands of years in a stone sarcophagus.
Prince Lír The Last Unicorn Based on Peter S. Beagle’s novel of the same name. Voiced by Jeff Bridges.
Prince Dando Little Insects[18] Voiced by Gregory Poppen.
Prince Nemo Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland Voiced by Gabriel Damon in English and Takuma Gōno in Japanese.
Little Prince/Mr. Prince The Little Prince Based on the 1943 novella of the same name by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Voiced by Riley Osborne as a child and Paul Rudd as an adult.
Legolas The Lord of the Rings Voiced by Anthony Daniels.
Prince Panish Lupin III: Dead or Alive He is the only surviving member of the royal family of Zufu. Voiced by Tōru Furuya in Japanese and Sonny Strait in English.
Bob Muzzy in Gondoland;
Muzzy Comes Back
He is married to Princess Sylvia to have a baby daughter Amanda. Voiced by Derek Griffiths.
Asbel (Milo) Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind The twin brother of the deceased Princess Lastelle of Pejite. 1984 anime film by Hayao Miyazaki based on his manga of the same name. In Japanese, he is voiced by Yōji Matsuda. In English, he was dubbed by Cam Clarke in New World Pictures version and then Shia LaBeouf in Disney version.
Prince Hans The Nutcracker Prince Voiced by Kiefer Sutherland.
Prince Alexander The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie He is the leek prince of Monteria and the older brother of Princess Eloise. Voiced by Yuri Lowenthal.
Raleigh Pokémon the Movie: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel He is the prince of the Azoth Kingdom and the younger brother of Princess Kimia. Voiced by Laurie Hymes in English and Shoko Nakagawa in Japanese.
Moses The Prince of Egypt Moses was adopted by Pharaoh Seti and Queen Tuya. Based on the biblical figure of Moses; voiced by Val Kilmer (speaking) and Amick Byram (singing).
Rameses The former prince, and now pharaoh, of Egypt who was the adoptive brother of Moses, the son of Pharaoh Seti and Queen Tuya, and the main antagonist of the film. Based on the biblical figure of Rameses II; voiced by Ralph Fiennes.
Rameses’ Son The young prince of Egypt. Voiced by Bobby Motown.
Prince Froglip The Princess and the Goblin Voiced by Rik Mayall.
Prince Rollo The Princess and the Pea Voiced by Steven Webb (speaking) and Dan Finnerty (singing).
Prince Anthony The Princess Castle[19] The son of Queen Emma. 1996 film produced by Golden Films.
Prince Eis Princess Lillifee and the Little Unicorn (Prinzessin Lillifee und das kleine Einhorn) Voiced by Patrick Roche.
Prince Tau Voiced by Roman Wolko.
Ashitaka Princess Mononoke He is the last prince of the Emishi tribe. Voiced by Billy Crudup in English and Yōji Matsuda in Japanese.
Garrett Quest for Camelot Garrett holds an honorary title as a knight of the Round Table, while in actuality he is neither a prince by birth nor by marriage. Voiced by Cary Elwes; singing voice by Bryan White.
Prince Kirin Ranma ½: Big Trouble in Nekonron, China Voiced by John Payne in English and Kaneto Shiozawa in Japanese.
Prince Tutankhaten La Reine Soleil Voiced by David Scarpuzza.
The Prince Romeo & Juliet: Sealed with a Kiss Voiced by Phil Nibbelink.
Amin La Rosa di Bagdad He marries Princess Zeila. Voiced by Patricia Hayes.
Prince Omar Scooby-Doo! in Where’s My Mummy? Voiced by Ajay Naidu.
Prince Sirius The Sea Prince and the Fire Child Also known as Syrius in English, he is the son and heir of the Water God Glaucus of the Sea Kingdom. Voiced by Tōru Furuya in Japanese and Tony Oliver in English.
Shrek Shrek Shrek, the eponymous protagonist of the franchise, becomes the husband of Princess Fiona (only when she becomes an ogre like himself), but still lives in the Swamp with her. Voiced by Mike Myers in the film series and Michael Gough in the video game series.
Prince Charming Shrek 2 He is one of the main antagonists of the film series. Voiced by Rupert Everett.
Two Princes Sinbad The two sons of King Jamaal of Salabat. The Golden Films version of the tale of Sinbad the Sailor.
Prince Proteus Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas The prince of Syracuse. Voiced by Joseph Fiennes.
Thorp Smallfoot The son of the Yeti Village chief called the Stonekeeper; the older brother of Meechee. Voiced by Jimmy Tatro.
The Prince The Snow Queen
  • Vera Bendina in the 1957 Soviet animated film.
  • Rowan D’Albert in the 1995 British animated film.
  • Christopher Corey Smith in the 2012 Russian 3D animated film.

Based on the fairy tale of the same name by Hans Christian Andersen.

Ruslan The Stolen Princess He marries Princess Mila. Voiced by Oleksiy Zavgorodniy.
Prince Derek The Swan Princess Voiced by Howard McGillin.
Prince Ishitsukuri The Tale of the Princess Kaguya Based on the legendary Japanese folklore The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. Voiced by James Marsden in English and Takaya Kamikawa in Japanese.
Prince Kuramochi Voiced by Beau Bridges in English and Isao Hashizume in Japanese.
Prince Lebannen/Arren Tales from Earthsea The prince of Enlad and one of the main characters of the film, based on the novel series Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin. Voiced by Matt Levin in English and Junichi Okada in Japanese.
Tack The Thief and the Cobbler
(The Princess and the Cobbler)
He marries Princess Yum-Yum. Voiced by Steve Lively in the Majestic Films version, and by Matthew Broderick in Miramax version with a singing voice by Steve Lively.
Prince Cornelius Thumbelina Based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, Cornelius is the prince of the Fairies and the son of King Colbert and Queen Tabitha in the 1994 adaption of «Thumbelina», voiced by Gary Imhoff. Other adaptions include:

  • Thumbelina, 1978 anime film featuring Noriko Ohara as the Prince of Tulips.
  • The Adventures of Tom Thumb and Thumbelina, starring Elijah Wood as Tom Thumb/Horace.
Prince Cooper Trolls;
Trolls World Tour
He is a giraffe-like rap-playing troll who is the long-lost prince of the Funk Trolls, the son of King Quincy and Queen Essence and the twin brother of Prince D. Voiced by Ron Funches.
King Gristle Jr. He was formerly the prince of the Bergens in the beginning of the first film. Voiced by Christopher Mintz-Plasse.
Pierre The Wonderful World of Puss ‘n Boots Voiced by Jack Grimes in English and Toshiko Fujita in Japanese.


Live action[edit]

Fictional prince Series title Notes
Prince Arthur The Adventures of Robin Hood Based on the historical Arthur I, Duke of Brittany. Portrayed by Peter Asher (three episodes, series 1 & 2), Richard O’Sullivan (one episode, series 3) and Jonathon Bailey (one episode, series 4)
Prince John Portrayed by Donald Pleasence, Hubert Gregg, and Brian Haines.
Runyu Ashes of Love The eldest prince of the Heaven realm and the Night God; the older son of the Heavenly Emperor Taiwei. Portrayed by Luo Yunxi.
Xufeng The second prince of the Heaven realm, the Fire God and the God of War; the younger son of Emperor Taiwei and Runyu’s younger brother. He later becomes the Demon King after his revival. Portrayed by Deng Lun.
Princes of Aragon BBC Television Shakespeare
  • Don Pedro, portrayed by Jon Finch.
  • Don John, portrayed by Vernon Dobtcheff.

They both appeared in the episode «Much Ado About Nothing».

Prince Escalus Portrayed by Laurence Naismith in the episode «Romeo & Juliet».
Prince Ferdinand Portrayed by Christopher Guard in the episode «The Tempest».
Crown Prince Fortinbras Portrayed by Ian Charleson in the episode «Hamlet, Prince of Denmark».
Prince Hamlet Portrayed by Derek Jacobi in the episode «Hamlet, Prince of Denmark».
Prince Othello Portrayed by Anthony Hopkins in the episode «Othello».
Prince Pericles Portrayed by Mike Gwilym in the episode «Pericles, Prince of Tyre».
Prince Yubi Benji, Zax & the Alien Prince The crown prince and rightful heir of the fictional planet of Antars. Portrayed by Christopher Burton.
George Blackadder Based on the historical figure of George IV of the United Kingdom. Portrayed by Hugh Laurie.
Prince Ludwig the Indestructible Portrayed by Hugh Laurie in the episode «Chains».
Prince Dakkar/Nana Sagib/Captain Nemo Captain Nemo 1975 miniseries loosely based on Jules Verne’s classic novels Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, The Mysterious Island and The Steam House. Portrayed by Vladislav Dvorzhetsky.
Prince Buldont/Sprocket Chōriki Sentai Ohranger/Power Rangers Zeo He is the son of Emperor Bacchus Wrath/King Mondo and Empress Hysteria/Queen Machina of the Machine Empire Baranoia. Voiced by Tomokazu Seki in Chōriki Sentai Ohranger and Barbara Goodson in Power Rangers Zeo.
Prince Michael Dynasty He is the heir of the European kingdom of Moldavia who has been arranged to marry Amanda Carrington, although he was originally in relationship to Duchess Elena. However, their wedding was intervened by a political coup in attempt to kill Michael’s father, King Galen. Prince Michael was portrayed by Michael Praed.
Junior Gorg Fraggle Rock He is the self-proclaimed prince and heir-apparent of the «Universe» with his parents as its king and queen. Performed by Richard Hunt.
Farad’n Frank Herbert’s Children of Dune The son of Princess Wensicia. 2003 miniseries based on the Dune novels by Frank Herbert. Portrayed by Jonathan Büün.
Prince Harry Galavant Prince of Hortensia. Portrayed by Kemaal Deen-Ellis.
Joffrey Baratheon Game of Thrones He was formerly the Crown Prince of the Seven Kingdoms, legal son of King Robert Baratheon and biological son of Cersei and Jaime Lannister; older brother of Tommen and Myrcella Baratheon. He becomes the king of the Seven Kingdoms after his legal father’s death. Based on A Song of Ice and Fire novel series. Portrayed by Jack Gleeson.
Tommen Baratheon He is the younger brother of Joffrey and Myrcella Baratheon and the husband of Margaery Tyrell. Portrayed by Callum Wharry (seasons 1-2) and Dean-Charles Chapman (seasons 4-6).
Theon Greyjoy He is the son of King Balon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands. Portrayed by Alfie Allen.
Doran Martell He is the prince of Dorne. Portrayed by Alexander Siddig.
Oberyn Martell
(aka Red Viper)
He is the younger brother of Prince Doran and Princess Elia Martell. Portrayed by Pedro Pascal.
Trystane Martell He is the son of Prince Doran Martell and is betrothed to Myrcella Baratheon. Portrayed by Toby Sebastian.
Rhaegar Targaryen He was the heir apparent to the Iron Throne of the Targaryen dynasty, first son of King Aerys II Targaryen and older brother of Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen; the husband of Princess Elia Martell. Portrayed by Wilf Scolding.
Viserys III Targaryen He was formerly the exiled prince and the heir of the Targaryen dynasty, second son of King Aerys II Targaryen and middle brother of Rhaegar and Daenerys Targaryen. Portrayed by Harry Lloyd.
Nikolas Cassadine General Hospital He is the prince of Russia, the son of Prince Stavros Cassadine and Laura Spencer and the father of Prince Spencer Cassadine.
Prince Otto Genie in the House A character appeared in the episode «Princess Emma», portrayed by Nathan Guy.
Richard Winslow Guiding Light He is the prince of the island of San Cristobel. Portrayed by Bradley Cole.
Prince Munodi Gulliver’s Travels The son of Empress Munodi. 1996 miniseries based on the novel of the same name by Jonathan Swift. Portrayed by Navin Chowdhry as a guest star.
Ka Suo Ice Fantasy The most powerful prince of the Ice Tribe and one of the main characters of the series. Portrayed by Feng Shaofeng.
Li Guang The second prince of the Ice Tribe. Portrayed by He Xiang.
Shang Lie The crown prince of the Ice Tribe. Portrayed by Huang Shengchi.
Shuo Gang The crown prince of the Fire Tribe. Portrayed by Shu Yaxin.
Xin Jue The second prince of the Fire Tribe. Portrayed by Jiang Chao.
Ying Kong Shi Ka Suo’s younger half-brother who wants to replace him as the king of the Ice Tribe to set him free. Portrayed by Ma Tianyu.
Zhu Gong The eldest prince of the Ice Tribe. Portrayed by Zhang Ziwen.
Prince Lee Jae-ha The King 2 Hearts He is the Crown Prince, and later King, of South Korea, the second son of Queen Bang Yang-seon and the middle brother of King Lee Jae-kang and Princess Lee Jae-shin. Portrayed by Kang Han-byeol as a child and Lee Seung-gi as a young man.
Crown Prince Yi Chang Kingdom Crown prince of the Joseon dynasty. Based on the webcomic series The Kingdom of the Gods by Kim Eun-hee. Portrayed by Ju Ji-hoon.
Jonathan «Jack» Benjamin Kings Crown Prince of Gilboa and son of King Silas. Portrayed by Sebastian Stan.
Prince Fyren Legend of the Seeker The High Prince of Kelton. Portrayed by Toby Leonard Moore in Season 2, Episode 11 «Torn». Based on the novel series The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind.
Prince Iridian The Letter for the King Based on the Dutch novel of the same name. Portrayed by Jakob Oftebro.
Prince Viridian Portrayed by Gijs Blom.
King Arthur Pendragon Merlin He was formerly the prince of Camelot, the son of Uther and Ygraine Pendragon and half-brother of Lady Morgana Pendragon. Portrayed by Bradley James.
Prince Tuesday Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood The prince of the Neighborhood of Make-Believe and the son of King Friday XIII and Queen Sara Saturday. He was performed as a hand puppet character.
Prince Ivar Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog Mystic Knight of Water. Portrayed by Justin Pierre.
Prince George The Palace He is the son of the widowed Queen Charlotte and the late King James III; the brother of King Richard IV and Princesses Eleanor and Isabelle. Portrayed by Sebastian Armesto.
King Richard IV He was formerly Prince Richard of Wales until his father, King James III, suddenly dies in the first episode. Portrayed by Rupert Evans.
Prince Colin Power Rangers Dino Charge He was prince of the fictional small country of Zander. Portrayed by Josh Masterton.
Prince Phillip III He is the descendant of Prince Colin and the Dino Charge Graphite Ranger. Portrayed by Jarred Blakiston.
Prince Olympius («Impus») Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue He is the prince of the demons and the son of Queen Bansheera. Voiced by Brianne Siddall as an infant and Michael Forest as an adult.
Prince Vekar Power Rangers Megaforce The primary fleet leader of the Armada and the older son of Emperor Mavro. Voiced by Stephen Butterworth.
Prince Vrak The second son of Emperor Mavro and younger brother of Prince Vekar. Voiced by Jason Hood.
Prince Gasket Power Rangers Zeo The first-built son of King Mondo and Queen Machina of the Machine Empire and the older brother of Prince Sprocket. Voiced by Douglas Sloan.
Prince E’Hawke/Matthew Star The Powers of Matthew Star He is the crown prince from the Tau Ceti planet of Quadris who acts like a typical teenager when living on planet Earth. Portrayed by Peter Barton.
Prince Caspian Prince Caspian/The Voyage of the Dawn Treader The former prince, and later king, of Narnia. Portrayed by Jean Marc Perret (teenager) and Samuel West (adult).
Prince Lee Hoo/Kang Hoo Prince Hours A spin-off of the 2006 series Princess Hours. Portrayed by Seven.
Prince Lee Joon Portrayed by Kang Doo.
Prince Maxemil «Emil» Vanderklaut III Prince of Peoria He is the prince of Buronia and the main character of the series. Portrayed by Gavin Lewis.
King Anand Wangchuck Princess and I He was formerly Prince Anand of Yangdon, son of the late King Majaraja Wangchuck in the first episode «A Princess is born». Portrayed by Albert Martinez.
Prince Jan Alfonso «Jao» Rinpoche The son of Ashi Behati Rinpoche and one of the main characters of the show. Portrayed by Enrique Gil.
Prince Goldy Princess Dollie Aur Uska Magic Bag Portrayed by Sharad Malhotra.
Crown Prince Lee Shin Princess Hours 2006 South Korean television series based on the manhwa Goong. Portrayed by Ju Ji-hoon.
Prince Lee Yul The son of Prince Lee Soo and Lady Hwa-young. Portrayed by Kim Jeong-hoon.
Tuoba Jun The Princess Weiyoung The prince of Northern Wei and the son of the deceased Crown Prince Tuoba Huang and the Crown Princess. Based on the historical figure of Emperor Wencheng. Portrayed by Luo Jin.
Tuoba Yu The villainous prince whose greatest ambition is to become the emperor to rule the world. Based on the historical figure of Tuoba Yu. Portrayed by Vanness Wu.
Prince Cyrus Henstridge The Royals The brother of King Simon Henstridge and the duke of York. Portrayed by Jake Maskall.
Prince Liam Henstridge The son of King Simon and Queen Helena Henstridge, the brother of King Robert and Princess Eleanor Henstridge and the heir to the throne of England. Portrayed by William Moseley.
Prince Sebastian Idrisi Portrayed by Toby Sandeman.
Prince Rupert A Rubovian Legend He is the heir apparent of the Kingdom of Rubovia and the son of King Rufus XIV and Queen Caroline.
Sandokan Sandokan 1976 six-part miniseries based upon the novels by Emilio Salgari; portrayed by Kabir Bedi.

He also appears in the 1977 film adaptation The Tiger is Still Alive: Sandokan to the Rescue!, and two further television sequels The Return of Sandokan (1996) and The Son of Sandokan (1998).

Prince Richard Scandal The reigning prince of Caledonia and the son of Queen Isabel. He appears in the Season 5 episode «Heavy Is the Head» and is based on Charles, Prince of Wales; portrayed by Adam Fergus.
Ander Elessedil The Shannara Chronicles He was formerly the irresponsible prince, younger son of King Eventine, due to the death of his older brother Aine. He later becomes the responsible king of the Elves. Portrayed by Aaron Jakubenko.
Prince Rilian The Silver Chair Prince of Narnia and the son of King Caspian. Played by Richard Henders.
Prince Harold III Sliders The prince and heir of the Americas and the son of the late King Thomas. He was portrayed by Ben Bodé in the Season 1 episode «Prince of Wails».
Hongxiao, Prince Yi Story of Yanxi Palace The cousin of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing dynasty. Portrayed by Cheng Junwen.
Hongzhou, Prince He The brother of Emperor Qianlong. Based on the historical Hongzhou, portrayed by Hong Yao.
Yongcheng, Prince Lü The fourth son of Emperor Qianlong and the surrogate son of Empress Hoifa-Nara Shushen. Portrayed by Fang Yangfei.
Yongcong, Prince Zhe The seventh son of Emperor Qianlong. He died at a young age. Portrayed by Zhou Yicheng.
Yongqi, Prince Rong The fifth son of Emperor Qianlong and the surrogate son of Wei Yingluo, Consort Ling. Based on the historical Yongqi, portrayed by Chen Youwei.
Yuntao, Prince Lü Portrayed by Gong Fangmin.
Prince Aethelwulf Vikings The son of King Ecbert of Wessex. He is the husband of Princess Judith of Northumbria and the father of Prince Aethelred. Based on the historical Æthelwulf of Wessex. Portrayed by Moe Dunford.
Prince Ari The younger son of King Horik. Portrayed by Jay Duffy.
Prince Burgred Based on the historical Burgred of Mercia. Portrayed by Aaron Monaghan.
Prince Egbert The son of King Aelle and Queen Ealhswith. Portrayed by Sean Treacy.
Prince Erlendur He is the first son of King Horik and Ari’s older brother. Portrayed by Edvin Endre.
Eerde A Weaver on the Horizon A Mongol prince. Portrayed by Lou Yejiang.
Prince Hector of Bulgaria Year of the Rabbit He is the prince and heir to the throne of Bulgaria who has been taken captive by his sister Princess Juliana. Portrayed by Matthew Holness.


Fictional prince Series title Notes
Prince Schwann ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. He is the prince and heir to the throne of the Dowa Kingdom. Voiced by Mamoru Miyano in Japanese and Daman Mills in English.
Prince Uncouthma Aladdin He is the ruler of the barbarian land of Odiferous who was originally a suitor of Princess Jasmine until he is married to a woman named Brawnhilda to have a son, Bud. Voiced by Tino Insana.
Prince Barty All Hail King Julien A ring-tailed lemur who becomes the prince of the Lemur Kingdom in Madagascar as the husband of Princess Julienne and the father of King Julien XIII. Voiced by John Michael Higgins.
Prince Zuko Avatar: The Last Airbender He is the prince, and later Fire Lord, of the Fire Nation. Also notice that his father, the late Fire Lord Ozai, was originally a prince during his childhood.
Prince Hydron Bakugan Battle Brawlers The prince of Vestal, commander of the Vexos, and the son of King Zenoheld. Voiced by Lyon Smith (English) and Sōichirō Hoshi (Japanese).
Soma Asman Kadar Black Butler The Indian prince of Bengal. Voiced by Shinnosuke Tachibana in Japanese and Christopher Ayres in English.
Lumiere Silvamillion Clover Black Clover Lumiere is the former human prince, and later named the first Wizard King, of the Clover Kingdom. Voiced by Syu Hikari in Japanese and Chris Burnett in English.
Lelouch vi Britannia Code Geass The former prince of the Holy Britannian Empire and the main protagonist of the series. Voiced by Jun Fukuyama (Japanese) and Johnny Yong Bosch (English).
Odysseus eu Britannia The First Prince of the Holy Britannian Empire and the first older brother of Lelouch. Voiced by Jin Yamanoi (Japanese) and Peter Emshwiller (English).
Schneizel el Britannia The Second Prince of the Holy Britannian Empire and the Prime Minister of Britannia; the second older brother of Lelouch. Voiced by Norihiro Inoue (Japanese) and Troy Baker (English).
Julio Asuka Misurugi Cross Ange He is formerly the prince of the Empire of Misurugi who executes his father Emperor Jurai, following the death of his mother Empress Sophia, and exiles his middle sister Princess Ange to the island of Arzenal as he exposes her as a «Norma» to claim the throne for himself as the new emperor. Voiced by Kōsuke Toriumi in Japanese and Blake Shepard in English.
Vegeta IV Dragon Ball He is the last prince of the Saiyans and the son of King Vegeta III. In the anime featurette Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!, Vegeta has a younger brother named Tarble.
Mark Chang The Fairly OddParents He is the alien prince of the planet Yugopotamia. Voiced by Rob Paulsen.
Mystogan Fairy Tail Mystogan is one of the S-Class wizards as well as the former prince of Edolas, the son of King Faust. He succeeds his father as the new king of Edolas.
Hard-to-Hit Fox’s Peter Pan & the Pirates The tribal prince of the Native Americans in Neverland; the son of Chief Great Big Little Panther and the younger brother of Tiger Lily. An animated series that aired on Fox based on the original story of Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie. Voiced by Aaron Lohr.
Lin Yao Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood He is the prince of the fictional country of Xing and the half-brother of Princess May Chang. Voiced by Todd Haberkorn in English and Mamoru Miyano in Japanese.
Pollun Futari wa Pretty Cure Also known as Porun in English dub, he is the Prince of the Garden of Light and the older brother of Princess Lulun.
Pandat Galtar and the Golden Lance The prince of the Nerms. Voiced by Don Messick.
Zorn The mind-controlling brother of Princess Goleeta; the former prince of Bandisar. Voiced by David Mendenhall.
Prince Malcolm Gargoyles The son of Malcolm I of Scotland, brother of King Kenneth and the father of Princess Katharine. Voiced by Roger Rees.
Zorzal El Caesar Gate The villainous prince of the Empire and the main antagonist of the series; the older half-brother of Princess Piña Co Lada. Voiced by Kregg Daily (English) and Katsuyuki Konishi (Japanese).
Wein Salema Arbalest The Genius Prince’s Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt He is the crown prince and capable heir of the Kingdom of Natra who is lauded as a genius but actually plots to sell his kingdom. He is the son of the late King Natra Owen and older brother of Princess Falanya. Voiced by Soma Saito in Japanese and Dallas Reid in English.
Earthworld Princes They are the three princes of the Earthworld Empire and three brothers of Princess Lowellmina.

  • Demetrio Earthworld, the eldest and arrogant prince, voiced by Ryūichi Kijima.
  • Bardloche Earthworld, the middle prince, voiced by Kenichirō Matsuda.[20]
  • Manfred Earthworld, the youngest prince, voiced by Kengo Kawanishi.
Hope Grand Kanata Go! Princess PreCure The crown prince of the Hope Kingdom and the brother of Towa Akagi.
Holdem Grimoire of Zero He is a wolf-like Beastfallen who is formerly the prince but runs away from his family to live with the Mooncaller witch, Sorena. Voiced by Masayuki Kato in Japanese and David Wald in English.
Prince Norman Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids Based on the book series of the same name by Jamie Rix. Voiced by Nigel Planer.
Prince Spencer Voiced by Nigel Planer.
Remus Farseer Guin Saga The crown prince of Parros, and the son of King Aldross III, who along with his twin sister Crown Princess Rinda allies with the mysterious, amnesiac warrior Guin. He is voiced by Tsubasa Yonaga in Japanese and Blake Shepard in English.
Serge Flora Hana no Ko Lunlun He is the prince of the Flower Star and a photographer who cedes the throne to his younger brother to live on Earth and marry Lunlun. Voiced by Yū Mizushima.
Prince Adam («He-Man») He-Man and the Masters of the Universe;
The New Adventures of He-Man;
Masters of the Universe: Revelation
The prince of Eternia; son of King Randor and Queen Marlena and twin brother of Princess Adora.
Xie Lian Heaven Official’s Blessing He is the crown prince from the Xian Le kingdom who ascends to Heaven at least thrice and eventually reveals to be gay due to his love for a mysterious ghost king, Hua Cheng. Voiced by Jiang Guangtao in the original Chinese and Howard Wang in English dub.
Arslan The Heroic Legend of Arslan He is the Crown Prince of Pars, son of King Andragoras III and Queen Tahamine and the main protagonist of the series. Voiced by Aaron Dismuke in English and Yūsuke Kobayashi in Japanese.
Hilmes/Silvermask He is the leader of the army in Lusitania, and the main antagonist of the series, who was formerly the Prince of Pars, the son of former King Osroes and the cousin of Prince Arslan. Voiced by Vic Mignogna in English and Yuki Kaji in Japanese.
Rajendra The younger son of King Karikala II, he is made Crown Prince of Shindra following the arrest of his older half-brother Prince Gadevi. Voiced by Ian Sinclair in English and Kousuke Toriumi in Japanese.
Julius Amidonia How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom The exiled prince of the former Principality of Amidonia who was meant to become its ruler but has been driven out of his country as rebellions rise up. He is the son of the late Prince Gaius Amidonia and the older brother of Princess Roroa Amidonia. Voiced by Kenji Nojima in Japanese and David Matranga in English.
Pierre Bichelberger The iDOLM@STER SideM He is a bright and innocent prince from the European country, probably Belgium or Luxembourg, who goes to Japan and works as a frog mascot at an amusement park due to a throne dispute between his two older brothers, making it unsafe for him to stay in his country anymore. Voiced by Shun Horie.
Lord Nabokov Jugglaburk Ixion Saga DT The prince of Jugglaburk who is to be married to the little princess Ecarlate for peace but is a rather bizzare manchild with a fetish for dolls and stuffed animals. Voiced by Kōji Yusa.
Prince Cuthbert Hakan Kippernook Jane and the Dragon Based on the book series of the same name by Martin Baynton. Voiced by Cameron Ansell.
Prince Wally the Third Kim Possible The arrogant prince of Rodeghan. Voiced by Rob Paulsen.
Prince Cherry Kinnikuman He is the prince of Planet Kinmoku and the younger brother of Princess Lily. Voiced by Hiromi Tsuru.
Prince Kamehame He was the prince from Planet Coconuts who traveled to Earth to become the Hawaiian Champion and a veteran Choujin until he was later killed by Sunshine when protecting Terryman. Voiced by Masaharu Satō.
Prince Nata Kirakira PreCure a la Mode The flamboyant prince of Confetto who attempts to flirt with Yukari Kotozume. He appeared in the episode «Lightning Fast Wedding!? Princess Yukari!» and was voiced by Kohsuke Toriumi.
Wolfram von Bielefeld Kyo Kara Maoh! The youngest son of the former Demon Queen Cecilie von Spitzweg of The Demon Kingdom and the younger half-brother of Gwendal von Voltaire and Conrart Weller. Voiced by Mitsuki Saiga in Japanese and Mona Marshall in English.
Prince StrongHeart Lady Lovely Locks He was originally a human but was cursed as a dog. He was soon adopted by a wizard, Shining Glory. Voiced by Danny Mann.
Villagulio De Metrio Lu Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne He is the former prince of De Metrio, and the older brother of Princess Yurikano, who forms the rebellious organization KISS and is in the close relationship with Muginami after being thrown into her home planet. Voiced by Yuichi Nakamura in Japanese and Keith Silverstein in English.
Prince Desna The Legend of Korra Son of Chief Unalaq of the Northern Water Tribe and twin brother of Princess Eska; the cousin of Avatar Korra.
Prince Wu The great-nephew of the late Earth Queen Hou-Ting and the great-grandson of Earth King Kuei. He is the sovereign of the Earth Kingdom who is meant to be a crowned King but abolishes the monarchy in favor of independent states with democratically elected leaders.
Prince Michael The Legend of Prince Valiant The prince, and later king, of Northland and the nephew of the Duke of Lionsgate. Voiced by Wil Wheaton.
Prince Valiant The exiled prince of Thule and the eponymous protagonist of the series. Voiced by Robby Benson.
Prince Richard The Legend of Snow White The prince of Albertville. Italian-Japanese anime series. Voiced by Takehito Koyasu.
Prince Façade The Legend of Zelda He is the prince of Arcadia who only appeared in the episode «The White Knight». Based on the video game series of the same name.
Prince Chris («Wish») Lilpri The son of the Queen of Fairyland. Voiced by Tetsuya Kakihara.
Kion The Lion Guard He is the prince of the Pride Lands, the leader of the Lion Guard and the main protagonist of the series; the son of King Simba and Queen Nala and the younger brother of Kiara. Voiced by Max Charles.
Prince Ferg Little Charmers He was originally a normal prince but was turned into a frog. Inspired by the character of The Frog Prince.
Little Prince The Little Prince There are multiple animated TV series adaptation of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s classic novella:

  • The Adventures of the Little Prince, 1978 Japanese anime series featuring Taiki Matsuno.
  • Le Petit Prince, 2010 French computer-animated series featuring Gabriel Bismuth-Bienaimé.
Prince Borch The Little Troll Prince The two-headed younger brother of Bu. Voiced by Rob Paulsen (right head) and Laurie Faso (left head).
Crown Prince Bu The gnome prince and the first son of two-headed King Ulvik and Queen Sirena. Voiced by Danny Cooksey.
Prince Prag Two-headed younger brother of Bu. Voiced by Neil Ross (right head) and Frank Welker (left head).
Iselus El-Arde Corwen Log Horizon He is a member of the Corwen clan in the League of Freedom Cities Eastal; the princeling of Maihama. Voiced by Mariya Ise in Japanese and Kalin Coats in English.
Jodan LoliRock He is the Prince of Volta.
Rudo Bernstein IV Lost Song The cunning and cold-hearted prince of the kingdom of Golt, and the brother of Princess Alea/Pony, who desires to use Finis as a human weapon to win the war. Voiced by Yuto Suzuki in Japanese and Todd Haberkorn in English.
Heinz Nerich Windermere Macross Delta The young prince of the Windermere Kingdom, and the son of late King Grammier VI, who as the «Wind Singer» is the main source of the Vár Syndrome. He later becomes the new king of the Windermere Kingdom upon his father’s death. Voiced by Yuka Terasaki; singing voice by Melody Chubak.
Keith Aero Windermere The leader of the Aerial Knights in the Windermere Kingdom, who holds the distinctive title of «White Knight of Derwent» but is actually the illegitimate son of the late King Grammier and the older half-brother of Prince Heinz. Voiced by Ryōhei Kimura.
Aladdin Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic He is the son of King Solomon and Queen Sheba and the former prince of Alma Torran. Voiced by Erica Mendez (English) Kaori Ishihara (Japanese).
Alibaba Saluja He has been taken by his father, the King, as the third prince of Balbadd after his mother’s death. Voiced by Erik Scott Kimerer (English) and Yūki Kaji (Japanese).
Mystras Leoxses He was first prince of Sasan and the older son of Knight King Darius Leoxses. Voiced by Robbie Daymond (English) and Wataru Hatano (Japanese).
Spartos Leoxses He is originally the second prince, and later king, of Sasan and the younger brother of Mystras. Voiced by Sam Riegel (English) and Wataru Hatano (Japanese).
Princes of the Kou Empire
  • Kouen Ren, voiced by Kaiji Tang (English) and Yuichi Nakamura (Japanese)
  • Koumei Ren, Voiced by Ethan Murray (English) and Satoshi Hino (Japanese)
  • Kouha Ren, voiced by Mark Allen Jr. (English) and Tetsuya Kakihara (Japanese)
  • Hakuryuu Ren, voiced by Darrel Guilbeau (English) and Kenshō Ono (Japanese)
Prince Ferio Magic Knight Rayearth He is the younger brother of Princess Emeraude of Cephiro.
Kaito Domoto Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch He is the prince from an ancient water clan known as Panthalassa. Voiced by Daisuke Kishio.
Mike Alfred Mike the Knight Mike is the young prince who wants to be a knight, though he is still a knight-in-training. He is the son of King Norg (also the knight) and Queen Martha and the older brother of Princess Evie. Voiced by Jake Beale and Trek Buccino in North America and Benjamin Baker in the United Kingdom.
Prince Rygan Miles from Tomorrowland The son of Queen Gemma of the Dethalians. Voiced by Rio Mangini.
Prince Neel Mira, Royal Detective He is the second prince of the fictional Indian kingdom of Jalpur, second son of Queen Shanti. Voiced by Kamran Lucas.[21][22]
Crown Prince Veer He is the first prince and heir apparent of the kingdom of Jalpur, older brother of Prince Neel and first son of Queen Shanti. Voiced by Karan Brar.[21][22]
Milliardo Peacecraft/Zechs Merquise Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Voiced by Brian Drummond (English) and Takehito Koyasu (Japanese).
Prince Blueblood My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic A unicorn prince who is an object of Rarity’s affection but proves that he is a «pompous fool» and «quite vain». He is the distant nephew of Princesses Celestia and Luna of Equestria and the cousin of Princess Cadance. Voiced by Vincent Tong.
Prince Rutherford He is a temperamental yak who is the prince of the Yakyakistan kingdom. Voiced by Garry Chalk.
Shining Armor The captain of the Canterlot royal guard, Shining Armor is married to Princess Cadance to become a ruler of the Crystal Empire. He is the father of Princess Flurry Heart and the older brother of Twilight Sparkle. Voiced by Andrew Francis.
Prince Alan Stuart My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! Voiced by Tatsuhisa Suzuki in Japanese and Bryce Papenbrook in English.
Prince Geordo Stuart Voiced by Shouta Aoi in Japanese and Griffin Burns in English.
Ojarumaru Sakanoue Ojarumaru He is the five-year-old prince from the Heian-era Fairy World and the eponymous character of the series. Voiced by Hiroko Konishi (Series 1–3) and Chinami Nishimura (Series 4–present).
Neptune Brothers One Piece The three princes of the Ryugu Kingdom, three sons of King Neptune and the late Queen Otohime, and the brothers of Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi.

  • Fukaboshi, the eldest son
  • Ryuboshi, the middle son
  • Manboshi, the youngest son
Vinsmoke Princes The four princes of the Germa Kingdom, four brothers of Princess Reiju and four sons of King Judge and Queen Sora.

  • Vinsmoke Sanji, the former prince
  • Vinsmoke Ichiji
  • Vinsmoke Niji
  • Vinsmoke Yonji
Prince Sorara Onegai My Melody He is the 13-year-old prince from the Star Kingdom who transforms into a small chick and visits Mary Land after the Wishing Star got crashed and scattered to pieces. Voiced by Kōki Miyata.
Barbro Vaiself Overlord Barbro Andrean Ield Ryle Vaiself, the crown prince of the Re-Estize Kingdom, the first son of King Ramposa III and the older brother of Prince Zanac and Princess Renner. Voiced by Newton Pittman in English and Taiten Kusunoki in Japanese.
Zanac Vaiself Zanac Valleon Igana Ryle Vaiself, the second prince of the Re-Estize Kingdom and the middle brother of Barbro and Princess Renner; the younger son of King Ramposa III. Voiced by Cris George in English and Kouji Fujiyoshi in Japanese.
Prince Arrow/Arc Petite Princess Yucie He is a prince in disguise whose mother Queen Ercell is the principal of the Princess Academy. Voiced by Takayuki Yamaguchi in Japanese and Joey Hood in English.
Prince Ren The Pirates of Dark Water He is the prince of the Octopon Kingdom, and the son of the late King Primus, who goes on a quest to find the lost Thirteen Treasures of Rule. Voiced by George Newbern.
Prince Kogoto Popolocrois He is the adpoptive son of GamiGami Maou and the older brother of Princess PunPun, who builds a robot and plans world conquest in the second series. Voiced by Koki Miyata.
Pietro PakaPuka He is the crown prince, and later king, of Popolocrois who is a main hero in the first series; the son of King Paulo and Sania. Voiced by Ai Orikasa as a child and Akio Ōtsuka as an adult.
Pinon PakaPuka He is the new prince of Popolocrois, and the son of King Pietro and Queen Narcia, who is a main hero in the second series. Voiced by Omi Minami.
Akata The Prince of Atlantis The last Atlantean prince who has to save his city from modern technologies.
Prince Franz Princess Sissi Voiced by Terrence Scammell.
Prince Karl Voiced by Jacob Tierney.
Prince Mytho Princess Tutu Voiced by Naoki Yanagi in Japanese and Jay Hickman in English.
Prince Badjura XVII Psychic Squad He is the crown prince of the Kingdom of Impalahem who The Children of B.A.B.E.L. are tasked to assist him in freeing his lover Sera the priestess from being possessed by her grandmother Masara. He appeared in one episode «Marital Vows! His Majesty and The Children» and was voiced by Daisuke Ono.
Prince Bojji Ranking of Kings Bojji is a young prince who is deaf and barely able to speak. He is the older half-brother of King Daida and the son of former King Boss. Voiced by Minami Hinata in Japanese and Emily Fajardo in English.[23]
Eugene Fitzherbert Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure The animated television series reveals that Eugene (aka Flynn Rider) is the prince from the Dark Kingdom, orphaned son of King Edmund. He was escorted out of his birthplace by a servant woman who then placed him in an orphanage where he soon grew up to be a thief. Based on the Disney film Tangled.
Belphegor Reborn! Also known as «Prince the Ripper», he was once a prince and is an assassin working for the Varia. Voiced by Yūki Fujiwara.
Rasiel Belphegor’s older twin brother who states that he is a king, rather than a prince. Voiced by Ryuji Kamiyama.
Prince Dios/Akio Ohtori Revolutionary Girl Utena He was formerly the prince in his early life before becoming the chairman of Ohtori Academy where his younger sister Anthy Himemiya is the «Rose Bride». There is also an anime film, Adolescence of Utena.
Romeo Candore De Montague Romeo × Juliet The crown prince and heir to the throne of Neo Verona and the son of Lord Leontes Montague and Lady Portia. Voiced by Takahiro Mizushima (Japanese) and Chris Burnett (English).
Prince Endymion («Tuxedo Mask») Sailor Moon;
Sailor Moon Crystal
He is the prince of the Kingdom of Earth. In the future he becomes King Endymion of Crystal Tokyo as the husband of Neo-Queen Serenity and the father of Chibiusa.
Prince Demand/Diamond He is the leader of the Black Moon Clan.
Saphir/Sapphire Although he never actually held the title of «prince», he is one of the members of the Black Moon Clan and the younger brother of Prince Demand (Diamond).
Kyle Salutania The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent He is the crown prince of the Kingdom of Salutania and the senior at the Royal Academy. Voiced by Jun Fukuyama in Japanese and Adam McArthur in English.
Rain Salutania He is the second prince of the Kingdom of Salutania, and Kyle’s younger brother, who is a junior at the Royal Academy. Voiced by Aoi Ichikawa in Japanese and Justin Briner in English.
Ukyo Samurai 7 The self-proclaimed heir to the throne of Ayamaro. Voiced by Anthony Bowling in English and Takehito Koyasu in Japanese.
Samurai Jack Samurai Jack Jack is the samurai prince from feudal Japan, the biological son of the Emperor and the Empress and the titular protagonist of the series. He was raised by several tribes in a variety of skills to fight against the demon lord Aku. Voiced by Phil LaMarr.
Sandokan Sandokan[24] Based on the novels by Emilio Salgari, Sandokan is an anthropomorphic tiger who is the usurped Bornean prince. He also appears in the 1995 animated film adaptation The Princess and the Pirate,[25] voiced by Stuart Organ.
Prince Keppi Sarazanmai He is the prince of the Kappa Kingdom whose shirikodama is split into two after the victory of the Otter Empire. Voiced by Junichi Suwabe in Japanese and Tyler Walker in English.
The Prince Scooby-Doo! in Arabian Nights He is the Arabian prince and the love interest of Aliyah-Din in the gender-bent version of «Aladdin». Voiced by Rob Paulsen.
Prince Forsyth Scrapped Princess The crown prince of the Leinwan kingdom and the biological twin brother of the series’ main protagonist, Pacifica. Voiced by Junji Majima in Japanese and Dave Wittenberg in English.
Prince Spong The Secret Show The leader of the Floaty Heads of the planet Zabulon and the brother of Princess Ping.
Prince Pyrus Shadow Raiders He is the prince of the Planet Fire. Voiced by Matt Hill.
Dakares Ciely Karlon Rhoden Vetran Skeleton Knight in Another World The second prince of the Rhoden Kingdom who secretly but actively participates in the elf and beast people slave trade in violation of a 400-year-old peace treaty. He was the younger son of King Karlon and the younger half-brother of Princesses Seriarna and Yuriarna. Voiced by Daiki Hamano (Japanese) and Bradley Gareth (English).
Sekt Rondahl Karlon Rhoden Sahdiay The first prince of the Rhoden Kingdom and the leader of the political faction who is enganged against his younger half-siblings Prince Dakares and Princess Yuriarna in a power struggle to successfully succeed to the throne. He is the older son of King Karlon and Lefitia Sahdiay. Voiced by Kengo Kawanishi (Japanese) and Grant Paulsen (English).
Philionel «Phil» El Di Seyruun Slayers The crown prince of Seyruun and the father of Princesses Amelia Wil Tesla and Gracia Ul Naga Seyruun.
Raji Shenazard Snow White with the Red Hair The first prince of Tanbarun and the older son of King Shenazard. Voiced by Jun Fukuyama (Japanese) and Todd Haberkorn (English).
Eugena Shenazard The second prince of Tanbarun, younger son of King Shenazard and younger brother of Raji. Voiced by Mikako Komatsu (Japanese) and Megan Shipman (English).
Izana Wistaria The first prince of Clarines and the older son of the late King Kain and Queen Haruto Wistaria. Voiced by Akira Ishida (Japanese) and Eric Vale (English).
Zen Wistaria The second prince of Clarines, second son of King Kain and Queen Haruto Wistaria, younger brother of Izana and one of the main characters of the series. Voiced by Ryōta Ōsaka (Japanese) and Josh Grelle (English).
Cylis Analeit So I’m a Spider, So What? He is the crown prince of the Analeit Kingdom who launches a coup d’état to kill his father King Meiges and framing his younger half-brother Shun. Voiced by Takashi Kondō.
Julius Zagan Analeit He was the second prince of the Analeit Kingdom and the previous Hero who has been killed by a mysterious white girl, Shiraori. Voiced by Junya Enoki in Japanese and Landon McDonald in English.
Leston Analeit He is the third prince of the Analeit Kingdom. Voiced by Shunichi Toki.
Schlain Zagan Analeit/Shunsuke «Shun» Yamada He is the fourth prince of the Analeit Kingdom who is reincarnated from the Japanese high school student and becomes a new Hero after the death his brother Julius. Voiced by Shun Horie in Japanese and Alejandro Saab in English.
Princes from Sofia the First Sofia the First
  • Prince James, stepbrother of Sofia the First and twin brother of Princess Amber; the prince of Enchancia. Voiced by Zach Callison, Tyler Merna and Nicolas Cantu.
  • Prince Hugo, the prince who attends Royal Prep. Voiced by Colin Ford and Grayson Hunter.
  • Prince Axel, Hugo’s older brother. Voiced by Colin Ford.
  • Prince Jin of Wei-Ling, son of Emperor Quon and Empress Lin-Lin. Voiced by Brian JY Lee, J. J. Totah and Forrest Wheeler.
  • Prince Khalid of Khaldoun, son of King Nasir and Queen Anya. Voiced by Khamani Griffin and Jaden Betts.
  • Prince Zander of Tangu. Voiced by Maxim Knight, Karan Brar, Cade Sutton and Nathaniel Semsen.
  • Prince Desmond, voiced by Maxim Knight and Joshua Carlon.
Manic the Hedgehog Sonic Underground He is the twin brother of Sonic and Sonia Hedgehog and one of the three children of Queen Aleena of Mobius. Voiced by Jaleel White (speaking) and Tyley Ross (singing).
Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic appears in the series as the crown prince of Mobius, the son of Queen Aleena and the brother of Manic and Sonia Hedgehog. Voiced by Jaleel White; singing voice by Sam Vincent.
Prince Lumen Spider Riders The prince of Arachna and the leader of the Spider Riders; the older brother of Princess Sparkle. Voiced by Cameron Ansell in English and Kumiko Higa in Japanese.
Prince Triton SpongeBob SquarePants The teenage son of King Neptune and Queen Amphitrite. He appeared in the episode «The Clash of Triton» and was voiced by Sebastian Bach.
Tchar Star Trek: The Animated Series He is the hereditary prince of the ornithoid race called Skorr. Tchar appeared in the episode «The Jihad» and was voiced by James Doohan.
Thomas Draconius «Tom» Lucitor Star vs. the Forces of Evil Three-eyed demon crown prince of the Underworld. Voiced by Rider Strong.
Prince Gaima Starzinger Voiced by Keiichi Noda.
Seiran Shi The Story of Saiunkoku He is the exiled prince of Saiunkoku, son of the previous Emperor Shi Senka. Voiced by Andrew Francis in English and Hikaru Midorikawa in Japanese.
Prince Nevarhas Bin-Broak TaleSpin He is the eccentric but kindly hyena ruler of the Middle Eastern desert country in the episode «I Only Have Ice for You». Voiced by Jim Cummings.
Prince Rudolf He is a black swan who claims to be the «long-lost cousin» of Princess Grace in attempt to rule her kingdom of Walla-Walla-Bing-Bang in the episode «Waiders of the Wost Tweasure». Voiced by Dan Castellaneta.
Prince Krel Tarron Tales of Arcadia Voiced by Diego Luna.
Prince Pero Tantei Opera Milky Holmes The prince of Ripa who is meant to be engaged to marry Princess Claris but actually has to marry her grandmother. Voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi.
The Crystal Prince Thumbelina: A Magical Story Voiced by Akira Ishida (Japanese) and Jan Rabson (English).
Prince Dandarn Time Travel Tondekeman Voiced by Akira Kamiya.
Prince Richter Tōshō Daimos A part of the Robot Romance Trilogy, Richter is a disgruntled prince of the Baam Empire, and the brother of Princess Erika, who is determinded to assassinate the villainous Olban whose right-hand man Georiya had poisoned his father Emperor Leon. Voiced by Osamu Ichikawa.
Princes from Twin Princess of Wonder Planet Twin Princess of Wonder Planet
  • Shade («Eclipse»), the prince of the Moon Kingdom.
  • Tio, the prince of the Flame Kingdom.
  • Narlo, the baby prince of the Water Drop Kingdom.
  • Solo, the prince of the Seed Kingdom.
  • Bright, the prince of the Jewelry Kingdom.
  • Auler, the prince of the Windmill Kingdom.
Princes from Twin Princess of Wonder Planet Gyu!
  • Toma, the prince of the planet Wulpurgis.
  • Noche, the prince of the planet Orchestra.
  • Fango, the prince of the planet Gretel.
  • Melon, the prince of the planet Naniwan.
  • Hiruzu, the prince of the planet Gorgeous.
Duke Fleed/Daisuke Umon UFO Robot Grendizer He is the crown prince whose Planet Fleed has been destroyed by the forces of King Vega, leading him and his sister Princess Maria Fleed to be raised on Earth. He is also the fiancé of Vega’s daughter Princess Rubina.
Prince Puppycorn Unikitty! He is the younger brother of Princess Unikitty but is a hybrid of pug dog and unicorn; the rightful prince of the Unikingdom. Voiced by Grey Griffin.
A-Drei Valvrave the Liberator He is an agent captain and former prince of Dorssia. Voiced by Jun Fukuyama.
The Prince An unnamed prince of the Third Galactic Empire who so far only appears in the futuristic scenes. Voiced by Yui Horie.
Canute Vinland Saga The prince, and later king, of Danes. Based on the historical Canute the Great; voiced by Kenshō Ono.
Damian Baldur Flügel Violet Evergarden He is the prince of the Kingdom of Flügel who is engaged to marry Charlotte Abelfreyja Drossel, princess of the neighboring Kingdom of Drossel. Voiced by Kenjiro Tsuda.
Prince Heinel Voltes V A part of the Robot Romance Trilogy, Heinel, voiced by Osamu Ichikawa, is the prince and commander of Boazania whose evil uncle Emperor Zu Zambajil had him waging a senseless war against Earth. Also notice that his father, Professor Kentaro Goh (real name La Gour), is formerly the noble prince of Boazania.
Prince Lotor
(Prince Imperial Sincline)
Voltron Voiced by Lennie Weinrib in the 1980s version, Tim Curry in the 1990s version, Mark Hildreth in the 2011 version, and A. J. Locascio in the 2016 version.
Prince Phobos W.I.T.C.H. He is the evil ruler of Meridian, in spite of his sister Princess Elyon being its rightful heir, and the primary antagonist of the series. Voiced by Mitchell Whitfield.
Prince Adale Wakfu The crown prince of New Sufokia.
Prince Armand Sheran Sharm He is the prince of Sadida and the brother of Princess Amalia Sheran Sharm.
Prince Cashmere Wander Over Yonder Voiced by Bill Fagerbakke.
Prince Cavan
(aka John Cavanaugh)
Wildfire He is the prince of the planet Dar-Shan who was married to the late Queen Sarana to have a daughter, Princess Sara. His alter-ego is a farmer named John Cavanaugh. Voiced by David Ackroyd.
Prince Nereus Winx Club The merman crown prince of the planet Andros.
Prince Sky The crown prince of the planet Eraklyon.
Prince Thoren The paladin and the cousin of Prince Sky.
Tritannus The former merprince of Andros, the evil twin brother of Nereus and one of the main antagonists of the series.
August von Earlshide Wise Man’s Grandchild Also known simply as «Aug» or «Gus», he is invested as the crown prince of the Earlshide Kingdom and has a cousin-like relationship with Shin Wolford. He is the son of King Diseum and Queen Julia and the older brother of Princess May. Voiced by Shōhei Komatsu in Japanese and Brandon McInnis in English.
Leonhart «Leol» XV Yakitate!! Japan He is the heir to the throne of Monaco who becomes a world-class clown in the Quedam circus under the name Pierrot Bolneze; the biological son of King Leonhart XIV. Voiced by Tomokazu Seki.
Prince Cloud Yume no Crayon Oukoku The young prince who wields the Sword of Light and travels with Princess Silver. His ancestor Duke Klaus had defeated the evil Grim Reaper with Queen Buretsu.


Fictional prince Radio title Notes
Prince Herbert Another Case of Milton Jones The character in the episode «Royal Speech Therapist» starring Milton Jones.[26][27]
Prince of the Pigeon People Special Relativity[28] Played by Dee Bradley Baker.

Video games[edit]

Fictional prince Game title System(s) Note
Alex Kidd Alex Kidd in Miracle World Master System The main protagonist of the game series, Alex is the long-lost son of King Sander of Radaxian who used to live in Mount Eternal alone on the planet of Aries until he returns to Radaxian to rescue his brother Igle and his fiancée Princess Lora from the evil Janken the Great.
Prince Igle He is the former prince, and now king, of Radaxian, the first son of King Sander and the older brother of Alex Kidd.
Crown Prince Orlando ARMA: Queen’s Gambit Microsoft Windows The rightful heir of Sahrani who leads the Partisans in attempt to dethrone his evil sister Queen Isabella for her crimes. He is the son of the late King Joseph.
Matthias Ferrié Adalet Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings
  • Vita
  • PS4
  • Windows
  • Switch
The crown prince of Adalet and a knight-in-training. Voiced by Yuuki Inoue.
Prince Morley Breath of Fire IV
  • PlayStation
  • Windows
He is the prince of Ludia who has been betrothed to Princess Elina of Wyndia.
Prince Lance Brigandine: The Legend of Forsena PlayStation The prince of the former kingdom of Padstow (renamed New Almekia) who becomes a new ruler after the abdication of his father King Coel.
Prince Rubino IV Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia
  • Switch
  • PS4
  • Windows
The uncrowned ruler of the Norzaleo Kingdom and the son of the late King Rubino III. Voiced by Soma Saito.
Janus Chrono Trigger
  • SNES
  • PlayStation
  • Nintendo DS
The prince of Zeal and the younger brother of Princess Schala.
Prince Farron Conquest of the Crystal Palace NES He is the prince of the Kingdom of the Crystal Palace and the main protagonist of the game.
Prince Kirelan Cute Knight
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Macintosh
He has been raised as the heir to the throne by Queen Penelope who replaces him from her biological daughter Michiko. He is actually the son of magic teacher Orchid and the brother of Rose.
Narek Ischl de Milidonia Dame×Prince
  • Android
  • iOS
The crown prince of Milidonia. Voiced by Kaito Ishikawa.
Mare Selen el Phiriazar The second prince of Selenfalen. Voiced by Ryōhei Kimura.
Ruze Selen el Phiriazar The first and airheaded prince of Selenfalen. Voiced by Sōma Saitō.
Prince Myer Deadly Towers NES
Levantia Shaytham The Diofield Chronicle
  • Windows
  • Switch
  • PS4
  • PS5
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X/S
The prince of the Kingdom of Alletain and the brother of Princess Hezeliah Shaytham.[29]
Prince Euden Dragalia Lost
  • Android
  • iOS
He is the seventh prince of Alberia whose royal family has the Dragon Transformation ability and who sets off on his Dragon Slection Trial to save his kingdom.
Sebastian Vael Dragon Age II
  • Windows
  • PS3
  • Xbox 360
  • OS X
The kind but often mocked prince in exile of Starkhaven. He is only available through The Exiled Prince DLC. Voiced by Alec Newman.
Alistair Dragon Age: Origins
  • Windows
  • Xbox 360
  • PS3
  • Mac OS X
  • Xbox One
He is the son of King Maric and Fiona and the heir to the throne of Ferelden who may be put on as the king. Voiced by Steve Valentine.
Prince of Cannock Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line NES/Famicom The cousin of the Prince of Midenhall and Princess of Moonbrooke and one of the main characters of the game.
Prince of Midenhall The main protagonist of the game.
Prince Harry Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
  • Super Famicom
  • PS2
  • Nintendo DS
  • iOS
  • Android
The elder son of the King of Coburg.
Prince of Somnia Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
  • Super Famicom
  • Nintendo DS
  • iOS
  • Android
The main protagonist who gets some strange dreams in the village of Weaver’s Peak. He is the son of King Somnus and Queen Apnea.
Prince Kiefer Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past
  • PlayStation
  • Nintendo 3DS
  • iOS
  • Android
He is the prince and heir to the throne of Estard. Kiefer also appeared as the main character in Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart.
Prince Charmles Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
  • PS2
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Nintendo 3DS
Spoiled prince of Argonia and the son of King Clavius; the cousin of the Hero.
The Hero The main protagonist who is the lost son of the late Prince Eltrio and Princess Xia of Argonia.
Prince Odisu Dragon Quest X: Awakening of the Five Tribes Online
  • Wii
  • Wii U
  • Windows
  • Android
  • iOS
  • 3DS
  • PS4
  • Switch
The son of Queen Diore and the prince of the Weltings.
Prince Ragus The prince of the Poppets.
Prince Thomas «Toma» The villainous prince of Gran Zedora, the son of King Arios and Princess Yulia, and the brother of Princess Anlucia.
Prince Faris Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
  • 3DS
  • PS4
  • Windows
  • Switch
  • Xbox One
  • Stadia
The son of the Sultan of Gallopolis.
The Luminary The main protagonist of the game who is the lost prince of Dundrasil; the biological son of King Irwin and Queen Eleanor.
Prince Cesar Dragon Quest Heroes II
  • PS3
  • Vita
  • PS4
  • Switch
  • Windows
The mighty warrior-prince of Dunisia and one of the main characters of the game.
Prince Anlace Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors Wii The prince of Avalonia.
Prince Serios (Logan) Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes
  • NEC PC-8801
  • NEC PC-9801
  • FM Towns
  • MSX 2
  • TurboGrafx-CD
  • Super Famicom
  • Sharp X68000
  • Mega Drive
  • Satellaview
  • Windows
  • PlayStation
  • Sega Saturn
He was formerly the prince of Farlalyne, son of King Corwin I and Queen Felicia (Sylvia), and the main protagonist of the game. He later becomes the king of Farlalyne in Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes II.
Princes Atlas Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes II
  • NEC PC-8801
  • NEC PC-9801
  • FM Towns
  • MSX 2
  • PC Engine CD
  • Super Famicom
  • Mega Drive
  • MS-DOS
  • PlayStation
  • Sega Saturn
The son of King Serios and Queen Tina (Mica) of Farlalyne and the new protagonist of the game.
Prince Lace Dragon Spirit: The New Legend NES The prince of the kingdom of Olympis, the son of King Amul (Amru in English) and Queen Alicia and the brother of Princess Iris.
The Prince (The Hero) Fable III
  • Xbox 360
  • Windows
The player may choose to control either a male character (The Prince/The Hero), voiced by Louis Tamone, or a female character (The Princess/The Heroine), voiced by Mischa Goodman.
The Elf Prince Final Fantasy
  • NES
  • various
He is the prince of Elfheim who has been put into a deep sleep by the evil dark elf, Astos, until he is revived by the Light Warriors.
Prince Gordon Final Fantasy II
  • Famicom
  • WonderSwan Color
  • PlayStation
  • GBA
  • PSP
  • iOS
  • Android
The prince of Kas’ion.
Prince Scott Prince Gordon’s older brother.
Edward Chris von Muir Final Fantasy IV
  • SNES
  • PlayStation
  • WonderSwan Color
  • GBA
  • FOMA 903i/703i
  • PSP
He is the prince of Damcyan who later becomes the seventh king of the region.
Edward Geraldine Also known simply as «Edge». He is the skilled ninja prince of Eblan.
Edgar Roni Figaro Final Fantasy VI
  • SNES
  • PlayStation
  • GBA
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows
He was formerly the prince, and now king, of the Figaro Castle.
Sabin Rene Figaro Also known as Macias Rene Figaro in Japanese version, he is King Edgar Figaro’s younger twin brother.
Eald’narche Final Fantasy XI
  • PS2
  • Windows
  • Xbox 360
The Zilart prince.
Kam’lanaut Eald’narche’s brother.
Rasler Heios Nabradia Final Fantasy XII
  • PS2
  • PS4
  • Windows
  • Xbox One
  • Switch
He was the prince of Nabradia.
Noctis Lucis Caelum Final Fantasy XV
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
Also known simply as Noct, he is the crown prince of the Kingdom of Lucis and the only son and heir of King Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII.
Ravus Nox Fleuret Formerly the prince of Tenebrae, older brother of the former Princess Lunafreya the oracle, he is the high commander and the secondary antagonist of the game.
Orinas Atkascha Final Fantasy Tactics PlayStation Prince of Ordalia and younger brother of Princess Ovelia Atkascha.
Chrom Fire Emblem Awakening Nintendo 3DS One of the main characters of the game, he is the prince of Ylisse, the middle brother of Queen Emmeryn and Princess Lissa, and the future father of Princess Lucina.
Conrad Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Nintendo 3DS He is the prince of Zofia, the son of King Lima IV and half-brother of Princess Celica.
Corrin (Avatar) Fire Emblem Fates Nintendo 3DS The player may choose to control either a male (Nohr Prince) or female character (Nohr Princess).
Hoshidan Princes
  • Ryoma, the first prince of Hoshido, older son of King Sumeragi and Queen Ikona; older stepson of Queen Mikoto.
  • Takumi, the second prince of Hoshido, younger son of King Sumeragi and Queen Ikona; younger stepson of Queen Mikoto.

Brothers of the Hoshidan Princesses Hinoka and Sakura.

Nohrian Princes
  • Xander, first prince and heir apparent of Nohr and older son of King Garon.
  • Leo, second prince of Nohr and younger son of King Garon.

Brothers of the Nohrian Princesses Camilla and Elise and stepbrothers of Princess Azura.

Albein Alm Rudolf
  • Fire Emblem Gaiden
  • Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
  • Famicom
  • 3DS
Also known simply as Alm, he is the prince from the Rigelian Empire who has been fostered in the village by former knight Mycen; the biological son and heir of the late Emperor Rudolf.
Julius Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Super Famicom The scion of Loptyr and the prince of Grannvale.
Kurth He was the prince of Grannvale who was murdered.
Leif Prince of Leonster and the brother of Princess Altena.
Quan The prince of Leonster and the father of Prince Leif and Princess Altena.
Seliph The prince of Chalphy and the son of Prince Sigurd and Queen Deirdre.
Sigurd The prince of Grannvale and Chalphy; Seliph’s father.
Alfonse Fire Emblem Heroes
  • Android
  • iOS
The prince of the Askr Kingdom and the older brother of Princess Sharena.
Bruno The prince of the Emblian Empire and older half-brother of Princess Veronica.
Hríd The prince of the Nifl Kingdom and the older brother of the princesses Gunnthrá, Fjorm and Ygler.
Ótr The villainous prince of Niðavellir, older brother of Princess Reginn and adoptive brother of King Fáfnir.
Reyson Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Nintendo GameCube He is the white-winged Heron prince of Serenes, son of King Lorazieh and brother of Princess Leanne.
Rafiel Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Wii He is the first Heron prince of Serenes and older brother of Reyson and Leanne.
Marth Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light;
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem;
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon;
Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
  • Famicom
  • Nintendo DS
Better known as the heroic prince of Altea, Marth is one of the primary protagonists of the series.
Michalis Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
  • Famicom
  • Nintendo DS
He is the former prince, and now king, of Macedon and older brother of Princesses Minerva and Maria.
Elffin Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade Game Boy Advance Although he is the local rebel, Elffin is actually the prince of Etruria.
Zephiel Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade Game Boy Advance He was formerly the prince of Bern, son of King Desmond and Queen Hellene. He becomes the king of Bern and the main antagonist in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade.
Ephraim Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones Game Boy Advance The prince of Renais, twin brother of Princess Eirika and one of the main characters of the game.
Innes He is the prince of Frelia and older brother of Princess Tana.
Lyon The prince of the Grado Empire and the secondary antagonist of the game.
Khalid «Claude» von Riegan Fire Emblem: Three Houses;
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Nintendo Switch The heir of House Riegan, son of Tiana von Riegan and the King of Almyra, and the leader of the Golden Deer.
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd The crown prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the leader of the Blue Lions. He is the stepbrother of Princess Edelgard of the Adrestian Empire.
Darios Fire Emblem Warriors
  • Nintendo Switch
  • New Nintendo 3DS
Prince of the Gristonne Kingdom and the son of King Oskar.
Rowan Prince of the Aytolis Kingdom, son of Queen Yelena, and younger twin brother of Princess Lianna.
Prince James Stewart Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned Windows The prince of Albany and a descendant of the House of Stuart. Voiced by Simon Templeman.
Prince Ander Gemfire
  • MSX
  • NES
  • SNES
  • Mega Drive/Genesis
  • MS-DOS
  • NEC PC-9801
  • FM Towns
  • Sharp X68000
  • NEC PC-8801
  • Windows
The leader of the Lyles.
Prince Erin The leader of the Blanches.
Traveler’s Sibling Genshin Impact
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows
  • PS4
  • PS5
The player may choose either a male (Prince of the Abyss Order) or female character (Princess of the Abyss Order).
Prince Pixel Graffiti Kingdom PlayStation 2 The prince of the Canvas Kingdom who takes the graffiti wand to create Graffiti Creatures in order to restore his kingdom.
Richard Heroes of Mana Nintendo DS He was formerly the prince and the «Silver Knight» of Valsena. He later becomes the king of Valsena in Trials of Mana.
Crown Prince Ice Palace Commodore 64
The Prince JumpStart Adventures 4th Grade: Haunted Island
  • Windows
  • Macintosh
The character based on «The Frog Prince» in the Enchanted Forest, in an early version of the JumpStart Adventures 4th Grade game prior to its updated version Sapphire Falls. Voiced by Tony Pope.
Prince Richard Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru Game Boy The prince of the Custard Kingdom.
Sablé Prince He is the prince of the Sablé Kingdom.
The Prince Katamari
  • PS2
  • PS3
  • Nintendo DSi
  • Switch
  • Xbox 360
  • iOS
  • Android
Also referred to as the Dashing Prince or the Prince of All Cosmos; he is the son of the King of All Cosmos and the main protagonist of the game series.
Prince Alexander
(aka Gwydion)
King’s Quest III: To Heir Is Human
  • MS-DOS
  • Apple II
  • Apple IIGS
  • Amiga
  • Atari ST
  • Mac
  • Tandy Color Computer 3
Prince Edgar King’s Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella
  • MS-DOS
  • Amiga
  • Apple II
  • Apple IIGS
  • Atari ST
Prince Fluff Kirby’s Epic Yarn
  • Wii
  • Nintendo 3DS
He is the prince of Patch Land.
Prince Garett (Ledin) Langrisser: The Descendants of Light
  • Mega Drive/Genesis
  • PlayStation
  • Sega Saturn
  • PC
  • PC Engine
  • 90xi Series Mobile Phone
  • PSN
The prince of the Kingdom of Baltia, and the son of King Alfador (Illzach), who leads his armies to battle the Dalsis Empire and the monsters they unwittingly awaken.
Olivert Reise Arnor The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
  • Windows
  • PSP
  • PS3
  • Vita
He is the prince of the Empire of Erebonia and the oldest son Emperor Eugent III and Empress Priscilla. Voiced by Troy Baker and Matthew Mercer in English and Takehito Koyasu in Japanese.
Cedric Reise Arnor The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
  • PS3
  • Vita
  • Windows
  • PS4
He is the half-brother of Prince Olivert, crown prince of the Empire of Erebonia, the son of Emperor Eugent III and Empress Priscilla, and the twin brother of Princess Alfin.
Prince Sidon The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Wii U
  • Nintendo Switch
The prince of the Zoras, son of King Dorephan and the brother of Princess Mipha.
Prince Ralis The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • Wii
  • GameCube
The crown prince of the Zoras and the son King Zora and Queen Rutela.
Blind Prince The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince
  • Vita
  • Switch
  • PS4
  • Android
  • iOS
He is a human prince who becomes blind by accident when the wolf princess impulsively tries to cover his eyes.
Prince Dreambert Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Nintendo 3DS The prince of the Pi’illo people.
Prince Peasley Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga Game Boy Advance The prince of the Beanbean kingdom and the son of Queen Bean.
Prince Paco Marvel Land
  • Arcade
  • Sega Mega Drive
Also known as Prince Talmit in English.
Goro Mortal Kombat Arcade
Rain He is the Prince and demigod of Edenia.
Prince Selius Heatherwood Nine Parchments;
Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince
  • Windows
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
  • Nintendo Switch
Voiced by Daniel Kendrick.
Cornelius Odin Sphere
  • PS2
  • PS3
  • PS4
  • Vita
The prince of the Fire Kingdom of Titania who has been transformed into a Pooka. Voiced by Daisuke Namikawa.
Ingway Also known as Yngwie in Japanese, he is the prince from the destroyed Kingdom of Valentine who has been turned into a frog by the sorcerers, the Three Wise Men. He is the maternal grandson of the villainous King Valentine, older twin brother of Princess Velvet and half-brother of the Valkyrie Princess Gwyndolyn. Voiced by Showtaro Morikubo.
Prince Gares Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen
  • SNES
  • Sega Saturn
  • PlayStation
  • Mobile phone
He is the imperial prince and Black Knight of the Sacred Zetegenian Empire who is to become an ogre.
Pheryx Tristan Zenobia Also known simply as Tristan, he is the prince and rightful heir of Zenobia, the son of the late King Gran and Queen Floran Zenobia and the brother of Prince Jan. He later becomes the king of New Zenobia.
Rhys Phantasy Star III Sega Genesis He is the Orakian crown prince of Landen.
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Spirit of Justice
  • Nintendo 3DS
  • iOS
  • Android
The prosecutor from the Kingdom of Khura’in, a small Asian country. He acts as a regent as his younger sister Rayfa Padma Khura’in, crown princess and royal priestess of the Khura’inism religion, becomes in-line as Queen by post-game.
Prince Prince of Persia Various There are several distinct Prince characters, sharing general traits for several main protagonists of the series.
Tapioca Princess Quest
  • Sega Saturn
  • PC
The prince of Dilma. Voiced by Emi Shinohara.
Patton Misnarge Rance
  • PC-8800 series
  • PC-9800 series
  • X68000
  • FM Towns
  • Windows
The former prince of the Helman Empire who has led the war against the Leazas Kingdom.
Ferdinand Marl E. Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure
  • PlayStation
  • PSN
  • DS
He was the former prince, and now king, of the Marl Kingdom.
Prince Calum The Royal Trap
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Linux
The prince of the rival kingdom of Gwellinor and the brother of Princess Cassidy.[30]
Prince Oscar The prince of Ocendawyr whose companion Madeleine Valois serves as his bodyguard.[30]
Arthur D. Lawrence Rune Factory 4
  • 3DS
  • Switch
  • Windows
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
He is the actual prince of the kingdom of Norad whose townspeople in Selphia have mistaken Lest for their prince, or Frey for their princess.
Nick Shining Force Gaiden;
Shining Force: The Sword of Hajya
Game Gear He is the prince of Cypress and the main character of the games.
Ragnus Shining Hearts PlayStation Portable He is the prince of Wynderia and the older brother of Princess Rufina.
Prince Tortiss Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage!;
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
  • PlayStation
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Switch
The turtle prince of Sunny Beach in the Summer Forest who asks Spyro to bring the baby turtles to safety in the other end of his realm.
Prince Azrael Spyro: Year of the Dragon;
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
  • PlayStation
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
  • Windows
  • Switch
The feline prince of Felinia who has to marry the fairy princess Ami. His name and appearance are a reference to Gargamel’s pet cat from The Smurfs.
Prince Tricky Star Fox Adventures GameCube He is the young Centrosaurus who is the crown prince of the EarthWalker Tribe and serves as a companion of Fox McCloud.
Luca Blight Suikoden II
  • PlayStation
  • Windows
The prince and heir to the throne of Highland and a major antagonist of the game who is referred to as the «Mad Prince». He is the son of the late King Agares Blight and the half-brother of Princess Jillia.
Freyjadour Falenas Suikoden V PlayStation 2 The prince and heir of the Queendom of Falena and the main character of the game who deals with the political struggles of the nation. He is the son of Queen Arshtat Falenas and Ferid Egan and the brother of Princess Lym Falenas.
Prince Shams Suikoden Tierkreis Nintendo DS The prince of the Magedom of Janam, the son of Mage Lord Danash VIII and Lady Kureyah and the stepbrother of Princess Manaril. Voiced by Cameron Ansell in English and Ai Orikasa in Japanese.[31]
Dylan Will Delteana Summon Night X: Tears Crown Nintendo DS He is the prince and heir of the Kingdom of Delteana, son of King Glocken, and the male protagonist of the game. Voiced by Jun Fukuyama.
Noin Won Celestia He is the prince from the Kingdom of Celestia, older brother of Princess Phara and son of King Novice, who has been taken by Prince Dylan’s father Glocken to settle disputes between two kingdoms. Voiced by Daisuke Kishio.
Mallow Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars SNES The rightful prince of Nimbus Land who has been turned into a tadpole.
Bowser Jr. Super Mario Sunshine GameCube He is the son and heir of the Koopa King Bowser and one of the main antagonists of the Mario series.
Prince AbeABE Super Monkey Ball Adventure
  • GameCube
  • PS2
  • PSP
The monkey prince of Monkitropolis.
Elliot Trials of Mana
  • Super Famicom
  • Switch
  • Windows
  • PS4
He is the young prince of the Wind Kingdom of Laurent and the brother of Princess Riesz. He is voiced by Christie Cate in the video game remake.
Kevin He is the prince of Ferolia and the son of the Beast King; one of the main protagonists of the game. He is voiced by T.J. Rhoads in English and Ryota Ohsaka in Japanese in the video game remake.
Roland Glenbrook Triangle Strategy Nintendo Switch The prince of the Kingdom of Glenbrook and the member of the House Wolffort War Council who becomes a sole heir to the throne after the villainous Archduke Gustadolph Aesfrost has seized his country, executing his father King Regna and brother Prince Frani and capturing his younger sister Princess Cordelia. Voiced by Alan Lee in English and Yuichi Nakamura in Japanese.
Asriel Dreemurr («Flowey») Undertale
  • Windows
  • OS X
  • Linux
  • PS4
  • Vita
  • Switch
He is the son of King Asgore Dreemurr and Toriel of the Underground and main antagonist of the game.
Cecil Aijima (Kuppuru) Uta no Prince-sama PlayStation Portable He is the prince from Agnapolis who has been cursed to transform into a black cat. Voiced by Kousuke Toriumi.
Maximilian Gaius Von Reginrave Valkyria Chronicles
  • PS3
  • Windows
  • PS4
He is the imperial prince of East Europan Imperial Alliance and the main antagonist of the game. Voiced by Matthew Yang King in English and Jun Fukuyama in Japanese.
Maxim Laertes Valkyria Revolution
  • PS4
  • Vita
  • Xbox One
He is the exiled prince of Ipseria who has been pressed into service as a military officer in the Ruzhien Empire. Voiced by Matthew Mercer in English and Kenichi Suzumura in Japanese.
Mont Leonis War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
  • Android
  • iOS
Also known as the Destined Prince, he is formerly the first prince, and later king, of the Kingdom of Leonis; the first son of King Oelde and Queen and Helena Leonis. Voiced by Bryce Papenbrook in English and Kensho Ono in Japanese.
Sterne Leonis He is the second prince of the Kingdom of Leonis, the Knight of Ruin, and a major antagonist of the game; Mont’s younger twin brother and the second son of King Oelde and Queen Helena. Voiced by Zach Aguilar in English and Yūichirō Umehara in Japanese.
Arthas Menethil Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos;
Heroes of the Storm
  • Windows
  • Classic Mac OS
  • Mac OS X
Arthas was formerly the crown prince of Lordaeron. He is currently known as the Lich King, leader of the Scourge.
Kael’thas Sunstrider Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
He was the prince of Quel’Thalas and the lord of the Blood Elves.
Anduin Wrynn World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth;
Heroes of the Storm
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
Formerly, he was the Crown Prince of Stormwind, son of the late King Varian Wrynn; he is the King of Stormwind, High King of the Alliance, and commander of all Alliance forces.
Zeke von Genbu Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Nintendo Switch Zeke, whose real name is Ozychlyrus Brounev Tantal, is the crown prince of the Kingdom of Tantal and the son of King Eulogimenos Tantal. Voiced by Daniel Barker in English and Kenjiro Tsuda in Japanese.
Prince Pine Yoshi’s Safari SNES The son of King Fret and the prince of Jewelry Land.
Prince Atory Arcadia Zoids Saga;
Zoids VS
  • GBA
  • Nintendo DS
  • Nintendo GameCube
Also known as Athle Arcadia in the international version, he is the prince of Arcadia Kingdom. In Zoids VS, he is voiced by Noriko Hidaka in Japanese and Greg Ayres in English.

See also[edit]

  • List of fictional princesses
  • List of fictional monarchs (fictional countries)
  • List of fictional nobility


  1. ^ Andrew Lang, The Olive Fairy Book,»The Snake Prince»
  2. ^ The Ile-Rien Books by Martha Wells
  3. ^ «Disney’s Mulan JR». Retrieved 25 May 2014.
  4. ^ Pullar, Jess. «The Set Of Netflix’s ‘A Castle For Christmas’ Has A Surprising Twist. Everything you *want* to know about the filming location». Marie Claire. Retrieved December 5, 2021.
  5. ^ Murphy, Sean; Traynor, Sian (December 1, 2021). «Scots react to new Netflix Christmas film shot in Edinburgh». Edinburgh Live. Retrieved December 5, 2021.
  6. ^ Christmas with a Prince on IMDb
  7. ^ It is Hell with the Princess on IMDb
  8. ^ My Christmas Prince on IMDb
  9. ^ My Summer Prince on IMDb
  10. ^ Royal Matchmaker on IMDb
  11. ^ Royal New Year’s Eve on IMDb
  12. ^ Edwards, Chris (January 31, 2021). «Aladdin star Mena Massoud lands leading role in new Netflix movie». Digital Spy. Retrieved February 7, 2021.
  13. ^ Royally Ever After on IMDb
  14. ^ A Winter Princess on IMDb
  15. ^ a b List of Disney Prince and Princess Names
  16. ^ Enchanted Princess on IMDb
  17. ^ The Last Prince of Atlantis on IMDb
  18. ^ Little Insects on IMDb
  19. ^ The Princess Castle on IMDb
  20. ^ Pineda, Rafael Antonio (November 19, 2021). «The Genius Prince’s Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt Anime Unveils More Cast, Song Artists, January 11 Debut». Anime News Network.
  21. ^ a b Malone, Michael (2020-03-19). «‘Mira, Royal Detective’ Premieres on Disney Junior March 20″. Broadcasting & Cable.
  22. ^ a b «‘Mira, Royal Detective’ and other Disney shows to watch with your kids». Yahoo. March 20, 2020.
  23. ^ Mateo, Alex (November 17, 2021). «Funimation Streams Ranking of Kings Anime’s English Dub». Anime News Network.
  24. ^ Sandokan on IMDb
  25. ^ The Princess and the Pirate on IMDb
  26. ^ BBC Radio 4 Extra — Another Case of Milton Jones, «Royal Speech Therapist»
  27. ^ «Another Case of Milton Jones, Series 5, Episode 4″. Listening Books.
  28. ^ «Special Relativity — A Radio Comedy starring Alex Borstein».
  29. ^ Lada, Jenni (March 11, 2022). «The DioField Chronicle Characters Introduced». Siliconera.
  30. ^ a b Johnson, Neilie (2012). «The Royal Trap Review». Gamezebo. Retrieved October 29, 2022.
  31. ^ «Voice of Shams in Suikoden: Tierkreis». Behind The Voice Actors.

External links[edit]

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Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Elfa » 29 янв 2010, 22:11

Златовласка (она же рапунцель)
Золушка (она же Синдерелла), стала королевой
Бэль, стала королевой
Ариэль, принцесса
Белоснежка, принцесса
Фиона, принцесса :mrgreen:
Эрик, принц (будущий муж Ариэль)
Несмеяна, принцесса (если это относится к теме)
Иванушка-дурачок, стал королём (муж Несмеяны)
Принцесса-на-горошине (имени нет) :roll:
И т. д.

А вас интересует имя принца из сказки (советской), или из мультика (иностранного)?

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Dolls, dolls, dolls
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Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Nasty » 29 янв 2010, 22:53

Спасибо за начало.
Меня интересует имя принца Золушки из наших совецких мультиков и фильмов, или хотя бы из зарубежных.
Неужели он безымянный :cry:

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Dolls, dolls, dolls
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Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Naemir » 30 янв 2010, 00:11

Скорее всего Шармант, в версии де Сегюр его так звали, а вообще это общее имя для всех сказочных прекрасных принцев (английский аналог- Prince Charming)
Рамиро (опера Россини «Золушка»)


Куклы? Обожаю!
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Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение M@riposa » 30 янв 2010, 10:30

Нет , нет Златовласка и Рапунцель это разные сказки . Златовласка это аналог нашей маша и три медведя , а Рапунцель это девушка длиной косой .


Куклы? Обожаю!
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Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение M@riposa » 30 янв 2010, 17:57

Ну я наверно перечислю дисневских .

Белоснежка и принц Стефан.
Золушка и принц Чаминг ( Прекрасный принц ) ее сестры Гризельда и Анастасия .
Аврора и Филипп (Спящая красавица )
Белль и Адам ( красавица и чудовище )
Ариель и Эрик ( русалочка )и ее сестры Атина , Андрина , Алана , Ариста, Афина
Жасмин и Алладин
Покахонтес и капитан Джон
Жизель ( Зачарованная )
Тиана и Невен ( принцесса и лягушка )

А не из диснеевский это Анастасия и Дмитрий , Одетта и Дерек ( принцесса лебедь) , Принцесса Роза ( из старого анимэ кот в сапогах )

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Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Legal_Assassin » 30 янв 2010, 19:37

Нууу, если Жизель, то принца Эдварда забывать не станем?
Феона — тоже Чарминг (ну, по-русски Басков)))
Была сказка про принцессу Арэте
У Мулан капитана звали Ли Шанг.
И была принцесса Несмеяна) Правда у нас они царевны… ну туда же Анастасию Романову припишем. Мультик зело красивый.
А еще были принцесса Фантагиро и… Ромуальдо? (я как-то больше по Тарабасу)))
Была принцесса Амелия Вил Тесла Сейрун. И парень ей под стать. Зелгаддис Грейворд.
Мононоке-химе, акак Принцесса Мононоке. Ну и наусика тоже была принцессой.
Принцесса Роза и сеньор Карабас)
Принцесса Лея и ее мама, Амидала. Их парням не свезло — статуса принца им так и не дали.
Принц Артас Менетил. ненавижу. Крассивый, заразза. Принц Кельтас Санстрайдер.
Изольда. Тристан…
Принц Гамлет.
Одетт. Дерек.
Кстати, принц Джон из Робина Гуда. мухаха)
Принц Чарльз, принцесса Диана. ай-яй, как нехорошо, что забыли)

Вопрос не для слабонервных: как зовут Чудовище? XD

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Flora Yana

Dolls, dolls, dolls
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Зарегистрирован: 19 июн 2008, 11:05
Откуда: München

Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Flora Yana » 30 янв 2010, 20:16

Еще, кстати, из фильма «Сисси» и вышедшего позже мультсериала «Принцесса Сисси» принцессу звали Елизавета(Элизабет), но близкие называли ее Сисси, а имя принца Франц.

Последний раз редактировалось Flora Yana 31 янв 2010, 20:22, всего редактировалось 1 раз.


Новичок на форуме
Сообщения: 1
Зарегистрирован: 03 янв 2010, 19:53

Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Valck » 30 янв 2010, 21:10

Зелгадисс Грейвордс (его так зовут) никакого отношения к королевскому роду (к счастью) не имеет)
Кстати, если их вспоминать, то еще Нага Уль Грация Сейрун и их с Амелией отец Филионел Эль Де Сейрун).


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Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Artheni » 30 янв 2010, 22:01

Мулан вообще-то ни разу не принцесса.
Принц Дезире (Желанный; оба е читаются как э) — родной вариант «Спящей красавицы»
принц Зигфрид («Лебединое озеро») А вот Одетта и Одиллия — не принцессы.

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Dolls, dolls, dolls
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Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Legal_Assassin » 31 янв 2010, 03:59

А, не знаю, для меня Зел круче любого принца. А когда он внук самого Резо… уууу… :roll:

Про Одетт согласен. Но мультк называется именно Принцесса-лебедь.

Анастасия — ни разу не диснеевский мультик. Это Двадцатый Век.

Кстати, можно ли считать мою любимую Дарлу Димпл принцессой? Ну, хотя бы Голливуда. Тем более что начинается история именно «Жила-была принцесса… и простой паренек из… «Засчитаю, ибо она прекрасна)

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Flora Yana

Dolls, dolls, dolls
Сообщения: 2047
Зарегистрирован: 19 июн 2008, 11:05
Откуда: München

Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Flora Yana » 31 янв 2010, 10:33

По мультику «Принцесса-Лебедь» Одетт принцесса! Родители Одетт и Дерека хотели, чтобы их дети полюбили друг и объединили два королевства))

Sunshined Lorinna

Мир кукол зовет…
Сообщения: 842
Зарегистрирован: 01 дек 2009, 13:24
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Контактная информация:

Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Sunshined Lorinna » 31 янв 2010, 14:17

Ох- ох, как много бы я могла сказать по темке, но зелёненькая такая ЛДД-шка выше меня опередила :lol:
Согласна с Flora yana! По мультику Одетт была принцессой! Кстати, разве «Принцесса- лебедь» диснеевская?
А принцесс я знаю много, но, боюсь, они не все в тему :(

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Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Nasty » 31 янв 2010, 15:14

Меня интересуют имена принцов и принцесс из фольмов мультфильмов (не важно наши или Дисней), так же можно из аниме. В общем выкладывайте все что заете, вы меня так заинтриговали :roll:

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Flora Yana

Dolls, dolls, dolls
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Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Flora Yana » 31 янв 2010, 16:01

Sunshined Lorinna писал(а):Кстати, разве «Принцесса- лебедь» диснеевская?

Нет, не диснеевская, Columbia Pictures, вроде. По балету «Лебединое озеро» Одетта тоже была принцессой, а уже в сказке «Барби: Лебединое озеро» Одетта не принцесса, а простая деревенская девочка, ставшая принцессой.

Последний раз редактировалось Flora Yana 31 янв 2010, 19:40, всего редактировалось 1 раз.


Dolls, dolls, dolls
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Зарегистрирован: 16 авг 2009, 10:00

Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Emily » 31 янв 2010, 18:57

Увидела тему и подумала — а как на самом деле звали саму Золушку? :roll: Золушка — это же ее прозвище было (ник :mrgreen: )… Когда-то давно смотрела мультик типа Золушки, так там ее Синди звали (видимо, поэтому и прозвали Синдиреллой) :roll:

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Gold Unicorn

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Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Gold Unicorn » 31 янв 2010, 18:59

Помню старый фильм — Золушка так и была Золушкой.
Говрят же, что она постоянно сидела в золе и т.д. и т.п…. Так что Золушка и Золушка. (Представляете… «И Золушка Анна начала разбирать горох :mrgreen: *).

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Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Naemir » 31 янв 2010, 19:29

По английской сказке Золушку звали Джоан. Но там интересная история- вместо мачехи дедушка. Мать Золушки умерла при ее рождении, и дед не мог простить Золушке смерти любимой дочки.
А вот в классическом Лебедином Озере, как я помню, Одетт- фея лебедей.

Sunshined Lorinna

Мир кукол зовет…
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Зарегистрирован: 01 дек 2009, 13:24
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Контактная информация:

Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Sunshined Lorinna » 31 янв 2010, 19:31

Если из мультов и анимэ, то хорошо! Конечно же, принцесса Серенити (как же без неё :mrgreen: ). Принцесса Эсмеральда (Эмераудэ её звали в оригинале :roll: ). Принцесса Диана (правда, она настоящая). В фильме «Дневники принцессы» тоже была принцесса (не помню имя) :roll: Если вспомню ещё (а я вспомню), напишу ещё.
З.Ы. Nasty, давайте на «ты»! :D
Flora yana, балет смотрели :mrgreen: , а вот Маттел сделал обновление 8)
Эмили, ой, не могу! Ник! :lol:
Золушке разные народы придумывают разные имена от слова «зола», например, Сандрильона по французски. Какая я умная… :lol:

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Flora Yana

Dolls, dolls, dolls
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Зарегистрирован: 19 июн 2008, 11:05
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Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Flora Yana » 31 янв 2010, 19:36

Смотрела новый фильм про Золушку, кажется «Новый приключения Золушки», там ее называли Элла, сокр. от Синдиреллы. Одетта по балету и легенде, легшей в основу — принцесса, по крайней мере в Википедии именно так))

Последний раз редактировалось Flora Yana 31 янв 2010, 19:48, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

Sunshined Lorinna

Мир кукол зовет…
Сообщения: 842
Зарегистрирован: 01 дек 2009, 13:24
Откуда: Павлодар, KZ
Контактная информация:

Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Sunshined Lorinna » 31 янв 2010, 19:39

Emily писал(а):Как звали чудовище в Красавице и чудовище?

Эмили, не Адам? :roll:
В Википедии ничего нет :oops: Ни в той, ни в другой. Может, он безымянный? :roll:

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Dolls, dolls, dolls
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Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Naemir » 31 янв 2010, 20:19

У меня на грампластинке «Лебединое озеро» Одетта- фея. Но вообще там несколько версий было, например, в оригинальной версии Чайковского принц гибнет (в наказание за предательство), и Одетта умирает вслед за ним. А в той, которая шла в советских театрах, все хорошо кончается.

Emily писал(а):Эм… Просто Чудовище? :mrgreen:

В «Красавице и Чудовище» я слышал, что постановщики неофициально принца называли Адамом- как бы в честь библейского первочеловека, который из-за гордыни потерял все.

Sunshined Lorinna

Мир кукол зовет…
Сообщения: 842
Зарегистрирован: 01 дек 2009, 13:24
Откуда: Павлодар, KZ
Контактная информация:

Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Sunshined Lorinna » 31 янв 2010, 20:26

Мне больше нравится «Лебединое озеро» как фильм, а то в балете все умирают :cry:

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Flora Yana

Dolls, dolls, dolls
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Зарегистрирован: 19 июн 2008, 11:05
Откуда: München

Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Flora Yana » 31 янв 2010, 20:30

Может, сюда и Winx припихнуть? Одна из главных героинь — Блум — оказалась наследной принцессой огромной и богатой планеты, а ее парнем стал принц Скай, хотя поначалу скрывал от нее, что он принц. В мультике Блум и Скай — единственная пара из принцессы и принца, остальные все влюбились в обычных парней, либо вообще не принцессы.


Dolls, dolls, dolls
Сообщения: 14460
Зарегистрирован: 16 авг 2009, 10:00

Re: Принцы и принцессы, вспоминаем имена

Сообщение Emily » 31 янв 2010, 20:32

Naemir писал(а):В «Красавице и Чудовище» я слышал, что постановщики неофициально принца называли Адамом- как бы в честь библейского первочеловека, который из-за гордыни потерял все.

Спасибо :) Глубокий смысл, оказывается… :roll:

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Narrative secrets ahead.

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These are the Disney «Princes» (also known as male protagonists) of the Disney Princess films put in chronological order.

Official Princes

Name Image Notes
Prince/King Florian Charming Cp-prince charming-sw.webp
The Prince (known as Prince Florian since the franchise started, or the rumored Prince Ferdinand) is the secondary protagonist and the main male protagonist of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Although rumoured to be 31 years of age, he is confirmed to be 18 years old. He is the love interest and later husband of Snow White and is referred to as the Prince as his name is never mentioned in the film. The Prince just appears at the movie start, when he sings with Snow White, and at the end, when he saves the princess of her stepmother’s curse.
Prince/King Henry Charming Cp-prince charming.webp
Prince Charming (also known as Prince Henry) is the deuteragonist of Cinderella and its sequels. Prince Charming has black hair and is the love interest of Cinderella. He is much more interested in her than anyone else. He appears to be a loyal husband, prince and future king. Prince Charming is at first apparently not interested in marrying, but his opinion changes when he meets Cinderella, of whom he doesn’t know the name at first. He also apparently can dance, and he has more prominence at the movie sequels. He is widely known for jumping out the diving out the palace window in Cinderella III: A Twist in Time.
Prince/King Phillip Charming Cp-prince phillip.webp
Prince Philip is the deuteragonist of the film Sleeping Beauty. Prince Phillip has brown hair is the love interest and later husband of Aurora. He is brave, loyal and kind. He was the first prince to have a revealed name and the first to have a prominent role in his movie, as he appears in most of it, and he is the first to have known his romantic partner since she was born.
Prince/King Captain Eric Charming Cp-prince eric.webp
Prince Eric is the deuteragonist of The Little Mermaid and a secondary protagonist of its sequel and does not appear at all in The Little Mermaid III: Ariel’s Beginning as it was a prequel focusing on Ariel’s childhood. In the video game, Ariel’s Adventure, he does not appear as a character but appears in visions in Ariel’s crystal ball. Ariel, when seeing him in the crystal ball, wonders who he is and also says that she would never give up her voice for a man. In The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea, he and Ariel become the first in the Disney Princess franchise to have a child in the movie, Melody. Prince Eric has black hair.
Prince/King Adam/The Beast Charming Cp-beast.webp
Prince Adam, also known as The Beast, is the male protagonist of Beauty and the Beast. He is the love interest/husband of Belle. He is mostly seen in his Beast form, including in the franchise. He is at first selfish, impatient and unkind, due to being spoiled, which changes to fierce, territorial and lonely to kind, gentle and brave. Prince Adam has auburn hair.
Prince/Sultan Aladdin Charming Cp-aladdin.webp
Aladdin, also known as Prince Ali Ababwa, is the titular main protagonist of the films Aladdin, The Return of Jafar, Aladdin and the King of Thieves and the TV series. He is the love interest and later husband of Princess Jasmine. He has black hair and has a pet monkey named Abu and recently acquired a flying rug with no name, but known as Carpet or Rug Man, a retired Genie for a friend and Jafar’s old parrot, Iago. He is the only prince who was the protagonist of his movie, seeing he is more important than his romantic couple, the princess Jasmine. He is also the first prince that isn’t from the royalty since his birth.
Prince/Chief Captain John Smith John Smith Disney.webp
John Smith is the deuteragonist of the film Pocahontas. He is the love interest of Pocahontas. He has blonde hair. He was more interested in land than gold until he met Pocahontas and changed his priority to her. After being shot by Ratcliffe, John had to go back to England for medical treatment. He is the first prince of the franchise who isn’t a real prince, and the only one who was based on a real person.
Prince/Emperor Captain General Li Shang Cp-li shang.webp
Li Shang is the deuteragonist of Mulan, though it is unclear at first, and Mulan II. He is the son of General Li and was promoted to the role of Captain in Mulan. He is a slight antagonist in Mulan which changes to love interest, and later fiancé and husband to Mulan in Mulan II. He has black hair.
Prince/King Naveen Charming Cp-prince naveen.webp
Naveen is the Prince of Maldonia and deuteragonist of The Princess and the Frog. He is an annoyance to Tiana until they spend more time together as frogs, and he becomes her love interest and later husband. He is slightly bratty and hugely spoiled until his «froggy» adventure. He has black hair.
Prince/King Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Cp-flynn.webp
Eugene Fitzherbert is the deuteragonist of Tangled. He is the love interest of Rapunzel in Tangled and her husband in Tangled Ever After. He went from an orphan to a thief to a prince. For most of his life, he went by Flynn Rider as he liked a similarly named character in his book as a child. In Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure, it is discovered that he was in fact born a prince of the Dark Kingdom and his birth name is Horace. He has brown hair.

Honorary Official Princes

Name Image Notes
Prince/King Kristoff Bjorgman Cp-kristoff.webp
Kristoff Bjorgman[1] is the tritagonist of Frozen, and a major character in Frozen II. He is a Sami[2] outdoorsman that worked as an ice harvester with his reindeer Sven. Having been an orphan[3][4] who was raised by a colony of trolls in the mountains, Kristoff was initially wary of humans, believing them to be untrustworthy, cheating crooks. His outlook would slowly change upon meeting Princess Anna, whose warmheartedness would prove that people aren’t as bad as Kristoff believed.

Live-Action Princes

1. Prince/King Phillip Charming ( Maleficent — 2014 )

2. Prince/King Kit Charming ( Cinderella — 2015 )

3. Prince/King Adam ( Beauty and the Beast — 2017 )

4. Prince/Sultan Aladdin ( Aladdin — 2019 )

5. Prince/Emperor Captain Commander Tung Yong & Prince/Emperor Captain Commander Chen Honghui ( Mulan — 2020 )

6. Prince/King Captain Eric ( The Little Mermaid — 2023 )

7. Prince Johnathan Charming ( Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs — 2024 )

8. Prince Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider ( Tangled — TBA )

Unofficial Princes

This category includes characters who meet the qualifications for Disney Princes and/or are the counterpart to an unofficial Disney Princess. They also are verified as Disney Heroes.


Taran is the protagonist of The Black Cauldron and the love interest of Princess Eilonwy. He is not a Disney Prince because of the movie’s lack of success.


Hercules is the son of King Zeus and Queen Hera and the protagonist of Hercules. He is Megara’s canon partner. Although he has all standards to be an Official Disney Prince, he is not, because of the reason that Princess Megara is not an Official Disney Princess.


Tarzan is the titular protagonist of Tarzan, Tarzan II, and Tarzan and Jane. Known as the ape-man, Tarzan was raised by gorillas and meets Jane Porter who teaches him about the world of mankind. Tarzan has all standards to be a Disney Prince, but he is not, because Jane Porter is not an Official Disney Princess.

Prince/King Milo Of Atlantis

Milo is the protagonist of Atlantis. He is the love interest/husband/Prince/King Of Atlantis To Princess/Queen Kida Of Atlantis, which makes him Prince/King Consort Of Atlantis. He is not An Official Disney Prince in the line up list due to his film’s lack of success.

Robin Hood

Robin Hood is the protagonist of Robin Hood. He is the love interest/husband of Maid Marian. He is brave, noble and loyal.


Simba is the protagonist of The Lion King, a major character in The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride, and the tritagonist in The Lion King 1 1/2. As cubs, he and Nala were inseparable friends, but their friendship blossomed into a romance in adulthood, and eventually became mates. He is also the father of Kiara. He is not an Official Disney Prince due to the fact that he is an animal.


Kovu is the male protagonist of The Lion King II. He is the love interest/mate of Kiara, Simba’s daughter. He looks like Scar (though they are not related).

Robert Philip

Robert is the deuteragonist of Enchanted. He was a serious divorce lawyer in New York until Giselle came. He and Morgan eventually loved Giselle like family, and Robert married her. He is not an official Disney Prince because it would be hard to put him in the parks due to the live-action part of the film.

Prince Rei

Prince Rei is the male protagonist in Kilala Princess and love interest of Kilala Reno. Although he is a prince, he is not part of the franchise because of his lack of a film.

Other Disney Heroes

  • Mickey Mouse
  • Pinocchio
  • Bambi
  • Arthur
  • Mowgli
  • Peter Pan from Peter Pan
  • Mowgli from The Jungle Book
  • Quasimodo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame
  • Tarzan from Tarzan
  • Woody from Toy Story
  • Flik from A Bug’s Life
  • Princess Dot from A Bug’s Life
  • Ling, Yao and Chien-Po from Mulan
  • Jim from Treasure Planet
  • Kuzco from The Emperor’s New Groove
  • Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Kenai from Brother Bear
  • Prince Edward from Enchanted
  • Ralph from Wreck-It Ralph


  • Even though John Rolfe is Pocahontas’ love interest in the direct-to-video sequel, he’s not credited as her «official» love interest due to John Smith and Pocahontas’s relationship more well-known from the first film.
  • Prince Charming, Aladdin and Li Shang are the only three princes to have their speaking and singing voices done by two different people.
  • Aladdin is the only prince to be a main protagonist in a Princess film.
  • Adam is the only prince to be a redhead.
  • Adam and Naveen are the only two princes to not be human for the majority of two Princess films.
  • Brave, Moana, and Raya and The Last Dragon are the only Princess films to not have a prince however on future seuqels.
  • Aladdin is the only prince to go barefoot. However, when he is disguised as «Prince Ali Ababwa», he wears shoes.
  • Li Shang is the last prince to be introduced in the 20th century.
  • Naveen is the first prince to be introduced in the 21st century.

See Also

  • List of Disney Princesses
  • List of Disney Princess Villains
  • List of Disney Princess Films

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Narrative secrets ahead.

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These are the Disney «Princes» (also known as male protagonists) of the Disney Princess films put in chronological order.

Official Princes

Name Image Notes
Prince/King Florian Charming Cp-prince charming-sw.webp
The Prince (known as Prince Florian since the franchise started, or the rumored Prince Ferdinand) is the secondary protagonist and the main male protagonist of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Although rumoured to be 31 years of age, he is confirmed to be 18 years old. He is the love interest and later husband of Snow White and is referred to as the Prince as his name is never mentioned in the film. The Prince just appears at the movie start, when he sings with Snow White, and at the end, when he saves the princess of her stepmother’s curse.
Prince/King Henry Charming Cp-prince charming.webp
Prince Charming (also known as Prince Henry) is the deuteragonist of Cinderella and its sequels. Prince Charming has black hair and is the love interest of Cinderella. He is much more interested in her than anyone else. He appears to be a loyal husband, prince and future king. Prince Charming is at first apparently not interested in marrying, but his opinion changes when he meets Cinderella, of whom he doesn’t know the name at first. He also apparently can dance, and he has more prominence at the movie sequels. He is widely known for jumping out the diving out the palace window in Cinderella III: A Twist in Time.
Prince/King Phillip Charming Cp-prince phillip.webp
Prince Philip is the deuteragonist of the film Sleeping Beauty. Prince Phillip has brown hair is the love interest and later husband of Aurora. He is brave, loyal and kind. He was the first prince to have a revealed name and the first to have a prominent role in his movie, as he appears in most of it, and he is the first to have known his romantic partner since she was born.
Prince/King Captain Eric Charming Cp-prince eric.webp
Prince Eric is the deuteragonist of The Little Mermaid and a secondary protagonist of its sequel and does not appear at all in The Little Mermaid III: Ariel’s Beginning as it was a prequel focusing on Ariel’s childhood. In the video game, Ariel’s Adventure, he does not appear as a character but appears in visions in Ariel’s crystal ball. Ariel, when seeing him in the crystal ball, wonders who he is and also says that she would never give up her voice for a man. In The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea, he and Ariel become the first in the Disney Princess franchise to have a child in the movie, Melody. Prince Eric has black hair.
Prince/King Adam/The Beast Charming Cp-beast.webp
Prince Adam, also known as The Beast, is the male protagonist of Beauty and the Beast. He is the love interest/husband of Belle. He is mostly seen in his Beast form, including in the franchise. He is at first selfish, impatient and unkind, due to being spoiled, which changes to fierce, territorial and lonely to kind, gentle and brave. Prince Adam has auburn hair.
Prince/Sultan Aladdin Charming Cp-aladdin.webp
Aladdin, also known as Prince Ali Ababwa, is the titular main protagonist of the films Aladdin, The Return of Jafar, Aladdin and the King of Thieves and the TV series. He is the love interest and later husband of Princess Jasmine. He has black hair and has a pet monkey named Abu and recently acquired a flying rug with no name, but known as Carpet or Rug Man, a retired Genie for a friend and Jafar’s old parrot, Iago. He is the only prince who was the protagonist of his movie, seeing he is more important than his romantic couple, the princess Jasmine. He is also the first prince that isn’t from the royalty since his birth.
Prince/Chief Captain John Smith John Smith Disney.webp
John Smith is the deuteragonist of the film Pocahontas. He is the love interest of Pocahontas. He has blonde hair. He was more interested in land than gold until he met Pocahontas and changed his priority to her. After being shot by Ratcliffe, John had to go back to England for medical treatment. He is the first prince of the franchise who isn’t a real prince, and the only one who was based on a real person.
Prince/Emperor Captain General Li Shang Cp-li shang.webp
Li Shang is the deuteragonist of Mulan, though it is unclear at first, and Mulan II. He is the son of General Li and was promoted to the role of Captain in Mulan. He is a slight antagonist in Mulan which changes to love interest, and later fiancé and husband to Mulan in Mulan II. He has black hair.
Prince/King Naveen Charming Cp-prince naveen.webp
Naveen is the Prince of Maldonia and deuteragonist of The Princess and the Frog. He is an annoyance to Tiana until they spend more time together as frogs, and he becomes her love interest and later husband. He is slightly bratty and hugely spoiled until his «froggy» adventure. He has black hair.
Prince/King Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Cp-flynn.webp
Eugene Fitzherbert is the deuteragonist of Tangled. He is the love interest of Rapunzel in Tangled and her husband in Tangled Ever After. He went from an orphan to a thief to a prince. For most of his life, he went by Flynn Rider as he liked a similarly named character in his book as a child. In Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure, it is discovered that he was in fact born a prince of the Dark Kingdom and his birth name is Horace. He has brown hair.

Honorary Official Princes

Name Image Notes
Prince/King Kristoff Bjorgman Cp-kristoff.webp
Kristoff Bjorgman[1] is the tritagonist of Frozen, and a major character in Frozen II. He is a Sami[2] outdoorsman that worked as an ice harvester with his reindeer Sven. Having been an orphan[3][4] who was raised by a colony of trolls in the mountains, Kristoff was initially wary of humans, believing them to be untrustworthy, cheating crooks. His outlook would slowly change upon meeting Princess Anna, whose warmheartedness would prove that people aren’t as bad as Kristoff believed.

Live-Action Princes

1. Prince/King Phillip Charming ( Maleficent — 2014 )

2. Prince/King Kit Charming ( Cinderella — 2015 )

3. Prince/King Adam ( Beauty and the Beast — 2017 )

4. Prince/Sultan Aladdin ( Aladdin — 2019 )

5. Prince/Emperor Captain Commander Tung Yong & Prince/Emperor Captain Commander Chen Honghui ( Mulan — 2020 )

6. Prince/King Captain Eric ( The Little Mermaid — 2023 )

7. Prince Johnathan Charming ( Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs — 2024 )

8. Prince Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider ( Tangled — TBA )

Unofficial Princes

This category includes characters who meet the qualifications for Disney Princes and/or are the counterpart to an unofficial Disney Princess. They also are verified as Disney Heroes.


Taran is the protagonist of The Black Cauldron and the love interest of Princess Eilonwy. He is not a Disney Prince because of the movie’s lack of success.


Hercules is the son of King Zeus and Queen Hera and the protagonist of Hercules. He is Megara’s canon partner. Although he has all standards to be an Official Disney Prince, he is not, because of the reason that Princess Megara is not an Official Disney Princess.


Tarzan is the titular protagonist of Tarzan, Tarzan II, and Tarzan and Jane. Known as the ape-man, Tarzan was raised by gorillas and meets Jane Porter who teaches him about the world of mankind. Tarzan has all standards to be a Disney Prince, but he is not, because Jane Porter is not an Official Disney Princess.

Prince/King Milo Of Atlantis

Milo is the protagonist of Atlantis. He is the love interest/husband/Prince/King Of Atlantis To Princess/Queen Kida Of Atlantis, which makes him Prince/King Consort Of Atlantis. He is not An Official Disney Prince in the line up list due to his film’s lack of success.

Robin Hood

Robin Hood is the protagonist of Robin Hood. He is the love interest/husband of Maid Marian. He is brave, noble and loyal.


Simba is the protagonist of The Lion King, a major character in The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride, and the tritagonist in The Lion King 1 1/2. As cubs, he and Nala were inseparable friends, but their friendship blossomed into a romance in adulthood, and eventually became mates. He is also the father of Kiara. He is not an Official Disney Prince due to the fact that he is an animal.


Kovu is the male protagonist of The Lion King II. He is the love interest/mate of Kiara, Simba’s daughter. He looks like Scar (though they are not related).

Robert Philip

Robert is the deuteragonist of Enchanted. He was a serious divorce lawyer in New York until Giselle came. He and Morgan eventually loved Giselle like family, and Robert married her. He is not an official Disney Prince because it would be hard to put him in the parks due to the live-action part of the film.

Prince Rei

Prince Rei is the male protagonist in Kilala Princess and love interest of Kilala Reno. Although he is a prince, he is not part of the franchise because of his lack of a film.

Other Disney Heroes

  • Mickey Mouse
  • Pinocchio
  • Bambi
  • Arthur
  • Mowgli
  • Peter Pan from Peter Pan
  • Mowgli from The Jungle Book
  • Quasimodo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame
  • Tarzan from Tarzan
  • Woody from Toy Story
  • Flik from A Bug’s Life
  • Princess Dot from A Bug’s Life
  • Ling, Yao and Chien-Po from Mulan
  • Jim from Treasure Planet
  • Kuzco from The Emperor’s New Groove
  • Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Kenai from Brother Bear
  • Prince Edward from Enchanted
  • Ralph from Wreck-It Ralph


  • Even though John Rolfe is Pocahontas’ love interest in the direct-to-video sequel, he’s not credited as her «official» love interest due to John Smith and Pocahontas’s relationship more well-known from the first film.
  • Prince Charming, Aladdin and Li Shang are the only three princes to have their speaking and singing voices done by two different people.
  • Aladdin is the only prince to be a main protagonist in a Princess film.
  • Adam is the only prince to be a redhead.
  • Adam and Naveen are the only two princes to not be human for the majority of two Princess films.
  • Brave, Moana, and Raya and The Last Dragon are the only Princess films to not have a prince however on future seuqels.
  • Aladdin is the only prince to go barefoot. However, when he is disguised as «Prince Ali Ababwa», he wears shoes.
  • Li Shang is the last prince to be introduced in the 20th century.
  • Naveen is the first prince to be introduced in the 21st century.

See Also

  • List of Disney Princesses
  • List of Disney Princess Villains
  • List of Disney Princess Films

Принцы и принцессы Диснея изначально позиционировались создателями как эталон красоты и добропорядочности. Но идеалам красоты, как и морали и ценностям, свойственно меняться со временем. В этой публикации будет произведена попытка анализа эволюции не только внешности мультяшных героев, но и их моральных ценностей и стремлений на протяжении истории мультипликации студии «Дисней». Итак, принцы Диснея.

«Белоснежка и 7 гномов». Принц Фердинанд (1973 г.)

В этом мультфильме принц без суеты исполняет предначертанную роль возможного суженого главного женского персонажа и особенной активности не проявляет. Очарованный прелестным пением Белоснежки, томящейся в замке злой мачехи, он влюбляется в красавицу с первого взгляда.

Этакая практика развития отношений была долгое время распространенной в проектах студии.Принцы Диснея, имена которых порой даже не звучали в мультфильме, изначально не обладали тонкой душевной организацией.

принцы диснея

Далее герой появляется в кадре лишь после того, как несчастная падчерица оказывается в хрустальном гробу. Чудотворный поцелуй делает свое дело, и, ко всеобщей радости окружающих, Белоснежка воскресает. Влюбленные отправляются в королевство Фердинанда.

Такое сокращенное участие принца объясняется сугубо техническими причинами. Дело в том, что он на всех эскизах по непонятной причине получался сутулым. Протопипом мультяшного персонажа стала кинозвезда 70-х — Дуглас Фэрбенкс, а живой моделью послужил профессиональный танцор Льюис Хайтауэр. Последний поразил всю творческую группу создателей красивыми мускулистыми ногами. К тому же Белоснежку рисовали с его партнерши по танцам — Марджори Белчер.

Красавец из «Золушки» (1950 г.)

Прекрасный, но пресноватый герой из «Золушки» назывался Очаровательным. У него нет имени как такового, зато роль его более запоминающаяся, нежели у предшественника. Согласно повествованию, отец-король в честь его возвращения устраивает пышный прием, бал, где герой и влюбляется (тоже с первого взгляда) в красавицу Золушку.

принцы и принцессы диснея

Кстати, многие принцы Диснея не проживают с будущей суженой в одной местности, а приезжают или уезжают, или путешествуют в поисках счастья. Финал известен каждому: по изящной туфельке герой найдет сбежавшую возлюбленную, несмотря на происки жестокой мачехи и злых сестер. Этого персонажа озвучивал Майкл Дуглас, а прототипом стал хореограф Уорд Эллис. Получается, что ранние принцы Диснея в реальной жизни все имели то или иное отношение к хореографии.

«Спящая красавица». Принц Филипп (1959 г.)

Все принцы Диснея до появления Филиппа были исключительно миролюбивы, герой из «Спящей красавицы» первым взялся за меч. Прежде чем вырвать возлюбленную из объятий летаргического сна, он выдержал схватку с колдуньей Малефисентой. В данной анимационной ленте принца изобразил исполнитель главной роли «Космического патруля» — Эд Кеммер, именно этому актеру пришлось орудовать мечом на деревянных подставках в кульминационной битве.

принцы диснея имена

«Русалочка». Эрик (1989 г.)

Появление этого мультфильма ознаменовало возрождение студии, и в нем персонаж принца уже не был статистом. К счастью, создатели не следовали досконально литературному оригиналу Ганса Христиана Андерсена, убрав изрядную долю трагизма из повествования. Своей ослепительной внешностью и блестящей улыбкой Эрик обязан актеру кино Джошуа Финкелю.

принцы диснея список

«Красавица и чудовище». Заколдованный принц Адам (1991 г.)

Многие принцы Диснея, список которых переваливает за десяток, изначально были заколдованными. Среди них и Адам – ключевой персонаж мультфильма. Весь сюжет построен на повествовании о развитии его взаимоотношений с милой красавицей Белль. Прототипом героя стал актер Питер Хастингс, который не имеет ничего общего с нарисованным персонажем (внешне). Он был ответственным за пантомимику и мимику Адама в те моменты, когда принц пребывал в зверином облике. Обе ипостаси Адама озвучивал Робби Бенсон, на его голос (в обличье зверя) создатели для пущей убедительности накладывали рычание дикого животного.

Ненастоящий принц Али Абабуа из «Аладдина»

Али Абабуа является единственным ненастоящим принцем в списке возлюбленных принцесс Диснея. Он только принял вид принца, дабы покорить сердце прекрасной, но своенравной Жасмин. Несмотря на интриги и проделки злого визиря Джафара, влюбленные преодолевают все трудности и размолвки. Изначально создатели пробовали рисовать Али с Майкла Джея Фокса, но после в его образ добавили черты рэпера MC Hammer и Тома Круза.

принцы диснея в реальной жизни

«Принцесса и лягушка». Навин (2009 г.)

Навин — еще одно доказательство того факта, что многие принцы Диснея подвергались превращениям в не самых приятных животных. Первый двухмерный мультфильм не оправдал возложенных на него чаяний. Принц королевства Малдония, Навин, беспечный поклонник джаза, волею судеб попадает в Новый Орлеан. Избалованный молодой человек, вызывающий восхищение окружающих, не в силах покорить сердце простой чернокожей официантки (кстати, первой принцессы-афроамериканки в мультфильмах студии «Дисней»). Отношения между героями развиваются по классической схеме ромкома. Озвучивал персонаж Бруно Кампос, знакомый зрителю по роли Квентина Косты в сериале «Части тела».

принцы диснея в реальной жизни [1]

Новые правила игры

Доказательством изобретательности создателей мультфильма «Холодное сердце» является персонаж принца Ханса Вестергорда. Эта красивая сказка прежде всего повествует о сестринской любви двух принцесс — Эльзы и Анны (в центре повествования девушки и их девичьи страхи и мечты), но чувства к противоположному полу в ленте тоже имеются. Причем сначала ложные, после настоящие. В финале от всем знакомой сказки Андерсена остается лишь идея, но авторы мультфильма ее значительно развернули и очень самобытно и ярко оформили. Принц Ханс выступает в роли отрицательного героя, главного злодея. Озвучивал антагониста актер телевидения Сантино Фонтана.

  • Литнет
  • Литературные блоги
  • «Киношные» принцы нашего детства

«Киношные» принцы нашего детства

В детстве я больше всего любила сказки о принцах. И принцев. Именно принцев, а не принцесс, ибо если в сказке шла речь о принцессе, то, как правило, она выступала неким одушевленным призом, который обещался в награду за некие достижения с непременной половиной царства в придачу. Принцесса была прекрасна, недосягаема и, к тому же, зачастую обладала определенной особенностью, не всегда положительной, из-за которой ее собственно и старались поскорее сбагрить замуж. Царевна Несмеяна, к примеру. Или она вообще была самой настоящей жабой (в прямом, а не в переносном смысле). 

Кроме того, принцессы, при помощи которых их отцы решали свои проблемы или удовлетворяли царские хотелки (то Жар-Птицу им добудь, то молодильных яблок, то Змея-Горынича пореши), успешно играли роль социальных лифтов: женившийся на ней удачливый молодой человек из самых что ни на есть маргинальных слоев (Емеля, Иванушка-дурачок, просто Иван) автоматически поднимался до уровня царя-батюшки и садился прямиком на трон.

То ли дело прекрасные принцы! Конечно, когда мы были маленькими девочками, для нас принц это был, в первую очередь, сын короля. Взрослея, под понятие «прекрасный принц на белом коне» вполне подходил любой привлекательный молодой человек, превращающий твою жизнь в сказку (наличие белого или не белого автомобиля желательно, но необязательно). 

Вот в этом и было очарование наших сказочных принцев. Они влюблялись в обычных девушек или, если это и были принцессы, то обедневшие, обиженные или попавшие в беду. Золушка, Белоснежка, Принцесса на горошине, Спящая красавица — ну что бы они делали без принцев? Принцы несли свою благородную миссию, и требование к нему было одно: быть прекрасным. Если принц был так себе, я знала точно примерно лет с четырех — сказка мне «не зайдет». Каким бы самоотверженным, храбрым и благородным не был принц-герой.

Мудрые люди, делающие детское кино, к счастью, хорошо это понимали, потому плеяда прекрасных кинематографических принцев поражает своим великолепием, равно как и уровень снятых с ними чудесных сказок.

Поэтому предлагаю всем бывшим маленьким девочкам, которые зачарованно прилипали к экранам в ожидании своих любимых персонажей, вспомнить самых-самых прекрасных принцев, а заодно замечательных актеров, которые давали возможность каждой маленькой девочке почувствовать себя настоящей принцессой.

Лучшим принцем всех времен и народов для меня навсегда останется Принц из невероятной, восхитительной сказки «Три орешка для Золушки», которого сыграл Павел Травничек. Белые заснеженные поля, белые лошади, костюмы эпохи Возрождения и чарующий голос Карелла Готта… Без этой сказки мое детство наверняка было бы другим.

Уверена, все помнят трогательную сказку «Не покидай» и нежного, влюбленного принца Патрика, которого по праву называли самым красивым принцем советского кино. Его сыграл Игорь Красавин, и это была его единственная роль.

Звездный состав советского фильма «Принцесса на горошине» поражает воображение, но конечно, если бы не Андрей Подошьян в роли романтичного Принца, отправившегося искать по свету свою Принцессу, эта сказка не нашла бы такой живой отклик в девчоночьих сердечках. Ах да, и прекрасная музыка Антонио Вивальди!

Его я не могу не назвать. Хоть по сюжету он не принц, он граф, молодой граф Паленский, но его по праву называют Принцем цирка — тот самый загадочный мистер Икс, которого сыграл непрофессиональный актер, студент МГИМО, будущий дипломат и просто молодой человек редкостной красоты Игорь Кеблушек. А бессмертная музыка Имре Кальмана это классика, не дающая черстветь и огрубевать душам уже почти целое столетие.

Подросла моя дочь. И я вновь окунулась в этот заманчивый сказочный мир, где по-прежнему обитают прекрасные принцы, но возможности, которые открывают перед кинематографом современные технологии позволяют дарить сказки уже совсем другого уровня волшебства. (Кстати, когда я, шмыгая носом и размазывая по щекам слезы умиления, взывала: «Доченька, ты только посмотри, какой красивый мальчик!», она сдержанно пожимала плечами:»Да, нормальный»)

Итак, мое открытие пост-детского перида, так сказать, пройдя по второму кругу. В первую очередь, конечно-конечно и несомненно это очешуительный и непревзойденный принц Каспиан из «Хроник Нарнии». Бен Барнс красавчик, а для этой роли он идеален.

С моей памятью на лица прошло немало времени, пока до меня дошло, что обаяшка принц Кит из новой диснеевской «Золушки» и суровый Король Севера Робб Старк это один и тот же актер Ричард Мэдден. Нам отчаянно повезло, что старину Мартина не пригласили писать сценарий к фильму, поэтому сказка вышла восхитительной, а принц Кит очаровательным.

В поисках различных постановок известных сказок мы с дочкой нарыли довольно интересную экранизацию «Белоснежки и семи гномов» (Чехия-Германия), где роль придворного шута, оказавшегося впоследствии принцем, играет Алессандро Гассман — итальянский актер и модель. Я посмотрела его снимки в морской пене (тут такое выкладывать нельзя))). Спела «Лашате ми кантаре». Три раза. Пошла плакать.

И конечно же, одна из самых бесподобных сказочных историй последнего десятилетия экранизация одноименного романа Нила Геймана «Звездная пыль». Только от одного состава звездных актеров просто захватывает дух — чего стоят капитан Шекспир и ведьма Ламия в исполнении Роберта де Ниро и Мишель Пфайффер!!! Но главную роль  принца, а потом и короля Штормхолда сыграл Чарли Кокс. И кто бы мог подумать, что изящный и улыбчивый принц Тристан спустя несколько лет трансформируется в кровавого дьявола Адской Кухни Сорвиголову, а по совместительству слепого адвоката Мэттью Мердока? Но это уже совсем другая история…

Но авторы народ такой, беспокойный. Потусив здесь некоторые месяцы, я потихоньку обзавелась собственными принцами. Их у меня много. Есть сказочные. А есть настоящие. Но фантастические. Сказочных пять, и только один из них носит фамилию Астурийский, остальные все Болигарды. Да, они братья, и все наследные принцы.

Чтобы познакомиться с ними поближе, добро пожаловать в историю «Мы — драконы», у которой по завершению совершенно неожиданно появилось продолжение — нежная и милая история любви принца Дастиана Болигарда к простой девушке по имени Нилеса, в то время как из чувства долга и династических интересов он был вынужден жениться на принцессе Аселин.

Интересно, что эта история была написана по настоятельному требованию возмущенных читателей на то, как несправедливо автор обошелся с полюбившимся всем Дасти (в любовном треугольнике ему не повезло, и он остался не у дел). Автор исправился, подсуетился и бегом написал историю-бонус «Мы — драконы. Дастиан».

И последний принц. Последний герой (так и тянет написать «последний русский», но он арагонец). Самый любимый, потому что настоящий, не сказочный, просто живущий в тридцать восьмом веке. Наследник арагонского трона, семнадцатилетний кронпринц Арагона Алессандро Арман да Сарна. Принц, который в повседневной жизни юного аристократа Бадалоны — столицы богатой, роскошной, процветающей империи Арагон — ведет себя как обычный мальчишка его возраста. Клубы, музыка, университет, вечеринки. Он мечтает о том дне, когда сможет подписать отречение и передать право наследования младшей сестре. Но все меняется, и самому Алессандро, Сашке, Сане приходится измениться. И сделать выбор, самый важный и самый тяжелый выбор в своей жизни.

На его пути будет знакомство с загадочными существами, обитающими в Белой пустыне еще до колонизации планеты песчаными ящерами, смертельно опасными грифами-пустынниками. Контрабандисты-флибустьеры окажутся лучшими друзьями, а те, кто был на его стороне — врагами. И все это случится уже до того, как он покинет планету, а приключения только начинаются…

Добро пожаловать в «Арагон», это книга для всех. Всех возрастов и предпочтений. А для тех, кто любит принцев, особенно)))

Дисней создал несколько культовых принцев для своих фильмов, сосредоточив внимание на доброте, чтобы завоевать поклонников, и это одни из лучших на данный момент

Принцы в фильмах Диснеяявляются самыми популярными персонажами после их принцесс. У принцев Диснея есть все типы личностей, и в то же время они могут быть забавными, смелыми или чрезвычайно умными. Но есть одно качество, которое их всех объединяет, — доброта. Даже когда принц начинает историю довольно сварливым или избалованным, он всегда добр в душе. Благодаря этим любимым принцам поклонники Диснея также могут встретить веселых приятелей и лучших собак из фильмов Диснея.

Принцев Диснея любят, потому что они храбрые, верные и поддерживают сильных принцесс Диснея. Список принцев Диснея постоянно пополняется, и поклонники могут познакомиться с целым набором новых, увлекательных и более разнообразных персонажей. Большинство принцев Диснея рождаются в королевских семьях, некоторые стали королевскими особами в результате брака, а некоторые стали официальными принцами Диснея благодаря своему безупречному характеру, а не из-за крови или брака.


  1. 7/7 Принц Эрик — Русалочка
  2. 6/7 Принц Навин — Принцесса и лягушка
  3. 5/7 Кристофф Бьоргман — Холодное сердце
  4. 4/7 Ли Шан — Мулан
  5. 3/7 Принц Адам — ​​Красавица и Чудовище
  6. 2 /7 Флинн Райдер — Запутанная история
  7. 1/7 Аладдин — Аладдин

7/7 Принц Эрик — Русалочка

Принц Эрик — всеми любимый классический принц Диснея, который много раз проявлял свою смелость и доброту. Он также является одним из самых романтичных принцев в фильмах Диснея, безнадежным романтиком и верящим в настоящую любовь. Принц Эрик также предприимчивый персонаж, который, несмотря на свою симпатичную внешность и обаяние, никогда не проявляет тщеславия и не ведет себя эгоистично.

Русалочка— это волшебный анимационный фильм Диснея, действие которого происходит между подводным царством русалок и царством людей. История рассказывает о приключениях Ариэль, когда юная русалка решает отказаться от своей жизни принцессы, чтобы стать человеком и быть с принцем, в которого она влюбилась.

6/7 Принц Навин — Принцесса и лягушка

Принц Навин — харизматичный и довольно эгоистичный принц, который меняется к лучшему благодаря Тиане. Несмотря на то, что он начинает историю довольно тщеславным и безответственным, старший принц Мальдонии вскоре показал, что может использовать свое свободное мышление и огромное количество энергии, чтобы улучшить себя и помочь окружающим.

Принцесса и лягушка— один из самых сложных и недооцененных фильмов Диснея, действие которых происходит в Новом Орлеане 1920-х годов. В этом анимационном фильме есть не только запоминающиеся персонажи, но и вдохновляющая и красивая история о трудолюбивой молодой девушке Тиане, которая мечтает открыть собственный ресторан. История рассказывает о ее приключениях после того, как она превратилась в лягушку из-за знахаря и эгоистичного принца.

5/7 Кристофф Бьоргман — Холодное сердце

Кристофф Бьоргман — один из самых замкнутых принцев Диснея, предпочитающих природу шумным городам. Он стал принцем Эренделла благодаря ее браку с принцессой Анной. Кристоф — спокойный и добрый персонаж, который всегда защищал своих близких и проявлял доброту ко всем живым существам.

Холодное сердце — один из самых знаковых анимационных фильмов Диснея с красивыми песнями и одна из лучших кинокоролев всех времен. История рассказывает о приключениях принца Аны, когда она отправляется в эпическое приключение, чтобы найти свою сестру Эльзу и, наконец, положить конец вечной зиме в королевстве Эренделл.

4/7 Ли Шан — Мулан

Ли Шан — один из самых любимых принцев Диснея, и многие фанаты считают его величайшим принцем всех времен. Он также является одним из двух персонажей Диснея, которые стали официальными принцами Диснея, несмотря на то, что не имели королевской крови и не женились на члене королевской семьи. Ли был смелым, умным и верным воином, который поддерживал Мулан даже после того, как узнал о ней правду.

Мулан— веселый и захватывающий анимационный боевик с одним из лучших второстепенных персонажей Диснея и эпическими приключениями. Это история о молодой девушке по имени Мулан, которая решает присоединиться к китайской армии, чтобы спасти своего престарелого отца от верной смерти, и становится величайшим воином Китая.

3/7 Принц Адам — ​​Красавица и Чудовище

Принц Адам — один из самых высокомерных принцев Диснея, которого даже прокляли и превратили в буквального монстра за то, что он был таким ненавистным и жестоким. Однако он также является одним из персонажей Диснея, который меняется больше всего, и благодаря самоотверженности, изобретательности и доброте Белла он в конце концов узнает, что эти качества важнее всего.

Disney’sКрасавица и Чудовище — один из величайших фильмов о Красавице и Чудовище всех времен, в котором содержится мощное послание о безусловной любви и доброте. История рассказывает о приключениях Белла, когда молодая девушка добровольно становится пленницей ужасного зверя, чтобы спасти жизнь своего отца.

2 /7 Флинн Райдер — Запутанная история

Флинн Райдер — один из самых веселых и смелых принцев Диснея с поистине уникальным характером. Блестящее воровство Tangled также было известно как принц Юджин Фицерберт, давно потерянный принц Темного Королевства. Поклонники влюбились в отважного и сообразительного юного принца, который был таким же запоминающимся и сильным, как и культовая принцесса фильма Рапунцель.

Рапунцель: Запутанная история — веселый диснеевский фильм с красивым и ярким миром и незабываемыми персонажами. Его история рассказывает о приключениях юной принцессы Рапунцель, которая, наконец, сбежав из башни, отправляется в эпическое приключение и узнает, кто она на самом деле и как использовать свои магически сильные волосы.

1/7 Аладдин — Аладдин

Аладдин — самоотверженный, умный и забавный принц Диснея, который всегда проявлял доброту к другим, несмотря на то, что у него была тяжелая жизнь. Он всегда принимал и любил людей такими, какие они есть, но втайне справлялся с собственной неуверенностью из-за своего плохого воспитания.

Аладдин — один из самых мотивирующих мультфильмов Диснея. фильмы с интересными и мужественными персонажами и незабываемыми песнями. Лучшие песни в Аладдине по-прежнему остаются одними из самых популярных песен Диснея. Его история рассказывает о приключениях Аладдина после того, как мальчик находит волшебную лампу с могущественным джинном внутри, который может исполнить желания своего владельца.

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